Oh Yes She Did

It looks like someone has reached the bottom of the barrel, broken through, and started tunneling under the pickle factory.
Mr. Darcy Comes Courting
Published: August 3, 2008[…]
Despite Obama’s wooing, some women aren’t warming. As Carol Marin wrote in The Chicago Sun-Times, The Lanky One is like an Alice Waters organic chicken — “sleek, elegant, beautifully prepared. Too cool” — when what many working-class women are craving is mac and cheese.
In The Wall Street Journal, Amy Chozick wrote that Hillary supporters — who loved their heroine’s admission that she was on Weight Watchers — were put off by Obama’s svelte, zero-body-fat figure.
“He needs to put some meat on his bones,” said Diana Koenig, a 42-year-old Texas housewife. Another Clinton voter sniffed on a Yahoo message board: “I won’t vote for any beanpole guy.”
The odd thing is that Obama bears a distinct…
Yes, she quotes Chozick’s piece. And uses both quotes as published. Nearly in full.
Before this is over, Clark Hoyt is going to look as frazzled and shaky as Armand Dipthong of the Bloom County Picayune.
And uses both quotes. Nearly in full.
Damn. She leaves out the most important context of all – “chuckybutt”.
onlinebeerbellygirl is the political pulse of the nation.
So why doesn’t Dowd simply publish a column that reads, in full, “I despise Democrats because they’re effete, elite, svelte and zaftig, and spend too much time at the gym when they’re not being overly pampered or cackling maniacs.”
She can then retire, since that single sentence seems to be the distillation of everything she’s written over the last 10 years or so.
‘Cause “svelte” is a suspiciously elite word, and “zaftig” goes over the edge entirely.
Poor Maureen, where are you going to find a REAL man that can humiliate you like Dubya?
And all this time I’ve working out and trying to eat right thinking it would make me a healthier, more attractive American. In reality, despite the multiple gym/weight loss/scary new magic pill to lose weight commercials that run every hour of every day, America really wants a morbidly obese guy. Fickle thing, this America is.
I’ll have to read the piece by Carol Marin before taking Mo Mo’s word regarding its content. Carol has always been a trustworthy figure in Chicago news.
Another Clinton voter sniffed on a Yahoo message board: “I won’t vote for any beanpole black guy.”
I fixed her quote for her.
Obama is too skinny.
Al Gore is too fat.
Sweet hunko McCain is jussssst right!
There. Now I can be a NY Times columnist and get to talk to interview hobbyist Charlie Rose on the TV about what I think we should do in Iraq.
Also this bit…
“Can Obama overcome his pride and Hyde Park hauteur and win America over?”
proves Maureen doesn’t know jack shit about Chicago and its neighborhoods.
I looked and looked at that photo of Mo and couldn’t see the BBQ sauce on her chin. Photoshop failure?
Did anyone (try to) post the suspicious origin of the Yahoo quotes in the comments the Times has allowed for this article?
How do you think MoDo knows what “working-class women” want? By meeting up with Broder and Brooks in a coffee store in upstate Pennsylvania?
Believe it or not, I think MoDumb actually would argue this is a positive piece for Obama. If you read P&Prejudice,Darcy is the great hero who is unfairlyslandered by the evil Wickham (Mccain) and who gets the girl in the end. wickham is a liar and is exposed as a complete scoundrel in the book so it is a fairly damning comparison for McCain. Of course she hides a rather good comparison under a bunch of junk.
I for one welcome our morbidly obese overlords.
I just hate that “some women” formulation. It’s lazy and can be used to claim anything. Some women, my four sisters, hate the Republican Party and everything it stands for. Oh, and they love Obama, too. So fuck you, Maureen.
I can actually see McCain’s legions of drones pushing this thing, hoping to exploit the insecurity of America’s many overweight people – & their resentment toward the more bony among them. Anything to dodge those pesky complicated issue thingies like the environment, the economy or Operation Enduring Clusterfuck.
This is so monumentally retarded it makes that “Britneygate” ad look positively highbrow.
In before the New Yorker runs a cartoon of Obama falling through the grating of his own bathtub drain.
If you read P&Prejudice,Darcy is the great hero who is unfairlyslandered by the evil Wickham (Mccain) and who gets the girl in the end. wickham is a liar and is exposed as a complete scoundrel in the book so it is a fairly damning comparison for McCain. Of course she hides a rather good comparison under a bunch of junk.
You are assuming that Dowd has both read the book and actually understood it. Based on her writing and comments in general, I think you give her way too much credit.
Modo is a fucking idiot.
Modo is a pundit. Pundits ‘r stupid.
They’re ALL stupid, armchair-quarterback know-it-all loudmouth fuckwits who haven’t the brains to independently operate a pulltab.
Enough said.
Out of morbid, frightened curiosity I read her column early on, and yes, once again, that woman has some real problems.
Dear Baby Boomers,
The rest of us are fucking sick of you inflicting your psycho-sexual dramas on the world.
Please start dying faster.
Modo is one of the biggest reasons why my policy is anything put out by the major media is pure fucking fiction, unless I get primary sources directly from them. And sometimes even then.
Hey diffbrad,
This GenX-er has a late-cohort boomer girlfriend. Stick to calling for the deaths of the early-Boomers, K?
Now watch MzNicky come kick my teeth out for that joke. I’ll deserve it. 🙂
(No, she’s not my girlfriend.)
OK, I know I’ve said this before. But I truly wonder if the corporate media will, in the big picture, come to regret their ingestion of these ultra-diseased ideas from the fringe wingnut right. It looks to me like they are poisoning themeselves.
What’s likely to be the effect of this self-poisoning? Will the public notice that their media looks and sounds shitter than ever, and tune out even more? Or will we see the public get more batshit? Stay tuned…
It ain’t just the baby boomers that are fucked up, diff brad. Stupidites don’t always stay inside generational lines.
[…] stop blogging Mo Dowd. Linking to her column every week, even to ridicule her, just encourages her. […]
“Armand Dipthong of the Bloom County Picayune”
Best callback ever!
I dunno. Even Megan McArdle seems less fucked up about sex than MoDo and her true life partner Ann Althouse, who I still am not. Or at least is afraid to drag her sexual issues into her work. So far. I shouldn’t give her ideas.
This is the flip side of Roger Simon. Some boomers missed out on getting laid in the late 60s and have always resented it, and others, particularly many of the shallowest females, seem to resent the slow loss of sexual attention, and thus flaunt their sinking breasts while attacking other women for having a perkier pair.
I’m sure this will strike some as horribly misogynist, and to those folk I apologize, but I think Bill Clinton should have an Althouse/MoDo three way. He’s certainly got some bad karma to work off, time to take one for the team, give them reason to stfu for a while.
It ain’t just the baby boomers that are fucked up, diff brad. Stupidites don’t always stay inside generational lines.
That ain’t the half of it, brother. I started saying several years ago that there’s way more stupid in the world than can be accounted for on just the part of the stupid people. We’re all infected to one degree or another.
I considered that flash of insight the end of my youth.
Look, it’s not only disingenuous to call these people stupid, it’s delusional. They are many things. None of them are stupid. They have an agenda, they are venal manipulators in defense of the status quo, they are lazy and uninterested, they are fearful and angry – in short, they are calculating tools in the cause of greed and authoritarianism.
But they most certainly are not stupid…
Dear Baby Boomers: Please start dying faster.
Dear a different brad:
My mom is a boomer, too, lest anyone think I mean that too seriously.
Different Brad,
As you know, I am a very visual person, and the image of an Althouse-Clinton-Dowd three-way is now fixed like a sea lamprey to my brain. I wish you ill, Sir. Good day.
The whole fricking American public is somewhat diseased. Even if all baby boomers, or all early baby boomers, did actually “die off”, I think you might be surprised at how little difference it would make. The assholes would just find a whole new crop of Gen X or Gen Y assholes-in-training, and start attacking you from a whole new angle.
I know you don’t mean it seriously diff brad. I guess I get too emotional about it.
Didn’t we get “mac and cheese” with the current idiot at 1600? Or maybe he was frank and beans. I’ll take organic chicken any day.
I’d rather have collard greens stewed with ham hocks anyway, if we’re gonna get all soul food about it.
Even if all baby boomers, or all early baby boomers, did actually “die off”, I think you might be surprised at how little difference it would make.
Okay, wait wait wait here just a minute. I’m trying to get my head around the idea that somewhere out there is a whole bunch of members of a younger generation that wants members of my generation to all be dead. Is that correct?
Somewhere in an alley behind the Wall Street Journal’s offices, Rupert Murdoch zips up his fly and sighs “Yep yep yep, ahhhhhhhhhhhh…my job’s done.”
What mikey said at 19:42. Exactly!
My right-wing rag has MoDo’s column. And if anyone ever suggests that said rag has a conservative bias by pointing out that they run Thomas Sowell, William Rusher, Bill O’Reilly, Cal Thomas, Larry Elder, Ann Coulter, Kathleen Parker, Diana West, Jonah Goldberg, Jeff Jacoby, Rich Lowry and David Brooks, they say “We have balance. We have Maureen Dowd.”
I’ve noticed that an awful lot of right-wing rags love the cover provided by running Maureen Dowd. She says lots of very obvious things about prominent Repugs. But she also has plenty of room for the Repug narrative of the week about prominent Democrats.
The city editor laughed at me when I suggested they replace Dowd with Robert Scheer.
so wait, WTF?
Chozick’s piece of crap is published Friday. This is what gets Dowd in her chair and hot on the press for Sunday’s column?
The Onion did a thing on the Onion News Network (look it up yourselves, I’m lazy) around the Feb. primaries on the very same subject as the WSJ piece, except of course funnier, involving presidential candidates bulking up, as the nation is such a collection of lard-asses.
So it’s come to that. Murdoch’s new mouthpiece taking inspiration from America’s Finest News Source™.
I just saw the MoDoOpEd. I want to wash my brain.
She makes Brenda Starr look competent and professional.
We need Zombie Molly Ivins. Although Zombie Molly Ivins wouldn’t touch Maureen Dowd’s brains with the traditional ten-foot pole.
I’m sure MoDo at least knows how to end a blockquote.
(David Brooks, probably not.)
Liberals. Hmf.
Is there any creedence to this whole ‘skinny’ phase being used to pre-emptively diffuse the height differences between Obama and McCain prior to the debates? It’s a bit like the Edwards/Cheney debate where they had to put them behind desks so we wouldn’t see how fat Cheney really was, but I guess you can’t elected in platform soles.
MODOWD (Mobile/Mental Organism Designated Only for W Deifying) points out one of the more ridiculous elements of pop psychology: that we want a president we can look down on. I think the formulation is akin to that of sitcom dads: overweight (just shy of obese), either no higher education or a very narrow one, poor judgment, always seems to be learning a lesson the hard way (but forgets it by the next episode), but ultimately well-meaning despite his faults. He should be paired with an unaccountably hot and intelligent wife, preferably a redhead, who is patient and understanding to the point of ridiculous co-dependence.
Um… I don’t know about women’s “cravings”, but I think most people, women included, are a bit tired of only being able to afford macaroni and cheese. People want an organic chicken in every pot.
Oh, and how clever, by the way. “Mac and cheese” = McCain. See, there’s an M, followed by a C. It’s like a secret code, yo. ZOMGCLEVERROFLCOPTERBBQONEELEVENXTIMESINFINITYPOWERAWESUMORLYYARLYMODOONEEXCLAMATIONPOINTISFINEKTHXBYE!
Jen: I started saying several years ago that there’s way more stupid in the world than can be accounted for on just the part of the stupid people.
Is intelligence contracting or expanding? Science continues the search for the dark stupid.
MoDo is so painfully, publicly mentally ill and intent on proudly sharing her way, way obvious emotional problems with all concerned, that I’m wondering if the best analytical question we could ask would be how would we write her character in as a guest appearance on the Beverly Hillbillies.
Her character has just that sort of range and depth. I imagine her being drawn dramatically to Jethro, and trying to woo him with quotes from Cliff notes’ versions of 19th century romances.
Even Megan McArdle seems less fucked up about sex than MoDo and her true life partner Ann Althouse, who I still am not. Or at least is afraid to drag her sexual issues into her work. So far.
I think Megan is still “young” and “hot” so she doesn’t have any sexual issues yet.
Or she’s just too stupid to have “issues”: can’t really have conflict with only one dimension.
She needs to STOP.
Last time I checked, the Times didn’t publish stand up routines disguised as Op-Ed’s.
Strike that….. I guess they do.
Keith Olberman needs to start ranking her with Bill-o as a “comedian”
No, I was joking. Please don’t hurt me!
Cain said, I for one welcome our morbidly obese overlords.
Our beanpole overlords are going to kick your morbidly obese overlords asses!
oops, that’s “overlords’ asses” with an apostrophe. my junior high English teacher is mad….
Just the other day adifferentbrad was boasting about how not sexist and respectful of women he is. (hey whippersnapper, many of sadlyno’s readers happen to be boomers, your assumptions notwithstanding.)
All part of Dowd’s food obsession. She’s been making snarky remarks about Obama’s eating habits from the start. When she’s not calling him gay.
I think Obama makes a very handsome Darcy and I have the photoshop to prove it.
at the bottom of Dowd’s column: “Frank Rich is off today”
What I wouldn’t give to hack in and change that to “Maureen Dowd is off again today.”
Obama is winning female voters in larger numbers than Gore or Kerry. He simply does not have a “woman problem”.
I am also curious: If Maureen Dowd hates women so much, why does she try to speak for them?
Is there any creedence to this whole ’skinny’ phase being used to pre-emptively diffuse the height differences…
Nah. It’s transference. Moving clowns from unacceptable irrational dislike for Obama to acceptable irrational dislike for Obama.
Once the Republicans have an stimulus/response group accumulated they’ll be pounding that cohort until November. Because otherwise that kind of voter is easily distracted.
pedestrian: As I’ve observed before, some of the worst misogynists are female. They tend to extrapolate their self-loathing and project it onto others.
Dear Baby Boomers: Please start dying faster.
The thing is you never get credit for trying. I am doing the best that I can.
I say we cut MoDo some slack. She’s obviously been going through menopause for about 10 years now. That’ll mess your shit up. She’s got all the tiresome signs of canned female past its shelf life and fighting like hell for relevance to save her from the 2-for-1 clearance table.
MzNicky, there are plenty of men who write like Dowd and worse. What would be their excuse? Also, that Amy wackjob who started the too-skinny-for-votes meme is a couple of decades from menopause. And what about all the women in menopause who manage to get through it without being total dicks?
A hot flash doesn’t necessarily make one a nutjob.
I’ve let a lot of this lady’s shit simply slide by, but when she starts dissing Alice Waters, even if only by quoting someone who disses Alice Waters, well that’s when I have to take a stand.
And she better not even think of going after Julia Child.
After reading the comments of g, tECHIDNA and Hoosier X, it occurred to me that Dowd might be pulling a Manny Ramirez. She’s been roiling at a slow boil ever since Hoyt publicly dressed her down. Clearly, she believes that the NYTimes does not deserve a woman of her talents. I think she’s decided to make herself a persona non grata to facilitate an eventual jump into Murdoch’s arms at the WSJ. There, she can draw a fatter paycheck, mentor BFF Chozick and be primed for heavy rotation on FOX News.
[…] and I’m not talking about, Whiskey Fire, WHOA! | She’s one serious piece of work. Her latest piece of shit in the NY Times is being so roundly ridiculed I have to chime […]
there are plenty of men who write like Dowd and worse. What would be their excuse?
Well, they’re men, silly girl!
Also, that Amy wackjob who started the too-skinny-for-votes meme is a couple of decades from menopause.
She’s clearly peri-menopausal.
And what about all the women in menopause who manage to get through it without being total dicks? A hot flash doesn’t necessarily make one a nutjob.
HRT does wonders, I’m given to understand. And no, a hot flash doesn’t make one a nutjob, but 5 to 10 years of them will takes its toll.
Girlfriend, I’m just surmising. You been through it? Then just wait.
MzNicks, I’m entering it now and waaaaaaaaaaah. No fun, Jesus.
Every hot flash feels like the Saharan desert at high noon blooming from the inside. Horrible. Thankfully, they only last seconds.
Vigorous exercise and strength training seems to be keeping the worst of it at bay and I’m not an insomniac like one of my friends who didn’t sleep for 2 years and eventually suffered a heart attack. I’ve also always had a high level of estrogen and while this hasn’t worked for me in other areas, it seems to be helping with this phase of my feminine journey. (Although it’s also true that I almost broke down in tears at the hairdresser the other day for no good reason, I recovered my sanity quickly and didn’t embarrass myself.)
Lesley: Because of my breast cancer I couldn’t take HRT. The chemo and tamoxifen threw me into premature menopause, which I had to endure without benefit of hormone replacement. OMG I’d rather once more give birth than go through that again. Fortunately, I now also take antidepressant (wow! wonder why!), which seems to short-circuit the hot-flash switch, and that kept me sane. Unfortunately, my quack doc put me on Paxil, from which I will apparently never be able to free myself without finally going totally insane.
Good luck. It sux.
I’m really sorry about the breast cancer, MzNicky. A friend of mine is going through post-surgery chemo for that now and it’s awful (so far). Thankfully, we have very good health care for cancer patients locally and they’re taking good care of her. Her oncologist calls her several times a week, sometimes four times a day to see how she’s doing; and if she experiences too much nausea they keep her medicated overnight in hospital until the worst of it subsides. I’m crossing fingers and toes she comes through this without any permanent damage, and quickly too. Luckily she’s on full pay because she has lots of sick leave from work and she’ll be able to be off work with full pay for the next 11 months if she wants. There’s a ton of support (from volunteers to professional staff) for cancer sufferers and thank God for that!
Lesley: I just marked my 9-year anniversary of post-BC. Tell your friend that there is indeed life after “treatment,” even though it probably doesn’t seem that way to her now. Best of luck to her.
“Please, Maureen….Not another article about where Obama buys his shirts…or his favorite wine…or how voters care about what kind of hair gel or cologne he wears…I just can’t take it anymore! I have principles, dammit! I….
…what? Obama drinks the same gourmet iced tea as Broadway star Nathan Lane?
……………*………….RUN THAT BABY!!!”
I just noticed, MoDo looks like she should be holding something. Like maybe a big fat sammich, or a giant drumstick. Not that she would ever eat it.
No, seriously. The piece is essentially about how stupid, shallow and fat Hillary’s dead-enders are, how they wouldn’t recognize Mr. Darcy even if he were standing in the room with them. And among femaile voters I don’t know if there could be a more flattering comparison for Obama than to Mr. Darcy.
[…] & Mounts News » News News Comment on Oh Yes She Did by Davis2008-08-05 05:40:45Just anything. Some women, my four sisters, hate that “some women” […]
Althouse would go for it, MoDo would after a pitcher of mojitos, but Clinton would be all “Hey, I did that two days ago and it included trained seals and a teledildonics session with Angela Merkel, what else ya got?”
[…] Also, he’s too healthy and works out too much. No, really. No, really. NO, REALLY! […]
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