Sulzberger Thinks You Should Pay For This

ABOVE:Raphael, Ross de’ Docciacappellone
(1518)(soil on newspaper)

Shorter Ross Douthat, A Formerly Great New York Newspaper:
A Very Liberal Intervention

  • War, like masturbation, is best done by yourself.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 301


frist! I will never pay for doubtthat. evah!


“…the West’s intervention probably inspired more bloodletting and ethnic cleansing in the short term, exacerbating the very humanitarian crisis it was intended to forestall.”

Ya know, probably. To actually know, Ross might have to do research. Eek!

Ted the Slacker

Say what:

“The ultimate hope of liberal warfare is to fight as virtuously as possible, and with the minimum of risk.”

What then is “conservative warfare”? Reckless war for war’s sake?


Hm, I never considered war a particularly “liberal” thing in general, but I guess in a world where Obama is a socialist, it must be.

Also, early OT: Jim Hoft shows, yet again, that he is an ignorant piece of shit.

Ted the Slacker

Also shorter Douth:

Liberals, when they go to war, don’t ask what’s in it for them. This is why I must concern troll the Obama presidency.


What then is “conservative warfare”? Reckless war for war’s sake?

That was a rhetorical question, right?


Looking at that p-shop of Douthat, I have to ask:

Ross Douthat and Kathryn Jean Lopez: separated at birth?


* War, like masturbation, is best done by yourself.

This explains why we lost in World War One and World War Two and won in Vietnam. If only we hadn’t had British and Dutch troops along for the ride, Iraq would’ve been wrapped up in March of 2003! And the fact that the war didn’t start improving until after the majority of the Sunni insurgency joined forces with us is central to his point, no doubt.

Come to think of it, the only major war we’ve ever fought and won all by our lonesome was the Civil War.


“…the West’s intervention probably inspired more bloodletting and ethnic cleansing in the short term, exacerbating the very humanitarian crisis it was intended to forestall.”

What does Iraq have to do with this?


Jim Hoft makes me wish there were a god, just so I could watch get slamdunked into hell.


Come to think of it, the only major war we’ve ever fought and won all by our lonesome was the Civil War.

So much win.


Come to think of it, the only major war we’ve ever fought and won all by our lonesome was the Civil War.

So much win.

Well, pretty much a wash if you’re the Confederate Yankee.


The ultimate hope of liberal warfare is to fight as virtuously as possible, and with the minimum of risk.”

What then is “conservative warfare”? Reckless war for war’s sake?

The ultimate hope of consevative warfare is to fight as profitably as possible and to send someone else to face the risk.


Dear “Pinch” Sulzberger:

1) I regard yourself, Donald Graham of the War Criminal Post, and Rupert Murdoch equally culpable for turning American journalism into a cesspool whose main purpose is to promote corporate propaganda.

2) I’m not going to pay for your poop.

That is all.

Repeal Bicycle Helmet Laws NOW!!

“How dumb are we?” A Newsweek survey of 1,000 American citizens found that 29 percent couldn’t name the vice president.


There are some nice comment over at that Formerly Great New York Newspaper Link. Here’s one I liked from a Jim from Cleveland:

If we are to go to war, I much prefer to go to war after consultation with European allies and the United Nations, than to go to war after consultation with the commentators at Fox News.


“How dumb are we?” A Newsweek survey of 1,000 American citizens found that 29 percent couldn’t name the vice president.

Well, obviously, Sarah Palin.

George Dumbya American

“How dumb are we?” A Newsweek survey of 1,000 American citizens found that 29 percent couldn’t name the vice president.

I didn’t even know we had a president of vice!


* War, like masturbation, is best done by yourself.

A Douthat column, like masturbation after chopping jalapenos, is best avoided entirely.

And considering Douthat’s self-reported history, I think you could go so far as to have him say, “War, like sex, is best done by yourself.” Though war usually features less failure to launch and, for him at least, fewer tears , fewer angry recriminations, and less guilt about how badly it turned out.


The ultimate hope of liberal warfare is to fight as virtuously as possible, and with the minimum of risk. But war and moralism [sic, per Firefox] are uneasy bedfellows, and “low risk” conflicts often turn out to be anything but.

So … basically, he’s saying that if you’re going to go to war, you might as well carpet bomb the whole damn thing and do it without caring what anyone else thinks since people will die anyway, so who the fuck cares, amIright?

I love it when the self-righteously-pious and dedicated-to-the-LAWRD! Xtian folks decide that whole “Thou Shalt Not Kill” Commandment is optional.


I didn’t even know we had a president of vice!

Let me show you him!

Spengler Dampniche

Somebody make a hilarious joke.

George Dumbya American

Let me show you him!

See, I should have known about him but the liberal press is obviously covering up that whole story!


*prays for the day when Charlie Sheen jokes are considered declasse so I no longer have to be reminded of his smarmy, dumb ass*


Scenes we can only imagine, Oval Office edition:

President Obama: “Hello America. It seems that no matter what I do half of you think I don’t do enough and the other half thinks I’m turning the country into the Soviet Union. Sooo… Fuck y’all. I’m not running in 2012 except to take Michelle and the girls to some tropical paradise where we can drink Mai-Tais while you all go Mad Max on each other. Peace out.”


Somebody make a hilarious joke.

Sorry, I can’t perform on demand.

Lurking Canadian

Alternate shorter Douthat:

It is a terrible thing indeed when Americans are forced to make even token obeisance to their solemn treaty obligations. It really cramps the fun game of Risk that the Bush administration was playing.

Also, I agree with Noam Chomsky about the effect of the bombing of Kosovo but I would never admit that in ten thousand years.


President Obama: “Hello America. It seems that no matter what I do half of you think I don’t do enough and the other half thinks I’m turning the country into the Soviet Union. Sooo… Fuck y’all. I’m not running in 2012 except to take Michelle and the girls to some tropical paradise where we can drink Mai-Tais while you all go Mad Max on each other. Peace out.”

I realize going Galt is a fantasy no matter who does it, but I’d dearly love to see what they’d do if every liberal and every institution they built somehow folded up their tents and peaced out.

Let’s see them try and preserve their “bestest society in the world” with no unions and no regulation at all, 90% of their scientists gone, none of the welfare organs they think the government should keep its hands off of, not even church charities to compensate for the lack of them (because “social justice churches” are evil too). Oh. And no Muslims, immigrants, black people, gays or “liberal elitists” to blame and hate, and therefore nothing to keep them together.

Mad Max? What was left of the country would make Mad Max look like the Federation from Star Trek.


Remind me to ask tigris what she does while dinner’s on the stove.


Remind me to ask tigris what she does while dinner’s on the stove.

I was gonna offer to come over and chop the jalepenos.


Obama the “liberal”…
When I read that assertion, I know I need to read no further.


So … basically, he’s saying that if you’re going to go to war, you might as well carpet bomb the whole damn thing and do it without caring what anyone else thinks since people will die anyway, so who the fuck cares, amIright?

Nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


There are some things one doesn’t actually need to experience to know they are very bad and best avoided. Like fully reading a Douthat column.


‘War, like masturbation, is best done by yourself’.

Sadly No! Tintin’s lying again! It’s not so much acting alone or multlaterally — but just freakin’ acting! Douthat’s got Obambi down cold. Dithering. Bwahahahaha!! ‘Obama’s Liberal Internationalist Intervention’.


Come to think of it, the only major war we’ve ever fought and won all by our lonesome was the Civil War.

I do decla-ah, they’s Yankees about!


Donalde must be hurting for hits again.



Yes, it’s so much better to rush and invade a country at random, ala the Bush Doctrine.


Donalde must be hurting for hits again

Yep. I mean if you’re gonna go lunatic, there are better writers….


Here’s the thing: We lefties can criticize Obama for bombing another nation because of oil, because we criticized G.W. Bush for the same thing.

People like Donalde have to use Jedi mind tricks to explain why they were for it before they were against it.

Jedi mind trick = trying to come up with something besides “The only real difference is Obama isn’t a white Republican.”


Donalde must be hurting for hits again.

I’m sure that somewhere there’s an ugly dominatrix with a stained ball-gag looking for a new client.


I will sell my car, even blood, to be able to read Bobo Jr. in the NYT. To read Thomas Friedman, of course, requires selling your entire head.


People like Donalde have to use Jedi mind tricks to explain why they were for it before they were against it.

I notice that no one’s ever bothered to ask them why they were for the Iraq war on humanitarian grounds (“look, we’re building a democracy, look at all the happy people!” quickly became the only argument after al-Qaeda and WMD ones were disproven), but against similar intervention in Yugoslavia.


Obambi ! OBAMBI! Bwahahahaha!!

50 Ways to Drive a Republican crazy:

1) Oops, too late. Never mind.


Another pantload of wisdom from the second-dumbest douchebag paid by the MSM for his opinions.

#1 is still our beloved puffy pantload of pointless piffle himself, Jonah “I don’t let never being right stop me from further stupid utterances” Goldberg.

And so it goes.

Jason in the Peg

“War, like masturbation, is best done by yourself.”

Sadly No.

On both counts.

I suppose that is the point but I thought it just needed spelling out.


War, like masturbation, is more intense when wearing armor.

War, like masturbation, never needed Eva Braun.

War, like masturbation, is more difficult in both deep snow and jungles.


Here’s the thing: We lefties can criticize Obama for bombing another nation because of oil, because we criticized G.W. Bush for the same thing.

The weird thing is they criticized Obama for not bombing, too, up until the point he did.

Dear God, topmost at the Corner right now includes the quote “The president does not seem to care about the United States Congress,” he says. “The president has failed to define success and explain to the American people and the Congress why we are going to war.” also complaints of “not fully comprehend[ing] the geopolitical consequences” and the failure to meet the “clear and present danger” threshold. Further down they link someone who complain Obama vacations in times of crisis. DIE NOW.


Sulzberger Thinks You Should Pay For This

I think he realizes that there are enough people who are willing to pay for it and more importantly, as this stuff helps push the corporate agenda, there are big money advertisers that are willing to pay for it. As long as the advertisers are happy, the readers are unimportant.


War, like masturbation, is a four letter word.


Never masturbate in Asia.


War, like masturbation, can kill the innocent elderly.


Further down they link someone who complain Obama vacations in times of crisis. DIE NOW.

My favorites are the ones that point out that OBAMA already has us in 2 other wars and doesn’t need to get us in to another one – IT WILL COST TOO MUCH!!11!!!!!


War, like masturbation, is often lubed with petroleum products.


War, like masturbation, kills kittens.


War-like masturbation is either misplaced punctuation or a really bad idea.


“The president does not seem to care about the United States Congress,” he says. “The president has failed to define success and explain to the American people and the Congress why we are going to war.”

He should’ve fought his war the Republican way.

You know, have Oliver North sell weapons to a terrorist regime and use the money gained in the arms sales to finance the war in Libya, all the while proclaiming that no such thing was happening. Much more constitutional and much more respectful of the American Congress and people.


Now watch this drive!


War, like masturbation, requires a dependable supply chain.


War, like masturbation, is a four letter word.

Warr, like mast urba tion, is several four letter words.


For Doo-doo-head:

War, like masturbation, is publicly frowned upon by the Catholic Church.


War, like masturbation, rarely utilizes two dildos and a wetsuit.


War, like masturbation, is a sure way to get a lot of YouTube hits.



War, like masturbation, can be hidden behind the proper altar.


War, like masturbation, leaves a mess for the chamber maid.


War, like masturbation, requires a large supply of tube socks.


War, like masturbation, is something right-wing pundits only know through badly-run examples.


War, like masturbation Pedobear, is publicly frowned upon by the Catholic Church.


War, like masturbation, is disturbing when filmed in slo-mo.


War, like masturbation, kills millions of innocent spermatozoa. Which is ok with the wingnuts because that sounds like a foreign word.


War, like masturbation, can only be declared by Congress.


I don’t know how he does it, but Douthat really excels at producing opinion pieces I don’t finish reading.

I just got finished re-reading Barbara Tuchman’s fine book, A Distant Mirror, about fourteenth-century Europe, roughly centered around a prominent French noble (Enguerrand de Coucy).

Tuchman pays special, scathing attention to the martial ideologies that failed France and England so spectacularly in that era. (1) Taxation and debt, overwhelmingly borne by the poor, to pay for endless war, the aims being either those of the rich, or totally inexplicable from our vantage point. (2) Reliance on mercenary “companies,” utterly without allegiance our credo beyond personal gain. These folks cycle in and out of government service, switching sides, living off the peasantry while destroying both labor and means of production while committing the most heinous atrocities imaginable. (3) A self-absorbed and deluded knightly class that’s largely incapable of planning and executing goal-oriented military operations. Pardon my over-simplification, by knights must charge! Glory is the point, don’t deploy your archers! Mustn’t question the chivalry of the chivalrous, whatever they do! One knight is worth a hundred musselmen!… and so on. (To be fair, some knights (like de Coucy) were almost absurdly brave, skilled, and tough, though not chivalrous in the ideal sense.)

On second thought, I won’t ruin the end of the book re: de Coucy’s fate. And I won’t draw out the obvious comparisions to our own militarism, or specifically, the Libyan intervention.


War, like masturbation, can really mess-up your sex life if you insist on using the “Death Grip”. Uh, or so I am told.


War, like masturbation, requires the approval of Congress.


War, like masturbation, is hotter when it involves tough broads.


Pardon my typos at 18.25 above.


War, like masturbation, is hotter when it involves tough broads.

Um… I can’t tell from that picture. Is she warring or masturbating?



DAMMIT DK. In war, like masturbation, the people with faster fingers always get there first.


jimbo mcreagan sez: “Mister Sulzberger, tear down this paywall!”

77,777% SOLUTION:

A) Cuntpaste these into document
B) When ugre to inflict NYT on self occurs, open document
C) ?!?!?!?

Shit, that thing really doesn’t have much of ANYTHING other than the musty old “Paper Of Record” festoon going for it any more, does it?

the only major war we’ve ever fought and won all by our lonesome was the Civil War

Oh there there … although Canuckistan may have technically made Amerika its bizzatch in that 1812 spot of unpleasantness, you certainly won the peace: got back metric fucktons of Ohio Valley real estate – a mountain of virgin timber, some bitchen hawt minerals, oodles of sweet clean water & most of the Ultra Supreme Boss-Tier farmland in North America – without even waving a gun, let alone firing one. Most nations that WIN wars don’t get to scarf booty that sweet.


Um… I can’t tell from that picture. Is she warring or masturbating?


If I remember the movie correctly, she’s arguing for nuking the site from orbit.



War, like masturbation, is rife with recurring themes.


Jedi mind trick = trying to come up with something besides “The only real difference is Obama isn’t a white Republican.”

Jedi mind trick = believing that daily Scope enemas will convince everyone that you’re not actually talking out of your arse.


War, like masturbation, sucks when it is not brought to a satisfying conclusion.


That “tough broad,” Vasquez, has the best line in the movie, when the Bill Paxton character asks her if she has ever been mistaken for a man.


DAMMIT DK. In war, like masturbation, the people with faster fingers always get there first.


*Link stolen from Martinis for Babcock


Never masturbate in Asia.

says who?

Ted the Slacker

War, like masturbation, is an extension of politics by other means. And all war, like masturbation, is deception.


says who?

I think it’s the Sicilians that say that.


Sour Grapes: The Gipper actually failed to kill #1 Terrorist (K,Q) Gadaffi, and now this liberal might get the chance to finish the job and claim the trophy, but it still took too long because he should have been planning this since day one like GWB was planning Operation Iraqi Freedom ten days after his inauguration.


I think it’s the Sicilians that say that.

you sure, sounds more Roman…


War, like masturbation, requires some sincere initiative beforehand* & some cleanup afterwards.
* (veiled up-on-the-backstroke reference)


(2) Reliance on mercenary “companies,” utterly without allegiance our credo beyond personal gain. These folks cycle in and out of government service, switching sides, living off the peasantry while destroying both labor and means of production while committing the most heinous atrocities imaginable. (3) A self-absorbed and deluded knightly class that’s largely incapable of planning and executing goal-oriented military operations. Pardon my over-simplification, by knights must charge! Glory is the point, don’t deploy your archers! Mustn’t question the chivalry of the chivalrous, whatever they do! One knight is worth a hundred musselmen!… and so on. (To be fair, some knights (like de Coucy) were almost absurdly brave, skilled, and tough, though not chivalrous in the ideal sense.)

One of the best things to read about in that department: Swiss history. The Swiss Confederation was actually developing decent military tactics (or in some cases simply recycling, like the phalanx formation used in ancient Greece and Rome) while the “great powers” relied on the idiotic charge-of-the-knights “strategy” – they were more interested in preserving the class system than actually winning battles.

That explains why the Swiss were so prized as mercenaries during that period (the Swabians in southern Germany eventually started imitating them, but it took some time), and also how they maintained their independence even though they were surrounded by hostile powers (mainly Austria, which came up against the Swiss time and time again and were stomped every single time).

It’s a lot like reading about Arab/Israeli wars in the XXth century – tiny country surrounded by bigger but dysfunctional enemies and beating the crap out of them over and over through simple professionalism.

Pupienus Maximus

Worf-like masturbation is just a disturbing notion.


This guy has fast fingers, too!


War-like masturbation is either misplaced punctuation or a really bad idea.

War-like masturbation is how wingnuts get through the weekend.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

War, like masturbation, just leaves you feeling empty inside following the afterglow. Which inspires you to do it again.


Warlock masturbation is simply magical.

delurking retired furry

CRA: Tuchman’s book is rather dated now. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a good replacement for it (a scholarly but accessible general account of later medieval N. Europe). Points 1) and 2) hold up for the most part.

Actually, if you want late medieval history that’s a bit more analogous to our present situation, John Najemy’s _A History of Florence, 1200-1575_ takes in all the cutting edge research for the Florentine republic and presents in a nice and fairly readable synthesis. Najemy’s scholarly fame rests on his charting of Florentine electoral politics in the decades around 1400, which reveals how the small circle of the wealthiest Florentine merchant and banking families creating an oligarchic regime (before the Medici seizure of power in 1434), despite massive enlargement of the sheer numbers of men eligible for office in the Florentine republic; this all in backlash against workers’ revolt in 1378 and a popular regime of 1378-82, with genuinely broad-based political representation. A sad story but good up-to-date social-political history.


Courtesy of Yahoo News, an article on what Sarah Palin’s doing in Israel.

Accurately points out that while courting Jewish voters and apologizing for the “blood libel” comment may be part of it, the primary target isn’t Jews but evangelicals. It also “offers a chance to burnish her famously weak foreign policy credentials.”


War, like masturbation, should not be done immediately after chopping the jalepenos.


but is drunk war the same as drunk masturbation?


Thanks for the info., D.R.F. That sounds like something I’d enjoy.


After reading this thread, the Pentagon just put in a rush order for some new semi-auto-erotic weapons.


War, like masturbation, is something that Sarah Palin thinks ISREAL.


She went to India and went to a shopping mall. That’s burnishing your credentials.


So the Donalde was here? I detect a whiff of sulfer.


“After reading this thread, the Pentagon just put in a rush order for some new semi-auto-erotic weapons”

The cannons can’t get above 45 degrees?


This guy should go back to writing about how college girls these days are sluts.


“says who?”

Wallace Shawn


I’ve been thinking about going back to grad school…


like masturbation after chopping jalapenos, is best avoided entirely.

That is so hot.


shorter wingnutz: damn, obambi woke up again today…


War, like masturbation, involves either surrounding or penetrating territory, depending on the terrain.


I never graduated from college. Did I miss the whole slutty experience? Dammit.


What’s all this about “warlike masturbation?”


“War Likes Masturbation” is a tee shirt best not worn by servicemen and servicewomen.


smedley said,

March 21, 2011 at 18:40

That “tough broad,” Vasquez, has the best line in the movie, when the Bill Paxton character asks her if she has ever been mistaken for a man.

Needs link.



FWIW, the actress’s name is Goldstein.


“What’s all this about “warlike masturbation?”

I dunno but I think it involves the film “300.”


Burnishing the Credentials.

Pupienus Maximus

The “war, like masturbation” lines have been quite amusing but we should recognize that we misunderstood. Douthat obviously fucked up his grammar. He used the preposition “like” when he meant to write “war _as_ masturbation” One can see how he would make that inadvertent, Freudian error.

Pupienus Maximus

War, like masturbation, appeals most strongly to immature boys.


“Needs link”

Sorry. I keep forgetting that not everybody here has worthless trivia oozing from their brains like I do.


Dear God, topmost at the Corner right now includes the quote “The president does not seem to care about the United States Congress,” he says. “The president has failed to define success and explain to the American people and the Congress why we are going to war.” also complaints of “not fully comprehend[ing] the geopolitical consequences” and the failure to meet the “clear and present danger” threshold. Further down they link someone who complain Obama vacations in times of crisis. DIE NOW.

We are now official through the looking glass.


Uh, “officially”… ignore the man behind the cretin!


“war _as_ masturbation”

I know that Bristle Palin was described as being a “hard ass-worker”; is she also a war-ass masturbater?


“war _as_ masturbation”



Or maybe a hard, ass worker. or a hard ass, worker.

Pupienus Maximus

“I know that Bristle Palin was described as being a “hard ass-worker”; is she also a war-ass masturbater?”

She seems rather soft to me but maybe that’s just my predilection for hard, oiled, pulsing, ass-workers.



I thought you could only find hard assworkers at Rentboy.


Pup ruined my day. Shan’t be back.


Or maybe a hard, ass worker. or a hard ass, worker.
how bout a hard ass, ass worker?

Pupienus Maximus


What can I get for some Cowper’s fluid?


You can’t run a Navy without seamen.




Then what’s the point?


I never understood the obsession with rum, Bugs Bunny, and the lash.


“I never understood the obsession with rum, Bugs Bunny, and the lash.”

What are you, some kinda communist?



What can I get for some Cowper’s fluid?

There’s a vast difference between what you can get for semen and what you can get for Cowper’s fluid.

Marion in Savannah



Then what’s the point?

To frustrate folks who try to go to linky and get a 403 message:

“Most likely causes:
•This website requires you to log in.”

See? If it’s safe it’s frustrating.

Marion in Savannah

I never understood the obsession with rum, Bugs Bunny, and the lash.

Have you ever looked at Bugs Bunny’s eyelashes? He could do Maybelline commercials.


There’s a vas deferens between what you can get for semen and what you can get for Cowper’s fluid.



“You can’t run a Navy without seamen”

Imagine if the Naval Academy’s athletics teams had that as their mascot. Especially the basketball team, dribbling all over the floor….


It’s ok for men to get a little turned on by Bugs Bunny in drag, right?

Pupienus Maximus

“There’s a vas deferens between what you can get for semen and what you can get for Cowper’s fluid.”.

Oh cum on!, he ejaculated.


I never understood the obsession with rum, Bugs Bunny, and the lash.

Not a bad pair of stems for a rabbit, and he’s got a cute face, too, see?


The intercourse here is titillating.


It’s ok for men to get a little turned on by Bugs Bunny in drag, right?

Until he shows his tail. Then all bets are off.

Pupienus Maximus

I can still recall quite clearly the day my friend Bryan unintentionally responded to our anatomy prof’s question with “the corpus Casanova.”. “Corpus cavernosum” was the correct but entirely unfunny answer.


Seriously, the Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd Wagnerian opera is a comic masterpiece.

Pupienus Maximus

“It’s ok for men to get a little turned on by Bugs Bunny in drag, right?”

Umm, well, that is,


Avoid masturbating on two fronts at once.



Pupienus Maximus

Smedley (which autocorrect wants to be “smelly”, just FYI), you _know_ I loaded it up as soon as Bugs was mentioned. ”

In order to stay topical, I’ll say something about a “spear and magic helmet!”


Pup–lol! WTH?

Smut, I figured you’d be PRO-bukkake


Avoid masturbating on two fronts at once.

Why Hitler lost.


The Rabbit of Seville and Long Haired Hare are also classics. Hell I love all the old classic (not cut up) Looney Tunes. As a matter of fact I am watching some right now.


It’s ok for men to get a little turned on by Bugs Bunny in drag, right?

Exhibit 1: Bugs.

Exhibit 2: Not Bugs.

No, it’s not.


This way of war has obvious advantages. It spreads the burden of military action, sustains rather than weakens our alliances, and takes the edge off the world’s instinctive anti-Americanism. Best of all, it encourages the European powers to shoulder their share of responsibility for maintaining global order, instead of just carping at the United States from the sidelines.

That notorious liberal GHWB did this during the first Gulf War. Look how that turned out.

Pupienus Maximus

He should have just had them masturbate.

“When they would ejaculate, they would be getting rid of the evil thoughts in their mind,” he allegedly told detectives.


“N__B said,
March 21, 2011 at 20:56

It’s ok for men to get a little turned on by Bugs Bunny in drag, right?

Exhibit 1: Bugs.

Exhibit 2: Not Bugs.

No, it’s not.”

Hmph. Well, I think Bugs is pretty cute.


Have you ever looked at Bugs Bunny’s eyelashes? He could do Maybelline commercials.

Instead, he tests the products…


Girouex allegedly said as a youth pastor he felt it was his duty “to help (the teen) with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with him.”

Makes perfect sense! He removed the kid’s homosexual urges by providing homosexual release… FOR JESUS!!!

Another man said he was 23 years old and having problems with his wife when Girouex wanted to “help him with his issues.” The man alleged Girouex pulled down his pants and began to touch his genitals.

He was just lending a helping hand.

Pupienus Maximus

“I never understood the obsession with rum, Bugs Bunny, and the lash.”

He’s Welsh.


He’s Welsh.

Damn, that’s cheesy!


Smut, I figured you’d be PRO-bukkake

War should not involve watermelons.

In retrospect, comment at 20:51 should be something about “not opening a second front”.


Makes perfect sense! He removed the kid’s homosexual urges by providing homosexual release… FOR JESUS!!!

Joey, do you ever watch movies with men on wooden frames?


“providing homosexual release… FOR JESUS!!!”

That’s weird. Jesus never pinged my gaydar.


Pinging the gaydar.


“War should not involve watermelons.”

What about watermelons…and trebuchets?


“That’s weird. Jesus never pinged my gaydar”

Really? Hung around with a bunch of guys, never married, wore FABULOUS sandals….


Well, that settles it: Bugs is a bit of a cocktease.


Why does the idea of evangelicals handling of snakes seem appropriate now?

Pupienus Maximus

Just yesterday I had occasion to propose “Jack Off for Jesus!” as a slogan to put butts in the pews.


The long robe, the sandals and hair like a girl . . . do I have to draw a picture?

Pupienus Maximus

Might be a good band name, too.


smut, it doesn’t count if it’s not in an airport.


If your brother Jack was stuck on a roof, would Jesus help your brother Jack off?


OK, S. cerevisiae, spill it. What’s your source for Warner Bros. classic videos?

(Unless it’s DVDs. IOW, unless you’re one of those tiresome people who actually pay for what they want.)


I almost hate to say it, but it looks like Warner Brothers runs some of the old classic cartoons on their website for free.

Pupienus Maximus

Way to go, Scott. Now everyone is watching old toons and has abandoned the thread. It’s your fault. There is blood on your hands.


Wow. Jesus is hot for your butt.


Way to go, Scott. Now everyone is watching old toons and has abandoned the thread. It’s your fault. There is blood on your hands.

That’s not blood.


I have some I bought on DVD, some that were gifts, some from itunes. Right now they just ran the opera one on one of the cartoon channels. Yes, I have nothing better to do right now.


Is anyone here watching Bob’s Burgers? If not, it’s definitely worth a looksee.


Yes, I have nothing better to do right now.

Finding a cure for cancer and boning a supermodel might be better things to do than watching great old Warner cartoons. I can’t think of any other things offhand that qualify.


boning a supermodel

Yeah, the rest of us wimmins have a hard time competing with Bugs.


boning a supermodel

Insert “turducken” joke…


War, like turducken, is a travesty wrapped in an enigma. Also: reminds one of POOP.


Well, if you’re not boning a supermodel and have time on your hands, hows about THIS?


Jesus is not gay, he’s only happy.


When boning a supermodel it’s best to start at the extremities and work your way…

Wait, what?


With ginger sauce, I will eat almost anything boneless.


Anything that’s boneless?


Snort, that was insane. How do they keep from knocking one over by accident?


Ivar the Boneless sounds like a Monty Python skit.


When I saw a copy of this NYT lying on the seat, I picked it up and starting shifting through it. Came across the title of this op-ed and started looking for the author. Sure enough, it was this idiot.

Dubious, but Amiable P

Look out, Jesus!!! It’s going to eat your hand!!!

Gary Mangiacopra

Yet another spineless President getting us involved in another war that has nothing to do with us. Our current crop of bloodsucking globalist politicans will NEVER take military action when American interests are at stake, but will jump at the chance to send our military to war that is not in our interests to fight. This war with Libya is pointless and immoral. Gaddafhi is actually taking action against Al Queda in his own country while the rebels are islamist sympathizers. What Gaddafhi does in his own country in no way effects American National Soveringty and should be left alone. The globalists in our government are traitors and care nothing about the concept of Nationhood and National Soveringty.

When will America get a President with some backbone who takes long overdue military action against Mexico for repeatedly violation American National Soveringty? Not as long as the idiot American people keep voting for the globalist two party system. I hope you liberals choke on your soon to be established one world government.


Mangiamerda, mio dolce amore.


No wars on foreign soil!

Just Mexico.


I think Gary likes coconut, not POOP.


boning a supermodel

Once you remove the bones, there really isn’t much meat left.


Screw Mexico. When do we do something aboot Canada?


Been boning a supermodel, did I miss anything?


When do we do something aboot Canada?

It’s time for <a href=""a preemptive strike!


HTML fail, but the link works.


Yeah, BBBB.

The Kenyan Mexifascist Commie Usurper has got us into another war for oil, which proves he is both a cowardly fairy and a ruthless, iron-fisted dictator. Too.



Why does everyone think we can’t pull out in time?


Don’t wanna get war pregnant. Cuz then its warbortion time.


Thunder likes malformed URL’s. What a weirdo.

“The URL contained a malformed video ID.”


Further down they link someone who complain Obama vacations in times of crisis. DIE NOW.

Makes you wonder why Chairface Chippendale bothered building a laser to write his name on the moon.


GAWY,come out and play.



Oregon Beer Snob

The Rabbit of Seville and Long Haired Hare are also classics. Hell I love all the old classic (not cut up) Looney Tunes. As a matter of fact I am watching some right now.

A while back the Cartoon Network used to run a big Bugs marathon, and in the middle of the night they’d even show the super-racist ones from WWII and before that you couldn’t find otherwise. Pretty amazing.


GAWY,come out and play.

Glawackus?! The Glastonbury Glawackus?!

Somebody’s been attending the George Lucas School of Making Up Names for Stuff.

Oregon Beer Snob

Smut Clyde said,

March 22, 2011 at 0:13




Makes you wonder why Chairface Chippendale bothered building a laser to write his name on the moon.

It’s because there are no duodecimate mining operations on Luna.


War, like masturbation, is a force that gives us meaning.


That’s not a Jesus spoon, that’s a Che spoon!

Oregon Beer Snob

Where’d everybody go? You all off launching a missile or something?

Oregon Beer Snob

Scott Sharkey is an unrecognized hero.

I initially read the caption to that as Gaxians 5:16 and was very confused.


military assistance from our allies = slightly overweight Reese Witherspoon= Do.Not.Want

Above was another installment of shiznit “of record”. Now pay up you subs, peasants!


I don’t pay to read that stuff. I just look at the pictures.


You all off launching a missile or something?

Re-enacting Sherman’s March to the Sea.

Oregon Beer Snob

Taking the hill.


Storming the beach.


My, that boy Ross shore does have him a purty mouth.


Conquering the world.


Quaffing the IPA.

Gary Mangiacopra

Military action against Libya is completely unjustified. Has Libya taken to the seas and waged war against America? Does Momar Gaddafhi remaining in power pose any threat whatsoever to American National Soveringty or to our National Security or to American citizens? The answer to all of those questions is a resounding NO!

Those are the requirements for a just war. That the opposing power with which we are engaged be either a threat to our National Soverignty, National Security or to our citizens. Libya doesn’t fit any of those criteria, therefore war is not justified in this case.


Winning one for the Gipper!


Crossing the Line of (Little) Death


Doin’ your mom…in my MIND!

Pupienus Maximus

There is no spoon.


Once more into the breach.


Has Libya taken to the seas and waged war against America?

What part of “First Barbary War” does Gary NOT UNDERSTAND???!


A classic pincher maneuver.


What part of “First Barbary War” does Gary NOT UNDERSTAND???!

He thought the Halls of Tripoli were a family of cough-drop magnates.


The Battle of the Bulge


Crying “havoc”


Sinking one’s battleship


Once more into the breach britches.


Also, Letting slip the dogs of war.

Also, too, why is it the only time I have anything to say is when it comes to dirty limericks and/or innuendo*?

* that’s right.


Oh god, there is Huckabee on my TV telling me we need to repeal the government takeover of healthcare. YOU can help REPEAL it NOW!

and the rubes buy it.


The retreat to Jalalabad.
No, wait.


Operating Barbarossa.


I was 2:14 anonymous, damnit.


and the rubes buy it.

Yeah, they buy the gold coins too.


Buying the Silver.


Loving [the smell of, opt.] a palm in the morning.


Sinking the Lusitania.


Owing so much to so few.


Blood, toil, sweat, and hey! that’s not tears…

Gary Mangiacopra

You leftist cowards are speaking gibberish rather than debating the facts with me. If the French and the British want this war so bad they should fight it alone. They are more than capable of winning this conflict without American involvement.

The American military should be used only to defend our own Soverignty and interests. American troops would be best served deployed along the Mexican border with occassional cross border raids to punish the Mexicans for their violation of Our National Soveringty. And full fledged invasion if they persist in encouraging the “reconquista” of the American Southwest.


Mangiacopra? That sound Italian to anyone? God damn it, when are those dago guinea wops going to stop violating my Real America’s national sovereignty? Pack ’em up and ship ’em back, that’s what I say!


Deciphering hidden grandeurs.


There’s no way mangiacopra isn’t a troll name. It’s just too weird to be a coincidence.


U.S. out of North America!

(old AIM slogan)



Your isolationist foreign policy is not nearly pro-active enough. Stand up to those foreign breeders!


Come on guys! Sadly, No is well known as a political debate blog; your just being mean to Gary Mangiacopra, making silly jokes and refusing to debate that letting Britain & France get all that sweet, sweeeet oil in Libya with the USA just standing aside, whistling into the wind or doing something into the wind…
…he’s obviously got you cornered, and your trying to get out of the DISCUSSION with lameO jokes. Get SERIOUS!


C’mon, Libs, Trollpants wants to play! Address his post!


Last time we got Sirius, the Dean dropped the big one.


Ok, when you let a crazy guy kill a whole bunch of people and don’t lift a finger, even when asked, it tends to tarnish your reputation and prestige. Then everyone else in the world gets mad at you and maybe more people join terrorist groups or sympathize with terrorists. Also sending troops to Mexico would be a diplomatic debacle, but I’m sorry I didn’t take the person who suggested it seriously even though his name kinda translates to shiteater. Tada


It’s hard to take the Latter Day Garys Siriusly anymore.


I’ve got better things to do, like reeling from the sabre-stroke.


well known as a political debate blog

You took a wrong turn back at Shakesville, or Balloon Juice, or somewhere


Argument? Sorry this is abuse.


Argument? Sorry this is self-abuse.


You took a wrong turn back at Shakesville

Department of Redundancy Department of Redundancy Department of Redundancy Department of Redundancy Department.


Also I’m sorry that I can’t articulate how withdrawing from every international institution and cutting off all contact with the world save occasional violence against neighbors over perceived slights like a goddamned nation of unabombers isn’t a viable foreign policy option for a world power in a way that a sociopath would understand but truly it wouldn’t make a lick of difference so I guess this insincere apology is just another means of making “lameO” jokes. Sorry for that.


Basic Training.


Arming the load.


well known as a political debate blog

Ahh! You were looking for this blog:

BREAKING: Tim Pawlenty Still Running For President


Digging the latrine.


Standing at Attention?


Digging the latrine. shit moat.



Standing at Attention ease.



Gary Mangiacopra, are you the same Mangiacopra of Sharlie fame? Fantastic story, really. If this is not you, then excuse me.

As for Lybia and (G,K)Quadaffi, it isn’t every day that you get the opportunity to destroy a mass murderer. It’s even better when the whole civilized world is on your side and someone else is actually helping to do the destroying. Ugly business, yes. Maybe those America-hating rebels will have a change of heart now, see us in different light, so to speak, no?


Libya is a trap, and Obama walked right into it, as usual.

By intervening, we provide ammunition for our enemies who will accuse the US and Europe of interfering in a Middle-Eastern country in order to control its resources, once again. This narrative is as old as Western Civilization, and it’s very easy for Muslims to believe. It’s no longer their struggle to overthrow a brutal dictator; it’s now just another imperialist “shock and awe” campaign against a desperately poor population.

On the other hand, if we had stayed out of it (as we wisely, and surprisingly, did in Egypt), then they can accuse Obama of failing to take action to prevent a terrible human tragedy at the hands of a monster. Now that we’re in it, they complain that he didn’t act soon enough, or with enough force, AND they can also accuse him of dragging the US into an expensive, bloody long-term fight with no bearing on our national interests. Yes, I said “and”. The same people will make both, seemingly contradictory arguments, in the same articles.

If Khadaffy is overthrown or killed, we will have to be a part of the long-term occupation, pacification and “nation-building” that went so swimmingly in Iraq and Afghanistan. Alternately, if he hangs on, the war will be steadily ratcheted up over the next months, along with the cost in blood and treasure, and Obama will take the blame for failing to “win”.

In the meantime, the cost will give Republicans the excuse they need to further gut and cut vital spending in this country, the recession will sign up for another smash engagement, and we all know what that will mean in the 2012 elections.

So go on–tell me how Obama gets out of this one.


tell me how Obama gets out of this one.

ACTING!!! [/Jon Lovitz]


By destroying Ghaddafi’s capacity to seige Benghazi without making any further attempt to dislodge him from Tripoli, then leaving. It’s not a hard thing to war game, damn.


You know… Bill Clinton fought the Yugoslavian conflict this way, and as ugly as it got, it worked. Ross is just trying to get past his own cognitive dissonance.

And dammit, every time I see Ross’s picture, I wonder if I should get rid of my own goatee.



Um… we stayed out of Egypt because Mubarak wasn’t completely batshit insane and didn’t try to take the whole country down with him. There was no need to intervene.


“Soil on Newspaper”

That is still the funniest damn thing I’ve read all year. I just went all the way back through the archives just to remind myself …



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