Never mind the goose, asshole

Discussing John Kerry’s hunting trip, Hugh Hewitt asks:

Someone was listening yesterday when I asked “How do you ask a goose to be the last goose to die for a campaign stunt? How do you ask a goose to die for a big head fake?”

We don’t know Hugh — but do you happen to know the answer to how do you ask a soldier to be the last one to die for a campaign stunt?



Comments: 10


“Someone was listening yesterday…” Hmm. That must have surprised Hewitt.

It’s very callous to equate “the last man” with “the last goose,” and it also raises an embarrassing question for Hewitt: Is he overvaluing the goose or undervaluing the man?


Geese are objectively pro-Saddam.


“how do you ask a man…” is beautiful prose in it’s power and directness.

this speech is what made kerry an iconic figure. irony is that it’s not even kerry’s own words. it came from a kennedy speech writer.

the few times that kerry was crisp and succint was when somebody else wrote it for him.


why does kerry feel the need to mimic bush? it really sets him up to look phony. he already has problems with being perceived as authentic. why does he compound the problem?

bush gives a speech on a ship, so kerry has to run and give a speech on a ship. kerry is trying to set himself up as a leader. why is he acting like a follower?


We don’t know Hugh — but do you happen to know the answer to how do you ask a soldier to be the last one to die for a campaign stunt?

Uhm… sadly, no?


Hugh’s inane comment aside, I really do hate these corny stunts. Whether it’s Bush’s fishing on cable TV or Kerry’s hunting for votes, it’s always obvious that they’re cynically trying to manipulate people.


If I were a goose, I think I’d rather be blasted out of the sky and die a free bird rather than live the awful life of a goose being raised for market.


With the manner he carried out his Iraq policy, I still think a good slogan for Bush is:




Ok– Kerry shoots a goose and it’s a campaign stunt. Cheney blasts over 70 farm-raised pheasants, and he’s a sportsman. Feh.


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