One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other Things*
Over at Husky Jammies Media, Richard Miniter is demonstrating why the only Olympic medal he might ever win would be for synchronized drooling or the 400-meter Freestyle Foolish Analogies Relay:
While observers of the scene are two-minded about the Gay cruising site,, they are outraged that one of the site’s owners recently maxed out in a donation to the McCain campaign.
The outrage in Gay circles is interesting and revealing. Why should a particular sexual orientation demand a particular political orientation? Sweater-knitters and ice-skaters are not organized along political lines–and neither are all straight people expected to vote for one particular party.
Then let’s spell it out for the largely clueless Miniter. If Republican politicians passed laws that provided that sweater-knitters can’t get married and that made sweater-knitting a crime, then those little old ladies would be chasing Republicans down on the streets and shoving knitting needles and crochet hooks up their bums faster than they can say “drop one, pearl purl two.”
Dick Miniter is a common Manhunt screename, btw.
Just sayin’.
I refuse to believe he’s THAT ignorant of his party’s policies regarding teh gays.
But what the hell…he looks that ignorant.
I can’t believe that he really thinks I m only qualified to ice skate and knit, neither of which I can do.
If I renounce my dignity, flush my self-respect down the shitter and become grossly unattractive to either sex, perhaps I can get application from my local wingnut welfare office.
Good point. It’s “purl,” though.
Richard might be a little sexually confused, but I’m not sure he’d actually fit (literally) into the Log Cabin.
You misspelled “orifice.” It’s the Wingnut Welfare Orifice.
…then those little old ladies would be chasing Republicans down on the streets and shoving knitting needles and crochet hooks up their bums faster than they can say “drop one, pearl purl two.”
This is what we all should be doing, anyways.
I dunno, if I was an avid sweater knitter and a politician said to me “I hate sweater knitting!”, passed laws against sweater knitting and wanted to amend the Constitution to forever ban sweaters and wool, but promised to lower my taxes, I’d have to consider voting for them.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him gay. Or something.
Well, of course the owners of* support Republicans. If same-sex marriage ever becomes a reality nationwide, they’ll have to rely on closeted straight guys for much of their income.
*This use of the word “cunt” should not be construed as homophobic or misogynist in any way. It is intended as a jocular reference to’s core business, which is helping men find partners for sex, which often includes anal intercourse. This entails penetration by one partner into the other’s anus, which in “gay circles” is often referred to in terms more commonly used to refer to a vagina, a practice that goes back to the pre-Stonewall days, when gay men used coded female references to elude detection.
But I think I’ve said too much already.
I made the mistake of actually reading the brief yet goes on seemingly forever article. My new favorite part is how we gays should not vote for Obama because Islamofanaticalistisms will kill us and we’ll never have the glorious chance to beg for John McCain for rights one day in the far, far away future.
Being a wingnut means never having to say “I’m sane.”
I apologize for my screwy posts. I really need to preview when I am this tired.
This guys disconnect with the policies of the parties and candidates in question is really no different than McCain’s outrage that Russia would invade and dominate a politically and militarily weaker nation without UN authorization and in contravention of international laws and norms.
It kind of seems like the default condition with these folks is brain-dead and tone-deaf…
“Dick Minature.”
That’s all you needed to say, Clif!
Manhunt? Wutsa Manhunt?
*whistles the cookie-deleting song*
Funny. I just wrote up an ad contract for last week. They’re resuming an an ad campaign with the company I work for. I’ll never understand anyone in the adult industry who supports Republicans (for all the obvious reasons) if only because the Bush Justice Department has made our lives hell with the ridiculous changes to the 2257 regulation — it was rewritten to deliberately be so vague that proper compliance would be impossible to determine until the FBI’s porn task force knocks at your door to see all records. Manhunt is branching into porn so 2257 will affect them even more directly than it has.
I hate situations like this. If I recommend we decline the ad contract then it makes tough financial times even worse for our little company. Like many, I’m not in a position to lose health insurance and this job market isn’t promising. Money sucks. I’m ready to go live on a clothing-optional adult commune — but with out the saggy naturalists and their volleyball games.
“Manhunt is branching into porn so 2257 will affect them even more directly than it has.”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t adult personals sites already have to comply wtih 2257 regs? Or did that go down (heh) to defeat? I seem to remember something like that happening earlier this year.
“with out the saggy naturalists and their volleyball games”
Yes, damn those saggy naturalists and their binoculars and butterfly nets!
(I think the word you’re looking for is “naturists,” hon.)
That’s why I said 2257 would affect them even more…you know, because it already has as an adult personals site.
And thanks for the condescending correction. That’s a charming habit, “hon.”
Well, I’m sorry if I inadvertently offended you.
And good luck with your search for a nudist colony where you won’t be confronted with the ghastly sight of flabby, flopping moobs.
I’m ready to go live on a clothing-optional adult commune — but with out the saggy naturalists and their volleyball games.
You’ve been watching too much Cinemax After Dark.
Anyhoo, back on topic for a bit… I posted the following comment on Mini-dick’s article, but some reason it’s still languishing in his moderation queue.*
Not sure why he’s sitting on this when two more recent comments have been approved, but whatevz.
…then those little old ladies would be chasing Republicans down on the streets and shoving knitting needles and crochet hooks up their bums faster than they can say “drop one, purl two.”
Hey…I like to knit, and I’m not a little old lady…CLIF IS A…um…HOBBYIST!!! SNARL!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!!! YEEEEAAAARRRRGH!!!!!!
I shall never come read SN! and its filthy hobbyist screeds again. Except to refresh this thread every six seconds, which will demonstrate my point.
WHAT is WITH people right now? Even the commentariat here, at the best and (frequently) most vicious political snark site on the Web, have suddenly developed the thinnest skins I have seen outside a Catholic League martyrfest.
C’mon people! At least try to give each other the benefit of the doubt. I know the last seven years have left us all a trifle hypervigilant, but some of ya’ll are starting to see knives where there are none.
Even the commentariat here, at the best and (frequently) most vicious political snark site on the Web, have suddenly developed the thinnest skins I have seen outside a Catholic League martyrfest.
Shut the hell up, you.
the thinnest skins I have seen outside a Catholic League martyrfest.
Don’t knock those little get-togethers. I trade for my best holy cards there (like Saint Sebastian with all of those arrows…).
It still for some reason surprises me that people think California is some sort of lefty commune where we eat nothing but free-range tofu and everyone’s cool with dudes banging.
Hello? Bob Dornan? “Duke” Cunningham? Orange County? John Wayne Airport? Richard Nixon? R*n*ld Fucking Re*g*n (accursed be his name forever)?
Half my family lives in SoCal and they seem to honestly believe that a simple anti-discrimination law is going to abolish single-sex bathrooms and force teachers to indoctrinate kids into gay fisting. California’s a big state and it’s full of creepy backwoods types (what don’t take kindly to city folk), racists, ultratraditionalists, and Bryllcreamed Methodist car salesmen just like anywhere else, along with the hippies and the decent people and the apolitical live-and-let-live types and the people with fake Sanskrit names (who tend to be kind of homophobes actually). Even in the “civilized” parts we’re, um, diverse: Stanford has the Hoover Institution, with geniuses like Dinesh D’Souza (sadly it’s not an “institution” in the “mental health” sense); Berkeley has John “I will torture” Yoo teaching law.
There’s still a group of people who think the blackouts were the fault of Gray Davis. Or maybe they don’t know how to remove bumper stickers, I don’t know.
Who’s the guy in the “stop Barack Obama” ad on that site? He looks like the Governor from Benson.
Might I add that this is especially true if the politician’s party hadn’t lowered my taxes the last 5 times I voted for them, because… um… you know, like when a slot machine is “due”.
Well I certainly think that sweater-knitting and ice-skating should be banned. I mean, if someone’s hurtling around on a crowded skating-rink, they should be focussed on where they’re going, and not be distracted by the details of some fancy Fair-Isle pattern.
And they could put someone’s eye out with the needles if they fall over.
Shorter Clif:
“Even though California’s Proposition 22 passed with more than 61% of the vote in a solidly progressive Democratic state, the entire 61% was made up of wingnuts.”
Get a new angle, goober, seriously. Although you can keep your rather apt screen name.
You actually know anything about California? It’s not all San Francisco and flowers in the hair and Hollywood liberals. Bakersfield is home to rednecks who were run out of Oklahoma and Arkansas, for cryin’ out loud. And Orange County? Please.
P.S. Tell Gomer “Hey” from me.
you know, like when a slot machine is “due”.
I have a good feeling about McCain — he’s a loner, a rebel. This time they really mean it. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven or more times, and it’s funny again.
Actually, if sweater-knitters decide to use more than one fabric, I believe you’ll find that, like those godless homosexuals, they’re also breaking the laws of Leviticus, i.e. making “a garment mingled of linen and woolen” (see Leviticus 19:19). I think some sort of a constitutional amendment is in order.
I can’t find any admonitions against ice skating in the bible, however, sort of like how there aren’t any verses specifically condemning lesbians. Which leads me to the conclusion that God really likes ice skating and lesbianism.
It kind of strikes me as predictable of God to choose a sport where there are so many openly gay men, but to insist that what he really wants to see are lesbians. That’s God all over, always the kneejerk contrarian.
when gay men used coded female references to elude detection.
Oh, is that why they do it? And to think that I thought it was such a hopeful sign.
Oh God, I love fabric blends. I bet that means I’m gay. My favorite sportsjacket was a silk/wool blend. Oh well, deep down I knew it all the time.
when gay men used coded female references to elude detection.
As a gay man, I often use coded female references to escape detection. For example, should you ever hear me say “yesterday my aunt watched a movie starring Meredith Baxter and Valerie Bertenelli on the Lifetime network,” it actually translates as “yesterday I s*cked my boyfriend’s c*ck.” In this way I cleverly and cunningly dupe unsuspecting heterosexuals.
Not-Really-Shorter-Or-Longer Goober:
The fact that 37% of Democrats hate gays is far more significant than the fact that 68% of Republicans hate gays.
My favorite sportsjacket was a silk/wool blend.
You’re going to hell.
JF: You could have just said “yesterday I watched a movie on the Lifetime network” and the coded meaning would have been the same.
when gay men used coded female references to elude detection.
I hope this works for breeders as well.
Next timeIf it ever happens that the police are going door-to-door, asking for information about some unfortunate episode involving a potato cannon, a dead rat, and the golf course next door, I shall evade detection by saying “B**bies”.Silk/wool blend? ABOMINATION!!
If he’s thinking about male figure skaters he’s picked a poor example. I’ve never heard of a one of them that wasn’t queer as a football bat.
Half my family lives in SoCal and they seem to honestly believe that a simple anti-discrimination law is going to abolish single-sex bathrooms and force teachers to indoctrinate kids into gay fisting.
I remember making signs for a gay rights rally and one of the suggested messages was “WE WANT MORE NEEDLES!” – meaning needle exchanges, under the broader umbrella of AIDS activism. Still, not a good way to help the cause.
indoctrinate kids into gay fisting.
Terrorist fist-bum.
“Still, not a good way to help the cause.”
Unless you happen to be a knitting-rights activist.
Legalize porn!
Porn is legal.
Not the kind I like.
If it ever happens that the police are going door-to-door, asking for information about some unfortunate episode involving a potato cannon, a dead rat, and the golf course next door, I shall evade detection by saying “B**bies”
Surely I’m not the only one wondering how such an episode could possibly turn out unfortunate.
Surely I’m not the only one wondering how such an episode could possibly turn out unfortunate.
I was 2 over par with the dead rat. It was an easy shot, dammit.
Porn is legal.
Depends where you’re sitting.
My wife became a fanatical knitter which, of course, resulted in my own education — I’ve subsequently learned more about knitting than I ever would have dreamt possible. And one of the things I learned is that there are indeed a few guys out there that knit. There was one guy, for example, who was both an employee and fixture at a local yarn shop. Until, that is, he very recently took his own life. Which made a whole lot of people immensely sad, I can tell you.
I wonder sometimes if the best that can happen to you in this world is that you learn about something that is real but seems unthinkable, because with learning comes understanding, and then something like caring follows. The primary drawback seems to be that selfishness and meanness begin to seem less of a nuisance and more a kind of life-threatening pollution. I guess most people can learn to live with it.
Come the Revolution …