Full Metal Wingnut

On guard in the middle of the night against the sperm-burgling lesbian hordes.

Robert Oscar Lopez (The World’s Dumbest Bisexual ™), American Screecher:
Gay Weddings, Synthetic Babies, and the Brave New Court

Oh Oscar, Oscar, Oscar. When last we left God’s gift to internalized biphobia, he had been lightly tonguing the balls of Homophobia Inc, looking for his salty payout of excusing all his various fuckups on having lesbian parents.

Since then, he’s spent the past year toiling in the used needle infested alley of American Thinker while the once firm and plump balls of Homophobia Inc have withered and shrunk from the estrogen treatment that has been “the majority of the populace aren’t bigots anymore and so there isn’t a reason for cowards to side with them”. And the stress and strain of desperately trying to hoover up the last few drops of cash flow before the “queers for homophobes” get relegated to the same dustbin of history as the kapos, the Phyllis Schaffleys, or the Quislings, may… I repeat, may, have turned his mind just the tiniest bit syphilitic.

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • I sold out THIS close to the end of the gravy train?!? FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!! Also, faggots be queering our alternative fertility options and thus must be stopped at all costs!

Yeah, just a sconch.

And the best part of it all is that all the faux intellectual posing of a year ago has given fully into barely strung together conspiracy theories, half-understood dog whistles, and most pathetic of all:

Mark Steyn published a must-read piece in National Review Online.

Oh, Oscar, I weep for your last lone neuron, lonely and alone on the frozen steppes of Outer Mongolia. I mean, there’s rock bottom and then there’s… this.

I’d have more sympathy if your entire shtick for years hasn’t been pissing away whatever credibility you could have had to argue that being “ex-gay” is somehow bisexual (in hopes of furthering that divide of distrust between bi- and homo- sexual people) and being a queer “academic” willing to rubber-stamp Scott Lively’s messy leavings for the various SPLC hate groups to trumpet for years as proof of their various bullshits.

So, on that note, please, good sir, go on…

He argues that the way gay marriage received federal recognition by the Supreme Court was in its own class of bad.

Do I dare jump into another shallow pool to drink fully of the understatement on display here?

Eh. Fuck it.

Shorter Serial Killer Waiting to Happen… I mean Mark Steyn:

  • Waaaah!!! We’re not getting our way enough! Waaaaahhhh! Also, with regards to gay marriage, Anthony Kennedy is a filthy bisexual [Cerberus Note: I guess ol ROL boy has abandoned the “I prefer bisexual” label, given how little of a fuck he seemed to give about that little aside.] and gay marriage rights only count when they are passed by… fuck, are we out? I think we’re out? Uh, uh, federal level legislative session… yeah, I think we’re safe there. Okay, yeah, totally not legal until that happens… in probably about 5 years top given current trends. Also, only Democrats are homophobes. And WE’RE NOT GETTING OUR WAY ENOUGH!!!!!!

Never mind, apparently not so much understatement as ol’ Robbie Oscar’s sputtering synapses are unable to detect bad-faith bullshit even when it’s ladled with such a large spoon of old-man crotchetiness that it makes John McCain look dignified.

My bad.

As Steyn points out, our gay marriage consensus compares unfavorably even to the socialist democracies of Latin America and Western Europe,

Indeed it does. We were later to the granting of legal protections and have granted fewer rights than many Western European countries and especially on subjects like increased social and legal protections for transgender individuals, we are seriously laggin-

You… weren’t actually… talking about that… were you?

dissolving amid riots, bankruptcy,

Right, right. Setting up a dog whistle about how evil socialism is and how the unruly masses in those countries don’t properly understand their place in the new feudal order and instead stand up for their basic human dignity especially against bullshit not-helping solutions like the austerity crap in the wake of financial crises largely manufactured by America’s sudden collapse, encouragement of Chicago-style stupidity amidst the smaller countries, and of course the massive debt-creating monster that is the Olympics.

Got it.

and birth rates below replacement level:

Aheebeduh what now?


Um, Robbie, I know you’ve been fully inducted into the rubber chicken cult that is the American Thinker blogroll and thus must pay proper penance to the various racist/sexist freakouts about two few white people being born, but uh…

We don’t actually need more people on this planet.

Like, we’re kinda out… of everything. Resources, land, fresh air, fresh water, replenishable food, non-renewable energy sources, non-about-to-be-fucked-by-global-warming-and-all-of-the-above everythings.

If we as a species want to survive comfortably in the relatively soonish future, then we could damn well use a few generations where our birth levels are nice and subbasement.

And if the economic system we have really can’t handle that, then frankly, it’s failed and it’s time for short-term profit obsessed predatory capitalism to die the death we’ve too far prolonged with the Iron Lung of nativist tribalism.

And might I remind you of one small thing before you marry yourself too fully to an ideology that is all about how white women aren’t doing their “proper” work of outbreeding brown people and instead are acting like full grown people instead of brood mares? The assholes you are playing footsie with under the bathroom stall? They don’t consider you white. Like, not even a little bit. No matter how badly you try. Even if you shoot a black kid with a handful of Skittles in his hand, they’ll still consider you a filthy wetback. It’s just how it works.

When less advanced societies wish to introduce gay marriage, the people’s elected representatives assemble in parliament and pass a law. That’s how they did it in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, etc. But one shudders to contemplate what would result were the legislative class to attempt “comprehensive marriage reform,” complete with tax breaks for Maine lobstermen’s au pairs and the hiring of 20,000 new IRS agents to verify business expenses for page boys from disparate-impact groups. So instead it fell to five out of nine judges, which means it fell to Anthony Kennedy, because he’s the guy who swings both ways.

Oh right, Mark Steyn’s random cry fest. Hey wait.

Is that the random biphobic dig actually being quoted by Robert “I go by bisexual” Lopez? Huh. You know, actual bisexuals would have been more offended by that and certainly wouldn’t have considered it a “crucial part” that can not be possibly cut off whatever your point was supposed to have been.

But hey, given that self-loathing defines every other part of your life so far, why shouldn’t it this?

The bad news doesn’t stop there, though.

Robert Oscar Lopez, B. Daniel Blatt… is there a single prominent “queer” conservative who isn’t bitter, angry, and hateful about a decision no one in their right mind would blame them for celebrating?

It’s almost like being a professional homophobe defines them way more than being queer or something.

A bill in California forcing the public health plan to finance lesbian sperm-banking dovetails with a current bill on surrogacy contracts pending in the nation’s capital. Lesbians must have the “right” to sperm, and gay men must have their “contracts” with surrogate mothers safeguarded.

How do I even begin to…?


So there’s this thing called sperm-burgling.

Well, not technically a real thing, as awesome as the visual of a guy with a striped speedo, little robber mask, and a jar labeled with a dollar sign with a swimming sperm in place of the vertical line would be.

No, it’s a conspiracy theory, very popular among the Abuser’s Lobby Men’s Rights Activists, that essentially goes:

In a world where child support is the only true evil in the world, vile harpies try and steal men’s sperm from used condoms or discarded wanksocks in order to impregnate themselves and then ride the sweet gravy train of child support which totally not only actually equals the cost of raising a child, but rivals even the mighty welfare office in its ability to allow young bucks to eat t-bone steak every day.

Yeah. You’re welcome dear readers for the merriment and laughter that very notion is sure to bring you over the coming (snrk) weeks.

Straight people started the artificial reproductive technology morass to deal with infertility, but it’s now the gay lobby that promises the future growth market for the synthetic baby business, as well as the most compelling ideological pretext to normalize commercialized procreation.

EWWWW! You got your fag cooties all over our turkey basters! Now if we try and use IVF technology, our kids will like end up trannies or something! EWWW!

(Hypocrisy alert! In the 1970s, homosexuality was fervently de-pathologized by the medical field, but now homosexual activists compare themselves to heterosexual couples with medical disabilities such as infertility in order to qualify for artificial reproduction rights.)

That’s… not even close to what hypocrisy means.

Also… it is utterly remarkable how samey all the various American Thinker nutjobs sound after awhile. It’s like the very fact of toiling down in the bottom of the stew with the likes of Jack “I swear Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate is somewhere in Bill Ayer’s mailman’s dog’s mother’s wife’s house” Cashill creates a constant state of hyperdesperation that eliminates all individuality or capability of original thought.

You know, like a really insecure version of the Borg.

In the context of gay rights, homosexuals must be legally shielded from the expectation that they ought to fertilize their eggs and implant their sperm by flirting, courting, and making love to the opposite sex.

Yeah, apparently this notion really really bothers “If I have to force myself to enter a woman I despise to fulfill my duties to an ex-gay ideology that is self-admittedly a fraud, then everyone HAS TO” Lopez, though it is very difficult to guess why.

Perhaps a gay person spat into his omelette one day. His self-loathing ex-gay narcissist omelette.

Not only must they have access to the flesh-and-blood parts to manufacture obedient, loving children —

I love the imagery of this. Like maniacal lesbians stalking the countryside, breaking into the homes of sleeping alpha males and demanding their cocks at gunpoint so they can penis-in-vagina make their babies.

Instead of the reality in which couples to whom PIV fertilization is undesired or impossible can, if they so choose, have access to the same options science has allowed in our modern age. I mean, people sign up to donate to a sperm bank, they consent to it. Same with people who volunteer to be a surrogate mother to a gay male couple (in fact said people usually tend to be a family member or close friend).

Hardly the stuff of nightmares to any but the most literally homosexual-phobic people on the planet.

they must reshape culture and laws to force all of us to refrain from judging or criticizing them.

Weep for his suffering! Sure, in the last post we covered, he fully admitted that the only reason he was siding with Team Homophobe was that he didn’t have the ovaries to stand up for himself and be who he was due to the various social consequences to being an out homosexual in society, but please believe him that homophobes are the truly most oppressed people on the planet.

I mean, they can’t even criticize the lesbian rape hordes who chop off penises in the night, without being sentenced to the Pride Gulags to be forced into eternal cage dancing for the amusement of demonic queers looking for a new victim to drain.

Sure, it may seem in our mundane reality that homophobes are “allowed” to say any fool shit they want, they just aren’t protected from the ability of people to call them fuckwits for it, nor are they allowed to codify their petty hatreds in the laws of our society without a fig leaf of a reason beyond “I hate them”.

But that’s just because some flubert into gatso play is using their third extended glork to mind-control you into thinking of queer people as fully human. Resist it, dear reader! Before they get you too! RESIST!!!!!

Bring this up to any liberal reporter, and you’re quick to get the adoption dodge:

Huh. What was I just talking about? Something about- Awwww. Someone left a cute little vial of sperm here that I must immediately burgle and use to impregnate my same-gendered partner. And I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping we make a flubert together, they are so nice and not at all capable of using their latent psychic powers to rule the world through the might of the Homosexual Agenda.

“What if there’s a baby nobody wants and it will languish in an orphanage or else be in a loving gay home?” (For some reason people who defend homosexual ideology love to speak in contrafactuals and imaginary scenarios.)

Yes, it is inconceivable that…

Um, which part is completely fictitious again?

The fact that we do have a huge number of kids in the foster system who are usually passed over, especially by richer, whiter, straighter couples who want nothing more than newborn white (or maybe Chinese in a pinch) babies and so the rest can drown for all they care?

Or the existence of gay couples who have applied to be adoptive parents of children who needed them and areturned away by bigoted foster care system workers who think the only “proper” family is a rich white Christian one?

Cause um, I hate to be the bearer of unfortunate reality, but…

Sadly, No!

On both accounts.

The problem is that we know the gay lobby has helped to put Christian adoption agencies out of business if they refuse to allow same-sex couples to adopt. Pretenses of caring about orphans are disingenuous.

Yes… If Catholic adoption agencies roll up their services, over the pleas of the people actually running the service, because it’s better to have a kid passed around the rapist circuit than to follow the law with regards to being connected with state adoption programs, then damn it, it’s a price worth the kid paying in order to have a great self-made martyr story to beat oneself with for year after year after year.

And hey, they might only have that one own-goal to point to in terms of “oppression” while their supposed “oppressors” have so many they stopped counting years ago, but don’t let that fool you into thinking that the professional homophobes aren’t the real victims.

I mean, this man denied his attractions, forces himself into a sexual role he finds unfulfilling and stifling and is rapidly losing his last vestiges sanity entirely because he was too chicken-shit to be out in a society that hates homosexuals.

Can you not look at this poor pitiful homophobe and see the brutal hand of oppression? I thought not. Case closed. No, we don’t at all need to review the context. I said, CASE CLOSED!

In the end, adoption is a smokescreen for the bigger push to equalize gays to straights by severing the act of lovemaking from parenthood.

Is there no low those vile bastards won’t stoop to?!?

Severing sex from parenthood! I mean, who doesn’t look at an act of parenting, ideally with a small nubile child, and think “an erect penis penetrated something moist”?

Right? No, just us creepy creepy pedophile defenders?

Oh. Oh.

All legal and cultural references to the adults who brought us into existence must be dramatically transformed. No longer the offspring of fathers and mothers, we shall become the property of purchasers.

Oh, HAI, IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION! Nice to see you here. Yes, truly it is gay parents, people who just want to allow a child a free space to be themselves, even if later they decide to run screaming back into the closet and blame their queer parents for “ruining” them with their “infectious faggotry”, who trumpet an ownership model regarding partners and children.

Yup, definitely them, and not the people so literally incapable of viewing children as human that they are willing to casually misuse them just in the hopes that it makes a gay person somewhere feel less than for loving someone of the same sex.

*roll eyes*

In Washington, D.C., there are strict laws against “surrogacy,” or a woman bearing a child and abandoning it to a couple in exchange for pay. Such codes are laws against buying and selling human chattel. (You know, the crime against humanity that we fought a Civil War about.)

There are currently efforts in the name of “family equality” to roll back the law against surrogacy. Before the city’s Committee on Public Safety and the Judiciary, Nancy Polikoff, who is a professor from American University and serves as the faculty chair of the powerful pro-gay Williams Institute, told a fawning audience that “[f]or more than 20 years advocates for lesbian and gay parents have emphasized that genetics is neither necessary nor sufficient to create parentage.”

Well, yeah, there are a lot of problematic elements regarding “selling” surrogacy, especially when combined with the dearth of economic options young poor women are often allowed in our society.

Which is why most “surrogacy” in the queer community, when it’s used, tends to revolve around friends of the family, family, or a double duty with a lesbian couple who is also trying to conceive their own kid.

Also, I note that you left out that the most strident proponents of surrogacy for pay tend not to be gay male dads, but rather rich white christian “I’m doing the right thing by adopting” assholes who are tired of having to wait in line to acquire a questionably legal pearly white newborn from Eastern Europe and thus want a means of getting more “adoptable” children faster than the current method of rolling back abortion access and contraceptive access in poor neighborhoods and hoping for the best.

The speech given by Poliakoff is not isolated. Argentina is the latest nation to pass laws — again, invoking gay and lesbian equality — mandating that public health plans finance in vitro fertilization:

The law’s basic tenet is that every adult, regardless of marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, or economic situation, has a right to reproduce. Now Argentina, like the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Israel, and the province of Quebec, is committed to providing IVF as a matter of universal health care and services.

Um, wasn’t there all that setup about how vile surrogacy was? And yet to prove the evil queer conspiracy is at the heart of it, we get this shit about IVF?

Um, sorry, Oscie, but no matter how much you may believe that Every Sperm is Sacred, they aren’t actually the same thing as full human beings. If a cruel and vindictive sperm carrier decides to leave his flagellated offspring in “one of those” banks that is willing to provide a service to lesbian couples, then there’s no angry mob that’s going to burst through the walls to save them.

They’re sperm. Protein encoded cells carrying half of a genetic code swimming in a small nutritive solution of mostly fructose and with the navigation skills of a terrible Frogger player. No one but you weeps if they find their way into the consenting vaginal cavity of a lesbian instead of a “properly straight woman”.

Deal with it.

“Genetics is neither necessary nor sufficient.”

GENETICS IS DESTINY! Get back in the social box we’ve arbitrarily assigned to these broad genetic markers that rarely if ever perfectly overlap with the vast spectrums of human experience! OBEY! OBEY! MRA Dalek demands it!

That’s a universalizing statement, and it points to a swollen state apparatus that will deem what is necessary and sufficient for parentage.

Sperm burgling lesbians will consider themselves the parents instead of me just because I consented to donate my semen to a laboratory and agreed to sign away any claim to parenthood in the process!

Next they’ll demand child support for their unholy flubert offspring in order to retire comfortably into their dream lives of running a poly co-op!

There’s no mystery as to which interest groups will likely hold decisive sway over the government entities empowered to “assign” parentage in a world where parents are no longer the mother and father who produced a child by making love.

PIV now! PIV forever!

Only the broken condom or ignorant drunken hookup shall decree when egg and sperm meet! Even if the unholy cabal of wizards and scientists allow one to control one’s fertility and reproduce without such risky or undesired elements, then ye shall still shun them and reproduce as your forefathers did! With incredibly high maternal and child mortality rates!

Because the current bullshit train of Planet “Oh God we have absolutely nothing left to prevent gay people claiming the rights they have been so long denied” seems to be derailed on the “PIV sex leading to procreation is important because reasons” track.

Which, on that note, how are you enjoying the payout on trying to sell out your people? Is it warm? Does it taste like freedom or piss? Cause honestly, from here, it kinda looks a little yellow when it’s hitting your mouth.

Just read the recent Supreme Court opinions to see the preamble to the tiny gay lobby’s brave new world.

He tried to warn us! Tried to protect us from the Brave New World of the Fluberts. And now they rise from their underwater kingdom! Forcing us to bow before our new rulers in matching fantastic shiny gold unisex speedos.

Why didn’t we pay attention when we had the chance! If only we had listened to the syphilitic ramblings of that random hobo down American Thinker alley, we could have been spared this agony! Oh Robert Oscar Lopez, forgive us, WE DID NOT BELIEVE!!!!!!! AAAIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. All hail our flubert gender-appropriate dominating personalities. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Robert Oscar Lopez refuses to surrender.

Oh that’s just cute. Robert Oscar Lopez didn’t just surrender. He packed a nice little lunch for his conquerors and promised to lick every last one of their stable boy’s boots clean every time they left the stalls. He invented new and exciting ways to surrender and has so thoroughly committed to it that he’s willing to ride the law of sunk costs all the way down the slip-and-slide to Hell.

And the saddest thing is that I personally would rather he was the type who never surrendered. That he could have loved himself and be willing to stand up for himself enough to be who he was without letting fear drive him so deep in a closet that he’s bumping up against a White Queen’s vag.

Because I’d rather this be a world where people couldn’t be bullied into a level of self-hatred so strong that they were willing to snipe others like them just to justify their “choice”. A world where people who are non-“normative” can simply be without “having” to be “strong” and needing to accept a certain amount of bullshit just to get by.

And it’s a world I will fight to the death over the likes of Robert Oscar Lopez to bring to light. No matter what.


Comments: 468


When less advanced societies wish to introduce gay marriage, the people’s elected representatives assemble in parliament and pass a law. That’s how they did it in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, etc.

The fuck?


a swollen state apparatus

Oo-er. Someone is thinking far too much about turgid throbbing apparatus.


Straight people started the artificial reproductive technology morass to deal with infertility, but it’s now the gay lobby that promises the future growth market for the synthetic baby business, as well as the most compelling ideological pretext to normalize commercialized procreation.

So… when they are embryos produced in vitro for straight people, they are Snowflake Babies and can’t be discarded with the medical waste, but when they are produced for LGBT people, they are Synthetic Babies, and a “technology morass”.

Putting the “con” in consistency, yet again.


We’re in your doods, burgling your sperms.



Of Dewar’s.

And then some…


sperm-burgling lesbian

Jumbo Shrimp.

Army Intelligence.

Congressional Ethics.


sperm-burgling lesbian

Stealin mah essence!!


vile harpies try and steal men’s sperm from used condoms or discarded wanksocks in order to impregnate themselves

lesbian rape hordes who chop off penises in the night

demonic queers looking for a new victim to drain

some flubert into gatso play is using their third extended glork

I’ll be in my bunk!


It boils down to this:

Fundies cannot tolerate evidence that renders their prehistoric worldviews obsolete. When faced with such evidence, their reaction is not to reconsider their foregone conclusions (that would be too scientific), but to denounce the evidence… the more contradictory the evidence, the more rancorous the denunciations.

It’s universal: Civil rights. Climate Change. Evolution. Pick a topic that they’re shrieking about in opposition, and you’ll find they’re doing so to distract themselves from objective evidence.

Don’t let them distract you.

sperm-burgling lesbian

Robble Robble!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

with the navigation skills of a terrible Frogger player.

Those gators are tricky though.

Guzzling sperm through a curly straw

SLUUUURP! *belch*


FTFA: “Lesbians must have the “right” to sperm”



Mango: “We now live in time where demoralized, beaten down young males find solace in solitary computer games and pornography while gay rights groups run rampant and are assuming by law the breeding rights once held by healthy males.”



Ripe, tasty mangoes!

Archangel265 sez:
“so this ruling buy scotus,which was based on a false premise(love/civil rights) trying to support another fake/false premise(sodomite marrage),hte creatures are niether gay,nor homosexual(they cannot have sex like us,so sodomote is the only correct term for them).now we will have to support the futherence of this fairy tale(pun intended)because these couples need a third party to have a baby.i see blood in the water and the sharks are circling,law suites will fly,they willl tear each others eyes out and this will all end very badly.”


Guzzling sperm through a curly straw said,

That you, Sarah?



Well, there’s this guy who’s studying to be a veterinarian, you see, and he likes to go to bars…


Archangel265 sez:

Wow, bet he’s an “English only” advocate too.


That’s a bushel of mango in a crazy basket.

these couples need a third party to have a baby.

I’ve had hundreds of party and STILL NO BABY.

law suites will fly

If pigs fly why can’t I?


law suites will fly

The trebuchet is NOT A TOY.


Funny, I just had a run-in with four Ukrainian guys who drove around for two and a half hours looking for a place to fish for carp. I gave them directions to a pond along the Bronx River where there are plenty of carp, and we parted in good spirits. One of the guys gave me a piece of Ukrainian candy as a token of his thanks.

Big as I am, I’m glad they were friendly, one of them made me look like a junior petite.


I’ve had hundreds of party and STILL NO BABY.

All your party are belong to us.


OK, just tell me if I’ve got the sequence right.
1. Under Clinton, Congress passed DOMA, banning gay marriage.
2. Coming temporarily to their senses in 2012/3, they repealed it.
3. A bunch of bigots appealed to the SCOTUS, saying said repealing was unconstitutional.
4. The SCOTUS threw out their case, saying No, it wasn’t.
5. This jackass is saying that SCOTUS is making up new laws, instead of Congress.
6. Confusion abounds.
7. BTW, actual “less developed countries” like (ahem) SA also have the equality of gay peoples in their constitutions.


3. A bunch of bigots appealed to the SCOTUS, saying said repealing was unconstitutional.
4. The SCOTUS threw out their case, saying No, it wasn’t.

SCOTUS actually found that the prop 8 proponents who fought to keep the ban after the 9th circuit court of appeals declared it unconstitutional had no legal standing in the matter. Here’s the Reuters article.

El Manquécito

Big as I am, I’m glad they were friendly, one of them made me look like a junior petite.

I’m big enough but once in a while I’ll meet somebody and get a dojo flashback where all I can think is ‘O man, I hope I don’t have to fight this guy.’ Fortunately I never have to.


Thanks, B4, I didn’t quite get where Prop 8 came into it.


Thanks, B4, I didn’t quite get where Prop 8 came into it.

Prop 8 was a nasty bit of work, very ambiguously worded… a no vote on Prop 8 was a yes vote for same-sex marriage. Even worse, the Prop 8 proponents wanted to make the successful vote for the proposition a racial thing, pitting LGBT people and racial/ethnic minorities against each other.

Prop 8 basically made our country a bit uglier than it had been before.


I’m big enough but once in a while I’ll meet somebody and get a dojo flashback where all I can think is ‘O man, I hope I don’t have to fight this guy.’ Fortunately I never have to.

It’s funny how not being an asshole makes life so much better. By approaching these guys in a friendly manner, even though they were on-site before we open (and we don’t allow fishing on our property), I ended up having a very friendly conversation and they ended up getting directions to an even better fishing site closer to their home (they came from Queens, no surprise there).

“Meet halfway” is pretty much the flip side of “stand your ground”.

El Manquécito

Curious about how Ukrainians would prepare carp for the table I made the mistake of consulting gazoogle.

El Manquécito

Also, too, carp jello!

El Manquécito

I shoulda known that the UkrainianCarpHuntress might kill the thread.


He argues that the way gay marriage received federal recognition by the Supreme Court was in its own class of bad.

He’s right! It should have been unanimous, with no dumbass dissent.

When less advanced societies … the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, etc.


But one shudders to contemplate what would result were the legislative class to attempt “comprehensive marriage reform,”

Because just treating all married people the same is SO COMPLICATED?

complete with tax breaks for Maine lobstermen’s au pairs

Because the Child Care Tax Credit doesn’t cover lobstermen now?

and the hiring of 20,000 new IRS agents to verify business expenses for page boys from disparate-impact groups

Because business expenses aren’t currently scrutinized? Um, is it too late to start a business?

gay men must have their “contracts” with surrogate mothers safeguarded.

Why the “scare” quotes? Why should contract law not hold for all contracts? As for lesbians having the right to pay for in vitro or gay men having the right to hire a surrogate, welcome to the free market.

they must reshape culture and laws to force all of us to refrain from judging or criticizing them.

Yeah, I’ve noticed a significant dearth of articles JUST LIKE THIS ONE.

The problem is that we know the gay lobby has helped to put Christian adoption agencies out of business if they refuse to allow same-sex couples to adopt.

NO. Some Christian adoption agencies were denied government funding. If they then failed it means they couldn’t make it as either a business or a charity. Again, FREE MARKET.

In the end, adoption is a smokescreen for the bigger push to equalize gays to straights by severing the act of lovemaking from parenthood.

Hey, I’ve been doing this for decades now! You’re welcome, gays!


Sperm doesn’t grow on trees. A privilege, not a right.

A fun prank to pull on a maple syrup farmer would be to fill his trees with cum. He checks the first bucket: what the?!… maybe dips a finger and tastes. Tree after tree, nothing but man-sap.


Then serve buckwheat pancakes… buck cakes!


… the various racist/sexist freakouts about two few white people being born, but uh…

You could call that a typo, or you could call it spontaneous poetry. I’m for the latter.


I don’t avoid lesbians Mandrake, but I do deny them my essence.


Mango: “We now live in time where demoralized, beaten down young males find solace in solitary computer games and pornography”

I don’t know. Sounds a pretty decent weekend layover to me.


birth rates below replacement level

This effortless and life-fulfilling way to avoid environmental catastrophe is unconscionable!


Archangel265 sez:

Wow, bet he’s an “English only” advocate too.

gah…let’s hope archangel and the death ‘squard’ person don’t meet up and breed…


I, for one, would like to welcome our new sperm-stealing lesbian overlords.


Lesbian sperm-burgling: an atrocity worse than Hitler times Stalin plus Idi Amin, or merely a Miss-Demeanor?

If you apply the phrase “must-read” to anything excreted by The Human Stain, perhaps literacy just isn’t a good fit for you.


I for three, would like to welcome our new nym-stealing trolls to here.


Ich für meinen Teil, möchte unsere Sperma-Diebstahl, lesbische Overlords willkommen.


Sperm doesn’t grow on trees. A privilege, not a right.

Documentary evidence says IT DOES.


severing the act of lovemaking from parenthood

Someone vastly over-estimates the level of surgery involved in a vasectomy.


Das versteht ihr alle nicht, haha!


The Crazy 88s are here, everyone!


Freude, schoener Goetterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was der Mode Schwert geteilt
Bettler werden Fuerstenbrueder
Wo dein sanfter Fluegel weilt.


Hast du das Schloß gesehen,
Das hohe Schloß am Meer?
Golden und rosig wehen
Die Wolken drüber her.

Es möchte sich niederneigen
In die spiegelklare Flut;
Es möchte streben und steigen
In der Abendwolken Glut.

“Wohl hab ich es gesehen,
Das hohe Schloß am Meer,
Und den Mond darüber stehen,
Und Nebel weit umher.”

Der Wind und des Meeres Wallen
Gaben sie frischen Klang?
Vernahmst du aus hohen Hallen
Saiten und Festgesang?

“Die Winde, die Wogen alle
Lagen in tiefer Ruh’,
Einem Klagelied aus der Halle
Hört’ ich mit Tränen zu.”

Sahest du oben gehen
Den König und sein Gemahl?
Der roten Mäntel Wehen,
Der goldnen Kronen Strahl?

Führten sie nicht mit Wonne
Eine schöne Jungfrau dar,
Herrlich wie eine Sonne,
Strahlend im goldnen Haar?

“Wohl sah ich die Eltern beide,
Ohne der Kronen Licht,
Im schwarzen Trauerkleide;
Die Jungfrau sah ich nicht.”


I hit paydirt this morning, after work. I decided to go for a quick, quarter mile walk on a local bike path and, while checking out one of my beloved mulberry trees, I ran across a charming young woman who was standing expectantly under a tree, which turned out to be a sour cherry tree. Being taller than her, I picked her some cherries as a “finder’s fee”, then grabbed a bunch of the tart little suckers for myself.

Just wait until my day off. I’m-a bring a bucket or two.


You took her cherry!


These being sour cherries, I’m dreaming of all the luscious little tarts that are in my future.


DAMN, I think I have to buy a bottle of maraschino liqueur… it would be nice to try a genuine maraschino cherry.


Skirt steak is marinating. Beans have been refried. Pico de gallo just made. I’ll make guac at the last minute, and fry up some tortillas (chips).

I was making fajitas back when “fajitas” was a meat cut, before it became a preparation. We simply called them tacos al carbon. Which explains why I laugh derisively when I see “chicken fajitas” on a menu.


We made maraschino cherries a couple years ago, using Rainier cherries. It was okay, nothing special.

Fun fact: Maraschino cherries were invented in Oregon


B4: there’s a woman in Harlem, a foodie conceptual artist, that makes sour cherry pies as part of her artiness and posts about where the pie went today. She has a FYWP blog, I think it’s called ‘nothinghappenedtoday’. Her pies look pretty good.


The modern maradchino cherry, that is. An Oregon State U. prof came up with the method.


Ruh roh. The Ho sez there was a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) that said the glide path approach system at SFO wasn’t working. Pilot error looks likely.


The pie blog is nothinghappened at FYWP.


It does my heart good to know Pup is laughing derisively at bogus culinary labels.


There’s a fly asleep on top of my flatscreen.


The Ho sez there was a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) that said the glide path approach system at SFO wasn’t working.

We won’t know until after the investigation, but you really ought to be able to fly an approach without the glide slope. That’s what we get paid for.


B4: there’s a woman in Harlem, a foodie conceptual artist, that makes sour cherry pies as part of her artiness and posts about where the pie went today

I hope she’s not hip to my tree. MY tree! Mine! Mine! Mine!

The modern maradchino cherry, that is. An Oregon State U. prof came up with the method.

The awful red chemical bomb maraschino cherry?


We won’t know until after the investigation, but you really ought to be able to fly an approach without the glide slope. That’s what we get paid for.

Tired Korean pilot, though.


Might not be Korean. There are a lot of expats flying for Asian airlines. I don’t know about Asiana, but Cathay Pacific hires a lot of expats.


Might not be Korean. There are a lot of expats flying for Asian airlines. I don’t know about Asiana, but Cathay Pacific hires a lot of expats.

And not that it matters, really. A tired pilot is a tired pilot.


If the flight was over 8 hours block time they should have had at least one relief pilot on board so that they could swap out.


If the flight was over 8 hours block time they should have had at least one relief pilot on board so that they could swap out.

“Should” being the operative word. We’re all wage slaves, bound to raise productivity, no?


There’s a fly asleep on top of my flatscreen.

Sounds like a Depeche Mode song.


Sounds like a Depeche Mode song.

When it awakened, I tried, unsuccessfully, to catch it in my eyelashes.


When it awakened, I tried, unsuccessfully, to catch it in my eyelashes.

Gahhh… there are few things I hate more than a bug in the eye. Worst part of cycling is zipping through a gnat cloud.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, the glide slope was working when that Aeroflot pilot tried to land his Il-76 on 24th Ave. S., alongside Sea-Tac some years ago, so who knows what can happen?


tigris said,
July 6, 2013 at 16:10

Then serve buckwheat pancakes… buck cakes!

I’ve heard they make movies about that buck-cakey. Lots of batter involved.


Sweet! Manny Ramirez is going to the Rangers, and so will play with the Round Rock AAA team for a while. Now to check when the Travellers play Round Rock. I’d drive the whole ten miles to the stadium to see that.


I hit paydirt this morning,

you come upon a charming young woman yet the paydirt is the damn cherries?!?!


Denny is suffering from terminal butthurt, a lack of libido is usually associated with his affliction.


Sorry, Denny, there’s too much stupid in your transmission. Please repeat.


I have a crow in my backyard, Denny, why would I have to walk anywhere to find them?


Dennis, I’m sorry that you can’t tear yourself away from this blog, but if any of your comments get deleted, it’s because you pissed other people off in the ‘hot tub club’. Deal with them, and then we’ll discuss why I’m a misogynist Little Pig.


Oh, and Cerb didn’t sympathize with me, because she didn’t mention me by name. She did write this:

Trash is taken out. Keep me informed if the garbage truck overflows again.

And yes, it’s all one person. One sad, lifeless, stalking-addicted person

Now, if you want to interpret that as being directed towards me, and that she’s being sympathetic in that comment, be my guest.

Or are you talking about this:

Cerberus said,

June 4, 2013 at 19:07


They are not the same person, but all the “people” harassing DA are and are the same person who has harassed other members of the site (including me) at one time or another.

And I have sympathy for DA’s position. It’s not easy being harassed and stalked, especially from an internet stalker who happens to know your real-life identity and has already demonstrated a complete inability to respect boundaries.

And who is she talking about, there, Dennis, besides me?


The latest batch should be cleaned up now, let me know if I missed anything. Been a busy week.


I think the troll drama is taking its toll. We gonna let that fucker win?

BIg Bad Bald Bastard

you come upon a charming young woman yet the paydirt is the damn cherries?!?!

Isn’t it always?


JP – per our previous conversation about the Asiana crash.

There were 4 pilots on the aircraft, so they should have been fairly rested.

Of course those long-haul international flights are always fatiguing, that’s why I prefer to stay on the 757 flying one-hour legs to Dayton.

BIg Bad Bald Bastard

JP – per our previous conversation about the Asiana crash.

When the details emerge, I look forward to reading your analysis of the incident on your Kos diary.


I don’t need to discuss with you why you were a misogynist Little Pig to bbkf, DA

Of course not, Dennis, just bring it up and then refuse to discuss it. That’s real mature.

It was an assholish, dismissive and condescending thing to say to another woman and no one needs to hear your pathetic excuse that you’d only make up on the fly anyway.

I haven’t denied making it Dennis, and if you noticed I haven’t apologized to her or you about it.

Good faux white-knighting. I’ll bet you’re also stronger than dirt.


JP, you should see my new “cigar-box laptop.” Found a cigar box which was cool, made of wood an cost a couple bux which is given to charity (so commie symp that I am I gave 3 bux for it. Had no real plans for it figuring that something would present itself. After a couple hours at home I remembered the purchase, grabbed it out of the bag to check it out again, noticed that the opening seemed like it might fit the apple bluetook keyboard I inherited from my recently departed grams (along with a pretty nice iMac) It did not, but was close enough, so yesterday went to a friends shop`removed a bit of wood, put in a lid stop, and voila! Cigar box Lappie.

We are in the alpha stage, I need to due a bit more trimming add a usb hub, an audio out jack to the cigar box, add a bit of weight (a couple ounces should do) to the keyboard side, adjust the nexus mount orientation (currently using shock chord) and finalikze the mount system itself.

Super light and really cool. Like I said, pictures will follow, as should a recording of that show.


Play nice, ignore the troll, please ignore the troll. My beer is finished and I am headed homeward.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

After a couple hours at home I remembered the purchase, grabbed it out of the bag to check it out again, noticed that the opening seemed like it might fit the apple bluetook keyboard I inherited from my recently departed grams (along with a pretty nice iMac) It did not, but was close enough, so yesterday went to a friends shop`removed a bit of wood, put in a lid stop, and voila! Cigar box Lappie.

Awesome, that’ll be quite the conversation piece! Some of my favorite mods involve repurposing the cases of old radios.


Finally saw a vid of the attempted landing. Crap quality but its clear that the pilot came in way low, and tried to pull up at the last minute. May have even been going for a go-around but too late. Saw it at CNN, I think. (Out now at dog park or I’d supply a link).


Got my chicken parts – backs, third wing sections, breast bones and all that shit I stockpile from breaking down whole birdsand stuff – out of the freezer and roasted them to a nut brown. That’ll simmer overnight with some carrot, onion, celery, bouquet garni. Yummy yummy yummy roasted chix broth tomorrow! Insanely good, rich, gelatinous chix broth.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That’ll simmer overnight with some carrot, onion, celery, bouquet garni.

I’ll simmer overnight with the weather we’ve been having. You know it’s bad when I have a bad hair day.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

When the details emerge, I look forward to reading your analysis of the incident on your Kos diary.

Saw the latest diary, Major. Nicely done.


Super light and really cool. Like I said, pictures will follow, as should a recording of that show.

Sounds nice. My rig is more pedestrian — I had a Freedom Pro bluetooth keyboard, and bought the $20 docking station for the Nexus (nice for huluing at bedtime).

Did you see my post with all the links to the DAW software?


Dennis, lectures from you about offending people on this blog are most risible.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Nice pics, WC. I have fond memories of hiking in the Cascades back in ’93.

I had hair then.


I have hair NOW… still no cherries! Nor cronuts!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have hair NOW… still no cherries! Nor cronuts!

I’ve got hair too, but I can’t be wandering around work nekkid.


I’ve got hair too, but I can’t be wandering around work nekkid.



For those paying attention to Pup’s excellent stock instructions I’ll add the secrets; roast half the veggies with the bones, use the others fresh for added dimension. I throw in a 4 X 4 inch piece of guanciale rind for Provencal depth but that’s because I have it, don’t use commercial American pork unless you have access to good pigs feet (for extra gelatin).

Big Bad Bald Bastard

don’t use commercial American pork unless you have access to good pigs feet

Hmmm… haven’t had patitas con garbanzos in a while. Now, that’s some damn fine Puerto Rican comfort food! Generally speaking, I don’t miss working in the South Bronx, but it had its benefits.


Could somebody give me killfile info? Thx.


I’ve got hair too, but I can’t be wandering around work nekkid.

Have you considered a comb-over starting from your back?

Ooh, I think I’ve finally found the explanation for Donald Trump.


Yes, roast some veg with the bones for the last 30 minutes or so. I forgot to specify that. The onioon, especially, gets rich and sweet. Also critically important is scraping up all the brown bits in the roasting pan. They MUST go into the pot.


You bastiges WC! My bike is nonfunctional, waiting for a new flywheel from Bike Bandit. Color me jealous.


One more tip: Never boil your stock, only simmer. Otherwise it gets cloudy. Does anyone need instructions on clarifying stock?


I dunno, we had some pork spareribs from the Farmer John brand, they’re pretty good with oyster sauce over a briquette fire, wrapped in foil to make the heat more even around them.


I haven’t been going on about it but I did 5 kilos of guanciale this spring and it is the magic secret ingredient. Salads, panades, pastas, eggs, today I had it on cheeseburgers. It melts into everything. I made half with juniper and half with fennel, can’t decide which is better.


I haven’t been going on about it but I did 5 kilos of guanciale this spring and it is the magic secret ingredient



That’s true, Dennis, in all your fulminations against JennOfArk, or Zython, you never did tell either of them to bite you.


I am fortunate indeed to have Tails & Trotters (hazelnut finished pork) guanciale available at their shop and they sell it at the marmer’s farket too. Fuck, Portland is a horrible place.


DA, let’s talk about the “Hot Tub” concept.

Hot tubs are enjoyable. Even when one soaks alone, the water and the bubbles make for an enjoyable experience.

The figurative Sadly, No! hot tub is different — we can’t enjoy it alone. The bloggers and commentariat make for a stimulating experience. Unfortunately, that’s where you’re not just falling short, but shitting the tub.

Your non-Dennis material is a tiny fig leaf. You’re adding little-to-nothing to the Sadly, No! experience. You’re barely trying — mostly you’re just trolling Dennis. (Maybe you were different, once, or could be: that’d be cool. I wonder what you could contribute?)

I gather he’s wronged you, but you’ve squandered whatever sympathy I might have had for you.

Stop engaging Dennis or fuck off. Not that I have any pull here.




CRA, I don’t buy into the hot tub metaphor, mainly because it’s Dennis’ invention.

However, as of 18:40 PDST, tonight, I’ll stop engaging with him for a week, and if by the end of that week, he isn’t posting here, then I’ll never reply to any comment he makes or mention him here.

He’ll find other things to be asshurt about here, I expect, during that time, but, OTOH, he may demonstrate some self-restraint and surprise me.


A fucking week? Who cares. My post was about you. Let’s say Dennis falls off the face of the S, N! earth. What will you post here then? Start doing it now! You could even interact with Dennis — I’m talking about a paradigm shift. Just stop being 95% turd in the punchbowl. Maybe you can do it, but your drama-king ultimatum suggests that you won’t.


I haven’t been going on about it but I did 5 kilos of guanciale this spring and it is the magic secret ingredient

I could use some if you ever want to sell it. I can sometimes find it around here but it’s hit or miss.


One more tip: Never boil your stock, only simmer. Otherwise it gets cloudy. Does anyone need instructions on clarifying stock?

you know you do need to publish some recipes in some form or other…christmas before last i copy/pasted your instructions for sauerbraten and it still makes me giggle to think of it…

i appreciate some good instructions liberally sprinkled with the f-bomb and all its carnations…so…maybe get that food blahg going again?


CRA, let’s see what’s going to happen. My guess is that Dennis will turn out to be so boring without me to respond, so the problem will solve itself.


Maybe next batch MK; it gets better every time.


You could be right, DA. I trust you’ll remember your pledge. Good night, all.


Stop engaging Dennis or fuck off.



I’ll take ‘fuck-off’ for 100$, Alex.


El Manquécito said,
July 8, 2013 at 4:09

I hate you. That is all.


OK, foodies, I just ate a whole box of Kraft mac-n-cheese, with four chopped-up veggie dogs fried in oil, with spices and diced frozen onions.


Haven’t read the comments yet, or even finished the post, but has anyone mentioned this:

When less advanced societies wish to introduce gay marriage, the people’s elected representatives assemble in parliament and pass a law. That’s how they did it in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, etc.

“Less advanced” societies?!? Has this weevil no shame? No awareness of the real world? No televisual news?

Or is he, as we say, a complete tosswagon?


Forcing us to bow before our new rulers in matching fantastic shiny gold unisex speedos.

And I for one welcome our new gold speedo-clad overlords.


Ah. I now see that B^4 beat me to it. By a long chalk.

I’ll just hang my head in shame.


“We now live in time where demoralized, beaten down young males find solace in solitary computer games and pornography”

Wasn’t it Shakespeare who said “It was ever thus”…?


Echo…echo…echo…Am I here on my tod?


You know it’s bad when I have a bad hair day.

Bad scalp day?


On me own, JP, and it’s lovely to see that I’m not making a complete fool of myself talking to the uncaring ether.


S,N! is like that. Feast, famine. Mostly famine, compared to my other haunts, sadly.


I liked it when it was Alison Just in a Red Hat.


OK, foodies, I just ate a whole box of Kraft mac-n-cheese, with four chopped-up veggie dogs fried in oil, with spices and diced frozen onions.

Do we need to call the paramedics?


Must be tough to wear a dingo.


Hey. I gotcher dingo.

Right here.




Kraft mac-n-cheese

Oooh. The good stuff! When I was a starving college student, I had to settle for the store brand. If I wanted to splurge, I went for a can of tuna to stir in before serving.

(These days, if I want mac and cheese, I gotta make it from scratch – teh foodie wife won’t touch it if it comes out of a box, and looks at me like I’m abusing our son if I feed it to him.)


Store brand mac and cheese? Lookshury!

When I was in college we ate store brand Ramen noodles plain and used the flavor packets as poultices when we were injured while hunting rats for our supper!


Ramen noodles? We were lucky to get ramen noodles. In the mornings we’d head out with our chisels to collect bin scrapings to boil into a broth to pour over our tiny servings of topsoil. And we were GRATEFUL.


looks at me like I’m abusing our son if I feed it to him.

Well you _are_ killing him a bit.


<i.I’ll just hang my head in shame.

well, if it’s any comfort, i had the same reaction…i was just slower to the keyboard…


d’oh…now i haz tagfail shame…


Mostly famine, compared to my other haunts, sadly.

yes…there has been a paucity of punditry, a slowdown of snark and a winnowing of wit as of late…is this something that happens periodically or has the recent troll infestations driven some of the commentariat away?


has the recent troll infestations driven some of the commentariat away?

It’s certainly been annoying. And not even a particularly good troll. It mostly just spouts nonsensical profanity. A random insult generator would be more entertaining.


Topsoil? Well la-di-dah. When I were a lass we had to get up at 3 am and walk around the dump barefoot until we cut off a toe and then we would eat THAT!


No doubt everyone is wondering “How did Kevin and Mooser and Alfonso do at St. Pauls Episcopal Church on Sunday?”
We did well.
More than that, when I became cognizant of the role this Episcopal Church (“An Inclusive and Progressive Community of Faith, and We Mean it!”) is playing in encouraging and accepting diversity, I was proud we made our debut there.

Of the effort and consternation engendered by a last-minute key-change, I will say nothing except that I called my scarcophogus maker’s this morning and told them to start on my final repository ten years sooner.
For those intersted in the minutae of ungulate life, I may write up the entire experience, along with sound and video samples, at my blog. Or, much more probably, I won’t. It’s a lot of effort. and for what? “If I can’t sell it, I will remain seated upon it! I don’t see the need to give it away”


BTW, that “Suzebo” person who comments here? I have it on good authourity she only passed her Scripture Knowledge examination by dint of a list of the Kings of Judah inscribed on her middy-blouse!
And was sick at the house supper.


Also, to the matter at hand. As it were:

In the end, adoption is a smokescreen for the bigger push to equalize gays to straights by severing the act of lovemaking from parenthood.

It should be a rule that anyone who claims Sex is Fer Makin’ Babies should have to stand in a pit full of dirty diapers until they convince a jury of sexually active 20 year olds that this is a valid argument.


“There’s been more than one all along. More than two or three, too.”

Dennis, modesty is a laudable quality, but really, there’s no reason why its demands should outweigh those of honesty.
Why not just take credit for your role as Sadly, No’s Sybil?


” by severing the act of lovemaking from parenthood.”

I would hope so! After all incest is tabu over the entire world.


“The circle of snark blog life.”

Oh, look at that, Dennis is willing to compromise on his hot-tub demands. Maybe he thinks he can work his way up from the “circle” he’s so eager to join, the jerk.


“It’s a convenient excuse, for which much of the current commentariat (along with the blogger) was complicit in.”

Gee, Denny, that doesn’t give you some kind of a clue, some kind of a hint, if you will?


Fuck this shit.


Anyway, did I tell you guys what I found out? There is lot of validity to the facdt that gay marriage will weaken straight marriages!
It’s happening to me! My wife was reading about the Supreme Court decision, and she looked down at me and said: “You know, all this ‘gay marriage’ stuff is giving me a new outlook! Next time I’ll marry a man!”
And she went back to cleaning her pistol. And I made sure the cans were out by the curb.


“You’re not in that hot tub, Mooser.”

YES I AM!!! I AM, TOO!! Well, I almost am. My application is being considered, the customary (but exceedingly stringent) back-ground investigation is taking place, along with the necessary genialogical research determing my amialbility. And after the predatory real-estate agents look at the house and total my assets (and take a good long look at my ass) I can begin paying the entrance fees.

And folks, the more testimonials, the better, keep those cards and letters coming!


“The hit tub is a small circle of commenters”

They gotta let me in, they gotta! I love slappy-fights! And in warm water, with everybody in Speedos? I’m tingling just thinking about it!


“The hit tub is a small circle of commenters”

Dennis, you’ll need to deminstrate a mastery of wet-towel snapping. Better get in shape. And you’ll be judged on how well you do when snapped, too.


“Mooser, count up the number of comments at your blog from the hot tubbers here in the last 3 months”

It’s pretty sparse, huh? I’ve been afraid to look, but you know, hope springs infernal for a human breast, or at least a quick feel.

And what needs I of this hot-tub. If they don’t want me, I won’t invite them to my golden showers!


I’ll give you one thing, Dennis. If by turning up when I do, you hope to convince people you might be a sockpuppet of mine, you are doing a good job.
Becuse you are sure convincing me.
Goodbye. You wanna troll her on your own, have at it, but you can’t ride on my antlers.


In the end, adoption is a smokescreen for the bigger push to equalize gays to straights by severing the act of lovemaking from parenthood.

wait…i thought adoption was like the only wingnut sanctioned option for a woman who doesn’t want to raise a child…now even THAT is being threatened by teh gheys? boy, they ruin everything, don’t they?


Goodbye. You wanna troll her on your own, have at it, but you can’t ride on my antlers.

That’s the spirit, Mooser! He’s a taker, not a maker.

wait…i thought adoption was like the only wingnut sanctioned option for a woman who doesn’t want to raise a child…now even THAT is being threatened by teh gheys? boy, they ruin everything, don’t they?

Yeah, the gheys even ruined male prostitution.




My application is being considered

The process was going along swimmingly, you were a shoe-in. Until somebody pointed out that moose hair can really gum up the filters.


What PeeJ said.


Manq, you and PeeJ should collaborate on an East Coast/West Coast foodie blog. You can share recipes and give each other envious glares as you try to one-up each other’s access to ingredients.

DO IT!!!


The stock is yellowy-caramely NECTAR OF THE FATHERFUCKING GODS.


I dunno, B^4, my cooking is really pretty simple. I mean, I made a fucking PUD cake fer chrissake. Using canned pineyapple. Though I did make the Genoise from scratch.


Chinese rice porridge(Sok in Cantonese):

2 quarts water

1/4th cup rice

1 or two cups of stock, your choice

Seasonings: Five Spice Powder, 1 Tsp, 1 piece of ginger, skin removed, 1 cubic inch in volume, other seasonings to taste

Meat: Chicken, beef, pork, or shrimp, what you like.

Combine ingredients, Bring to a boil, then let simmer for two hours.



I dunno, B^4, my cooking is really pretty simple.

shirley you are too modest…


Pup, need a free source for stewing hens?

The black god of time AKA DA said,
July 8, 2013 at 20:03

Isn’t responding to Pup better than responding to dumbass?


Hmmmmm. Interesting. Can’t make a proper coq au vin without a stewing hen. :-/


“It’s the stupid foodies,” Mary Britton Clouse, who runs Chicken Run Rescue in Minneapolis, told NBC. “We’re just sick to death of it.”

i had no idea there was such a place…spoken like a true minnesotan…


A lot of Chinese home cooking is simple. Soy sauce, dry white wine, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, kung pao sauce(which is just hoisin sauce with red chili peppers), you just cook them with beef, pork, shrimp, and whatever.

Just only use one kind of sauce in a dish, otherwise, you’re in danger of crossing the streams, in a Chinese sort of way.

Use 1/4th cup of sauce to 1 lb meat, and 1 Tbsp of dry white wine. It doesn’t matter what kind, even cheap dry sherry works. Don’t use cooking wine or anything sweet.

Isn’t responding to Pup better than responding to dumbass?

I’m just gonna sit back and watch whenever a dumbass posts here in the future.


“Does anyone need instructions on clarifying stock?”

Hell no! After I lost about $50k I got the hell out of the market That’s enough clarity for me!


Hmmmmm. Interesting. Can’t make a proper coq au vin without a stewing hen. :-/

Put those hipsters to use!

A lot of Chinese home cooking is simple.

Most home cooking is simple, frugal too. Use a few simple ingredients, and a technique that brings them together in a felicitous fashion.


Hell no! After I lost about $50k I got the hell out of the market That’s enough clarity for me!

Heh, indeed!


I find a few lectures helps to clarifies the stock, even the notoriously thick-witted Angus variety. They’re tasty, but they’re not exactly the Einsteins of the herbivores, if you know what I mean.


“Why this blog has turned into essentially a food blog and sent people packing…”

Not just packing. Also canning, drying, freezing, preserving, and hints on stock purchases. It’s full of good, down-to-earth advice.


Mooser,Frankly, you can be bloody annoying sometimes but I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that your remark about Scripture Knowledge was indeed very smart and funny.


“Mooser,Frankly, you can be bloody annoying sometimes”

Me? Why Schmaltz could take my correspondence course to its advantage, especially Lesson 21, on “smoothness and agreeability”.

What’s schmaltz you ask? I think it’s sort of a kosher guanicile, or something. What a way to go.

And now I get to ask myself, did I respond to the real Suzeboo, or a poor facimile? Just great, just fucking great.


B^4, I like what Anthony Bourdain has to say about the subject of home cooking:

Pot au Feu , Coq au Vin, Sup Tulang, Cassoulet, pasta, polenta, confit, —all of them began with the urgent need to make something good and reasonably sustaining out of very little. So many of the French classics began with the need to throw a bunch of stuff into a single pot over the coals, leave it simmering unattended all day while the family worked the fields, hopefully to return to something tasty and filling that would get them through the next day. French cooking, we tend to forget now, was rarely (for the majority of Frenchmen) about the best or the priciest or even the freshest ingredients. It was about taking what little you had or could afford and turning it into something delicious without interfering with the grim necessities of work and survival. The people I’m talking about here didn’t have money—or time to cook. And yet along with similarly pressed Italians, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Indians and other hungry innovators around the world, they created many of the enduring great dishes of history.


“And that’s fine. It is what it is, but it’s not for everybody. Don’t blame departures and general disinterest in the Shopworn Sadly Food Blog on trolls.”

Loyalty counts, Dennis, and I’m sure it’ll weigh heavily with the Sadly, No! Hot Tub Admissions Committee. It’s nice to know that when all around you have deserted, your real friends, will still be around. You’ll sniff the tub-vapors yet, D.


“—all of them began with the urgent need to make something good and reasonably sustaining out of very little.”

Wait a minute, that’s how I assembled my identity! So why did it come out half-baked?


Caution: Sniffing tub-vapors may cause:

Synchronized swimming, feelings of euphoria, and visions of battlements.


I haz a mad at Major Kong for insufficient blog-whoring. I went out to his diary at Teh Grate Orange Satan and found a whole raft of articles of which I was previously unaware. How’m I supposed to get any work done now?!


As if you got any work done prior. We know you’re spending all day motorcycling around the gorgeous PNW in this fantastic weather. Grrrrr.

Helmut Monotreme

OMG! S,N is in danger of turning into a food blog! This development will surely bring about the end of S,N as we know it! It would be terrible if the historically laser focused snark blog degenerated into a random stream of consciousness threads the way it has been for the last 5 or 6 years.

In other news I spent all day Saturday trying to get my motorcycle to start. It has an old, discharged battery and 5 hours on a 40 year old battery charger didn’t help. Surprisingly, Sunday it took a charge, I just have to find time to reinstall it and go for a ride. Next week I will buy a new battery. And a new battery charger.


And now I get to ask myself, did I respond to the real Suzeboo, or a poor facimile? Just great, just fucking great.

That was a troll, suezboo typically comments around 6AM EST… I love her mainly because she’s very sweet (she’d never use the kind of language the troll used), but I also love that her comments signal that I am in the home-stretch when I’m working a graveyard shift. For me, Suezboo’s comments are a little moment of joy in the quiet, gray hours of dawn, right before I have to start the “opening up” routine so the day shift can get to work.

Now, Moose, stop feeding the troll, he gets his kicks by getting a rise out of you. You win the game by not playing.


“Until somebody pointed out that moose hair can really gum up the filters.”

Story of my life. I think I’m in, I think I’m a regular ‘soul person’ (to update Sam and Dave into the age of diversity) and then somebody comes marching out of the calorotubatorium with a discarded antler. “All right, who left this in the water?” he says, as I become the cynosure of accusatory glares.
I know when it’s time to empty my locker and go.


Caution: Sniffing tub-vapors may cause:
Synchronized swimming, feelings of euphoria, and visions of battlements.

Game of Tubs!


You should not be surprised by the antics of Italian electronics. Not as bad as Lucas but I realized, when working on my Fiats* back in the day, that Italian engineers think you put a piece of wire in, it will have electricity.

* Yes, plural. I am a member of the very small club of Americans who owned more than one Fiat.


“That was a troll, suezboo typically comments around 6AM EST…”

Thanks, I’ll set my alarm a little earlier so I don’t miss it. While I have not the slightest desire to compare Suzeboo to any of the phylum Annelida you know what they say about the early bird.

Helmut Monotreme

It was really my own fault. I put myself in a situation where, if the bike let me down, I would be unable to get home for hours. The Italian electronics sensed this and let me down.


* Yes, plural. I am a member of the very small club of Americans who owned more than one Fiat.

you know who else was fond of fiats…



500 kW. That’s a fairly substantial amount of POOP.


“Next week I will buy a new battery. And a new battery charger.”

Helmut, that’s where I’m at to. When I buy a new battery, I’ll need a tender, so it won’t discharge between rides. I don’t ride enough now.
And for the first time, (since I got here in ’87, in fact) car traffic is way, way down, and the roads are empty (Cost of gas and driving generally) most of the big RVs are gone. (Oddly enough, so are the crowds, the caravans of new expensive Harleys and other large beasts, is there a connection?)

And I’m sure you’ll check the tires, too. Motorcycle tires do not have the same anti-aging properties as car tires. Even with good tread, internal degradation (sometimes evinced by checking on the sidewalls) make replacement a good idea. They are especially sensitive to UV, if that’s a factor.

And the BMW R90s (1st) and the Ducati 91-96 900ss (Supersport) (2nd.) are the two handsomest motorcycles ever made.


Cow Poop.

42 truck-trailers is also impressive.


Oh, wait, a closer reading reveals that it is the battery charger which is “forty years old” not the motorcycle. That’s an area in which I have no expertise or experience. I had a battery charger which refused to work once, and it left me non-plussed!

Ohm I, that’s a good joke!


Least reliable electronics: Italian, Russian or Lucas ‘Prince of Darkness’?


Why do the Brits drink warm beer? They have Lucas refrigerators.

Helmut Monotreme

Lucas headlights have a 3 position switch labeled: “off” ,”flicker” and “dim”.


The sun never set on the British empire – because they couldn’t trust their cars in the dark.


865 MMBTU per day?!?! Geez, that’s a lotta cow poop. They are displacing 1.88 million gallons of diesel use per year. Amazing.


Yes, plural. I am a member of the very small club of Americans who owned more than one Fiat.

Fiats were ahead of their time technology wise. I seem to recall there were no dedicated Fiat dealers in the US back then. They were sold and serviced by the same dealerships that sold “big 3” Detroit products.

I sometimes wonder if the problem wasn’t the cars so much, but that the mechanics used to working on the relatively simple Detroit products of the day weren’t up to maintaining them.


I gotta tell you guys–the exhaustive analysis and coverage of the Zimmerman murder trial has restored my faith in TV infotainment. I thought they would exercise a bit of restraint after the OJ fiasco, but they did not disappoint!


Also, POOP

But no link. Cuz I’m a rebel.


I haz a mad at Major Kong for insufficient blog-whoring.

Sorry. I just assumed that people would start clicking the link after a while.

My latest one does mention the Asiana crash if anyone’s interested.


How odd. I just got a LinkedIn request from a “Gavin. M_____”. I finally signed up for LinkedIn.


How odd. I just got a LinkedIn request from a “Gavin. M_____”. I finally signed up for LinkedIn.

i just get requests from people with whom i have no desire to link to…how soon before you are on teh fakebook?


As if you got any work done prior. We know you’re spending all day motorcycling around the gorgeous PNW in this fantastic weather.

Hey, now. I have an actual job with real deliverables and stuff. I don’t want to hear anything from no kept man whose main job seems to be walking the dog and fixing up drool-worthy meals AND THEN BRAGGING ABOUT IT.

I WISH I could just tool around the PNW on days like today.


I don’t and won’t do Facehugger. Nor TWITter. I don’t know what an instagram is, nor do I have any fucking pinterest in whatever _that_ shit is. What’s a sociopath to do?


I don’t and won’t do Facehugger. Nor TWITter. I don’t know what an instagram is, nor do I have any fucking pinterest in whatever _that_ shit is. What’s a sociopath to do?

i used to be addicted to fakebook…now, meh…i’m with you on the other stuff…i have too many other things clogging my life, i don’t need to add to it…


My latest one does mention the Asiana crash if anyone’s interested.

Nice! I made it through about 10 comments before I saw a snide, snotty response to one of your comments. Now I remember why I don’t go near that fucking place.

The articles are badass.


Jeeze, now that’s a DEdicated prevert.


I, for one, would like to welcome our new sperm-stealing lesbian overlords.

It might not be as mush fun as you think.


Dude got the idea from Schindler’s List, I’ll bet.


It might not be as mush fun as you think.

I SAW THAT MOVIE! Early EARLY Don Johnson. Terrible movie.


I SAW THAT MOVIE! Early EARLY Don Johnson. Terrible movie.

I saw it back when in an, um, altered state. Thought it was hilarious.

Shared it with my daughter last year. I still love the concept of the smart, telepathic dog but it was slightly…uncomfortable watching with the Young Chowderette. Also too, confirmed: terrible movie.


I SAW THAT MOVIE! Early EARLY Don Johnson. Terrible movie.

oooh…jason robards…must check out…it’s always fun to watch his one dimensional cranky characters…


Really bad flick. I’ve seen it only a dozen times.


I SAW THAT MOVIE! Early EARLY Don Johnson. Terrible movie.

I think it’s rather prophetic actually. A couple more GOP administrations and we’ll all be living in “Topeka”.


Sorry. I just assumed that people would start clicking the link after a while.

A refreshing attitude. The mania for self-promotion has not spread to all corners.

And lo, Pupienus shares my indifference to social media. I have to admit, though, that I’ve considered Twitter. I think some of my material would tweet well. I’d have to be anonymous.


The fact is, gays and faggots will be the dearth of America, like they were the dearth of Rome and Grease. We the majority are tired of having faggotry shoved down our throat by liberal PC minorites and people who think they are cool when the are deprateved. There is proof that gayness is a deathstyle not a life stile.


One of the funs of Exbook (all my exes no longer live in Texas) is that I see some alumni of this place regularly for laughs with no farking trollz.


Dude got the idea from Schindler’s List, I’ll bet.

Well, his story IS that he was persecuted. A woman hit him with a tire iron and dumped him in there.

When he came to, he tried to scream, but like in a bad dream, nothing came out. He clawed at the slick walls, screaming silently as women came and went. Also, he masturbated furiously.


Also, he masturbated furiously

Most disturbing–the inference that he could get a boner while standing in a vat of urine and POOP and used hygiene products and probably cigarette butts YUCK.


In other news, the judge in the Zimmerman (the guy who is on trial) has now approved a trial of Trayvon Martin–allowing evidence that marijuana was found in his system at the time of his death.

Nothing says “got no case” like attacking the victim.


Just want to point out, since it highlights both the impossibility of the “wan with a tire iron” excuse as well as the depths of the guy’s perversion, you know how hard it is to get into a septic tank? While some things ate easily dumped into a septic tank (har har) an entire human being is a different story.


tsam, how exactly does “smoked some weed”= “should be killed” anyway?


FU iPhone. “Woman”. Not “wan”.

Anywho, in this the digital (EXCUSE MAH FINGAHS) age, where pr0n the likes of which even the most hedonistic of kings and emperors couldn’t possibly dream of is freely available to anyone with high speed. Where hooking up with like minded freaks or kink appeasing professionals is simply a matter of creating a fake email address and accounts at highly specialized websites. And stil folks are climbing in septic tanks. Geez. LURN TO INTARWEBS PEOPLE!


Aw, B4, thanks for those nice things what you said.
Hope my timing is right for you. It’s 0:33 SA time right now.
My nymstealer was right though – the Scripture Knowledge crack was right on target. But I could never diss a fellow PG lover.


Most disturbing–the inference that he could get a boner while standing in a vat of urine and POOP and used hygiene products and probably cigarette butts YUCK.

Rule 34 is Rule 34!

Aw, B4, thanks for those nice things what you said

All of them true, Suezboo! Like I said, the comments you post at the crack of dawn Eastern Time are an indication that my graveyard shift is drawing to a close. You’re like a rooster that doesn’t get the neighbors upset.


allowing evidence that marijuana was found in his system at the time of his death.



allowing evidence that marijuana was found in his system at the time of his death.

Yes. So, so wrong. However, does this mean that the defense has to argue that Trayvon, despite being in a mellow state, attacked, etc.?

I know, I know – the defense is gonna argue that Trayvon was a goddam ni-CLANG too drugged up to realize he was Getting Ideas Above His Station, thinking he had the “right” to be anywhere George didn’t want him to be. Oh, and as a lawbreaker, he deserved death.


“But I could never diss a fellow PG lover.”

There was that, the veneration of the Master, which binds us like the mythical pals thing-a-gummy and whats-his-name, but then, there was the desire to take the slur in good part if it did indeed come from you. The situation is disturbing, and I’m quite convinced there is something desprerately wrong with the troll-person. Non-response will be my tactic from now on, and I am prepared to fight it out on those lines indefinitely, or until Bluebottle wins the Canbridgeshire.


allowing evidence that marijuana was found in his system at the time of his death.

Last time I checked, Zimmerman was the defendant.

Non-response will be my tactic from now on, and I am prepared to fight it out on those lines indefinitely, or until Bluebottle wins the Canbridgeshire.

The way to “win” the “game” is not to play. Why respond to the one asshole in a thread full of comments by great people?


Hard as it is to believe, the “Reefer Madness” myth about marijuana’s effects is not entirely dead. Apparently it’s still particularly useful against black people … Also, “marijuana in his system” is pretty vague. It is detectable in the system for a long time.

Let’s hope the jury doesn’t consist of the type of American who thinks a black kid who smoked weed three weeks ago is effectively psychotic.


Non-response will be my tactic from now on

‘Bout fuckin’ time.


“The way to “win” the “game” is not to play.”

What a fun game. If somebody says anything the least bit outrageous, or even merely dyspeptic, or something which might be suspected of being out of character, or maybe even (God forgive that person) ‘putting on’ a bit or (excuse me if I’ve garbled this colloquialism) ‘taking the piss’ or maybe is even posted at a suspect time (other than 6:00am) I have to wonder if it’s the troll and I’m responding to him. And since this troll person is obviously ready to assume any nym and ape style or constantly register new nyms…
I’m sorry, this isn’t a game I can play. Seems like set-up, frankly. Do we have any others?


“Bout fuckin’ time.”

Excuse me for asking but are you the real “Case Oopes” or a nym stealer who will naturally applaud anything which will reduce the number of people posting at Sadly, No!?

Okay, okay, everybody knows us mooses are timid! You wanna teach the troll a lesson by depopulating the comment section, you have my full support.


Mooser, I’m not sure there are any rules, let alone absolute rules. No absurdiam, please. Just use your judgment. I agree with the folks who think you’ve engaged Dennis too much, but would I be pissed if you occassionally responded to a troll? Of course not … You have plenty to say without lengthy strolls down an unfruitful path.


If somebody says anything the least bit outrageous …

If someone gets your goat, assume it’s the troll, and don’t respond. Ignore it, and know you’re pissing it off.

El Manquécito

If someone gets your goat, assume it’s the troll Mickey Kaus, and don’t respond.


Don’t masturbate furiously. It should be done with love.


Not to get too serious here, Substance, but if that guy loved himself, he woulda never hid in that ladies’ room cesspit.


bbkf, regarding paucity of pundrity, scarcity of snark….That particular comment was a singular work of brilliance, BTW, we is working on it.

DA, the Moose…Ignore!!!! Or find your rejoinders joining your quarries quips in the remainder bin.

There does seem to be a Suezboo nymjack given the widely divergent ip’s, just not sure who the culpret is, nor do at the moment do I have the time or resources to investigate.

I am not sure, though I do, suspect, that a lack of exposure to the zimmerman shit has been a positive, though I suspect that it will feature prominently in my “It is always the fault of the less Privileged: Look over there, a Baby nigger is eating” opus…If this shit was easy to write….

Anyway, working on it, and loving most of you…


Provider, don’t worry about my nymjacker-it’s just a one time thing and I am really not that interesting a target.
Good Night all.
B4 – Have a good day !


If that baby starts eating Bill the Cat I’ll get a sad.


What you did there; I see it.


PUD cake sounds incredibly rude. Also deesgusterous.

I’m sorry, this isn’t a game I can play. Seems like set-up, frankly. Do we have any others?



Pineapple Upside Down cake.


I’ve done PUD cake for hard to please clients and it always kills. Never used canned piña but always crap maraschinos.


Excuse me for asking but are you the real “Case Oopes” or a nym stealer
You weren’t responding to a nym stealer so cut the innocent shit.
…or do you think someone was pretending to be Dennis?


always crap maraschinos.

Using the word crap to describe maraschinos is a bit redundant, methinks.


Talking about PUD cake brings out my inner eighth grader.

heh heh heh heh heh heh.


It should be a rule that anyone who claims Sex is Fer Makin’ Babies should have to stand in a pit full of dirty diapers until they convince a jury of sexually active 20 year olds that this is a valid argument.

I think this is a valid suggestion.

Also too, the comments re “A boy and his dog”: great story, although heavily misogynistic in the end, but the movie kinda sucked. How oft that happens, ’tis true.


“A boy and his dog”

heh heh heh heh heh heh.


the comments re “A boy and his dog”: great story

It was completely goofy, until the end. Recently watched it on… hulu?


always crap maraschinos.

Well, it is a bit early but let me see if I can squeeze one out…


Looks like we’re finishing our shift around the same time bbbb.


I actually have the day off, I’m planning on hitting the American Museum of Natural History today.


I’m in Savannah, GA – at least for the next 12 hours or so.


I haven’t seen a comment from Marion in Savannah in a while. I was in Savannah about ten years ago- the waterfront is really nice.


Of course I’ll probably sleep for about half of that.


I don’t think I’ll be eating at you-know-who’s restaurant.


Of course I’ll probably sleep for about half of that.

I can sympathize. It’ll probably be hotter than hell down there.


I don’t think I’ll be eating at you-know-who’s restaurant.

So, no deep fried butter for you?


Deep fried butter – with a side of racism. No thanks.


Deep fried butter – with a side of racism. No thanks.

Don’t leave out the sexual harassment, courtesy of Brother Deen!


Enjoy the museum. I’m off to bed.


Superstorm Sandy? The flooding in Calgary? Nothing. LEAFS SUCK had a couple hours of very heavy rainfall. Our commuter rail has been disrupted. I mean I don’t want to minimize the disasters which have afflicted other cities, I’ll let our mayor do that.

How bad is it here? It is the next morning and Rob Ford is still without power. He’s currently holed up in his SUV because air conditioning. You know, if the storms really were that bad, maybe there’s something the mayor could do besides sitting in his idling SUV burning gas for AC.


It was in fact, a lotta rain. I was in Union station while it was “flooding” (ie not so bad that they were preventing commuters from walking around), but fortunately not on the train that got stranded and needed watercraft rescues. YYZ weather station recorded it as about 5 inches. So, a lot of rain, but not an actual natural disaster.

El Manquécito

Major: I’m an hour and twenty away, I’ll feed you tonight if you want; there’s nobody else at the farm right now. Email my nym, all one word, no accent, at gazoogle mail if you’re not gonna sleep the whole time.

El Manquécito

If five inches of rain is a natural disaster then we have one almost every month. Good drainage though and lots of swamps.


It’s actually a record amount of rainfall for LEAFS SUCK. About half a centimetre more than we got from Hurricane Hazel.


The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
Carl Sagan


Men, you are about to embark on a great crusade to stamp out runaway decency in the west. Now you men will only be risking your lives, whilst I will be risking an almost certain Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.



Rich, vain assholes paying big bucks to have their ballsacks lasered? It’s a good start.

El Manquécito

Pa qué eres pendejito buey.


PUD cake sounds incredibly rude. Also deesgusterous.

No worse than hair pie.

I had a roommate in college who came from a culture in which “real men” didn’t go down on wimminz, and when me and my friends found out we were like “why the hell not? It’s good, and they usually really appreciate it.”

So a week or so later, roommate comes home at like 7 am, and is all proud of himself. “Hey, I ate a pussy last nite!”

“So, how was it?”

“Oh it was OK, but I couldn’t get used to the hair between my teeth.”



Alternate ending, set in a dental school dormitory:

“You’re right, she didn’t have any teeth, and no wonder — her gums were in horrible shape!”


The weed of crime bears bitter fruit, which should only be used sparingly in your salad

—Martha Cranston.


Alternate alternate ending: Awful, it scratched my face up and ran off after I took one bite.


I SAW THAT MOVIE! Early EARLY Don Johnson. Terrible movie.

Terrible in some ways, great in others. Harlan Ellison is kind of a mixed bag in that way. Dystopian sci-fi and dark satire is always cool with me, but the misogyny is pretty unredeemable.


The end of the movie is the complete opposite of the ending of the story it’s based on. JSYN.


Hmmmmm. Maybe so. The movie didn’t inspire me to run out and check out the story, so…


“Ellison disavows the film’s misogynistic conclusion.”

Well, that’s heartening. Sorry to judge you so harshly, Harlan.


Dystopian sci-fi and dark satire is always cool with me, but the misogyny is pretty unredeemable

I’m a huge fan of dystopian settings, even when they’re a little strained like the Matrix series. I just thought the movie was kind of silly.


Speaking of sci-fi writers, here’s a totally irredeemable asshole:

Ender’s Game is set more than a century in the future and has nothing to do with political issues that did not exist when the book was written in 1984.

With the recent Supreme Court ruling, the gay marriage issue becomes moot. The Full Faith and Credit clause of the Constitution will, sooner or later, give legal force in every state to any marriage contract recognized by any other state.

Now it will be interesting to see whether the victorious proponents of gay marriage will show tolerance toward those who disagreed with them when the issue was still in dispute.

Orson Scott Card

Intolerant people sure like to ask for tolerance…what’s up with that?


Now it will be interesting to see whether the victorious proponents of gay marriage will show tolerance toward those who disagreed with them when the issue was still in dispute.

Hells no, now here’s your assigned husband.


the gay marriage issue becomes moot

Just like how the Brown v. BOE made racism moot. k.


Can’t be arsed to link, Google ‘Card asshat’ and follow the links.


I can’t even remember how the film ends.


The fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
Carl Sagan

How is Bozo not a genius?


I continue to be amazed at the pettiness of the haters. Indiana made it a felony to apply for a marriage license as a same sex couple. No, it’ll never stand up in court but fuck, they are so small. It is to laugh.


As Mencken said:

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.


I have often said that Indiana is the northernmost state South of the Mason-Dixon line, it seems that we strive in earnest to maintain the reputation.


How is Bozo not a genius?

Well he certainly was a nice guy. When I was six I got to be on the Grand! Prize! Game! and he was great. That Fraser Thomas, on the other hand, was a total asshole.


Always laughs, never frowns
Bozo, Bozo, Bozo the Clown.

Question: What’s the difference between Bozo and a Sadly, No! troll?


Now it will be interesting to see whether the victorious proponents of gay marriage will show tolerance toward those who disagreed with them when the issue was still in dispute.

I can’t stop laughing at this.

Shorter: YOU be tolerant. I don’t have to, stupid homos.


Expert says evidence jibes with Zimmerman story

Now, the question is, which one of Zimmerman’s stories?


“DA, the Moose…Ignore!!!! Or find your rejoinders joining your quarries quips in the remainder bin.”

I’ve always enjoyed Sadly No! and wish the site nothing but good and continued success. Given that, I’ll see your threat to delete me and raise you: I request, nay implore, no insist you immediately delete every single one of my comments, from the entire archive! You will still get all the “hits” (‘unique page views’) from my comments, and I will have the ineffable satisfaction of knowing I am not taking up expensive bandwidth with what was merely persiflage and bad jokes. Or are those aren’t the same thing?
And that will leave the field clear for somebody who enjoys bouncing back between the trolls and the self-appointed gatekeepers.


Jason Queree, the man suspected of punching the protester multiple times, has been arrested 29 times since 1995. He has been convicted or otherwise found against for nine felonies, including forgery, stolen property, unlawful firearm possession and theft, and 12 misdemeanors, including driving with a suspended license, vehicle prowl, domestic violence, assault, DUI and criminal trespass.

Clearly, a hyper-PC gay conformist.

(Vehicle prowl? Is that like cruising?)


“Question: What’s the difference between Bozo and a Sadly, No! troll?”

Ooh! I know! Unlike Bozo, all you have to do is mention the Sadly, No! troll and he will appear. So I guess we can now look forward to the usual routine, the whining, and then the scatology and bigotry?
Of course, the only way to avoid the troll is to strictly follow the advice of the gatekeepers which you, my friend, are not doing! Mentioning, and goading the troll does not come under the heading of “ignore tactics” in my web-etiquette book.
The only way we can defeat the troll is by all being very straight with each other!

There’s something rotten in this den, Mark.


“Seattle gay pride participants viciously beat Christian street preacher”

Gosh, what ever happened to “muscular Christianity?” It’s been beaten up by rough trade? A consummation devoutly to be wished for, in my opinion.


They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. Carl Sagan”

Somebody check Sagan’s astro-physics papers for plagiarism! He probably copied his cosmology from “I’ll build a Stairway to Paradise”

“They all laughed at Christopher Columbus
When he said the world was round
They all laughed when Edison recorded sound
They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother
When they said that man could fly
They said that Bozo,
was for tots a no-no.
And that he made them cry!” George Gershwin.


Mooser, I for one, enjoy your moosiflage and bad jokes. Not so much watching you tango with the turd in the Hot-tub™.


I, for one, accept our new goaded moose overlords.


They laughed at Columbus

The Arawaks sure weren’t laughing.


Time to climb out of the hot tub for now.

Later, taters and all other tubers of an edible nature.


I continue to be amazed at the pettiness of the haters. Indiana made it a felony to apply for a marriage license as a same sex couple. No, it’ll never stand up in court but fuck, they are so small. It is to laugh.

Indiana is a special sort of conservative. It’s this strangely consistent level of bizarre “hate all progressive ideas” throughout the state, including Indianapolis from what I can tell.

I’m glad Young Chowder, esq. has left that state behind for good. I can now safely ignore it for all time.


I saw that story S. cerevisiae and “Central America” was the first thing I thought of.


Indiana is a special sort of conservative.

Strange state. Once you get out of Indianapolis or Bloomington it goes waaaaay red. The kind of red that has Texans scratching their heads and going “What’s up with those people?”


They said that Bozo,
was for tots a no-no.

If that wasn’t really in the lyrics, it shoulda been.

Helmut Monotreme

The Arawaks sure weren’t laughing.

They didn’t accept smallpox and slavery and genocide in the spirit of Christian Charity in which it was offered? Strange.


Around here, we sometimes laugh at (or with) one Bozo the Cocksucker. Possibly a genius. Terse, if I recall. Or gnomic if you prefer fifty-dollar words.

But his name scares me. I don’t wanna see a clown bobbing down there.


Wisconsin is the new El Salvador:

Too damn close for my tastes.
The complicating factors will be painfully apparent once hunting seasons open.

Oh,…and Matewan too, also.


Indiana was a hotbed of activity for The Black Legion.

El Manquécito

In the book “Sundown Towns” about rascist Amurica Indiana was the clear winner for most proclaimed sundown towns (all blacks out by sunset or else).

Helmut Monotreme

The presence of armed guards in the woods of northern WI is chilling. The reports in the linked story of out of state protesters running ‘tactical drills’ near the drilling site is worse. I can’t help but feel a dragnet arrest of mine protesters is imminent. For the last 20+ years any ‘direct action’ leftist or environmentalist groups have been infiltrated almost from the moment of their founding by the FBI. Knowing that, I believe a Fed (or a modern day Pinkerton) is stirring up trouble among the more easily influenced and motivated protesters, and any minute now, a half a dozen or so ‘ecoterrorists’ will be arrested and used to de-legitimize the entire protest movement. Or worse, someone with an ax to grind could start a confrontation, that will leave someone dead.


That was an interesting article, DA. I admit to not having heard of that organization.


It was not only the basis for a movie starring Humphrey Bogart, it was the inspiration for an episode of the Shadow radio show called The White Legion.


I listen to lots of old music, but have never seen most good old movies — Casablanca, for example.


I wonder what length of time seeing “most good old movies” would take.


The story of the resurgence of the Klan in Indiana has a non-surprising ending: Well respected, highly influential leader protects white womanhood by kidnapping, raping, assaulting and killing a librarian; massive backwash of shit swamps everyone who has ever been near him.


Ender’s Game is set more than a century in the future and has nothing to do with political issues that did not exist when the book was written in 1984.

FACT: Gay people did not exist before 1985.

Now it will be interesting to see whether the victorious proponents of gay marriage will show tolerance toward those who disagreed with them when the issue was still in dispute.

FACT: The only way proponents of equal marriage can show tolerance is to refrain from doing anything that would offend those who disagreed with them.


No science fiction writer could have predicted gay marriage would be an issue. CASE CLOSED.


FACT: The only way proponents of equal marriage can show tolerance is to refrain from doing anything that would offend those who disagreed with them.



No science fiction writer could have predicted gay marriage would be an issue. CASE CLOSED.

Ted Sturgeon wants to have a word with you.

Helmut Monotreme

Ender’s Game is set more than a century in the future and has nothing to do with political issues that did not exist when the book was written in 1984.

You can imagine a world of spaceships and alien armadas, culminating in the complete eradication of a sentient species, but a world where gay people are mysteriously and completely absent is a bridge too far?


You can imagine a world of spaceships and alien armadas, culminating in the complete eradication of a sentient species, but a world where gay people are mysteriously and completely absent is a bridge too far?

Well now be honest……………….you’ve never met a gay alien, (or “gaylien”, even) have you?

Ipso fatso.


well it is true, i do often lose my fone…and my car keys as well…sigh…


FACT: Gay people did not exist before 1985.

I thought gay people were invented by the hippies in the 1960s, along with everything else conservatives hate?

Either that or it was when they got rid of prayer in public schools.I can’t remember which.


I dimly recollect a sci-fi novel (but not its title) that I stumbled across as a kid. At least two chapters had the young male protagonist encounter space gheys.

First he found himself aboard a big spaceship with a diverse crew. A roomful of aliens and humans invited him to join their “sex circle,” but he declined (politely, if I recall).

Later he was on a planet (future earth?) occupied by effete, degenerate humans. These lispy queers got their kicks busting up museums, destroying paintings and sculptures. I think they were loadies, too. I don’t recall the kid grooving on the destruction of esthetically-pleasing objects.


Well now be honest……………….you’ve never met a gay alien, (or “gaylien”, even) have you?

You are unaware of what they’re doing to our soil.


I recall a sci fi story from years ago. Aliens show up and announce that Earth was actually where they sent their exiles thousands of years ago.

They had come with good news for the people of Earth – “If any of you are still white, we can cure you.”


This seems like a good time for me to shove afrofuturism down some earthling throats.

“Why does the earth not fall? How can you walk upon it? It’s the music.”–Sun Ra


No science fiction writer could have predicted gay marriage would be an issue.

Of course not, sci-fi writers aren’t in the business of predicting the future!


I liked Sun Ra, sure, but I thought John Gilmore (his musical director) was an absolute genius.


Gilmore is wonderful. Seems like a nice guy, too. (Not that I’ve met him.)


I am one of those jazz guitarists who really should have been given a saxophone, so I dug John Gilmore from the first encounter.


I met him and he was soft spoken, humble and a real good man.


I toured Sun Ra studios once when I was in Memphis.


I toured Sun Ra studios once when I was in Memphis.

That’s near Thebes in Egypt isn’t it?


That’s near Thebes in Egypt isn’t it?

Yeah. Anubis Presley and Roy Osiris played there back in the day.


I am one of those jazz guitarists who really should have been given a saxophone

Is there another kind? ; )


Illinois Nazis… I hate Illinois Nazis.


Is there another kind? ; )

Heh, I suppose not. But I dunno where I would have / would practice(d) a sax.


Yeah. Anubis Presley and Roy Osiris played there back in the day.

cripes, i’ve been sitting here trying to come up with something clever…


Ankh if you love Sun Ra.


Anubis Presley and Roy Osiris played there back in the day.

But only for one Sett.


Rumor is they’d go downtown afterwards and get Horus.


Ptah! Ptah on you!


Ankh if you love Sun Ra.

Nun better!


When a Portland based band was there they were treated to a boat cruise. That’s right, they barqued The Shins


I can probably scarab up some more puns.


I can probably scarab up some more puns.



Wow, Pup’s kickin’ asp.


That would be a hard Tefnut to crack.


Set, Game, Match.

Honestly, Sun Ra’s music is pretty hit-and-miss. I enjoy the good parts immensely; I wish it was all good parts … I got this for my birthday; I haven’t made it through all fourteen discs yet. I hope the project continues through the year of his death (forgive me, Ra, for calling it that). The early discs are very cool but much more documentary and explanatory than I might prefer. The archivist/project guy is top-shelf, and refuses to cut corners, whether you like it or not.

His 24/7 persona, philosophy, story, stagecraft, and so on are consistently fascinating (unlike the music). I consider him one of the most remarkable people of the 20th century, which is saying something. And the best of the Arkestra’s output goes on my highest pedestal (with many others).


Err, I meant Game, SET, Match.


El Manquécito — that clip I just linked to has a cool John Gilmore excerpt at around the 20 min. mark.


tsam, how exactly does “smoked some weed”= “should be killed” anyway?

Silly, you got the equation wrong. Its all supposed to be raised to the power of “is black”.


Harold is a fountain of inspiration!

Top comment so far on the WaPo McDonnell corruption story:
“This is what happens when you take a legal ethics course at Pat Robertson U.”

Also, ta da: McDonnell family bonus! Sean McDonnell got arrested for drinking and cussing.


You are unaware of what they’re doing to our soil.

Shake posts the link so I don’t have to. High five!



I would be remiss if I missed an opportunity to link to the DMs.

He was a daredevil! Just like his old man!


p.s. Far be it for me to criticize a member of the staff, but was it really necessary to ring the Zimmerman dinner bell for every troll in the interverse before the meal was served?


and just when is that meal coming? i, for one, am famished…


speaking of dinner, the question remains: did el manq feed the major? if so, food pron, plz?


While we wait bbkf will provide a much needed Puppeh Update.



ooooh…puppeh is getting so big! she weighs 26 lbs and is still spoiled rotten…i will post a pic on my blahg!

okay, une….i will settle for high quality at your own pace…but it will affect your tip!


puppeh pics duly posted…


“Mark Steyn published a must-read p-”
NO, he didn’t, not ever, not once in his entire life.


[Dies of adorbs OD.]


MK and I had to postpone. The real world intervened.


I can probably scarab up some more puns.

I’m glad you finally stopped, you Bastet.


[Dies of adorbs OD.]

you should see her in real life! i had to give her a bath last night because she has discovered that when we use the grill, some yummy stuff may drip out of it…the top of her head was STINKY…but now she’s fluffy and sweet-smelling…one of the many disadvantages of her wavy long hair we recently found out is that when she comes in from outside, she carries about 20 mosquitoes in her hair which then make their escape throughout the evening…annoying…


Ann Althouse now is no longer accepting comments on her blog from anyone except her husband. Too funny. You write racist, misogynistic shit, and racist, misogynistic shitheads make obnoxious comments. Who knew?


Enjoy this while you’re waiting.


As I posted on LG&$, I am giving serious thought to starting a blog of the comments her readers would have written had they been able to write them.


Also trying to think of a solution to the mosquito smuggling puppy problem that only traumatizes the blood suckers. Also, as a curly haired critter I am now worried I might be a smuggler of skeeters.


Also trying to think of a solution to the mosquito smuggling puppy problem that only traumatizes the blood suckers. Also, as a curly haired critter I am now worried I might be a smuggler of skeeters.

my sister suggests shaking her off before bringing her in…easy for her to say since her dog weighs 8 lbs and doesn’t have long hair…do you have a tall, strong person who could shake you off?

also, too…your blog idea = genius…


Research indicates that what is known as Neem oil might be good for its’ insecticidal properties, look for a creme or shampoo that lists it as an active ingredient.


Not a problem for those of us with feline overlords.

A mosquito is a toy and a tasty snack for my little critter.


As a bonus, the eating of flying bugs is preceded by the extreme catrobatics.


Bagoas isn’t bothered by skeeters but he had a nasty dose of foxtails. Poor little guy couldn’t even walk – I had to carry him to the car to go to the vet.


earlier this year we all suffered through all the sticky buds dropped by our cottonwood trees…poor thing even had them wedged between the pads of her paws…she had lots and lots of baths this spring…


Ted Sturgeon wants to have 90 percent of a word with you.



Fook you … while I put twirly ribbons in my hair.


Does anyone want to hear me sing “It’s a small world”? I’m really good at it!


And then we can share our favorite brownie recipes!


Many decades ago, my family lived at the head of a canyon to the sea that our cat liked to hunt in. Don’t know how good a hunter he was, but I remember an epic pull out the cactus spines session.


And speaking of our feline overlords and catrobatics, is anyone familiar with a toy called “Da Bird?” I think the inventor must have had a passing familiarity with fishing gear. What makes it different from all the other toys on a string is the lure and its attachment to the string. It allows the feather lure to twirl through the air. We have gone through many replacement lures – one cat’s a kicker, the other a chomper.

The black god of time, really said

OMG! I loooove brownies <3! Do you like them with chocolate chips?

The black god of time, really,

And kitties! Wuv dem!


There’s gotta be some mangos around here somewhere…


The trolls were attracted by the Zimmerpost spoor. You should have to take them home with you and suckle them at your bosom.


Enjoy this while you’re waiting.

wow…how did i not know about this?!


I, for one, would like to welcome our new absurdist overlords.


The waiting is the hardest part.
Everyday there’s one more shart.

Wait, that’s not how it goes. Is it?


Wait, that’s not how it goes. Is it?

some would venture that as the aging process continues, it is moreso…


Persistently boring troll is persistent and boring.


As I posted on LG&$, I am giving serious thought to starting a blog of the comments her readers would have written had they been able to write them.



HAHAHAHA Sinai Temple in LA, reported to be a large, very conservative, temple announces they will perform same sex weddings. Heads go all asplodey. Most butthurt of all are the Iranian Jews in the congregation. Go figure.


OBS, have you used Mangrove Jack M27 yeast or Lallemand Belle Saison?


Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, Provider.


Promises promises. YOU’RE BREAKING MY HEART.


OBS, have you used Mangrove Jack M27 yeast or Lallemand Belle Saison?

No I haven’t. I use pretty much only White Labs pitchables (great selection at the local shop). Their American Farmhouse Blend blend is really nice, with an excellent mild spicy/sour/funky character that’s not overpowering. You could try either that or their Saison Blend if you have access to it.



I like it, but for the vintage Usenet feel it should really be “alt.althouse.die.die.die”


I’m moving someplace where I won’t be able to get yeast, was planning to take a metric assload of dry yeast with. I’ve read T-58 is what Pannepot uses, and I love that but want more than one Belgian. I guess I’ll just get some and find out.


I like it, but for the vintage Usenet feel it should really be “alt.althouse.die.die.die”

No way, that would be very disrespectful of the late, great Tura Satana.

I’m moving someplace where I won’t be able to get yeast

You’re moving to a decommissioned oil rig in the North Sea? I can’t wait to see the flag of Tigristan.


I’m moving someplace where I won’t be able to get yeast

Oh noes! Can’t you make Major Kong fly it to you? This place (just the first result I found) will ship you vials of White Labs and you can add an ice pack to the shipment in hot weather for $0.79…


I’m moving someplace where I won’t be able to get yeast

If only there was some company that would ship stuff anywhere in the world. And it would be really cool if they had airplanes so they could get it there really fast.


If only there was some company that would ship stuff anywhere in the world. And it would be really cool if they had airplanes so they could get it there really fast.

I would like to start this company.

Only using scooters. In Nashville, only.


Only using scooters. In Nashville, only.

Not a bad idea. I’d suggest using electric scooters so the fuel costs don’t eat you up. I know they get good mileage, but when you start talking about a fleet of vehicles driving a lot of miles a day it adds up.

Even the rather conservative corporation I work for is experimenting with electric, hybrid and alternative fueled delivery vehicles.


The MoreBeer shipping estimator doesn’t work with the postal code I put in, but Google turns up a person ordering 35$ worth of yeast paying over 70$ for shipping and duties. Dry will be fine.


Google turns up a person ordering 35$ worth of yeast paying over 70$ for shipping and duties.


Is there a way to keep a culture of brewer’s yeast going, equivalent of a perpetual sourdough sponge?


Only using scooters. In Nashville, only.

i’ve often thought about starting a delivery service here in teh sticks…we have many, many olds that could use it…but it could end up being a lot of work for not much dinero…

Even the rather conservative corporation I work for is experimenting with electric, hybrid and alternative fueled delivery vehicles.

it’s about freaking time!


Assholes will be assholes:

Power isn’t corrupting; it’s freeing, says Joe Magee, a power researcher and professor of management at New York University. “What power does is that it liberates the true self to emerge,” he says.


Is there a way to keep a culture of brewer’s yeast going, equivalent of a perpetual sourdough sponge?

are you really going to ask that question here? of all places? with a straight face?


Kind of, you can wash it, freeze it with a little glycerin and reuse it several times, but I’ve only read about it. Not as easy as sourdough, that’s for sure.


i just found out via teh fakebook that a person can take gun training online…


Time once again to play NAME THAT WHINGNUT!

This Year’s Duke Lacrosse Case

Dear Fellow Conservative,

This week, instead of attacking a Hispanic senator, Marco Rubio, I will defend a Hispanic citizen, George Zimmerman, on trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin. (Zimmerman would make a better senator.)

It’s becoming painfully obvious why no charges were brought against Zimmerman in this case — until Al Sharpton got involved. All the eyewitness accounts, testimony, ballistics and forensics keep backing up Zimmerman. We should send a big, fat bill for the whole thing to Sharpton, courtesy of MSNBC.


Even with decent lab skillz I’ve never been able to keep a beer strain pure at home for more than a few months whereas I’ve had bread strains stable for up to 8 years. Making great beer from dry yeast ain’t easy but if you hit one you can set up an airlocked vessel in the fridge, feed it once a week and keep it going like a bread culture. Some levels of sterility required.


“What power does is that it liberates the true self to emerge,” he says.

Tragically, the true self that emerges is usually a monster.


i just found out via teh fakebook that a person can take gun training online…

I thought that was Call of Duty 4?


Some levels of sterility required.

oh…well, that let’s out my idea…


Power isn’t corrupting; it’s freeing

Power corrupts. And absolute power…..would be really fucking awesome.


And absolute power…..would be really fucking awesome.

yer cat knows that feeling…


Time once again to play NAME THAT WHINGNUT!

imma roll with coulter…


Cats were once worshiped as gods. They have not forgotten this.


yer cat knows that feeling…

L, as the kids say, OL.


Cats were once worshiped as gods. They have not forgotten this.

i have enough of an inferiority complex…i do not need a cat adding to it…aslo, too: surprise clawings…


(Zimmerman would make a better senator.)

I dunno who this is, but they’re obviously just trolling, so yeah……………..Coulter comes to mind.


Imma gonna go with the Malkin.


For brewers yeast, I would recommend maltose agar plates, this and other yeast preservation methods are detailed at the <a href="http://www.maltosefalcons.com/tech/yeast-propagation-and-maintenance-principles-and-practices&quot;.Maltose Falcons website.


you are really a good webmaster. The web site loading speed is amazing.
It sort of feels that you are doing any unique trick.
Furthermore, The contents are masterpiece. you have performed a fantastic activity on this matter!


The fact is, power in the hands of those unfit to wheel it is dangerous, like in the case of corrupt evil black men like your hero, Obama.


Power steering corrupts, absolutely.


“What power does is that it liberates the true self to emerge,” he says.

Unfortunately, if you’ve hung around any folks who’ve lost their social controls, you know most people’s “true self” is kind of an asshole.


It sort of feels that you are doing any unique trick.

…any unique trick is my specialty – just ask


most people’s “true self” is kind of an asshole

Most people who *seek* power, anyway.

My true self is a lazy sonofabitch who’d rather spend all day drinking beer and playing D&D (or a good facsimile thereof, like Baldur’s Gate), and who absolutely will not even consider a career that won’t allow one to completely fucking ignore the job outside of the hours of 9-5, M-F. (Thus engineering… which pays reasonably good middle class wages, too.)

Therefore, I will never get “power” and if I somehow did, I’d probably decree that assholes who seek power be confined to a large desert island somewhere to play their asshole power games while the rest of us work to lift all boats… but no more than 8 hours a day, of course.

And we’d name the island “Hell” in honor of some SF novel I read long ago… author forgotten. (But that “Hell” was the state of Texas, completely walled in.)

The Guy Who Huffed All of the N2O from Your Whipped Cream


Whoa… you were there, man. We were there together!


I just noticed the time stamps on S,N! are in the same time zone as my Madrid customers. (RTVE, Spain’s state TV.)

Keeping them happy makes keeping 9-5 hours difficult… :p


Live Nude Post!

Greatest website! Click random link to get to new exciting post!

Random exclamation points make me seem real!!!!!!!!

Is my totally real human way of saying:

New post everybody.



Thank ‘ee!


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