Shorter John Derbyshire
Posted on August 14th, 2008 by Brad
- It’s time to face the facts, people: blacks and Latinos are just too stupid to educate! And when they become the majority in this country, we’re screwed, screwed, screwed!!!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
“We’ll have a very, very poor disposable class that’s largely black or brown.”
Derb’s crying crocodile tears. This is exactly what the Republican party and its corporate masters are aiming for.
Why are blacks and hispanics, who are stupid and inferior to whites, playing the race card all the time?
This is exactly what the Republican party and its corporate masters are aiming for.
That, plus a fear-drunk white underclass whose women are barefoot and pregnant.
So No Child Left Behind isn’t working? Thanks, John.
There’s something wrong with that man’s eyes.
” we merely have to do a thing that nobody knows how to do.”
Does he think everyone in Africa, Asia, S. & C. America and large portions of Europe are just walking around bumping into walls and drooling.
But they’ll still drive our limos and clean our homes? Right? Right?
Er, except that we have been trying to do exactly that for decades, with very little to show for it. The black-white test gap seems to be intractable. Hispanic school success has been tracked across four generations, with depressing results (go to Samuel Huntington’s essay here and do a find on “Rodolfo”).
Who the fuck is “we” in this context? It sure as shit better not be wingnut army, USA, whose very existence is based around the idea that anything we do to help minorities is unfair to whites, AKA the real victims.
As a Hispanic, let me be the first to offer my condolences to all of white America for having to share a race with this fuckhead.
Derbyshire makes me ashamed of my kind(brown-haired, tiny-lipped, square-jawed people), and I renounce him. We’re not all like this; some of us try to be a credit to brown-hair-tiny-lip-square-jawedness!
Oh dear, I read his piece. He’s not crying crocodile tears, he’s attacking that comment about the “disposable class” — just another racist justifying class warfare by ignoring class and focusing on skin color. We don’t know how to do anything about the growing inequities in our society? No, Derb, your side knows one hell of a lot about how to increase those inequities. Try the reverse gear …
I think that’s “shorter entire republican party/conservative/neocon party line since 1946”
“Miracles Wanted”
New GOP slogan?
Shorter Derbyshire:
Shorter Mr. Getting Shot with a .22 Doesn’t Hurt That Much:
Why don’t they just go back to where they came from!?
Surely there is some hyperbole to your shorter, Brad, and the Derb isn’t possibly this overtly racist.
*clicks link*
My apologies. If anything, you were overly generous. What a scumbag.
Even shorter:
Coloreds – meh.
Is he by chance referencing the same Samuel Huntington who once referred to democracy as a “crisis” that threatens to overwhelm the prudent judgement of the “natural” (corporate) elite in its attempts to control society? THAT Samuel Huntington?
No, you’ve been TRYING to keep the poor little tykes down by leaving them in war-zone slums rife with 3rd-world conditions, without a prayer of escape, even if they DO somehow make good grades, because there’s no fucking JOBS for them there … & dumbing down the entire system for good measure. That a few of them DO get out & excel is due to their brains & titanium spines, not your token “efforts” – & we can almost see your pasty face go sheet-white at the prospect of being outnumbered by them.
Maybe if American pop culture didn’t actively promote cindercrete-block-level stupidity as some kind of badge of honor, while stereotyping intellectuals as sexless clueless misfits (if not overtly evil), you’d see the situation improve a mite faster. Hmm?
I think we should keep out racist English immigrants with creepy views about teenage girls.
Deportation–it’s not just for brown people.
if only i could point Beaker to a well-known example of a black person who has excelled academically, politically and professionally, maybe he’d learn the folly of stereotyping. anyone know of such a person ?
So what’s derb going to call them when he can’t call them “minorities”?
“So what’s derb going to call them when he can’t call them “minorities”?”
I’m assuming he’ll break out “wogs” – he’s a traditionalist, after all.
Nasty stain there in your trousers, Derb.
As a Hispanic, let me be the first to offer my condolences to all of white America for having to share a race with this fuckhead.
As a mostly white person, let me just say that assholes like this make me really hate white people.
Clarence Thomas?
Alan Keyes?
Larry Elder?
Thomas Sowell?
So let me get this straight. The shrinking of the U.S. middle class is not fault of the aggressive neoliberal assault on the welfare state championed in recent decades by both Republican and Democratic political leaders, but rather of brown people. Good one.
More freak-out material for Derbyshire and friends: By the middle of this century, the majority of our lower classes will certainly be brown. We will have a middle class. Not the big one of the mid-twentieth century, but we’ll have one nonetheless. And it too will be majority brown.
Cueing SowellFan in 3, 2, 1….
We will have a middle class. Not the big one of the mid-twentieth century, but we’ll have one nonetheless. And it too will be majority brown.
Exotic spices will ruin the salad bar at Applebee’s.
So educating the coloureds is in the same realm as jetpacks and ray guns? Damn.
Every time I think “Naw, it couldn’t be that bad” and click one of these links it ends up being worse than your summary. What is wrong with these people?
Condoleeza Rice?
Didn’t John Derbyshire say he wanted to retire in communist China?
J.C. Watts?
The question remains, though: will Derb’s pederastic fixation transfer to the non-white majority, or will he remain focused on the little white white whitey white girls?
The fact is, he is correct. The minorities have generally gotten a pass on intelligence and hard work and have been waved through our best schools, allowed to slack, and are put in positions of leadership to fail to assuage white guilt. While, time for that to stop. hear in the heartland, we do not hire based on race, it’s the resume and the interview, no special treatment for blacks or minorities. The liberals are the racists. Also, notice all the rude victrolic comments hear compared to the comments at the Corner or any conservative site. Their readers are restrainted, thoughtful, unbiased and educated and do not post without thinking, kindof like us hear in the heartland. We think snobs and supersillyous namecalling as bad reasoned debate, so we have none of it. Down with Obama, upwith McCain.
Shorter: Is anyone else thinking that we’ve bet on the wrong horse in this pandering-to-the-fears-of-the-uneducated-masses race?
And everywhere you look it’s burritos burritos burritos and you growl “me no wantee carne bloody asada” to the counter boy and he doesn’t understand you because he doesn’t speak bloody English…
Walter Williams?
Herman Cain?
Super Star Parker?
Also, I’m too lazy to do SowellFan today. Someone else do it.
Hey, maybe there’s hope — maybe Derb’s “we” WILL be screwed! Let’s make sure there are enough lampposts, strong enough to bear the weight of … oh no, there go my pacifist principles again.
And, yeah, he should go to China. They just adore patronizing white folks there.
minoritiesBushes have generally gotten a pass on intelligence and hard work and have been waved through our best schools, allowed to slack, and are put in positions of leadershipI think that better reflects reality, VerboseGary.
if only i could point Beaker to a well-known example of a black person who has excelled academically, politically and professionally, maybe he’d learn the folly of stereotyping. Anyone know of such a person?
Dominican Minister of Sports Juan Marichal?
Brazilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil?
Venezuelan President Hugo Motherfucking Chávez Frías!
Now that’s some primo fake Gary Ruppert. Just a touch too grammatically incorrect, though. Use sparingly next time.
Though I haven’t run into (or over) him yet, Derbyshire lives about 10 miles from me.
His wife is from China, so I get the impression he classifies minorities into the “right” kind and the “wrong” kind, with Asians getting a pass.
Gary, don’t you have a cow to tip out or a field to plant out there in the heartland?
I welcome our minority immigrants from the South. I love the food and I like the language and people.
I para una recepción nuestros Overlords hispánicos.
His wife is from China, so I get the impression he classifies minorities into the “right” kind and the “wrong” kind, with Asians getting a pass.
My guess is that he thinks that particular minorities are suited for particular tasks. Asians, for example, make fantastic wives.
I liked Derb better when he is perving on underage girls. He has a passion for the subject, and a deep knowledge from years and years of long, long study.
When he talks about race ( or indeed, any other subject) he is just going though the motions.
Speaking of Hugo Motherfucking Chavez Frias, J–, what’s happened to your blog?
What the fuck difference does it make if black people do excel? Then they just become uppity elitists.
Shorter right wing: Nigger if they do, nigger if they don’t.
You know what? Maybe we could try not tying school budgets to property tax values and see if that does anything for the poor little brown tykes. Somehow I suspect that when you institutionalize inequality starting at the very earliest ages, it tends to stick around.
I wouldn’t throw out providing equal access to healthcare as well. Sounds crazy, I know!
Brazilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil?
They have blacks in Brazil?
Hey, Djur. I stopped because I was taking away way too much time from other things I should be doing. I was spending many hours each day reading chavista and anti-chavista texts, lots and lots of primary sources that would every so often push some post or two when I found something I could hook onto. At one point I said to myself, What am I doing? I don’t even study contemporary politics or political culture.
Maybe I’ll get back into it this fall, with the run up to the December regional elections, when both sides will surely crank the Stupid hasta las 11, and when I’ve (maybe) organized my time better. We’ll see.
I certainly appreciate your asking.
I stopped because I was taking away way too much time from other things I should be doing.
Fortunately hanging out here is the most important and valuable thing you can do.
Ken Hamblin?
Fortunately hanging out here is the most important and valuable thing you can do.
So true. Commenting here makes me funny, because this is a comedy blog.
So true. Commenting here makes me funny, because this is a comedy blog.
J— wins the thread!
Derbyshire sure has that serial killer next door look nailed down, doesn’t he. The glassses are the perfect accesory. They go so well with his searing googally eyes. Raoooooowwwwww there Tiger!
Umm Gary it’s ‘here’ not ‘hear’. I guess that your applicaton for the job of president of Purdue University got lost in the mail. Right? Is that what you tell yourself?
My guess is that he thinks that particular minorities are suited for particular tasks. Asians, for example, make fantastic wives.
I know a dude that thinks like that. Creepy enough, but then he found out that I’d dated a couple Asian-American girls in and just after college and felt he’d found a kindred spirit. It was kinda like meeting the occasional extremely racist non-Southerner who hears the ol’ drawl and thinks he’s among people of similar thought, no one ends up happy. He later told me I was “ruined by feminism” and expressed serious shocked disgust when he found out I’d also dated African-American girls and Latinas in the past. For whatever it’s worth, he was and presumably still is a libertarian. *Shrug*
sophronia: Stop making sense.
Where’s the side view photo of Derb? The face-on photo is always paired with a side view.
I think Mr Derbyshire’s opinion is shaded by his experience with Manuel, the incompetent Spanish waiter who worked at his hotel in Devon.
“hear in the heartland, we do not hire based on race, it’s the
resumeWal-mart, McDonald’s or 7-Eleven job application filled out with a number two pencil and the interview, no special treatment for blacks or minorities.”Fixed.
I’m going to install a For The Win kill switch on my computer monitor.
I went searching on the Interducts for something about the Burakumin / Eta (everyone’s favourite example of a socially-created IQ differential), because I do not have a copy of the 1972 DeVos / Wagatsuma book on the topic. Instead I found this observation by El Cid. It bears repeating.
Derb forgot to mention the litters.
Derb forgot to mention the litters.
Black women actually have six nipples.
Janis Joplin had three, but I don’t think she was half-black.
All I remember is that Shockley wasn’t Caucasoidly biased, but more like Chinkinese-biased, in that he concluded Asiatics were the true brainiacs of the human species.
The only Hispanics Derb approves of is the 14 year old ‘service’ girls he met on that vacation to the Dominica Republic.
I think Mr Derbyshire’s opinion is shaded by his experience with Manuel, the incompetent Spanish waiter who worked at his hotel in Devon.
(looks at pic again)
Doctorb, you’ve found out Derb’s little secret. He’s actually John Cleese doing a Colbertesque wingnut character.
This explains everything.
I think we should keep out racist English immigrants with creepy views about teenage girls.
Deportation–it’s not just for brown people.
Susan of Texas, I loved that comment so much I had to quote it just so it’d appear twice.
wow… amazingly pathetic that there are ignorant people like this.. makes me ashamed to be white. As for the question of successful people.. there Is a girl I work with who is latino, and she is beautiful and intelligent.. and I love her, she is a wonderful human being.
The First illegal Immigrants: WHITE pilgrims.
What can your truly consider to be illegal, when this whole world belongs to God, and his rule is Love Your Neighbor, and anyone you’ve ever known, will know, or have known…. everyone is your neighbor.. God created Man in his image… and he never said ‘white he created them’.. there are neighbors in need, and as human beings we shoyuld be opening our hearts and seeing they need our love and respect and compassion. God bless anyone who feels the same, and I hope and pray that Obama wins.
wow, I am astounded (not surprised though) @ the stupidity and ignorance of the whole fuggin country, and now I have heard it from work. A woman I work with, let’s just call her Dumbho, said the following while having a conversation with someone I know to be more intelligent than herself (while I sat behind aware of her ignorance before she spoke) She said some things that put the Dick in ridiculous.. some of it here:
“John McCain is not stupid.. at least he talks about the issues… that Palin, she’s awseome.. she’s pro-life, praise jesus” -heh.. ignorant bitch.. TRUE pro-life would be to care about those babies, including when they are born, grow up and are shipped out to war by the so-called ‘pro-life’, then uh, let’s see… DIE for their pathteic cause? WOW they are fucking amazing.
“Those damed liberals..” Oh, LOL, so, she must think that, because I am white and that we both live in the south, that I’m some ignorant elephant-fuck Refucklican Neo-con Notso-bright like her, bending over and shoving my head up my ass like her, and not paying attention… heh.. I’m not perfect, and I’m not the smartest person in the world, but at least I attempt to actually use MY head.. Heh.. should have stood up and said “oh, excuse me, but I couln’t help but hear when you sharted just now.. be sure to cover your mouth at least next time”
What an ignorant old white bag of elephant shit.
But, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the woman, I am just disgusted and angered that someone could be so blind.. and trult she isn’t to blame for feeling that way.. she has been mislead by the neo-con idiots and she swallowed it…. but damn that pissed me off. I do, have some feeling of kindness towards her (emphasis on some) well, because none of us are perfect, but I can’t close my eyes and ignore that people are dying all over the world, and it’s because of thoughts like hers.. people thinking that somehow God actually condones their war, when God so clearly stated “Thou Shalt Not Kill”.. there is not ‘unless’ in that law, and they try to hide behind “there will be wars and rumors of wars”… BUT it NEVER states in that ‘and I want you to be part of those wars’.. it only states that it will happen. If I were to say that there will be a big pile of elephant snot in the middle of the road tomorrow.. does that mean that we should all go rub our faces in it, or is only that I stated it would be there?
Lastly, I must add that although I have spoken bitterly (very) towards this woman.. she is someone that I have freely given things to… I’m not sure if anyone else here (you probably do) knows of the product called “The Magic Bullet”.. well, some time ago (and I was aware of her republicaness) I had bought one online and with it there was a “2 for one” deal… well, i gave her the second one, because I know she likes to cook and mix and blend and all that jazz, so I gave it to her… why? Because I do have good feelings for her.. I just don’t have good feelings for her choices and and choice of words.. and in that aspect I am no better, I have shown my “dark side of the force” by MY choice of words.. but I think it more the Mace Windu balance of the two sides of the force, mixing the blue and red sabers, giving me purple.. lol… and still, despite our differences, I wish her no ill will whatsoever, and I hope that she can have here eyes opened in a postive way, and (not by my previous mention of what I could have said), and have a better understanding of what it truly means to be “pro-life”… and wow.. why didn’t the woman she was talking to say something to make her stop…. My co-manager stopped her when she was being somewhat retardlican a week before…
Retardlican: “Oh, [co-manager’s name], could you tell [produce manager’s name] to put out the wet floor signs and mats since it’s raining” – I should mention, that this produce manager, was standing right beside the co-manager, putting out fresh lettuce…
Co-manager: Oh, hey [retardlican cashier] have you met [produce manager’s name], he’s our produce manager, and he’s RIGHT HERE, if you need anything” The Retardlican at this point went “oh, wel…” and walked away.
And she (retardlican) had even said (since she’s slow) Of course I met him” as if she was really being asked that… he’s been in our store for a year next month.. lol.
Sad, have an aunt, uncle, grandmother, who are all retardlicans… hope THEY have opened their eyes.