Posted on July 29th, 2008 by Brad
I could cite four or five actions — not speeches — that John McCain has taken that elicit my admiration, even my awe. […] To paraphrase what Kipling said about Gunga Din, John McCain is a better man than most. […] His was a lonely position — virtually suicidal for an all-but-certain presidential candidate and no help when his campaign nearly expired last summer. In all these cases, McCain stuck to his guns.
I’m not sure what drugs McCain puts in his barbecue sauce, but its main purpose seems to be making Washington Post columnists go gay for him. Color me disturbed.
It was a knock-off of Rachel Ray’s Secret Islamohomofacist Barbecue Sauce.
I too endorse the notion that John McCain would end up giving up his life to save his leader, Barack Obama, since of course that’s what Gunga Din did for his British colonial officer, even after the British officer admits having beaten and whipped him many times.
Is there some sort of contest among op-ed writers to see who can embarrass themselves the most? I thought Dowd and Kristol were the favorites, but Cohen is coming up from the outside.
It’s a pile of crap that’s already been written a hundred times over by other hacks.
Great, he’s making the creationist argument.
“I don’t know/understand, so it can’t be right.”
DC is basically high school with money, so that makes Cohen the equipment manager on the football team.
I’m sure the Messiah & Saviour of Mankind, Sun Myung Moon, is very pleased with one of his media lapdogs cranking out yet another fluff-piece for his favorite party, the Moonie-Love-In-Sponsoring GOP.
Yet even Richard “Wiping McCain’s Spooge Off My Chin” Cohen has to admit that Obama’s got a seriously harsh advantage on his man-crush, even while he’s delivering the parting shot.
“I know that Barack Obama is a near-perfect political package. I’m still not sure, though, what’s in it.”
Well, if someone can help little Richie get over his chronic case of blueballs for John Sidney McCain III, maybe he could try a trip to Wikipedia or even the mighty Gazoogle. This blithering tit is (sadly) ON the Interwebs – perhaps he could try USING them sometime. Unlike his hero, a 100%-n00b, who’ll only touch a computer in 2008 in order to deflect criticism of how hilariously behind-the-times he is – & makes damn sure there’s someone to film & edit the result.
El Cid beat me to the punch: Mr. Cohen can cite the one line of the poem, but has NOT a clue as to how racist the narrator of it is.
Yesterday, Bush was Batman, today McCain is Gunga Din. It’s getting ugly out there in the surreality-based community.
Yeah McGrumpy may be a better man than MOST, but by gum, he’s no Dicky Cohen!
“All politicians change their positions, sometimes even because they have changed their minds. McCain must have suffered excruciating whiplash from totally reversing himself on George Bush’s tax cuts. He has denounced preachers he later embraced and then, to his chagrin, has had to denounce them all over again. This plasticity has a label: pandering. McCain knows how it’s done.”
This, remember, is the candidate that he can support because you know he has a line he will not cross. He has taken a step further – now, apparently, that line is SUpport For The Surge. That’s it, man, that’s the reason to vote for John McCain. Does he have other policies to support? Doesn’t matter, he will not cross the line of Support For The Surge.
Were his positions on “campaign finance reform … opposition to earmarks … opposition to the Medicare prescription drug bill … and call for additional troops” well thought out, or actually correct, or nuanced positions in opposition to other correct positions, or did they come as the result of some quid pro quo exchange?
DOES NOT MATTER – McCain Supported The Surge. That is all we know on earth, and all we need know.
Didn’t support the war. Next.
Cohen with this, again??? Why do I think that if I bothered to wade through the WaPo archives that this clown dissed Kerry in ’04 for running on his Nam record? Why am I totally sure of this?
Clearly a standard he’s always held himself to.
Clearly a standard he’s always held himself to.
Give me a friggin break. McCain’s record on Iraq is a vast assortment of flip-flops, half-hearted victory calls, Bush-love in prudent situations and Bush-hate in others. To say McCain was right about anything having to do with Iraq is to admit that you’re ignoring about half of what he’s said.
I hate to rail off like Glennzilla, but this is astonishingly lazy punditry, pathetic wimpy wankery of the highest order. This man’s family should be ashamed. We get it, you ad hoc clown, you looooove you some McCain. Come out and say it. But cut the bullshit.
{italicize the following words}a 100%-n00b, who’ll only touch a computer in 2008 in order to deflect criticism of how hilariously behind-the-times he is{/stop italicizing please, computer}
My friends, I beg to correct your misimpressions. I have long known how to use Charles Babbage’s – I like to call him Chuckie – difference engine, and often use it to computate the sums included in my colleagues earmarks – as my manservant Richard has already ably pointed out, I oppose those.
If you are referring to the Internet, I will never touch a machine connected to that network, as I have been reliably informed that it will suck your soul from your very fingertips. I’ve recruited Meghan’s friends to do that for me.
Typed “Richard Cohen,” “Kerry,” and “2004” into the Google. First thing that came out was this, in the wake of the Swift Boat controversy. Peep some of this Cohen shit:
Shorter Richard Cohen, when considering John McCain: Bow-chicka-wow-wow.
The gang of 400 in the tank for McCain? Unpossible! Everybody knows they are just a bunch of lieberals.
Okay Cohen, go ahead:
(links mine)
Let’s actually get to Cohen’s point, because he sure as hell ain’t doing it anytime soon.
Cohen loves himself some JiSM3. Fuck everything else – man needs his JiSM3.
He starts out by asking someone to:
Three grafs later he does, and notes that it’s on the biggest single issue today. Then he second guesses it and qualifies and minimizes and basically says “central to my point”. Fucking ass-clown.
Then he pulls the “inexperienced” crap, and follows up with, but that doesn’t stop him from being a flip flopper. I’d give him credit in that he does recognize that JiSM3 has changed his positions a few times except that he’s trying to spin it such that Obama has managed to cram more platform changes in his “inexperienced” career than McCain has in his eleventy thousand terms dating from the late Cretaous.
And then he finishes with the classic wingnut “but what does Obama stand for?”. If only there were a way to find out.
Well that’s interesting.
Hey Word Press, you’re going to be waiting a long time if you want me to be moderate in my comments.
“My guess is that Obama will make a fool of anyone who issues such a judgment about him.” If President Obama proves to be the best president ever, Cohen will cite this as proof he always knew it would be that way. Weasel.
I’d say it’s average.
Or were you looking at all pundits, not just conservatives?
Cohen (my emphasis):
Dude, do you have a cite for this? That’s a pretty bold claim.
John McCain IS what the Repugs said John Kerry was.
Why doesn’t one of those fancy-schmancy pundits write about that?
Possibly he would have earned a reputation for furious, maybe even sanctimonious, integrity of the sort that often drove McCain’s colleagues to dark thoughts of senatorcide
Anger over his “integrity” has all come from his Republican colleagues. Democrats don’t foam at the mouth when a Republican opposes them; they expect it. His supposed maverickyness is purely a factor of the moderate positions he has taken on campaign finance, immigration, and tax cuts.
Is Richard Cohen calling the GOP a pack of murderous thugs?
Occasionally John McCain stops by my pad and dips his nuts in a boiling cup of water for 5 minutes.
Then I enjoy a nice steaming cup of Straight Talk Tea.
-Richard Cohen
It’s his honesty, his willingness to (mostly) say what’s on his mind. He just clears his throat and says what has to be said. John Kerry ought to try it. It could make him president.
If John Kerry were to have tried “it”, Richard ROTFLMAO Cohen would have been the first to have whined and complained about that “mean and shrill John Kerry who called our great President a lying bully and words I cannot repeat in a family newspaper”.
What a hypocritical asshole Cohen is.
The sad part is that people think Cohen is a liberal — so they think all of us are as assaholic as Cohen is and also they think “wow — if even the liberal Richard Cohen supports McCain, there must be something wrong with Obama”.
The next president will have to be something of a political Superman, a man of steel
Stalin, if you will.
“that’s what Gunga Din did for his British colonial officer, even after the British officer admits having beaten and whipped him many times.”
The narrator of Gunga Din is definitely not an officer. Look at the dialect. He’s talking Victorian Stage Cockney, for heaven’s sake.
Yes, this is irrelevant nitpickery.
The Republicans [i]wish[/i] they were Stalin.
He could arrange to put an icepick into my head from across the globe, these guys can’t chew a pretzel without choking.
OT, and because I see Hoosier here on this thread- Tom Sowell’s Random Thoughts are back!
Um. What?
Shorter Tom Sowell: I’m old.
Um. What?
Shorter Tom Sowell: I’m old. Also bitter.
Shorter Tom Sowell: Machines can’t adjust for anything. Also, I’m old. Also bitter. Additionally, um. What?
What does the word “glass” mean, in this context, except that you can’t see it? Yet I am supposed to believe it without evidence because, otherwise, I will be considered a bad person and called names.
He misspelled “god”
Yes, this is irrelevant nitpickery.
That’s all we do. That and poop. The worst is when we nitpick poop.
More Sowell
Thus we shouldn’t even try, and black people should learn their places as either
house negroesindependent free-thinkers like myself or laborers in the field.This again? WTF?!
Except for yelling PENIS, I try not to repeat myself, but since he’s just repeating the standard talking point:
This again? WTF?!
Because that’s the level America has sunk to – sure we electrify genitals and waterboard, but terrorists, representing no one but themselves, behead people!
OT, but….holy shit:
Now they’re super-Puma ninjas and anime grrls.
Boy that Cohen is such a liberal, eh?
Even Shorter Thomas Sowell: “Ghostwriting my column today is Bert ‘I wish those damned kids would get off my lawn’ Prelutsky”
How many in the media have expressed half as much outrage about the beheading of innocent people by terrorists in Iraq as they have about the captured terrorists held at Guantanamo not being treated as nicely as they think they should be?
If column inches were apportioned by some objective measure of human tragedy, US news wouldn’t really be covered at all.
I’m sorry, but is No Quarter agitprop? That shit is just too funny. Tonight the Nocturnal Warrior shares his prized emissions. Don’t miss it!
Now they’re super-Puma ninjas and anime grrls.
Great. A long while back I remember reading that anime grrl. I didn’t need to know that she’s gone plum loco. I think I’m going to not look into what she’s been writing these past few months.
No Quarter. Wow. Sad.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
I’m not sure that it makes any difference, but in that picture the Post uses, Cohen looks like an elderly, chinless, deranged beaver. Kinda like one of Cartman’s Christmas Critters.
“Larry” —
Heh. Indeedy. (Did you write that yourself? It’s really good. But “The way to dusty death” is not a sentence, it’s just a fragment. You should fix that.)
Tom Sowell: After getting DVDs of old “Perry Mason” TV programs and old “Law & Order” programs, I found myself watching far more of the “Perry Mason” series. The difference is that too many “Law & Order” programs tried to raise my consciousness on social issues, as if that is their role or their competence.…and because, as Perry Mason, Raymond Burr is teh hot gay man who just got down to business without trying to raise anything.
I have a sneaking suspicion that one reason Cohen is so sniffish about Obama is that he is worried that the well-being of Israel would not be Obama’s be-all and end-all. Whereas McCain, like the rest of the GOP, is firmly in the Israel-can-do-no-wrong camp.
If that’s the case, I wish Cohen would have the balls to just come out and say it.
I’m not sure what drugs McCain puts in his barbecue sauce…
I’ve heard he uses Cowboy Mike’s Own Original Red-hot RICOCHET Barbecue Sauce.
Nah, I just think Cohen is a bootlicking toad. Nothing to do with the Jooz. It’s not like the Democrats have exactly been oppositional to Israel.
So individually, they’re a super-Puma ninja and an anime grrrl. I wonder what happens when they use their special power to merge together… do they turn into a huge pile of horse shit?
Leaving Larry to wallow in his own crapulence, and back on topic:
Yglesias’ take:
The thing I like most about Matthew Yglesias is the same think I like least about him. I said almost the exact same thing, but I sounded like a petulant teenager on a power-trip. Actually I just noticed that D. N. Nation wrote the first half of my comment much more intelligently, eloquently and rapidly than I.
Okay, it’s not really on topic, it’s just self-pity. I blame Obama for making me bitter and forcing me to cling to yelling PENIS.
TurdPress sucks in a worse not good way than Cohen.
Okay, I feel better now. Fresh Fafblog!. Cynical, anti-Obama, yet almost as funny as Gorilla Jesus. For example, it’s kinda hard to top this:
McCain and Cohen,. Rule 34 beeitches
One would have to be a fool or a Frenchman to doubt the inerrant wisdom of Richard neoCohen.
How many in the media have expressed half as much outrage about the beheading of innocent people by terrorists in Iraq as they have about the captured terrorists held at Guantanamo not being treated as nicely as they think they should be?
Thank goodness no innocent people have been tortured or killed at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, or Bagram! And what will happen to the outrage gap if it turns out those beheaded were served lemon chicken first? ZOMG!
Must resist temptation to go over and check out no quarter… Must resist… Must re…
And now I am worser for it. Apparently they still are calling super delegates urging them to vote for Clinton at the convention. Yeesh. Also Michele Obama is wrong to praise Clinton for making her husband a better candidate (in hopes of reaching out to disaffected female voters) because he’s so unqualified.
I have a sneaking suspicion that one reason Cohen is so sniffish about Obama is that he is worried that the well-being of Israel would not be Obama’s be-all and end-all. Whereas McCain, like the rest of the GOP, is firmly in the Israel-can-do-no-wrong camp. – Bitter Scribe
If I were a certain kind of Jew, I’d wonder if you are saying this just because Cohen is, well, named Cohen. Of course, if I were that kind of Jew, I’d be worried about Obama, with his funny name and all, not sufficiently supporting
revisionist ZionismIsrael … so obviously I’m not that kind of Jew.FWIW, though, those kind of Jews also rather dislike Richard Cohen because he’s as much of a wanking concern troll when it comes to Israeli/Palestinian issues as he is when it comes to the US. There is a seething mutual dislike between anyone to the right of Peace Now (on Israel/Palestine) and Richard Cohen matched only by the seething dislike of the left toward Richard Cohen.
So … I highly doubt Cohen is being sniffish about Obama ’cause he’s worried about Israel.
I wonder, though, who Cohen’s audience really is. Everybody realizes he’s wankstastic and wankerific. I guess Cohen (and his backers at the Post) figure that “anybody who pisses off so many people must be right”. Of course, it’s that kind of “both sides are wrong” wankerism that is why our Fourth Estate is so messed up — they do forget Occam’s razor, don’t they? There is a simpler explanation than “anybody who pisses off so many people must be right” … it’s “anybody who pisses off so many people might just be an asshole”.
hey, everybody loves the idea grandpa but everybody knows real grandpa is a dick after a couple whiskeys.
I don’t think he has an audience anymore. My impression is that the Post simply doesn’t fire columnists, no matter how pathetic they become.
But I have to admit that the McCain-is-Gunga Din comment interests me. Does this mean that McCain is going to start dressing like Gunga Din? That he’s going to promise to outfit American troops with pith helmets? Or maybe he’s going to channel the evil guru in his speeches: Rise, our new-made brothers. Rise and kill. Kill, lest you be killed yourselves. Kill for the love of killing. Kill for the love of Kali. Kill! Kill! Kill! That might revive interest in his campaign.
If I were a certain kind of Jew…
Is there more than one kind?
How many in the media have expressed half as much outrage about the beheading of innocent people by terrorists in Iraq as they have about the captured terrorists held at Guantanamo not being treated as nicely as they think they should be?
Maybe that’s because the atrocities, rendition, and torture that we are directly responsible for could be stopped with a single phone call should anybody in power in our government have the humanity to pick up the phone and dial.
Perry Mason, Raymond Burr is teh hot gay man who just got down to business without trying to raise anything.
There is something about his voice…
I also love the idea of a defense attorney who can only prove his client’s innocence by tracking down the real culprit. Just make him the DA, already!
You know what’s really embarassing? The fact that the blisteringly funny and expertly choreographed official Sadly, No! retrospective on the storied career of Jeff Godlstein — CockSlappy, the Musical (released in Europe as CockSlap 2, Intertoobz Boogaloo) — has not yet appeared on these hallowed pages.
Could you folks stop wasting your time on issues of importance and get yer freakin’ priorities straight already?
that John McCain has taken that elicit my admiration, even my awe.
But remember, Obama is the one with the cult of personality.
Somebody mentioned That Anime Girl and Marlo Thomas popped into my head !
I am NOT anonymous DAMMIT !
Are you sure you’re not thinking of Golden Age Hollywood’s first Asian American sex symbol, Anime Wong?
John McCain IS what the Repugs said John Kerry was.
Why doesn’t one of those fancy-schmancy pundits write about that?
Four legs good, two legs better!
If highly-paid, widely-distributed “liberal” media “pundit” Richard Cohen were capable of remembering the line of corporatist-approved anti-Kerry bullshit he peddled so enthusiastically four long years ago, and if h.p.w-d.l.m.p. RC were capable of matching those smears about Kerry against the actual historical records of his man-crush McCain… then he would not be Richard Cohen. It is clear by all available metrics that Richard Cohen is no cynical shill willing to shout any slander for the right price; Richard Cohen is a genuine godsdamned lickspittle and born dupe who believes whatever phantasmagorical filth his corporatist masters would have him peddle because he is psychologically incapable of telling hard fact from enticing fiction. In Richard Cohen’s narrow, economicly-restricted universe, it’s not lying if you really really REALLY would prefer your “interpretation” to be true, especially if said “interpretation” is applauded by all your fellow high-price media village
whoresidiots.When the history of the end of America is written, Richard Cohen will play a role analogous to the role of Caligula’s horse. Even if one has no personal animus against horses in general, the elevation of this particular specimen can only be interpreted as an insult against the commonwealth. Also, the horse may not be responsible for its genetic lack of sphinter control, but giving the beast free run of the mansion is *bound* to have an unfortunate effect on the indoor atmosphere.
Anne Laurie, that Caligula’s horse analogy is a thing of beauty.
Thank you, Candy. Think we can introduce “Richard ‘Caligula’s Horse’ Cohen” into the moonbat meme-mind?
It should become an instant internet tradition, of which we are all aware!
O/T but I wonder how they feel about Ted?
Ted Stevens indicted, longest-serving GOP senator
Sen. Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator and a figure in Alaska politics since before statehood, was indicted today on seven counts of failing to disclose thousands of dollars in services he received from a company that helped renovate and maintain his home. The first sitting U.S. senator to face federal indictment since 1993, Stevens has been dogged by a federal investigation into his home renovation project and his dealings with wealthy oil contractor.
Incitatus Cohen. I like it.
You may push “God, Guns and Queers”
When you’re Beltway’d safe in here,
And the task is punditry
And you’ve got it.
But when all you’ve got is dodder
And you’re job’s to carry water
You must lick the bloomin’ boots
Of Him that brought it.
O/T but I wonder how they feel about Ted?…Sen. Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator and a figure in Alaska politics since before statehood, was indicted today on seven counts of failing to disclose thousands of dollars in services he received from a company that helped renovate and maintain his home.
Oh, they’re throwing him under the bus, of course. To them, Ted Stevens (R-AK) was *never* a true conservative (perish the thought!) but a criminal with an R after his name. They’re trying to paint him as unrepresentative of the Republican Party overall.
The comparison is harsh on the horse, because even Incitatus would think twice before suggesting that one shouldn’t vote for Obama because he hasn’t been tortured yet.
Yeah, but Cohen is such an amiable nothing, he hasn’t even attracted a blogstandard nickname like his fellows Mickey ‘Goat Blower’ Kaus, David ‘Bobo’ Brooks, or Thomas ‘FU’ Friedman. He can’t help being a horse, or some part of a horse, but he’s taking up space that deserves a more qualified occupant, and because he’s a sphincter-challenged dumb animal he’s crapping up the joint. Think of all the other Richard Cohens, who suffer every time this particular RC is not nymed into particularity!
Shorter Richard Cohen: “I don’t know what’s in Obama’s package. But I am well acquainted with McCain’s package, and it tastes delicious!”
Shorter Cohen: John – I’m here for you. Call me. Anytime. Really.
…Cohen is such an amiable nothing, he hasn’t even attracted a blogstandard nickname…
I guess not, but I’ve seen him called ROTFLMAO a lot (even in this thread). Not sure if that qualifies.
He is a really damn funny guy, though. Told me so himself.
They’re trying to paint him as unrepresentative of the Republican Party overall.
You are only a Republican until you get caught.