Oh right, that’s what he did

There’s nothing good to say about the Monica Lewinsky affair, but frankly it’s a bit stunning to read such stuff in Jeanie Boulet Star Parker’s column:

What does it say when Bill Clinton of Monica Lewinsky fame continues to get the warm welcome he does in black churches?

Right, Bill Clinton is “famous” because of the Monica Lewinsky stuff, not because he was elected to the White House. Twice.

Star continues:

One reason Bill Clinton gets the affection he does from blacks, despite the truth that he represents everything destructive to our community, is that blacks sense that he cares.

If the black community’s biggest problem is the threat posed by blow jobs from unattractive white women, we’d say they don’t have much to worry about.

Every single black in America should have voted for George Bush. His social agenda and economic agenda are precisely what black America needs.

We’re gonna need some help to handle that one. See you in ten whiskey sours everybody!


Comments: 15


See you in ten whiskey sours everybody!

You say that even when you don’t need help, Seb.


If the black community’s biggest problem is the threat posed by blow jobs from unattractive white women, we’d say they don’t have much to worry about.

Sadly, No!


Is it just me, or does Star Parker look like Chris Rock in drag?

I don’t suppose it’s occurred to her maybe folks like Clinton because his transgressions make him seem human, as opposed to St. George who admits to no wrong. How long, oh Lord, how long are we going to have to put up with people blaming the Clenis for everything that’s gone wrong in the last century?


SED— The answer: FOREVER!!! Or until another Democrat is elected to office and displays to the world his fallibility. And then they’ll still talk about him.


Nothing gets done without trust, and the truth is that there are few Republican leaders who can walk into a black church, even with the best news in the world, and be received with trust.
She thinks the party of Jesse Helms, Trent Lott, and David Duke might have some sort of credibility problem among black church-goers? How bizarre. Surely they understand that “precisely what black America needs” is a tax cut on people who make ten times as much as they do, elimination of all affirmative action programs (but nepotism programs can stay), and increased racial profiling, just to fight terrorism of course 😉


Oh, those silly negroes. When, oh, when will they learn to vote against their best interests?


Cut Monica some slack. At least she’s not Ann Coulter. Because if ever there was cause to impeach a politician, it would be for having an affair with Ann Coulter and her huge friggin’ Adam’s Apple. (I swear that thing gets bigger with every book she spews out, I mean writes)


Understand that the messenger is as important as the message

yah, send Strom Thurmond. Oh wait, he’s dead. Well send his admirer and supporter Trent Lott. That should do it.

Clinton of the Lewinsky fame? Conversely, I hope this will this enable us, 7 years from now, to refer to Bush II as the Pants on Fire War Preznit or the Election Thieving in Chief.


hell, why wait 7 years, lets begin now.


Shit, these mongoloids are *STILL* bitching about Bill Clinton?

I have a new motto for these people: “Always hate and never forgive.”

I say we ship these Bush cock-suckers to Iraq in one big crate. With no holes. The less Bushitters in this country, the better.


That’s right, because a bad economy, a wider gap between rich and poor, higher poverty numbers, the destruction of civil liberties, the bankrupting of our school systems, and a war that kills minorities in disproportionate numbers is just what the doctor ordered for America’s black citizens.

Oddly enough, none of that is in anyone’s interest, black or white.

Now, will someone tell me who Star Parker is? I’ve never heard of him or her or whatever.


Plus, y’know, the dirty tricks intended to keep African-Americans from voting might be causing a wee bit of resentment. I suppose.


Maybe, just maybe, black churches admire people who receive blowjobs. I know I do.


Maybe, just maybe, black churches admire people who receive blowjobs. I know I do.

I bet’cha that’s why these Republicans are still upset with Clinton. They’ve been told that they can only have sex for procreation, missionary position, no sex toys, no fun, nothing. They’re mad at Clinton because they’ve never had blow jobs in their entire lives.

And that’s why they want to get into our bedrooms. Because if they can’t have fun, no one can.


Phoenician in a time of Romans

Maybe, just maybe, black churches admire people who receive blowjobs. I know I do.

As I’ve said before, I think it should be compulsory for the President, or the leader of any nation with a nuclear armament, to be given a good blowjob at least once a day. And to be looking forward to the next one in the non-irradiated tomorrow.

It’s amazing how many people who make cracks about female politicians and “monthly irrationality” also think it’s a neat idea for male politicians to be sexually frustrated…


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