Time to turn to someone who knows what he’s talking about
Bartholomew (yes, the one from Bartholomew’s Notes on Religions) elaborates on Katherine Harris’ L’Abri connections (click here or scroll down,) and adds many interesting details about Katherine and her former “school:”
So, back to Katherine Harris. According to an interview in World magazine, Harris attends a Calvary Chapel church in Tallahassee. Calvary Chapel is a Charismatic church, founded at Costa Mesa by Chuck Smith in the 1960s (and attracting the same kind of “Jesus Freaks” who also went to L’Abri during the same era). Smith is a Christian Zionist in the Hal Lindsey mode, although whether those Christian Zionist ideas are actively promoted at Harris?s particular church is another matter. But Harris is certainly connected to David Barton, with whom she shared a panel on the subject “God in Government” at Doug Giles’s April conference (the cached pdf I found on this has since disappeared).
Holy crap. Doug Giles was there. That explains so much. Annother Townhall connection??? It’s begining to look like a conspiracy to me.
I just love the idea of Katherine Harris doing a seminar for Doug Giles’ Clash hotel church. THAT must have jerked the slack out of slacking young people!
Alas, it looks like the agenda I found which had her there was superceded by a later one, in which she (and Jeb) are absent. Shame, but I’ve had to make amendments.
At one point, bin Laden ridicules Bush for reacting slowly to the 2001 attacks.
?We never thought that the high commander of the U.S. armies would leave 50,000 of his citizens in both towers to face the horrors by themselves when they most needed him because it seemed to distract his attention from listening to the girl telling him about her goat butting,? he says, referring to Bush?s decision to wait more than seven minutes after being informed of the attacks before leaving an elementary room classroom in Florida where a student was reading a story called ?The Pet Goat.?
?It appeared to him that a little girl?s talk about her goat and its butting was more important than the planes and their butting of the skyscrapers. That gave us three times the required time to carry out the operations, thank God.?
WELL WELL WELL, what a shocker that Bin Laden is just like you people. Makes complete sense to me.
Americas greatest enemy has just joined your cause… congrats!
Why wouldnt Bin Laden want to endorse Kerry, we’d be a much easier target with him as president. Anyhow, Just wanted to say congrats on your newest follower 🙂
Steve C, are you always this much of an asshole? or just on Friday nights?
Back on topic- Kathryn Harris belongs to a charismatic church? kind of explains everything to me. I can just see her babbling in tongues.
Fundamentalist christianity is every bit as nutty and dangerous as muslim fundamentalism.
Its not that I’m an asshole, its just that the truth hurts…
To save America, we must give Osama Bin Laden the power to render any statement illegitimate by mentioning it!
All religion is disgusting, and should be discouraged, and children, and those of weak intellect, should be shielded from it!
Dear Seb,
I have to bring to your attention a home-grown Canadian wingnut, David Warren.
He is very similar to Fafblog’s Medium Lobster, if you think about it. But I think he is a very roastable wingnut, and potentially quite thin-skinned.
Steve C, the truth that hurts is that you ARE an asshole.
Chimpy is the best recruiting tool Osama could ever have asked for.
“While the Mafia is not in the habit of endorsing presidential candidates, two Colombo family soldiers have spoken with their bulging wallets–and they want four more years for the Bush/Cheney ticket. […]”
I find that extremely interesting. The Mafia know how republicans/conservatives work and that they can get away with a lot more with a Republican in power. The Mafia isn’t stupid and they want foolish views in power for a reason. The fact remains that the Mafia support Steve C’s views.
I also find it extremely intereting that Pat Robertson supported Charles Taylor, the former Liberian dictator who haboured al-Qaeda operatives in the months after Sept 11. Cearly this proves that Robertson works for al-Qaeda, and that his current endorsement of Bush is an al-Qaeda plot. As Robertson has millions of followers, they must all be pro-al-Qaeda too, not to mention Bush himself!!
Seems to me that Osamma supports the liberal view, I believe it is the liberal view
that makes for the best recruiting tool. A weaker Liberal America is a much easier target to attack. So dont fill me up with that stupidity. Call me Chimpy, call me asshole or whatever else you can think of, it dosent take away from the fact that Osamma supports the Liberal view because he knows he would have better success with fools in the white house.
The first time the WTC was bombed, Clinton did nothing to go after them. When they did it with GW Bush we went over to Afghanistan and cleaned up.
Osamma knows how democrats/liberals work and that he can get away with alot more with a democrat in power. Osamma isnt stupid and he wants your foolish views in power for a reason. Now go ahead and pull out your book-o-name calling I could care less about what you think about me. The fact remains that Osamma supports your views, he said the same things on that tape that you people were saying to me in this blog.
I find that extremly interesting….
When they did it with GW Bush we went over to Afghanistan and cleaned up
And Osama is still at large. I find that extremly interesting….
QUOTE: When they did it with GW Bush we went over to Afghanistan and cleaned up
And Osama is still at large. I find that extremly interesting….
Osamma may still be at large, its not as easy to catch a rat in a cave as you may think, but Ill tell ya what, he is considerably weaker then he was, he lost most of his henchmen thanks to GW, unlike anything the last Democrat leader did.
And Bartholomew, the smoking gun? Thats your credible source Hahaha ok there buddy, and it ranks right up there with Micheal Moore being a vredible source. Well thanks for the laugh anyhow 🙂
QUOTE: When they did it with GW Bush we went over to Afghanistan and cleaned up
And Osama is still at large. I find that extremly interesting….
Osamma may still be at large, its not as easy to catch a rat in a cave as you may think, but Ill tell ya what, he is considerably weaker then he was, he lost most of his henchmen thanks to GW, unlike anything the last Democrat leader did.
And Bartholomew, the smoking gun? Thats your credible source Hahaha ok there buddy, and it ranks right up there with Micheal Moore being a credible source. Well thanks for the laugh anyhow 🙂
Say there what’s next Bartholomew? A soild article from The National Enquirer?
Oh, I see: it wasn’t on WND so it can’t be true. The same must go for this:
Bush Receives Endorsement From Iran
Tue Oct 19, 6:33 PM ET
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer
TEHRAN, Iran – The head of Iran’s security council said Tuesday that the re-election of President Bush was in Tehran’s best interests, despite the administration’s axis of evil label, accusations that Iran harbors al-Qaida terrorists and threats of sanctions over the country’s nuclear ambitions.
…Though Iran generally does not publicly wade into U.S. presidential politics, it has a history of preferring Republicans over Democrats, who tend to press human rights issues…
I see nothing mentioned about mafia endorsments there??
And in regurds to Iran mentioned above, I think its not only in their best interest that Bush is re-elected, but in the worlds best interest 🙂
Everyone knows that the media tilts liberal so how they twist or turn a story is of no concern to me.. the only thing I look for in the news is direct quotes. And I put the pieces together myself I dont rely on a reporter to piece it together for me.
If your trying to notion to me that Iran has an under the table deal with Bush or something, you can save it… Liberals have conspiricy on the brain all the time. I dont question Bush’s integrity or decision making…you do.
Too bad Steve can’t actually refute the point there…I mean, that Bush did sit around reading My Pet Goat instead of dealing with an attack on our nation, and that Bush has not, in fact, managed to kill OBL, and that Bush has not, in fact, won the War on Terror, and that Bush has not, in fact, done…well, anything, that Bush claimed Bush was going to do in his four years in office.
And since Steve can’t actually refute any of that, Steve is reduced to making con hominem attacks.
Poor Steve. Poor Steve’s buddies, the Bushits. I’d feel sorry for them if they hadn’t made such a mess of my country.
Sounds like Steve C is a Jesus Freak trying to change the subject. I used to live in So. Cal. Pastor Chuck’s zombies spouted some seriously scary ignorant drivel. They would get very excited about hte end times coming. They seemed to look at is as a kind of revenge against the normal people who were just happily living their lives.
Ha let me correct you SomeRandomGuy…I am Native American, I am no jesus freak… Liberals…the kings and queens of assumption…\
Delgar, Its the terrorists that flew the planes into the world trade center that made of mess of our country, for one thing… Bush wasent flying that plane… Next, I did “refute” the point you and Osamma bin Laden make togeter in a different string on this forum… It’s not woth going over and over this, but I will… He was in there 7 minutes, So what?? You act like he should have ripped off his shirt pulled out his cape and flew to the world trade center and saved everyone. America has other leaders in charge of that, its not like it was his sole responsibilty to deal with it.
I really think he was smart not to jump up and freak everyone out and use that 7 minutes to gather his thoughts on an issue that hasent struck America since Pearl Harbor. Im sure, like he didnt care.. Give me a break, that is extremly weak minded.
No one expeted that to happen including him, it was a shock to all of us. Theres your “refute”.
Also I am a very happy person, Extremly happy with my soon to be re-elected leader. Not poor by any means. Its you liberals that I find pity for, The world is one big conspiricy and the sky is always fallin. Now thats sad, dont worry about me Im great, And Im gonna be great for another 4 years cause I know that most of America is wiser then you people… And Ill “refute” that point on Wednesday!
Steve is really very happy with his president, who sat reading My Pet Goat (oh, Steve believes he was thinking, but I’ve seen the video) while the country was under attack, his president who hasn’t managed to accomplish a thing in four years — well, if you don’t count a soaring national debt, massive un- and under-employment, a quagmire of a war, and a country more radically divided than it has been since the civil war.
Steve’s “Extremly happy” with this record.
That’s why he has to resort to con hominem attacks to defend said president.
Why am I not convinced?
Steve, Steve, Steve, the fact that a member of the “axis of eivl” supports Bush is a good thing? You trust Osama? Think about it Osama’s not dumb, he knows anything he says here is going to help Bush (which I admit is odd, as to me it highlights his blunder in shifting special forces to Iraq instead addressing the actual threat). Oh, one more thing, as too Clinton not doing anything in the Aftermath of the WTC bombing, I have one thing I’d like you to do: Ask Ramzi Yousef about Clinton’s response, I believe you’ll find him at the Federal Supermax in Terre Haute, Indiana. For Christ sakes Steve, it’s not like Clinton was Ronald “I run form Terror (Lebanon) when I’m not arming them (ironically both Iran and the Contras, not to mention a rampup of Carter’s program with the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan) Reagan.
My god I need to edit my posts! Oh, and Steve in case you didn’t get what I waas hinting at, I’ll state it here: In order to recruit Osama needs a radicalized Muslim world, this is what George Bush gives him,, the fact that he is willing to topple secular regimes and allow them to be replaced with theocracies is just icing on the cake. (Actually since Iraqwill rpobably become a shitte theocracy in the style of Iran it is possible that this pisses off Osmama, what him being a wahibbist sunni and all)
Steve C:
“And in regurds to Iran mentioned above, I think its not only in their best interest that Bush is re-elected, but in the worlds best interest”
Right. So the fact that a terrorist-supporting theocracy supports Bush does not mean that Bush is “just like” the Mullahs.
“Delgar, Its the terrorists that flew the planes into the world trade center that made of mess of our country, for one thing… Bush wasent flying that plane”
Right. And neither were any Democrats.
So where do your above statements leave your syllogism claiming that Kerry and liberals are “just like” Bin Laden because of Bin Laden’s video? You appear to be hoisted by your own petard; an uncomfortable position that will not be alleviated by changing the subject onto “the liberal media have made it all up”.
Motherfucker, someone who cites the Free Republic is criticizing other peoples sources?
And also, what the fuck? You read bin Ladens statement and determine that he supports the Liberal point of view? Thats funny, because you don’t actually know what the liberal point of view is. This is obvious from your posting.
This situation is far above your abilities to comprehend Steve, this is also obvious from your posting. So is the fact that you are seriously mentally challenged. Your interpretation of the facts is such that you need to take giant leaps of faith in order to reach your conclusions, which are still invalid. You are incapable of constructing a logical and valid argument; in none of your posts have you been able to do so.
Basically, you are an attention seeking troll.
So, instead of just presenting “facts”, and by that I mean random statements of your point of view, construct a formal argument and present it. Don’t be affraid, if you are so right no one will be able to refute it.
QUOTE: So, instead of just presenting “facts”, and by that I mean random statements of your point of view, construct a formal argument and present it. Don’t be affraid, if you are so right no one will be able to refute it.
Liberals/Democrats could justify why it was ok for Clinton to get a blowjob in the oval office, why not anything else? Liberals can justify Kerry’s flip-flop views on almost every issue, why not anything else? Im sure if you so choose, you could refute that Saddam was not such a bad guy..
Give me a break 🙂 I just post here cause you people to me are twisted and I enjoy stirring you up, and I do everytime. Coming here and seeing the foolishness of your ways makes me feel good about the fact that I was born with common sense. You can call me whatever you wish, coming from any of you it becomes nothing more then a compliment because I dont wish for anyone that thinks or acts like you people to support my views. Period…
I got more then half this country that agrees with me, thats all I need… Thats why a Republican was nominated last time, and will be again this time. What you think is completly insignificant to me.
And before you jump on my last post with some punky comment like you people always do, I made a typo on last paragraph and put nominated instead of elected. Ill save you some of your typing time by tellin you here not to waste it.
Steve types (and spells) about as well as he reasons.
Just found out the whole story on the Osamma tape wasent told right away. Seem your buddy Osamma says that whichever states that Bush wins will be attacked. Now tell me Osamma isnt on your side… Now enjoy your Kerry/Osamma vote tomorow people.
Somebody get Steve’s number. I’ve got some ocean-front property in Louisiana we can sell him.
“The first time the WTC was bombed, Clinton did nothing to go after them.”
-Liberals/Democrats could justify why it was ok for Clinton to get a blowjob in the oval office, why not anything else? Liberals can justify Kerry’s flip-flop views on almost every issue, why not anything else? Im sure if you so choose, you could refute that Saddam was not such a bad guy..
Unsupported statement, no verification, no sources and importantly, no argument. Statement of opinion as fact again, in other words, complete bullshit.
-Give me a break 🙂
No. And don’t smile at me bitch, I am not your friend.
-I just post here cause you people to me are twisted and I enjoy stirring you up, and I do everytime. Coming here and seeing the foolishness of your ways makes me feel good about the fact that I was born with common sense. You can call me whatever you wish, coming from any of you it becomes nothing more then a compliment because I dont wish for anyone that thinks or acts like you people to support my views. Period…
Not entirely sure what to make of this childish bullshit, but two can play at this game:
I always find it funny (in a car wreck sort of way) when Steve posts in this thread, because it reminds me that when low-paying jobs are outsourced to third-world countries, only republicans are hurt by it. Democrats, who are by nature more intelligent and better educated, are largely unaffected by the current economic crisis that Bush has engineered. This crisis has been caused concern for the International Monetary Fund, and literally scores of Noble Prize economists. It also proves once again that republicans are economically incompetant.
-I got more then half this country that agrees with me, thats all I need… Thats why a Republican was nominated last time, and will be again this time. What you think is completly insignificant to me.
Once again an unsupported statement, and an appeal to authority. Well done, you have mastered a basic propaganda technique. But you still have no argument and no substance.
Come on boy, step up to the plate. Dazzle me with your brilliance, hit me with that argument and all your facts. Make me change my point of view, because if you are so correct, it shouldn’t be hard for you to do.
-Just found out the whole story on the Osamma tape wasent told right away. Seem your buddy Osamma says that whichever states that Bush wins will be attacked. Now tell me Osamma isnt on your side… Now enjoy your Kerry/Osamma vote tomorow people.
You my bitch Steve.
Very intelligent response WKD, your wisdom astounds me.
I think the only thing that dazzles you WKD is rollin up a joint and thinking you know whats really going on.
WKD QUOTE: No. And don’t smile at me bitch, I am not your friend.
Im crushed…
“The first time the WTC was bombed, Clinton did nothing to go after them.”
I think your missing my point veritas, Clinton fired a couple missles at Bin Laden? George Bush went to Afganistan and took it away from them and killed 75% of his thugs. Big difference.
OK, then I wont say Clinton did nothing, Ill say he did very little.
Perhaps if Clinton did the same, those towers would still be standing and George Bush wouldnt have been left to clean up after Clintons lack of handling the situation.
Perhaps if Bush had read the memo and done something about it instead of going for a months vacation those towers would be still standing.
And the CIA was warning about precisely those sorts of attacks throughout the late 1990s. See Aviation Week and Space Technology, any random week 98 onwards. Clinton met everyday with his anti-terrorism task force, and briefed Bush personally when Bush took office. And Bush still fucked it up, just like he did with Arbusto, and everything else he has tried.
Hey Steve, you still my bitch. Thats ok, I think you are kinda cute. Bitch.
Steve C, the Black Knight of Sadly, No!
Black Knight implies a degree of dashing. I was thinking more along the lines of fat stupid bastard fuck that keeps wetting themselves and no one likes, of Sadly, No!
More appropriate, I think.
MY QUOTE: -I got more then half this country that agrees with me, thats all I need… Thats why a Republican was elected last time, and will be again this time. What you think is completly insignificant to me.
WKD reply: Once again an unsupported statement, and an appeal to authority. Well done, you have mastered a basic propaganda technique. But you still have no argument and no substance
…. Propaganda technique …No Substance and argument.. At your service WKD.
Popular Vote: Bush 51%
Kerry 48%
WKD quote: You my bitch Steve.
No… You my bitch WKD 🙂
just as an aside…(if it even matters), Calvary Chapels are not considered to be Charismatic. Wherever that little piece of info. came from is mistaken.
Great work!
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