Shortuh Confedrate Yainkee
Posted on August 8th, 2008 by Tintin
Selective Editing?
- The fayulure of CNN to tayull everbody that this Geisel fellah also reckoned to shoot Bush is a slayup in the face an’ a lowdown insult to law-bidin’ white racists everwhere. Some-un ovah at CNN oughta be shot.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Same reason why the GOP has ignored Bush completely during this election season, perhaps?
Now THAT’S more like it!
Damn, that post is just full of paranoia. Somebody get this guy some meds, before he’s a-hauled off t’ th’ state nervous hahspittle.
CNN significantly altered a story to play upon people’s fears.
That cannot lightly be excused.
Now if an entire administration alters its entire policy to do so, that’s okay.
A single witness’s story versus what the doofus actually told the Secret Service… Hmmm, yeah, I can understand why this conspiracy might be true.
How much ditchweed does Gomer smoke, anyway?
Man, he’s an idiot. Because CNN didn’t include the bit about Bush, they’re trying to push a narrative that crazy racists (namely, him) are going to target Obama.
First off, they left out “Geisel allegedly referred to Obama with a racial epithet and continued, ‘If he gets elected, I’ll assassinate him myself.'” I mean, if I were trying to push the narrative that racists are racist, I’d sure try to include that in my story.
Second, THE SECRET SERVICE DIDN’T CHARGE HIM WITH MAKING THREATS TO THE PRESIDENT. I mean, of all the people to be in the tank for Obama, you’d think the secret service wouldn’t be one of them.
BTW, I’m the DSB in the comments over there. I normally try not to post comments in the wingnut blogs, but this was just too stupid to pass up.
Well, I for one expect him to stop blogging any time in the face of this unprecedented coverage.
‘Ought be’ for ‘Oughta be’.
Suggestion: leave out ‘yankee’ from now on. Rather like the historic Confederates, he’s so infatuated with his own pompous bigotry that he swells with contempt for the constitution, law, and custom of his country; and his political cause is the biggest threat to the American way of life – and, indeed, American lives – in living memory.
I really will never understand the gall of one of these fuckers thinking highly of the worst traitors in American history – men like Lee and Jackson (to say nothing of fucking Forrest) who destroyed more contemporary Americans than any of our country’s many other enemies – and then thinking of themselves as patriots. Crown yourself in that bloody glory all you like, you stump-fucking tweakers; however many canvases and walls and mountains you deface and shrines you desecrate, Lincoln freed the fucking slaves and saved the fucking Union, and Grant was his fiery fucking sword.
I’d suggest ‘Confederate Nazi’, but it’d be an insult to the Fuhrer’s memory.
You fucking cretin.
I love that CBS is even worse, because they craftily include information about the threat to Bush, MAKING IT SEEM LIKE THERE IS NO COVERUP AT ALL!!!
If you think this boob’s pernicious pile of puerilely paranoid probative piffle vis-à-vis Obama is a hoot, just imagine the veritable vat of venomously vindictive vitriol brewing in the minds of the millions of redneck males out there who are a few more rungs down the literacy and IQ ladder than good old Confederate Yankee. CY is our very own Internet lab rat with a mullet. We must observe our test subject with great scrutiny to better understand these lower forms of intelligence. And, of course, for all the great comedy gold this empirical study will yield in abundance.
norbizness said,
August 8, 2008 at 16:40
Well, I for one expect him to stop blogging any time in the face of this unprecedented coverage.
Why should he stop blogging? It’s not like he’s done anything to be ashamed of…
Maybe the reason CNN biassedly reported that the Secret Service charged a guy with threatening Obama without mentioning that Bush was threatened too IS BECAUSE THE SECRET SERVICE DID NOT CHARGE THE GUY WITH THREATENING BUSH.
Maybe. Just a suggestion. From the affidavit filed by the Secret Service agent:
Alec, the “Yankee” part of his sobriquet was his idea. Just more cognitive dissonance, I guess.
But I’m with you on the “save yer confederate money” crowd. If it was up to me I would make flying the stars and bars as popular as flying the hammer and sickle, by reminding its defenders that soldiers who fought under it initiated and fought a bloody war to destroy the United States and lost. Treason in Defense of Slavery is all it is and I don’t care how much it hurts to hear, it’s about time it was understood.
Haven’t we seen this before . . . . where one news outlet publishes an early copy of the story, which is then compared with a more detailed, later version at another outlet.
Liberal editors just sit around culling certain pieces of information to make Republicans look bad.
Maybe even better with a little Foghorn Leghorn mixed in:
‘Ah say, ah say, ah say suh …’
Wow, I find it shocking that bail bondsmen are anything other than enlightened, progressive individuals.
Seems like Gomer is missing the real story, which is that the Secret Service is in on the prObama conspiracy. Maybe we should start spreading that meme in comments on wingnut blogs.
“I really will never understand the gall of one of these fuckers thinking highly of the worst traitors in American history – men like Lee and Jackson ”
it’s funny — well, “funny” isn’t quite the word — but i live in northern virginia and out here every other road is named after a southern traitor — lee hwy! lee jackson memorial highway! it goes on and on. and don’t get me started on “gallows road.” it’s fucking scary how much of the 19th century southern anti-american uprising is still inculcated into the culture here. and folks like “confederate yankee” keep nurturing the south’s poisonous legacy of hating america.
sorry, i think i’m coming on a bit strong today.
sorry, i think i’m coming on a bit strong today.
Not at all. Despite being a native Southerner, I like that idea Clif or Brad brought up the other day: I’ll cheerfully move out of the South into the United States if the yahoos promise to secede and leave everybody else the hell alone.
“sorry, i think i’m coming on a bit strong today.”
Not at all. We should have executed the lot of them as traitors as murderers.
Tom, I think condemning them to a 100 years of poverty was harsh enough.
Worst of all, those conniving bastards at CNN didn’t even mention his grill – not once!
Conspiracy! Conspiracy! Learn the TRUTH about Bob Owens’ grill, people!
Maybe the reason CNN biassedly reported that the Secret Service charged a guy with threatening Obama without mentioning that Bush was threatened too IS BECAUSE THE SECRET SERVICE DID NOT CHARGE THE GUY WITH THREATENING BUSH.
Obviously, the Secret Service didn’t give the guy a thorough enough grilling.
Obviously, the Secret Service didn’t give the guy a thorough enough grilling.
Maybe they should have used charcoal, instead of gas?
Oh come on and hire him already.
Tom, I think condemning them to a 100 years of poverty was harsh enough.
Yeah, but the people who were condemned to poverty weren’t the ones who instigated the war. Just like always.
Funny how it’s OK for conservatives to spout off like that. But imagine the ruckus if someone suggested that someone shoot up a megachurch.
Not that it matters. The only people shooting up megachurches are conservatives, anyway.
What’s most upsetting to me is that high school history books either assign no blame for the failure of the Reconstruction or worse, they essentially say that black people just weren’t ready to be free. The role of white racists, particularly the KKK, is not generally discussed. The popular southern idea that the non-traitorous (ie, northern) politicians who showed up in the south were “carpetbaggers” intent on stealing the few remaining riches of southerners is presented, usually in the form of political cartoons, but it’s presented uncritically.
The reason I find this the most upsetting thing is that we can’t actually go back in time and change the Civil War, but we can have history textbooks that reflect, you know, actual history, rather than pandering to the sympathies of ignorant racists.
The one good thing that they did to Robert E. Lee was to put Arlington Cemetery in his front lawn. As Robert C. Meigs who was in charge of finding a place to bury the Civil War dead said: “Lee shall never return to Arlington.”
I have come to believe that maybe Lincoln was wrong. The South was a backwater. Would it have been very successful on its own? Instead, Southern politicians have had too much control over the purse strings of a much larger United States. And, I think that has been a bad thing.
I see the South as fragmenting further. A White Christian Republic of Mississippi would be a nasty place for most of its citizens, but it wouldn’t have control over a trillion dollar military and hundreds of military bases around the world. Devolution is the Solution. I am tired of being ruled by Texans.
Hang on, isn’t that the guy who played Trudy’s serial killer husband in Reno 9-11?
Devolution is the Solution.
In the past, this information has been suppressed, but now it can be told.
Every man, woman, and mutant shall know the truth about devolution!
Dr Squid –
No, no, NO! You have your memes all screwed up! It’s LIEberals who shoot up the churches, but leave notes to make themselves *appear* to be conservative nutjobs, so that the LIEberal Media will blame conservatives.
Brian, I agree… the Civil War should never have been fought. The worst thing about the mid 1800’s was not the Civil War, it was the decades worth of shameful compromises leading up to it made by Northern politicians trying to preserve the union. What the Northerners should have done the first time secession was threatened was say: “Fine. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Oh, and by the way, any slave who escapes the South and makes it to a free state will be granted refuge.” Slavery was on its way out in the rest of the “civilized” world, it wouldn’t have lasted much longer in the South, and it would have been their problem alone to solve.
Surely you meant “ev’rywayuh”?