Gnash and Burn

Ah, Wingnut Responses to the Debate, Let Me Count the Ways. 1, 2… I Guess There Were Only Two.

Ian Schwartz, RealClearStupidity:
Michelle Obama Broke Agreed Upon Rules, Clapped At Debate


We’re Too Much a Pack of Cowardly Bullies to Put Our Name to This so Close to the Suicide of Amanda Todd, The Washington “Free Like Syphilis” Beacon:
Party Girl Debate Questioner Love Joose, Hates Cops and Women Who Watch Sports”

So yeah, there was a debate last night and apparently Obama joined the rest of us on planet Earth in realizing that The Smiler is a lying sociopath who will say anything to get elected and thus was better prepared.

So how did it go? Well, nearly every sentient being on the planet (Larry Kudlow doesn’t count, being neither sentient nor a being and frankly I’m only fifty-fifty on him being on this planet on any given day) called it a win for Obama though some of the hacks did it through a veil of tears.

So how did wingnuts respond to this undeniable reality? Well, in basically two ways:

Overall Shorter A (the gnashing of teeth):

  • Obama cheated so we win by default! All his victories should go to us or he’s not a legitimate president. What’s that? Romney gained his massive bump by lying like a nicotine spokesperson and promising everyone a pony and a free blowjob in the first debate? I have no idea what you are talking about.


Overall Shorter B (the burning of witches):

  • We didn’t lose the debate, it was stolen to us by meddlesome bitches and now we will set all our energies to finding something, anything, we can use to publicly crucify them. This will hopefully scare all the rest of the uppity chattel into knowing their place and never triggering our cognitive dissonance again. War on Women? That’s what terrorists do? I have no idea what you are talking about.

And I picked the dumbest examples of each.


So let’s begin with a careful exploration of rules by the brain trust at Real Clear Politics who discovered a scandal that could threaten Obama’s very right to run for re-election.

At the second presidential debate on Tuesday night, a camera caught first lady Michelle Obama clapping after moderator Candy Crowley told Republican presidential candidate Gov. Mitt Romney that President Obama called the Benghazi attack an “act of terror” soon after the attack on the U.S. consulate.

Get Chief Editor Korir on the phone. We don’t need his whitey tape anymore! We’ve got clear video evidence of Michelle Obama McHiter MussoliniPants clapping, clapping like a common street jezebel! Not only does this erase the fact that The Smiler was fact-checked by a toothless MSM hack on national television after trying to soft-sell a Fox News conspiracy theory (to a crowd of cheers from undecided voters, otherwise known as the easiest marks on the planet these days), it also means that Obama needs to ipso facto some other latin phrase relinquish his Presidency immediately so we can swear in Sister Sarah as our True Conservative Goddess.

Because, um… er… that is to say… CHEATER! CHEATER! No clapping allowed!

According to the rules both campaigns agreed to, or the memorandum of understanding (MOA), there is to be no clapping from members of the debate audience.

The rule: Article 9, Section A, Subsection 7: “All members of the debate audience will be instructed by the moderator before the debate goes on the air and by the moderator after the debate goes on the air not to applaud, speak, or otherwise participate in the debate by any means other than by silent observation, except as provided by the agreed upon rules of the October 16 town hall debate.”

Yeah! See! No clapping! Instant lose, Smiler is the winner by default. What? It just says that the moderator is to tell the audience not to clap and doesn’t actually prohibit audience members from failing to heed said instruction? And that said rule is only in place because bouts of applause or audience chit chat could rob the candidates of valuable debate time and turn the whole charade of a small-d democratic event into an obvious charade of a small-d democratic event?


SHE BROKE THE RULES! STONE HER! STONE HER! And retroactively declare Romney the winner so we can hope for that last couple of points of dumbass to get us close enough to steal this election.

But really, as bad as that whole failure to understand what “cheating” means is, it’s nothing compared to the conspiracy theory we’re introduced in the middle of the post (which I skipped over for dramatic reveal):

Nearly all of the audible applause came from those sitting away from the actual debate, but when FOX News’ camera shot moved to a bird’s-eye view it became apparent that the only applause from the participating debate audience came from first lady Michelle Obama. Mitt Romney’s wife Ann was also sitting with the debate participants.

Yup. Have an additional shorter:

Shorter Random Conspiracy Theory:

  • The debate audience didn’t cheer The Smiler getting fact-checked. The only cheers were from outside agitators and Michelle Obama (who cheated and The Smiler would have totally gotten infinite cheers for all his awesome points if his family weren’t such tea-totaling goody-two-shoes unlike those people). So it totally wasn’t the public condemnation it looked like.

But yeah. The “evidence” for this assertion is a Fox News clip of the “audience” in question. Or rather the section of the “audience” that isn’t actually those meaningless undecided voters this “town hall” was pretending to “serve”, but rather staffers and families of the candidates, assorted VIPs and media.

But hey, it’s not like those meaningless non-rich people are the real audience for this debate. Everyone knows that all that matters is getting the support of your immediate family members and staffers (may be the same people).

Okay, that’s pretty painfully desperate, but I mean, what can you work with when your worldview says that the President is a mouth-breathing jungle ape any white man could intellectually best while heavily inebriated and clinically brain-dead and said President just made intellectual mincemeat of the guy you’ve put all your chips behind? You’d be hard-pressed to come up with something on the spot to soothe your throbbing cognitive dissonance. At least this is the worst bit out th-

During last night’s debate, Katherine Fenton asked President Barack Obama, “In what new ways do you intend to rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn?”

Oh right, the Washington Free Beacon post. Okay, it sounds like a setup to a Sandra Fluke, Graham Frost-esque hatchet job designed to punish those who dare note inconvenient realities for right-wing demagogues, but maybe it’ll be okay.

She appeared to be unaware that Obama has a history of paying women less than men.

See, it’s just going to be a nice safe romp through right-wing conspiracies about how Obama is a sexist, so therefore sexism is A-okay and doesn’t exist and not at all an attempt to make an object lesson out of a dim-witted 20-something undecided voter just because she stumbled on a standard question one would expect on the campaign trail.

I mean, sure, The Smiler’s attempt to lie his way through the question led him to spout such a bizarre stream of pure Dadaism that it instantly became a more popular internet phenomenon than “Gangnam Style”. And sure, the popularity of said meme is bringing back the spectre of Clint Eastwood ranting at a chair in ways that have to be making wingnuts nervous, but…

Oh unholy fuck, they’re going to eviscerate the poor bint.

A Washington Free Beacon study of Fenton’s Twitter profile, @Misskf,

Yeah, said Twitter profile has been yanked, probably because said woman didn’t much enjoy having the collective id of the wingnut choir unleashed on her in a continuous stream of shit. I’ll note here that all Twitter posts are presented not in actual saved tweets where you can click on names and get context for statements and see the flow of conversation that created them, but rather static pngs so that none of the mouthbreathers can possibly be illuminated.

I’ll also note that IT’S FUCKING TWITTER! It makes nearly everyone look like a mouth-breathing moron and that’s on the best of days. I’m fairly convinced that writers and comedians who gravitate to twitter do so for the same reason that some people scale cliff faces without rope.

Add the wingnut penchant for “reading the kerning”, a wicked current hate-on for women in public spaces, and the recent context of Amanda Todd and I’m finding myself halfway up the side of the mountain wishing I brought a parachute.

reveals that she has launched her own war on women, specifically women who like sports. Fenton tweeted the following public service announcement to her followers:

If you have a vagina and update about sports, I have without question unsubscribed from you. #tryless

Oh deary me, what an archaic view about girls and sports fandom, truly it is Random Town Hall Question Askers who are perpetuating the real War on Women…

Or maybe it’s a dumb twitter hash tag thing and “unsubscribing” from someone because their tweets about sports don’t interest you is about as unremarkable as anything else that surrounds Twitter, you FUCKING BRAINLESS SIMPLETONS!

I mean, I know, Twitter has been considered a golden god by the wingnuts because it reduces all conversation to bumper sticker slogans and makes it easy for online bullies to dogpile people they don’t like. And I know that wingnuts consider not listening to them as the only true hate crime, but for fuck’s sake, who the fuck cares what random lady thinks about sports fans.

According to Forbes, women make up more than a third of the 14 million-plus people who watch major sporting events including the NBA Finals, World Series, Daytona 500, and Stanley Cup Finals. Nearly half, 46 percent, of the 111 million people who watch the Super Bowl are women.

Good for them. I enjoy my share of proper footy myself. But if I started babbling about how I was worried that FC Midtjylland might have a slump season this year and I hope they don’t get relegated and people were like, boring, click, that’s really not something to get my panties in a twist over or jump on a soapbox and pretend I’m the defender of all women.

And on that note, considering that women do make up such a large part of the audience, can all the commercials surrounding said games stop being all about manly men escaping the feminazi hordes through the magic of watching other guys being physical with each other?

Fenton’s Twitter feed also reveals that purple Joose is her choice to get blackout drunk and she has a history of getting wet at happy hour.

@diDoggo purple Joose!? My all time favorite road to #blackout

@marielhun @Trish_Kayy did someone say happy hour!? I promise I won’t get wet this time.

A 20-something?!? DRINKING?!??!?!?

I am scandalized to my core by this abhorrent and unnatural action by this uncultured harridan. Why Reginald would not let his daughters be so bespoiled by the Devil’s Brew. Truly it is the End Times, where the young are carried off by loose morals. If we do not find a way to stop this wanton harlotry, we may yet see such foul deeds as hand-holding and public dancing!

I pray that we are not yet so Fallen to witness such!

Seriously? Drinking? She’s Twenty-fucking-four. Nearly everyone on the planet gets shitfaced at 24 and has gotten shitfaced at 24 for possibly the sum total of human history. Even Mormons get shitfaced at 24 (and then develop the lying skills to cover it up that leads to one becoming a serial lying sociopath as an adult).

I know I shouldn’t expect much, but for fuck’s sake, if they are going to try and randomly destroy a woman because reasons, could they at least bring their A-game? These attacks sound like the rambling phone messages you get from your senile and bigoted grandmother (and then I saw her dancing with one of them colored boys, mmmhmm. I say, this country is going to Hell in a Handbasket).

Fenton demonstrates a fondness for authority figures (dad probably forgives you).

@marielhun FUCK THA POLICE. #sorrydad

Sure glad this is a png completely divorced from context and yanked from a reply to someone else, cause otherwise I might have to use my brain thoughts and pull a muscle.

Not to mention all the dangerous context. I might wonder if the tweet being replied to was a depiction of some horrible abuse by cops that was in the news that week. Some travesty of justice that all sane people would be upset by. Or maybe just the name of her favorite NWA song. Not that I can really check or should really care.

I mean, let’s say the Beacon cowards wanted to defend this poorly-executed smear-job as some legitimate thing. What the fuck would their point be besides “We hate her for reasons”.?

If the point was that her facts are wrong or that the question was a gotcha, why all the crap about her being a normal 20-something and the simmering rage over a single moment of non-fawning reaction to a story about authority?

And I’ll note that they had to dig for even this level of weak sauce. Each of these tweets is separated by MONTHS. None are more recent than August. It’s not just smearing someone over unconnected tweets ripped screaming away from context over someone who does not and should not matter. It’s ANCIENT tweets ripped screaming away from context. At least it can’t get any worse-

She also suggested that @diDoggo and @KackRose refrain from jerking guys off in meadows. WFB fact-checkers deem this good advice.

@diDoggo @KackRose if you don’t like it…don’t jerk guys off in a meadow. #hjsarein

That’s such a stretch just to call someone a whore I’m forced to compliment wingnuts on their smears of Sandra Fluke simply for being relatively better than this.

Also, I think my “favorite” touch to all of this is the note of smug superiority and attempted snark. Hurnh, I pretend to read literal, because wink wink wink NEW EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN IS A WHORE!

But hey, just because you’re feigning idiocy to fail at jokes doesn’t mean you can’t reveal all new levels of stupid.

It remains unclear if Fenton would marry Whoopi Goldberg, Condoleezza Rice, or Rev. Al Sharpton.

@dulhall kill marry fuck.. Whoopie Goldberg, condoleeza rice, al sharpton.

It’s kill marry fuck. That’s the order. It’s a time-waster game. It’s much like your game “Attempt to destroy the life of a ‘public example’ so that people (especially women) know their place” but with less unhinged sociopathy and getting off on bullying someone you know won’t hit back.

At least it can’t get any wors-

Fenton demonstrates a very sophisticated sense of humor on her Twitter page.

@marielhun @trish_kayy oh man just got that double entendre. Cum what may, I’m ready for Friday

@vievalavida @KackRose @marielhun @diDoggo who would you like to hump most on this #humpday?


Ugh. Yes, we get it, Whore, whore, whore, whore. Thank you Frank Miller!

At least all the bitterness at women who dare think about fucking or being aware of the existence of sex proves that said horrible abusive little shits aren’t getting any. We can only hope their horrible personalities keeps this true for a long, long, long-ass time.

I’m sorry but this is low, even for wingnuts and if I may speak honestly, is part of an escalation that’s been brewing for years now. Stepping up terrorism not just against public figures, but ordinary people. Instead of the Graham Frost incident being a fluke from a deranged meerkat wearing a woman suit, it’s become the new standard. Doesn’t matter if you’re a random low-level government official like Shirely Sherrod, a citizen speaking to Congress like Sandra Fluke, or just a woman asking a question at a Town Hall like Katherine Fenton. They will try and destroy us all in hopes that will cow us so much we all play along with their fictional reality and protect them from having to deal with their cognitive dissonance.

Fuck, this attack had nothing to do with her question. A trained monkey could have answered her question. But since The Smiler is so divorced from human reactions he can’t imagine why bragging about a binder full of women might sound like something out of a slasher movie, well, blame the messenger, right?

But at least it’s over. There’s no mo… No, need to stop myself before I say-

Fenton has officially been inducted into the Washington Free Beacon‘s binder of women.


And holy fuck, Beacon, it was already bad enough to begin with, you didn’t have to make it sound even more like a Women in Refrigerators thing.

And you know with this faux-tough-guy threat (cause, ooh so manly and tough beating up on a lone woman with an entire media outlet and not even having the ovaries to put your motherfucking name on it) that if you were to call them out on it, they’d instantly start rolling it back. Ha, ha, it wasn’t a threat, we were just making a little unfunny joke which only makes sense as a direct threat, ha ha. And besides, Michelle Obama cheated at the debate so really it is her who hates women to such a degree that it’s only a matter of time until women are voting for Democrats in the same 99% block as blacks.

And by the way, great job winning over women. I’m sure undecided Katherine Fenton is just gonna leap to your side of the aisle now.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I also read Manboobz from time to time and see them discuss whether MRAs might break into the mainstream at some point. I’m rather baffled that no one seems to have noticed that they already have, by which I mean that the Republican Party has gone full metal MRA to such a degree that I’m expecting Ryan to set himself on fire to protest child support payments any day now. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 264

Séraphin Lampion

Had their candidate been prepared, and had he had a vision, and had the left-wing media seen Mitt is the best candidate, he’d won the debate…


Deep in the fever-swamp of Right Wing America there is a gnawing feeling that even Cheetos and Red Bull cannot dull. There is a growing awareness that they are fucked in this election and possibly for many elections to come because their lizard brain mentality, in it’s psychosis, has alienated just too many groups of people.
Hating on the gheys, the non whytes, the ladeez and liberals in general has left them isolated. Stuck on a cartoon style desert island with only like minded individuals and they know that their fellow strandees are starting to look mighty toothsome. So what do they think that they look like to the others?


How much you wanna bet it was typed by Continetti, Kristol’s son-in-law?

Well, probably too much work for his sensitive little fingers. Maybe it was “War Room Director” (Huh?) Katherine Miller. Seems like the sort of recent grad who would hate all the women at college who were having a bit of fun.


You’ve convinced me, Cerb. I’ll watch The She Beast as soon as possible.


Is that Ann Coulter or Michele Malkin in the background?


I’m a little confused here, not having watched a prez debate since, well never.

This woman was merely a question-asker? I mean, she didn’t actually answer her own question in her bid for ultimate power, right? The guys standing behind the podiums are the ones who are being tested at the debate, right? Or, have I got things back-asswards and it’s the Questions that are important, not the gibberish that stands for an answer these days?

Seriously, is the wingnut/teabagger collective mind just a rotten goo of ambulating pus? Is the “logic” here really supposed to be that the character of the question-asker negates any validity of the response from the dicks applying for the job of POTUS? If Romney knew this ahead of time, could he have just said “bullshit. I don’t have to answer that due to the slut’s reputation.”? Is that in the eleventy-hundred rules of engagement for this “debate?”


I didn’t watch it either – but I believe she had the audacity to fact-check one of Romney’s fabrications.


Ugh. Yes, we get it, Whore, whore, whore, whore. Thank you Frank Miller!

If she weren’t a whore, how could this 24-year old who’s making 72% of what her male counterparts earn (sorry, Jeremy!) possibly own GRANITE COUNTERTOPS?!?!?!?!?


You’ve convinced me, Cerb. I’ll watch The She Beast as soon as possible.

You mean, Barbara Steele didn’t convince you? Sheesh!


Much more important than Michelle’s clapping: There were at least two instances in the debate where Mittens (very rudely) asked Obama a question and then badgered him for an answer. That was against the debate rules Mittens agreed to. But, he’s a sociopath and a bully who constantly breaks the rules whether it’s business, taxes, putting a dog on top of the car, giving a classmate a “haircut”, coercing family members to let him win games, or pushing a child’s face into butter. He doesn’t recognize social boundaries for his behavior. It’s also ironic that Mittens is so intent on getting the president to answer his questions and go on “record” in the debate when Mittens has spent the entire campaign blowing off questions, not disclosing tax returns, and pulling one Etch-a-sketch after another erasing his statements and policies on record and faking a new one.


Sounds like classic bully mentality – he can dish it out but he can’t take it.

Bozo the Cocksucker

I’d never heard of the Washington Free Beacon before. I would like their offices to burn to the ground.


It’s also ironic that Mittens is so intent on getting the president to answer his questions and go on “record” in the debate when Mittens has spent the entire campaign blowing off questions, not disclosing tax returns, and pulling one Etch-a-sketch after another erasing his statements and policies on record and faking a new one.

Mitt’s convinced he’s still the boss, and not the job applicant.


So how did wingnuts respond to this undeniable reality?

Jennifer Rubin at the War Criminal Post: “SKREE! SKREE! SKREE!”

One Of Dem Scandinavians

……..was FC Midtjylland just a random sports reference? Oddly specific if that’s the case.


The fact is, this woman deserves to have her reputation ruined for lying in public and shilling for Obama.


The fact is, also, Obama lost the debate becuause he had more lies, his policies failed, socilaism, redistribution, the biggest tax hike in History and the debt, also he wants to disband the military and take outr guns.


Don’t forget about the Feminazis, Gary.


And the teleprompter! Don’t forget the teleprompter!


Seriously, is the wingnut/teabagger collective mind just a rotten goo of ambulating pus?

Romney debate watch party sez yes.

Conservatives love them some anecdotes about stupid/crazy libs, but meanwhile they have degenerated into an embarrassing trainwreck. It must take extraordinary self-discipline for the hypothetical smart few to stick with the party/movement.


Note that if you read the MOU for the 2nd debate closely (section 9 a) viii), it contains only the rule that “All members of the audience will be instructed by the moderator before the debate goes on the air not to applaud, speak or otherwise participate…”

OK. She was instructed. Condition met.

It’s kinda like the smoking ban in California bars… the state OSHA tells the employer (the bar owner) that he must post No Smoking signs, but if a customer insists on smoking OSHA has no power to prosecute. (If the owner wants to, he can use his “right to refuse service” and escalate the matter, but he’s not required to.)

Many bars, dive bars especially, have a no smoking sign at the entrance, but the place smells like an ashtray and the bartender will slide you an ashtray if you light up. The bar in my neighborhood has a carpet that is so old and trampled with ground-in ashes that I was visiting there for a year before I realized it wasn’t poured concrete.

It’s a bizarre situation because they couldn’t get the smoking ban passed legislatively or by ballot measure, so they convinced the Governor (Wilson?) to make it an Occupational Health order: any business with more than 4 employees must have a smoke free environment. But the power of enforcement is only on the business owner, not the general public.


his policies failed, socilaism, redistribution, the biggest tax hike in History

Yes, his policies have definitely failed to do those things. Good call!


Sounds like classic bully mentality – he can dish it out but he can’t take it.

I read recently in an interview with one of his kids (the ones that Seamus on the roof was meant to be an object lesson for) that Romney likes to “prank” family members all the time, but loses his shit if anyone else tries to prank him. So yeah, classic bully and abuser who likes to dish out one sided abuse he can later call fun and games who refuses to ever be the butt of the joke because that is for people beneath him to suffer.

……..was FC Midtjylland just a random sports reference? Oddly specific if that’s the case.

FC Midtjylland is my favorite football club. I was into them before I went to Denmark and one of my fondest memories was being able to go to the UEFA Cup game between them and Manchester City and buy a team scarf and jersey before the game.


oh jeeze, guys…if you want to read some real crazy, this week’s edition of ‘the hooterville indigestion’ is completely full of inaccuracies, fearmongering and just plain bad writing…my favorite bit though comes at the end of a front page story of a brave woman from windsor, ontario who became a u.s. citizen in august….the last line reads: ‘hiepler thanks her husband and children, but most importantly God who has been her strength.’ i had no idea becoming a murkan was so rigorous as is apparent in the previous paragraph when she thanks ‘everyone who has stood by her these past years in her journey. without your support, i don’t think i could have gone through the process.’

another front page bonus: the three city mayoral candidates get asked their usual 2 questions regarding infrastructure and economic development. it’s pretty standard as candidate a clearly lays out his plan and how he will accomplish it, candidate b appeals to the good people and gives a standard ‘we can do this but i have no idea how so i will just talk about how it’s all our responsibility to make our fair city great again’ politician’s non-answer and candidate c, whose accompanying picture makes one think of genetically modified frogs, goes with the ‘oh sweet jesus if we don’t do something now, we’re going to die!’ line of attack. he gets bonus points for using the phrases ‘imagine what that’s doing to your health’ and ‘without a good electrical system the very survivial of our community is threatened.’ hooterville has less than 2k in population, but apparently it’s going to be armageddeon should the lights go out…i’m going to start organizing my looting and pillaging plan right now…


the last three commercials i have heard on the weather channel are for the ‘wax vac’ which sucks wax out of your ears effortlessly and painlessly, an ad attacking obama and a scooter store ad…hmmmm…what’s the demographics here?


Now, now, be fair. When some asshole broke Bill Clinton’s chops in a town hall meeting about raising taxes, someone dug up his record of tax evasion. Which is totally the same thing as calling him a slut.

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring



The fact is, I didn’t know it was a naughty boo-boo to put my pee-pee in a girl when I wasn’t done with another girl. You libs are mean. Obama’s black.


‘hiepler thanks her husband and children, but most importantly God who has been her strength.’

I’m surprised he was able to take time off from helping people score touchdowns and win Grammy Awards.


Larry Kudlow doesn’t count, being neither sentient nor a being and frankly I’m only fifty-fifty on him being on this planet on any given day

Notice the resemblance between “Larry Kudlow” and Bill McNeal? My theory is that Larry Kudlow is really a Phil Hartman character — his most genius work of performance art. So impressive, in fact, that God allowed Phil Hartman to return from heaven every so often to continue doing the “Larry Kudlow” character.


Washington Free Bacon? Oh, if only I weren’t a vegetarian.


“Vote With Your Lady’s Smarts, Not With Your Lady Parts”

Yeah, now that we’ve got to bubble in our vote instead of pulling levers I was worried how it was going to work.


but loses his shit if anyone else tries to prank him

Those are the BEST people to prank!


Big suprise, it looks like the political tone-deafness is hereditary.

I think O would kick his ass.


Regarding Tagg and fisticuffs: I remember the 1976 GOP convention when one of the Ford kids (Jack?–don’t recall his name) dumped a bunch of confetti on the heads of the Reagan delegates and hollered “Take that!” as Jerry won the nomination. The Reagan people whined that he was being mean. For people who prize macho toughness, those fuckers sure bruise easy.


I think O would kick his ass.

Well, if he’s half the brutal Chicago thug they claim he is….


Jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him. But you know you can’t do that because… Well, first there is a lot of Secret Service between you and him but also because this is the nature of the process.

ummmm…also because it’s…wrong? yeah…i love that he thinks it would be wrong to take a swing at the potus just because of the secret service and that debates will be debates…there seems to be a LOT of agressive passive aggression running through those romney genes…


If someone typed in “Beat the crap out of Tag” into his teleprompter, he would be forced too.

Also, did Romney outsource the naming of his children to Sarah Palin?


best comment from the tagg link:

Huh. I thought violent people weren’t supposed to come from two parent households.


Big suprise, it looks like the political tone-deafness is hereditary.

Jesus, Romney compared Obama to a lying child by talking about what huge liars his sons are but Obama is the one Ure-itt wants to belt. Stockholm Butter-Face Syndrome, I’m guessing.


Tagg’s extensive military combat experience would make him a formidable opponent.

Oh wait…..


tood bob almighty…fox’s brazen obsfucation continues to amaze me as shown in this fox facepalm…see if you can spot where megyn kelly continues to rewrite history in her quest to bring ‘ethics’ back into journalism…


It’s not just Megyn.

All of FAUX is desperate to make something out of Benghazi.

But what?


oh my…real clear politics is a fucking font of hilarity…beside the ‘omg moochelle clapped!’ expose, here’s this hard-hitter as well:

President Obama spoke of being president in the past tense during last night’s second presidential debate with Mitt Romney: “The way we’re going to create jobs here is not just changing our tax code, but also to double our exports. And we are on pace to double our exports, one of the commitments I made when I was president. That’s creating tens of thousands of jobs all across the country.”

fucking grammar…how do it work?


All of FAUX is desperate to make something out of Benghazi.

I’m guessing it’s projection, because one of the candidates actually DID wait 14 days to call it “an act of terror,” it’s just not the one they want to have waited.


Stockholm Butter-Face Syndrome

I may never have to look at the internet again.


The question is, why does it matter whether it was an “angry mob” or “an act of terror?”

I think a couple of the other MMfA common taters had a good answers:

danielsangeo 4 hours ago in reply to ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©

I think the former is a police action and the latter requires over a hundred thousand troops on the ground in a protracted war, leading to thousands of American deaths and that has its costs off the books. They seem to like the latter.

I think it activates the “America, Fuck Yeah!” portion of their brain.

Nerzog 4 hours ago in reply to southerndoc1

We have a winner. This is left over from Bush’s “War on Terror”. The Troglodytes constantly pissed and moaned about Democrats not using the correct language when talking about terrorist attacks.

They became apoplectic when John Kerry suggested using “law enforcement techniques” to hunt down Terrorists. That language was not sufficiently bellicose for the Troglodytes. For them, it has to be a WAR.

This nonsense helped Numbnuts Bush win his second term, so they must think it will help The Great White Hope oust the Uppity Usurper from their White House.



I didn’t know it was a naughty boo-boo to put my pee-pee in a girl when I wasn’t done with another girl. You libs are mean. Obama’s black.

(1.) Yes (although Dinesh should be reminded, as her former fiancee, that Anne Coulter is a “girl” only in the most broad and non-scientific sense).

(2.) Pointing out (with supporting facts) that Dinesh is an ethical scumbag, and/or a homophobic racist anthropomorphic fish, is not “mean”.

(3.) Yeah. Funny how that Constitutional-preamble, 13th, 15th and 19th Amendment stuff actually works, huh.


“his policies failed, socilaism”

his policies cannot failed, socilaism, they can only be failed, socalaism.

Socalaism, Akbar!

Thanks so much, Gary! I was struggling to get through the day in a haze of dragging tiredness and the traditional bitter hatred, so typical of wild-eyed Trotskyite Maoist Khmer Leninist Fascists who used to be generic Republicans. But then your wonderful free verse (for a dizzy moment, I thought you were channeling Ginsberg!) passed before my eyes, and now I’m able to face the rest of the day with equanimity if not zen-like calmness. You da Man!


i love that he thinks it would be wrong to take a swing at the potus just because of the secret service and that debates will be debates

Yeah I’ve noticed that the Romney idea of morality is more along the lines of “what can I get away with” than “what would Jesus do”. Although it seems pretty consistent with “what would Joseph Smith do?”


Yeah I’ve noticed that the Romney idea of morality is more along the lines of “what can I get away with” than “what would Jesus do”. Although it seems pretty consistent with “what would Joseph Smith do?”

shill the rubes!


I doubt he would ever seriously consider punching Obama, but it makes him feel and sound tough to say that he would if Obama wasn’t hiding behind all those Secret Service guys.


It’s somewhat interesting to me that the GOP reaction to Willard’s pathetic debate performance isn’t “Wow, yeah, we need to do better” but is instead “You cheated! He didn’t mean that! The moderator is in the tank for the dems! Muslims! Guns! Argh…..[thud]”.

After the first debate the left said “Well that certainly sucked. I would have handled that completely differently — I wish Obama would’ve said X in reply to Y… etc.” I’m sure there were few left-threaded nuts that immediately jumped on some sort of conspiracy, but some random dude in his basement somewhere writing a blog is way different than the entirety of the GOP’s media machine.

I guess that’s just another indicator of the differences in the sanity of the two major parties.

Also: the Romney clan reminds me of the kinds of asshat frat boys I see around here that will happily talk all tough when surrounded by the biggest guys in their frat, but if alone would be pissing themselves in fear at the tiniest hint of aggression.


The fact is, you LibDems may have demographics on your side for the time being … but the GOP has a secret weapon that will guarantee their dream of a Permanent Majority eventually DOES come to pass:




7,575 of 7,839 people found the following review helpful
A presidential candidate’s choice is the choice for me, October 17, 2012
By Bazinga This review is from: Avery Durable View Binder with 2 Inch EZ-Turn Ring, White, 1 Binder (17032) (Office Product)

“As a woman, I’m not adept at making decisions that concern me. So when I need the right choice, I turn to the presidential candidate that KNOWS. One with prideful experience in this department. I don’t want to be filed away in an inferior & confusing electronic doohickey that I couldn’t possibly understand. Or heaven forbid, have a man ask for & listen to my ideas! I’d much rather rely on this top of the line, 1980s style, Avery Durable binder. It’s the choice America can trust. My education, my ideas, my opinions, my choices, please PLEASE keep them safely stored away here and far away from the men that might fear them (I mean, want to use them to hire me somedaynever). I’d write more about this most useful product, but it’s time I hurry home to make dinner.”


If the Secret Service recognized Tagg ready to take a swing, they just might let him thru so that Barack could have a little fun with him.

Chicago Style.

Also, Ann vs. Michelle downcard.


Huh. I thought violent people weren’t supposed to come from two parent households.
Two parents? Don’t the handmaids count?
I knew that Tagg employs an Oftagg to produce more babies than his first wife can produce on her own, but then someone on a Balloon-Juice thread asserted that two of his brothers also use surrogate mothers. The sanctity of matrimony means that it’s OK to breed from as many partners as you can afford as long as you only marry one of them.


Tagg, you’re (sh)it.


I thought in vitro fertilization was murder?


Barack could have a little fun with him.

Chicago Style.

Back him in a deep dish with extra cheese?


I thought in vitro fertilization was murder?
This must be the in vivo form.


Fox’s Kelly: “Declaring Something An Act Of Terror Does Not Necessarily Mean You Are Declaring It A Terror Attack”

Yes, Megyn Kelly really said that.


Barack could have a little fun with him.

Chicago Style.

As long as it’s not Chicago Cubs style, I certainly don’t have time to wait as Obama flails uselessly for a hundred years to the delight of haters everywhere.


As long as it’s not Chicago Cubs style…

I dunno…making Mittens surf one of those Wrigley Field trough urinals sounds tempting. There’d be room for Tagg too.


A message from Bruce

Dear Friends:

The election is coming up on all of us and we all have strong feelings about it. I’ve been getting asked a lot about where I stand, so for those who are interested, here goes.

This presidential election is different than the last one because President Obama has a four year record to run on. Last time around, he carried with him a tremendous amount of hope and expectations. Unfortunately, due to the economic chaos the previous administration left him with, and the extraordinary intensity of the opposition, it turned into a really rough ride. But through grit, determination, and focus, the President has been able to do a great many things that many of us deeply support.

Domestically, that record includes working to increase and expand employment for all, protecting our all important social safety net, passing guaranteed health care for most of our citizens, with important new protections for all of the insured, rescuing the auto industry and so many of the American jobs that go with it, protecting and enhancing the rights of women, and bringing us closer to full acceptance of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

In foreign affairs, that record includes following through on the removal of troops from the misguided and deceptive war in Iraq, and vigorously pursuing our real foreign enemies, especially the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

Right now the opposition’s resort to voter suppression in so many states is not receiving as much attention as it deserves. I believe that all of us, of whatever views, should be opposing these anti-voter, anti-citizen efforts.

Right now, for the President to be effective in his next term he needs our increased support and he needs support in the Congress, where some sterling candidates, such as current Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, challenger Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts, and so many others, are fighting to make their constructive voices heard.

Right now, there is an ever increasing division of wealth in this country, with the benefits going more and more to the 1 percent. For me, President Obama is our best choice to begin to reverse this harmful development.

Right now, there is a fight going on to help make this a fairer and more equitable nation. For me, President Obama is our best choice to get us and keep us moving in the right direction.

Right now, we need a President who has a vision that includes all of our citizens, not just some, whether they are our devastated poor, our pressured middle class, and yes, the wealthy too; whether they are male or female, black, white, brown, or yellow, straight or gay, civilian or military.

Right now, there is a choice going on in America, and I’m happy that we live in a country where we all participate in that process. For me, President Obama is our best choice because he has a vision of the United States as a place where we are all in this together. We’re still living through very hard times but justice, equality and real freedom are not always a tide rushing in. They are more often a slow march, inch by inch, day after long day. I believe President Obama feels these days in his bones and has the strength to live them with us and to lead us to a country “…where no one crowds you and no one goes it alone.”

That’s why I plan to be in Ohio and Iowa supporting the re-election of President Obama to lead our country for the next four years.

Bruce Springsteen


“God has a mighty future for Dinesh, but there are some things he has to go through first,” Mills said after breaking the news to King’s students Thursday afternoon. “I have to admit, I got a bit over-enamored with him.”

Man these people talk funny … And the thing is, if Chairman Mills has the gift of prophecy, as he implies, how did he ever become over-enamored with D’Souza?

D’Souza has always been an amoral, weaselly grifter and ratfucker. That’s it. Either he’s been doing God’s work or not; Mills doesn’t have the balls to say.


D’Souza gets d’sack.

“Ha! Ha!” – Nelson Muntz


God has a mighty future for Dinesh

Maybe He said “mite-y.” Also: wow, chewed-up baseball head with a double chin. Ew.


He’s got more of a chewed-up hacky-sac head


Behold the mistress, praise the cache gods.

If you think that couch she’s lolling on is the same one in the (repeated) wallpaper picture, with the Afghan hound, guess again:

Background Image Attributed to (La Boheme Collection). Website Administrator does not claim ownership or credit for any images displayed from sources not owned by administrator. Administrator will make sincere efforts to credit appropriate sources and utilizes images in compliance with the doctrine of fair use.


D’Souza has always been an amoral, weaselly grifter and ratfucker. That’s it

Give him credit for ripping off his erstwhile employers to the tune of a million-dollar salary while spending so much of his time on extracurricular activities that they were forced to hire another staff member in an attempt to disentangle his affairs.

Give him credit, too, for holding conservative christians in such contempt as to bring his mistress to a conference.


The Boss delivers. Thanks for that gm.


The Boss delivers. Thanks for that gm.

i had a hard time focusing on the message because i kept trying to read it to the tune of ‘born to run’…also…too, he had me up until we had to be nice to the wealthy…

I knew that Tagg employs an Oftagg to produce more babies than his first wife can produce on her own, but then someone on a Balloon-Juice thread asserted that two of his brothers also use surrogate mothers. The sanctity of matrimony means that it’s OK to breed from as many partners as you can afford as long as you only marry one of them.



Well here’s why she got D’Souza:

From time to time, this conservative bloggette will also be addressing socio-political issues under the category of women’s issues. Because it is this blogette’s sincere belief that women should be the moral guardians of their homes, these posts will span the socio-political-economic gamut.

Mrs. D’Souza forgot to shoot her.


The Boss meets the Big Dog.


several more are cached, for all your reading pleasure. Or not, because really she comes off like a post’s dumber sister.


Is Dinesh the first of a wave of new, highly skilled lower cost religious hypocrite? Is there a theological con-man (but I repeat myself) version of the H-1B visa? Is big hypocrisy bringing in offshore talent and putting red blooded American snake handlers out of work?


I would like their offices to burn to the ground.
Bozo, yer a chickenshit punk. I’d like the WFB offices to burn to the ground w/ the staff trapped inside & screaming to get out, while private firefighters stand around & say “Well, you didn’t contract w/ us. Too bad.”


The Boss meets the Big Dog
link would help


Helmut Monotreme

Heh, could be


M.Bouffant is a BIG SOFTIE!

I’d like the WFB offices to be invaded by Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers.

Meanwhile the Department of Homeland Security tanks wait outside, eager to help… but are unable to do so, because the Koch Brothers sold their fuel to a higher bidder.


Or not, because really she comes off like a post’s dumber sister.

that is some high grade twit right there…wow…just one cache was enough for me, thanks…


A D’Souza quote that deserves to be engraved over the doorway of every fundamentalist church in America:

“I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced.”


okay, okay…you all know how easy i am…i clicked tigris’ link…and haz a disappoint:

May 15, 2012 – Soooo WAPO, after your esteemed NYTimes colleagues failed to disgust the critical masses with terrifyingly perfect pictures of Mitt Romney’s …

looked intriguing enough to click on, only to be stopped cold with MAINTENANCE MODE…


Shorter D’Souza: Was that wrong?


ot: did y’all know that the generic name for cialis is tadalafil? that gives me a really funny cartoon bubble…


“I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced.”

If only there was a brief list of say, no more than ten, imperatives that Christians could use to guide their daily life. If only there was something in there about …for example, coveting your neighbor’s wife, or committing adultery, that could explain where Christians stood on those issues.


Give him credit for ripping off his erstwhile employers to the tune of a million-dollar salary while spending so much of his time on extracurricular activities that they were forced to hire another staff member in an attempt to disentangle his affairs.

Give him credit, too, for holding conservative christians in such contempt as to bring his mistress to a conference.

When you put it that way, I can forgive him. And look, he’s just gonna play dumb (“I had no idea”) wearing his trademark expression. The George Constanza link is dead-on.


Are there other evangelical sex scandels going on today? Why yes.
ACLJ Attorney Fired After Online Accusations of Gay Relationships.


I read recently in an interview with one of his kids (the ones that Seamus on the roof was meant to be an object lesson for) that Romney likes to “prank” family members all the time, but loses his shit if anyone else tries to prank him. So yeah, classic bully and abuser who likes to dish out one sided abuse he can later call fun and games who refuses to ever be the butt of the joke because that is for people beneath him to suffer.

Textbook lawful evil behavior.


looked intriguing enough to click on, only to be stopped cold with MAINTENANCE MODE…

Oh, now, when I hover I get a double arrow, and one of the resultant links is to cache, I didn’t even think that others’ intertoob experiences would differ. It is because I am a silly person. As a matter of fact, that exact post was the one which led to the dumber than the post conclusion. ENJOY.


ACLJ Attorney Fired After Online Accusations of Gay Relationships.

Hey, there should be some sort of law against that.


ot: did y’all know that the generic name for cialis is tadalafil? that gives me a really funny cartoon bubble…

Tada-lafil … for the man who wants to expose himself, shout TADA! and look like he means it. Like he la-fills it, or something.


Tada-lafil … for the man who wants to expose himself, shout TADA! and look like he means it. Like he la-fills it, or something.

La fille of course.


Textbook lawful evil behavior.

Sheesh, I know the nine-part alignment system confuses people, but that’s more documentation on it than I’ve ever seen in one place.

It used to be people got by with nine paragraphs.


Or not, because really she comes off like a post’s dumber sister.

I have read more intelligent commentary than Denise’s blog posts in my alpha bits.


Oh, now, when I hover I get a double arrow, and one of the resultant links is to cache, I didn’t even think that others’ intertoob experiences would differ. It is because I am a silly person. As a matter of fact, that exact post was the one which led to the dumber than the post conclusion. ENJOY.

GAH!!! remember a little bit ago when i called her a twit? okay, i take that back…she is a total twat…and an overly smug, egotistical one at that…also, she’s a mean, mean bitch…ugh

Tada-lafil … for the man who wants to expose himself, shout TADA! and look like he means it. Like he la-fills it, or something.

you people know me so well…


I have read more intelligent commentary than Denise’s blog posts in my alpha lady bits.


Sheesh, I know the nine-part alignment system confuses people, but that’s more documentation on it than I’ve ever seen in one place.

It used to be people got by with nine paragraphs.

You think that’s excessive? You should check out Emily Post’s Guide to Evil Etiquette.


You think that’s excessive? You should check out Emily Post’s Guide to Evil Etiquette.

You’d think lawful evil meant never having to write another thank you note.


from gocart mozart’s linkL

ACLJ’s confirmation comes after two blogs — Exposed Politics and The Patriot-Ombudsman — published troves of information about Henderson and his relationship with two younger men. Henderson is married and has eight children.

Um. That’s not gay, that’s Bi.

Either that, or his wife has some ‘splainin to do.


While it is unclear whether the men are at the age of consent or old enough to consume alcohol, it appears that Henderson provided them with alcohol and marijuana. One of the reports alleges that one of the men was 17 when he began communicating with Henderson in 2010. Henderson is married with eight children.
Henderson previously taught undergraduate religious studies at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., also founded by Pat Robertson.


You could father eight children in very few couplings, given a long a marriage and no birth control. He could be gay gay?

Though I have to admit the technique of thinking sexy thoughts while acting against my orientation sounds less than promising, sans Tadafalil.


I have looked in his window and he has a granite turkey-baster.


On second thought, “very few couplings” is lowballing it. How about fifty marital chores in twenty years? Could that result in eight kids? I guess that would still be alot for a gay guy. Why, some of them never sleep with a woman!


Dammit! I should have bought Pending Larry stock when I had the chance.


You could father eight children in very few couplings, given a long a marriage and no birth control. He could be gay gay?

He sure don’t seem “happy” gay.


BTW, the premature release of “Pending Larry” cause the Great Gazoogle to drop today…

In its worst percentage drop since January, Google shares declined 8% after the search engine’s third-quarter report was released ahead of schedule, with Google blaming printer R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. RRD -0.98% for filing its quarterly statement early to the Securities and Exchange Commission.



ot: did y’all know that the generic name for cialis is tadalafil? that gives me a really funny cartoon bubble… – bbkf

It used to be that generic names had some connection to the drug’s chemistry: e.g. the anti-histamine with two phenyl groups that’s also an amine is diphenhydramine. Nowadays companies seem to give drugs generic names that nobody will remember or will want to remember so they’ll keep buying the brand name drug even when the drug goes off patent.

OTOH, it might be that pharmacological effectiveness is a function of how complicated or silly sounding the name is. I remember listening to a talk when a drug company scientist was discussing a promising lead (that turned out not to be so good … which, of course, is why he was able to actually discuss the compound) called varanib or something like that. I remarked to the person sitting next to me: of course that drug’s not gonna work. If they wanted the drug to work, they would have included some ‘x’s in the name … called it varanaxifylixibib or something like that.

That’s the problem with Cialis, I guess. If they wanted a better drug, they would have put some ‘v’s and ‘y’s and ‘x’s in its generic name.


Y’all are taking a pretty long dinner break. Get back to typing!


D’Souza has absolutly nothing on Mr. Bean.


Behold the mistress, praise the cache gods.

She has the calves of an eight-year old.


She has the calves of an eight-year old

– under a tarp, in the trunk of her car.


Romney is such a weaselly prick. He smirked his way through the last 60 second of his remarks at the Al Smith dinner, campaigning on the forced birth platform. Really, “oh Cardinal, we all know how important it is to protect the lives of the unborn…..”. His jokes were mostly meh, a couple good ones but for the large part he demonstrated the well known fact that conservatives really can’t do humor. But then he just HAD TO smarmily campaign in a most inappropriate way.


I’ll see your Nashville fall foliage and raise you Ontario –

(vacation last week)


Romney’s routine wasn’t completely awful. I did think his shoehorning the “you didn’t build that” meme into a reference to “upon this rock I shall build my Church” was rather clumsy, given his audience.

A better example of what he was trying to do was given by Obama in 2008, when he was rattling off a list of his accomplishments, saying “Contrary to what some think, I was NOT born in a manger. (Pause, with some unease by the geezers). Actually, I was born on the planet Krypton (now people begin to get the self-mocking), and my father Jor-El sent me to Earth in a rocket.”


Here’s a shot of N_B checking for structural integrity, or whatever the hell it is he does high atop those bldgs.


As long as it’s not Chicago Cubs style, I certainly don’t have time to wait as Obama flails uselessly for a hundred years to the delight of haters everywhere.

I don’t hate the Cubs. Anybody can have a bad century.


Here’s a shot of N_B checking for structural integrity, or whatever the hell it is he does high atop those bldgs.

Not me: jodhpurs make me look bottom-heavy.

Interesting shot: that’s Duffy Square (the north triangle of Times Square) below, so I thin the thing he’s hanging from is a newly-installed bracket for a big billboard. Given the location (east side of XSQ, around 46th Street), it may be the one I inspected a few years ago, where I was attacked by feral pigeons.


bad century
feral pigeons

Either of which would make an awesome name for a rock band.


As iTunes wold have it: “Bad Century fea. Feral Pigeons.”


Random Link of the Day

The best band name on that list: “The Phlegmtones”

Very punk. I tried to submit “The Living Shit” but the link don’t work


Very good comment FIRST! on Glenzilla’s column about the 2nd debate about Obama’s “Governor Romney says he’s got a five-point plan. Governor Romney doesn’t have a five-point plan; he has a one-point plan..
A five-point plan? Pardon my ignorance, but are there that many rules in dodgeball?-mikedow


Finding it near-impossible to resist the urge to cut a bitch.


I don’t hate the Cubs. Anybody can have a bad century.

Any excuse to post this classic is welcome.


My italics did not show up. Some people say there’s a WordPress to blame, but I know it’s my own damn fault.


Trajectory of a failed life:
Dinesh D’Souza
Distort D’Newsa
Deny D’Trutha
Divorce D’Spousa
Disgrace D’serveda


Lawful Evil:

… those too weak to defend their possessions and positions don’t deserve to have them in the first place.

Atlas Shrugged II: Electric Shruggerloo

Is Dinesh the first of a wave of new, highly skilled lower cost religious hypocrite? Is there a theological con-man (but I repeat myself) version of the H-1B visa? Is big hypocrisy bringing in offshore talent and putting red blooded American snake handlers out of work?

Another failure of outsourcing!

Divorce D’Spousa



Breaking news!

Spelltower accepts “grue” as a word.


[Ann Romney] explained that Mormon missions were like military service in that “you’re going outside of yourself, you’re working and you’re helping others. And it changes you. And are we so grateful in this country for those people — men and women — that are volunteering, they’re sacrificing their life for us, and we cannot forget that or we have to acknowledge that always.”

I don’t value military service above other meaningful service. Actually we need less of the former and more of the latter. I don’t suppose Americans agree with me on that point, but I bet they agree with me on this: trying to convert people to Mormonism is not serving your country, period. In no way, shape, or form.

I have to wonder if the Romneys’ bubble is such that they really think Americans agree with them and want to hear more about the supposed equivalency.


I have to wonder if the Romneys’ bubble is such that they really think Americans agree with them and want to hear more about the supposed equivalency.

Oh, pretty please. Please tell us in every way you can how your missionaries are just like our children, and siblings and parents in the armed services. Please tell America, how coming back with a tan and fluency in a foreign language, is just like coming back with PTSD to a divorce. America needs to hear in every way you can communicate, how knocking on doors, waking hard working people up from from their well deserved slumber, in order to blow smoke up their collective ass about the good times on planet Kolob, is just as good as protecting an embassy in uniform or digging a well in the Peace Corps.

Please tell us how giving 10% of your income to fat white guys in Salt Lake City so they can build another shopping mall, is just the same as giving to the United Way or any one of a million charities out there doing real good in the world.


[Ann Romney] explained that Mormon missions were like military service

Tell it to Tammy Duckworth you miserable bitch.


ring ring ring

Mmmm, lobster-backs…


HAHAHAHA The Yankees suck.


Late to the party, but

D’Souza gets d’sack.

I am DELIGHTED. Let freedom ring.

(Hey, they do like being able to fire people).


I don’t value military service above other meaningful service. Actually we need less of the former and more of the latter. I don’t suppose Americans agree with me on that point, but I bet they agree with me on this: trying to convert people to Mormonism is not serving your country, period. In no way, shape, or form.

To me, it’s not even that she compared pestering people for the Church with serving your country in uniform.

It’s that she compared pestering people for the Church in France with serving your country in uniform (or out of it) in the fucking Vietnam War.


Here’s what I think about your missionary activities:


HAHAHAHA The Yankees suck.

New Yorker friend who’s normally some kind of fucking cult worshiper when it comes to the Yankees posts a picture of a baseball on Facebook with the inscription “DEAR YANKEES, SORRY, WE DON’T DATE LOSERS! SIGNED, NEW YORK!”

1) Wow, talk about fair weather fans!

2) Why did that baseball only get two likes? I thought people hated the Yankees!


I thought people hated the Yankees!

Not so much hate – more like viewing them as the center of all evil in the known universe.


It’s that she compared pestering people for the Church in France with serving your country in uniform (or out of it) in the fucking Vietnam War.

Anti Mormon bigotry! How could the so called hardships of the Vietnam war, which was essentially a military themed summer camp with lots of short angry guys in black pajamas, compare to the horror of dealing with French wine, French cooking and French women? Day after day, never knowing which Citroen 2CV had your name on it? There were toy poodles behind every perfectly manicured hedge! They once tried to make poor Mitt eat snails for gosh sakes! Who wouldn’t trade the horror of Paris in the spring for the happy camaraderie of a hot LZ?

Ok, I feel filthy for writing that. Ann Romney never worked a day in her life she didn’t want to. She doesn’t honor service, she only honors servility.


Well, I guess Sadly, No! doesn’t need to bother taking down BoBo. It’s been done.


I am DELIGHTED. Let freedom ring.

Shirley you meant “D’Lighted”…


It’s that she compared pestering people for the Church in France with serving your country in uniform (or out of it) in the fucking Vietnam War.

3 members of my family went to Vietnam. One didn’t come back. His name is on the wall in DC. The second one suffered from PTSD and exposure to Agent Orange, which ultimately killed him. The third one was a “tunnel rat” – he would go down into the VC tunnels with a flashlight and a .45

I can’t hate Ann Romney enough at this moment.


I don’t fault anyone for avoiding service during Vietnam. If I’d been old enough to be drafted (I just missed), I’d have tried to get out of it too. It’s the justification afterward that galls me.


My grandfather actually wanted to send his sons to Canada rather than be sent to Vietnam, but they wouldn’t do it.


Your grandfather was a smart man, Major Kong.


Finding it near-impossible to resist the urge to cut a bitch.

THIS … but you sure can’t cut through irony that bloody thick, not even with a 9,001 zettawatt X-ray laser. As if the vast majority of proles wouldn’t give their proverbial left nut to live just as psychotically destructively as most billionaires do! All that irony is of course whitewashing the usual socioeconomic involuntary rectal romancing of those unable/unwilling to resist – & post-2008, this “Spare Some Pity For Poor Sad Little Lord Fauntelroy” trope is worn down to total transparency.

Upward mobility is shrinking while the elite’s individual wealth is expanding … & that’s not a coincidence. Every Long Con spawns an epic burndown in its wake. Shit is perilously close to being too real to deal for these ululating prats, & the denial is rampant. The black market in 1789 wasn’t dishing out Glocks, Kalishnikovs & RPGs like M&M’s: a detail of current reality that John Tillman & all the other special little snowflakes who’re sympatico with his jive need to absorb mentally before they’re forced to discover it physically … let’s see if they notice in time!

tl;dr = “Forget it, Jake … it’s Forbes.”


<i.Here’s a shot of N_B checking for structural integrity, or whatever the hell it is he does high atop those bldgs.

Not me: jodhpurs make me look bottom-heavy.

i was going to say, that can’t be n_b! not bear-hairy enough and waaaay too hippy…


I am hipless.

Also, hipsterless.


Have you seen this yet?
Romnesia, ObamaCare covers it.


My father also resigned his Army commission in 1964 because his next assignment was going to be you-know-where.


HAHAHAHA The Yankees suck.

nothing cheered up my evening last night quite like watching them lose…

also, too…damn you all for being on top of your games just when i will not have access to a computer for most of the day…i am going to pick up my darling girl and we are going shopping!!!

also, too just as my joy is boundless at the yankees losing, so is my hatred for ann and all things romney…

and such, major have i told you lately how much you and your entire family rock?


Thanks bbkf.


WRT that takedown of Bobo: Based on the takedown (I won’t give Bobo any clicks), I fully expect a future column to explain that yes, indeed, it was X’s fault for hitting Y’s fist with hir face. Unless he’s already written that one, of course.


My father also resigned his Army commission in 1964 because his next assignment was going to be you-know-where.



Trying to imagine the howls of outrage from the Right if Michele Obama had made a similar statement about Vietnam during the 2008 campaign.

Marion in Savannah

Major, what Michelle did was worse. She said she was proud of her country…


Even if the religious prosyletizing had been done in a jungle with murderously irate locals and the military service at the US Embassy in Paris, they are not the same! I say this as someone uncomfortable with the increasing deification of military service in this country. I’d much rather see a mandatory term of service that includes infrastructure support, literacy work, etc. as well as military service as options for the term.


If I were Obama preparing for the next debate and expecting Libya to be brought up I would say something along the lines of:

When the Republicans effect regime change in the middle east it costs trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of American lives. When I do it it costs X (I’m not sure what we spent to aid the rebels there, but I’m sure it was impressively less) dollars and 4 American lives. So who do you think is better at foreign policy?


Al Smith dinner Barack stand up


the horror of dealing with French wine, French cooking and French women

Mormons are expected to abstain from wine, coffee, rich foods and stylish women, so yeah, France may have seemed like Hell…


Milo Binderwomen prevented the Viet Cong from attacking Paris. Cut the guy some slack.


Not many people know that Joseph Heller modeled the character of Milo Minderbender after young Master Romney. *

* This clip is more perfect than I expected.


Mormon missions were like military service in that “you’re going outside of yourself, you’re working and you’re helping others.

And in the time of Romney’s mission, part of the doctrine you preach is that dark-skinned people are inferior.


I’d much rather see a mandatory term of service that includes infrastructure support, literacy work, etc. as well as military service as options for the term.

I’ll second this. I won’t insist on it. The notion of service has come unmoored from actual problems. There’s so much that could be done, stuff that’s more reasonable and realistic than building another aircraft carrier or starting a war in Iran. Our militarism has long since reached a point where it’s objectively unpatriotic. The patriots are the ones who want to feed brave, capable young people into a meat grinder, or spend tens of billions making a plane that turns into a helicopter for no good reason?! The traitors are proposing we educate our kids, repair infrastructure and so on.

Peaceable national service ideas are politically impossible as things stand. I think U.S. citizens are subjected to more propaganda than any other people, the difference being that the scope of information is not entirely circumscribed by the propagandists, as is the case elsewhere.


I’ve just caught a case of Romnesia
And suddenly my stands
Will never be the same for me


If I were Obama preparing for the next debate and expecting Libya to be brought up I would say something along the lines of:

Good one.


“Gov. Romney and Mr. Ryan criticize my administration for not being prepared for what might happen in Benghazi… for ignoring warnings and requests for extra security. Well, I confess that in hindsight, we could have done better… that’s easy to admit in hindsight. But it’s also come to light recently that in 2001, the Republican foreign policy strategy was so obsessed with the now-discredited WMD threat of Iraq that they willfully and repeatedly ignored warnings, protests and strident alarms from the intelligence community that Al Qaida was going to attack the US. And on September 11, 2001 they did. Tragically effectively. And the Bush administration called it a surprise attack. But it was no surprise to the people in America’s own intelligence community who had tried to warn them… the people they ignored and ridiculed for not being on board with their Iraq strategy. And now, these same foreign policy strategists are now on the Romney team, obsessed with another Middle Eastern country’s hypothetical WMDs…

“So I ask again, who do you think will be better at foreign policy in the next four years?”



FDR Johnson was right!


Romnesia transcript:

“We’ve got to name this condition that he’s going through,” Obama said, referring to Mitt Romney’s attempt to undergo a last-minute transformation from a severe conservative to a severe moderate. “I think it’s called Romnesia. That’s what it’s called. I think that’s what he’s going through.” “Now,” he continued, “I’m not a medical doctor, but i do want to go over the symptoms with you—because i want to make sure nobody else catches it.”
And what might those symptoms be? Here’s one example: “You know if you say if you’re for equal pay, but you can’t say if you’ll sign a bill for equal pay, you might have Romnesia.” And: “If you say you think women should have access to contraceptive care, but you support legislation that would let employers deny contraceptive care, you might have Romnesia.” And another: “If you say you you’ll protect a woman’s right to choose, but you stand up in a primary debate and say you’d be delighted to ban abortion in all cases, then you definitely have Romnesia.”

But you don’t need to worry, said the President. “If you have Romnesia, here’s the good news—Obamacare covers preexisting conditions. We can fix you! We can make you well.”


<i.I’d much rather see a mandatory term of service that includes infrastructure support, literacy work, etc.
That is NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION so therefore FASCISM. A standing army is different.




That is NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION so therefore FASCISM. A standing army is different.

Snerk. Too true. Sigh.


I’m glad Lindsay Lohan got a job as the cover model for this book.


Moyers did a righteous and elegant takedown of O’Reilly, which you can watch here, chiding O’Reilly for residing “in an alternate reality, where the truth is as elusive as a moonbeam and facts as alien as little green men with bug eyes.”


The third one was a “tunnel rat” – he would go down into the VC tunnels with a flashlight and a .45

I always wondered how those guys got their balls in thru those little 18″ x 10″ entry holes. There’s guts and then there’s dayyyyummmmm


Even if the religious prosyletizing had been done in a jungle with murderously irate locals and the military service at the US Embassy in Paris, they are not the same!

It wouldn’t be the same thing, but it would at least indicate an equivalent amount of testicular fortitude and willingness to risk life and limb for what one believed in. Don’t get me wrong, I think most missionaries are full of shit no matter how risky their job may be (which it’s usually not). But when you’re comparing life in a leading first world nation with life in a war-torn third world one, you just seriously need to DIAF.


The notion of service has come unmoored from actual problems. There’s so much that could be done, stuff that’s more reasonable and realistic than building another aircraft carrier or starting a war in Iran. Our militarism has long since reached a point where it’s objectively unpatriotic. The patriots are the ones who want to feed brave, capable young people into a meat grinder, or spend tens of billions making a plane that turns into a helicopter for no good reason?! The traitors are proposing we educate our kids, repair infrastructure and so on.

Agree completely with this. (It goes all the way back to the early Cold War, when military Keynesianism was the compromise the liberal establishment and the conservative insurgency would often come to in order to provide jobs, government involvement in development, etc without “ZOMG SOSHULISM”).

This article is an oldie but goodie about the role of the military these days. Quoting: “Postmodern militarism is not marked by overt military dominance or even a societal embrace of martial values. Rather, it is characterized by a growing willingness of an increasingly militarily naive public to charge those in uniform with responsibilities that a democracy ought to leave to civilians.”

I think U.S. citizens are subjected to more propaganda than any other people, the difference being that the scope of information is not entirely circumscribed by the propagandists, as is the case elsewhere.

That, and because unlike the average citizen of Cuba, they choose to be propagandized (e.g. Republican running to Fox News because it tells him what he wants to hear), I’d say they’ve drunk the kool aid much more deeply than most of the people living under a totalitarian regime.


From pup’s linky:

Let me see if I can wash Mitt’s underwear better than Ann. Mitt misled the voters. He campaigned one way, knowing he was exactly the other way. Unlike Tagg, Ann has no problem calling Mitt a liar… I’m sorry… She has no problem that her husband is a dumb ass… Sorry again… I meant to say that she has no issue with her husband being less than honest.

So does that mean Tagg is gonna threaten to punch his mother?


Random Link of the Day

It’s, and it’s pretty cool. They get one meelion extra points for this …

“However, instead of taking the normal approach of “slant x% for italic,” OpenDyslexic’s italic style has been crafted to allow for its use for emphasis while maintaining readability.”

… maybe the excuse was “it helps dyslexics,” but the whole “slant x% for italic” business just sucks balls. Same goes for boldface that’s just jury-rigged. A damned typeface should be hand-crafted. All a computer should be allowed to do is scale it and change the color, if you wanna get funny.

(I am a little obsessive about typesetting. I don’t mean I’m an expert. It just bugs me when things don’t look the way I like, and I have an eye for detail that’s hard to turn off.)


Salt Lake City Tribune endorses Obama.



“This article is an oldie but goodie about the role of the military these days.”–Chris

Thanks, it was new to me (though most of the ideas were not). Well-written and pithy.


Major Kong said,
October 19, 2012 at 3:44
I’ll see your Nashville fall foliage and raise you Ontario

My guess – based on pics = you were in Ottawa?
Would it be too ‘on the nose’ to guess you went to the Aviation Museum?


Would it be too ‘on the nose’ to guess you went to the Aviation Museum?

Yes, we went to Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.

I was very impressed with the museum. A lot of cool British planes that you don’t see in the US museums.

Here’s Mrs. Kong with her favorite plane:


Looks like Tagg better save some for Paul Krugman, too.


Amy of you folks actually Margaret or Helen?

damn…i wish!


oh jeeze…i’m anonymous, now!


That one Krugman op-ed could do the work of a thousand, if reasoning and concise, clear writing mattered.


Here’s Mrs. Kong with her favorite plane: Yay me, I knew what the plane was.
But Mrs Kong is way better looking.


Woah! Krugman will get whacked for talking like that.


damn…i wish!

Margaret and Helen do seem tres formidable. Don’t be fooled by the motorized scooters!


If there was any justice, Paul Krugman would be setting policy, not writing op-eds.


Here’s Mrs. Kong with her favorite plane:

Lucky debbil! She’s WAY hawt.

Izzat a Mustang?


Eating Only Dessert: Why Your Information Diet Is Probably Terrible

Bah, I won’t read it. The analogy is bad. Information is not like food. You can consume more bad information than two wingnuts and still come out ahead if your dessert is rich and filling if you know what I mean and you’d better, because I’m off to bed.


Well, it’s got folding wings, so it’s a carrier plane. I’m thinking Hellcat… but the prop doesn’t look right, and it’s an oblique angle so I can’t really be sure…

It’s certainly not a Mustang, it doesn’t have the exhaust ports down the side of the engine, and the engine cowling is the wrong shape.

Those landing gear covers are speaking to me, though… I built a model of this plane as a lad.



Keep it classy, Republicans!

Also, NSFW Fox News Fakes

I’ll be in my bunk.


Yay me, I knew what the plane was.
I am (sea-)Furious that AK was here before me.


I believe stackozone wins a cookie!


<i. but the whole “slant x% for italic” business just sucks balls. Same goes for boldface that’s just jury-rigged.

Is this a thing? Are people producing ‘italic’ fonts that are just slanted versions of the main face? I mean, you can have an italic typeface where the letters are vertically aligned, so long as letters like ‘e’ and ‘g’ and ‘a’ have the distinctive italic shapes.*
I was a printer / typesetter in one of my careers and this kinda thing causes physical pain.

* Case in point — Souvenir.


“…because the skills needed to run a business and those needed to manage economic policy are very different.”

Comrade Krugman must be sent to a re-education camp at once! Preferably in Galt’s Gulch, where he will learn that the skills to run a small business are identical to those required for statecraft and diplomacy. After all, the reason a person goes into business for himself is to interact with others in the firm; such a person is never undiplomatic, bossy, rude, or overbearing.

I was very impressed with the museum. A lot of cool British planes that you don’t see in the US museums.

And their P-40 is NOT tarted up to pretend it was in Burma in 1941!

Here’s Mrs. Kong with her favorite plane…

Congratulations, sir! She is truly a beauty! (And the aircraft isn’t bad-looking. either! I still remember that five-bladed prop.)


“Is this a thing?”

I don’t know how some of these italics and bolds are created, but I know they look like afterthoughts. The bare minimum of thoughtfulness seems to be generally met, in that the horizontal elements are kept level, not slanted.


From bughunter’s first link: “My intent was not to piss anyone off, but to do my due diligence … and some people got offended,” he writes. DUE DILIGENCE now means responding angrily to bullshit without fact-checking it.


I find it interesting that Galt’s Gulch runs directly off of a state highway.


“Is that Ann Coulter or Michele Malkin in the background?”

It’s Camille Paglia.


Something for McGravitas.

Why isn’t this ever cookies?


Cookies are all tasty in the dark.


Demographics are signs of Cthulhu’s reverberation.
He who is not an elven warrior to himself doesn’t know himself.
Poetics are the pregnant magicians of minks.
Grandpas are the exciting hobgoblin adepts of tablespoons.
The nakedest way to a man’s tentacle is through his toe.
Don’t save your own curry.


The nakedest way to a man’s tentacle is through his toe.

Truer words were never typed.


this attack had nothing to do with her question.

True – it had to do with the fact that Mitt fucked up her question. Had Mitt not totally whiffed on her question, she wouldn’t have risen to anyone’s attention. Had Mitt instead comically whiffed on the question from Jeremy, or if he’d bloopered on the question from Lorraine, these vile pieces of shit would be scouring the Twitter feeds of those hapless citizens.

The right seems to harbor hate not only for people who actively oppose their champions, but also for for the innocent bystanders and witnesses to their champions’ own self-immolation. If Romney fucks up a question, insults someone’s baked goods, stiffs a waiter, it’s not his fault, it the fault of that biased questioner, self-aggrandizing baker, or undeserving waiter.

Going after Katherine Fenton because she happened to be the cause of Romney’s gaffe is like going after the stop sign because you got into a collision when you ran it.


Colliding the stop sign.


Poetics are the pregnant magicians of minks.

If I understood this, I would understand a lot more about the world.


Via Digby, I learned that Rmoney’s Blind Trust isn’t so blind, his longtime personal lawyer and business associate manages the money (warning, video autoplays), in violation of the federal rules defining a blind trust.

This not only undermines Mittens’ evasion of questions about Cayman Islands tax dodging, and his persistent paychecks from Bain despite claiming to have resigned, but also requires that he explain how his Bain Capital partners can own the computers on which most of Cincinnati’s votes will be counted:

Hart Intercivic, on whose machines the key votes will be cast in Hamilton County, which includes Cincinnati, was taken over last year by H.I.G. Capital. Prominent partners and directors on the H.I.G. board hail from Bain Company or Bain Capital, both connected to Mitt Romney. H.I.G. employees have contributed at least $338,000 to Romney’s campaign. H.I.G. Directors John P. Bolduk and Douglas Berman are major Romney fundraisers, as is former Bain and H.I.G. manager Brian Shortsleeve.

More from Bob Fitrakis on the complete shambles of democracy in Ohio’s e-voting system. Both frightening and enraging.

To real Americans anyway.

But don’t count on ABC, NBC, or even NPR to put these facts together and ask the necessary questions, much less anyone in authority. Maybe, just maybe you’ll hear Bill Moyers talk about it, but the best journalist in the US gets routinely ignored.


Holy shirt, it’s his own private Ohio.


I wanna photo of AK with a beehive do.

bughunter, all meta an' shit,

NSFW Fox News Fakes

I guess Republicans are big fans of poorly done breast implants.


Why isn’t this ever cookies?
You already have Girl Guide Cookies.


“I guess Republicans are big fans of poorly done breast implants.”

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were. They have poor taste generally. We know the red states consume alot of porn. Maybe they’re the ones asking for all this cheesy fake tit porn that discriminating viewers surely reject.


You already have Girl Guide Cookies.

Are they made from real Girl Guides?


Are they made from real Girl Guides?

Just the calves of eight-year olds.


I do not want to imagine an eight year old calving.


I do not want to imagine an eight year old calving.

Yes you DID, Brett! Yes! You! Did!


I guess Republicans are big fans of poorly done breast implants.

Yes. It’s settled science.

I thought I would just share with you what science says today about silicone breast implants. If you have them, you’re healthier than if you don’t. That is what the ultimate science shows … In fact, there’s no science that shows that silicone breast implants are detrimental and, in fact, they make you healthier. — Senator Tom Coburn, MD (R-Kandyville)

And Tommy’s not just a Republican; he’s a Doctor. He knows.


But I don’t WANT silicone breast implants.


But I don’t WANT silicone breast implants.



Just watched the second episode of Nashville… man, this is not bad, at all. I of course love seeing the local scenery in a network show, but the writing and character development look to be moving into serious quality territory.


But I don’t WANT silicone breast implants.

Well they WOULD lift and separate your saggy old-man moobs.


I just want to know when Senator Coburn is going to get his breast implants, seein’ as how they’re so healthy and all …


I’d take silicon breast implants, especially if they included bluetooth, wifi, at least 32GB of RAM, and could help me remember peoples’ fucking names.

bughunter, once again singly malty,

Oh. And Gloria Allred. WTF? Is this a total anticlimax waiting to happen, or does she truly have some game-changing shit on someone?


RIP George McGovern


RIP George McGovern

In a radio interview he said he always worried about a farmhouse (in Italy I believe) where they accidentally dropped a bomb that had to be ejected before landing. He was concerned they had killed somebody there.

The folks heard the interview and got in contact with George to say that no, they had taken cover, and if it helped made the war one day shorter they were more than happy about it.


And I go look at Balloon Juice and see somebody else was reminded of that story.


But I don’t WANT silicone breast implants.

Tough titties.


Where do we go, now? Where do we go, now? Where do we go, now?
Where do we go, now? Where do we go, now? Where do we go, now?


RIP George McGovern

If I’d been old enough to vote for him for President, I would have. He sounded good to teen me. Good on the Dems for running him in ’72, bad on them for acting ashamed about it later.


He was a fine man who was totally ratfucked by Nixon. In a way, he contributed to Nixon’s downfall, because Nixon was so obsessed with beating him, and passed that obsession to his subordinates, resulting in Watergate.


Just watched the second episode of Nashville… man, this is not bad, at all. I of course love seeing the local scenery in a network show, but the writing and character development look to be moving into serious quality territory.

Right? Looks like third episode’s going to be a doozy. Could it have been cast more perfectly? Connie, Hayden and Chip are amazeballs.


Tough titties.
Hard mother.


Did someone say new post?


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