Fluberts Have 50 Words for Doucheweasel

The cool kids at the Botany table call it fertilizing the soil.

Jeremy Egerer, American We is Smart People, Us Swear:
Eskimos and the New Genders

Heh heh heh. I was wondering when the creatures of the white lagoon were going to notice the whole new Facebook genders thing.

For those who are blissfully unaware of everything having to do with the Book of Faces, Facebook recently changed their “male or female” gender options to also include a “custom” option, which if you click it, you can type a number of different transgender options including genderqueer, gender-fluid, and trans*. Coolest part of the whole affair is that you can set your preferred pronouns to neutral pronouns for those who do not identify within the binary.

This being the Book of Faces, I’m sure there is some nefarious advertising reason behind the top-level decision about this, but hey, if companies think trans* people are a big enough market share to be worth exploiting, that’s a compliment in and of itself.

Especially when you consider the shit storm they’ve ignited in the sub-rock populations.

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Being an edumacated mans, I can says with absolute certainimititude that the existification of trans* people freaks me the fuck out and makes me worried about my masculinitiness.

I think if there is one thing that makes American Thinker such a reliable source of completely hilarious fail, it’s the fact that it desperately wants to be viewed as an erudite and educated journal of human discourse when its the equivalent of howling monkeys caught in a tornado.

I remember hearing about ten years ago, from my professor of biological and cultural anthropology,

They want to seem smart. They want to be taken seriously, but they are so married to an ideology of active and all-encompassing anti-intellectualism that they can only serve as entertainment for us snark-meisters.

that people had many names for the things most important to them. She was specifically talking about Inuits, and how survival in the Alaskan wilderness brought them to recognize many different kinds of snow — there were maybe fifty terms, if I remember correctly — and how recognizing the different kinds of snow was useful to them. When you are surrounded by something and live within it, it is what you know: to the Eskimo, the snow is a matter of life and death, and so snow is too broad a term for him to use. He knows it better than us, because snow is a great part of his existence.

I’m pretty sure that’s a myth.

Yup, definitely a myth.

The same could be said for the likes of botanists and theologians inventing bizarre and cliquish terms, getting together and speaking their own language.


“Bizarre and cliquish”… brilliant. I absolutely love it.

Yeah, those theomologians and botanamists and other edumacated S.O.B.s are always flitting around making up non-existent terms in order to confuzzle good honest salt of the earth reglar folks.

It’s not the fact that calling something a general term like “plant” doesn’t do you any good if you are trying to grow a unique hybrid or trying to communicate just how a cactus is different from a sunflower and how they are similar.

Nope, it’s all about forming cliques at the cool kids table so that no non-botanist can join in. What’s the matter nerd, don’t know what an achene is? Maybe you should go hang out with the chess geeks, while we get all pistil and stamen up in this bitch!

I know that the right is pretty much defined by its anti-intellectual garbage, but it’s just hilarious seeing how quick our moron of the day switches from “I went to college, I is smart” to “scientists always be lyin'”.

If the human mind has an interest in something, it will elaborate upon it.

Well, not really. More like if a person gives a shit about something, they will study it and try and understand…

Oh, right. Um… okay, so there’s these people who actually want to understand the world and when they are interested in a subject, like you with paranoid bigotry, then they try and learn more and try and understand how it works. I know this seems very alien to you, but some people actually give a shit about the world they live in in some way and thus want to explore it, even maybe make a career out of it.

I don’t expect you to understand, but it’s a very human impulse and has little to do with those Cannabaceae smoking cool kids inventing terms to make you feel like the idiot that you are.

And I suppose my professor, however wrong she was about marriage and monkeys and mankind and nearly everything touching upon our existence,

I iz good tribe member, I rejected all does evil commie brainwashing lies my teacher dun tried to tell me about the history of marriage and us not being 6000 years old, and everything else. I only believes whats my pastor says my bible tells me. Because that is what smart person does.

Heh. So apparently, he did a good job of erasing all the actually true bits of education he received in order to perfectly memorize a popular piece of fiction.

I’m sure there is a more perfect encapsulation of right-wing “thought”, but I’ll be fucked if I can think of anything better right now.

was wise enough to say that we only seriously elaborate upon the things we love or use most. When there is no interest in something, there is no complex language to describe it. It remains as simple as necessary.

Again, not at all. French people do not have a common term for berry, but that doesn’t mean they’re a bunch of berry-obsessed cheese-eaters or are incapable of forming a mixed compote from different kinds of berry.

Additionally, “complex” language in this respect just means that there exists more accurate terms for specific things for people who care about such things. Assuming that Mr. Egerer doesn’t think that Italians are foreigny swarthy types and has stretched himself enough to eat at the local Olive Garden on special occasions, he already has benefited from someone having a way to note the difference between spaghetti or tortellini. And when he gets sick on too much bad food and a tribal disbelief in being healthy, he’ll be glad that a doctor somewhere knows the difference between all those “drugs” out there.

I know I’m harping on this, but it’s really remarkable how much right-wingers assume that everyone is as incurious and deliberately ignorant as they are and the concept of “knowing things” is just the habit of weird obsessed people making up secret codes to attack them personally.

Just because you stumble through life like a drunken idiot unwilling to do the minimum amount of effort to understand our complex world doesn’t mean that that’s the default state for everybody.

And so I’m not surprised that Facebook has announced a massive revision of its gender definitions — not surprised because I have been dealing with gay leftists for years, and so I know how one-dimensional they can be.

Well, yeah, duh. That’s what I think whenever I see any Pride Parade or queer meeting of any sort. Bob damn are these people just a boring palette of one-dimensional thinking. I mean, why can’t they do a little to celebrate the unique diversity of the human spectrum of experience? Why can’t they be more like those nice multicultural conservatives and their varied and nuanced takes on reality?

Oh wait, sorry, I seem to have slipped into IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION world for a paragraph.

Among my (even straight) leftist acquaintances, I rarely see any argument with passion — and many times no arguments at all

Surrrrrre, you don’t.

Actually, that might be true in the sense that most “liberals” who can be bothered to maintain almost civil relationships with nutbar conservative assholes often learn to avoid talking about anything because arguing against the latest litany of conspiracy theories and ignorant talking points is an exhausting exercise in futility that just leaves one sad about the state of the world.

— except when they argue about gay rights, and I hear the conversations of gay activists, and they seem to view the world through kind of a gay lens: not as men who happen to be attracted to other men, which is a reasonable way to view themselves, but as though being gay were the most perilous and adventurous and meaningful thing that could possibly happen to a person.

Gawrsh! I wonder if that has anything to do with a completely alien to you population of people who view said people as fundamentally inhuman because of their attractions. Or maybe because of the way their basic human rights and relationships have been impeded and they way they are subjected to increased abuse and discrimination because of their attraction.

Nah, they’re probably all just super-obsessed with themselves because of Satan.

Also, straight people never “view the world through a straight lens” expecting everyone to share their particular heterosexual desires, expecting everyone to be attracted to the same things they are, and expecting most depictions of romance and sexual interest on screen to reflect their reality. Cause, that would be conceited like gay people.

One might even be led to think it was the only thing that could happen to a person.

Yes, one might think that. If one was a bigot looking to actively dismiss their humanity based on that one aspect of themselves.

And when something becomes central in a person’s life, as shown above with Inuits and theologians, they tend to become obnoxious when they talk about it.

… pfft. Damn people who understand things or who didn’t have the good decency to be hog-ignorant Americans like me are just being obnoxious with all their babble-babble.

I think my favorite part is the inclusion of the Inuits in this “obnoxious” example. I mean, even if his opening setup wasn’t a long-since-debunked myth, it would only mean that that language had a lot of differentiating terms about snow. It would be a natural aspect of their language.

Which notes that ol’ Jer here thinks that people have different languages entirely to be “obnoxious”, which really says all one needs to know about how he regards the world.

This is the tragedy of the gay rights activist — to be a human being, with all the vices and virtues of a demi-god

Demi-god? As in the product of a God and a mortal, like the heroes of mythology? Are you saying that because I fight for queer rights, that I am like Heracles, able to slay hydras and bargain with death itself? FUCK YES!

and a God-given intellect superior to all of earthly creation,

Wait, we also get futuristic space brains as well?!? Fuck, why doesn’t everybody get on the LGBT rights bandwagon if it’s the fast-track to having Bob damned superpowers?

and then spend time discussing whether or not we’re queer or gay or gender-fluid.

I don’t know. I mean, apparently we have frickin super powers and 12th level intellects up in this bitch that you’ve foolishly decided to pass up because of your homophobia. I don’t think you’re in the best of positions to poo-poo what we choose to discuss in our spare time in between fighting space-born would-be tyrants and giant death rays.

Being gay isn’t studying the plant kingdom, which is frequently helpful, or thinking about our eternal destiny, which is always important;

I thought understanding plants was about using the difference between stellate and striate leaf venation to justify giving swirlies to the nerds. Now suddenly its an important part of understanding the world? Damn it, these sudden shifts in what I’m supposed to believe are just so confusing. Curse, my gay-rights-given super brain!

and being confused about whether you are a man or a woman is easily resolved. If someone was born with a penis, then he is a man.

Of course, how simple! Why didn’t we think of that?

I mean, that in no way leaves a considerable minority of the population in an awkward position regarding the classifications and empowering doctors to feel they have the right to “correct” such people in order to preserve the illusion that it’s just that simple.

And it certainly encompasses the wide-range of well-documented human experience wherein it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that sometimes doctors get your gender wrong when you are born.

And it totally reflects the way in which we revoke maleness from those men who need to have part of their sex organs removed or the way we revoke femaleness from women who end up needing a hysterectomy. And definitely the way we confer full acceptance of trans* people once they get some form of “bottom surgery” in a way that is not at all fictional.

Man, we were racking our giant throbbing gray matter for weeks over this shit and apparently we just needed some dumb shit with a fourth-graders understanding of gender to spout some “my daddy dun tol me”isms to straighten (heh) us all out.

If he thinks he isn’t a man, he is delusional.

Oh you. Your direct dismissal of my life experiences is just so cute.

It’s strange that we can live in a society so enamored with the plain facts of nature, and then, when we encounter the concept of gender, spend our time discussing whether or not those facts are meaningful.

Yeah, it’s almost like the concept of gender is a complex issue that even a cursory understanding of nature would uncover.

I mean, if the petiole understanding bastards would ever let you hang with them, they might clue you in to the fact that many flowering plants have sets of reproduction organs that we would consider “male” and “female” on the same bud.

And it just gets “weirder” when one considers the gender realities of certain types of fish or worms.

And that’s just on the raw reproductive organ front. There’s no end to members of the animal kingdom who are born with one set of sex organs but performs the gender roles one would not expect. Hens who believe they are roosters and perform all the roles a rooster would.

Almost like a cursory understanding of nature would reveal the fact of gender to be more in line with what those commie-bastard Justice League types think about gender instead of the gibbering ignorance of a bunch of people scared that the reality of people who were born with penises might not be men means that their masculinity can be robbed in an instant.

Perhaps we are leaving the age of science.

Fuck, can someone shut off the Irony alert? I can barely hear myself think in here.

Perhaps this is the new age of unicorns and faeries after all.

Wait, we get all the superpowers and fucking fairy unicorns too?

Being pro-queer-rights is AWESOME!

Maybe we’ve decided to believe in things that aren’t, and pretend about Odin and Ba’al and all kinds of little, unimportant, backward hearth gods —

Must… repress… snarky… atheism…

except today the gods are little genders that can be invented and redesigned at will.

All hail the fluberts! Mattresses* of the cosmos!

We fool ourselves into believing that we can be what we aren’t and that we should be however we feel

Yeah, like how I spent years trying to fit inside the “man” box, working my ass off to try and be the man I wasn’t in order to fit societal gender expectations. Or the painful years I spent trying to figure out what I was sexually attracted to because the world was telling me that I had to be sexually attracted to something and there was no such thing as an asexual.

It really is amazing the lies we tell ourselves in order to avoid accepting the reality of our gender identities and sexualities…

Oh, you were just trying to insinuate people like me are delusional freaks again. My bad.

— unless we believe that we should all feel as we should, in which case we shouldn’t.

I… huh? Did you just accidentally argue that we should reject societal arguments that we should conform to what society tells us we “should be” in order to be true to ourselves, because I kinda think you did.

Yeah, will definitely be looking forward to how you try and spin this one to mean: “Reject what you know about yourself and try and force yourself into an ill-fitting box so idiots like me don’t have to think too hard about who we really are”.

I can think of nothing more natural and human than the idea that things ought to be a certain way;

Uh huh. Okay, yeah, that’s step one of the backpedal.

it could even be said that the best we can do as humans isn’t to be perfect, but to recognize when we aren’t. If we never had an ideal, we would never have anything to reach for —

Ooh, setting up a 720 backflip, but can you stick the landing?

yet I can understand why some people are upset about the gender debate, and want to tell us that men and women are free from the expectations of gender.

Because the expectations are wrong and do not correctly respond to the reality of our experiences?

It’s entirely possible to be mistaken about what is manly and what is effeminate, and to mislabel and insult people wrongly, and sex and romance are a very important part of our lives.

I… what… huh? Weren’t we just talking about gender?

But that doesn’t mean we simply accept the way things are and move on, and never say that boys and girls should grow into men and women (respectively, of course).

Oh of course, you’re saying that just because those we consider our sons end up turning out to be gay or trans* women or lesbian trans* women, doesn’t mean we should accept that reality with grace and calm befitting our love for our children, but rather should be turned into a physical cudgel to beat the “queer” out of them.

That’s… sane. And not at all being a delusional denialist of reality.

A child is born illiterate and selfish and completely incapable of doing anything useful; one could say he is a mess. We don’t invent terms for all his flaws and shortcomings and misconceptions, and then think that because we have labeled them, we have resolved the problem and there is nowhere to go.

Damn ignorant whipper-snappers! Get off my lawn!

I also have yet to see anyone revise Facebook’s layout, to allow anyone to admit that he or she is romantically interested in children. If we’re to accept the way we feel, then certainly this should have been included.

Man, it must have been torture holding in that “queers are child molesters” dig for so long. All that pretending to be nuanced and intellectualimizzy and having to babble about shoulds. No wonder it just popped up at the end of this paragraph like a spat of diarrhea at your annual white people in white soiree.

How strange, to live in a society so enthralled by acceptance that we’ve lost sight of what we should be and what we might be

STOP BEING THINGS! Just accept what society tells you you should be and live in your miserable box forever… like ME! I mean, don’t I seem so happy for trying to closet myself in a spiky cage of “shoulds”?!?

— in other words, that, in our progressivism on the subject of sex, we have denied the existence of healthy sexual development.

Of course, in all our filthy degenerate crime-fighting ways, we’ve forgotten the importance of beating our children into being “proper” regardless of their reality (I mean, sure, most just end up killing themselves over it, but it’s a small price to pay on the bloodied altar of “should”).

And when I see a man who could have been manly (or, to put it another way, reasonable, self-controlled, and concerned with serious things) calling himself queer and talking celebrity gossip and fashion all day, I wonder to myself whether he could have been a George Washington or maybe a Montaigne.

Yes… it’s impossible to be an important person who makes an impact on the world if you are at all queer.

I don’t expect all men to attain to greatness,

And apparently zero women or queer people to attain greatness.

but I do know that if we never expect anything of others, and the same of ourselves, we will never be anything great.

It’s scientifically proven that if you put your dick in another man that you instantly lose all your potential and are forced to wander the world as a super-intelligent demi-god on an armored fairy unicorn.

And who wants that when one could aspire to the lofty pinnacle of hu-MAN-ity, penning ignorant slop for the American Thinker?

However positively men attempt to portray it, we already have dozens of labels for that hopeless kind of thinking — and all of them, in whatever language they are found, are negative.

I do not think that word means what you think it does.

Now, if you excuse me, I have crime to fight with Batgirl atop my awesome new robot fairy unicorn! Damn, is supporting queer rights fucking AWESOME!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Why isn’t life for queer people ever as amazing as the inane ramblings of bigots make it sound? We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Mattress is the gender-neutral form of either mistress or master. You’re welcome for all the glee that this little fact will bring you in setting up amazing “in bed” puns.

**P.S. Here’s a cheat sheet for the cool kid’s table.


Comments: 397


I thought Facebook was just that place where my relatives post stupid right-wing bullshit.


Botanists and theologians…that’s an odd grouping of disciplines.


And I suppose my professor, however wrong she was about marriage and monkeys and mankind and nearly everything touching upon our existence,

Best indication that you’re speaking with a moron: “All my professors were STHUPIT!!” LOL @ evolution and gais.


Echolalia (also known as echologia or echophrasia[1]) is the automatic repetition of vocalizations made by another person. It is one of the echophenomena, closely related to echopraxia, the automatic repetition of movements made by another person; both are “subsets of imitative behavior” whereby sounds or actions are imitated “without explicit awareness”.[1] Echolalia may be an immediate reaction to a stimulus or may be delayed.[1]


And when I see a man who could have been manly (or, to put it another way, reasonable, self-controlled, and concerned with serious things) calling himself queer and talking celebrity gossip and fashion all day, I wonder to myself whether he could have been a George Washington or maybe a Montaigne.

what. the. fuck.


I imagine many of the manly mens over at the Am. Wanker would find this (NSFW) photo somewhat arousing. I wonder what they would think if they were shown this photo (SFW) of the same model? I am certainly not willing to go over there and find out.


Bovilalia is the uncontrollable urge to make mooing and lowing noises whenever passing by cattle.


I wonder to myself whether he could have been a George Washington or maybe a Montaigne.

He certainly could have been an Alexander the Great.


Bovilalia is the uncontrollable urge to make mooing and lowing noises whenever passing by cattle.

It’s good to finally have a name for it instead of just worrying. Also too: bwocking at chinkins. Also too also: squonking at owls.


Bovilalia is the uncontrollable urge to make mooing and lowing noises whenever passing by cattle.

I thought that was just called “being a guy”.


I thought that was just called “being a guy”.

us girls do it too, bucko!


Bulovailia, OTOH, is the uncontrollable urge to speak the time of day or night at the top of the hour.


From TPM, today’s “I got mine fuck you” Republican:

Meet the paralyzed Arkansas state Rep. who is voting against Medicaid expansion even though he has received more than $1 million of Medicaid funded hospitalization and rehabilitation and continues to be on Medicaid. He’s says the potential new recipients don’t work hard enough and probably just want to abuse prescription drugs.


As I’ve noted elsewhere, the only time gays think about gay sex more than these folks is when said gays are having gay sex. And probably not even then.

Pupienus Maximus

When having gay sex, there’s very little thinking going on. I may be a rare id monster in this regard but I suspect I am representative of anyone who really likes having sex with their partner(s).


but I do know that if we never expect anything of others, and the same of ourselves, we will never be anything great.

Um, yeah. Before you talk about how little the gays have amounted to, you might want to take a look at this POS you just wrote.

Name dropping presidents and stringing together silly platitudes our mothers taught us when we were learning not to be stomping, screaming crybabies doesn’t make you an intellectual, or even anything useful. It just makes you another dim bulb conservative crying about society not being the Galtian utopia you’ve fooled yourself into thinking you would survive in.

I’ll just leave this Dead Kennedys quote here for ya, toolbag:

“In a real fourth reich you’d be the first to go!”


whoa…the comments over there are about what one would expect…fetid, fetid mangoes…


Most excellent comment from Pup’s link:

Strepsi • 5 hours ago

I see stories like this almost weekly… I really hope we can ban Pastors, Ministers, and all clergy from marrying or being served by business! They are clearly SICK.


okay, here’s my favorite one:

This article should be required reading in every high school & college, & every “water cooler” discussion too. I’d required every American to take a test on it & sign a statement agreeing to support its principles before being allowed to vote next fall.

because nothing says freedom and liberty quite like forcing every american to read blatant idiocy and bigotry and then sign a pledge to continue the idiocy and bigotry before one can vote…yep, makes perfect sense…


Most excellent comment from Pup’s link:

all the comments are pretty good over there…not only are gays good at hair, fashion and decorating, they super good at comments, too!


Gays rule at throwing shade. It’s proven by science.


Would that wingnuts worry about children after they’re born as much as they do when they’re still inside their hosts(mothers, for the rest of you Earthlings).


Life begins at incorporation my friends.


Good post, Cerb.


A child is born Jeremy Egerer is illiterate and selfish and completely incapable of doing anything useful; one could say he is a mess.

More fixxorated.


Battle-O-the-Bands is discontinued.


If I was forced to sign an agreement to that non-sensical piece of crap article, I’d do it and then vote for the queerist, most socialist candidate I could find.


There was never a Gary Rippert posting here.


Fenwick: I suggest waiting until the thread is longer. Do about 10 bands, along with an album and a song from said album. But please don’t discontinue BoBs, you do such a good job with them that they shouldn’t be regulated to the ash heap of history.


22 maps of interest to European history junkies. (My major in my first incarnation as a college student.)
Maps are snapshots from 1450 to 2000. Watch the fallout of the 30 Years War; unification of Spain & Austria [orange] under the Habsburgs; Poland wiped out by Russia, Austria, and Prussia (during the upheavals of the French Revolution); Treaty of Versailles changes, post-Soviet map of 2000. Fun for history buffs and map junkies!


Fenwick : re BotB. I enjoy this little giggle fest of yours. I think you do, too. So, keep doing it as long as you enjoy it. Don’t feel in any way obligated to mine every thread but, when the mood or muse takes you, go for it. Your choice.


One problem with the facebook gender options is that it doesn’t have “why the hell should it matter”

Pupienus Maximus

One problem with the facebook gender options is that it doesn’t have “why the hell should it matter”

If I had a Facehugger acct. I’d select “other” and put in “what the fuck does it matter to you, dipshit?”


Battle-O-the-Bands is discontinued.

I kind of liked it. I think once a day would be sufficient, however. A little goes a long way.


It’s strange that we can live in a society so enamored with the plain facts of nature, and then, when we encounter the concept of gender, spend our time discussing whether or not those facts are meaningful.

I would bet folding money that this was written by someone who believes the earth came into being roughly 6000 years ago.


re: 50 words for snow

If someone was born with a penis, then he is a man.

But what if he’s born with
a dick
a phallus
a cock
a wang
a schlong
a dong
little soldier
third leg
trouser snake
cream filled Twinkie
cougar rifle
oyster knife
escargot fork
magic wand
happy stick
skin flute
(rusty)trombone slide


You call them a tentacle monster.


His pants fit like a store full of gloves, a tool chest, an armoury, and a small (petting) zoo.


Holy fuck. Just reading about that anti-Medicaid expansion jack off. Onoes health care for others, they don’t deserve it…

The accident that paralyzed Miller occurred about 11 years ago, the Times reported. He was driving with a friend, alcohol was involved, but Miller said he couldn’t remember who was driving. When he arrived at the hospital with his life-changing injuries, he was uninsured.

Must have been one accident to have also paralyzed his basic humanity and sense of shame.


One helluva accident. Grrrr. I blame Obama.


When having gay sex, there’s very little thinking going on. I may be a rare id monster in this regard but I suspect I am representative of anyone who really likes having sex with their partner(s).

A while back, I unknowingly went out with a married woman. Because she wasn’t on the level with me, she always expressed distrust. She was always asking me what was going on inside my head. One night, when she asked me, “What are you thinking?” I answered, “I’ve got my hand down your pants, what do you think I’m thinking?”

After a couple of weeks, she finally told me that she was married. She and her husband were separated, but not divorced.

I told her, “If I had known you were married, I wouldn’t have gone out with you.”

Her response? “I thought so, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”


But what if he’s born with

You sure know alot of words. Did you think those up yerself? Or is the intrawebs replete with a list of synonyms. (Probly both)


Holy fuck. Just reading about that anti-Medicaid expansion jack off. Onoes health care for others, they don’t deserve it…

Also, Gov. Deal of Georgia wants to roll back the Reagan era Federal law saying that hospitals have to treat people in distress before checking for ability to pay. Seems hospitals in Georgia are going broke because of it. There is a solution – expanding Medicaid under Obamacare, but that is, of course, unthinkable.

Also, Miller “not remembering” who was driving? Pretty stinky, I think. Wouldn’t there be different injuries depending on what side if the vehicle one was on, not to mention the presence or absence of a steering wheel in front of one’s torso.


Isn’t it awfully nice to have a penis
Isn’t it frightfully good to have a dong?
It’s swell to have a stiffy, it’s divine to own a dick
From the tiniest little tadger to the world’s biggest prick
So three cheers for your Willy or John Thomas
Hooray for your one eyed trouser snake
Your piece of pork, your wife’s best friend, your Percy or your cock
You can wrap it up in ribbons, you can slip it in your sock
But don’t take it out in public or they will stick you in the dock
And you won’t come back


I’m confused on one of the major points of this post. Specifically, it’s never cleared up whether I can receive a fairy unicorn just by generally supporting non-traditional gender roles, or are they only available at specific events, or what? I mean, I’ve always thought I was straight, but I’m open to being convinced otherwise, especially if this unicorn is also a robot. Or is that the special upgrade for non-traditional-gender people? The options don’t seem to be spelled out.

I guess this means I can kind of understand how the doucheweasel would be confused, except for the part where I’m not currently suffering from severe head trauma.


I guess this means I can kind of understand how the doucheweasel would be confused, except for the part where I’m not currently suffering from severe head trauma

Warning: Repeatedly banging one’s head (no, the other one) on a desk or table might cause damage, though possibly not sufficient for the purpose.


It seems to me the thing about the Inuit words for snow is there’s a huge desire to call an exaggeration a myth. On one hand, there aren’t fifty, that’s true. On the other hand, languages do change based upon encounters – so the Inuit who lived much of their year in contact with frozen water would naturally have more words that refer to it than some culture that sees it once a decade.

Of course, since English encompasses and includes as many words as possible – and English speakers include those who make their living from frozen water in its natural state – it isn’t true that English doesn’t have dozens of words to refer to snow.

So I dunno if it’s really important to call it a myth; when English was only spoken on an island, sure, it didn’t; but once it was spoken as the major language on two continents and a trade language across the world and sent explorers and diplomats to all environs, it was no longer true.


I have to say, as someone who does use, and has used alternate gender words for decades…

…The Facebook fifty really looks more like some petty addition by a petulant coder who had the same attitude as the ‘thinker’ above. The majority of the fifty are just different spellings or synonyms or even different capitalizations of each other.


there’s very little thinking going on. I may be a rare id monster in this regard but I suspect I am representative of anyone who really likes having sex with their partner(s).

The Frau Doktorin is very understanding about the interruptions and realises that I really don’t have any other time to work on the Sudoku puzzle.


She was specifically talking about Inuits, and how survival in the Alaskan wilderness brought them to recognize many different kinds of snow

For the record, the Inuit do not live in Alaska.


Battle of the Drunken Child Beaters

My Father.

I wish mine had been drunk. It might have at least slowed him down a bit.


I never suffered at the hands of my father.

The feet, though, were a different matter.


For the record, the Inuit do not live in Alaska.

Not all of them, but some groups do:

In the United States, Inupiat live on the North Slope in Alaska and on Little Diomede Island.



“Fluberts have fifty words for doucheweasel” strikes me as clever.


petty addition by a petulant coder

Or a lazy one, who scraped in the values from someplace.


Breaking: Russia seizes de facto control of Crimea. Also maps of Russian-speaking vs Ukrainian-speaking parts of Ukraine…correlated to presidential voting.


I was Golem Heart.


a fb friend has a post about how sarah palin was right in 2008 when one of her word salads yielded something about putin invading the ukraine if obama was elected president…i do not have to fortitude to read the linked article…i’m getting sad thinking about all the actual wingnuts i know…how does that happen to a person?


BBC maps Good, quick background maps:

(1) quick overview of Russian air, naval, and ground forces in the Crimea, including garrison locations. Bases under lease from Ukraine. ( These are force limits under the agreement; they obviously don’t apply if Russia intervenes in eastern Ukraine.)

(2) satellite imagery of central Kiev, with four key locations labelled.

(3) (((Recapitulation of native languages / voting )))

(4) EU and Russia. Take a look at this one fer shure….because there is a European Geography Challange !

Name all of the countries in the EU (pastel orange). I got them all…which is to expected, given my background in college and the military.

Name all of the European countries NOT in the EU (gray). This is tougher! Assume that the postage-stamp countries–Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican, Liechtenstein–are not in the EU, so forget ’em. (For Bonus points, name the non-EU countries around the Caspian and the Caucasus Mountains. I’m stumped on two of them.)

I was planning to use this map to illustrate the range of my military intelligence targets during the Cold War. But to do that, I’d have to give away some quiz answers, so I won’t.

Trivia: The isolated patch of of Russia bordering the Baltic is “Kaliningrad”–the former Konigsberg of East Prussia. The Soviets annexed it after WWII. Kalingrad is the base of the Russian Baltic Fleet. K-grad is ice-free; St Petersberg is not.


Foriegn affairs and the military operations are not typical topics here in Sadlyville, but I imagine this might of interest to Sadly vets and history enthusiasts.


Inupiat live on the North Slope in Alaska and on Little Diomede Island

[pedanty] Inupiat are not Inuit [/pedant].


how does that happen to a person?

In my opinion, the key ingredient is Fear: Fear of the Others (e.g., skin tone, religion, gender.) Spice with Fear of the Future. Blend it with reichwing radio and bake it in the oven of Faux News. Remove and drizzle with echo-chamber reinforcement from like-minded members of the Tribe.


To be precise, they are one of the Inuit peoples:

Inuit (pronounced /??nu??t/ or /??nju??t/; Inuktitut: ????, “the people”[5]) are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada, and the United States.[6] Inuit is a plural noun; the singular is Inuk.[5] The Inuit languages are classified in the Eskimo-Aleut family.[7]


Wow. A Fox News host acting like a decent person. What, are their ratings down?


What, are their ratings down?

He probably stopped getting invited to nice people’s houses.


To be precise, they are one of the Inuit peoples:

I understand that the Inupiat prefer not to be called Inuit, and insist on the difference. Let us consult DrDick next time he’s around.


The Inupiat have forty words for “Inuit,” and only one of them is “Inupiat.”


When asking which they prefer, members of one group said, “You pick.”

Yes, I know it was terrible.


Can I fuck up a link or what, folks?!


When asking which they prefer, members of one group said, “You pick.”
Go to your room, tigris.


[prof-li-guh-see] Show IPA
shameless dissoluteness.
reckless extravagance.
great abundance.

I do not think that word means what you think it means.


I for one am glad tigrismus no longer posts.


As Gomer Pyle used to say, surprise, surprise:

Bill Gothard, who headed a Christian-based family institute and once hobnobbed with GOP Governors Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and Sonny Perdue, has been relieved of his duties at the institute he founded over allegations of harassing women who worked at his ministry and failing to report child abuse cases.

According to Religion News Service, Gothard, 79, has been suspended from the Institute in Basic Life Principles, which he founded in 1961, following a series of allegations posted at the Recovering Grace website.

One allegation claims that Gothard molested an under-aged woman in the early 1990s. Additional allegations charge Gothard with sexual harassment and failure to report child abuse to Child Protective Services.

In a statement posted this week, board chairman Billy Boring told World magazine: “After completion of the review, the board will respond at an appropriate time, and in a biblical manner.” Until then, the statement said, Gothard “will not be involved in the operations of the ministry. The board of directors will be prayerfully appointing interim leadership.”

Remember folks, we can’t say anything about it because it would just reveal what hateful bigots libruls are towards good, Christian folk, practicing traditional, Biblical, family values.


tigris said,
I for one am glad tigrismus no longer posts.

She was worse than that Herr Doktor guy.

Pupienus Maximus

Wait … I thought tigrismus was Tintin. Or was tigrismus actor212? Are they ALL. ONE. GUY?


But XXXX and ZZZZ have a nice gig going for themselves.

Yeah, they’re repacking this snark for the burgeoning Asian market and cashing in on this little-known emerging market.


Public Works Dept: I think I’ve been nym-jacked. I haven’t commented since 21:40. So anything between then and timestamp of this comment is fraudulent, and probably the ‘work’ of the creature under the bridge.

DA: I’m glad you’ve chosen not the feed or provoke it anymore ! Huzzah for your continuing resolution !!

re: BOtB

BOtB as a daily Sadlytown feature is discontinued. I’m going to take the advice of a commenter who suggested creating a BOtB only when the mood struck me, or the muse whispers.

Several veteran commenters–whose opinions I particularly value–said the BOtB gag was becoming stale … and that bands should sliced down to ONE consolidated Battle-Of-the-Bands for the whole thread.

I’m considering a new mode of producing BOtB: I’ll cull AS I read the thread–no second reading–and maintain a Band Candidates list as I go. When a NEW thread begins, I’ll pare the list down to 25 and publish the BOtB in the NEW thread. (Otherwise I would be guessing about a thread’s end; a new Post decisively cuts it).


An eggcelent plan, Fenwick.


You sure know alot of words. Did you think those up yerself? Or is the intrawebs replete with a list of synonyms. (Probly both)

Uhh, yeah. I totally looked it up on teh IntarPENIS.

It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There’s an old man sitting next to me
Making love to his tiny can gin.

He says “son can you play me a memory,
I’m not really sure how it goes
But it’s sad and it’s sweet and I knew it complete
When I bore a younger man’s clones.”


When having gay sex, there’s very little thinking going on.

[Pumping away] “Ejaculate equals mouth times cock squeezed”


the regular commenters enjoy my malaprops

Count me among them.


. Mike Huckabee has provided an endorsement of the group for its website: “As a person who has actually been through the Basic Seminar, I am confident that these are some of the best programs available for instilling character into the lives of people.”

gop: hypocrisy of the highest character…

i wish i knew how to do the ‘tm’ thingy…


™ = ™
® = ®


Gestapo moderators

Does this black armband make me look fat?

Pupienus Maximus

Tossed a fresh picnic (pork shoulder shank end, skin on) in the oven this morning after “diamondizing” the skin and rubbing salt in the wounds. Roasted at 425 for about 30 minutes then covered with foil and returned to a 275°F. Early this eve into the pan go a couple carrots, some celery, an onion and a head of garlic. And some bay leaves. Roast another hour or so. Make gravy with the pan juices.

Potatoes roasted in the fat retrieved at step two. Sweet and sour cabbage (Rotkohl). Homemade applesauce.


Pupienus Maximus said,

March 3, 2014 at 0:22

i made a pretty decent black and white bean chili in the crockpot…how it scorched in there is beyond me…that is how truly amazing my cooking skills are…


I just bought a pork shoulder- tomorrow, it’ll go in the oven at the crack of dawn and I’ll have pork, provolone and sauteed spinach (I prefer broccoli rabe for this, but don’t have any on hand right now) sandwiches after doing some snow shoveling (yeah, another snowstorm).


“… hey, if companies think trans* people are a big enough market share to be worth exploiting, that’s a compliment in and of itself.”

Congratulations, & welcome to the MonoKulturaKampfwagen Mk. V™ Reify/Co-opt/Assimilate Vend-O-Mat!



A Louisiana pastor was arrested over the weekend on charges that he raped a 20-year-old woman, and car theft charges.

“Let us prey….”


the fact is, I just had to invade Ukraine, because they have WMD’s.

I couldn’t let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud.


sandwiches after doing some snow shoveling (yeah, another snowstorm).

yeah…we haven’t had a snow storm for a while now…i would gladly take that over the killing your will to live cold and wind we’ve had…


florida, keepin’ it classy as always…


The problem is all inside your head
She said to me
The answer is easy if you
Take it logically
I’d like to help you in your struggle
To be free
There must be fifty ways
To list your gender

She said it’s really not my habit
To intrude
Furthermore, I hope my meaning
Won’t be lost or misconstrued
But I’ll repeat myself
At the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways
To list your gender
Fifty ways to list your gender


*Claps for Thread Bear*


More applause for Thread Bear.


Because of an ex I get a lot of massage product catalogs. Somehow none of them have offered ’50 Grades of Shea’, surprising because there must be 50 ways to lave your lover.


Somehow none of them have offered ’50 Grades of Shea’, surprising because there must be 50 ways to lave your lover.

Excellent, truly excellent!


Because of an ex I get a lot of massage product catalogs

i shan’t reward your punnage (although it’s topnotch), this made me remember that yesterday i saw a commercial that promoted female masturbation…yes, the trojan thriller or something like that…does brent bozell know about this?


The vast majority of commercials throughout history have promoted male masturbation.


The vast majority of commercials throughout history have promoted male masturbation.

haha, very true, however this one featured a husband who was away for some reason and she (and the kids) miss him a loft, while she’s putting his laundry away, she finds a gift he’s left her that says “I MISS YOU TOO”…she opens it and it’s a sex toy…a trojan thrill with three ‘textures’ and which you can order online and get a great discount and fabulous offers by using a promotion code…she laughs…and then presumably gets down to bidness…


miss him a loft

Mrs. Kong?

Oh, some more applause for Thread Bear.


Mrs. Kong?

Looks down from aircraft –

“Hey! I can see my house down there! I must be getting a motorcycle for my birthday because there’s a bunch of Harleys parked on my driveway.”


Mrs. Kong?

i see what i did there…


Stumbled upon in an old blog post at doop HQ

If the Eskimo language has x number of words for snow, since they are so well versed with the many forms of it, why don’t we have x raised to e raised to pi raised to a googol number of words for bullshit?


I must be getting a motorcycle for my birthday because there’s a bunch of Harleys parked on my driveway.

Also, too, why does the Coast Guard keep calling to ask if the coast is clear?


yes, the trojan thriller or something like that…does brent bozell know about this?

I’m sure he does, and when he emerges from his fetal position, I predict he will make an intern write something very insightful about it.


Here’s schematics for a device, now go fuck yourself.


Isn’t it funny how all the same people who were all lovin’ them some Putin just a few weeks ago over his anti-gay policies are now pissed off that Obama hasn’t nuked him out of existence yet.


Isn’t it funny how all the same people who were all lovin’ them some Putin just a few weeks ago over his anti-gay policies are now pissed off that Obama hasn’t nuked him out of existence yet.

You know, the rhetoric coming out of those warmongers is NOT HELPING. Since when to do those fucks give a fat shit about ethnic Tatars anyway? (Hint: They don’t know who they are and give not a single fuck). A crisis that Obama has no control over (I haven’t heard any better ideas that what he’s doing now) suddenly shows a weak and feckless foreign policy. Idiots. The lot of ’em.


Since when to do those fucks give a fat shit about ethnic Tatars anyway?

Nice to know they’re suddenly all about protecting Muslims.


omg…now there’s hawt jesus and his dad is on facebook!


From bbkf’s link:

[Writer asks] why a divine but still incarnate historical figure must be portrayed as handsome, buff or “physically perfect.”

Buddists don’t do that. Neither do Pastafarians.


My sources inform me that P. Goldberg did not intend to attack tsam, or Some Guy, or Thread Bear.

I’m not too surprised at what Putin is doing. He’s not a good or reasonable guy, but if we were in a similar situation vis-a-vis a strategically-important neighbor and Americans and bases, I can hear the rhetoric from Washington.

And if you told an American “Oh well East Bumfuck belongs to the Moops, not us, because King George gave it to them awhile back” we might be persuaded that no, it’s America.

But I dunno anything, and my main concern would be human suffering, not territorial distinctions.


Not totally analogous, CRA, but isn’t US base, Guatanamo Bay, on the isle of Cuba? With whom they are, shall we say, unfriendly ?


I love this wanna-be gangsta:

Officers first began following the youth in a stolen car in central Fresno. He led them through northeast Fresno, traveling as far north as Bullard and Cedar avenues before driving toward downtown Fresno. Officers initially tried to pull the boy over in a marked car, but backed off when he sped away. California Highway Patrol officers tracked him from a helicopter as he sped through intersections and parking lots. Several pedestrians were nearly hit by the youth, Tietjen said.

After he was detained the second time, the boy appeared to shrug off admonitions by officers about the danger of what he had done. His only reply: “I’m not a punk.”


(News Max) – As the crisis in Ukraine continues to grow, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani would like to see more leadership from President Barack Obama.

Russian President Vladimir “Putin decides what he wants to do, and he does it in half a day,” the former GOP presidential candidate said Monday on Fox News Channel’s ”Your World with Neil Cavuto.”

Putin, Giuliani said, makes a decision and executes it quickly.

Then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader. President Obama, he’s got to think about it. He’s got to go over it again. He’s got to talk to more people about it,” Giuliani said.
https://www.teaparty.org/giuliani-putin-leader-obama-read-latest-breaking-news-newsmax-com-httpwww-newsmax-comnewsfrontrudolph-giuliani-vladimir-putin-leader-ukraine20140303id555803ixzz2uwj1p3-36100/ *

So. Rudy “noun-verb-911” really doesn’t understand the whole concept of democracy non-dictatorhips, does he?

*Apologies for the source. I couldn’t find any non-winger print sources for this quote.


Back to Bush’s statement about “this would be easier in a dictatorship”.


Need I answer yes and yes, Suezboo?


Back to Bush’s statement about “this would be easier in a dictatorship”.

Yeah. One of Bush’s “jokes” that gave me chills because I was pretty sure that was what he really wanted.


Was that “joke” around the same time as the trial balloon about delaying the US Presidential Election?

The Bush administration is reported to be investigating the possibility of postponing the presidential election in the event of a terror attack.


As the crisis in Ukraine continues to grow, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani would like to see more leadership from President Barack Obama.

Oh, bullshit. If Obama acted anything like Giuliani claims he wants, those guys would be up in arms about how dangerous and belligerent Obama was being.


Exactly tigris. Now all of a sudden they’re mad that Obama isn’t the dictator they’ve been saying he is.


Exactly tigris. Now all of a sudden they’re mad that Obama isn’t the dictator they’ve been saying he is.

To paraphrase Little Boots, they want a dictatorship, but only if they’re the dictators.


Putin is an asshole who pines for the old days of the glorious Soviet Union, but we could be doing a lot worse for a guy sitting across the table. He DID arrange for the chem weapons to get removed from Syria and destroyed, and has reluctantly helped get Iran to the negotiations. All the condescension and hubris from these American politicians is pure bullshit play acting for the TV cameras.


I can’t figure out what these jerkoffs want Obama to do. Crimea is a pretty remote spot from any US resources (which also happen to be, er, occupied at the moment), right next door to Russia.

Do they expect him to go in, guns a-blazin’? THAT seems like a good idea. He’s already working the allies on sanctions. He’s working the UN. Short of all out war, he’s doing about everything he can.

Fucking tools, making like he’s got a world of options in front of him.


President Obama, he’s got to think about it. He’s got to go over it again. He’s got to talk to more people about it,” Giuliani said.

If Giuliani wants to lead an “Abrogate the Constitution” movement, go ahead.


President Obama, he’s got to think about it.

If only we had a Republican in office, because they never think before they do anything.

I can’t figure out what these jerkoffs want Obama to do.



The response to our last crisis was encouraging but we’re not out of the woods, yet, peeps. A little more help would be immensely appreciated.


Plagiarist Thread Bear: “Let’s wait to see what Obama does, then agree with it.”

Plagiarist Dark Time: “Let’s mock whatever Obama does before we even know what it is he’s doing.”

Reality Checker

Re: Crimea — I wonder if Putin is cognizant of how the last Crimean War went for the Russians. (Spoiler alert: not well). One could make a case that it set the stage for the dissolution of the first Russian Empire. Putin isn’t pining for the USSR — he wants to be Ivan the Terrible or better yet Peter I; he’s ruling like a lesser, more aggressively manhood-worried Nicholas.

The Russians have to be one of the unluckiest nations on Earth. I can’t think of many as consistently misgoverned for so long through the centuries. Perhaps Spain is comparable.

Re: Inuit language. No there are not zillions of words for snow, any more than there are in English: snow, slush, flurries, blizzard, powder, snowflake, just to name a few.

Language evolution is a complex beast. Take grammatical gender; it bears absolutely no relation to sociological gender. None.

My favorite examples are from Romance languages: pick any word at random and your odds of guessing the grammatical gender will be 1/2 or 1/3 (if a neuter gender is still used, as in Russian or German, non-Romance tongues) no matter what word it is. The only exceptions are words that refer directly to people. But, as I like to say, pens and pencils are different genders in French and Spanish — and it isn’t like they have any connection to sociological gender, it’s just random.

Which is why conservative etymological fallacies are so funny. You know that story about “wo-man” being derived from “man?” Yeah, it’s in the KJ Bible. And nowhere else. (It is certainly possible such a derivation makes sense to a speaker of Septaugiant Greek or 1st century Hebrew. But it makes no sense in English and even less in Latin/French/Spanish/Italian).

It’s like they have some weird subconscious reading of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, whichis why they seem to get hung up on gender pronouns. (Which always gets me thinking of Star Trek and imagining Lieutenant Worf barking out orders in Hopi).


I can’t figure out what these jerkoffs want Obama to do. Crimea is a pretty remote spot from any US resources (which also happen to be, er, occupied at the moment), right next door to Russia.

perhaps the are tired of just yelling ‘benghazi!!!11!’ and are desperate to add ‘crimea!!11!’ when things end badly….

Exactly tigris. Now all of a sudden they’re mad that Obama isn’t the dictator they’ve been saying he is.

To paraphrase Little Boots, they want a dictatorship, but only if they’re the dictators.

exactafuckinglutely…i can’t wait to hear all the refudiation of ‘obama’s a tyrant king and just does what he wants to!’


If someone could get a copy of My Pet Goat into Obama’s hands THEN he’d know just what to do.


The Canadians have reacted, they’re mobilizing their navy!


Helmut Monotreme

I’m slightly less worried about Ukraine than I was a few days ago. Thankfully, the US and UK don’t seem to be eager to start shit in Crimea despite the wishes of the remaining neocons. It seems that the executive branch at least is not eager to get involved in another land war in Asia.


God is Blogger spelled sideways.


I can’t figure out what these jerkoffs want Obama to do.

They all know he’s doing what he can. They’re just in the conveniently easy position of having no consequences to face for running the fucking fool mouths about it without knowing anything about anything. It’s easy to criticize when your words don’t actually affect foreign policy.


Thankfully, the US and UK don’t seem to be eager to start shit in Crimea despite the wishes of the remaining neocons. It seems that the executive branch at least is not eager to get involved in another land war in Asia.

They know this one would be a bloodbath for everybody involved.

I’m still worried about an internal war that will involved ethnic cleansing. That’s as plausible there as the Balkans.

Pupienus Maximus

Teh Ho’s very piously conservative brother has been trying to make hay of Obama telling Mittens that Russia is not our #1 enemy, “the 1980s called – they want their cold war back.” I asked him how this contretemps in Crimea makes Russia the #1 threat to the US. He danced around then tried to say the same thing in a different way, as is the wont of that type.

Pupienus Maximus

Daily Events email this morning: Putin plays chess while Obama plays marbles.



maybe bronco should try this method of ruling…


What are the current Vegas odds that when Obama goes to congress to get approval for sanctions or any other action he might deem appropriate that there will be a Republican led filibuster.


Teh Ho’s very piously conservative brother has been trying to make hay of Obama telling Mittens that Russia is not our #1 enemy, “

ummmmmyeah…i tend to think the middleeastern terrorists we’ve pissed off are a bit more worrisome than putin…but then again, i can’t carry all the cognitive dissonance of the right in my head, so i could be waaaaaaay off in saying that…


Rob Ford becomes Galactasshurt, a cosmic force beyond petty human conceptions of good and evil.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford had to leave the set of “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Monday feeling a little bruised.

Kimmel managed to simultaneously flatter and humiliate Ford for the length of their 15-minute segment. The comedian admitted that he’d become “obsessed” with the mayor, then played virtually every embarrassing video clip that has surfaced since Ford’s name began appearing in headlines related to a crack cocaine scandal.

Ford seemed to absorb the jabs well and smiled throughout his appearance. But his brother Doug, a city councillor in Toronto, told the Toronto Sun that the mayor was “a little upset” after taping Kimmel’s show. The reporter heard Ford himself on the line saying he had been “set up”.

Pupienus Maximus

The Nets have signed another ten day contract with Jason Collins. Expected to sign for reminder of season soon.



this verily tickled my funny Bone…


Rob Ford becomes Galactasshurt, a cosmic force beyond petty human conceptions of good and evil.

My impression of Kimmel, based on viewing maybe one ep and however many ads, is that he’s a smarmy asshole. Rob Ford was surprised, why? Oh, yeah – cokehead.


Wingnuts just don’t know anything about current events. They want every country to fit into their pre-conceived ideas of who they are. They want geopolitics and foreign policy to be simple and easy, and that’s just not how the world works. It didn’t work that way in the time of the Greek and Roman empires, and it hasn’t gotten any less complicated.

The idea that Russia is even considered an enemy right now is fucking batshit insane. Frenemies would better describe the relationship, but it’s definitely streaky and odd.


i tend to think the middleeastern terrorists we’ve pissed off are a bit more worrisome than putin

Kim Jong Crazypants is 347 times crazier than Putin ever dreamed of being.


Kim Jong Crazypants is 347 times crazier than Putin ever dreamed of being.

ah, yes…i forgot about the little dude…


Frenemies would better describe the relationship, but it’s definitely streaky and odd.

If we are talking geopolitics as interpersonal relationships, why would anyone want to befriend a sociopath (i.e the US)? When we come pal’ing around, other countries hide the good silver.


why would anyone want to befriend a sociopath (i.e the US)?

Yeah, we’re not in any position to be chiding anyone else about foreign incursions and military actions.

Helmut Monotreme

They all know he’s doing what he can. They’re just in the conveniently easy position of having no consequences to face for running the fucking fool mouths about it without knowing anything about anything. It’s easy to criticize when your words don’t actually affect foreign policy.

Pundits love this shit. They love these moments of great international tension. To them foreign policy is a casino game and they are just trying to cover all the bets. They loudly predict and “advise”, knowing that if they are loud enough and general enough, at least one of them will prove to be correct in their wild ass guessing and then they can parlay their lucky guess into news and talk show appearances and a book deal. And if they guess wrong, they can write another column next week and try again.

Helmut Monotreme

Oops, messed up my blockquote there.



Pundits love this shit. They love these moments of great international tension.

ESPECIALLY the right wing ones. They completely ignore history, ethic conditions, and everything except their own phony fucking values about freedom and democracy. They don’t give a single thought to the nauseating number of lives that are snuffed out by these dirty little wars. When collateral damage is prioritized below business interests, you’ve lost all humanity and have no right to speak about foreign affairs.


If we are talking geopolitics as interpersonal relationships, why would anyone want to befriend a sociopath (i.e the US)? 

Probably something along the lines of “… and keep yor enemies closer.”

Also, we’re a sociopath with nukes (and the only one to ever actually use them, and please, God, let it stay that way) and a military not quite as big as the rest of the world combined. But we “can’t afford” a decent healthcare system, a decent safety net, a decent oublic school system, … because priorities.


and everything except their own phony fucking values about freedom and democracy.

About which they obviously do not have a single clue, except those are powerful words to conjure with.

Helmut Monotreme

i tend to think the middleeastern terrorists we’ve pissed off are a bit more worrisome than putin

Don’t worry about terrorists. Seriously don’t worry. Worry about traffic accidents, allergic reactions, high fructose corn syrup, dog bites, slipping in the bathroom and cracking your head on the sink, choking on a tuna bone, global warming, ozone depletion, and the baggage handling system at Heathrow. Even if terrorists were a hundred times more numerous, they still couldn’t come halfway to filling the rose bowl. The only way terrorists could be more dangerous to more than a handful of people at a time than a random streak of bad luck is if they were capable of lighting off a nuke someplace. And… they aren’t. Nukes are really hard. Hard enough that it takes the resources of a nation to make and employ one. Building a nuke may not be out of Bill Gates reach but it sure as shit is out of the reach of some malcontents in the backwoods of Pakistan.

Even terrorists that use a nuke given to them by an ill meaning foreign nation aren’t much to worry about, as a nation would have to be suicidal to think that blowback from a stunt like that wouldn’t cause global nuclear war.


Don’t worry about terrorists. Seriously don’t worry. 

Oh, I worry. I worry about the stupid overreactions that enable things like the PATRIOT Act and the AUMF to be taken off the shelf and used. Other than that, yeah. Angry fools, often egged on by the FBI.


Worry about traffic accidents, allergic reactions, high fructose corn syrup, dog bites, slipping in the bathroom and cracking your head on the sink, choking on a tuna bone, global warming, ozone depletion, and the baggage handling system at Heathrow.

i do! and i meant worrisome only in that if someone was going to take another crack at us, it would likely be from the middle east and not russia…


Terrorists are the muslim version of our Aryan Nations and other reactionary neo-fascists. By and large, they’re fairly harmless, but once in a while they nail a big one (Oklahoma City). They’re still scary–but we tend to fool ourselves into thinking there’s some ideology behind all this shit, when there really isn’t. That’s just how they ensnare disaffected young people. The truth is that people like Osama and McVeigh are nothing more than sociopathic, murdering serial killers. They just want to watch the world burn.


Worry about traffic accidents, allergic reactions, high fructose corn syrup, dog bites, slipping in the bathroom and cracking your head on the sink, choking on a tuna bone, global warming, ozone depletion, and the baggage handling system at Heathrow.

Don’t forget rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.


Don’t forget rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.

i ain’t got time for that…


it would likely be from the middle east and not Russia

The Horn of Africa is the next hot spot, and likely where the next plot is being plotted;.


Don’t forget rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.

You forgot Babtists.


and there has not been any mention of the gays…i worry about the gay agenda and how it’s always being shoved down my throat…


They loudly predict and “advise”, knowing that if they are loud enough and general enough, at least one of them will prove to be correct in their wild ass guessing and it doesn’t matter how horribly wrong they are, they can parlay their lucky guess utter, constant wrongness into news and talk show appearances and a book deal.



How is it that the OP-ED staff gets away with writing so much FAIL without somebody above tapping the brakes? I don’t get it. Every time I read that crap I find nothing more than a giant gas expulsion in the form of a high school vocabulary sheet. If they wrote all that phony bullshit in Texas/Florida vernacular, they’d be fired before the editor finished their first submission. But dress it up in flowery and pompous language, and “oh hey, this shit is cool, bro.”


You forgot Babtists

They are their own category of fascist creepazoids.

Helmut Monotreme

How is it that the OP-ED staff gets away with writing so much FAIL without somebody above tapping the brakes? I don’t get it. Every time I read that crap I find nothing more than a giant gas expulsion in the form of a high school vocabulary sheet. If they wrote all that phony bullshit in Texas/Florida vernacular, they’d be fired before the editor finished their first submission. But dress it up in flowery and pompous language, and “oh hey, this shit is cool, bro.”

The op ed page is simply the monetization of confirmation bias.


The op ed page is simply the monetization of confirmation bias.

Yes, this. Consider that turn-of-phrase stolen.

Helmut Monotreme

Sheesh. pundits are so freaking predictable. We should have a contest to write a given pundit’s column before they do. Call it “Krauthammer before Krauthammer” or “Friedman before Friedman” write 500 words on a current news story, before the selected pundit does and the one that most resembles the published column wins.


imagining Lieutenant Worf barking out orders in Hopi
…only slightly hindered by the lack of tense markers.

Don’t forget rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.



The sucky part of geopolitical punditry is that if someone were to really examine the background leading up to a crisis and present the facts, refute the bullshit from the belligerents, and educate the reader/listener to some degree, nobody would pay much attention.


Awww, Snake shit. The Irish can come too. As long as they don’t act like they’re Irish.


As long as they don’t act like they’re Irish

dammit! irish guys are hawt…


A first for me, Mauritian food. Lamb curry, fried noodles, puri. Seems to a Indian African creole French Chinese influenced cuisine. Tasty!


bbkf said,
March 4, 2014 at 21:46

and there has not been any mention of the gays…i worry about the gay agenda and how it’s always being shoved down my throat…

It’s not your throat we’re shoving our agenda down, silly non-PENISed person.


They can be hawt all they want. They just have to stop talking about Guinness and Jameson and faking Irish accents.


And stop picking fights in the bar–especially the little bitty runty ones. They’re annoying. Like a Toy Poodle barking at you through a fence.


They can be hawt all they want. They just have to stop talking about Guinness and Jameson and faking Irish accents.*

And stop picking fights in the bar–especially the little bitty runty ones. They’re annoying. Like a Toy Poodle barking at you through a fence.

all i have to say is that they were pretty freaking good at teh flirting…

*ha, earlier this year the daughter and i were out of town shopping after her spec. oly. swim meet…we stopped at a gas station for some hot chocolate and it was snowing pretty damn good…this kid ahead of us at the register had a u.k. accent and all the girls were just going crazy over him even though he was not good looking…i’m pretty sure he was NOT from the u.k. and probably left there larfing up his sleeve…


also, guinness keeps you regular and there is nothing wrong with that…


silly non-PENISed person.

i am GLAD i do not have a penis…who wants something floppy that gets in the way and that people obsess about being too big or too small…



At least we only have ONE of those.


Teh Ho’s very piously conservative brother…

Oh, THAT must make Thanksgiving dinner delightful.

Kim Jong Crazypants is 347 times crazier than Putin ever dreamed of being.

…and other to than his own citizens and a relative handful of unfortunate South Koreans, he isn’t much of a threat either.

No, the main threat to the US is internal and composed of ignorance, god-bothering and right wing talibangelicism. But I repeat myself.


Is Lindsey Graham really this breathtakingly stupid or is he playing a cynical game?

I couldn’t do it. I can debase myself in countless ways, I can screw up like you wouldn’t believe, but this sort of thing, no. This is Mitt-worthy, Newt-grade shamelessness.

Helmut Monotreme

Is Lindsey Graham really this breathtakingly stupid or is he playing a cynical game?

Sadly, as so often happens when this question comes up, the answer is “both”.


Is Lindsey Graham really this breathtakingly stupid or is he playing a cynical game?

What. a. little. shit.

And I agree with Helmut’s “both.”


Is Lindsey Graham really this breathtakingly stupid or is he playing a cynical game?

oh, ffs!

Helmut Monotreme

Who else thinks its a good idea to have a quick whip round in his district and buy Mr Graham a helmet, a rifle, some fatigues and a one way ticket to Crimea so he can put his own ass on the line?


Who else thinks its a good idea to have a quick whip round in his district and buy Mr Graham a helmet, a rifle, some fatigues and a one way ticket to Crimea so he can put his own ass on the line?

i’m willing…officious, eye-rolling little twerp…


Who else thinks its a good idea to have a quick whip round in his district and buy Mr Graham a helmet, a rifle, some fatigues and a one way ticket to Crimea so he can put his own ass on the line?

Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Also, I assume Sen. McCrankypants is also braying for Action! So him, too. Also any other warmonger, and Paul “ZEGS” Ryan, on general principles (if he’s not already on the “warmonger” list).


As discussed above massive wrongness is no barrier to continued participation in the national debate. This little Graham nugget will soon be forgot along with all the rest of the screee about Benghazi.


dammit! irish guys are hawt…

How you doin’? (I’m only half Irish though, probably the worse half)


…and other to than his own citizens and a relative handful of unfortunate South Koreans, he isn’t much of a threat either.

Not for the moment. He knows the 8th Army and South Korea are standing right next him.

I consider people who starve and torture their own people a global threat. We have a responsibility to do something about it–that doesn’t mean take tanks and planes and level the fucking place–it means earnest, good faith diplomacy. But hell, we still can’t come to terms with Cuba after all this fucking time. Old grudges die hard.


As discussed above massive wrongness is no barrier to continued participation in the national debate.

If backed by The Right People*, massive wrongness is not only no barrier, it’s a positive advantage.

*”Corporations are people, too”


(I’m only half Irish though, probably the worse half)

“If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, then you’re lucky enough.”

Old Irish proverb


I consider people who starve and torture their own people a global threat.

Unless they grant us basing rights or let us run a gas pipeline through their territory. Or if they hate Communists.

Then they can boil their political opponents alive for all we care.


Who else thinks its a good idea to have a quick whip round in his district and buy Mr Graham a helmet, a rifle, some fatigues and a one way ticket to Crimea so he can put his own ass on the line?

If Obama called for air strikes and ground forces to run the Russians off the peninsula, Graham would be the second in line to call him a warmonger and terrible president with shitty foreign policy. (McCain would be the first).

It doesn’t matter what Obama does, those teabaggers are going to say it’s the worst decision ever. Neville Chamberlain or Hitler.


“If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, then you’re lucky enough.”

I do seem to be lucky to have some genes that lead to a particularly durable liver.


and Paul “ZEGS” Ryan, on general principles (if he’s not already on the “warmonger” list).

General principles, including shit like this:

It’s probably best that Ryan isn’t planning to get too very far with this particular vehicle because the scholars that he cited so heavily in this report are already grumbling, disowning Ryan’s conclusions and accusing him of cherry-picking convenient facts and burying others. Asked about the scholars’ criticism of Ryan’s sometimes misleading use of their studies, a Ryan spokesperson said:

We’re glad to hear the report is encouraging a debate on the performance record of federal anti-poverty programs.


Unless they grant us basing rights or let us run a gas pipeline through their territory. Or if they hate Communists.

That’s right. Or if they ARE Communists with tons of money who welcome our ruling class oligarchs and feed them slave labor….You know…trade partners.


Also, too: both d r i f t g l a s s and tengrain are all over Lindsay “Senatorette Huckleberry Closetcase” Graham’s twitting.


I sure don’t remember Graham and McCain shaking their fist at Bush and calling him weak when Russia was going at it with Georgia (Country Not State).


Off topic, but if I’m ever missing at sea or lost in the wilderness, don’t call the police, don’t call the Coast Guard, don’t call Search and Rescue.

Call the University of Illinois Alumni Association. Those fuckers will track me down! I’ve been trying to get rid of them for 30 years now and I can’t shake them.

Just tell them I want to make a donation and they’ll find me anywhere on the planet.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Pupienus Maximus

I also pointed out to Teh Ho’s ex-Army (had he not gotten passed over as Major he’d still be in) climate change denialist brother that the Pentagon considers climate change to be the number one threat. He just quietly fumes until he can find YET ANOTHER Krauthammer column or such shit to cite.

Pupienus Maximus

Didn’t you spend time at Diego Garcia MK? Did they serve regional type food? It’s near Mauritius is why I ask. My lunch today was tasty – lamb curry pan fried with noodles.


Didn’t you spend time at Diego Garcia MK? Did they serve regional type food?

I was there for 7 months.

The base was run by the US Navy and the cooks were Filipino contractors. I recall the food being quite good, except there was no fresh milk.

I ate a lot of lumpia and pancit as I recall.


who wants something floppy that gets in the way and that people obsess about being too big or too small

Ha! Everyone envies my prehensile tail.

Didn’t you spend time at Diego Garcia MK? Did they serve regional type food?

I imagine you’d go to Mauritius for Chagossian cuisine. Recall that Diego Garcia was cleansed of its occupants in 1969-1971, in order to provide the US with an unoccupied island for air-base-related purposes.

Helmut Monotreme

Isn’t Diego Garcia just a couple runways in the Indian Ocean? Do they get cylones? What do they do when they hit, because it looks like a 3 foot storm surge would wash the whole place away.


You might say it’s in a low-risk zone, this is from the Wiki on DG:

Diego Garcia is at minimum risk from tropical cyclones due to its proximity to the equator where the coriolis parameter required to organize circulation of the upper atmosphere is minimal. Low-intensity storms have hit the island, including in 1901, which blew over 1,500 coconut trees,[80] on September 16, 1944[81] which caused the wreck of a Royal Air Force PBY Catalina, September 1990 which demolished the tent city then being constructed for United States Air Force bomber crews during Operation Desert Storm,[34] and on July 22, 2007, when winds exceeded 60 knots (110 km/h) and over 250 millimetres (9.8 in) of rain fell in 24 hours.[34]


I ate a lot of lumpia and pancit as I recall.

That could almost make being in the middle of nowhere bearable.

That being said, folks, run out now and buy a tub of pork floss, either pork fu or pork sung– it doesn’t really matter. If you’re not a vegetarian or a follower of Jewish or Islamic dietary laws, you need to try this stuff. It’s like cotton candy made out of pork.


via Crooked Timber

I am getting my Crimea analysis from Jack Matlock. You should always have multiple sources for “expert opinion”, but he seems easy to read and I am lazy.


Isn’t Diego Garcia just a couple runways in the Indian Ocean?

Not much more than that. It’s an atoll, shaped like a horseshoe. It’s maybe 8 miles long and 1/4 mile wide at the widest point. Some parts aren’t much wider than the road that goes around.

About 1/2 of it is kept as a nature preserve and you had to get a pass from the Brits to explore that part of the island. The wreck of the PBY Catalina is still there.

Here’s a pic I took of the island:
Diego Garcia

Here’s one of the beaches. The “sand” is actually coral so you had to wear shoes or sandals to avoid cutting your feet to shreds.


Here’s the room prison cell I spend 7 months in with 3 other guys. Better than a tent, but that’s about it.

Officer’s Quarters


Here’s the room prison cell I spend 7 months in with 3 other guys. Better than a tent, but that’s about it.

It’s like a freshman dorm room, without the illicit alcohol stash.


without the illicit alcohol stash.

Alcohol was readily available. We could drink at the Navy Officer’s Club, the British club or the Filipino club.


That being said, folks, run out now and buy a tub of pork floss, either pork fu or pork sung- it doesn’t really matter. If you’re not a vegetarian or a follower of Jewish or Islamic dietary laws, you need to try this stuff. It’s like cotton candy made out of pork.

I’ll have to check my local grocery store. Lumpia and pancit are also very easy to find around here – frex, there’s a cart selling lumpia, etc. stationed outside a nearby Kmart.


Alcohol was readily available. We could drink at the Navy Officer’s Club, the British club or the Filipino club.

One of the few benefits of not being a teenager anymore.

I’ll have to check my local grocery store. Lumpia and pancit are also very easy to find around here – frex, there’s a cart selling lumpia, etc. stationed outside a nearby Kmart.

It should be easy to find in any Eastern Asian grocery store- it is a popular accompaniment of congee and various buns.


Freshman dorm room, lumpia, pancit, frex, pork floss, congee, buns …
I dunno what all this means but I’m pretty sure it’s way nasty


Nasty? Sounds like the makings of a good party.


It’s like cotton candy made out of pork.

Yeah, I have pork sung left over from my mothers’ supply which I got in 1996. It has chili pepper in it, that, and the lack of fat and moisture make it immune to fugal/microbial/insect damage.

I eat it when I make sook(jook is what Cantonese peasants call it) which is Chinese rice porridge that you boil for two hours to thoroughly break down the long-grain rice which is a prime ingredient. 1/2 cup of rice per 2 quarts of water, along with a cup of chicken/beef bullion, you can use left-over meat and add some 5-spice powder and a few slices of ginger.


Freshman dorm room, lumpia, pancit, frex, pork floss, congee, buns …

I’ll take “unsuccessful novelty aromas for toilet freshener” for $200.


Hi y’all. I’ve been around in lurker mode, but have had nothing to contribute. Just checking into the net….


Fenwick : You are not alone.


Okay, now I’ve got something to contribute…


Hiya, Suezboo! Can’t stick around; I was doing a news check, then I gotta get back to work.


Oh it’s food. I was thinking randy furrin’ coed talk.

“Pork floss my, how do you say? — Buns?”


*”Corporations are people, too”

So shouldn’t vulture capitalists who kill corporations for money face the death penalty?


That being said, folks, run out now and buy a tub of pork floss, either pork fu or pork sung- it doesn’t really matter. If you’re not a vegetarian or a follower of Jewish or Islamic dietary laws, you need to try this stuff. It’s like cotton candy made out of pork.

As I clicked your link my favorite Chinese colleague came into my cube and was astonished that I was reading about rousong. She promised to bring me some, yay!

Helmut Monotreme

So shouldn’t vulture capitalists who kill corporations for money face the death penalty?

That idea is offensive to me as a staunch opponent of the death penalty. There’s plenty of abandoned mines, missile silos, and gravel pits that could be converted to prisons for lifetime incarceration of vulture capitalists.


For our overlords and all Sadlyville snarkmasters: Media Matters launches Mythopedia, a fact-check tool. And what nice timing! One day before CPAC.

Pupienus Maximus

I often browse the aisles at Uwajimaya and pick out some random product that I’ve never had before (sometimes I don’t even know what it is). That’s how I came to know of pork floss. I found it to taste a bit over-processed, factory tasting. I’ll try masking some at home using the recipe at the seriouseats link.


There’s a recipe in the Pok Pok book. I’m not crazy about the stuff.


So shouldn’t vulture capitalists who kill corporations for money face the death penalty?

There’s a way around it. The vultures don’t formally kill the corporations; they simply leave a comotose shell with a Post Office box as a business address.


As I clicked your link my favorite Chinese colleague came into my cube and was astonished that I was reading about rousong. She promised to bring me some, yay!

The first hit is free… On a serious note, that’s really cool of her.

Pupienus Maximus

At last, a whingnut who doesn’t think Putin is our worst threat.

World Congress of Families spokesman Don Feder writes today in the American Thinker that gays and lesbians in the military, Muslim executive branch officials and a president who’s not “an American in the White House,” threaten American interests more than Russian President Vladimir Putin.



At last, a whingnut who doesn’t think Putin is our worst threat.

At last? They’ve had a total crush on Putin since he started implementing his anti-gay backlash.

Helmut Monotreme

At last? They’ve had a total crush on Putin since he started implementing his anti-gay backlash.

He is the heel they love to hate in their “geopolitics as pro wrestling” fantasy.


plus geedubs looked into his eyes and got all starbursty.

Pupienus Maximus


Pupienus Maximus

Finally as in since the Ukraine bidness which PROVED that Russia is the greatest threat to the US I mean. But wait – they do love him for hatin on teh gheys. Their cognitive dissonance is multidimensional – 7D at least – I guess.


At last, a whingnut who doesn’t think Putin is our worst threat.

Not an (American) wingnut, but Bernie Ecclestone is Pooty Poot’s bestest bud too. It’s like F1 can’t exist unless there’s a fascist shithead running it or something.

Helmut Monotreme

Not an (American) wingnut, but Bernie Ecclestone is Pooty Poot’s bestest bud too. It’s like F1 can’t exist unless there’s a fascist shithead running it or something.

1) the amount of money it takes to field an F1 team virtually guarantees they will only be run by billionaire assholes or companies owned by same.

2 there totally needs to be a photoshop mashup of Vladimir “Pooty Poot” Putin and this movie poster: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2380241920/tt0258038?ref_=tt_ov_i


There totally needs to be a mashup of potatoes and parmesan and garlic. Now that would be good right about now.


ohmygoodness…the rightwingwatch link above is comedy gold…

Feder writes that he doesn’t blame Putin for resisting Ukraine’s moves toward EU membership, because that implies a “willingness to accept same-sex ‘marriage,’ abortion on demand [and] an anti-religion ethos.” A parallel situation in Canada would bother us too, Feder writes. “It would, that is, if there was an American in the White House.”


Another “threat” he sees to America is the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: “If Putin doesn’t take us seriously, is it any wonder?… Perhaps we could deploy an elite unit, armed with vibrators, to the Crimea to counter Spetsnaz commandos.”

yes, we need the man who regularly gets topless pics taken to take us seriously…

but here’s what REALLY concerns him:

Obama’s life style-friendly military — If Putin doesn’t take us seriously, is it any wonder? The headline in the March 2 Stars and Stripes beams: “Gay, lesbian troops perform in drag at Kadena Air Base” in Okinawa. The publication disclosed that the drag show was “in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered troops.” Doubtless, this will do much for the morale of the non-LGBT troops.

yes, i do not recall an instance evar when men dressed up as women to put on beauty pageants…nope, don’t even have any pictures of my dad and his fellow jaycees doing such a thing…nope…

But as then-Army Chief of Staff George W. Casey, Jr. said at the time of the Ft. Hood massacre (which the administration still refuses to call a terrorist incident), diversity is the New Action Army’s most important product. Perhaps we could deploy an elite unit, armed with vibrators, to the Crimea to counter Spetsnaz commandos.

okay, fine…if you want to call a mass-shooting a ‘terrorist incident’ we’ll call them ALL terrorist incidents…i think we can all agree that we should not be arming terrorists, can’t we? and since most shooters are described as just normal quiet everyday people, who just apparently snap for some reason, we best not take any chances and not let anybody own guns…works for me!

Obama’s metastasizing autocracy — We fret about democracy in the Ukraine while Obama treats the Constitution as a series of suggestions. For the president, the three branches of government are him, his pen and his telephone.

Putin is a strong man. Obama is a weak man (except when it comes to bullying our allies). Obama venerates multilateralism. Putin is willing to go it alone. Obama is committed to the entire LGBT agenda (including gay “marriage”). He’s also the only sitting president to address Planned Parenthood, such is his commitment to abortion without borders. Putin believes the foregoing is the road to national annihilation.

okay, so bronco’s a guy who walks all over the constitution and gets shit done on his own…except wait! putin goes it alone, obama’s weak! except when he’s not…oh, hell…can’t we all just admit he’s a muslim and get along?

and ZOMG! he addressed planned parenthood?!?!? because one of the ‘things’ the wingnuts whinge about is too many illegitimate babbies…and here’s a FREAKING NEWS FLASH: planned parenthood is more than just an abortion on demand factory…hmmmm…perhaps working with people who might have some insights and useful tools to prevent unwanted pregnancies (and lowering the abortion rate) would be a good idea…and i must have missed the part where obama formed his ‘abortionists without borders’ team and has sent them across the world performing abortions…cuz he’s just that committed to abortions…

why do the wingnuts treat just about everything as something to be afraid of…

Where does the threat to America lie?

in your teensyweensy mind, don…in your teensyweensy mind…


There totally needs to be a mashup of potatoes and parmesan and garlic. Now that would be good right about now.

i just had to sample a variety of red velvet desserts, so i’m good for the time being…hit me up about 6 and i should be ready for those taters…


more ukraine news here

this morning on the air, we travoltafied our names…i’m sonny ramso…


yes, i do not recall an instance evar when men dressed up as women to put on beauty pageants…nope

J. Edgar Hoover
Noted fascist, hero of right wing bucketheads…also known to have dressed in women’s clothes from time to time.


I’m gonna be THAT guy and just make an unsolicited comment that means nothing. Borowitz is so not funny.


“Putin is a strong man”, he typed with one hand pecking at the keyboard, between groans and gasps…


plus geedubs looked into his eyes and got all starbursty.

i cannot get rid of the following image:

geedubs and poots out in the great out of doors…staring into each other’s eyes…without breaking eye contact, they simultaneously take unbutton and take off their shirts…and then, still gazing at each other clasp hands and walk off into the woods to do some manly things…


you’re all in your bunks now, aren’t you…


you’re all in your bunks now, aren’t you…

Ugh, no. I was afraid I might need to make a dash to the toilet, but I seem to be OK … for the moment. Now I’m wishing for brain bleach.

Helmut Monotreme

I think you forgot the part where Sarah Palin got all hot and bothered watching hot crypto fascist on crypto fascist action from her front porch.


Ugh, no. I was afraid I might need to make a dash to the toilet, but I seem to be OK … for the moment. Now I’m wishing for brain bleach.

i’m a giver…can’t help but share my thoughts!

I think you forgot the part where Sarah Palin got all hot and bothered watching hot crypto fascist on crypto fascist action from her front porch.

then she hops on her snowmobile (in a short furlined snow suit and high heeled boots). she strides over to the two crypto fascists, gets between them and cracks her whip…


Borowitz is so not funny.



Borowitz is so not funny.


yeah, i’d have to give him a ‘meh’…for no odd reason his report shows up in my inbox and i’m just lazy enough to unsubscribe…he’s also one of those persons who make me say, ‘how does he get paid to do what he does?’


and i’m just lazy enough to unsubscribe

and i’m also lazy enough to not proofread…


more ukraine news here

What the fuck was that? I’ve never heard of that guy, is he s’posed to be funny? FAIL.


I’ve never heard of that guy, is he s’posed to be funny? FAIL.

It’s the New Yorker. Too highbrow maybe? No. He’s just not funny.

Pupienus Maximus

Heh. Dem: Republicans Would Support Abortion ‘If Their Daughter Got Pregnant By A Black Man’



Heh. Dem: Republicans Would Support Abortion ‘If Their Daughter Got Pregnant By A Black Man’

No they wouldn’t, they’d just send their daughters to Europe for a “spa vacation”.


he’s also one of those persons who make me say, ‘how does he get paid to do what he does?’

I call that the “Mo Rocca Effect”, but Mo doesn’t seem to be a dick.


if a five year old finds a gun in his house and shoots himself, i would say there was *some* negligence…


No they wouldn’t, they’d just send their daughters to Europe for a “spa vacation”.

so is a european abortion classier than an american abortion?


and should that be an european abortion?


are you fucking kidding me?

While the group chastised Clinton for being soft on Russia, Miller also criticized her comments Tuesday, in which she compared Russia’s actions to Nazi Germany, as “overcompensation.”

so…wingnuts scream ‘nazihitler!!11!’ at things that have not and will not happen and are not based in fact, yet hillary makes a pretty apt comparison, and she’s overcompensating…and the dissonant beat goes on…


While Hilary’s comparison my be somewhat apt, I think there’s a disconnect in rationale. Hitler had every intention of invading and conquering ALL of Europe. He wasn’t too worried about the non-existent Germans in France, Belgium and England, and he had no explanation for his Russian invasion besides OMFG COMMUNISTS. Putin is defending his base and Black Sea access. The US would do exactly the same thing in say, Cuba, South Korea, The Philippines, Okinawa, Germany, etc…

The ethnic stuff is a bit overblown. I doubt that Putin gives a rat’s fat ass about Russians in Ukraine.


Also, wingnuts can just shut the fuck up. They don’t know anything about geopolitics. You can’t interact with other nations with platitudes and silly ideals, and you can’t just fucking kill everyone you think is doing something wrong or doesn’t kiss America’s butthole and treat us like royalty.


and you can’t just fucking kill everyone you think is doing something wrong or doesn’t kiss America’s butthole and treat us like royalty.

I’m pretty sure that’s the way they do think things work – or ought to work – “manifest destiny,” etc.

I stand by my opinion that the Wingers would have been Royalists, working actively to prevent the rabble from pulling away from their rightful position as Royal subjects, and they would for sure have been screaming for the death of that hippie carpenter, the sooner and more painful the better, before anyone Got Ideas above their station.


Wingers would have been Royalists, working actively to prevent the rabble from pulling away from their rightful position as Royal subjects

They were and still are. They were the Tories in the Revolution, the fucking Confederates, the anti-Reconstruction people…they fought against suffrage, civil rights, voting rights and anything that gives the untermensch any kind of a foothold in society.


Wingnuts are just supremacists–royalists would fall in that category.

Ted Nugent called Obama a “subhuman mongrel” (among a much longer litany of other paranoid delusions).
Subhuman: Less than human
Mongrel: Mutt–mixed, NOT WHITE.

The only good thing about Nugent is that he’s not afraid to say what’s on the minds of all those middle to far right wingers.


Yeah, a lot of Tories went north to Canada during and after the revolution. Only about 1/3rd of the population supported the Revolution, and the same proportion were Tories or didn’t care one way or another because they weren’t smugglers entrepreneurs, etc.


The only good thing about Nugent is that he’s not afraid to say what’s on the minds of all those middle to far right wingers.

I continue to have hope that the more bIowhards like Nugent open their great yawps and say what’s really on their minds (or “minds, in certain cases), the more regular folks will realize it’s theirownselves the blowhards are dissing.

People being people, I suspect that most people in the US who have family in the US going back more than a generation or two are “mongrels,” though not in the way ol’ Ted used the term. And even using Ted’s definition of a “mongrel” being someone with at least one identifiable nonwhite ancestor, that’s a bigger and bigger part of the population, what with most reasonable people not giving a flip, and more people no longer being ashamed to say that Grandma Sally was part Cherokee.

Pupienus Maximus

Got some pr0k left over from that fresh pickanick I cooked up t’udder day. It were FABULOUS, btw. I snagged some excellent ham from Tails and Trotters. In a bit I’ll haul out the countertop grill / waffle iron which makes a pretty good panini press. Then some nice Ciabatta (store bought but hey, I can’t make EVERYTHING ALLATIME) will be sliced and spread with mayo into which a bunch of cumin and pureed garlic has been worked. Some of the roasted pork. Some ham. Swiss cheese (don’t recall exactly what I have, some better cheese shop Swiss or other). Sour pickles. Some mustard. I use Dijon style mustard but you have already seen that authenticity is less important to me than how it tastes. Slap it all together and do the panini press routine.

Made some dark, creamy mushroom soup using dried porcinis and dried shiitakes plus their liquor, and a boatload of fresh criminis. Homemade vegetable stock, lots of thyme, a fair but of garlic, a ton of onions, some dill and a squeeze of lemon.

I’m experimenting with “tater tots.” Slightly beyond par baked some russets then chilled. Grated and chopped. Mixed with finely diced onion. Blitzed some Penzey’s freeze dried garlic in the coffee grinder spice whizzer and added it. Some salt and pepper, touch of cayenne and some pimenton. Mix it all together with egg as binder. Oooh, some grated parm regg. is going in there soon as i get up and refill my martini! Cross your fingers e’erbody.

Pupienus Maximus

Oops. The reference to authneticity was, of course, because I’m making a sort of Cuban sandwich. Definitely not the traditional Cubano but again, fuck authentic, Charlie – I want food that tastes good.

Pupienus Maximus

Aaaand I fucked up the T&T link. That is to say, WP fucked it up for me because I didn’t have the “http://” in there. It’s a bug in WP. FYWP.


For those who follow such things, there have been some intriguing developments in the CIA versus Senate Intelligence Committee.

Congressional aides involved in preparing the Senate Intelligence Committee’s unreleased study of the CIA’s secret interrogation and detention program walked out of the spy agency’s fortress-like headquarters with classified documents that the CIA contended they weren’t authorized to have, McClatchy has learned.


I’m experimenting with “tater tots.” Slightly beyond par baked some russets then chilled. Grated and chopped. Mixed with finely diced onion. Blitzed some Penzey’s freeze dried garlic in the coffee grinder spice whizzer and added it. Some salt and pepper, touch of cayenne and some pimenton. Mix it all together with egg as binder. Oooh, some grated parm regg. is going in there soon as i get up and refill my martini! Cross your fingers e’erbody.

My people call it rösti.

Pupienus Maximus

I’ve never made rösti in little deep fried logs. Never seen it made that way.

Pupienus Maximus

That is, I’ve only seen it made as a pancake, not deep fried nuggets.


Yeah, as much as I love rösti, it ain’t tots. Papas duquesas comes close, chilean style, and some brabant taters can be tot like. Keep us posted on your research cause I’d like a modern tot technique.


i have been reading the tots post in the voice of napolean dynamite…


i have been reading the tots post in the voice of napolean dynamite…



It’s a brilliant gambit actually


I’ve never made rösti in little deep fried logs. Never seen it made that way.

Was was specifically referring to the whole cooking, then grating technique… should have been clearer.

Pupienus Maximus

What makes tots special is the ratio of crusty bits to soft. Next time I’ll add a teensy bit of flour as a binder and chill or maybe even freeze them. They were pretty good for a first attempt – shouldn’t take note than a few revisions to nail it. I’ll keep you posted.

Pupienus Maximus

More. More than a few… FYNexus7


I’m trying my hand at Haitian-style grillots, and have a Jamaican sorrel (hibiscus) punch steeping. It’s amazing how well-suited Caribbean cuisine is to cold climes.

Pupienus Maximus

Picked up a whole brisket the other day. The flat cut is curing – spice rub with salt and Prague powder in a sealed bag fuck that brining – for our American-Irish St. Pat’s meal. Don’t know what to do with the point cut.


Beef rendang, Pup! The point cut should be an acceptable substitute for the short ribs called for in the recipe, due to the cooking time.

Pupienus Maximus

Haven’t had beef rendang long time. Never made it myself – used to have a friend from Malaysia who treated us to it a couple times. That’s a definite possibility.

Pupienus Maximus

I like tri-tip and I really really want to like it more than I do but it’s a tricky piece of meat. It can be as bit tough, a bit too chewy unless sliced just so. Tri-tip is going on my list of things to try sous-vide – one of those cook for 24 hours or maybe 48 hour things.


I’d be curious about a long sous-vide. I’ve done a whole sirloin tip (excellent flavor, not exactly tender after 48 hours at 135–not hot enough to dissolve collagen) and beef ribs were awesome, 24 hours @ 138F followed by a sear on the grill. Having tender, rare ribs full of beefy flavor is a great use of sous-vide.

That said, if you grind it with an equal amount of sirloin you can make Shack Shack style burgers.


I was still on about your brisket remnant. Tri-tip is a Western style of butchering that rarely shows out east. As Pup sez it’s tricky to make great but sous-vide could only make that easier.


You could also chop it into 1-inch cubes, put your favorite dry rub on it, wrap in it butchers paper and roast it in the oven for 8 hrs @250 F. That’s the deep pit roast that the vaqueros in California came up with back when the state was mostly a giant cattle range. It will be tender, and you can use it for shredded beef for whatever tickles your fancy(This offer invalid in states where fancy tickling is illegal).

Pupienus Maximus

No one can tickle fancier than I.


B4’s link is good for entry level Malaysian recipes (though ad laden). Good Malaysian food is really good.


I normally cook a tri-tip low and slow on the grill like I’d do a brisket.


Paul Ryan sucks balls. He has no idea what it’s like to go hungry as a child. This CPAC speech is supposed to include deep thoughts, you’d think?!… You don’t have to grow up poor to understand what’s wrong with this shit.

I was hungry many times, and what we now call homeless more than once as a child. I never for a moment doubted that my parents loved me — not even my criminal alkie/addict dad. I never ate a free meal thinking, wah I wish my mom had cooked-n-packed this. (The anecodotal kid in the wingnut story is probably fictional.)

In fact mom became a conservative, tea party type. She is extremely resourceful, intelligent, but entirely uneducated. She worked her ass off and tried really hard, but couldn’t make ends meet — not before divorcing my early-to-the grave-father, not for years after. So I missed meals (typically breakfast and or lunch — thank god for school) and lived in relative poverty until mom remarried.

I could hate Paul Ryan alot more if I tried, but this is typical bullshit that we can’t get worked up over. Gotta defeat him politically is all.


It makes me wonder if people like Ryan are crazy enough to believe their own talking points or just evil enough to think their base will believe it.


Ryan believes what he says, in this case, because he doesn’t think. The ideological themes resonate with him, I’m sure, and are also very useful politically. The trick is to play on the weaknesses of folks like my mom so they don’t think too deeply. So, for example, she’s big on charter schools … I have tried to explain that, left to these schemes, her son (me) would not know how to read etc. but it doesn’t work. They have made her the hero of a story. She’s one of the good mommies in their telling, but the sad part is that she was always good. She just needed (and took) help. Now that part is a disgrace, I guess … I can’t say I understand.


He could at least take the effort to make up his own BS instead of plagiarizing it:

Ryan Plagiarized Brown Bag Story


Yup, I saw that. Was too lazy to post. Thx.

Doesn’t matter much — this stuff rings true for wingnuts.


Don’t forget – Paul Ryan, the son and grandson of lawyers, whose family owns a business that I suspect relies very heavily on government contracts, took Social Security survivor benefits and (according to Wikipedia), used them to pay for college.

I don’t know if in his twisty little brain he thinks he didn’t deserve the help, so he’s going to make sure no other “undeserving” person gets help by not helping anyone, or if he’s simply a malevolent opportunist grabbing as much as he can, and fuck everone else. Or both, of course.

I wonder what his parents told him when they caught him doing something wrong? Did they, like my (single, much-married) mother, say “Don’t you ever do that again!” or did they say “Don’t you ever let me catch you doing that again!”


He could at least take the effort to make up his own BS instead of plagiarizing it:

Ryan Plagiarized Brown Bag Story

D00d even lies about his lies!


I don’t know if in his twisty little brain he thinks he didn’t deserve the help…

Of course not. As others have pointed out, when they get help, it’s a hand up, when you get help, it’s the moocher class stealing from the producers. I’m quite sure Ryan considers himself entirely deserving of every bit of help he got.

As Pierce says, “you’re welcome, dickhead.”


March 7, 2014 at 8:17
Bitcoin meltdown just reached an entirely new level.

Well, the meltdown reached that level a week ago, but the bitcoin community are just getting around now to the virtual funeral.


“He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown-paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand.”

uh…the left understands this perfectly, douchebag…but in the meantime, kids need to be fed. and equating a homeless child who truly didn’t have someone to care for him wanting someone to care for him to a family who is too poor or overworked or not having the means to make a brown bag lunch is not a good comparison…we did brown bag and free/reduced lunches…my parents cared a lot about us…circumstances were somewhat dire at times…ugh…cpac season is going to be ugly, innit?


Better a child should starve to death than not have someone who cares for them. PS: no abortions!


Zombie-eyed granny starver is what Charles Pierce of Esquire magazine calls him, or ZEGS, which appropriately sounds like an alien species which has no compassion or other human emotions to relate to.


Better a child should starve to death than not have someone who cares for them. PS: no abortions!

’tis much much more noble…also, the new practice of taking a child’s lunch away from them to embarrass the parents into paying their overdue lunch bills…


They were the Tories in the Revolution, the fucking Confederates, the anti-Reconstruction people…they fought against suffrage, civil rights, voting rights and anything that gives the untermensch any kind of a foothold in society.

The minimum wage. Child labor laws. Pensions. Unions. Food and drug regulation. Environmental protection. Public health and sanitation. Public education.

EVERYTHING in history that has ever bettered the lot of the common person was achieved in spite of the determined opposition of conservatives.


Paul Ryan sucks balls. He has no idea what it’s like to go hungry as a child. This CPAC speech is supposed to include deep thoughts,

Deep thoughts without Jack Handy? Unpossible.


It makes me wonder if people like Ryan are crazy enough to believe their own talking points or just evil enough to think their base will believe it.

There’s a goal, enrichment of political donors and the already rich who truly believe that they are entitled to all the wealth.

So you invent a narrative to fool stupid people into supporting it to their own detriment, and as you watch it work, you use confirmation bias and rationalization to convince yourself it’s all true–because it’s working.

Ryan is smart enough to know what he’s doing. But by now, I’m sure he’s molded his brain into believing his own bullshit.


This CPAC speech is supposed to include deep thoughts,

well, here’s one that is chock full of wayne lapierre hysterical bullshit


Concern trolling is the worst.

Deep thoughts without Jack Handy? Unpossible.

“If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think liked dolphins most? I’d say Flippy, wouldn’t you? You’d be wrong though. It’s Hambone.” (I never forgot that one, for some reason.)

I loved me some Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy. Paul Ryan, OTOH, is fundamentally shallow and unreflective. One of many folks with nothing to say and more power to say it than he deserves.


Wayne LaPierre is uniquely demented.


Garçon! Could you please tell that guy at the next table with the smell of pigshit about him to please take his stench somewhere far, far away from here?


Wayne LaPierre is uniquely demented.

twin cities sportscaster creates something equally demented but punny*

*also, some very bad singing…


I loved me some Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy

That was awesome stuff. Who knew Franken would turn out to be a pretty decent senator? Not me, that’s fer sher.


… and it occurs to me that that’s the nicest thing I’d be willing to say about ol’ Wayne.

Helmut Monotreme

Wayne LaPierre is uniquely demented.

Wayne LaPierre is not uniquely demented. He is all too commonly demented. His dementia is a tedious rehash of the same dementia we see year after year, in paranoid authoritarian failures nationwide. His dementia serves only to reheat the stale resentment of people whom the modern world have left behind and who have chosen to embrace the all too common rationale of racism and bigotry to explain why they no longer have or never got the success and power to which they believe they are entitled. He’s a snake oil salesman whose patent remedy for all ailments is hot lead. He’s a revival tent preacher with a “more in sorrow than in anger” schtick that keeps the rubes in their pews and the collection plates full. He’s an excellent example of the plain old American true blue huckster. He sells problems out the front door and solutions out the back. Or however you describe getting paid by both your customers and by your suppliers. Nothing about him is unique, from his callous indifference to murder, to his cheap suit, to his 1980’s vintage televangeist manner, and his shameless ability to play the victim for a handout.


bbkf: The Twins will certainly do better in 2014 than the 2013 record, in my estimation. They looked like a decent ballclub in the Second Half, but that wasn’t nearly enough to compensate for the catastrophic First Half. I think the off-season moves were judicious and will strengthen the team.


“It’s funny that pirates were always going around searching for treasure, and they never realized that the real treasure was the fond memories they were creating.”

Franken’s been a better senator than most, so far as I know. His comedy/political books were actually fun to read — most books of that type are a waste of time. And I still think fondly about his anecdote (on NPR, told to Terry Gross — I’ve brought it up before) involving racquetball with uberdouche Gene Simmons.

(Don’t anybody come out of the woodwork to explain how great and/or influential KISS is. I heard you the first time none of that redeems Gene.)


Helmut: You nailed it, bro. Totally nailed it,


That was awesome stuff. Who knew Franken would turn out to be a pretty decent senator? Not me, that’s fer sher.

deep thoughts will always be one of the best bits in history, period. also, i too, am pleasantly surprised with franken…


Right, Helmut, and well-said; can I at least say he’s an uncommonly potent distillation of all that?


bbkf: The Twins will certainly do better in 2014 than the 2013 record, in my estimation.

omfg, i hope so…last season was painful…i’m still not behind the morneau trade, but as long as we still have mauer…

Pupienus Maximus

Yeah, well aside from The minimum wage. Child labor laws. Pensions. Unions. Food and drug regulation. Environmental protection. Public health and sanitation. Public education. what have liberals given us?



well, here’s one that is chock full of wayne lapierre hysterical bullshit…

As I recall, one of the commenters said the expression on ol’ Wayne’s face is a rictus, which I think is the right word. It makes me think of a corpse with unbound jaws. Kinda zombie-like, which is appropriate, since he seems to specialize in zombie ideas.

Pupienus Maximus

Not to demean Senator Al, Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy was written and performed by [Jack Handy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Handey).

Helmut Monotreme

Right, Helmut, and well-said; can I at least say he’s an uncommonly potent distillation of all that?

Absolutely you can. He’s totally the man of the hour as far as CPAC is concerned. He’s good at what he does, he can talk in front of the camera, he doesn’t look like he just crawled out of a swamp, he embodies the NRA ideal of the “responsible gun owner”. He’s smart enough to string this con out as long as it keeps making money.


Gee, I didn’t realize Handey also wrote “Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.” My esteem grows.


As I recall, one of the commenters said the expression on ol’ Wayne’s face is a rictus,

yes, they did…and it’s been haunting me all morning…


Not to demean Senator Al, Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy was written and performed by [Jack Handy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Handey).

right you are…but we still have stuart smalley and his daily affirmations…


our local world day of prayer services have been cancelled because it is a freaking ice skating rink…i find this ironic…couldn’t they simply pray the ice away? or shouldn’t they have faith that they are not going to careen into the ditch or oncoming traffic? it’s a case where nature trumps god, i guess…


Things are becoming more complex in the CIA vs Senate Intel Committee: CIA wants FBI to investigate Senate staffers who removed documents from Langley. DOJ has “requested” the FBI to do that. Longish article, but solid background for folks who aren’t tracking this story.


Top of the page (at the moment) at CPP’s place is a photo of some evangelical-preacher dude, who turns out to be my old pal, Ollie North. Smarmy, smirking, treasonous asshole that he still remains, I’m sure. [spits]

CPP’s doing time at CPAC, though I have trouble thinking of what he might have done to deserve it. Anyway, Scooter’s up later, though I don’t have the same reaction to him as I do to Ollie, he’s still someone who, by rights, ought to be mouldering in a Federal penitentiary somewhere.

Pupienus Maximus

Via Amanda Marcotte at Salon via TPM,

From politics to the personal, from fashion to food, from the campus to the locker room, the desire to be cool has infected all aspects of our lives. At its most harmless, it is annoying. At its worst, it is deadly, on a massive scale. The Cool are the termites of life, infiltrating every nook and cranny and destroying it from within. The Cool report the news, write the scripts, teach our children, run our government—and each day they pass judgment on those who don’t worship at the altar of their coolness. The cool fawn over terrorists, mock the military, and denigrate employers. They are, in short, awful people.

From what we wear and what we eat, to what we smoke and who we poke, pop culture is crafted and manipulated by the cool and, to Greg Gutfeld, that’s Not Cool.

How do the cool enslave you? By convincing you that:
– If you don’t agree with them no one will like you.
– If you don’t follow them you will miss out on life.
– If you don’t listen to them you will die a lonely loser

How do you vanquish the cool and discover your own true self? Read this book.

In Not Cool, Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of The Joy Of Hate, lays out the battle plan for reclaiming the real American ideal of cool–building businesses, protecting freedom at home and abroad, taking responsibility for your actions, and leaving other people alone to live as they damn well please. Not Cool fights back against the culture of phonies, elitists, and creeps who want your soul. It’s not a book, it’s a weapon—and one should be armed with it at all times.


No reviews yet. Don’t know if I have the time….

Pupienus Maximus

Shit. I formed that Jack Handy link for Markdown, not html. I get confused sometimes.


Things are becoming more complex in the CIA vs Senate Intel Committee: CIA wants FBI to investigate Senate staffers who removed documents from Langley. DOJ has “requested” the FBI to do that. Longish article, but solid background for folks who aren’t tracking this story.

Any mention of the “CIA was spying on Congress” allegations?


I hope Bernie runs. Even If he doesn’t run, I’ll vote for him for a third time. Is everybody getting revved-up for the Hillary Juggernaut? No? So, it’s going to be yet another Oh-Noes-the-Republican-Is-So-Bad excuse in ’16.


Not to demean Senator Al, Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy was written and performed by [Jack Handy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Handey).

I must be mixing him up with Stuart Smalley


I hope Bernie runs. Even If he doesn’t run, I’ll vote for him for a third time. Is everybody getting revved-up for the Hillary Juggernaut? No?

meh…not want hillary…i would be down with a warren/davis ticket though…or my dream ticket: stewart/colbert…


and leaving other people alone to live as they damn well please.

how they can claim this with a straight face continues to mystify me…


and leaving other people alone to live as they damn well please.

how they can claim this with a straight face continues to mystify me…

A variant of IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION? Instead of the more usual “blame Teh Others for what we’re planning,” it’s “take credit for Teh Others’ aims,” though I don’t suppose it’s that unusual (see MLK Jr).


I’m afraid it’s probably not in the cards but a Sanders/Warren or a Warren/Sanders ticket would be awesome.


But Pup, now I’m the one that’s cool!


In Not Cool, Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author of The Joy Of Hate, lays out the battle plan for reclaiming the real American ideal of cool

“Cool” was always a countercultural term- cool being the province of Negroes and jazz men. Gutfeld should come up with his own term to apply to the MotU types he lauds.

There are few figures more pathetic than a failed comedian who’s found success as a shill.


I went to a very small high school. We did not have a large enough student body to fill all the traditional cliques so many of us had to do double duty. I was a nerd (Chess Team-AV Club) and a jock (Football-Baseball-Basketball) so I was duty bound by sacred high school tradition to give myself a wedgie at least once a week. It’s not as easy as it sounds.


Hilarious, Gutfeld’s previous book, before this whine about cool people was The Joy of Hate: How to Triumph over Whiners in the Age of Phony Outrage


Low clouds over upstate NY this morning. We were at 7000′ when I took this.



There are few figures more pathetic than a failed comedian who’s found success as a shill.

Hilarious, Gutfeld’s previous book, before this whine about cool people was The Joy of Hate: How to Triumph over Whiners in the Age of Phony Outrage

i just read some of the ‘cool’ book…eck…it’s about as you would imagine…lots of projection, dissonance, hyperbole, hypocrisy, fear and nastiness…i tried to cut and paste an excerpt but of course amazon wouldn’t let me, but anyhoo, it was about how we need moms around to tell their daughters to not give away the milk for free…but that the girls never listen and go after the cool guy who will trade her in for a younger model…apparently this is worse than being traded in for a new model (sometimes even on your deathbed!) by an unattractive conservative…yes, newt, i’m looking at you…


Low clouds over upstate NY this morning. We were at 7000? when I took this.

uh…you don’t text while piloting, do you?


Low clouds over upstate NY this morning. We were at 7000? when I took this.

Where were you flying?


but that the girls never listen and go after the cool guy who will trade her in for a younger model…apparently this is worse than being traded in for a new model (sometimes even on your deathbed!) by an unattractive conservative…yes, newt, i’m looking at you…

Newt, also Rupert Murdoch… I wonder what Gutfeld thinks of his boss.


Where were you flying?

No, the Captain was flying this leg. On our way to Stewart/Newburgh.


If we had our preference we wouldn’t be down that low that far from the airport. New York Center does that to keep us out of the JFK and LaGuardia arrivals.


How long are you in the area?


There’s a river or large stream running through the upper right quadrant of the picture, so the timing of your shot was pretty good, MK.


i tried to cut and paste an excerpt but of course amazon wouldn’t let me

When a webpage contains HTML to disable copying, there’s always Control-U to open a new window containing the raw code for the page.


How long are you in the area?

Unfortunately it’s only a 14-hour layover. We head back out at 8:30 PM

I don’t know how far away you are, but I have this trip again in two weeks.


“Cool” was always a countercultural term- cool being the province of Negroes and jazz men. Gutfeld should come up with his own term to apply to the MotU types he lauds.

Cool’s origins are as you say, but it got diluted, eh?…

I was gonna agree that Gutfeld shoulda used a different word, but ten-to-one says the book is so incoherent that it doesn’t matter, no precision would be gained or lost.

The last thing Gutfeld would want (or be capable of) is a discussion of the meaning of cool, then and now. How could he sub-hack out another book-shaped-object if he thought about such matters.


When a webpage contains HTML to disable copying, there’s always Control-U to open a new window containing the raw code for the page.

as one might expect, this did not work for me…we know how i am with technology…anyhoo, gutfeld’s butthurt this time (and prolly every time) stems from his being bullied in fifth grade…it seems all was peachy until one night some of the kids watched a ‘happy days’ episode which was about gangs and the next day at school they decided it would be cool to form a gang, so they did and gutfeld pretty much told them their gang was stupid and didn’t they want to play nude foursquare (i shit you not) with him and they said no, and he’s been on the outside ever since…

Helmut Monotreme

A thoughtful and coherent book probably needs to be written about the rise of cool and pursuit of form at the expense of function. (Especially in the IT world). Gutfield does not appear to have written that book. He’s seems to be mad that people who care about music are out there every day listening to and making music, and strangely enough not producing and promoting stuff that sounds like Don Henly’s solo work in the 80s. He’s mad that people who care about fashion are making and wearing clothes that aren’t stone washed jeans. People who care deeply about movies are making movies that aren’t another “Porky’s”.

People who care deeply about a given area of music, fashion and culture, and devote their lives to creating and using it are creating and using things Gutfield doesn’t like! Most of us have the good manners to get over the real and imagined slights and trials of high school in private. He needs to realize he’s getting old, that he’ll die someday, and get the hell over himself.


I don’t know how far away you are, but I have this trip again in two weeks.

I’m about an hour and a half away, but I don’t know of any place near Newburg, except a strip club- I only know of that because my office handled a workers’ comp. investigation in which the claimant, who allegedly hurt her back on the job, was tailed to the place, and a couple of lucky investigators got sent their on a surveillance, where they got lapdances from her while having a concealed pinhole camera in a briefcase. Not a bad gig, getting paid (including expenses) to go to a nudie bar… not that I’m a nudie bar aficianado.


I don’t know how far away you are, but I have this trip again in two weeks.

Uh, my point is, keep me posted about your next visit to the area so I’ll have enough time to research what to do in Poughkeepsie- I’ve been meaning to check out the walking bridge over the Hudson for a while.


one night some of the kids watched a ‘happy days’ episode which was about gangs and the next day at school they decided it would be cool to form a gang, so they did and gutfeld pretty much told them their gang was stupid and didn’t they want to play nude foursquare (i shit you not) with him and they said no, and he’s been on the outside ever since…

That could happen to anybody. Grade school is jungle, people.


Yeah it seems like Gutfeld’s using cool in nothing more than the schoolkid sense, the most boring and pointless aspect. Unless you’re a kid trying to break into a clique … but then the specifics are very fluid and don’t matter in themselves. Gutfeld’s a player-hater. Hates the players but loves the game, wants to rescue it for the Real Americans. That time when Criss Cross wore their clothes backwards, Gutfeld was like, that’s not cool, starting a business and then turning away gays is cool. Or something.


Cool is about as nebulous a term as “fun”.

Gutfeld is no more qualified to judge it as anyone else.


Uh, my point is, keep me posted about your next visit to the area so I’ll have enough time to research what to do in Poughkeepsie

OK. We don’t stay in Poughkeepsie any more. We stay in Fishkill. Doesn’t seem to be a whole lot here.


Doesn’t seem to be a whole lot here.

certainly not fishing…


Gutfield does not appear to have written that book.

no, he did not…and the book he did write is a big fail…starting from the title which is aimed at hating the ‘hipster elite’…most of the things he rails against in the book aren’t associated with hipsters…seriously, do hipsters read ‘rolling stone’? i think not…


Did you ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?

Do you ever have a thrill in Fishkill?


Time to shill for my favorite band from Ohio:

Over the Rhine – Poughkeepsie


I think

Not so sure about that. Evidence points to the contrary.


Time to shill for my favorite band from Ohio:

i like…reminds me of cowboy junkies…


I’m a huge Over the Rhine fan, I’ve seen them in concert several times. Karin Bergquist had the best advice- if you feel like you’re going to get into a fight with your spouse or lover, you should immediately take off your clothes so you can repurpose the energy in the room.


Good thing the wife and I only fight at home


I’m a huge Over the Rhine fan, I’ve seen them in concert several times

Do the words “moon” and “turnips” feature in their lyrics?


Do the words “moon” and “turnips” feature in their lyrics?

You’re the best, Smut.


I’m a huge Over the Rhine fan, I’ve seen them in concert several times.

We’ve seen them a couple times. We saw their show in Columbus back in December.


It’s always nice to support local artists.


Evidence points to the contrary.

To the dismay of some on the Left.


As god is my witness I thought turkeys could fly.

Thankfully you evaded its wattle of death.

FYI – I have a Nashville layover on the 20th.


New post.

Sorry for the delay.


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