Governor Walker Champion of the Working American

Thanks to Roy for pointing out this HuffPo article.

Scott Walker Tacks Far Right On Immigration

Looks like the likeliest granny starver in the ‘America’s next top Granny Starver’ pageant opened his mouth again. Get a load of this:

“In terms of legal immigration, how we need to approach that going forward is saying — the next president and the next Congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system that’s based on, first and foremost, on protecting American workers and American wages. Because the more I’ve talked to folks, I’ve talked to [Alabama Sen. Jeff] Sessions and others out there — but it is a fundamentally lost issue by many in elected positions today — is what is this doing for American workers looking for jobs, what is this doing to wages. And we need to have that be at the forefront of our discussion going forward,” Walker said in an interview with Glenn Beck, according to Breitbart News.

Now, I’m not going to point out the irony, not to mention the sheer brass balled gall required by Walker to pretend that the welfare of the working American is his priority. After all, his list of chief “achievements” for the Wisconsin public looks like the record of the Washington Generals. He got elected on cutting an already paid-for rail project in the name of fiscal responsibility when that project would have principally benefited middle and lower class commuters, and whose cancellation cost the state as much in cancellation fees as the project itself would have. He wasted no time in breaking the public employees union, and making Wisconsin into a “right to work” state after running on the premise that he wouldn’t, and whose administration has presided over the worst job growth rank in the Midwest and the 38th worst in the nation, after he made a campaign promise to create 250,000 new jobs in Wisconsin.

And to be fair, Wisconsin liberals too must shoulder some of the blame too for the condition of our state. Not a single one of us invented a time machine, went back in time and either warned the electorate in 2010 about this train wreck of a governor, or prevented whatever trauma caused Mr and Mrs Walker’s boy Scotty to grow up without a soul. Not a single one of us used our multibillion dollar fortune left to us by our John Birch Society founding father to pour millions into an off year race to buy the election wholesale.

I don’t like the term ‘goggle eyed homunculus’ because it’s looksist. Within a certain latitude, there’s not much a person can do with their looks short of radical plastic surgery. That doesn’t even work 100% of the time for the Hollywood set who, one assumes, have a pretty good idea of which plastic surgeons are the next best thing to Michelangelo, and which are closer to the guy at the county fair who carves frozen butter with a chainsaw.

So, I accept that Scott Walker looks like he looks. That’s fine. If he weren’t auditioning for the highest office in the country based on his record of wrecking everything he can get his claws on so he can sell the crumbs to the highest bidder, I don’t think anyone who wasn’t already some kind of bully would make any issue at all of the way he looks.

Because it’s projection. We know Scott Walker’s record, we know what he stands for, and we know that he’s going to try to privatize the US just like he’s tried to privatize Wisconsin. I use the word ‘privatize’, cause it’s a lot simpler than typing out “steal the common wealth and birthright of the citizens and sell it to unscrupulous patrons who are already as rich as Croesus at fire sale prices, who might let the electorate use a degraded version of whatever they haven’t consumed completely, if they can pay through the nose for the privilege ”

So it’s easy to look at Scott Walker and call him all kind of nasty names, because he is a nasty piece of work. It’s easy to think the worst of him, because as a resident of Wisconsin, I haven’t seen him or any republican state legislators consider anything out of reach if it screws the poor, pisses off liberals or saves the 1% a plugged nickel on their taxes. He might be a perfectly agreeable person, one on one, but I don’t know anyone that would want to be between him and the exit in a burning building.

So I don’t look at Scott Walker and see a troglodyte or a homunculus or any other term for someone as ugly on the outside as we imagine Governor Walker to be on the inside. He’s worse. He’s a blank slate who has no conviction that isn’t for sale to a deep pocketed patron. He’s a innocuous looking goof, who simply doesn’t care if cutting Badger care kills people who depend on it and doesn’t see the value in a forest and a river if Gogebic Taconite can mine low grade iron ore there. He’s all too ready to pay out $200 so the Milwaukee Bucks can have a new stadium, in the same exact year he cuts $300 million from the University of Wisconsin’s budget. I think there’s one kind of person in Scott Walker’s world, people who can advance his career. Everyone else is an obstacle to overcome or a resource to be exploited.

When I look at Scott Walker I see that abyss Nietzsche talked about, and as a Wisconsin leftist and liberal, I’ve already spent far too much time looking at him.


Comments: 18


I’d believe him on slowing immigration to help working folk if he was also decrying TPP trade deals and the like. He’s as phony as they come.


“In terms of legal immigration, how we need to approach that going forward is saying — the next president and the next Congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system that’s based on, first and foremost, on protecting American workers and American wages

you know, this actually must be pretty tricky…on the one hand they want to keep minimum wage as low as absolutely inhumanely possible and will fight to do so until there are no more ‘murican workers because they are collecting benefits which pay more than actually working and then business will have no other option than to hire illegals or immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts. on the other hand, they’re very concerned for the american worker having “jobs” and “wages” yet, refusing to create jobs and wages that americans can live on.

it’s a good thing they have their ‘blame the illegals not us’ to fall back on…that and the millions of morons who vote for them. i continue to be shocked and awed by their ability to get through a day since their ability to connect ‘a’ to ‘b’ is virtually nonexistant…i mean, seriously? how do they manage to cross the street safely with their heads so crammed up so many gop asses?*

*which is surely illegal in many states as putting same sex heads into same sex butts is frowned upon…


His smirk still reminds me of Lee Harvey Oswald showing us his handcuffs.


If Scott Walker has soul – less looking goggle eyes because he was born with them or due to uncontrollable external factors, that’s one thing, and your point about lookism is correct. But does the empty look he had reflect drug use? Given Walker ‘ s support of drug testing for those receiving government benefits, does he get drug tested as a condition of being paid? What do his drug tests say?


Speculation is fun, but it’s beside the point and it’s distracting. There’s no proof that his goofy personal manner and destructive politics are suggestive of drug use, there’s no proof that he’s an escaped ‘Nixon-McCarthy’ audio animatronic puppet from an imitation Chinese ‘Disneyland’, there’s no proof that he’s a fairy changeling that his Baptist parents liked better than the real child he replaced, there’s no proof he’s a reptiloid body snatcher wearing a not-especially-convincing human disguise and there’s no proof that he’s brain damaged from some combination of cranial trauma, toxoplasmosis parasitism, or syphilis. Many people do not look at him and see the walking definition of the ‘uncanny valley’.

It’s all wishfull thinking. It’s an inability or refusal to understand that Walker, and many of his political allies, have a fundamentally different narrative explanation of the world at large. He’s more loyal to his personal narrative than he is to what the rest of us perceive as objective fact. He’s not alone in that, it’s just his political acumen and deep pocketed donors make him particularly dangerous.

It’s been said that there’s nothing more powerful than idea whose time has come. Walker and the tea party more generally are a bad idea whose time has come.


” Not a single one of us invented a time machine, went back in time and either warned the electorate in 2010 about this train wreck of a governor, or prevented whatever trauma caused Mr and Mrs Walker’s boy Scotty to grow up without a soul”

If I had a time machine, I’d go back to February of 1967 with a big honking dose of mifepristone.

Pupienus Maximus



Charles Pierce libelz!!!!!

Be nice. Charles is way more on point than anything the Goggle Eyed Homonculous hired by Koch Industries ever told us.


I think “Scott Walker, wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries” covers it without being looksist. But I will add this — he might get even further in politics if he didn’t look like a wall-eyed git. That’s scary.


I’d believe him on slowing immigration to help working folk if he was also decrying TPP trade deals and the like. He’s as phony as they come.

Oh, yeah, I expect a fuckton of anti-Latino dog-whistling during the GOP primaries.


Oh, yeah, I expect a fuckton of anti-Latino dog-whistling during the GOP primaries.

gah…even the thought of election season makes me weary…but, i am just plain weary anyway. gala fundraising event has grown tremendously this year…volunteers dropping like flies…many fires to put out…but it is going to be one fucking cool event!

also, scott walker can just suck it…


I’d believe those standing up against the TPP if more than 9 of 30 of the items were agreed upon… Or if those 9 weren’t basically things that already exist between the US and the majority of the nations involved.

Right now we only have rumor and innuendo and arguing about whether we should allow a vote on the trade deal after it’s finished seems like a no-duh. I’m with Warren, that I see some concerns… But I also don’t see any reason to sink the State Department’s negotiating position before we see what they’ve brought home.


There’s some fun spam caught in the filter:

Do you want to buy a Kidney or you want to sell your kidney? Are you
seeking for an opportunity to sell your kidney for money due to
financial break down and you don’t know what to do, then contact us
today and we shall offer you good amount for your Kidney. My name is…[snipped]

I know when I’m looking to raise some extra beer money by lopping off a body part or two, I always head straight for the comments of a blog and starting hunting for just the right Malaysian surgeon to do it. Yep.


On the TPP, which I haven’t followed closely but a lot of the liberal blogosphere seems to be heating up about; free trade issues aren’t my thing. In my ignorance and as someone who doesn’t really have a strong opinion on the topic in general, therefore, I’m noting this:

In the absence of a lot of the information we’d need to make an informed judgment, a lot of people are going off of who’s on which side. That would be, to simplify it down to two people, Barack Obama versus Elizabeth Warren. Warren… isn’t Glenn Greenwald. She’s not Ralph Nader. She’s not some wide-eyed Chavista. Mind you, I think some of the sneering at the “professional left” has been out of line and that the country really needs to snap out of the hippie-punching drunken rage it’s been in since the sixties – but even setting that aside, Warren is no radical, she’s no hippie, nor a poser playing at left-wing politics to get attention. She’s carved out a niche in the last few years as a center-left voice for a return to the social contract of the twentieth century, and most of the points she’s made on behalf of people who are poor, working class, or middle class have been quite reasonable and long overdue. When someone like her, therefore, stands up and says that this deal won’t be good for working Americans, people notice. It’s not unreasonable to say that you trust her judgment more than Obama’s.

That becomes doubly true when it turns out that Paul Krugman is on that side of the issue too. He’s often attacked for not understanding politics,and fair enough, but on economic issues, he’s been right more often than most in the last few years. And he’s historically been pretty supportive of free trade, spending most of the nineties arguing against anti-globalists on the virtues of things like NAFTA. Yet he, too, has come out against the deal, though not as harshly as he might have.

Again; this is not my area of expertise. I can only go off of the people involved. When people like Elizabeth Warren and Paul Krugman come out and say that something economics-related is a bad deal, I take that seriously.


Good to see you Chris, always enjoy your take on things…I don’t know if any of those setting up the circular firing squad (something we lefties are awesome at) have any clue what they are arguing about. Been thinking about a piece on the internecine divisions occupying the left side of the spectrum.

At some places I visit, Obama is hitler times dubya, Hillary nearly the same, and Warren the savior…It seems that there is still an incredible naivete a mong some that I have considered friends for long enough to know better and the search for the pony continues.

I remain baffled by those who hate on Obama because they are certain that if he just tried hard enough that we would have universal health care right now….Oy, Not a project I really look forward to getting into, but I think a necessary evil…

And I was not overjoyed to write the new one upstairs…


Oh, yeah, I expect a fuckton of anti-Latino dog-whistling during the GOP primaries.

Now there’s a winning demographic strategy. Good luck with that, boys.


“My name is [snipped] …”

Inigo Montoya?
Aimee Semple Macpherson?




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