I can’t think of anything snarky/funny to say. This is a fucking disaster and I cannot contemplate what kinds of evils will be unleashed upon the US over the next 4 years…
Oh well. I guess americans are going to have to realise that they actually live in a very conservative and deeply reactionary country. A country gets the leader it deserves. Sorry guys, maybe anyone who actually values freedom should emigrate. The alternative is to sit around and wait for Patriot Act III, Your Mother.
It also looks like your only friends in the world are going to be dictatorships and bannana republics. Bad luck. ‘Cause the EU is going to tell you to go fuck yourselves sometime in the next four years.
WKD, fuck that defeatist shit. 49% of our country begs to differ. I’m incredibly angry and pissed at those 51% who are just plain stupid. I’m embarrassed and humiliated, but no, I’m not gonna emigrate. I’m gonna take a deep breath, dig down, and stay with it.
Shrub may have won, but the battle lines have not changed. I for one, plan on doing whatever it takes to get this country to change course.
I disagree completely, WKD. It’s only those of us who give up who deserve that fate. It’s disheartening, yes. It sucks, yes. But if we allow ourselves to become fatalistic, if we simply give up on our country, if we turn our back on all our efforts to make it a better place, then we don’t even deserve to call ourselves Americans.
The Wing Nuts and the lunatic fringe aren’t going anywhere. I just hope enough of us stay around to point out their idiocy. If we let them become the nation then we’ve truly lost.
I am not convinced at all that this president “won”. Messing with voters with serial lawsuits in Ohio, Florida etc is not what a winner does.
I am not convinced that this pres “won” because the exit poll’s inconsistencies are rather hard to reconcile. How is it that exit polls for red states match the voter outcome and the exit polls of the blue states match the voter outcome but the exit polls for Ohio and Florida (where Kerry was leading) does not match the voter outcome? Oh, wait! The voter outcome has not been entirely counted in Ohio and Florida! Also, voter outcome was seriously meddled with in Ohio with serial lawsuits to prevent voters from voting even though they were in line before the polls were supposed to close. A serial lawsuit challenging the provisional balloting and it’s counting. Josh Marshall thinks the most underreported story of last night was the way the courts were being used to steal this election in Ohio.
So how is it a “win” for Bush? How is it a eFing mandate?
Pete, Weiner, my unfortunate impression is that they have become the nation already. They now have all three houses and the media. And a poplular mandate.
What are you gonna do? 49% may have voted for Kerry, but a lot still went and voted a Republican for their representative.
Sorry guys. Anyway, I don’t want to argue with you so I won’t say anything more about it. Good luck with your fight.
Half of us didn’t want this small-minded little man for president. I try to take comfort in that.
But half of us *did*. And of the half that did, apparently, many of them said they voted for him for “moral” reasons. I cannot tell you how appalling I find that, considering the utterly immoral ways this man has acted.
Moral, to half of our country, only concerns things like interfering with an individual’s right to have marry whomever he or she wants to, or to control her own reproductive capacity.
It’s got nothing to do with, say, invading another country and killing children that actually exist there; or lying about the reasons why you have done that; or bearing fasle witness; or breaking the oath that you took to defend the consitution of the United States of America.
Oh no. All that is perfectly moral behavior.
In the bizarro world these people live in, apparently.
WKD, I appreciate your comments. I think I know what you mean, as in, ‘what the hell is wrong with those people?’
I cast my ballot. Now I’m going to cast my vote in the financial world, ie. no spending any dollars in the red states. No vacations; no purchases from any firms based in a banjo state; no corporate relocation to a red state, etc…
But there is no escape. Hell, it’s not like you’re safe living somewhere else. Even if you’re not on the “To Invade” list, any catastrophes here are going to ripple throughout the world. In Clyde Prestowitz’s book Rogue Nation, he points out that the U.S accounts for 25% of the world’s GDP. Even if these fucks only – only! – wreck our economy, the rest of the world will feel it, too.
Prestowitz also points out, though, that the American way of life – gluttonous overconsumption and arrogant disregard for anyone else – will have to come to an end of its own accord. We might be able to forestall it temporarily by using our one trump card – military muscle – to take what we need in order to keep riding high, but eventually something will have to give. Our need for control over the world’s energy supplies forces us to depend more heavily on the Middle East, which prompts more Iraq/Israel-style fun and games, which breeds more hatred, which leads to more blowback…and you know the rest.
So I’ll stay here and continue to fight the uphill fight, come what may.
Well, I truly am born again. On to Iran. On to Syria. We are empire. Better than that — we are God’s own empire.Turn the entire Middle East into a giant Texaco station. Turn ANWAR into a mom-and-pop fillin’ station. Who’s gonna stop us now. Fuck Geneva. Fuck Kyoto. Fuck the UN. Let Donald Trump convert that place into a condo-tel with nice river views. Ann Coulter for Empress. Hummer’s for everyone!
I think your democracy is dead. Either the election was stolen, in which case they will do it again, or a majority likes the way things are and you’ll get more of the same. When Pres Bush was not impeached when he abrogated Habeas Corpus, you were f**ed.
Well, speaking to Americans on behalf of the rest of the world (no hubris here, uh-huh):
America has endorsed Bush. America has endorsed the torture of prisoners, the abuse of civil rights, illegal invasions killing over 100,000 civilians, and the rape of its national treasury to make the rich richer.
America can no longer claim to be great or good. It is simply powerful and grubby, much like the old Soviet Union. It can no longer claim to be a beacon for the world. Much, indeed most of the world despises what it has become. And it can no longer claim to be an example for others.
Your people have endorsed Bush and his policies.
You deserve the consequences. I have no sympathy for what’s going to happen to you over the next four years.
Narrow down the scope of your comments or go fuck yourself.
The next terrorist attack wouldn’t be in the heart of rural Red America. It would probably be in a big city on one of the coasts, and given that, would likely kill a bunch of people who fought against this travesty with all they had, and who feel even worse than you do right now.
I suppose you feel morally superior from a distance, which is tempting for being so easy. But correct me if I’m wrong – aren’t you British? If so, shut up and get to work throwing Bush’s loyal poodle out of office before you piss all over us.
The next terrorist attack wouldn’t be in the heart of rural Red America.
Terrorist attacks?
I was thinking of other, self-inflicted wounds. But I suppose if the terrorist attacks are done by Iraqis, you deserve that as well.
Face facts. Back in 1972, Hunter S Thompson said: This may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it — that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.
No, I’m not British. Yes, my country has its share of stupidity. But thank Christ we’re not Americans.
Considering your comments on terrorism hitting non-Bush voters, Mephisto, I’d like to point out the simple fact that the majority of Germans never ever voted for Hitler. Nor, for that matter, did Iraqis vote in any meaningful way for Saddam.
But I will take your plea to heart. When Iraqi terrorists have murdered 100,000 of your people in retaliation, then I’ll reconsider the question of whether or not individual Americans deserved to suffer.
*I* voted for Kerry. Most of the people who come to this site voted for Kerry. We each had only one vote and one chance.
Don’t you dare lump us in with those who want four more years of no checks and balances and a theocracy. And if America goes down in the next four years, I can guarantee that the rest of the world’s going to feel it.
So you’re going to kick us while we’re down? You say that those of us who wanted Kerry in office deserve to be attacked when WE were the ones who wanted a positive change?
So you’re wishing death and suffering to all Americans, regardless of whether they WANTED a different president? What kind of person are you?
Phoenician in a time of Romans, how far did you have to go to dig up that quote from Hunter Thompson? Like right over at Billmon’s Bar? yah, I remember you from his comment sections and you were just as anti-American then too and were told off by Billmon many times but you still came back. Phoenicians if I remember were people who settled Carthage (The Romans did them in) and probably originated in Lebanon. We don’t need your anti-American huffin-puff here. Begone!
US power in the world economy is declining. The world economy will probably feel it a lot less than you think. The real problem is how many people are going to die in Iraq in the short term with Fallujah, and what the repercussions in the Middle East will be.
With Republican control of both houses you really have to admit that most of the US, in one form and another, thinks Republican. The US may therefore not be the country you perceive it to be, and if there is another 9/11 the rest of the world will probably not even blink. I’m sorry about that, and I wish that Kerry won, but he didn’t. This is indicative. The Republicans have taken the country and are digging a grave that you will also have to lie in. I wish you well in your fight to restore your dream of the US, but given this election my personal sympathy for your country has been greatly diminished.
Yeah, look, I’m sorry if my comments sound harsh, but I am not an american and very much have an external view of the situation. Even with voter fraud you’ll have to prove it, and who is going to do that? Will the rest of the country care?
I was thinking of other, self-inflicted wounds. But I suppose if the terrorist attacks are done by Iraqis, you deserve that as well… When Iraqi terrorists have murdered 100,000 of your people in retaliation, then I’ll reconsider the question of whether or not individual Americans deserved to suffer.
Whatever you say, asshole. I’ve met Bush supporters who are more reasonable than you. You’re right. We all deserve to suffer and die because we were born here regardless of what we’ve done to try and prevent a Bush victory. I mean, damn! Phoenician here has posted some scathing comments on a blog! Who the fuck do we all think we are, having volunteered our time, money and energy trying to talk sense into Bush supporters and apathetic 18 year olds? How can we even put ourselves in your league? In fact, I guess I’ll go kill myself right now as a sacrifice. Please forgive me for failing you!
And WKD, since you’re a little more sensible, you don’t have to go fuck yourself. You can just help Phoenician fuck himself, all right? I don’t need your well-wishing or your diminished sympathy. Half of this fucking country didn’t want any part of this. But, yes, we deserve whatever happens, just like all those Iraqis deserve to die because of 9/11.
yah, I remember you from his comment sections and you were just as anti-American then too
You must have been asleep throughout yesterday.
The American people endorsed Bush’s policies by reelecting him. Up until two days ago, you could have argued that there was a distinction between what Americans wanted and what Bush did.
No longer.
Objecting to Bush’s policies, as most of the world does, is indeed now anti-American. The problem for you now is that “anti-Americanism” is not an insult. It is simply the only real ethical choice, just as “anti-communism” was the only real ethical choice once the reality of the USSR in practice was known.
You may have to accept that Republicans control all the levers of your government right now, but you don’t have to accept their way of running the country. If you want to take back control, start fighting now (peacefully, of course). 50,000,000 people voted against Bush. Mobilize them. Learn and use non-violent protest. Organise boycotts of companies supporting Republicans, or advertising on right wingnut media. Connect with groups in other countries to put pressure on their governments to further isolate the Bush administration.
Didn’t Howard Dean set up a web-based organisation? Is that still active? Use it, enhance it, build on it. Support initiatives like the Rockridge Institute (www.rockridgeinstitute.org). Organise meetups, build support, keep a low-level campaign building to 2008.
Well, I might consider that if Phoenician was hot and, if not female, was prepared to dress like one. And talk in a high effememinate voice.
Iraq had no part in 9/11, but the US had a large part in the US elections. Funny that.
Mephisto, do you know what democracy actually means? It dosn’t matter that you did not vote for Bush, it matters that most of your country did. And elected more Republicans while they were at it. I am certainly not blaming you for Bush getting back in, and wish that your efforts where more successful. But I am blaming the majority of Americans for either endorsing him or endorsing his party. And frankly, politeness aside, if your country wants that then your country can get fucked. All you can do is hope that you personally don’t get caught up in it, and there are still elections to be held in 4 years time.
Does anyone remember the book Animal Farm from high school? A simple yet poignant piece of literature.
We are now in a dark period in U.S. history. It is and has been the GOP’s aim to rule by a single party form of government whose only reason to exist is self-preservation. Their goal is to trample the rights of the individual for the betterment of government and their corporate friends. The GOP has been very successful at this for quite sometime.
By eliminating their competition, dividing this country, keeping the ignorant uneducated and sharing their wealth with each other the GOP has succeeded in creating what so many Americans hate.
This new age in American politics is communism! Capitalism has now become Communism.
Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.
Not here to give you trouble, Just thought that the way you believe President Bush is tearing apart relationships around the world, that you would enjoy this.
Gee, WKD, thanks for clearing that up. Being that I’m a liberal elitist, I thought only my opinions matter. I had no idea that all the knuckle-draggers would be allowed to vote.
Maybe you should ask Phoenician that question. See, he apparently thinks that a country of 290 million people deserves massive suffering because of the votes of around 60 million of them. Rather than admit that he just shot off his mouth in anger, he’s still painting himself into a corner of absurdity by insisting that we are all now alike. My comment on Iraq and 9/11 was based on that – he doesn’t seem much different than my idiotic countrymen who just want blood for blood, regardless of any quaint notions of “guilt” or “innocence”.
We’ll keep fighting what seems like a hopeless fight and doing the thankless work. You guys just be sure to assuage your consciences by pissing and moaning.
WKD and Mephisto. Learn from history. Franco came to power in Spain, most of the rest of the world didn’t care about what happened to the poepl that opposed him, and many people suffered. Hitler came to power, the rest of the world didn’t care so much about what happened to the people who opposed him, and millions suffered. It’s the same story several more times around the world. And, yes, the US is guilty of this as well. Now I gave up on the whole “superiority” thing a long time ago, and many Americans feel the same way. So I’m not asking for anyone to restore us to greatness or whatever. If you don’t have a problem with something like this, then one day it will come to your country, too. Unfortunately, Bush does affect the rest of the world. We lost here by about 2%. Help those of us who oppose Bush and his policies to educate our countrymen and then we can get rid of Bush together.
Thank you Yosef, exactly. I love Europe. My family has been to Great Britan and France, and my son will be spending about 3 weeks in Germany this summer as an exchange student. We look forward to having a German teenager in our home next year.
For want of a better term, us blue state people are trying really hard to drag the mouth breathers into the 20th (forget 21st) century. Our country is STILL split down the middle. Shrub barely got half. Our side got a little less than half. Sooner or later, Shrub is going to screw up even worse and is going to come begging at your doorstep. Don’t cave. It will be painful over here for a while, but they don’t have anyone else to blame now. As much as I hate to say it, please don’t try to help us in Iraq. It’s our mess, (or rather Shrub’s that we are stuck with), and we have to deal with it.
Mephisto, read what I said about the whole more Republicans to the houses thing, and then fuck off. Stop talking around the point.
Yosef, I know quite a lot about history and I still don’t know what your point is.
And Steve C? You’re still a fucking idiot. You are simply the dumbest motherfucker on this board. You think that a whole bunch of politicians saying congratulations means everything is ok? They are saying that because it is political and they are politicians. And you are stupid. It will not translate into troops for Iraq or international support for Bush’s policies. Are you 14 or something? Fuck off and leave it to the adults you stupid little gimp.
Maybe you should ask Phoenician that question. See, he apparently thinks that a country of 290 million people deserves massive suffering because of the votes of around 60 million of them.
Hey, that’s democracy for you.
BTW, I was thinking more of this story. What do you think the first act of your shiny new Administration was?
Have to bring this up: Phoenician sounds like he’s right, as far as Anti-Americanism goes. The 40% of absolute fucking idiots who couldn’t be bothered to do anything about removing Bush seem to have done so because they are happy with the way things are. That would make the 30% of the population (not 49%) that voted against the suppression of human rights in the minority. ‘Americanism’ as decided by Bush is now the majority viewpoint. I know it’s bullshit to anyone that can actually think for themselves, but this seems to be what a large majority of the US thinks, and will now be what the rest of the world views as ‘American’ culture.
Mephisto, read what I said about the whole more Republicans to the houses thing, and then fuck off. Stop talking around the point.
What point? Yes, we have to deal with the fact that Bush “represents” America in the world’s eyes. No shit. But apparently, a couple of slow learners need it spelled out like this: If this is the kind of stuff you want to say…
You deserve the consequences. I have no sympathy for what’s going to happen to you over the next four years.
I was thinking of other, self-inflicted wounds. But I suppose if the terrorist attacks are done by Iraqis, you deserve that as well.
…then what the fuck are you doing at a liberal blog talking to the American liberal readers? Get your stupid ass over to Free Republic where those comments would be relevant.
I can’t think of anything snarky/funny to say. This is a fucking disaster and I cannot contemplate what kinds of evils will be unleashed upon the US over the next 4 years…
A perfect Bush victory speech, to citizens of the U.S. and of the world.
A sad day.
Well fuck.
Oh well. I guess americans are going to have to realise that they actually live in a very conservative and deeply reactionary country. A country gets the leader it deserves. Sorry guys, maybe anyone who actually values freedom should emigrate. The alternative is to sit around and wait for Patriot Act III, Your Mother.
It also looks like your only friends in the world are going to be dictatorships and bannana republics. Bad luck. ‘Cause the EU is going to tell you to go fuck yourselves sometime in the next four years.
WKD, fuck that defeatist shit. 49% of our country begs to differ. I’m incredibly angry and pissed at those 51% who are just plain stupid. I’m embarrassed and humiliated, but no, I’m not gonna emigrate. I’m gonna take a deep breath, dig down, and stay with it.
Shrub may have won, but the battle lines have not changed. I for one, plan on doing whatever it takes to get this country to change course.
I disagree completely, WKD. It’s only those of us who give up who deserve that fate. It’s disheartening, yes. It sucks, yes. But if we allow ourselves to become fatalistic, if we simply give up on our country, if we turn our back on all our efforts to make it a better place, then we don’t even deserve to call ourselves Americans.
The Wing Nuts and the lunatic fringe aren’t going anywhere. I just hope enough of us stay around to point out their idiocy. If we let them become the nation then we’ve truly lost.
I am not convinced at all that this president “won”. Messing with voters with serial lawsuits in Ohio, Florida etc is not what a winner does.
I am not convinced that this pres “won” because the exit poll’s inconsistencies are rather hard to reconcile. How is it that exit polls for red states match the voter outcome and the exit polls of the blue states match the voter outcome but the exit polls for Ohio and Florida (where Kerry was leading) does not match the voter outcome? Oh, wait! The voter outcome has not been entirely counted in Ohio and Florida! Also, voter outcome was seriously meddled with in Ohio with serial lawsuits to prevent voters from voting even though they were in line before the polls were supposed to close. A serial lawsuit challenging the provisional balloting and it’s counting. Josh Marshall thinks the most underreported story of last night was the way the courts were being used to steal this election in Ohio.
So how is it a “win” for Bush? How is it a eFing mandate?
It’s not.
Pete, Weiner, my unfortunate impression is that they have become the nation already. They now have all three houses and the media. And a poplular mandate.
What are you gonna do? 49% may have voted for Kerry, but a lot still went and voted a Republican for their representative.
Sorry guys. Anyway, I don’t want to argue with you so I won’t say anything more about it. Good luck with your fight.
It is because Kerry conceded, thats how. In doing that he fucked himself and the Democrats.
Half of us didn’t want this small-minded little man for president. I try to take comfort in that.
But half of us *did*. And of the half that did, apparently, many of them said they voted for him for “moral” reasons. I cannot tell you how appalling I find that, considering the utterly immoral ways this man has acted.
Moral, to half of our country, only concerns things like interfering with an individual’s right to have marry whomever he or she wants to, or to control her own reproductive capacity.
It’s got nothing to do with, say, invading another country and killing children that actually exist there; or lying about the reasons why you have done that; or bearing fasle witness; or breaking the oath that you took to defend the consitution of the United States of America.
Oh no. All that is perfectly moral behavior.
In the bizarro world these people live in, apparently.
WKD, I appreciate your comments. I think I know what you mean, as in, ‘what the hell is wrong with those people?’
I cast my ballot. Now I’m going to cast my vote in the financial world, ie. no spending any dollars in the red states. No vacations; no purchases from any firms based in a banjo state; no corporate relocation to a red state, etc…
Banjo state, heh heh heh heh…
But there is no escape. Hell, it’s not like you’re safe living somewhere else. Even if you’re not on the “To Invade” list, any catastrophes here are going to ripple throughout the world. In Clyde Prestowitz’s book Rogue Nation, he points out that the U.S accounts for 25% of the world’s GDP. Even if these fucks only – only! – wreck our economy, the rest of the world will feel it, too.
Prestowitz also points out, though, that the American way of life – gluttonous overconsumption and arrogant disregard for anyone else – will have to come to an end of its own accord. We might be able to forestall it temporarily by using our one trump card – military muscle – to take what we need in order to keep riding high, but eventually something will have to give. Our need for control over the world’s energy supplies forces us to depend more heavily on the Middle East, which prompts more Iraq/Israel-style fun and games, which breeds more hatred, which leads to more blowback…and you know the rest.
So I’ll stay here and continue to fight the uphill fight, come what may.
Well, I truly am born again. On to Iran. On to Syria. We are empire. Better than that — we are God’s own empire.Turn the entire Middle East into a giant Texaco station. Turn ANWAR into a mom-and-pop fillin’ station. Who’s gonna stop us now. Fuck Geneva. Fuck Kyoto. Fuck the UN. Let Donald Trump convert that place into a condo-tel with nice river views. Ann Coulter for Empress. Hummer’s for everyone!
I think your democracy is dead. Either the election was stolen, in which case they will do it again, or a majority likes the way things are and you’ll get more of the same. When Pres Bush was not impeached when he abrogated Habeas Corpus, you were f**ed.
Well, speaking to Americans on behalf of the rest of the world (no hubris here, uh-huh):
America has endorsed Bush. America has endorsed the torture of prisoners, the abuse of civil rights, illegal invasions killing over 100,000 civilians, and the rape of its national treasury to make the rich richer.
America can no longer claim to be great or good. It is simply powerful and grubby, much like the old Soviet Union. It can no longer claim to be a beacon for the world. Much, indeed most of the world despises what it has become. And it can no longer claim to be an example for others.
Your people have endorsed Bush and his policies.
You deserve the consequences. I have no sympathy for what’s going to happen to you over the next four years.
Narrow down the scope of your comments or go fuck yourself.
The next terrorist attack wouldn’t be in the heart of rural Red America. It would probably be in a big city on one of the coasts, and given that, would likely kill a bunch of people who fought against this travesty with all they had, and who feel even worse than you do right now.
I suppose you feel morally superior from a distance, which is tempting for being so easy. But correct me if I’m wrong – aren’t you British? If so, shut up and get to work throwing Bush’s loyal poodle out of office before you piss all over us.
The next terrorist attack wouldn’t be in the heart of rural Red America.
Terrorist attacks?
I was thinking of other, self-inflicted wounds. But I suppose if the terrorist attacks are done by Iraqis, you deserve that as well.
Face facts. Back in 1972, Hunter S Thompson said: This may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it — that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.
No, I’m not British. Yes, my country has its share of stupidity. But thank Christ we’re not Americans.
Considering your comments on terrorism hitting non-Bush voters, Mephisto, I’d like to point out the simple fact that the majority of Germans never ever voted for Hitler. Nor, for that matter, did Iraqis vote in any meaningful way for Saddam.
But I will take your plea to heart. When Iraqi terrorists have murdered 100,000 of your people in retaliation, then I’ll reconsider the question of whether or not individual Americans deserved to suffer.
Hope that helps.
You are all nuts…
Democracy IS about voters deciding, and they did…
You lose, you whine….
Democracy IS about voters deciding, and they did…
Hey, I agree with you.
Phoenician in a time of Romans:
*I* voted for Kerry. Most of the people who come to this site voted for Kerry. We each had only one vote and one chance.
Don’t you dare lump us in with those who want four more years of no checks and balances and a theocracy. And if America goes down in the next four years, I can guarantee that the rest of the world’s going to feel it.
So you’re going to kick us while we’re down? You say that those of us who wanted Kerry in office deserve to be attacked when WE were the ones who wanted a positive change?
So you’re wishing death and suffering to all Americans, regardless of whether they WANTED a different president? What kind of person are you?
No decent person would even THINK about that.
Phoenician in a time of Romans, how far did you have to go to dig up that quote from Hunter Thompson? Like right over at Billmon’s Bar? yah, I remember you from his comment sections and you were just as anti-American then too and were told off by Billmon many times but you still came back. Phoenicians if I remember were people who settled Carthage (The Romans did them in) and probably originated in Lebanon. We don’t need your anti-American huffin-puff here. Begone!
US power in the world economy is declining. The world economy will probably feel it a lot less than you think. The real problem is how many people are going to die in Iraq in the short term with Fallujah, and what the repercussions in the Middle East will be.
With Republican control of both houses you really have to admit that most of the US, in one form and another, thinks Republican. The US may therefore not be the country you perceive it to be, and if there is another 9/11 the rest of the world will probably not even blink. I’m sorry about that, and I wish that Kerry won, but he didn’t. This is indicative. The Republicans have taken the country and are digging a grave that you will also have to lie in. I wish you well in your fight to restore your dream of the US, but given this election my personal sympathy for your country has been greatly diminished.
Bad luck guys.
Yeah, look, I’m sorry if my comments sound harsh, but I am not an american and very much have an external view of the situation. Even with voter fraud you’ll have to prove it, and who is going to do that? Will the rest of the country care?
Once again, sorry about that.
I was thinking of other, self-inflicted wounds. But I suppose if the terrorist attacks are done by Iraqis, you deserve that as well… When Iraqi terrorists have murdered 100,000 of your people in retaliation, then I’ll reconsider the question of whether or not individual Americans deserved to suffer.
Whatever you say, asshole. I’ve met Bush supporters who are more reasonable than you. You’re right. We all deserve to suffer and die because we were born here regardless of what we’ve done to try and prevent a Bush victory. I mean, damn! Phoenician here has posted some scathing comments on a blog! Who the fuck do we all think we are, having volunteered our time, money and energy trying to talk sense into Bush supporters and apathetic 18 year olds? How can we even put ourselves in your league? In fact, I guess I’ll go kill myself right now as a sacrifice. Please forgive me for failing you!
And WKD, since you’re a little more sensible, you don’t have to go fuck yourself. You can just help Phoenician fuck himself, all right? I don’t need your well-wishing or your diminished sympathy. Half of this fucking country didn’t want any part of this. But, yes, we deserve whatever happens, just like all those Iraqis deserve to die because of 9/11.
Obviously, idiocy knows no national boundaries.
So you’re wishing death and suffering to all Americans, regardless of whether they WANTED a different president?
Actually, what I said was “Your people have endorsed Bush and his policies. You deserve the consequences.”
Not quite the same thing.
But, yes, we deserve whatever happens, just like all those Iraqis deserve to die because of 9/11.
The Iraqis do not live in a democracy which endorsed the September 11th attacks after the fact.
yah, I remember you from his comment sections and you were just as anti-American then too
You must have been asleep throughout yesterday.
The American people endorsed Bush’s policies by reelecting him. Up until two days ago, you could have argued that there was a distinction between what Americans wanted and what Bush did.
No longer.
Objecting to Bush’s policies, as most of the world does, is indeed now anti-American. The problem for you now is that “anti-Americanism” is not an insult. It is simply the only real ethical choice, just as “anti-communism” was the only real ethical choice once the reality of the USSR in practice was known.
You may have to accept that Republicans control all the levers of your government right now, but you don’t have to accept their way of running the country. If you want to take back control, start fighting now (peacefully, of course). 50,000,000 people voted against Bush. Mobilize them. Learn and use non-violent protest. Organise boycotts of companies supporting Republicans, or advertising on right wingnut media. Connect with groups in other countries to put pressure on their governments to further isolate the Bush administration.
Didn’t Howard Dean set up a web-based organisation? Is that still active? Use it, enhance it, build on it. Support initiatives like the Rockridge Institute (www.rockridgeinstitute.org). Organise meetups, build support, keep a low-level campaign building to 2008.
Any takers?
Well, I might consider that if Phoenician was hot and, if not female, was prepared to dress like one. And talk in a high effememinate voice.
Iraq had no part in 9/11, but the US had a large part in the US elections. Funny that.
Mephisto, do you know what democracy actually means? It dosn’t matter that you did not vote for Bush, it matters that most of your country did. And elected more Republicans while they were at it. I am certainly not blaming you for Bush getting back in, and wish that your efforts where more successful. But I am blaming the majority of Americans for either endorsing him or endorsing his party. And frankly, politeness aside, if your country wants that then your country can get fucked. All you can do is hope that you personally don’t get caught up in it, and there are still elections to be held in 4 years time.
Or, there’s another option:
Does anyone remember the book Animal Farm from high school? A simple yet poignant piece of literature.
We are now in a dark period in U.S. history. It is and has been the GOP’s aim to rule by a single party form of government whose only reason to exist is self-preservation. Their goal is to trample the rights of the individual for the betterment of government and their corporate friends. The GOP has been very successful at this for quite sometime.
By eliminating their competition, dividing this country, keeping the ignorant uneducated and sharing their wealth with each other the GOP has succeeded in creating what so many Americans hate.
This new age in American politics is communism! Capitalism has now become Communism.
Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.
Karma update:
Everyone who wished for this outcome WILL get everything they so richly deserve.
Think I’m wrong? Stay tuned.
There’s a great article by Marc Cooper about the failure of the Democratic Party: http://www.marccooper.com
The comments are very insightful, too. One suggestion as “the embodiment of a new Democratic party vision is Barack Obama.”
Well, I might consider that if Phoenician was hot and, if not female, was prepared to dress like one. And talk in a high effememinate voice.
Yich. This is an image even I don’t wanna think about.
ah hah hah hah
Sorry for stealing your bandwidth. I put my own caption on that photo.
Not here to give you trouble, Just thought that the way you believe President Bush is tearing apart relationships around the world, that you would enjoy this.
Gee, WKD, thanks for clearing that up. Being that I’m a liberal elitist, I thought only my opinions matter. I had no idea that all the knuckle-draggers would be allowed to vote.
Maybe you should ask Phoenician that question. See, he apparently thinks that a country of 290 million people deserves massive suffering because of the votes of around 60 million of them. Rather than admit that he just shot off his mouth in anger, he’s still painting himself into a corner of absurdity by insisting that we are all now alike. My comment on Iraq and 9/11 was based on that – he doesn’t seem much different than my idiotic countrymen who just want blood for blood, regardless of any quaint notions of “guilt” or “innocence”.
We’ll keep fighting what seems like a hopeless fight and doing the thankless work. You guys just be sure to assuage your consciences by pissing and moaning.
WKD and Mephisto. Learn from history. Franco came to power in Spain, most of the rest of the world didn’t care about what happened to the poepl that opposed him, and many people suffered. Hitler came to power, the rest of the world didn’t care so much about what happened to the people who opposed him, and millions suffered. It’s the same story several more times around the world. And, yes, the US is guilty of this as well. Now I gave up on the whole “superiority” thing a long time ago, and many Americans feel the same way. So I’m not asking for anyone to restore us to greatness or whatever. If you don’t have a problem with something like this, then one day it will come to your country, too. Unfortunately, Bush does affect the rest of the world. We lost here by about 2%. Help those of us who oppose Bush and his policies to educate our countrymen and then we can get rid of Bush together.
Thank you Yosef, exactly. I love Europe. My family has been to Great Britan and France, and my son will be spending about 3 weeks in Germany this summer as an exchange student. We look forward to having a German teenager in our home next year.
For want of a better term, us blue state people are trying really hard to drag the mouth breathers into the 20th (forget 21st) century. Our country is STILL split down the middle. Shrub barely got half. Our side got a little less than half. Sooner or later, Shrub is going to screw up even worse and is going to come begging at your doorstep. Don’t cave. It will be painful over here for a while, but they don’t have anyone else to blame now. As much as I hate to say it, please don’t try to help us in Iraq. It’s our mess, (or rather Shrub’s that we are stuck with), and we have to deal with it.
Mephisto, read what I said about the whole more Republicans to the houses thing, and then fuck off. Stop talking around the point.
Yosef, I know quite a lot about history and I still don’t know what your point is.
And Steve C? You’re still a fucking idiot. You are simply the dumbest motherfucker on this board. You think that a whole bunch of politicians saying congratulations means everything is ok? They are saying that because it is political and they are politicians. And you are stupid. It will not translate into troops for Iraq or international support for Bush’s policies. Are you 14 or something? Fuck off and leave it to the adults you stupid little gimp.
Maybe you should ask Phoenician that question. See, he apparently thinks that a country of 290 million people deserves massive suffering because of the votes of around 60 million of them.
Hey, that’s democracy for you.
BTW, I was thinking more of this story. What do you think the first act of your shiny new Administration was?
WKD- I was just trying to say not to give up on us. Those of us who are against Bush need help from anywhere we can get it.
Have to bring this up: Phoenician sounds like he’s right, as far as Anti-Americanism goes. The 40% of absolute fucking idiots who couldn’t be bothered to do anything about removing Bush seem to have done so because they are happy with the way things are. That would make the 30% of the population (not 49%) that voted against the suppression of human rights in the minority. ‘Americanism’ as decided by Bush is now the majority viewpoint. I know it’s bullshit to anyone that can actually think for themselves, but this seems to be what a large majority of the US thinks, and will now be what the rest of the world views as ‘American’ culture.
Mephisto, read what I said about the whole more Republicans to the houses thing, and then fuck off. Stop talking around the point.
What point? Yes, we have to deal with the fact that Bush “represents” America in the world’s eyes. No shit. But apparently, a couple of slow learners need it spelled out like this: If this is the kind of stuff you want to say…
You deserve the consequences. I have no sympathy for what’s going to happen to you over the next four years.
I was thinking of other, self-inflicted wounds. But I suppose if the terrorist attacks are done by Iraqis, you deserve that as well.
…then what the fuck are you doing at a liberal blog talking to the American liberal readers? Get your stupid ass over to Free Republic where those comments would be relevant.
Is that “to the point” enough for you, jackass?
liberals: please do one of the following: 1. Keep you current mindset regarding EVERYTHING or 2. Move to Canada.
Your party is done. It has been since 1944.