Shorter Dafydd Ab Hugh Ap Saymmerch Ab Dyckwydd

Fauxtonement: “Prayergate” Takes a Weird, New Turn

  • Even though an Israeli confessed to stealing Obama’s prayer from the wailing wall and giving it to the press, there is still not an iota of proof that Obama didn’t leak the prayer to the press himself in order to “thuggishly politicize the holiest and most sacred site of world Jewry.” Therefore, I demand a full investigation.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 60


It’s imagery such as the one depicted that could throw a man into the arms of the ex-gays. Figuratively speaking.

Tim (The Other One)

I demand electro shock therapy to rid my mind of that image !


Heh. His whole fantasy is based on his initial presumption that only an arch conservative would have taken the note from the wall…someone like him. And ends up at “because the note wasn’t taken by the usual suspects you’d think of (conservatives), it proves that the whole thing was engineered by Obama and proves he’s sacreligious and disrespectful of Judaism. Unlike us conservatives, who would only steal and publish the note for political reasons.”

And he knows all this, because it takes one to know one, or something.

monkey knife fight

I fucking *knew* that was going to be the right wing talking point about this whole affair. Someone posted a link to this story on Metafilter yesterday and sure enough, the right wing jackasses over there started right in with this very talking point.

monkey knife fight

As for who actually stole it, I think this person’s theory (from the same Metafilter thread) makes the most sense:
“Can’t somebody for once realize that something is not a PR gambit? The context is that right-wing Orthodox Jews in Israel distrust Obama, because he’s prefers to let American foreign policy be dictated more by sanity and pragmatism than by apocalyptic fundamentalist Zionism (whether of the Jewish or Christian Right variety). When Obama appeared at the wall, he was heckled by Orthodox rabbis, one of whom yelled “Jerusalem is not for sale.” It’s not much of a stretch to argue that the seminary student who stole Obama’s prayer was probably studying under one of those rabbis.”

Shell Goddamnit

I am always sorry afterwards when I click on one of they links thinking “It’s so utterly appalling – SURELY this is an exaggeration. Let’s look & see how horrible it really is!!” This sick curiosity must be directly related to the impulse to pick scabs or look into the toilet.


Obviously it was a set up because a real prayer would’ve asked for forgiveness for all those people he killed.


Can we check the kerning on that prayer?

And what’s Daffy doing with his thumb, anyway?

I do that when it’s late and I’m lonely….



Is that a sandwich in his pants or is Daffyd just glad you see him?


…we need to know… whether the presumptive Democratic nominee is a cynical, manipulative, Chicago pol who has just done what no other American politician has ever dared do: Thuggishly politicize the holiest and most sacred site of world Jewry, the only surviving wall of the great temple in Jerusalem.

…thereby casting into the mud all the higher attainments of thousands of years of Western Civilization and revealing himself as a purveyor of chaos, an agent of corruption, and a destroyer of worlds!

Seriously, it still amazes me how easily these chumps can work themselves into a state of apoplectic berserkitude over utterly trivial bullshit like this.

Libertarius ShadowLord

See what comes from writing down your prayers? See what comes from praying?


The fact is, why did you have to do that picture? I don’t need to see those exquisite thighs and then look over to the DoomNovelizer’s puffer-fish face. The fact is, it’s nauseating.


Ok, I just clicked over and may I just say that, in addition to the ugly text, Daffyd’s site represents some of the worst web design ever.

I can only hope Daffyd isn’t in the interior decorating business (unless he’s making those barf-obscuring paisley carpets for hotel lobbies and movie theatres).


This is double reverse looksism of the worst crime.


Ok, I just clicked over and may I just say that, in addition to the ugly text, Daffyd’s site represents some of the worst web design ever.

Also, he is fat.


This just in: Obama’s actual prayer was:

O great Satan Lord, I seek revenge on Rachael Ray of the Food Network. Can’t you make her… eyes fall out or something?… tits fall off?

David Brent has never looked so good, except on his computer dating profile I guess.


I didn’t click the link fuckers, nuh-uh, no goddamned way. Although I am pretty sure obama X is plotting the downfall of Western civ as we speak, it takes the courage of the Daffy’s of the world to expose it. So there, america haters!111!!!232!2!!!!!!


Monkey knife fight, I don’t know. I’d have to guess that it’s just someone who wanted some publicity – I wouldn’t think there was any politics involved. (Probably the wingers are angry that he didn’t pray for what they believe are his most secret desires, like “please g-d, kill whitey” or something.)


hello god? it’s me, barack…

Our Dead Selves

Am I allowed to go O/T?
This made me laugh extra hard.


Flynn Taggart would shoot that prayer out of the wall with his fucking plasma gun.


Daffyd (formerly David Friedman) has been batshit crazy as long as I’ve been on the Internets.

(Patrick, peering over my shoulder, reminds me that Dafydd is still remembered by the veterans of several online SF discussion venues for having repeatedly trashed the discourse. When Dafydd gets into an argument, which he almost always does, his sheer personal obnoxiousness can be so prodigious that, years later, people still talk about it with awe.)


Jewry? JEWRY?!

Does anyone who’s not either an anti-semite or a worthless hack whose greatest writing accomplishment was a DooM novel which compares poorly with your average slash fanfic use the word Jewry?

Does this guy take his writing cues from old Henry Ford screeds or something?

I also like the way that Obama’s prayer, in which he asks God to help him remain humble, is thuggishly politicizing the holiest of holies. You know that if Bush took a leak on the wailing wall Daffy would be praising him for his courage in standing up to yadda yadda yackity yack.


Actually, yes plenty of perfectly decent people (historians mostly) use the word Jewry. It is a perfectly decent word to use. Cromulent even.


This whole trip was arranged so that Obama could remove the cleverly hidden prayer to recreate the Caliphate he left as a young Indonesian jihadist as a secret, and somewhat confused, mission to the Western Wall, and replace it with a bland, marketable prayer more appropriate to such a Manchurian robot candidate as is Barack Hussein Obama X Lumumba.


“When Dafydd gets into an argument, which he almost always does, his sheer personal obnoxiousness can be so prodigious that, years later, people still talk about it with awe.”

And these are sf fans — people who, if it weren’t for ADD, would long ago have obtained a *patent* on sheer personal obnoxiousness! Making oneself a social misfit in sf fandom takes a truly extraordinary combination of native ungiftedness and dogged determination… believe me, I have tried know this from personal experience.

But mostly, Clif, I want to thank you for not recycling a certain worn-out and exhausted image. The new, improved Daffyd ap InHisOwnMind image is a blessing to those of us who blog during mealtimes.


Is that a sandwich in his pants or is Daffyd just glad you see him?

Dude finally got his big lizard.


If I understand this conspiracy, Obama created a “Fake Prayer”, which he diabolically stuck into the Western Wall, for one of his nefarious agents to steal, in order to hoodwink the media into thinking he wrote a “REAL prayer” to stick into the Western Wall?


Can we check the kerning on that prayer?

Quick, call Tech Dude! Only he can save us now!!!!


Alright then, Flying Fox. If the word is used by historians, I’ll give Daffy a pass on “Jewry” as soon as he demonstrates the tiniest bit of historical awareness.

Until then, using it just makes his writing even more cartoonish. If that’s possible. (It’s not.)


But mostly, Clif, I want to thank you for not recycling a certain worn-out and exhausted image. The new, improved Daffyd ap InHisOwnMind image is a blessing to those of us who blog during mealtimes.

The owner of the body from the neck down might sue though. Marky Mark?


Oh, wow. Did you all see the previous post? I haven’t yet read through to the end, but I wanted to stop and share this (emphases his):

But what is rare, I suspect, is for visitors to fill a crack in that wall with a putative prayer that is as cynical, as manipulative, and as obviously intended for public consumption as Obama’s was.

Having read the so-called prayer, I am completely convinced that Obama fully intended for it to be “intercepted” and published… and may even have arranged for it. The “prayer” is impersonal and vague, yet contains the perfect code phrase designed to help Obama with evangelicals; I do not entertain the slightest doubt that he wanted it to be published — and published in a way that makes him out to be the “victim” of a spiteful invasion of his privacy. (In fact, Maariv says that the Obama campaign itself released the prayer to the media before the supposed theft.)

I’m agnostic, and it still infuriates me.

That last sentence. What power. What righteous indignation.

Now, off to read the “argument.”


owlbear1 said,

July 29, 2008 at 4:29

If I understand this conspiracy, Obama created a “Fake Prayer”, which he diabolically stuck into the Western Wall, for one of his nefarious agents to steal, in order to hoodwink the media into thinking he wrote a “REAL prayer” to stick into the Western Wall?

Maybe he placed a real prayer in the wall, making the media think it was a fake note, or maybe he put the fake prayer in the wall because he knew the media would think that he would put a real prayer in the wall in order to bluff them.

…or maybe he just poisoned both goblets. Inconceivable!

Libertarius ShadowLord

I wrote a prayer down once, and it was publicized. I was very embarassed, because even though the prayer was granted, its nobody’s business that I now have a twelve inch long penis.


I’d hit that. If he put a bag on his head.


Right there wit’ ya, MzN.

I hit the motherfucker too.




I’d hit that. If he put a bag on his head.

Bring two bags, MzNicky. You’ll need something stuffed in that mouth to muffle his “conversation”. Make it three — then you can cover your own eyes, in case *his* bag slips.


WTF? Aleph says he is a student who made a rash decision to take the note….but should not be believed, according to Daffy.

Then……Aleph says he supports Obama… so of course Daffy runs with that all the way to Conspiracy City.

Either the kid is credible or he’s not. He can’t be used as support for an argument in one paragraph and then discredited as a liar who cannot be trusted in the next, or vice versa.

It’s bass ackwards logic.


Bring two bags, MzNicky. You’ll need something stuffed in that mouth to muffle his “conversation”. Make it three — then you can cover your own eyes, in case *his* bag slips.

Of course if this was KLo and some guy was saying this, there’d be hell to pay.

What? It’s exactly what they’d say. And watch the sayers jump all over you for the double standard.


On J’s recommendation (link), I just went back and read the previous post. Wow. It is scary that that kind of dementia is really deliberately developed, encouraged and rewarded.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, I think the wingnut translator’s broken because this grade of crazy is rarely found outside Renew!

Daffy’s daft theory goes like this:

Evil Islamofascist Barack Raise Your Taxes Obama has a secret plan to steal evangelical votes by:
1. Creating a Fake Prayer – full of stuff he thinks will play well in the Heartland and not with the true desires of his heart – to enslave humanity and steal all our guns.
2. Very publically place said Fake Prayer into the Wailing Wall. Not unusal in and of itself – giving the nefarious Obama “plausible deniability”.
3. And this is the tricky part, get one of his politcal operatives some anonymized guy who might still be an Obama operative to steal the prayer so that it can be leaked to the press and the crafty manipulative text of the Fake Prayer will be widely publicized and enable Obama to steal all the Evangelical votes and worm his way into the Oval Office!!!one1!

Only problem with this, other than being totally batshit crazy, is that the only people, and I’m being very generous with the term people, talking about this at all are wingnuts.

PS – I, don’t, know, why, I’m, using, so, many, commas,,,™

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Here’s the evil brain washing text that I’m sure you’ve been seeing on TV everywhere:

Lord — Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.

I mean really. Who could possibly believe that Obama means any of that? Except the easily influenced evangelical vote which will obviously be swayed by such a carefully crafted yadda yadda yadda.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


Accusing Obama of thuggishly politicizing the Wailing Wall, /as they politicize the Wailing Wall/. Seriously, there has to be a term for this beyond projection.


That prayer is soooo arrogant. It’s all ME ME ME ME. And he thinks he’s an agent of God? Why, we can’t possibly allow a man who considers himself an instrument of God’s will into the White House!

Or should I say… Black House? Guffaw! Oh man, it’s funny cuz Obama is black! Blackity black black black muslim.

Never mind that he didn’t bring the troops any turkey.


Libertarius ShadowLord: Gee, and all I got was the foot-tall man with a miniature Steinway. Stupid typos.


Right, the Obama campaign released the text to the press. ‘Cause they wanted to be condemned for politicizing the holy yaddayadda, figuring the evangelicals would go big for that. But, oddly, only Maariv published it. So then they had this kid confess to stealing it. ‘Cause . . . I give up.


I have no idea what this post is about.

Thank you for the photo. I need the funny. It delivers the funny.

I can leave now smiling.


[…] that published the note to face a criminal investigation, while some right-wing US websites are suggesting that “Aleph” (or “Alef” in some reports) may have been working for the Obama […]


The countdown to screaming N1993R! N1993R! N1993R!

By the way, my lawyer will contact you briefly re: that pshop. I’m suing for intentional infliction of emotional distress.


I’ve begun to despair for my tile grout…



Awesome picture. Ab never looked so good.

Did I ever mention I’m a big fan of lookism?


I really do enjoy reading this blog. It’s well written, funny and despite the snark often has good political commentary. That being said, I used to think they went over the line on some of the insults, particularly concerning Daffy here and Malkin. Sure, I laughed at them, but I wouldn’t have said them myself. But after reading that Making Light post J.D. Rhoades linked (which I actually came across in a previous S,N! comment thread) and especially the comments to it, I lost all sympathy for Daffy. In a way he really is a classic Usenet troll. But a true troll is deliberately being an asshole. With Daffy, I’m not so sure it’s really that deliberate. Sure, he’s an asshole , but I almost think part of it is a massive sense of entitlement and a complete lack of any self awareness.

After the incident of the concrete counter tops, or maybe it was the incident of university administrator suicide, I can’t recall, I lost any sympathy for Malkin. So, fire away.


[…] Though I think Shriver should give the makers of “Tropic Thunder” credit — at least they didn’t commit the horrible crime of having their characters eat giant sandwiches… […]




“dyckwydd” would be pronounced, roughly “d?k-oo-?th”. Welsh!


For ? read a sort of upside down u which is “oo” as in “look”, only not quite so strong.


For “a sort of upside down u” read “a sort of upside down omega”.


For me, read stupid fucking cunt who should just die.


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