NWOTW: Robert Stacy McCain

ABOVE: Robert Stacy McCain practices his karaoke version
of “Sweet Home Alabama”

This week’s edition of New Wingnut of the Week brings you Robert Stacy McCain, a man who was too crazy and too racist even for the Moonie Times. As one of his fellow (and conservative) reporters at the Moonie Times said about him after he left:

I know Stacy McCain, an ill-tempered racist who sat on the other side of my desk for many years and carried on loud telephone conversations almost every day full of racist and ultra-right comments, and often got into loud verbal fights with both reporters and editors in the newsroom.

Robert now keeps himself busy during the day by blogging at the egocentrically-titled “The Other McCain.” McCain’s blog is, as you might imagine, a horrifying cornucopia of wingnuttery which, by comparison, pretty much makes Michelle Malkin’s place look like it was written by Mother Teresa. So let’s spend a few minutes with “The Other McCain” — you may want to ask the children and any easily-frightened pets to leave the room first. And if it’s after five when you’re reading this, you might consider a resolve-steeling and bracing shot or two of Maker’s Mark before proceeding.

McCain’s award winning post would be worthy of a NWOTW award for the title alone: “Equality Is For Ugly Losers.” And, yes, its a rant about ugly feminists coupled with the claim that the pretty girls secretly enjoy a little misogyny, a claim that apparently has its origin in McCain’s own monkey-spanking fantasies: “Ooh, tell me I’m a bad girl, Daddy.” Oh, and the pretty girls don’t mind lower salaries either because, of course, they’re pretty and that’s reward enough.

“Equality” is contrary to human nature. The human spirit naturally desires distinction, and anyone with a scintilla of ambition wishes not to be equal, but rather to be acknowledged in some way as superior.

And what better way to be superior than to put on a white sheet or call feminists a bunch of ugly, whiny bitches?

Frankly, chicks dig a misogynist oppressor.

This is where we get our first clue that McCain probably has some neurological disorder that makes him unable to read the cues given to him by other people during basic social exchanges. My guess is that an ordinary expression of contempt and disdain from a woman is interpreted by him as a desire by the woman to worship his throbbing manhood and clean his kitchen floors. A woman who says she’d sooner drink a cockroach and sewage smoothie than spend another second with him is just playing hard to get

Chicks also dig a sense of humor.

Which is also why “chicks” get all giggly over misogynist oppressors, who, you know, are just so damn funny. When McCain starts telling his dumb-blond-with-big-tits jokes, the girls just can’t get enough of him, or so he thinks. No doubt, the “chicks” just call him a “loathsome prick” and walk away, which he apparently takes as an expression of admiration for his wit.

(Fun fact: Laughter and orgasm are both autonomic reflexes.)

About all that we can really make of this is that it’s an unintentionally candid admission that whenever he’s doing the nasty with his wife, all the while vocalizing his deeply misogynist feelings about her, she starts to laugh at him. And he thinks she just came.


Comments: 48


Also an anatomic reflex: vomiting!


Whenever I hear this kind of shit, I have an autonomic response that makes me fold back all the fingers on my hands except for the middle ones.


it would be different if bob mccain ever got laid, then maybe he’d have a little bit of authority whereby he spoke. as it is, he is just another in a nation of whiners. “maybe i don’t get any, but at least i’m not a fat chick!”


Please tell me that this moron isn’t actually married. Precisely what sort of woman would marry him.


” “Equality” is contrary to human nature. The human spirit naturally desires distinction, and anyone with a scintilla of ambition wishes not to be equal, but rather to be acknowledged in some way as superior.”

And the best way for individual women to work toward being “acknowledged as superior” is by accepting, without complaint, the fact that they are currently considered (and compensated as if they were) INFERIOR even when their work is equal or better? That makes perfect sense.


Jennifer said,

August 4, 2008 at 0:18

Whenever I hear this kind of shit, I have an autonomic response that makes me fold back all the fingers on my hands except for the middle ones and punch the fucker between the eyes.



I see you’ve forgotten about our good friend at Five Feet of Fury, the female version of this wingnut. Yes, I said “female.”


“(Fun fact: Laughter and orgasm are both autonomic reflexes.)”

Like Adam above, the first thing that I thought of was vomiting, cause this guy is gag-inducing. Yuck.


Oh Good Lord.

Where’s my flyswatter? I’ll show him some spankin’. That’s what these teeny-wienies are usually askin’ for.

I’ve just about had it up to here (holds hand sideways at chin-level) with these mouthbreathers.


Bringing up that whole reflex thing makes him seem like he’s just making excuses for his lack of *ahem* control.

Remember, lil’ Robbie: control your breathing, be mindful of your pacing and position, concentrate on your partner’s needs instead of your own, and you’ll last more than eight seconds. And if you find yourself completely hopeless there, at least learn to work your tongue and– oh, who am I kidding? If I told him to be gentle around the vestibule, he’d probably put up a post about Islamovulvalfascist infiltration into American architecture.

Pearls before misogynous swine…


Kartoom said,
August 4, 2008 at 0:51

I see you’ve forgotten about our good friend at Five Feet of Fury, the female version of this wingnut. Yes, I said “female.”

It’s bad enough knowing that that there’s a male version of this guy and that he’s far from alone in his beliefs. I guess I should make myself check out FFoF just to see what other people are thinking and get a little insight into other points of view since knowledge is power and all, but lately knowledge has just held the power to make me disappointed with humanity.


Looks as if Stacy doesn’t get many comments. Perhaps we should leave some, so his “I’m named Stacy” self-hatred won’t overwhelm him.

Of course, you have to type in those screwy letters (I’m sure he’s just overwhelmed w/ robotic spam) & await his majesty’s approval, in classic Rabid Weasel style. Cowardice, we call it.


(Fun fact: Laughter and orgasm are both autonomic reflexes.)

I’ll have to ask one of my neurology residents, but I believe this guy’s wrong.

But the sudden, uncontrolled relaxation of the anal sphincter? That’s a good example.

Sweating. Sneezing. Hiccups. Fainting, brought on by massive vasodilation. Palpitations. Pissing yourself. Blushing.

And vomiting, which has already been pointed out.

The autonomic nervous system, eighth wonder of the world.


That makes perfect sense.

Well, he did say the human spirit, and everyone knows that all humans are male.

a concerned citizen

1. Sylvia Plath said “every woman adores a fascist” in a poem about Nazis.
2. Sylvia Plath is popular with wiccan lesbo moonbats.
3. Therefore, Michael Moore is fat.


(Fun fact: Laughter and orgasm are both autonomic reflexes.)

Aside from the amusement this brings (thank you, Adam, for being right on the mark) – I think this is an untrue assertion, at least as regards orgasm. It is amazingly easy for the brain to overcome the body – at least in harshing an orgasm in progress. God knows, an encounter with him would do it.


I heard chicks dig seeds. And then eat them. Kinky.


In his sidebar he links to my place, quoting my remark to the effect that he is an “absolute douchebag.” It’s with the testimonials from Pam Gellar and Dan Riehl. Which is pretty silly, but I stand by my assessment. He’s also sent me long, incoherent emails and got mad when I said so in public, telling me that he was so irate he would no longer send me crazy emails. He’s an odd fellow. And a douchebag.


Isn’t this kind of unfair to douchebags? The actual bags? I know–it’s a metaphor. Still. Why should actual douchebags have to suffer because this douchebag is a douchebag?

(strokes chin meditatively)


Unless he’s a fuckhead. Because let’s face it: he’s a total fucking fuckhead. And since there’s no such real thing as a “fuckhead,” the douchebags are saved, and we can move on.


You mentioned his wife.

I doubt he’s married.

People like him often aren’t.


I would appreciate if people here do not associate these ugly, hateful, mysoginst, ill-tempered words from Robert Stacey McCain with me, John Sydney McCain!
The Real McCain(tm)

PS. Click on the link for more on the Real McCain, not that other crazy myzogenic Other mcCain


I heard chicks dig seeds. And then eat them. Kinky.

Especially vegan chicks. Not that there’s anything kinky about it. Sorry. No wait, not sorry.

Mr. Wonderful: The thing about the original douchebag is that it’s something the Boomer-era (sorry, all you Gen-Xers who wish us dead) bride-to-be’s mother gave to her wrapped up with a chintz bow, assuring her that it was yet another “essential” piece of equipment to keep one’s new husband from rejecting her naturally repulsive female stuff. Thus I totally dig the assignment of such a hideously ugly and woman-hating bit of obsolete paraphernalia to those who, like the phallic nozzle thereof, spew totally unnecessary and un-needed vineagary effluence.


I hereby suggest that this post be the first winner of a new wingnut award:

The Otto West Memorial Award for Excellence in Vulgar Nietzscheanism.


I have absolutely NO idea what that means.

And I’m all for it.




“Frankly, chicks dig a misogynist oppressor.”

That sounds like Taliban talk to me. Why do you hate America you Islamicfascist mother fucker? I demand that John Sidney McCain III REJECT and DENOUNCE such unconscionable statements immediately.


MzNicky, I love you in a way I can’t even tell you. You’re just going to have to accept that I love you.

LeeAnn was a woman I met in Tempe. I was down there doing bad things for a little money, repping our labs over THEIR labs (honest – free market capatilisim with tweaking). I met LeeAnn. She was just ending an ugly. She got on my bike and we rolled into El Paso. She was smart, funny, and way prettier than I had any hope of ever having. I just kind of gave thanks every morning, made love to her every day, and gloried in her sparkling eyes and bright smile. We had to roll north. We hit Steamboat Springs, and the timing was bad, so we rolled for Eureka. Somewhere along the way, she started worrying about her, well, her junk.

I mean, this is a woman well above my station. On a lark and for her nothing more than a season in the sun. And I’m entirely delighted she’s in my company. Yeah, we’re not getting a lot of opportunities to shower up, we’re doing a lot of drugs, we’re spending a LOT of time on the move. But she’s way more than I’ve ever dreamed I might every have in my world, and I’m delighted to touch her in every way. But she gets more and more uptight.

Wasn’t me. Was her upbringing. And that’s sad. It was a great couple months…



chicks dig my ‘chicks dig me’ t-shirt

. . . it’s an automatic reflex


I do not care if he is married (which I find hard to believe, but stranger things have happened), this dude has NEVER gotten laid. And, MzNicky, while I defer to your superior experience (though I am also a boomer) and judgment in these issues, I would really say this guy is much more of an enema bag myself.


“Equality is contrary to human nature,” is how Stace consoles himself when he’s gotten his ass kicked.



DrDick: I bow to your medically superior syntacticalness. Enema-bag it should be. I blame cultural misogyny for the term “douchebag.”

mikey: I have no problem accepting that you love me, and as you know, right back atchya. As to “somewhere along the way, she started worrying about her, well, her junk,” yeah. That’s how we were brought up. That’s the personal part of the historical that we’ve had to overcome. Some of us had enough whatever to declare “fuck that shit.” Others of us, not so able. Thus we’re exposed to self-haters like MoDo and the Schulessel thing and so many others who, as faithful puppets of the patriarchy, blindly perpetuate and enable misogyny. As if feminism didn’t have its hands full already.


rob: My favorite t-shirt to give to the men I love sez

“Feminist Chicks Dig Me”


Hmm, I’m guessing this was written after a torrid threesome with his two hands.


would appreciate if people here do not associate these ugly, hateful, mysoginst, ill-tempered words from Robert Stacey McCain with me, John Sydney McCain!
The Real McCain(tm)

Let me introduce you to my wife, Cindy, that cunt.


Yeah, I guess I knew that. But it’s weird, y’know? I mean, everybody on the road smells. It’s kinda like part of the deal, and you pretend nobody smells. What are you gonna do, say somebody stinks when you stink too? It’s neither the point nor is it some kind of basis for judgement. You do what you can, and you live within your reality. What’s outside your set of options isn’t worth dwelling upon, y’know? I’ve never known how to say it clearer.

I’ve lived in the boonies for various lengths of time. You’re a creature, and animal, y’know? After a while, you’re gonna begin to smell. Hygiene is about staying healthy, not trying to smell like a bouqet of flowers.

I dunno. It always seemed like kind of a waste to me. In the field in SE Asia or the Rocky Mountains. There are things you gotta do to stay healthy. The rest is so artificial….



“… bride-to-be’s mother gave to her wrapped up with a chintz bow”

MzNicky, as a boomer myself, I guess I might have to bring up with my mother this douchey item that was missing from wedding preparation. That conversation needs some thought. After 26 years, maybe we’re beyond it.

Sorry boys, getting OT, but if you are going to post these lame ass creep-a-zoids, we have to amuse ourselves somehow.


(Fun fact: Laughter and orgasm are both autonomic reflexes.)

And I’d be willing to bet he’s never triggered either in a woman.


I bet he’s triggered some laughter.


Did you know that when you sneeze you die for a split second?

And then an angel has an orgasm.


This is where we get our first clue that McCain probably has some neurological disorder that makes him unable to read the cues given to him by other people during basic social exchanges. My guess is that an ordinary expression of contempt and disdain from a woman is interpreted by him as a desire by the woman to worship his throbbing manhood and clean his kitchen floors. A woman who says she’d sooner drink a cockroach and sewage smoothie than spend another second with him is just playing hard to get.

Clif, I love you!


PaminBB: Well, it was part of mine. My mother still can’t bring herself to discuss femaleness without wrinkling her nose and calling it “down there.” She’s 80, and in some ways she always was.

And these GenX whippersnappers think their parents have psychosexual issues! Why, when I was a girl flibbertygibbet ribbershibber yeah, off the lawn with ya.


Stacy’s post is like a logic puzzle when applied to himself.

He’s a misogynist…yet chicks don’t dig him, so that seems to disprove his post. Yet…at the same time he has no sense of humor and, again, chicks don’t dig him, so he’s entirely right.

Whatever the case, he has certainly earned the ‘Most Depressing Wingnut of the Week’ award and it’s only Monday.


Put him in the McCain veepstakes. McCain/McCain has a ring to it. And from his profile : Award-winning columnist, reporter, editor, author, bon vivant and raconteur.

You can’t go wrong!


My eyes! My eyes! Christ, what a way to start my Monday, assaulted by the cesspool ruminations of this barely larval form of humanity. Seriously, I was trying to ease into my day, only to be blindsided by this waste-product of a barely funtioning brainstem. Sheesh.


God DAMN, that was funny:

“About all that we can really make of this is that it’s an unintentionally candid admission that whenever he’s doing the nasty with his wife, all the while vocalizing his deeply misogynist feelings about her, she starts to laugh at him. And he thinks she just came.”


Can we lock this guy in a room with Amanda and Jill? Please? Pretty please?

Doubt there’d be any pieces bigger than a postage stamp left.


Hmm, I’m guessing this was written after a torrid threesome with his two hands.

Jolly ripping-good coincidence: I just left some of my not-so-amiable spoor on his bloglike-thing, commending the custom of actually changing hands so as to prevent the one in (over-)use looking like a bagful of raisins.

I’m not above fighting stupidity with juvenilia. Merely trying to forlornly wave mature wisdom in its face is like casting pearls before pubic-lice.


“Frankly, chicks dig a misogynist oppressor.”

Oh dear. Yet again, someone has confused specialty porn sites with reality. Robert, hon, those chicks dig whatever they’re paid to dig. Dig?


Mom + Douche = that extraordinarily creepy scene out of Patti Davis’ “House of Secrets.”

No, Nancy Reagan… noooooo! I don’t want to see!


(comments are closed)