Low-hanging fruit

Bob Owens, will you never cease to provide us with hilariously dim commentary such as this?
Obama: America Sucks, and Only I Can Save It
The Obamamessiah has spoken:
“America is …, uh, is no longer, uh … what it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.”
Hot Air caught the story, and has similar statements from American’s favorite pessimist, Eeyore Michelle Obama.
For a couple who wants to lead this nation, the Obamas don’t seem to have much faith in it.
Gateway Pundit and Special Ed are all over this as well (sez Ed: “He’s not selling Hope, he’s selling Despair, and himself as the snake oil that will cure us of all our ills.”).
Say, guys, have you taken a look at the national mood lately? It not pretty:
Now, if you guys want to run your presidential campaign on the premise that the Bush years have kicked unequivocally large amounts of ass, then be my guest. But judging from public sentiment, this notion has no basis in, you know, reality.
If everything in America was going great his poor poor grill would be alive today and he wouldn’t have to use the FEMA one that’s full of formaldehyde.
At what point did “there are serious problems with America and I want to make my home a better place” become “I hate America and will fight with my last breath to bring her down”?
To borrow a phrase, it’s like they take pride in their ignorance…
Is Bob Owens the stupidest fucking blogger on the planet or have I led a sheltered life? (I don’t mean most annoying or misguided, or least interesting – I mean literally stupidest.)
I’m going to go ahead and say’Yes’, for right now, and note that Obama was probably speaking specifically about Owens with ‘I don’t want that future for my children.’
In your face, Grill Boy!
Guy on NPR this morning said living standards in the US will drop for the next TWENTY YEARS. *shakes pompons* Yay.
If you say things are going poorly but can be fixed, you are a pessimist, according the the Confederate Yankee Amerkin Dikshunary.
Shorter Gomer: “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago” is such a negative thing to say. Good thing Republicans are so hopeful.
Right; the same thing is true of the snake-oil metaphor from Hot Air — despair doesn’t sell, really. Nobody sold patent medicine with a line like “You are going to get sicker and sicker and then die. Buy Dr. Halberstrom’s do-nothing herbal concoction, which won’t help! Ve believe in nussink, ve vill cut off your chonson”.
If they want to disingenuously claim that Obama is making up problems that only he can solve (whereas in fact everything’s great), which is what I think they’re trying to do, they need to express it a lot better.
It is out of bounds for a presidential candidate to suggest he will try to bring about positive change. For shame, Mr. Obama.
Is Bob Owens the stupidest fucking blogger on the planet or have I led a sheltered life?
Well, he has had plenty of time to prove otherwise and hasn’t, so I think that we can assume that he is.
“To borrow a phrase, it’s like they take pride in their ignorance…”
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Suggestion for a future SN post–keep tabs on ConYank and wait for the next time he makes reference to the good ol’ days when men were men and you could sexually harass anyone you wanted, etc etc, since yearning for the way things never were is basically the entire content of the conservative “philosophy.” Then you will have proof positive that he thinks “America sucks,” since nostalgia is now unpatriotic.
Goddamnit, every time you guys do a post on CY I can’t prevent ‘Dueling Banjos’ from running through my head.
Yeah, that Bob, boy–he shore do shovel teh stupid.
This, however, is much more frightening:
Is Bob Owens the stupidest fucking blogger on the planet or have I led a sheltered life?
Last I heard Doug F. didn’t have a blog, so…
“America is …, uh, is no longer, uh … what it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.”
You know, taken out of its context that sounds to me exactly the sort of statement a Confederate Pride yahoo would embrace.
Somebody who gets up and says, “I dont like how this is going, that is why I want to lead the way to make it better” by definition has quite a bit of faith in what it is they are trying to lead. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t bother.
Gateway Pundit still is teh winnar for me, based completely off of his “the AP lied about al-Qaeda in Iraq!” craziness from a few months ago.
For those who missed it, here’s a Sadly recap:
1) AP article comes out saying that Bush was misleading America by talking about al-Qaeda’s ties to Saddam. Article cites a Pentagon-sponsored study.
2) Gateway goes nuts, saying that doyyyyyy, how wrong can you be, seeing how American troops were fighting al-Qaeda RIGHT NOW?!?!?!?!?
3) John Cole’s all like, dude- the article was talking about 2003. Hence, ties to Saddam.
4) Gateway responds with- Liberals are so dumb! LOLzers.
You can’t get more definitively idiotic if you tried. Though, bless him, Gomer tries and tries.
This, however, is much more frightening:
What I love most about those is that the girl’s set has a veil instead of a helmet. They are willing to contradict scripture just to reinforce the idea that girls that they can’t defend themselves and need to marry a man for protection. I’m surprised they didn’t replace her shield with a novelty-sized “Hubby’s Checkbook of Faith.”
Dear good people in the south,
Please move up here to somewhat more enlightened lands, so we can let the south secede, build a wall around itself, and go the fuck away.
the rest of the country and world
Also, one or two of the attractive female refugees can crash at my place.
Anyway, back to Wankee:
Isn’t that the essential campaign message of anyone not running as an incumbent?
LOL @ “Fool-Aid”
Plus anybody who fucking DEFINES HIMSELF via a fondness for the secession of southern states from the United States of American should think twice before he questions anyone else’s patriotism or faith in the Union. Asshole.
“Aw, you’re confusing inflation with recession.” I was actually told this by a neighbor who quantified his statement with the observation that, “The economy will bounce back because these women out here aren’t going to stop going to get their nails done and going shopping.” I guess he wasn’t counting me and my guitar-player-nails. Damn me for helping slump the economy by not getting manicures! Damn me! Damn me!
Heads up on this one, when RELIAPUNDIT and his crew aren’t trying to disprove climate change and everything Obama, Muslim or leftist, they are pretty busy telling us just how fine the economy is. Somehow I just find them funnier than this CY moron. Not sure why, perhaps all the goofy-ass shit in the side-bar.
Robert E. Lee was a traitor.
Can I say that? Or is it politically incorrect? You know how conservatives can be about political correctness – when it suits them.
Actually, Dougy Feith sort of has a blog. Judging by his use of bullet points and boldface, I have to conclude that the Iraq war was designed by a marketdroid with a serious PowerPoint addiction.
Somehow that doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.
Wait, is Owens an actual Southerner? I thought he was a Northern-type person – thus, the “Yankee” in his handle – who lived and loved in the South. I could be wrong. But if I’m not, he’s even stupider than we all thought. I have had non-Southerners blame me, as a Southerner, for non-Southern chowderheads who adopt Southern dumbassery to trumpet their racism, so ya never know.
And I would apologize for this man appalling stupidty, but if I were gonna sit hit and makes excuses for every dumbass white boy south of Bawlmere, we’d be here all summer.
Pajama top with breastplate of righteousness and belt of truth hem.
Pajama pants with wings of peace to cover feet.
Helmet of salvation.
Shield of faith pillow.
Sword of the Spirit (New Testament).
Activity coloring book.
Oh. My. Gawd. Only $39.95 to mortify and psychologically scar your kids!
At that moment, God gave me the idea how wonderful it would be if all children could have the opportunity to put on a pair of pajamas that symbolized the Armor of God…
Yes Timmy, I know they look retarded, but they were God’s idea, not mine. Put them on before He smites you.
Furthermore, thinking about Cornfederate Wanker’s low hanging fruit is making me ill.
1) S,N! has brought us Bob Owens’ trifecta of dumbass observations. He may now retire in glory.
2) I’d rather have the Underarmor of God, so I could dominate at rugby.
Matt T., he’s North Carolina born and reared.
Isn’t that the essential campaign message of anyone not running as an incumbent?
Only if you’re running as a Democrat. Republicans (incumbent or not) stick with: OMFG, the brown people are coming to kill you, rape your women and eat your children and only we Republicans can save you by banning teh gay sex and lowering your taxes!!!!
See? They are all about the hope. U-S-A! U-S-A!
Pedestrian — that’s not a veil, it’s a coif. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
I’m not going to be comforting *my* kid(s) with any namby-pamby “Armor of God” Bible verses. It’s going to be all-out Ezekiel 37, the Zombie Army of God.
God bless the Wankee. He brightens my day with a certain brand of pig ignorance that makes me LOLz day after day.
I’d rather have the Underarmor of God, so I could dominate at rugby.
well, I’d rather have the Underwear of Aliens and be the Greatest American Hero!
Aren’t these the same assholes who want to drown the federal government at every chance, and that only they can save us from ourselves?
Why, it’s almost like they’re angry a Democrat is taking their schtick and is serious about it, instead of just using angry, bitter populists to support a corrupt Beltway kleptocracy.
Heh. Someone just posted a huge string of porn links in CY’s comments section.
Ah. I wasn’t sure, but it still doesn’t make sense. He’s not a “yankee”, even if he lives in the not-South. The man gets dumber and dumber the more layers one peels back. Don’t these people have friends and loved ones to tell them to stop showing their ass?
Yes Timmy, I know they look retarded, but they were God’s idea, not mine. Put them on before He smites you.
When I was six or so, I got tired of watching the other kids have so much fun on Halloween (which we thought was a celebration of the Devil’s reignon earth.) My solution: I could wear Bible costumes and go door-to-door giving out tracts to these poor lost souls! That way I could get candy and talk to other kids without burning in hell forever!
I am so, so glad that my parents said no.
Because I am banned from Treason in Defense of Slavery:
You dumbass, Palpatine was big into a hokey religion (as well as ancient weapons). Better start deleting your comments; they make you look like a ridiculous wanker (although not as much as your posts do).
Can I order the Underoos of God? Those would be SO COOL!
Why are so many of the wingnut blogs on .mu or .cc or some such tlds?
I am so, so glad that my parents said no.
So are we. The blows to the skull you would have received would have left you fit only for a career writing books like Liberal Facism.
Only a real pro snake oil salesman could tell you, bald face, that you have to buy TWO bottles before you’ll get any relief.
That’s John Huggabush’s Budget Deficit Plan isn’t it? It’ll only start to kick in in his 5th year as President!
Tthat’s what 25 years experience in the Senate does for you.
“I’d rather have the Underarmor of God, so I could dominate at rugby.”
Domination in rugby requires two elements:
1) Leverage. If you’re lower than your opponent it is very difficult for them to move or tackle you.
2) Leg strength. Driving over your opponent’s scrums/rucks/mauls leaving them with cleat marks on their chest or through their tackles in the loose leaving them wondering what hit them is demoralizing in the extreme.
Stay low and drive. Everything else will take care of itself.
“My solution: I could wear Bible costumes and go door-to-door giving out tracts to these poor lost souls!
I am so, so glad that my parents said no.”
When I was growing up, we had a name for people who gave us tracts or apples or some other shit like that: Bullseyes.
Don’t wanna make with the candy? Fine. But it’s open season from here on out–you’d better hide the ladies and the mailboxes.
And just because you’re a dentist doesn’t mean you walk. Pay the freight along with the toothbrush or suffer the consequences like the rest of the stiffs.
An infinite number of monkeys hammering on an infinite number of typewriters might come up with “Hamlet” but there is no way they could ever do a column for the Chinless Wankee. This is stupidity beyond space, time, and monkeys.
I’ll you all again, just to remind you that you can’t pretend these strawmen really represent the conservative argument.
1) Conservatives believe in low taxes. The fundamental argument is that a lean government is a limited government, which is best. (I can explain more if you like – you won’t like it though).
2) Conservatives believe in free trade. Special interests shouldn’t prosper at the expense of a higher COL for everyone else; competition improves cost and quality for everyone that buys goods and services.
3) Conservatives believe in vigorous national defense. North Korea, Saddamist Iraq, Iran, Cuba, China, etc do not deserve moral equivalence with the United States, the UK, France, etc.
4) Conservatives believe in treating people as individuals, not as members of a tribe or class. One’s identity is not primarily determined by race, ethnicity, or religion.
It’s clear on these four points how conservatives and liberals differ. If you truly favor the opposite side of these points, if you believe in a powerful central government that runs the economy and deals with individuals primarily by their membership in a particular class, so be it; it’s typical Marxist thought, though, children, and don’t think you can pretend it’s not.
School starts soon – hope your Crocs are ready to go!
The people who still think everything is hunky dory in America these days are rapidly becoming the lunatic fringe.
It is becoming undeniable that the economy is screwing over everyone who isn’t filthy rich, and that GWB has completely neglected to improve Americas domestic situation.
Even former Bush supporters now believe the last 7 years have been a waste of time with nothing to show for it. Some will still not go so far as to say Bush has been a disaster, but they still don’t think anything positive has been done.
“America ain’t what it used to be” has been true since 1970. Perhaps a little earlier. It used to be that only the perceptive could see that the glory days were fading, and that the economic and military underpinnings of US success and power were becoming more and more shaky.
Now, even an idiot can see it.
So why can’t this moron see it? Because it would go against his personal politics of course! His party has been in power for 7 years, with nearly absolute power for 6. The rethuglicans have had everything go their way. So what does that say about their policies if everything falls to pieces?
In November, 90% of voters will cast a ballot for “Something different this time please”
This is why the right wingers are loosing. What is their message about Obama? “He is different”
1) Conservatives believe in low taxes.
2) Conservatives believe in free trade.
3) Conservatives believe in vigorous national defense.
4) Conservatives believe in treating people as individuals, not as members of a tribe or class.
Clearly you are the kind of conservative that has never before held office and represented conservatives.
and he has also likely never voted for a conservatice either.
Oh dear. I wonder what the Wankee and his fellow knuckle-draggers will have to say about the state of the country after hearing that Bin Laden’s super evil driver might get off with only a slap on the wrist, instead of the torture they wish they could do to him:
A military jury gave Osama bin Laden’s driver a stunningly lenient sentence on Thursday, making him eligible for release in just five months despite the prosecutors’ request for a sentence tough enough to frighten terrorists around the globe.
Salim Hamdan’s sentence of 5 1/2 years, including five years and a month already served at Guantanamo Bay, fell far short of the 30 years to life that prosecutors wanted. It now goes for mandatory review to a Pentagon official who can shorten the sentence but not extend it.
Note that this is the system that the Bushies demanded because it was the only way to keep ‘Murica safe from teh turrists. This was the result in Bush’s kangaroo court.
I went out for a late lunch today to a place where breakfast is served all day long and I ordered pancakes (well, actually the hashbrown platter #1 with a side of pancakes). While eating my pancakes, I overhear some conversations and find out that Obama had pancakes at this same restaurant not more than 90 minutes before I’d gone there.
I would just like to assure the world that, contrary to what some wingnut will write at some point today, The Copper Dome is not a Muslim restarurant.
The man gets dumber and dumber the more layers one peels back. Don’t these people have friends and loved ones to tell them to stop showing their ass?
If *you* had to put up with the Cornfed Yanker IRL, wouldn’t you encourage him to spend every second he could spare blogging?
Assuming you couldn’t talk him into that three-year expedition to claim the South Pole for Amurka, of course…
Okay, “the truthiness” Lets deal with each of your 4 off the peg right wing talking points in turn.
1: A “limited” government. What do we mean by that? Government is a natural function of human society. Every society creates some form of legal and administrative structure. The structure of government is proportional to the size and complexity of the society in question. Try convincing a business owner that he can increase the size of his business tenfold, without hiring any more secretaries, or buying any more photocopiers, or increasing the paperclip budget a bit. Government is society’s “administrative overhead” It is the proportion of time and money that goes to greasing the wheels that do the work. We cannot return to a 19th century sized government without reducing the population and the economy accordingly.
2: “free trade”. Free for whom? Free ain’t the same thing as fair. The “free” market means anti-competitive practices. The guiding ethic of business is not to serve the customer, or serve society. It is to make money. If there is money to be made in driving all the competition out of business and screwing over the consumer, they will do it. And have done it. And continue to do so as we speak. This is where Government regulation steps in, to provide limits to that kind of behaviour, to make sure the system works for the consumer, as well as the business sector.
3: “national defence”. Okay, what do the countries you mentioned have in common.. North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Cuba, China, United States, the UK, France. Only one country on that list has the ability to do any serious damage to the national interests of the USA. That country is called “The United States of America”. Defence means protecting yourself. Keeping you and yours safe. All of Americas external threats are economic, not military. And all of those threats are essentially caused by US economic policy. Soldiers with guns cannot save the USA. Only the pen-pushers and policy makers can do that. Defence is a matter of making oneself less vunerable to attack.. Not attacking others.
4: Conservatives sometimes say they like to consider people as individuals, not members of a group. But society DOES consider a persons group membership to be important. Black people are poorer than white people. Gay people often become victims of violence for no other reason than their sexuality. People are treated by others on the basis of group membership, like it or not. Since this is currently reality, we need a legal and political system which takes notice of this reality. Anti-discrimination laws make it illegal to treat somebody unfairly on basis of their group membership. By your own argument, this must be a good thing. Yet conservatives are against anti-discrimination law.
This is why conservatism fails. Internal inconsistencies on every single guiding principle. This is why “true” conservatism has devolved into Dubya-ism. Because there is no solid philosophy, no guiding ethic, no proven policies.
The latest comment over there is my favorite:
Nothing that happened from 2000-2006 affected 2007-2008. Everything went wrong because Pelosi became Speaker of the House, but nothing is really wrong anyway, but if it were it would be the Democrats fault. FTW! Republicans rule!
“Nothing that happened from 2000-2006 affected 2007-2008. Everything went wrong because Pelosi became Speaker of the House, but nothing is really wrong anyway, but if it were it would be the Democrats fault. FTW! Republicans rule!’
Isn’t that the essence of McCain’s Platform
Yeah, Armor of God pajamas! Those have been around for a while. It’s religious AND gender role indoctrination in one fun package!
A cruise through a “Christian store” will net you all kinds of interesting cultural artifacts like that. The Biblical action figures are cute, although I’m still waiting for the “Lot and his Daughters” and the “Onan and his Sister-in Law” playsets.
Or for more action, the “Murder and Rape of the Midianites” RPG.
Srlsy, there’s no point in trying our DFH “logic” and “reality” on these paid-per-hit numbnuts. Unless you’re actually enjoying the sensation of draining the ocean with a sieve.
So he’s selling despair and he’s the snake oil? Does Ed have a picture in his head of Obama as a giant bottle of snake oil trying to sell despair to people?
Wait, I’m being silly. He’s saying it’s like a package deal. Buy despair, get the snake oil free. Obama should totally have a 2 for 1 deal on his website.
Hmm. Usually you don’t call what you’re selling snake oil, considering it is a pejorative term and all. And usually it’s bad sales tactics to fill your customers with despair before trying to get them to buy something. (Wal-Mart tried it at one point, replacing their smiling septuagenarian greeters with sullen teenage goth “bummers”, but it didn’t work too well.) So Obama is a really crappy salesman or something.
Dammit, I still don’t have it. So, the snake oil is made out of despair and himself. Wait, maybe it’s despair snake oil, not actually despair oil but just high fructose corn syrup with artificial despair flavoring and a touch of cocaine? And Obama is selling it. Which automatically makes it bad, even though according to Ed it will cure all of our ills (including, presumably, despair itself).
Good gravy. These guys really need a surge in their war against English. Right now they’re losing, badly. It would be fairer to call it Winglish: a weird creole version of English with its own vocabulary and drastically simplified grammar.
The thing about draining the ocean with a sieve? Sometimes some REALLY yucky things turn up in your sieve, and you chuck it on the beach and prod it with a stick and wonder what it is..
Dipping a hand into the wingnut world is like reaching into a lobster fisherman’s bait bucket. You are sure to find some fascinating example of rarely seen deep-sea life.. But it sure as hell STINKS to high heaven.
Oh my god, he’s from North Carolina? Makes me ashamed to be a Tar Heel.
Also, read his latest post. Somehow, leaving out “Geisel allegedly referred to Obama with a racial epithet and continued, ‘If he gets elected, I’ll assassinate him myself'” in a story about a man threatening to kill Obama makes CNN and CBS race-baiters.
“Good gravy. These guys really need a surge in their war against English. Right now they’re losing, badly. It would be fairer to call it Winglish: a weird creole version of English with its own vocabulary and drastically simplified grammar.”
Winglish, love it!
Btw, if you actually look on his website, he has the writing comprehension skills of a third grader.
he has also likely never voted for a conservatice either.
I would only vote for a cockatrice if the other candidate were a basilisk.
I don’t know if TIDOS Yankee is the dumbest blogger out there. Does K-Lo count as a blogger?
Reality, schmeality – there’s narratives to be stoked.
Does K-Lo count as a blogger?
Sure, and Jonah Goldberg does too.
You’ve gotta enjoy CY as an oaf who does oafish things, but I like JG for the Basil Fawlty quality of his failures. CY falls face first into the manure he was craling through, but JG lands with a splat from the high-diving board at the country club next door.
Craling or crawling. One less W is fine by me.
“comsympinko said,
Domination in rugby requires two elements:
1) Leverage. If you’re lower than your opponent it is very difficult for them to move or tackle you.
2) Leg strength. Driving over your opponent’s scrums/rucks/mauls leaving them with cleat marks on their chest or through their tackles in the loose leaving them wondering what hit them is demoralizing in the extreme.
Stay low and drive. Everything else will take care of itself.”
Unless you are a fullback, then you just need hair that is longer than everyone else on your team and a nice smile.
Test comment: Bob Owens shows rather unusual logic for a primate with language skills.
You’re positing a false dilemma, i.e. that there are the only two possible choices: unregulated capitalism or communist dictatorship.
Face it, governments do run national economies, one way or another, the USA included. Governments tender currency, and enforce contracts. It’s unavoidable. The question is only about the degree. It doesn’t seem like the Bush system of deregulating everything and turning traditional government functions over to private contractors has worked out very well, from a purely practical point-of-view, has it?
1) Liberals believe in limited government too, but of a different kind – that government should keep out of the sexual morality business, for example. That the power of government should not be used to promote or support religion of any kind.
The fact of the matter is that 21st century civilization has become far too complex and risky to rely on any kind of “invisible hand”, be it the hand of God or of economics. The economic success of the European Union is clear evidence that their “socialism” works (which isn’t really socialism anyway – socialism is when the means of production are owned co-operatively by the workers, and those co-operatives are also the political basis of government. Come on, Truth, this is PoliSci 101 stuff.)
2) Lot’s of social liberals support free trade – the evil Hillary Clinton, for one. What many liberals have a problem with is unfree trade calling itself free trade. Free trade with a country like China which abuses its workers, poisons its environment and stifles personal liberty is hardly worthy of being called “free” anything. They also heavily subsidize their industries (which are all state-conrilled anyway – it’s a communist country, remember?)
Keep in mind that V.I. Lenin once observed, “”The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
3) Lots of liberals believe in strong national defense too. The Pentagon reports that global climate change is one of the most serious national security risks we face. And no, that’s not the opinion of Al Gore, that’s the report of Pentagon defense adviser Andrew Marshall, the man behind Donald Rumsfeld’s reshaping of military policy, and the authors, Peter Schwartz, CIA consultant and former head of planning at Royal Dutch/Shell Group, and Doug Randall of the California-based Global Business Network.
Not exactly moonbat hippie liberals, eh?
If you don’t rate climate change as a greater risk to national security than fookin’ Cuba, then it really isn’t about security for you, it’s about blowing shit up.
4) What it seems like to me is that “conservatives” don’t want to admit that tribes or classes even exist, and if they scrunch up their eyes and stick their fingers in their ears, the problems of classism and tribalism will just go away. The solution for many liberals has been affirmative action. If you conservatives got a better idea to solve these problems, then let’s hear it – but saying there is no problem doesn’t count.
The fact is, liberals are biased. When they go to conservative blogs, they spew hate and anger, and cannot use logic or facts. So we ban them. Immediately.
If you morons would just raise the level of discourse to civil and stop namecalling,maybe we could have a debate about reality.
If I ever invent a time machine, I’d be tempted to go back to 1861 and try talking Lincoln out of that whole civil war thing. If thine ass-boil offend thee, strike it off.
When have these dimwits ever faced reality/not been in denial? To a man they are mentally challenged, and I’m being as polite as I can when I say that.
If you morons would just raise the level of discourse to civil and stop namecalling,maybe we could have a debate about reality.
Gary. Gary Ruppert. Gary Ruppert wants to have a debate about reality.
For some reason I find this beer-spewingly funny. But then again, I’ve been cleaning house, drinking cheap beer and breathing cleaning fumes all afternoon, so maybe I’m just
The truth is, the facts are biased. Until there are an equal number of conservative facts, I am going to do one better than you Godless liberals with you’re hunger strikes and go on a Cheeto strike: that’s right, I will not be eating any* Cheetos until this bias is corrected.
Your not going to get away with you’re fact bias anymore!
* For the purposes of this strike, Cheetos Puffs do not count as Cheetos.
Seriously? If you can read a line like “If you morons would just raise the level of discourse to civil and stop namecalling” and not think that it’s at least meant to be funny, regardless of whether you find it funny, you’re missing out. On something.
“Unless you are a fullback, then you just need hair that is longer than everyone else on your team and a nice smile.”
I never understood how anybody could play back there.
I know it’s necessary, but jeebus that must get boring.
It’s kind of like being a pilot. You’re not paid for the 99.99% of the time you’re standing around doing nothing. You’re paid for the 0.01% when that running grubber gets by everybody and you have to get on top of it without knocking on and boot it the hell out of there before the centres crush your bones into powder.
Fullback is teh suck.
It’s a fierce competition for the coveted Duncecap of Douchery Award for Stoopidestest Blogger. On my short list:
TIDOS Yankee
Carey Roberts
Mike Adams
It’s tempting to put Pastor Swank on the list, but he really inhabits a special category all his own. If only one could define it.
On second thought, that old bastard Carey Roberts belongs more on the Most Hateful Blogger short list. Stoopidest implies they are laughable, and Carey ain’t really funny.
…maybe we could have a debate about reality.
This is what we like to call a bit of unintentional honesty.
I love it when they do that.
See, these idiots actually think that reality can be debated, not just observed and measured.
“We make our own reality”. That’s a core wingnut belief.
Hence, evolution and global climate change are imaginary or hoaxes, iran is an immediate existential threat to our existence, and muslims are are our implacable enemies.
No gary. There is no “debating” reality. It merely is. If you aren’t willing to accept it, you can’t have a rational discussion…
It’s a fierce competition for the coveted Duncecap of Douchery Award for Stoopidestest Blogger.
I dunno…the ones that tilt their heads and have their brains pour out of their ears and on to the internet are funny wackos, but I think I favour the guys who really think they have some art they must fart.
Thers found this Jeff Martin asshole (back when he was Maximos) and he’s so so marvellously bad, although less stupid than K-Lo. I guess I’d rather hear a failed rock-opera than a failed punk-rock album.
Think of it this way:
All the idiot warblogging Cheetards are like Creed songs.
With Arms Wide Open=K. Lo.
And My Heart Will Go On=Pantload
Higher=Dr. Assrocket
Inside Us All=Pastor Swank
Dare me to go on?
Yes, of course I simplified things a bit. But the conservative idea of limited government is all about making sure that no one person or group of people has too much power over the citizenry. I don’t trust any one with power – not police, not prosecutors, not judges, not Presidents, not any one. All of them need oversight and accountability, and to be limited only to the authority really necessary.
The liberal idea is that you need a strong government in order to enforce everyone playing nicely and fairly, and that this is an end so desirable that the means- basically trusting people in power – justify it. (Think judicial activism on abortion to get an emotional sense of what I mean.)
Free trade isn’t about benefiting commercial interests, as a poster upthread erroneously posted, its about benefiting anyone who consumes goods and services. One of the limited powers of government necessary for that is regulation. I’m not against regulation, kids, I’m against special interests groups being protected (i.e. protectionism) at the expense of the rest of us.
I’m not sure why liberals would even want to touch the issue of foreign affairs. The left loved Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che, Castro – hell, they still do! If you think the US is worse than the socialist paradises those monsters created, you’re welcome to go live in one of them.
A poster upthread asked why conservatives would be against anti-discrimination laws. Um, we’re not. Affirmative action is discrimination in the original sense of the word. Liberals play identity politics – its practically the definition of a liberal – and I find that to be the nastiest and most anti-Enlightenment liberal belief of all.
“comsympinko said,
August 8, 2008 at 1:03
Fullback is teh suck.”
I always ended up playing back there. It happens when you are the big lad that cant run fast. My only true talent in rugger was knocking over the entire scrum.
The Truth said,
August 8, 2008 at 1:52
The fact is, can you just shut up and return to Freeperville?
Da troof: You need a new straw man. That one is mouldy.
You are misrepresenting both the observable policies of Conservatives, and the definition of Liberalism.
So.. The right wing has spent years attempting to shuffle power away from whatever branch of goverment they dont control, to the branch they do control. How does that fit in with your idea of limited government? Hint. It doesnt.
Economic protectionism.. Something Conservatives are in favour of whenever it allows them to win votes in the rust belt. Steel tariffs anyone? On the other hand, they are all gung ho for deregulation!
Anti-discrimination laws.. Something the right has been firmly against from the 1960s civil rights act, to the modern discrimination in the workplace legislation.
If you dont actually agree with the most strongly held right wing beliefs.. You ain’t a conservative.
I need read no further than:
Underarmor of God
In addition: Separation of powers is a liberal principle. If you share this principle, good for you. A powerful government doesn’t necessarily imply concentration of power in any one office or institution. Too much power in the same place leads to authoritarianism. Which is why even people who identify as communists do not support the actions of Stalin, Mao et all.
20th century communism (as practiced ) has nothing to do with modern liberalism. It is social authoritarianism extended into the economic sector. Today’s progressives are socially libertarian, arguing for high levels of personal freedom. That doesn’t sound like Stalinism.
If you separate the political spectrum into the social and economic, it makes more sense than attempting to do the usual intellectually lazy trick of lumping together any movement that has ever been described as “left” wing.
Lookin’ hard at Bob Owens. Can’t help thinking he must have received one hell of an ass whopping in high school and has never recovered. If he made it to high school.
A triple helping of the treason grill guy. It’s like a boxed set.
Now I must read…
The fact is, one of CY’s commenters wondered why they were getting liberal trolls today. I explained that due to some exceptionally stupid postings of CY today, S,N!’s crew were being slackers and going for the ‘low-hanging fruit’.
The comment was deleted. Confederate Stankee really doesn’t like to mocked in front of his friends, even with no profanity or other offensive remarks.
Inside Us All=Pastor Swank
That, my friend, is the single most disturbing phrase I have ever seen.
“Stay low and drive. Everything else will take care of itself.”
Karl Rove playbook.
I need read no further than:
Underarmor of God
When i was a kid, I thought that my Spiderman underoos would give me the ability to climb up my living room walls. I was sorely disappointed. That said, later in life the experience did instill in me a sort of pity and sad empathy re: magical Mormon underpants.
There’s little more pathetically humourous than the asshat who takes the time to define what they pretend to believe in knowing it doesn’t actually exist.
“But if the tooth fairy really existed it would be great for all us, you can see the logic of that, can’t you?”
It’s when the whole free market thing comes up I know we’re dealing with a grade A moron. The free market has as much as reality as that tooth fairy. There’s never been such a thing and never will be. And even if we suspend reality completely (a state self-described “conservatives” and “libertarians” love to pretend they understand) those same pseudo conservatives would be the last people to actually implement a free market. Too many cronies to pay back.
Now I have to go deposit my checks from the the hess and walton familes and dickie scaife.
Yes, of course I simplified things a bit. But the conservative idea of limited government is all about making sure that no one person or group of people has too much power over the citizenry. I don’t trust any one with power – not police, not prosecutors, not judges, not Presidents, not any one. All of them need oversight and accountability, and to be limited only to the authority really necessary.
The liberal idea is that you need a strong government in order to enforce everyone playing nicely and fairly, and that this is an end so desirable that the means- basically trusting people in power – justify it. (Think judicial activism on abortion to get an emotional sense of what I mean.)
Well, that’s a fine theory, but as we all know in practice self-described conservative Republicans – elected by other self-described conservatives – don’t favor limited government. Reagan entered office complaining that the government was too big; he left office having doubled its size. Both Bushes preached the ills of big government as each were growing it.
As for making sure that no one person or group of people have too much power over the citizenry, that’s the GOP’s whole goddamn raison d’etre – making sure that the wealthy and corporations amass and extend their power further. You know, I’m a lot more worried about a shitheel like T. Boone Pickens privatizing the water supply than I am about the “judicial activism” du jour, because any kooky judicial decision is subject to multiple reviews and being overturned. Private ownership of public resources – that’s forever. I can’t live without water; I can easily live with a pledge of allegiance lacking the phrase “under god”. So anyone more worried about the latter than the former is by definition a dim bulb.
As for “trusting people in power”, I’m pretty sure you voted for Bush in 2004. Enough said.
At the heart of it, the problem with what is currently understood as “conservative” ideology is that it’s completely divorced from the real world and what goes on in it.
Bob Owens: Taking Pride in My Ignorance since November 2004.
There is no “debating” reality. It merely is. If you aren’t willing to accept it, you can’t have a rational discussion…
Yup, they’ve taken “reality interpretation” to an extreme where they seem to think they can interpret it any way they like.
They can go ahead and do that. Yet, reality differs.
And I thought, judging from what pictures surface after our local rugby tournaments, that real players go commando.
“(which isn’t really socialism anyway – socialism is when the means of production are owned co-operatively by the workers, and those co-operatives are also the political basis of government. Come on, Truth, this is PoliSci 101 stuff.)”
Including part 2 up there has made this inaccurate, I believe.
I agree with blah blah 47 blah blah when he says it all makes more sense when you can distinguish between the economics and the politics…
Brad, how come whenever you mention the confederate wanker, you also post a photo of Lee Harvey Oswald? Just curious.
Shorter Troof: Okay, so my true-or-false questionnaire on the definition of a conservative landed with a thud. Maybe some utter crap about murderous dictators and the Enlightenment will restore my cred.
(*Shorter concept used with consent, patent pending, per the Helsinki Agreement of 1977…)
Anybody who has run out of Nytol could google up the Canada-US softwood lumber dispute and learn how much conservative legislators believe in free trade.
Cue the monkey with a flat top and a flag lapel pin turning over the consumer confidence chart so the arrow points upward.
When in god’s name did conservatives start trying to pretend they were mankind’s best hope for anti-authoritarian democracy?
What kind of nonsense is this?
Conservatives battle every outbreak of truly democratic influence over government they can get their hands on. Sure, they want to limit our ability to choose to do things together, but they take every opportunity to concentrate government further and further in the hands of an unaccountable few, whether that tiny unaccountable government is pursuing right wing libertarian or centrist social service goals.
“Limited” government can be just as authoritarian as expansive governments — it just has a different scope. How on Earth people don’t just laugh when conservatives push for cellular authoritarianism as some sort of liberty-oriented democratic dream, I don’t know.
This notion that “conservatives” stand for democratizing government is one of the most laughable claims that the right has made over the last 30 years, and I’m surprised to notice that I’m surprised someone here is trying to make it.
“And I thought, judging from what pictures surface after our local rugby tournaments, that real players go commando.”
Anyone who plays a match without “protection” needs to have their head examined.
What you’re describing is the unfortunately named “Zulu Warrior” naked run required of people who score their first try.
Naturally, the runner is accompanied by a shrieking chorus of “It’s A Small World.”
Naked beer slides are then usually the norm.
Most of the guys I played with are now doctors, lawyers and engineers.
Sleep tight, SadlyNaughts!
By which standard, Bush is a raging liberal: he spawned an entire new government ministry (DHS) with truly insane levels of power over Americans, & has even gone so far as to have FBI/CIA work with other nations’ law-enforcement to kidnap foreign nationals out of their own lands & subject them to incarceration & torture. Not as terrorists, as suspects. Bush signed the MCA, which basically neuters the basic legal rights of Americans as put forward in the Magna Carta. How limited does THAT sound to you?
Bush & Reagan both ran on the “limited government” schtick – & both EXPANDED government like never before, mostly to the singular benefit of a Pentagon with damn little real strategic reason to exist in a country largely bordered by huge oceans & with no hostile neighbours. $3,500 toilet-seats & $12,000 coffee-machines: The Reagan Legacy.
The minute free trade no longer benefits commercial interests, it will become anathema, quickly tossed aside in favor of yet another wave of protectionism – just like every single other time in history. Does it ever occur to you that once you add up all those “special interest groups” – the old, the young, workers, the unemployed, non-whites, women, gays & lesbians, etc. – you already HAVE “the rest of us” damn near fully accounted for?
Traditional Marriage amendments. Willie Horton. Baby Momma. Barack HUSSEIN Osama, er, um, Obama … reality: right now, Bush would be in some office in Houston wondering why his latest business venture went tits-up, not in the Oval Office – if not for the heavy reliance on identity-politics that put him there. This is the guy who cited “Jesus Christ” as his favorite political figure. His first public reference to the War On An Adjective didn’t call it a war – it referred to America setting forth on a new Crusade. The “Moral Majority” wing of the GOP has turned identity politics into an art-form … which, again, by your definition makes them all liberals.
If you can come up with anything dirty icky mean nasty liberals have done lately that’s even more “anti-Enlightenment” than Rove merrily proclaiming “we create our own reality” … or Bush grinning like an imbecile as he signs away habeas corpus … or Yoo putting a fig-leaf over the barbaric stinking chancre of legalizing state torture … or Bush’s junta illegally declaring war on a prostrate Iraq, based upon what they already knew was 100% pure Grade-D bullshit … feel free to let us know.
“protection”? We never had that… Even wearing shin guards was for pussies, and an invitation for everyone to kick your legs as hard as they could. Professionals have their gum guards, and thats about it. On the very amateur level I played, socks, boots, shirt and shorts was it.
The nearest we got to protective gear was pads on the posts, when we played somewhere fancy. I knew a lad who ran into a post full tilt once. He had a face like a pug.
Nice slapdown, jim!
“’protection’? We never had that…”
More’s the pity then for you then. Hope you didn’t get your twig and berries stomped too badly.
Certainly shinguards, shoulder pads and those fancy new hats have no place in the game.
But cups? Seriously? I’m sorry, but you’re an idiot if you had one available and chose not to wear it.
Man, the gall of this Obama guy. If he thinks the country’s so awful, why isn’t he trying to do something about it, huh?
Gateway Pundit links to some dork named Jennifer Rubin who I think is the winner of the moron Olympics. Yankee is just personally offended that a politician feels the country is not perfect. Rubin, and Gateway Pundit are framing this as some sort of “gaffe”, a slip of the tongue that will enrage the voters.
That’s the thing that puts it over the top for me. They aren’t just wrong about what it means, they’re wrong about how Americans will react to this.
Man, they are desperate, aren’t they? Maybe next they can explain how he uses the wrong knot for his tie, and how offensive the half-windsor is to the average American.
I actually was going to say “Maybe they can make fun of the way he eats,” but then I realized they already had.
“I’m sorry, but you’re an idiot if you had one available and chose not to wear it.”
Sorry, that was harsh and insulting, and not fit for reasonable discussion.
I apologize.
I just question any reasoning behind not utilising this very basic piece of equipment. It just makes no sense.
Nope, never had a cup available. Nobody did. Shoulder pads and helmets were completely unknown, and still don’t see any use in UK amateur rugby that I know. It has been 10 years since I played, but I don’t think much has changed. Knowing the mindset of my fellow players, a cup would just be an invitation to aim for it.
We were all rugger mad in school. Practiced at school lunchtime on the concrete playground. That was a lot more stupid than playing without a cup. Rugby never really took with me though, not really a team sports person when you get down to it.
Conservatives believe in treating people as individuals, not as members of a tribe or class.
Unless, of course, the people they’re talking about are liberals.
Or black, or gay, or criminals, or foreigners, or women.
I wore a cup in my first game of rugger (I was a soccer guy pressed onto the rugby team against my better judgment). The damn thing started chafing my groinal region something fierce. First chance, I ran to the sidelines and tossed it into the weeds. Played the rest of the game ‘commando’.
Our high school won the city that year without much help from me.
And try not to talk so loud about America’s so-called problems.
People will get the idea that GW’s presidency hasn’t been awesome.
For whatever it’s worth, I never wore a cup in combat.
Didn’t want anything between me and burrowing as deep and fast as I could.
Yay for our team……
Bob Owens the oaf is a nub among knobs,
Two others help matters by jerking their jobs.
“America’s Disneyland, everything’s great,
Not Notsberry Farm ya big Negro ingrate!”
But a taste of America’s melting pot soup’ll
Show US opinion is now coloured poople.
So march with the Bush record subbing for hope,
And oh look down there! It’s a fresh bar of soap!
More Confederate Wankee please! If only to annoy Norbidness. He’s always been an irritant.
What tax cuts can you point to that are enjoyed by everyone, no matter what income bracket they belong?
Right. Free trade, ie no tariffs, for me, but not for thee.
You’re off the reservation if you have equated France with the US of A. And undermining — or overthrowing — sovereign governments sets a bad precedent.
What this really means is that white people are individuals, and the rest of us — brown, black, gay, straight but not narrow — are just a mob. Conservatism is nothing without Fear of the Other.
They took the flag out, and they were hitting. Then they put the flag back and they went to the table, and he hit and the other hit. Then they went on, and I went along the fence.
Man, I really want one of those five-dollar foot-long Subway sandwiches.
Poor old liberals – you really think you’re going to get Obama into office? He’s dropping in the polls, and we haven’t even had a chance to discuss Michelle yet.
I like that you liberals cling bitterly to your high taxes, protectionism, and identity politics. I like even more that you can’t see how this is killing you in an election year that (at least you claim) should be a slam dunk for you.
You liberals never saw a vicious regime you didn’t like: Soviet Russia, Mao’s China, Ho Chi Minh’s Vietname, Fidel Castro’s Cuba all came in for praise from leftists. And why? Because these leftist leaders had the power to enforce their horrific vision of collectivism, and did so, brutually suppressing all opposition. Do you really think you can pretend that the Bush Administration and the US are the same? That’s somewhat rhetorical, because I know you do, but it ain’t working, children, putside of your groupthink college campuses.
I’m pleased to see liberals here in their true colors, sticking up for affirmative action: legalized discrimination! I laugh when I read your comments like “The Rev Wright affair didn’t stick to Obama”. And I pine for the lack of teh funny (I’d settle for teh wit at this point).
Unless, of course, the people they’re talking about are liberals […] or criminals, […]
SamFromUtah repeats himself.
Paul Pierce called. He says he wants his name back.
You got some kind of evidence that anybody here has been praising these regimes? Or is a bunch of leftover straw man mush from Rush Limbaugh’s table all you got … for any of your issues?
Please, Troof. If any conservative anywhere has anything real or substantial or relevant to throw into the national debate, it is way past time to pony up.
Unbelievable. Another Chicagoan “falls” out of a high-rise window. I think we can say with certainty that we are talking about a future City Comptroller and mysterious file-loser here, people!
Also: Ho-Ho-Ho-Chi-Minh! Viva Fidel! Long live the revolution!
I mean, really, I think I can see why the Vietnamese preferred the Communists after World War II. After all, Ho Chi Minh and the Communists had been fighting against the Japanese, whereas the right-wing Vichy French had been Japanese allies.
So, after the war, the Allies punished the Vichy French by … giving Vietnam back to the French.
Is this new to you, Troof? Are you scratching your head and wondering what the Japanese have to do with World War II? I’ve noticed that the subtleties of history are confusing to conservatives, precluding any meaningful or useful analysis.
Ignore me. When Obama said “It’s like these guys are proud of being ignorant”, he was talking about me. For example, I am proud of ignoring Paul’s comment, because he just reamed my argument. You should be proud of ignoring me, because I am a troll.
Carry on.
Sorry, but Love is a Battlefield: Pantload.
Subway will have to wrench mind control from the JG Wentworth opera ad. DAMN JG WENTWORTH TO HELL.
Please, please, please god, let the Republicans convince themselves that droning on about Rev Wright Rev Wright Bill Ayers Rev Wright is a winning strategy. Please oh please oh please oh please…
El Cid, the damage to Obama from Wright and Ayers is already done. Droning on about it isn’t necessary.
Look, liberals, on November 5 you are going to want to know what went wrong. You will want to know why President McCain was elected. I’m telling you now, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Hello everyone from November 5! I linked here three months ago – greetings from your delusional past.
1) Conservatives believe in low taxes.
i.e. Conservatives don’t want to pay for government services, they want to be given them as their due. See “freeloader”.
2) Conservatives believe in free trade.
Demonstrably false, as large government corporate subsidies still exist after years of conservative rule. “Free Trade” means getting the other guys to drop their subsidies.
3) Conservatives believe in vigorous national defense.
Psst – when you invade random middle east countries, that’s not defense, that’s offense. If that is considered defense, I’d like to hear the conservative plan for defeating the rest of the planet.
4) Conservatives believe in treating people as individuals, not as members of a tribe or class.
So conservatives are objectively anti-civilization. I’d long suspected same, but it nice to hear it confirmed so clearly.
El Cid, the damage to Obama from Wright and Ayers is already done.
Oh, & what brutal damage it is! This cunning plan is already bearing a rich harvest, too. The poor Dems may win by LESS than 180 seats – yes, that tactic is certainly a key to getting McCain solidly into 2nd – unless Barr comes up the middle, I mean.
Aren’t you glad you can’t hear “people from November 5” laughing at you – yet?
comsympinko I have never herd of anyone wearing a cup in rugby. You must be a back. Is your number 13, 14 or 15.
Oops, my inner rugger is showing, should have been heard instead of herd.
Just pretend for a moment that businesses are human beings and human beings are delicious shrimp cocktails. With that perspective, policies that we’ve always thought of as necessary regulation for the public interest become transformed into “Oh Noes! Teh ebil Nanny State iz takin’ away r shrimpz!”
Again, this makes sense if you think of anything friendlier than a preemptive nuclear attack as “praise”.
‘Just pretend for a moment that businesses are human beings and human beings are delicious shrimp cocktails. With that perspective, policies that we’ve always thought of as necessary regulation for the public interest become transformed into “Oh Noes! Teh ebil Nanny State iz takin’ away r shrimpz!”’
Nice. Swiped for future (personal) use.