Hey, Where’s The Cake? Oh Right, Dan Riehl Has Just Taken It
Shorter Dan Riehl:
- As the possible descendant of an alleged German indentured servant, I am entitled to ask: Do I deserve somehow less of an apology for slavery than the descendants of millions of black Africans held in centuries of generational bondage thanks to their own backwards tribal culture and its shameful failure at protecting its people against our superior system of laws and government?
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Today’s runner-up in cake-taking is Confederate Yankee:
Because no, it doesn’t take place in the Old West, and woo! nice try, bub.
In Mr. Yankee’s defense, his own essai in favor of lynching appeared in late June, indeed lending credence to his claim that Max Blumenthal’s July 29 broadside against lynching-related imagery is “delusional” as well as a species of “unintentionally funny, lethally-refined insanity.” Because here’s the thing: June is before, while July is after. In other words, one thing was then, while the other is now.
Allow us more fully to explain the difference: It is different good ha-ha not same bad boo-hoo.
Coming soon: Confederate Yankee hucks and snortles about shooting people again, accuses liberals of moral weakness in opposing acts of heroic and necessary violence, reaches with left hand for used tissue or stray tube sock.
Today’s runner-up in cake-taking is also Confederate Yankee:
Because when a right-wing lunatic carries out a murderous shotgun rampage during a children’s musical performance at a liberal church, that pales in comparison to this.
The second auxiliary booby-prize runner-up is Ace of Spades HQ, for its ongoing ‘millions of idiots think that Obama is some kind of savior’ gag, which suddenly, and as though no one had ever said such a thing, Eschered into its opposite:
Bonus points are awarded for the original story being wrong, and Slublog, the post’s author, reacting to the correction with a claim that it only underscores his point. That trick always works, and never makes people look petty and insecure.
Confederate Yankee is scary stupid.
The fact is, it’s really the liberal culture of hate that killed those liberals in that church- well, that and the fact that the killer hated Christians, a group which includes me. So really, when you think about it, I’m the one being threatened here, both by Christian-haters, who are liberals, and the culture of hate, which is liberal. Additionally, liberals are traitors and radicals and anti-American and should be disposed of in the most inhumane way possible. Additionally to the additionally, I didn’t actually just say that; the liberal culture of hate leads you to believe that I said it. Because it’s true. But I didn’t say that it was true. But it is true. But I didn’t say that. But if I did, I’d be right. But I didn’t. But it is.
Exactly. The only extremism I see is coming from the left. We should kill those idiots.
Stephen Colbert may well be a genius and Beer for my Horses may be a tupid pointless joke of a song, but I seriously have to say this:
Fuck U Toby Keith
Arrogant? I keep hearing this from conservatives (somehow Bush and McCain get a pass for their arrogance, though, because, as one conservative of my acquaintance told me, “they, unlike Obama, are not condescending”, WTF?). Why don’t they just come out and say the word — “uppity”.
The GOP response to Obama reminds me of that scene in Blazing Saddles where the townsfolk find out their new sherriff is a ni … ni … ni …
Who can forget the signs in Boston, “No Germans Need Apply”? Or how many Krauts the KKK dangled at the end of a rope for overstepping their social bounds in the early twentieth century? Or when Martin Luther XXVIII, at the head of the Zivilrechtebewegung of the 1960s, gave the most well-known speech in the history of America, “One day this country will judge a man by the content of his character, not the contents of his cabbage stew.”?
I am reminded of that old Aryan-American spiritual, “Schließlich Frei, Schließlich Frei, großer Gott-Allmächtiger, Schließlich Frei!”
Near? The new sheriff is near?
“they, unlike Obama, are not condescending”, WTF?
Who cares what you think?
– Gee Dumbya
Near? The new sheriff is near?
I think they were going to say “neighbor”.
Shorter Gavin:
“Even though fellow progressive William Ayers and his Weather Underground comrades really wanted and intended to kill their ideological opposites, the fact that they didn’t kill anyone makes ’em A-OK and absolves them of any evil they may have contemplated.”**
** applies only to liberals
Or how many Krauts the KKK dangled at the end of a rope for overstepping their social bounds in the early twentieth century? – Fats Durston
Actually, from what I understand of the history of, e.g., Texas, Germans were indeed rather hounded (although not as much as African-Americans). Certainly, especially during the World Wars, there was a lot of anti-German prejudice.
Of course, part of the reason why Germans were hounded is that many of them had exotic, non-“Judeo-Christian” religious beliefs (e.g. they were Jews, Lutherans and Catholics). And, e.g. in Texas, they tended to oppose slavery, support radical reconstruction, etc.
Oddly, Riehl choses to associate himself with the ideology of those who were not only racist but also historically anti-German …
For those interested, Michael Lind’s book, Made in Texas is a good reference for why Riehl is somewhat correct to want an apology but why he’s also being so wrong-headed considering who are his political allies.
Be sure to keep a barf bag handy whenever a wingnut decides to get creative. Check this shit out:
“Gots.” What a fucking douchebag.
Dear Dan R. I apologize that you are an idiot. Hope you get some help with that.
Dear TIDOS Yankee, I apologize that you are clueless and an idiot. And that Barack Obama doesn’t fancy you. Sorry.
Dear Right-Wing Blogoshpere, I’m sorry that you are unable to say the words uppity and n!gger when talking about Obama. It must be very hard holding it in all the time.
There anybody I missed? Does it have to come from the Left to make it official?
Is it just me or is Obama everything the left thought Bush was and hated but now they love in their Messiah?
Remember how Bush didn’t have enough ‘gravitas’ in 2000? Or how he spent too much time working out? How long did the press hound Bush trying to get him to admit he was wrong about Iraq and WMD and then try to get him to apologize. They hated Bush because he wasn’t very curious about the world and would never change his mind, no matter what the ‘facts’ were.
You could substitute Obama in each of those cases…he’s arrogant, lacks gravitas, works out a lot, never admits a mistake and boasts that his trip didn’t teach him a thing he didn’t already know. Yet the left loves him for it.
If it weren’t so pathetic and dangerous, it would be funny.
I hope Obama picks Cheney for VP, that would be dreamy!
Actually, sad new troll, the Weathermen took pains to make sure no one died in their bombings. It’d help if you knew what you were talking about.
More generally, who knew African slaves were indentured? They sure didn’t.
I wanna know,seriously,from any of these douches,what will be so(specifically)dangerous about having a President Obama. I really want to hear specific things,not just “ZOMG!!Eleventy!One!! the terrists are gonna kill us all!!”.
Let’s see if i can comment without moderation limbo when not logged in.
Ok, then.
Not that Riehl isn’t full of it, but Chicago’s first and finest riot comes to mind.
Lager Beer Riot
Well, for anyone else having issues, it appears to be the inclusion of a url with my name that puts my comments into moderation.
If you want a truly scary moment, read the Cornfed Yankee comment thread. Look for a comment by “Ken.” The FBI should be talking to that guy, but even scarier is the fact that no one called him on his murderous screed.
Oh dear. At this point I wonder if, when I get home, there will be ANY Tile Grout left…
The first comment over at Dan Riehl’s place: “This apology is so offensive, it makes me want to throttle someone.”
But the attack on the UU church was an isolated case from a rightwinger…right.
The fact is, Mr. Yankee always reminded me of that retarded banjo-playing kid in Deliverance. Even though some people say that the kid looks more like Joe Scarborough.
I believe I shall shut down today because of Stupid Overload.
If there is a single honest decent conservative with a single rational sensible idea, NOW is the time to speak up so that regular Americans can know for sure that there is such a thing and, perhaps, temper their overwhelming contempt and disgust just a tad.
Because here’s the thing: June is before, while July is after. In other words, one thing was then, while the other is now.
Hey, when “the six o’clock news” is an Old West reference ANYTHING is possible.
That Dan Riehl sure is an uppity fellow.
Since I’m not bound by the conventions of what a politician can and cannot say, please allow me to explain the symbolism here. During Obama’s trip, he became a symbol not of anything so high-minded as “the possibility of America returning to our best traditions” or “America being all it can be.” He became a symbol of how much the rest of the world despises America’s Right wing idiots and longs for them to be frog-marched off to a long stay in a dank, rat-infested dungeon post-haste if not sooner.
Given that it’s poorly executed, you still have to give Ace props for General Zod-bama. I mean, how wicked-cool is that? General Zod-bama, First Lady Mich-Ursa and Veep Non Edwards. They could practically take over the world!
This explains the need for kerners on the birth certificate, because last time I checked, the Planet Krypton was not in the US.
Someone with the moniker Confederate Yankee defending the artistic merits of someone named Toby Keith and his song, “Beer for My Horses.”
Somewhere, an angel has stepped in front of a moving bus, or at least crapped its pants.
Speaking of uppity, Josh Marshall was just asking about this.
Here’s a Dan fan doing what “things that resemble people” do best…
Posted by:Bean Counter | Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 11:02 AM
$500k per Negro, or per Negro family? Either way you slice that, that is a serious boatload of cash. I mean, everyone with a drop of Negro blood would be “rolling it ghetto fabulous” with spinning hubcaps, Escalades, and unimaginable levels of taxation and debt unseen in the history of mankind.
Heck, I might even have to look up the family tree to see if there is a mulatto or two hiding around.
Figuring $500k/person, and around 36,000,000 Negroes to pay reparations to…
…that would set us back about 18 TRILLION dollars.
We would have to kick off a Weimar style hyperinflation in order to pay that off.
I suppose Lincoln was right after all: maybe we should have just paid to ship them off back to Africa after the emancipation.
Stay classy Dan Riehl fans!
No, you’re just inferior.
Somewhere, an angel has stepped in front of a moving bus, or at least crapped its pants.
Wait – angels wear pants now? Heaven used to have some standards.
Actually, from what I understand of the history of, e.g., Texas, Germans were indeed rather hounded (although not as much as African-Americans). Certainly, especially during the World Wars, there was a lot of anti-German prejudice.
Actually, from my experience, most German-Americans were hounded because they had German or German-American parents.
Not likely. All the tall poppies got lopped off in the 2004 election cycle.
And there’s this hidden camera shot taken at a top secret meeting of McSame’s “brain trust”. See it here. http://www.tagg-lines.com/2008/07/yesterdays-meeting-of-mccain-advisors.html
All the tall poppies got lopped off in the 2004 election cycle.
Not many of them have even been allowed near national-level political office since about 1992.
“Bonus points are awarded for the original story being wrong, and Slublog, the post’s author, reacting to the correction with a claim that it only underscores his point. That trick always works, and never makes people look petty and insecure.”
I feel like every word of that last sentence should be a separate link to an example of such failed trickery by Jonah Goldberg. He OWNS that approach.
Not likely. All the tall poppies got lopped off in the 2004 election cycle.
Well, I’m going to temper my overwhelming contempt and disgust just a tad anyway. It’s overheating the system.
Following Dan’s link we find someone who has the entire
Ludwig Riehl story.
Firstly, Dan Riehl’s Great X 8 Grandmother sent young Ludwig, aged 8, to sell cookies to dock workers. If reparations are due, they’re due from her.
Secondly, I’m not sure what young man would have meant in the 18th century, but it certainly doesn’t sound like Ludwig was indentured really long. And after joining the Amish community, it seems like he lived a pretty happy life.
Not to minimize what happened to Ludwig, stealing children is wrong. Slavery is wrong. Making an eight year old boy sleep with the livestock is wrong.
But compared to the people who were stolen from Africa in raids on tribal villages and then worked or beaten to death, I have to say he’s got a pretty weak case.
Well, I’m going to temper my overwhelming contempt and disgust just a tad anyway. It’s overheating the system.
I hear gardening is a useful effort to channel all that contempt into. Hint: be contemptuous of the weeds and aphids.
Felony Stupid, as Tim Powers would say.
I see Riehl’s point clearly. Someone who voluntarily agreed to work 14 years with legal protections to prevent the most extreme abuses for transportation to America from his desolate hell hole of a village in Europe, room, board, clothing, and the chance to score oodles of free land and become prosperous and even rich is exactly the same as someone forcibly bound to involuntary servitude for life along with all of his/her descendants and utterly subject to the whims of their owner with no hope that the misery will ever end.
Riehl’s apology should be calculated by the following formula: (Sb + Sd)/STFU, where Sb is the number of Riel’s ancestors who were born into slavery (zero), and Sd is the the number of Riel’s ancestors who died as slaves (also zero).
The denominator is self-explanatory.
Dan Riehl’s files showing that he was descended from German ancestors and that African slaves were indentured mysteriously disappeared from his house.
How dare Barrack Obama associate with a citizen who has never been charged or convicted with a crime!
I think you don’t have enough emphasis on the second half of Dan’s argument, here. I mean, the whole “I once found a hair in my Subway sandwich, why isn’t the government apologizing to me for slavery?” thing is pretty standard shtick that I’d expect from, say, the National Review.
But, man, the second half is just…
Yes, I just kicked you in the junk for no reason, but isn’t that your fault for not blocking me?
There’s also the whole “Africans had slaves too!” thing, so take a drink.
God, what a racist fuck.
As the actual descendant of an actual German indentured servant, I am entitled to call Dan Riehl an asshole.
I was having some difficulty figuring out exactly what it was that really put me off in Wankee’s argument. He’s right in that the song is fictional. I mean, they’re country music lyrics – they aren’t supposed to actually mean anything. But then I managed to put my finger on it:
(emphasis mine)
That’s right, a song about lynching is uncontroversial. When FUTK sings about taking all the rope in Texas and finding a tall oak tree, he’s really talking about justice. IOW, all them niggers that were strung up in the good old days, well thems was all guilty – so what’s the problem?
Setting aside the ludicrousness of Riehl’s whine about being German and so having a micron of a chance of having been descended from an indentured servant being compared to black slavery, is there no way to point out to him that my Irish ancestors’ arrival into the US could at least as easily have been as “indentured servants” with contracts that forced the grandkids into servitude to pay off the original debt that was compounded with room and board fees and nobody catches the Irish demanding reparations from the US government? And have any of the descendants of the Scots and Irish who were shipped to the Caribbean as slaves started protesting to the Jamaican government? No? Why?
*checks sunscreen rating*
SPF 50. Thank you for playing. I’m not suffering because great-great-great-grandpa might have been a petty thief, thank you, institutionalized racism.
[…] Sadly, No! we learn that Dan Riehl is wondering if the very slight possibility one of his ancestors may have […]
Fifty-two comments in, and I’ve found yet another way that Riehl’s argument is asinine …
He’s acting all whiny and self-pitying because some of the descendants of enslaved people are asking for reparations … and no money of this kind has been handed out and there are no serious plans in the works for any of this to come about.
He’s choosing his battles wisely.
Old whine in new bottles.
n 1752, he was reportedly kidnapped in Hamburg, …. Logically, then, isn’t it ultimately the fault of an under-civilized tribal system which could not protect its own that is a key reason for why traders in men and women turned to another continent for more “product?”
Logically, then, isn’t it ultimately the fault of an under-civilized city-state which could not protect its own (Hamburgers) that is the key reason why kidnappers pressed people into service in North Sea entreports for indentured ‘product’?
I think Germany owes Dan Riehl a big pile o’ Reichsmarks.
Logically, then, isn’t it ultimately the fault of an under-civilized tribal system which could not protect its own that is a key reason for why traders in men and women turned to another continent for more “product?”
If it’s now logical to blame the weak for the depredations of the strong, logic has been more devalued than the dollar.
Yes, it is awful when someone can go on C-SPAN and call for the extermination of black people – and get applause!
Take a look at the link, S,N! This man called for all white people to be exterminated. His audience applauded him roundly. And this man taught at North Carolina State! Wow, white racism is really out of control.
As a point of reference, most (though not all) Irish and German immigrants to the US arrived after 1830. Indentured servitude generally ended in this country at the end of the 18th century when it was no longer needed owing to the large population of poor free men and women and the slave trade. There were both Irish and German indentured servants, but they were a minority of both the indentured and of immigrants from those places. I also have a large number of German ancestors (political refugees in the 1840s) and some Irish ancestors (economic refugees in the 1830s), but none of them were indentured nor suffered anything resembling the horrors visited on African slaves and their descendants. As a German American (whose grandfather was bilingual), I can state with certainty that Riehl is eine scheisskopf and a fuckwad.
Actually, from what I understand of the history of, e.g., Texas, Germans were indeed rather hounded (although not as much as African-Americans). Certainly, especially during the World Wars, there was a lot of anti-German prejudice.
Yes, there was a single German hanged by
Americanheartland mob justice during the First World War. My apologies for making this error.I have sent an email of apology to Dan Riehl for my flippant tone regarding past prejudices, as no ethnicity’s suffering is greater than any other, and to compare such things would merely open old wounds, since we are living in a post-racial society.
I have also drafted a letter to my Congresscritter to write legislation that apologizes for this un-American anti-German prejudice from the past, and also to look into writing laws for German affirmative action, to right this historical wrong.
…logic has been more devalued than the dollar.
Remember, in wingnutese, “logic” is the idea that if you really think hard about something, or at least scowl and look like you’re thinking really hard for awhile, you’ll agree with them.
This definition isn’t exclusive to wingnuts, but among wingnuts it’s the only definition.
Man these multi wingnut posts get pretty confusing.
re: Zod-bama
It’s just you. The problem with 2K Bush was that he was an imbecile.
…the black descendants of slaves in America should really be thinking about apologizing to themselves.”
Descendent #1: Pardon me.
Descendent #2: No, pardon me.
OK, I can see how that might work.
If we’re going to be shipping people back, let’s start with Dan Riehl.
Opportunity for Cat Fans!
Maybe your robot dreams are simpler than Glenn Beck’s, but here’s one a lefty can enjoy!
It’s Truthy! So what garbage are you peddling today?
Oh look – Kamau Kambon! Nicely done Truthy, you found a kook almost as nutty as yourself.
I realize that non-sequiturs and wandering into meaningless mumbledy-peg is an internet tradition here, but you do realize that you haven’t actually said anything. Oh and BTW, kudos on the joke about “audience applauded him roundly”. Energetic applause on C-SPAN? That’s a pretty good one.
Dan, You are Correct! The world has been unfair to you! YOU have suffered, I am sure of that.
Here’s the thing, Dan? Its not cuz you’re white. Or German.
Its cuz you’re stupid.
DK –
Aren’t you liberals supposed to be smarter than the average bear? You gas on about conservatives winking and nodding at violence – I linked to a NC State lecturer openly calling for the extermination of white people on CSPAN.
And yes, the Howard University Law School audience applauded. You’d embarrass yourself less if you actually, you know, knew anything about the subjects you’re commenting on.
So, if I hide outside Dan’s house and run up and whack in the knees with a baseball bat when he’s not looking, then loot his valuable, shoot his dog, and blow up his car it would be the fault of his family and loved ones (if any) for not being properly prepared to stop me? That’s some interesting morality.
Additionally, I make poopy.
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement! Confederate Yankee isn’t racist- YOU are! Mickey Kaus says Obama is doomed.
fap fap fap
“Hey! Hey! Hey guys – some guy said something bad once … stupid!
Hey, he did stuff and other people didn’t hit him with a brick … idiot.
Whaddaya say to that, huh … moron?”
Wait, so one kook getting a smattering of applause at a college somehow excuses all white racism and eliminates any and all white priviledge built into the American system? Man, some folks are just terrified by the idea of a black man in the White House, aren’t they.
I clicked your link. I even read about it. Kamau Kambon is a deranged nutbag. Maybe I’ll get around to reading some of his stuff so I can poke fun at it, but it’s gotta wait in line until I sort out the Jesus-is-Savior vs. Jesus-is-Lord thing.
But I did figure out why you’re going on about Dr. Kambon.
Oh, and BTW – although I acknowledge your 1337 mastery at coming off like a complete fucking idiot – I’m fucking Dragon-King Wangchuck. Don’t lecture me on embarassing myself.
The fact is, The Truth is my retarded little brother. Please ignore him, as he is not supposed to be using the computer anyway. He has a cup-painting activity in a half hour.
Matt, attacking a strawman – as S,N! liberals are wont to do when I call them on their bullshit – isn’t going to help you. I linked to televised video of a North Carolina State lecturer openly calling for the extermination of white people, and the response from the African American audience at Howard University Law School was applause. Twice, actually, the louder ovation coming at the end of the lecturer’s remarks.
Obfuscate all you want, liberals. I’ve shown you what eliminationist rhetoric really looks like, and who supports it.
Well, what the hell were they doing on CSPAN at this hour? That’s a bad neighborhood.
And I bet they weren’t even wearing panties! They were asking for it!
You gas on about conservatives winking and nodding at violence – I linked to a NC State lecturer openly calling for the extermination of white people on CSPAN.
I don’t care who advocates extermination – I’m against it.
If you think liberals are just like you but with different puppet masters, you’re wrong. We’re not the lockstep crowd – which works against us politically when the authoritarians are united, but them’s the breaks.
I’ll say it again: apparently one lone kook and a smattering of applause eliminates all white racism, or at least excuses it in “Truth’s” eyes. You just keep digging, don’t ya, boy? I guess you don’t have any problem with such coming from white people, huh? So, do you usually stick with VDare or are you a Stormfront kind of guy?
Well that’s a relief. Apparently, eliminationist rhetoric is supported by three golf-clappers (one of whom was laughing) and a burned out reggae artist.
We can all sleep safely, now.
The fact is, I wish my retarded little brother ‘The Truth’ would gain a few IQ points. I’m tired of having to keep baby gates around and locking the cabinets with the cleaning solvents.
Behold: The air guitarists of wingnuttery. Yeah, you guys can use that someday.
Shorter Dan Riehl: “My family tree contains.. Zee Germans.”
Shorter Confederate Yankee: “ma famla tree dun fork!”
I linked to televised video…
A televised video, you say? Well I, for one, am really impressed. Good job. (pats head)
Maybe Dan Riehl’s ancestor will bring you a cookie.
How in the hell would you “eliminate all white people”, anyway? There are a shit-ton of us, we pretty much run and own everything, and have for the past (arguably) 1500 years. We’re pretty well entrenched. Hell, there’s entire states right here in this country wherein you won’t see much but white folk.
So, don’t be scared, lil’ trooper. Just because we’ll have a Black Man in the White House come November, you won’t have to buy any Funkadelic records or read Ralph Ellison or anything like that. This is America, where a damn fool can stay a damn fool if he wants.
A) Get your facts straight when you want to hoist people on someone else’s petard.
You said:
I linked to televised video of a North Carolina State lecturer openly calling for the extermination of white people
He was at a panel on media coverage of Hurricane Katrina. It’s not entirely clear if he was even a member of the panel, or just some dude attending. So don’t swan about as though you’ve just found video of Kamau Kambon calling students “Whitey” in class.
B)When someone accuses of conducting an argument by non sequitur, don’t rely on a non sequitur to prove your point:
I’ve shown you what eliminationist rhetoric really looks like, and who supports it.
Nobody here accused Dan Riehl or Confederate Yankee of “advocating the elimination of Unitarians” or anything like it. You brought up “eliminationism.”
What prompted your outburst? A discussion of Dan Riehl’s inability to discern the distinction between white indentured servants and African slavery, and the discussion of Confederate Yankee’s inability to discern the nuanced distinction between the 1870s and the 1930s.
What prompted your outburst?
Black people scare the hell out of him. Only thing I can come up with.
I linked to televised video of a North Carolina State lecturer openly calling for the extermination of white people, and the response from the African American audience at Howard University Law School was applause. Twice, actually, the louder ovation coming at the end of the lecturer’s remarks.
I get all confused about this stuff. My pastor at the Reformed Aryan Church in Butte talks a LOT about the superiority of white people and such, but when he goes on one of his “off the record” tangents, it’s usually about how patriots should gun down/hang LIE-brals, who are mostly white folk.
And people wonder why my yard is filled with concertina wire and tank traps…
The fact is, I’ve consistently said many times that DUmmie FUnnies is a far funnier blog than this one.
Also, the fact is, I’m starting my own blog now. It will be called ‘The Dustbin of History’.
Just because we’ll have a Black Man in the White House come November, you won’t have to buy any Funkadelic records or read Ralph Ellison or anything like that.
Hell, then what’s the point?
… its shameful failure at protecting its people against our superior system of laws and government?
Hey, why not apply the same logic to Iraq? It’s justified to attack a non-aggressor ‘cos we’re so superior!
If his ancestor was kidnapped, he could have gone to a magistrate in protest in the US. Indentured servants did have some rights and they had laws about indenture servitude if this moron had bothered to actually do some research.
I’ve shown you what eliminationist rhetoric really looks like, and who supports it.
Oh. That’s your point. If you had preceded it with an OT to give us a heads up that you were just going to ramble, that might helped. Well then Truthy, you’ve made an excellent point, for very small values of excellent. Kamau Kambon’s tirade was indeed eliminationist rhetoric – and he got a smattering of applause for it, and I will openly acknowledge that that’s probably a significant proportion of the applause that occured on C-SPAN that year. Big fucking deal.
BTW, remember saying this:
Would you like any ketchup with those words you’re going to eat? Because, here it comes:
With apologies to our gracious hosts – Sadly, No!
Dr. Kamau Kambon served as a guest lecturer at NC State on a as-needed basis, i.e. a substitute teacher for one course AFS 241. The last time he did that was Spring ’05. Your video is from October ’05. Hence Kambon was not a NC State lecturer at the time. A fact easily confirmed by going to the NC State website and looking.
Perhaps your implying instead that his views are supported by the left-wing traitorous liberal academia. From the same NC State link:
or how about Eliminationist Black Power Center Howard University?
So, from your scathing indictment of the evil left-wing moonbats, what are you left holding? It might be your dick, but it looks like nothing to me.
The Germans and Irish were treated like shit in areas they were post-1840s emigrants/refugees: the South for the Germans, the North for the Irish, and the Midwest (and border east) for both. (The old line about using Irish to load ships because if his back breaks you just hire another – niggers you have to pay for – wasn’t quite applicable to Germans, who more typically were lower-middle-class burghers than farmers, but the same attitude from the Old Guard was at work twoards both.)
So yeah, Riehl has a sort of kind of niggling complaint against the assholes who signed his however-many-great-grandpa’s indenture, along with the generations of assholes who treated him like shit because he was a Kraut. The problem is that politically those are the Democrats – the political ancestors of the modern Republicans. (This continuity happens by a series of partisan switcheroos in the 60s – in which time there may well have been voters old enough to remember being told not to associate with Germans who were gently encouraged by their local Republicans that Nixon took the cultural heritage of the South seriously.)
On the other hand, American slavery is unique in its brutality, nature, and scope. The Americas, all told, sucked almost a third of the African population out of their homes and into backbreaking lives of neverending toil, lives into which their children were born and raised. Owing to the nature of slave breeding operations – especially so after 1808 when the transcontinental trade became officially as well as morally illicit – the average black American probably has roots in America deeper than yours. No one of my ancestors had set foot on the continent before 1850, by which point the ancestors of modern black Americans barely spoke a word of Wolof – the normal starting criterion for cultural integration. The concerted effort to pretend that blacks are illiterate idiots by pathologizing every vernacularism spoken by a black man was at least partially a massive effort to keep the same gates that had admitted the Irish and the Germans closed to the long-suffering negro.
The one thing I can say, after all of that, is this: while the first few generations of fully integrated immigrants will typically have a parvenu’s investment in the established order, the ‘irish cops, prosecutors, and judges’ O’Reilly and Buchanan shamefully prided our race on breeding haven’t been a feature of the Irish in anything but the fevered imaginations of racist whites with Irish names and bad detective fiction. The Irish used to be a minority, and for my part that’s a major motivator for me never to let go of any of the horrifying efforts at ethnic wreckerism among Whitey. I really wish people like Riehl and O’Reilly would get it into their thick Papist skulls that our separateness isn’t a bragging right, that we’re not living proof of the more recent integratees’ inferiority – but that we have no immunity to the lynch mob. Frank lived in the progressive era in the South’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan city, and by all rights his fellow Jews believed that by escaping the big Northern ghettos they had escaped anti-Semitism. All it took was a little stoking to get one of the most horrifying fires ever to hit the presses going.
Of course, Toby Keith’s song couldn’t possibly be about racism. It’s obviously about punishing people for crime. You know, those car-stealing gangsters who effete liberal courts let get away with it. If only we had let Toby on that jury; he’d have hanged that Jew high for sure.
Jesus Christ, I really hate weeks like this. It’s like the worst parts of humanity suddenly collude on something so horrifying it knocks any self-esteem out of you and makes you come close to weeping for our lost innocence. I hate them all so much.
Here’s that “ken” comment from CY:
I think it’s real generous of him to allow that maybe they didn’t deserve to die for maybe believing in the efficacy of wind power. But I don’t know if I would describe as “lame and harmless” a person who would block a shotgun blast with his body to save someone else’s life. Or the unarmed people who took this freak’s gun away from him after they just watched him murder two people.
It’s funny, none of the regulars over there objected to this. Perhaps there was such a tidal wave of opposition that it crashed the server and none of them got posted. Either that or they were so busy fumbling their cocks out of their skidmarked bathrobes they couldn’t be bothered.
That was pretty lame. Even for Troof.
I say we leave him alone and let him lick his wounds in peace. Better yet, let him declare victory.
Otherwise, he might be loading up his shotgun and looking at the DFH coffee shop down the street.
So, yeah, Troof, you got us there. We shouldn’t be allowed to make fun of Dan Riehl for being an ignorant niwit because a guy said something you didn’t like that you could take out of context and make a big deal of. Because somewhere, someone here must have said that no crazy black man ever said anything like that, and he must represent all lefties … for some reason.
I say we leave him alone and let him lick his wounds in peace. Better yet, let him declare victory.
I have a soft spot for Truthy. So far he’s the only wingnut to call me shrill. But you have a point about how fragile these insecure bedwetters can be.
Truthy, I take it all back. You caught me out in some blatant obfuscation. Congrats, I bow to your unique and provocative insights.
Yes, Troof, ya caught us in our obfumuscatin’ and you are 100% right about everything. Always.
Now put the gun down.
Take a look at this, Sadly, No!
More proof that it’s black people who are racist against whites (and therefore obviously not the other way around).
Now doggone it Dragon King, you don’t want to be confusing poor ol’ Troofy with them there facts and such like when his is so clearly testifying to the truthiness of capital “T” Truth, you know the divinely revealed kind you see in tequila and Quaalude induced visions.
More generally, who knew African slaves were indentured? They sure didn’t.
That’s why there were laws against teaching slaves to read — their owners didn’t want them finding out about this loophole.
Since the British imperialists that the Southern plantation-owning class imitated also had laws against teaching the Irish to read, I am going to use Wingnut Wlogic to insist, loudly, that my ethnic Irish ancestry entitles me to kick Dan Riehl in the junk for being a godsdamned public nuisance.
Then I will insist that Germany owes America reparations for not keeping the Riehl bloodline to itself.
“Furthermore, it’s possible that the people shot didn’t deserve it.”
How generous of you! Maybe we’ve misjudged the wingnuts.
“You are swine, and although I don’t actually intend to kill you personally, I would not shed a tear if someone else did.”
It’s the chickenhawk way! Why should I risk myself when I can whine for some somebody else to do it, and then act like a big shot afterwards?
“I still remember that little girl you attacked at that 2004 John Edwards rally in West Virginia. I still remember Waco, and your gloating about the deaths of the babies there. I still remember the worm who forced an old Mexican woman off the road, with her child inside her car, because of her Bush bumper sticker. I still remember your ACORN cowards pushing an old woman down a flight of stairs.”
Because no rightist has ever done anything like that. It’s all those subhuman Leftie flag haters PRETENDING to be rightists, just to make Bush look bad!
They’re still on about Waco?
For a bunch of assholes always on about the ‘leftist Obama’s cult of personality’, they sure are in a twist over a genuine cult leader, aren’t they.
Oh, the girl at the Edwards rally. Oh wow.
Funny story about that…
Are the facts always so irrelevant?
The cake is a lie.
By the way, Confederate Yankee’s interpretation is obviously right.
Now, I’m going to go listen to that old ode to prohibition era gangsters, NWA’s Fuck the Police.
Gavin, that Porlock (morlock? Naaaah, couldn’t be, H G Wells is long dead) character is a fine one. I particularly liked this bit:
Phil Parlock didn’t expect to need all 12 of the Bush-Cheney signs he and his son Louis smuggled in their socks and pockets into the rally for Vice President Al Gore.
Them’s some mighty big socks those guys must have been wearing. 12 signs? I couldn’t fit 12 signs in my car.
Okay, I lied: I could fit 12 signs in my car. But certainly not in my shirt. And definitely not in my fuckin’ socks.
You liberals wet yourselves at the ridiculous words of “Ken”, an anonymous poster on CY. I show you a video clip of a man who lectured at North Carolina State, who was invited to speak at Howard University, and who on C-SPAN called for the elimination of the white people. The Howard University audience gave that statement a bit of applause when it was expressed, and then more applause when the speaker sat down.
I mean, could the hypocrisy be any more apparent? Can you imagine a white speaker at, say, Bob Jones University calling for black people to be eliminated, and being met with applause? What would the reaction of liberals be then?
Howard University can put out all the statements it wants after the fact; its audience applauded the idea of white genocide. Go on, S,N! liberals, scurry away to the next topic – I’ve called you on your bullshit once again.
You know, I didn’t flash on the “Beer For My Horses” thing until midway through the thread. Willie Nelson played that here in Amsterdam a couple of months ago. I don’t remember whether he specifically dedicated the song to Bush and Cheney, but that was the general idea, and one greatly apppreciated by the mostly Dutch crowd.
Other places, other audiences, well, your mileage may vary. Also, some settling may occur during shipping.
Go on, S,N! liberals, scurry away to the next topic – I’ve called you on your bullshit once again.
So scary Teh Toof is! I must scurry away! Scurry! Scurry!
In other news, Troof made poopie!
I still remember that little girl you attacked at that 2004 John Edwards rally in West Virginia. I still remember Waco, and your gloating about the deaths of the babies there. I still remember the worm who forced an old Mexican woman off the road, with her child inside her car, because of her Bush bumper sticker. I still remember your ACORN cowards pushing an old woman down a flight of stairs.
Gavin linked the Parlock thing, and I found that the Tampa woman almost run off the road by some kook was 35 and had no kids in the car. The “I remember!” mantra doesn’t work all that well if your recital shows you don’t.
Those liberal fascists threw me out of a John French Kerry rally simply because I was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Kerry being shot in the head in the back of a convertible and John Edwards is climbing over the seat. I mean, it was a hilarious JFK reference, but those crazed cowards in the DemonCRAP party don’t want to hear alternate views at their Nazi-like torchlight political rallies. Same thing happened when I wore my “Lynch Obama” T-shirt to the Obama rally, plus they insisted that I had to “put on some pants”. Evil, deranged cowards, all of them.