Some blogs are meant to have comments

Adam Yoshida’s is one of those. Yet as a correspondent recently pointed out, the Yoshter recently turned off his comments, writing that:

Alright, it’s time for the comments to go. I’m not hosting Democratic Underground here. I think I can see why most high-traffic blogs [You know, like Atrios’ –S,N!] don’t allow comments.

Fear not however! Someone went ahead and created the Adam Yoshida 2.0 blog, featuring Adam’s lunacy with the added bonus of comments! Please stop by over there, and be sure to email Adam to tell him about it.


Comments: 18


The comment system is not quite as simple as HaloScan, but it works okay. It appears that not all the regulars there read Sadly No! If only I had written down Mark Kearsing’s email address when he posted it on Yoshi’s blog, maybe we could get UC to show up. Honestly as time went bym, I found that the Yoshi defenders were a lot more amusing than Yoshi himself. Guys like Peter Boston, Stu, UC, and my favorite Ken Norlie, were hilarious once you got them going.


Monkeylovestofight might have his address, I’ll have to let him know about the site!


The best thing we could do would be to try and get Adam so outraged that he makes a comment about the other site on his site, thhat would get people flocking in!


Make Yoshi’s address the mailing notification for comments, you mean?


Genius, pure evil genius.


All blogs are meant to have comments…What do you call a blog without comments?…a website…If someone wants to start a blog called “The No Comment Blog”, we can make an exception though…


Thank you so much. I had chosen to no longer read the Yoshi spew for the entertainment is in the comments, not the rant. Now I have Yoshi-2 to enjoy, without his annoying comment input.


Off topic completely but, according to the BBC, the US is using 2000lb bombs in the Fulluja siege.

US Air Force: letting God sort ’em out since 1945.

Phoenician in a time of Romans

Free at last, free at last, thank God Almight free at last.

And it also means I can see Yoshida’s latest idiocy without having to hit his site.


Amen, PiaToR. I figured, why give him the traffic, if he’s not going to have his fun comments where he gets his shit ruined from both left and right? And now, I can!


re: 2000 lp or lb bomb?

if they are dropping that 2000 lb bomb — isn’t that MOAB, the Mother Of All Bombs? or is MOAB even bigger? bigger. better.

but if they are dropping 2000 lp, then i certainly hope all the william shatner record with singing “lucy in the sky with diamonds” was the first horse out of the gate here.


re: 2000 lp or lb bomb?

if they are dropping that 2000 lb bomb — isn’t that MOAB, the Mother Of All Bombs? or is MOAB even bigger? bigger. better.

but if they are dropping 2000 lp, then i certainly hope all the william shatner record with singing “lucy in the sky with diamonds” was the first horse out of the gate here.


lb. Definitely lb.

MOAB was about 20 000lb last time I heard. The first versions were dropped from heavy lift aircraft.


Nostalgia buffs and those with the time to track down Yoshida’s former fans and tell them about the Yoshida 2.0 site might appreciate this link to Adam’s last genuine comments thread – the one that made him decide to switch comments off altogether.

I can’t imagine why.


Hey guys, now that BUSH WON my need to talk has decipated, lol. You guys are so pathetic.


bmw rulezzz!


markiz cool! 😉


Hello all!
Happy Independence Day!


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