Shorter Michelle Malkin
Posted on August 13th, 2008 by Gavin M.
- Somebody sent me an email blaming my so-called ‘hate’ for this horrible act of violence against a Democrat Party liberal. Here is that person’s full name and unredacted email address.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
I knew him. He just died within the past hour. Still not known why the guy shot him, and the shooter is dead too, so we may never know.
Things are starting to get really scary.
The shooter was obviously a liberal Democrat conspiring to make conservatives look bad. We’ll know for sure if he had lots of books by Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter planted around his house.
I noticed one of her commenters still drinks Dunkin Donuts coffee. Was the fatwa lifted?
Oh, no…
Things are starting to get really scary.
I’m afraid the orchestra is just starting to tune up. The show begins next year, probably.
My heart goes out to the family of this man.
As for Frau Malkin, I only have to say that life’s a bitch when your eliminationist rhetoric comes home to roost. We can’t say for 100% whether or not this fellow was shot because he was a Democrat. What we can say, though, is that people think you helped percipitate this because you spew hatred and eliminationist rhetoric against Democrats.
I don’t think it’s an accident that Democratic people get shot and Unitarian Churches are assaulted when the same is not happening with conservatives and Republicans.
Wow. From the comments (among others bragging about tracking him down):
“Has anyone emailed greg? I did. I asked him why jumped to such a conclusion, he replied by calling Michelle an ethinic slur and was acting like an internet toughguy to me. Then I let him know that I know who he is (I just mentioned his mother’s name to him). What a surprise – his tough guy e-mails stopped.”
Yea, nothing like dropping someone’s mom’s name. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Now it all makes sense.
He obviously meant to attack the Baptists and seek sanctuary at Democratic Headquarters, but he got confused.
Brilliant observation from the comments:
My first thought was how conservatives would be blamed as they were in the Oklahoma City bombing.
IIRC, it was them dirty Ay-rabs who were blamed for OKC in the immediate aftermath. And even after McVeigh was captured, I don’t recall anyone “blaming” conservatives. At that point, it become another “isolated incident”, no?
Standard wingnut philosophy: If you don’t like reality, just make up your own shit.
Michele plays the preemptive victimization card very well. Why wait until you are accused before crying “PERSECUTION!” Larry Craig perfected this tactec in the 80’s. One of her fans might not even have done it. The odds are barely 50%.
At that point, it become another “isolated incident”, no?
Just like Eric Rudolph
Sooner or later they’ll mess with the wrong mom. Mine established a grass-ass/rusty-lawnmower paradigm early in my life. I’ve tested it. She meant business.
In conclusion, my Mom can kick any of their asses or their moms’ asses.
Says the person who stalks and bullies anyone who disagrees with her.
(I just mentioned his mother’s name to him).
I have no words for this.
Michele plays the preemptive victimization card very well.
Yes, although it does sound like someone jumped the gun, so to speak, accusing her of influencing the shooter. We may not ever find out what motivated him, though I have to admit that I always suspect eliminationists’ fans would be the first to go for a gun when something bad happens like losing their job (if that was the same guy).
My heart goes out to the family of this man.
Mine too.
Obama did it. He hired this guy to put a hit out on Gwatney, because he supported Hillary’s campaign.
The fact is, the picture changed.
So that’s two attacks now in the past few weeks. Are the freepers calling this a “good start” yet?
I agree with SamFromUtah. This is the preamble for 2009 and beyond, if Obama wins.
Such stalwart, principled champions of free speech they are
Shorter Malkin — nobody else can, but I can shout FIRE in a crowded theater anytimes I wants.
Someone has photoshopped the screen-grab. The fangs are missing.
Obama did it. He hired this guy to put a hit out on Gwatney, because he supported Hillary’s campaign.
Or was Clinton afraid of what he knew? This one goes on both death lists.
This one goes on both death lists.
Good idea, but give him a different death year on each one, to avoid confusion.
if he’s smart, the person whose address etc. wash published by Malkin has contacted the Police & FBI. I’d like t see her face (and that of the commenter who threatened him) when a SWAT Team breaks her/his door down and shoots their pets. That is just for starters.
We’re getting the band back together.
-McVeigh, Weaver & Rudolph
Jennifer, wasn’t he the owner of those Chevy dealerships?
Now’s one of those times I wish I had a TV.
Oh man, Art Vandelay? I almost worked for Vandelay Industries.
I just mentioned his mother’s name to him
The shit won’t really hit the fan until he tells them that he also knows which schools his kids go to, and what their buss number is.
HTML: Yes.
Jennifer: Sorry.
But I swear to fuck if someone writes that if only the Democrats were armed this wouldn’t have happened — I’m gonna bug out.
HTML – just logged back on – yes, he was owner of Gwatney Chevrolet in Jacksonville, home of GWATZILLA.
I knew him from his days in the state senate and generally liked him – he was a smart guy with a good sense of humor, though we did go toe to toe a few times. Such a shame.
I think someone upthread had it backwards. My understanding is that the shooter went to the state Baptist convention headquarters first; after the shooting at Dem headquarters the police chase started. Still not able to figure out why they shot the shooter.
Christ, I didn’t even post Amy Chozick’s unredacted e-mail address, and she posted it herself.
I read somewhere that he opened fire on some sheriff deputies after the chase. I’ll try to find the article again.
I think someone upthread had it backwards. My understanding is that the shooter went to the state Baptist convention headquarters first; after the shooting at Dem headquarters the police chase started.
I was only quoting from the article that I linked to. It also said that he was shot when he jumped out of the car and started firing at the police. Details seem to be sketchy at this point, though.
Still not able to figure out why they shot the shooter.
The CNN article says he started shooting at the cops.
Here it is again:
Oops, sorry pedestrian – didn’t notice you’d already posted that link.
Here we go:
Officers said they pursued a white male that fled the scene in a blue Dodge pickup truck. Authorities say the suspect apparently stole the truck which was parked nearby. Police say the suspect was apprehended and shot following a high-speed chase that stretched into Grant County, about 50 miles south of Little Rock. Little Rock police, Arkansas State Police, Grant County deputies and Sheridan police were all involved in the pursuit.
The suspect managed to evade a roadblock near the Sheridan city limits. Officers in pursuit managed a maneuver to cause the suspect to lose control and stop his truck. Police say the suspect then fired two shots at a Grant County sheriff’s unit. Grant County deputies and Arkansas State Police troopers returned fire, wounding the suspect, Police say the 51-year-old suspect died.
Oh, now they updated it to say that the Baptist incident was before. I was just cutting and pasting. Damn you CNN!
The latest update still seems to be a little confused on the details:
How the hell do you point a gun non-threateningly?
Index finger on the trigger, but with the pinkie extended.
Malkin may not have killed the chairman but she shouldn’t have a problem getting work with the FSB.
I just mentioned his mother’s name to him
Heck, when I was naive enough to post under my real name, someone posted my address, my wife’s name, my mother’s name, and the street she lives on!
From the e-mail: “Once again the hate you and folks like Hannity spew…”
From “deadman” in comments: “?Hannity? spewing hate?? That is a pretty broad definition of ‘hate’.”
Left unsaid: “You, Michelle, on the other hand…”
Me too, saw him just a few weeks ago. I expect it’s a laid-off ex-employee, but like you say, we may never know.
My understanding is that the shooter went to the state Baptist convention headquarters first
That’s my understanding – the guy drove off after shooting Bill, so that was before. The Baptist State Convention HQ is about five or six blocks up the same street as party HQ.
The Baptist State Convention HQ is also on the next block from where I’m sitting. I’m pretty creeped out.
Is this the beginning of the Second Civil War?
And which will be first? The second Great Depression or the Second Civil War?
Chicken, or egg?
If the shooter had any prior connection with the Democratic headquarters, he would have been identified by now.
It could quite well have been an ex-employee in Bill’s Chevvy dealership, and probably a wingnut too. Lets be honest, you don’t go shoot your old boss because they fired you unless you REALLY hate their guts.
If so, expect any political aspect to be played down, or outright denied.
It does look like some form of personal grudge, because the target was definitely Bill.
Yeah, agree that this guy was definitely targeting Gawtney. If he just hated liberals/Democrats in general, he would’ve just shot the whole place up.
I demand a Lair of the White Worm photoshop for the Malkin screen-grab!
“Has anyone emailed greg? I did. I asked him why jumped to such a conclusion, he replied by calling Michelle an ethinic slur and was acting like an internet toughguy to me. Then I let him know that I know who he is (I just mentioned his mother’s name to him). What a surprise – his tough guy e-mails stopped.”
Well aren’t you a bad ass! I find really it fucking stupid and pathetic beyond the ability of mere words to express (not to put to fine a point on it) how proud this dumbshit is. Implicitly threatening someones mother for Christs sake.
I grow more and convinced every day that Conservatism is a mental disease.
OT, but got this link from dkos:
Hint: Kerners are GO!
Shorter Gavin:
“Although Malkin’s home address and phone number have been outed by my fellow progressives before, turnabout is not fair play when wingers do it.
Yes, I’m a hypocrite.”
I grow more and convinced every day that Conservatism is a mental disease.
I consider it a character flaw. The wingnut version of “conservatism” that is, which of course is in no sense conservative.
Tragic event, no matter the motive. I feel for his family and for all the folks in that office, whose security and peace of mind may never be the same again.
Shorter Sadly, No! commenters:
” We know this killer was a wingnut. We have clairvoyant powers. We also have crystal balls.”
Hmmmm. According to one news report, the Clintons issued a statement about his death before he was officially pronounced dead.
Mystery solved!
Shorter Goober:
My life is so fucking sad and pathetic that I have nothing better to do with my time than troll blog comments on a comedy blog.
Shorter Goober:
I am completely unaware of Sadly, No!’s strict policy against any commenters posting addresses and phone numbers, or the fact that they have repeatedly removed comments that do so. Also, I said ‘balls’! Heh, heh, heh. Balls!”
Hey, goober.
Fuck you.
Hey! Was this dude ever the Chicago Comptroller?
Lemme look into a few things and get back to you…
Longer Doctor Missus Marita:
“Even though goober said nothing about SadlyNo commenters outing Malkin, but rather said “fellow progressives” which includes liberal bloggers and non-bloggers alike, I will beclown myself anyway by pretending goober wrote something he clearly didn’t write.”
Hey, goob. Does Gomer say “hey”?
My brother met George “Goober” Lindsey once. He was getting a doctorate from the University Of North Alabama, which apparently doesn’t have any doctorate programs, or at least didn’t at the time. They also gave one to Earnest Borgnine and my brother met him. Said both guys were very nice, but deaf as posts.
Longer Leon Trotsky:
“I can’t compete with goober’s rapier wit so I’ll resort to insults.”
Jennifer: Damn. I’m so sorry.
Having known some of the folks involved in the recent Unitarian Universalist church shootings here, I can especially empathize.
Jeezus Keerist.
No, I just don’t think you’re worth arguing with.
So, fuck you. And get your rapist wit out of here, fucker.
turnabout is not fair play
Yes, if you kill my dog I’m a slay your cat is indeed a solid moral code that right-wingers can feel proud of.
Why so defensive, goober?
So, wait…if “fellow progressives” have “outed” Malkin’s address and whatnot, that means it’s okay for her to do it? Does that mean if someone stalks her kids, it’s okay? Hasn’t that yay-hoo Misha posted a more than a few addresses followed by some sort of “won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome liberal” hoo-hah?
Personally, I don’t think it’s okay to do something just because a total scumbag like Michelle Malkin does it regularly, but that’s just me.
Not to mention how many times a dickhole that posts a right-winger’s address is a plant from one of their sites, that runs back and then goes, “look, look! They posted your address! POST THEIRS.”
Hey goober: What Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico said. Eat shit and die, you fuck.
It’s really sad and unfair when conservatives get persecuted (verbally and internetedly) horrifically just because someone goes and shoots up some liberal(s) and even if the killer specifically cited right wing arguments it still doesn’t prove anything, but each time some random brown / Islamosexual terrorist somewhere does something it proves that it’s urgent to call Democrats for what they are, and that’s pro-terrorist surrendercrats.
It’s not hate when they do it.
It’s not hate when they do it.
It’s downright patriotic!
Yikes! What the hell is a “grass-ass/rusty-lawnmower paradigm?!”
This is why the Good Lord gave us Youtube.
… grunt, grunt, snort, … I just mentioned his mother’s name to him … grunt, grunt, snort, …
Nothing like a conservative implicitly threatening violence against your Mom to express his outrage that you would assert that conservatives are inherently violent.
Nothing like a conservative implicitly threatening violence against your Mom to express his outrage that you would assert that conservatives are inherently violent.
Damn straight. I’m always gobsmacked at the claim that “Gee, there’s nothing intimidating about saying ‘I know where you live.'” And bringing Mom into it? Crrr-reepy.
“First of all the responsiblity for this rests soley on the shooter. That being said, thanks to internet, cable tv, and radio, conservatives are privy to liberal thinking, (or lack thereof) and yes, we are furious and sick to death of it. So, in that respect, there is much hostility on both sides. I will venture to say, this kind of stuff will continue…unfortunately.”
Sorry, I don’t know how to blockquote or whatever. This is a comment from Malkin’s site, and I do not get this. You are waaayyy seriously overinvolved in “conservatism” or “liberalism” or politics or, well, anything, if you hear something like this and get to a place where you can provide some sort of explanation for it based on how someone votes or thinks or feels. I mean, the whole “I wouldn’t do it or anything, but I can definitely see it”? Whoa.
And being proud of having threatened someone’s mom, like this slimeball is? Creepy deluxe.
I told my Mom you said she’s a leprechaun. So if some 61 year old lady with a Midwestern accent randomly stops you and with unblinking eye contact calmly says: “You better watch yourself, mister, or your ass will be grass and I’ll be a rusty lawnmower.” Well, first of all that’s my Mom and tell her I said “hey.” Then I’d suggest quick agreement and retreat because I don’t know what sort of quickdraw items she keeps in that fanny pack.
What Leon said.
Jennifer, sorry. This is terrible.
Michelle Malkin. What can you say? I fear for her children, I honestly do. Imagine that face when you get jam on the kitchen counters.
Oh noes, when I tried to post a comment on Michelle’s site it made me sign up with my schedule and a list of my fears.
Shorter me:
He’s a recursive goober. Actually, the whole “conservative intellectual” (yes, yes, I know…) movement is one huge throbbing massive of recursive gooberism.
Hey, guys:
We got a real goober here.
I’m sorry. Little confused here.
“The responsibility rests with the shooter”?
Is anybody seriously arguing that the criminal is not responsible for the crime? I mean, I know people serving life in Pelican Bay, and they wouldn’t question that assertion.
I think what we’re talking about is influence, the part around the margins where the pathetic fuck was pointed at the perceived root cause of his suffering.
And if you want to deny that doesn’t exist, fine, but you better be prepared to be consistent all the way down the line. ‘Cause it either does or it doesn’t. It either always applies, or it never does…
Goober spelled backwards is re-boog.
The dipshit wouldn’t need to re-boog if he’d booged properly to begin with.
I like the earlier rethink (Jennifer?) Goober -> Booger. Tickles my fancy (and satisfies my mental image).
And it’s probably an important part of his diet.
If I remember correctly, ‘Booger’ was one of Saul’s aliases. Ah, that brings back some not-so-fond memories.
Is anybody seriously arguing that the criminal is not responsible for the crime?
I think Amy Alkon and her brain trust might have said something similar recently.
I didn’t know Mr. Gwatney personally, but I knew several people who had worked in the Democratic HQ office with him, and they are all personally moved by what’s happened.
I didn’t know what to think, but I started to wrap my mind around a possible motive when I saw the “job” comment in the CNN story. I wish this wasn’t the beginning of a trend, but I can’t really see how it’s not.
As for him going for Gwatney, I had heard that he was not a formal employee. It’s possible that he was at the dealership, but it’s also possible because Gwatney’s name had been in the new a lot and he perhaps became more a target because of that? As a symbol for Democratic Arkansans? To send a message? I don’t know.
I hope that this all ends now, but I so very afraid that this is only the beginning.
Yeah, Booger Bastion, or Bastion Booger, which is also the name of some middle-aged pro wrestler.
Continued Shorter Goober:
Yep, I’m still at it. Damn, my life sucks. I could really use a woman to smack around.
Shorter Gary Ruppert Number Two:
Myah myah myah, look at me I’m not even the real Gary Ruppert.
I always suspect eliminationists’ fans would be the first to go for a gun when something bad happens like losing their job
Perhaps. There are any number of such cases to choose from, and what they all seem to share in common is that a disturbed and desperate guy loses his job, then goes after the most powerful person he can think of. In extreme cases, it’s the POTUS (see: at least two wierdos who have attempted to fly small planes into the White House for the very same reason). For less ambitious people, any nearby and accessible authority figure will have to do. (Note: this is distinctly different from the Tennessee church situation. That dude had a more specific scapegoat in mind).
It will be interesting to see if the shooter had any personal connection with Gwatney. If so, the explanation will be fairly straightforward–he had a personal grudge against Gwatney. If not, then things get more complicated. Did the shooter target the Democratic Chairman because he was a Democrat, or simply because he was the nearest “important” man that the shooter could locate on short notice?
So Katy Perry is responsible for making lesbians.
But Malkin and Coulter and Savage and the rest are not responsible for making people think that Democrats deserve to die.
Good to know.
Myah myah myah
Myah? What the fuck is that? It’s NYAH.
A pre-emptive strike from the Language Lab is in order, just in case you’re hiding weapons of French destruction.
Myah myah myah
Previously known as Burma.
The shooter specifically asked for Gwatney by name. At the very least, he knew who he was and had formed some kind of reason to single him out.
So Goober is it 5 ‘McCain points’ per post?
The fact is, Goober has earned himself a McCane coffee mug.
You just know that if this guy had murdered the Arkansas Rethuglican head, Stalkin’ Malkin would have the guy’s photo up within 5 seconds as “the latest example” of how all liberals are evil hate-filled monsters who would rape and kill her (while calling her racial slurs) if given the chance, and are thus subhuman scum who need to be shot on sight. (But you didn’t hear that from her *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*)
The shooter specifically asked for Gwatney by name. At the very least, he knew who he was and had formed some kind of reason to single him out.
That’s an important detail I wasn’t aware of, Jennifer.
Okay, so either it was personal, or the guy had unusually detailed knowledge of politics (I couldn’t name my state’s Dem chair if you, well, held a gun to my head).
…a disturbed and desperate guy loses his job, then goes after the most powerful person he can think of.
True. My claim went more toward why the guy is disturbed and what he thinks is an appropriate way to deal with it.
It will be interesting to see if the shooter had any personal connection with Gwatney.
It will indeed. From what I’ve read so far, it seems likely.
I wonder if Goober is really Jessie? It’s not like he’s working much.
Anyway, so the population left of Malkin are whackjobs because after the anti-librul Church shooting, some (one in this case) suspect that perhaps it was another unhinged (gasp, I know registered TM, huh Michelle?) right winger who took to violence after fattening himself on her screed and those of her ilk?
That’s crazy? I mean, the former shooter was an avid reader of fellow clown car passengers Hannity, Savage and her former boss, but lightning striking twice is beyond insane???
What’s not crazy to Michelle? Claiming Obama’s 200k German crowd numbers were faked after swearing a 30k attendance figure for her Gathering of Eagles even though we can look at the photographs she posted.
Thinking this shooter may have something against Democrats is nutty. Seeing a Fatwa in a Dunkin’ Donuts add? Sane and reasonable.
Posting personal email addresses so your flying monkey readership can take the good fight to those you disagree with? Cool. Crying when it happened to you? Also cool, but let’s forget that ever happened.
Lord. What is her fucking problem?
(I couldn’t name my state’s Dem chair if you, well, held a gun to my head)
In Bush America any name will do.
I’ve got one – Sturmabteilung.
Says the bottom-feeding smegma-deposit with pom-poms that positively REVELLED in the suicide of one of her victims, & giggled like a schoolgirl when others she outed received death-threats, issuing the same toilet-paper-thin demur wrapped in yet MORE hateful rhetoric that she did this time.
You stay classy, girl!
What the fuck is THAT? Are you humping your pillow? Seriously, troll – wipe down your keyboard & get mommy to change your rubber sheets. If your “messages” were scratch-&-sniff I’m pretty sure we’d be wiping away tears, & not from laughing either. Even dogshit looks down at you – quit while you’re behind.
Every time I see that photo of Malkin I think it’s her O face.
Here’s Klassy Kassy on the shooting:
Shorter Klassy KKKassy: “The DemonRATs are such pond scum that they wish for their own kind to be killed!”
No, no, no. THIS is her O face.
Nyah, shee, thisisthewayit’sgonnabe, shee? Nyah. You’re gonna do what I shay, nyah, and make sure to tell your mudder I said hi. Nyahhhh.
Great, I needed that image in my mind. So much for ever getting a boner again. Good.
Michelle’s beauty.
Wow. Just wow. From her hate-free following –
On August 13th, 2008 at 6:23 pm, psCargile said:
Greg should just wait until the sane right-wingers resort to violence in a well planned and orchestrated battle plan to take back their freedoms from Socialist. And on the subject of fighting liberals, I think it acceptable to hate and demonize them, and use their tactics against them.
Onto the subject of the Democratic Chairman getting shot, when I first heard this story on the news, my initial thought was that the shooter knew the victim personally. I hope he has a speedy recovery. . .so that he can get back into the war.”
Wingnuts = crazy? ZOMG, how could you think that?
The real deal is, you elitist hate-filled coastal liberal elites are so full of hate that the very mention of someone’s mother is, to you, a threat of violence. This is because you are full of hate. What the brave Malkin commenter really did was to remind this unhinged maniac[1] that his mother would be shocked and ashamed of him. Why is that brave, you ask?
If you ask a God-fearing, flag-waving, high-fructose Plugger from the Heartland to describe in single words only the good things that come into his mind about his mother, he’ll probably say words like “patriotic”, “motherly” and “religious”. Ask an elitist coastal latte-sipping Hawaii-visitor, though, and you’ll probably get shot a couple of times.
[1] The guy saying bad things about Michelle Malkin, not the shooter.
Bang Bang Nascar. Us Libs are ALWAYS packing…
Only if you ask them about the tortoise first.
Howdy, Owlbear. Tell Rust Monster I said hey.
Only if you ask them about the tortoise first.
WordPress: the skin job of blogging software.
Some guy is advising people to walk around with guns with the safeties off in case liberals attack them at random. Funny as it would be if this guy shot his own dick off, it’s disturbing advice from someone who calls himself “Family Man”.
Goober, you suck at trolling.
Do I really need to show you liberals again what eliminationist rhetoric looks like? Remember the Howard University Law School audience applauding a speaker calling for all whites to killed? From that, do you really want to be confronted with, for example, the rate of black-on-white crime versus that of white-on-black crime?
No, you don’t, liberals. It will not be pleasant for you. I suggest you scamper off to a thread more your speed, like why it is funny to make fun of mentally retarded people.
I haven’t owned a gun in years for a number of reasons, but I’m going to get an Illinois FOID card tomorrow. I’ll also be voting for a bunch of stupid nonsense on concealed carry referendums. I’m also doing this under a semi-terrorist threat, which makes me the worst sort of appeaser but I’ll be damned if I meet my death by one of those cheeto-eating nothings. Not without me taking the lights out of him first.
Do I really need to show you liberals again what eliminationist rhetoric looks like?
No, it’s at Little Green Footballs.
suggest you scamper off to a thread more your speed, like why it is funny to make fun of mentally retarded people
Like you? Fuck you, retard. There is probably a bell curve on IQ, that should make me feel sorry for you but I’m not feeling it today.
RB – link, please. Preferably one comparable to the example I gave, a historically black university hosting a conference in which an ex-lecturer at North Carolina State is applauded for calling all whites to be killed.
I’ll wait.
You forgot to mention Michelle Obama.
Even The Truth is afraid of LGF’s cesspit.
No idea what that means, RB. Does it mean that you are declining to back up your assertion?
Preferably one comparable to the example I gave, a historically black university hosting a conference in which an ex-lecturer at North Carolina State is applauded for calling all whites to be killed.
‘m so goddamn sick of this. Do you feel threatened by NCA? You’ve got some guest intellectual at a college spouting off. I’ve got your whole little terrorist underbelly from McVeigh until now.
I feel threatened now. Not because some asshat from your clan, threatened people, because that’s just a fact of life. I’ve come to just live with your folks idiocy and take it in stride. The crazier of your ilk are actually killing people.
Maybe he’s a member of this family.
Or this family.
Or this family.
I am become WordPress, destroyer of Righteous Bubba’s comments.
Again, one lone yay-hoo who taught for a semester at a college who received a smattering of shocked, hesitant applause apparently renders harmless any and all elimationist rhetoric from right wingers. Apparently. You would think after the embarssment from the first time he’d at least dig up a new lu-lu to quiver in fear over, but no one ever said the wingnest of wingnuts were original.
Man, some folks are just terrified of a Black Dude as president. Hey, y’all see this? Apparently, by 2042, white people will no longer be the numerical majority. We’ll also be more on the December side of the side of things. You know that keeps some folks awake nights in a pool of their own sweat, though it wouldn’t do for me to go pointing fingers.
Thanks to Doctor Missus Manhattan Project.
Two Front Yard Wading Pools???
I mean, seriously. Motherfucker walked into a Unitarian church and actually killed people because they were liberals just a week or so ago. The hell you think bring that weak-ass shit in here and expect to be taken as anything but a racist clown? Goddamn, man, at least put a little effort into your foulness.
And let it be known I have yet to have problems with WordPress. You wanna know my secret?
No guitar pedals.
No guitar pedals.
Dang you! Dang you! They oughtta take a rope and hang you!
Dang you! Dang you! They oughtta take a rope and hang you!
Elimationist rhetoric from Teh Left! Proving “The Truth’s” point! You’re a guitarpedalislamofacist!
Bill Ayers told me to so I stomped that egg-sucking dog into the ground.
Hey, y’all see this? Apparently, by 2042, white people will no longer be the numerical majority
And the cool thing? There is a very large region, the Greater San Jose, California Metropolitan Area, also colloquially known as Silicon Valley, where that has been the case for a couple years.
Nothing apocalyptic happened. Life just sorta went on….
All Bill Ayers ever told me to do was pick him up a two-liter bottle of Pepsi if I stopped at the gas station, but I didn’t stop so he got it himself. I did, however, pick up Michelle Obama’s “Down With Whitey” t-shirt from the dry cleaners.
“Down With Whitey”
That’s actually a pretty usable anti-McCain slogan now.
That’s just what they want you to think, those rascally not-White People. Once Barry X is elected as Grand Vizer of The Islamic States Of America, the Latino wing of The Islamodarkie Horde will pounce not unlike a chupacabra and make all y’all will have to listen to nothing but norteno and eat nothing but Mexican food, which, honestly, doesn’t sound all that bad, but I’ve been ruined by liberal propaganda and feminazis and Angela Davis and Ishmael Reed.
Some guy who runs a bookstore told me so.
Fuck Your Wet Penguins?
Fellate Yawning, Weary Pimps?
Free, Young, Wild Proctologists?
Funky Yams With Paprika?
Friends Yelling Weird Poetry?
Can I be the first to denounce the guy at Howard University and all the people he killed?
Now, conservatives … it’s your turn. And by “your turn,” I mean take some responsibility for people killed as a result of your hateful rhetoric.
What about Michelle Obama? She hates America, but you liberals aren’t saying anything about that.
And did you hear about that icon of the left – I forget his name – who said that all whites should be killed and the lefties all got together and cheered and made him Leader of the Lefties for ever and ever?
Liberals. Hmf.
Shorter The Truth:
Why won’t you take on my stupid double-dog-dare-you argument? Pussies.
Somebody put poison in my creme brule.
We were blown up by terrorists.
We were blown up.
Some guy shot at us. Two of us were killed.
I was beaten to death.
Michelle Obama called us whitey!
Those poor, poor white people.
Country First.
We Are All Georgians, Now.
If McCain is a Georgian, I want to be General Sherman.
I want to know why nobody suspects the moderates. They just stand there, looking all innocent. And smug.
I’m not buying it anymore. Them moderates has been playin’ us off against each other.
And they’re run by that freaky organization, the PTA.
Friendly fire is a bitch.
Radical extremist moderate – & yes, soon we’ll have ALL of you dancing to our bland tune! You can’t get run over in the middle of the road if you make EVERYONE stay there! Moderation uber alles! Up the ordinary! Moderation in the defence of moderation is no vice!
Reason will prevail, OR ELSE.
Death to extremists! They will be first against the wall when … when … well, when the time is right for that sort of thing.
I’ve got a very neutral feeling about the upcoming battle. If I don’t survive, tell my wife I said “hi”.
Nothing apocalyptic happened.
They got cricket leagues. That’s pretty fucking apocalyptic. Sorta.
They don’t call her Stalkin’ Malkin for nothing.
Wonder what this guy’s counter tops look like?
What the FUCK is wrong with Michelle Malkin?
Frequently Yucky Wicked Pelicans.
times 3
Looking at DOJ statistics, it looks like there’s ten times as much black-on-black murder as there is black-on-white murder.
Goddamn black people! Why do they hate black people so much!!
Also, if you want a big ol’ dose of academic right-wing white nationalism, you can’t go wrong with New Century Foundation/American Renaissance or the Council of Conservative Citizens; then there’s always the National Vanguard and National Alliance.
But blacks are the true racists, libs, and your arugula is under the bus with your grandma.
The photo above of Malkin reminded me of something, but it took a while to figure out what it was. Actually, two things:
The Flukeman on X-Files
According to the best-selling new book by Jerome Corsi, Barack Obama was actually the one who shot that Arkansas guy.
What’ really infuriating is that her entire defense is that she didn’t pull the trigger.
No shit, but Malkin and her peers sure as hell may have put the gun in his hands. Sorry, no absolution.
Hoosier X exhorts,
How absurd. I leave the Maoist denunciations to the Maoists.
Liberals, are you trying to pretend that this thread is about taking responsibility for one’s actions? My point is that leftists do cheer on dreadful, hatefilled rhetoric; my goodness, you folks are and were the Stalin/Mao/Castro fan club!
“They hope and pray for tragedies like this to happen”
Why yes. That’s the liberal’s greatest hope: That deranged shooters kill us. Pray for it, though? As atheists and godless commies, not so much.
So Obama is blameworthy because some dude who blew up a statue a couple decades ago was on the board of an anti-poverty group at the same time he was, and all liberals and liberalism itself are responsible whenever some crazy guy says something crazy, but conservatives are blameless unless they personally actually kill somebody, in which case it’s a fluke unrelated to their politics. And probably liberals’ fault, anyway.
Well of course this is all Barry HUSSEIN Obama X’s fault. Him with his snooty Hawaiian observations about real Americans being bitter and clinging to their guns. What else were bitter gun-clinging Americans supposed to do after being characterized in such an offensive way but run out and shoot Demoncrats and Unitarians?
The photo above of Malkin reminded me of something, but it took a while to figure out what it was. Actually, two things:
The Flukeman on X-Files
I thought of this.
Malkin: “Such stalwart, principled champions of free speech they are.”
Rush Limbaugh: “Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.”
Rush, Michelle. Michelle, Rush. I’m sure you two will have lots to chat about.
Remember when Malkin, Schlussel, and the rest of them were so quick to conclude that the Va. Tech shooter was probably a Muslim of Middle Eastern descent or nationality? Even after it was revealed that the shooter was a Korean American who was raised in a strict Christian household, they still stuck to their guns, alleging that Cho was a fledgling Muslim and that he was anti-Christian despite the fact that he saw himself as a martyr who was “dying on the cross like Christ”. (And quickly, the MSM picked up that bogus meme, with David Brooks and Brian Williams describing Cho as “anti-Christian” in order to placate the beloved evangelical base, second only to NASCAR fans on William’s list of Americans Who Make Me Hard.) But just to be safe, Schlussel added that even if it turned out that the Va. Tech massacre wasn’t the act of a Muslim jihadist, the shootings would serve as proof to real jihadists everywhere that it’s pretty easy to massacre a few dozen Americans with just a few guns.
So even when the killer is a just a delusional, angry kid whose parents’ idea of intervention was to go to their Christian church and pray for him, it’s still all about da Moozlims and their hatred of America’s freedoms.
There is no arguing with these people.
Wow, this is some weak-ass junk. Stalin? Mao? Are you serious?
Okay, show of hands, everyone. Who here…um…supports Mao? Who supports the Cultural Revolution? Who supports the Great Leap Forward? Who gave those the go-ahead? I know it wasn’t me, but it had to be SOME of us, right?
Truth, people got shot in a fucking church by a right-wing extremist, and your response to this is b-b-b-b-b-but Mao!? Are you for real?
Bill? Bill O’Reilly, is that you?
Hi, liberals.
You guys are poopyheads who are to blame for everything bad that ever happened, happens, or will happen everywhere; and in every parallel universe if that theory ever pans out*.
* assuming that the existence of parallel universes is mentioned in the Bible, as is Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (see Luke 3rd chapter)
“My point is that leftists do cheer on dreadful, hatefilled rhetoric; my goodness, you folks are and were the Stalin/Mao/Castro fan club!”
Prove it, Twoofie. With examples.
“Truth, people got shot in a fucking church by a right-wing extremist, and your response to this is b-b-b-b-b-but Mao!? Are you for real?”
Of course! We always operate under the IOKIYAR rule.
You got us all wrong. We’re not bitter, but our wives are all letting themselves go and our kids are running around smoking pot and listening to that hippety hop music that, you know, BLACKS like.
And we’re trying to get the static cling out of our guns – we put them in the dryer with a couple sheets of Bounce™.
They made a gawdawful racket bouncing around in there and were still all clingy when we got them out. Plus they were really hot…
…soon we’ll have ALL of you dancing to our bland tune!
What is the tune of extremist moderates? My guess would be some Dave Matthews song.
“My point is that leftists do cheer on dreadful, hatefilled rhetoric; my goodness, you folks are and were the Stalin/Mao/Castro fan club!” – Jessie Malkin
Please. You know how much the costs are in those clubs? Fidel is charging 12 bucks for a beer cozy and there isn’t even a picture of men fucking on it or a late term abortion.
Get real.
Sadly, yes!
Marco said,
Does anyone have any idea what freedoms these guys are so eager to take back that the Socialists have taken away? Also, just what tactics is this guy talking about? I’m guessing he’s one of those sane right-wingers he’s talking about.
“What is the tune of extremist moderates?”
I dunno – I once read some skinhead stuff online where they were arguing that polka was one of the few racially pure art forms. A few days later, after I stopped laughing at the image of skinhead polka parties, I … well, I started laughing again.
I’m thinking “Sussudio” or Kenny G, personally. Of course, for real fightin’ tunes, there’s always Nickelback.
On the left, eliminationists are a shunned fringe-element treated with utter contempt & ridicule; on the right, they’re given TeeVee shows, radio shows & book deals & welcomed into the mainstream. Sort of tells you something about left vs. right, doesn’t it? If you’re not profoundly brain-damaged, I mean.
Stalin, Mao & Castro? Those slimebags hijacked leftism the same way Hitler hijacked German nationalism. Still waiting for you to provide one molecule of proof for this gibberish, but not holding my breath – asphyxia is a horrible way to die. Fail loves you, The Trout.
So what you’re saying is, you have no point. Finally, we agree on something!
“We also have crystal balls.”
My balls are made of platinum…TOP THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!11!
My balls are made of platinum…TOP THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!11!
You’ll wish they weren’t when they put us all in camps and hook you up to the electrodes.
Does anyone have any idea what freedoms these guys are so eager to take back that the Socialists have taken away?
*The freedom to force children to pray to Lil Baby Jeezus in school
*The freedom to force public facilities, such as courthouses, to post the Ten Commandments
*The freedom to discriminate against gaybos and lesbos and darkies of all persuasions — you know, like back in the good ol’ days
*The freedom to force unwanted pregnancies on women, who are after all too silly and irresponsible to know for themselves what’s best
*The freedom to force the entire US populace to support presidents and warfare OR ELSE!
et cetera.
And conservatives wonder why honest decent people are so disgusted by conservative rhetoric.
you folks are and were the Stalin/Mao/Castro fan club!
She forgot Pol Pot!
{sigh} poor Pol. Always a Socialist bridesmaid, never a Communist bride.
“Does anyone have any idea what freedoms these guys are so eager to take back that the Socialists have taken away?”
The right to stomp fags on Capitol Hill (Seattle)?
You fuckers haven’t sent in your dues IN OVER TWO GODDAMM DECADES!
cheap bastards…
MzNicky, that’s pretty much what I was thinking, but I wanted to be sure. Basically they want the freedom to take away freedom from others, right? Also, “poor Pol. Aways a Socialist bridesmaid, never a Communist bride” is hilarious.
[…] Shorter Michelle Malkin: Somebody sent me an email blaming my so-called ‘hate’ for this horrible act of violence against a Democrat Party liberal. Here is that person’s full name and unredacted email address. […]
Wouldn’t extremist moderates be boppin’ to the soft sounds of John Tesh, curst be his piano?
I had no idea Williams was a wingnut until I read this Greenwald piece about a Williams blog entry which mocked Elizabeth Edwards’ plea for universal health care while praising a Peggy Noonan piece questioning Obama’s patriotism. (It’s raining links!) Noonan wrote:
And Williams responded:
Gotta love it when corporate media right-wing whores make the mistake of saying what they REALLY think.
You see, this is why I just tell guys like goober and Truth to fuck off. You denounce anyone, they just move on to their next stupid shit-stirring. If you just curse at them, they act hurt that someone used the mean words at them, and then shut it (for about a thread).
So fuck them.
Truth, you sniveling shit, get the fuck out of here. Do it. Get out of here. Go. Now. This is a happy place, and you, you stupid fucking moron, just ruin it for everyone with your stupidity.
And take goober with you, you fuck.
The headline read: Possible link found between Arkansas killer and victim
But the only link mentioned is: “a search of the dead gunman’s home turned up … a Post-It note that bore his victim’s last name and a telephone number.”
That’s a link? A post-it note? It’s looking more and more like the guy was just a deranged Republican.
You see, this is why I just tell guys like goober and Truth to fuck off.
Two alternatives:
Don’t respond
Write a funny response
Don’t respond does nothing.
Funny responses just encourages their tone-deaf stupidity.
So I’mma continue cursing.
Trotsky denounces me with:
Fixed. I left your personal insults in, as without it your post is content-free,
Ah, poor Trotsky, Your rage is a beautiful payoff for my efforts. I’d like to see Teh Funny, but in the meantime my heart is warmed by thinking about how angry you are going to be when McCain wins the election.
So I’mma continue cursing.
For The Truth and for me when I troll somewhere, that’s the payoff.
Jim proclaims
I think the best way to deal with goober et al, if you can’t ignore them for whatever reason, is to make fun of them without addressing them directly. Do not argue with them, just treat them like you would a demented old deaf person who won’t shut up. Pretend they can’t hear you and talk about them like they’re not even here. If everybody did that they’d go away but arguing with them just encourages them to keep it up. This should be obvious but apparently it’s not.
Are you Kamau Kambon’s PR man or something? You’re certainly doing a bang-up job promoting the man’s ideas.
Everything’s the payoff though. That’s the bitter fucking rub of trolls.
So fuck him.
Hey! Lay off Troof! It’s not his fault that the best he can do is to go on and on about the guy at Howard University that no one here has ever heard of.
I admire his persistence. He’s a modern day conservative Sisyphus.
Now. Tell us more about Michelle Obama saying “whitey” all the time.
It’s a pretty standard troll-dance; say something inflammatory or ludicrous or easily disproven/countered, ignore the on-topic responses, attack everyone who was dismissive as not being Serious and Mature enough to see the light.
And then accuse you libs of being the real racist, because one time a black guy said something. I drink your tears!! I DRINK THEM UP!!
Also, farty farty bloo bloo I’m rubber you’re glue when you say I’m a fascist it bounces off me and sticks to you because of liberal fascism I’m the Jew!!
From the perspective of the reader though, you get a troll (kill-file ready) writing some garbage and then the response can be a number of things:
1. Reasonable and sincere argument
2. Joke
4. Nothing
The first could be interesting, the second could be funny, the third is less likely to be interesting or funny and the fourth is a kind of perfection that I cannot reach without the killfile.
Truth. Read the following carefully:
A wingnut shot up a church.
Your response to this is “But Mao! And some random professor (ed. note: who didn’t shoot anyone)!”
You have to see how silly this is.
So … what’s Kambon doing these days? (The Howard University was in 2005.)
Is he still a hate-spewing commentator on a major network? Is his column still being printed in hundreds of newspapers? Do his books still make the best seller list? Do his –
Oh. Wait. He never had any of that.
And he hasn’t been a professor since … 2005.
Honest decent people see a difference. Conservatives don’t.
Conclusive evidence that Twoof is about 15. Nobody with even the most remote of historical perspectives would be able to say something like this with a straight face.
Joe ‘Balls’ Langer said,
“We also have crystal balls.”
My balls are made of platinum…TOP THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!!11!
Consider yourself topped.
The photo above of Malkin reminded me of something, but it took a while to figure out what it was.
I continue to maintain that The Lair of the White Worm provides us with the best comparison.
Nobody with even the most remote of historical perspectives would be able to say something like this with a straight face.
Or with such detail or with such care.
So … what’s Kambon doing these days?
He is residing somewhere.
Michelle Malkin is no Amanda Donohoe.
I don’t understand — why is Amanda Malkin so important to anyone’s discussion about anything? She doesn’t have an idea in her head that wasn’t put there by someone else hoping to feed the MSM with their sound bites. Why does anyone pay attention to her?
Kyle: Because she is so imminently and irresistibly mockable.
Making fun of Michelle Malkin is like shooting fish in a barrel that have already been shot.
seriously though, why can’t you photoshoopdedoop a dickly in her face? would that be offensive and mean and make us just like michelle mommy?