It Stands Athwart History, Yelling Duh1

Here’s Confederate Yankee with another of his engaging theories:

A Curious Attraction


The DNC has new goodies online, from buttons to bumper stickers to yard signs.

Notice a common thread in all of them?

That they’re making fun of John McCain, yes.

Yes, a no doubt…

Wait, no. I mean yes.

…unconscious attraction to that infamous symbol that frames the murderous live’s work of Che, Lenin, Mao, and Stalin, the communist red star, first in their blessed revolutionary hearts and coming to a bumper sticker near you!

Being ever helpful, I took their campaign logo to it’s logical conclusion.


Above: Actual, unaltered campaign logo,

We’d be all like, “We’re waiting for a correction,” but he’s already on his second ridiculous post after this one.

Actually, what we’re waiting for is for Mr. Fauxtography Expert to critique the Photoshopped picture that is allegedly of John Edwards holding a baby, as published in The National Enquirer. For starters, we see clear use of the Reduce Noise filter, apparently with the Remove JPEG Artifact box checked. Woo!

1 Cf.
[Hanx! Evan]


Comments: 67


Also dirty Communists: Heineken and Macy’s


Obama’s gonna tour with that math rock club band?


That’s not fair! Liberals are a heck of a lot smarter than conservatives, so It’s not fair for them to get all like research-y and stuff and point stuff out, and use phrases like “straw man” and “sophistry” and “inconsistent” and “contradictory.”

And then, like conservatives, to keep up, would have to take time off from their shooting at unarmed animals and fixing their doorbells so they play “Dixie” and watching “American Idol” and like, look stuff up like some Eastern elitist.

So it’s not fair.


But that’s a white star! Because John McCain’s white!


Not to mention the clever way he confuses its and it’s.


Shouldn’t he be more worried that the dominant color at McCain’s site is blue?


Whatever you do, don’t tell him about Arm and Hammer Baking Soda.

Also: Obama/DNC has an insanely cool design team on this election. This is the best political design work I’ve ever seen. That pump is fucking awesome.

And: Gomer is unbelievably dense.


Notice a common thread in all of them?

Well, they’re all identical except for size ratios. I suppose that counts as a common thread, right?


That only underscores his point!


These guys are really worried about the wingnut welfare running out. Like really REALLY worried.


Yeah, Susan, I thought of Texaco immediately as well, and wondered if the image was also intended to tie McCain to Bush.


Wait, I’m more intrigued by the Edwards photo-spread. What’s with the inset detail of the drapes?????


Hi kids, I’m TV’s Confederate Yankee. When you make fun of people by putting together a fake logo for their campaign which involves a red star, it means you’re really a closet mass-murdering Stalinist. Hold on just a moment, while I finish making fun of someone by putting together a fake logo for his campaign which involves a red star.


What’s with the inset detail of the drapes?????

The man in the picture appears to be standing in front of striped drapes and the Beverly Hilton also has striped drapes!

Still waiting on the Kerners for a final report on the spacing of the stripes.


You’re rubber, I’m glue, whatever I say bounces off you and sticks to me! Ummm … wait a second. I’ll be right back.


the murderous live’s work of Che, Lenin, Mao, and Stalin

Guys, I totes love that Fray song, “How to Save a Live.” I’m gonna listen to it on my way to the store to buy some Livesavers, and Live cereal, and then I’m coming home and I’m going to watch a DVD of “My So-Called Live.”

Oh my god! A monster! Run for your lifes!

I mean Jesus. The spell-check program here doesn’t like “live’s work”.


A John McCain campaign bumper sticker from the John McCain campaign web store with a red star.

They also have the t-shirt.

¡Viva Chávez!

Bob "Confederate Yankee" Owens

(Hannity/O’Reilly/Savage/Fox News loving wingnut goes nuts, shoots up a church)

Clearly this is the work of religion-hating liberals, who should all be rounded up and…

(Finds out that it wasn’t a liberal at all, but rather a raving wingnut like him)

Um…er….well clearly the HATRED OF RELIGION is still in effect, and, um, we shouldn’t, er, be judging his viewpoints about, uh, thingy, and, well, it’s really, doy, everyone’s fault, durr, so I’m going to close all comments.

(Obama camp releases some gear mocking McCain…the logos mock McCain’s star logo)



And the funniest thing of all?

Sorry, TIDOSY, but it’s not going to work.

Nobody in America is actually afraid of Hugo Chavez.

You can invoke his name and scary visage, but how many americans lie awake at night fearful of Venezuelan terrorists?

Better stick with muslims for your scary brown foreigners and hip-hop heroes for your scary brown americans.

You can at least find some people who are actually scared of them…



The font used for his version is called “Latin”

See?!?! Get it?!?!? “Latin”! Chavez is a Latin-o! I never would’ve expected so subtle a humorous subtext from Sr. Yanqui. Maybe we’ve been underestimating him? Maybe its some sort of Kaufmanesque attempt at parody? Maybe….maybe…

nm, he’s a twit…moving along….


Murderous Live’s Work would make a really great name for a rock band. Provided the band wanted to drive English teachers insane.




Provided the band wanted to drive English teachers insane.

In that case, Murderous Live’s “Work.”


Ha ha. That’s “funnee.”


As an actual admirer of Lenin, I feel deeply offended that a reactionary scumbag like Obama would appropriate communist symbolism in order to fool the working class into voting for him. Shame! Couldn’t he stick with crescents? after all, he is a Muslim.


so in using a red star when mocking McCain, that shows Obama is a communist?

does not compute.


And the fact that McCain is selling t-shirts with red stars on them shows he is a communist too. After all, McCain is the Manchurian candidate, brainwashed by his captors during the Vietnam War to do their evil bidding 40 years later. Woo hoo! Go McCain! We need a commie in the White House for a change.

Innocent Bystander

Is it Bob Owen’s job to be the designated pawnee for SN? I’m beginning to wonder if you guys didn’t create this mythical loser as a foil for your site. I mean, has anyone ever met BO (note the same letters as Bill O’Reilly’s name) in person?


The man said “keep your heads and arms inside history at all times” but Confederate Yankee, he was a daredevil! He was standing athwart history, yelling “hey everybody, lookit me! lookit me!” POW! He was decapitated! They found his head over by the snow cone concession!

A few weeks later, I get a pamphlet in the mail, from Pueblo, Colorado, and it’s addressed to Confederate Yankee, and it’s entitled DO YOU KNOW WHAT OBAMA IS DOING TO THE SOIL


I mean, has anyone ever met BO (note the same letters as Bill O’Reilly’s name) in person?

And the same initials as Barack Oba… OMIGOD CONZPIRASY YALL GIT TO THE SHELTERS


This is coming from the man whose thesis the past few days has been that “By taking corporate kickbacks McCain is actually representing the lower/middle class who have pension funds with these companies.” Up is down, war is peace, and fat-cat cronyism is broad-base populism.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Is it Bob Owen’s job to be the designated pawnee for SN?”

No, he’s more like the designated Cherokee and every day is a new trail of tears.


We need a commie in the White House for a change

McCain as a Manchurian candidate? That’s stupid enough to work.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a meme.


redlegphi said,

August 7, 2008 at 19:23
Also dirty Communists: Heineken and Macy’s

Oh Uncle Miltie! Oh Men of Texaco! Say it ain’t so!

And with a hammer, even!


Sorry to interrupt Inveterate Wanker Day but I have to report that the McCain campaign is taking a crack at industrial scale sock puppetry:


Comrade McCain iz very fury humen.. He has very very very calm wifie. I kin haz kibble now?


I’ve got no problems debunking it, if it’s a fake.

(And Gavin is absolutely correct in pointing out that, sadly, it is.)

File->New Window…



You forgot something jihadboy.


Alternative linkee for ‘designated Pawnee’, since WordPress has sent my first one into limbo.


Jim said,

August 7, 2008 at 22:44 (kill)

redlegphi said,

August 7, 2008 at 19:23
Also dirty Communists: Heineken and Macy’s

Oh Uncle Miltie! Oh Men of Texaco! Say it ain’t so!

And with a hammer, even!

And too also, the U.S. Army.


I enjoy the snark and such, but is Confederate Yank a tier 1 blog? Is he significant in any way? I used to check his site a couple of years ago. It’s really like shooting fish in a barrel. So, if he is an important conservative blogger, then they’re in trouble.


Buggerybollocking WordPress has sent my ‘designated Pawnee’ links into Moderator Limbo. Feel free to google for colescott “end of the trail” and find the image yourself.
Does anyone brew a Doppelbock called ‘Moderator’? If not, why not?


By the way, I’m confused: By “Mr. Fauxtography Expert,” are you trying to smear Bob? Or me?


Brian “Mr. Adobe” L.


am not a photojournalist. I’m not even a journalist. I have not attended a single day of J-School. I’m barely even an amateur photographer.

So IOW, you are not qualified to comment on what you write about. Pretty par for the course for you guys, huh?

My past has, on the contrary, centered around Computer Science.

Another smug computer science-majoring douchebag! You must have women all over you…

You’ve posted at least half-a-dozen times to that blog of yours since your post about this thread went up. Dude, get a life.

And, looking at your blogroll, may I just say it is freaking hilarious that you have Mr. Anti-hippie Lawnboy on your blogroll. I am not going to mention his name lest he appear and start messing his diapers again.


Brian L., I tried to visit your undoubtedly awesome and truth-filled site, but I was informed that I can’t because I hate America.

How dare you smear me like that! What evidence do you have that I hate America? Those photos were clearly photoshopped.

You’ll be hearing from the New York Law Firm soon.

P.S. Only a whiny douchenozzle has twelve lines of fine-print disclaimers before their fucking blog comments. Sorry, but you’re really just not that important.


Wow, that’s awesome. Referer games don’t work here because of a Firefox extension I have. I turned it off…and sure enough.

That’s funny. So I revise myself thusly—

A smug computer science douchebag who hides his petty, small-minded intolerance for differing opinions behind a wall of aggressive yet juvenile behavior, and resorts to technological tricks to shut out opponents when he is rightfully mocked for being the pathetic loser he is.

Wow, you’re a real original creation there, bub. Bet your IT department can’t bear the thought of being without you.


Don’t forget the Square’s additions to the things that drive english teachers nuts.

Final Murderous Live’s “Work.” X 2 (the X stands for ten, as in the tenth final sequel)


Um, Brian? Brian L.?

You put a link to a page on your website on a blog from which you have blocked links.

Are you stupid, or just stoned?

I mean, you’re clearly a coward, not even letting people SEE your precious comments if they come from certain sites. Are you afraid of their intelligence or their laughter?



Yesss! I got hat-tipped on my favorite bloggity blog!


“Are you afraid of their intelligence or their laughter?”




I enjoy the snark and such, but is Confederate Yank a tier 1 blog?

I was gonna say. This is some low-hanging fruit, albeit in the midst of a host of other fruit that’s already scraping the ground.

Shorter Confederate Yankee: Democrat’s use of the Republican logo proves they are Leninists.


And I swear I wrote “low-hanging fruit” before I read the title of the next post.


I think you guys are responsible for about half the comments on that site.


It’s just the kind of devious thing expected of someone who is obviously bent on overthrowing our present system of government.

And, Senator Obama? Could you hurry it up?

Because our present system just massively sucks.


I finally went over to CY’s blog, something I’ve been resisting.

He’s a complete idiot!


You put a link to a page on your website on a blog from which you have blocked links.

Par for the course with these people, mikey. Brian simultaneously wants to show off how smart he thinks he is, but he just . . . can’t . . . bring himself to turn off his oh-so-clever LiberalBlocker, lest someone think his essence is no longer pure.

I’d hate to have to live in his head, is all I have to say.


Those bumper-stickers are spot-on. Red stars are totally apropos for a corporate-socialist party like the GOP … their dogmatic ideals for Wall Street & the Pentagon could’ve come right out of Mao’s “Little Red Book” verbatim … so yes, the shoe does indeed fit. Like a glove.


“Low hanging fruit” isn’t right. “Rotten windfall” is more accurate.


I’d hate to have to live in his head, is all I have to say.

Well, there won’t be anyone else to bother you . . .

What is with these folks who are so clever they can comment over here but prevent people from visiting over there with the PhD quality mojo that is “copy and paste.”


gah. s/with/without/g

How clever am I?


Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a meme.

Worked great in the 2000 Republican primaries!


“Wow, that’s awesome. Referer games don’t work here because of a Firefox extension I have. I turned it off…and sure enough.”

Just got that extension. Very cool. Thanks!


Dah, you can trust your car to the man who wears the star, tovaritch.


[…] & Mounts News » News News Comment on It Stands Athwart History, Yelling Duh1 by mikey2008-08-08 16:09:23Afraid going to work. Nobody in America is actually afraid of Hugo Chavez. You […]


[…] & Mounts News » News News Comment on It Stands Athwart History, Yelling Duh1 by mikey2008-08-09 10:56:07Afraid going to work. Nobody in America is actually afraid of Hugo Chavez. You […]


[…] & Mounts News » News News Comment on It Stands Athwart History, Yelling Duh1 by mikey2008-08-10 18:16:28Afraid going to work. Nobody in America is actually afraid of Hugo Chavez. You […]


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