First They Came For The Neo-Nazis

Shorter Rep. Peter King (R-NY), quoted in the New York Times:
Muslims to Be Congressional Hearings’ Main Focus

  • To include Neo-Nazis along with Muslims in my hearings on terrorism would be completely unfair to the Neo-Nazis.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 119

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Also, IRA members, considering I held honest-to-God fundraisers for them in Nassau County.”


If you’re white, you’re right. If you’re anything else, you’re toast.


Neo-Nazis? No Keanu Reeves for you!

The Kid from Kounty Meath

@DKW: If I knew how to do umlauts, I would respond to that by posting “Whoa” with one of them over the “o”, and it would be hilarious. Trust me on this.


OOOooooOOOooooo, I like the new photoshop theme.


Mr. King added, “I’m not going to dilute the hearings by including other extremists.”

Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who. I only care about the brown ones…..


I’m not getting out of the bloat.


I love that according to this article, the left and the right are both pissed.

The left, for good and obvious reasons.

The right, because they suspect that the HUAC reunion is really a cover for a Muslim conspiracy. Honest.


And he’s right. Domestic terrorism-wise, the neo-Nazis aren’t that much of a threat; the militia movement is, and it’d be doing it a grave injustice if we were to focus only on a couple of Aryan Nations chapter while ignoring the much wider militia movement and “lone wolves,” most of whom are inspired not by their translation of Mein Kampf but by watching Glenn Beck every evening.


Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed whom

Sorry, but that was going to bug me all day. And yes, I know you were paraphrasing the Simpsons.


If I knew how to do umlauts,,,

ö is ö

And nöw I expect this thread tö becöme MÖAR METALÿ


If we included these other violent events in the hearings, we’d be sending the false signal that we think there’s a security threat equivalency between Al Qaeda and the neo-Nazi movement, or Al Qaeda and gun groups.

You fucking douchetard, what the fuck do you think terrorism is? This isn’t the Cold War: Now With More Arabs! The whole point of terrorism is that a small group of people can do a great deal of damage.


And yes, I know you were paraphrasing the Simpsons.

I don’t watch the Simpsons, but I coulda sworn the paraphrase was from Python.


I am so dedicated to not getting out of the boat, I even skipped the Shorter.


the paraphrase was from Python.

Probably. The Simpsons writers steal form the best.


I coulda sworn the paraphrase was from Python.

Yup, Holy Grail.


On the upside (as was pointed out in the article), maybe this will give people an opportunity to see Muslims as real people and not just boogeymen. Maybe it will also cause decent people who aren’t paying attention to start.

It’s fucking sad that there needs to be a congressional hearing full of fascists to do that, though.


“I believe it will have more of an impact on the American people if they see people who are of the Muslim faith and Arab descent testifying,” Mr. King said.

The hell does that mean? Are we not committing enough anti-Muslim hate crimes for Mr. King over here? He’s wasting millions of taxpayer dollars, not on preventing a terror attack, but on show-trial propaganda to educate us? And he openly admits this.



“I believe it will have more of an impact on the American people if they see people who are of the Muslim faith and Arab descent testifying,” Mr. King said.

I believe it will have more of an impact on the American people if we fire anvils at them with a rail gun,” Smut Clyde N__B said.


The right, because they suspect that the HUAC reunion is really a cover for a Muslim conspiracy. Honest.

the witch hunt is not witchy enough…


Fröm, töö.



Oooooh, witchy hunty
See how the hearings drag
Oooooh, witchy hunty
The wingnuts all get to brag


Is this for real? Dickless Umbridge here is going to drag Muslim priests/immigrant cab drivers/excessively swarthy Christians/etc up in front of his “anti-terrorism” panel and order them to confess to being terrorists?

I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that he’s cocky enough to keep a public record, not that the average American is likely to object.


It was from “The Holy Grail,” goddammit. And it was “who.” Here, have a sic.


maybe this will give people an opportunity to see Muslims as real people and not just boogeymen

it’s 2011, already! why are we still so freaking atavistic?!?!?


The report said, “In some communities, Muslim-Americans have been so concerned about extremists in their midst that they have turned in people who turned out to be undercover informants.”

Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It also sounds like the Muslim American community being more and more desperate to prove its patriotism in the face of people who not only remain unmoved by all such efforts, but seem to hate them more the more they do for their country.


it’s 2011, already! why are we still so freaking atavistic?!?!?

I think we’re *worse*.


Just for the record, I am not, nor have I ever been, a Muslim. I hear the State Department is rife with them though.




Simpsons steal paraphrase: “we could argue about who forgot to pickup whom until the cows come home…”


FYWP with a rusty umlaut…


You know who else was a Muslim?


Mu-slim? What use is microslimming to ‘merkins? We need megaslimming.




when all else fails, read the directiöns…



And FYWP in advance, since this probably won’t work.


DKW: Thanx for New-Thread tip-off.

I left some orphan posts on the last thread before I encountered the New Thread alert.


“You know who else was a Muslim?”

Congressman Ellison, who(m) {sic?} intends to show up and maybe call King out on his shi(ite) (sp? sic? caveat emptor &c.)


“I left some orphan posts on the last thread before I encountered the New Thread alert.”

Are they Irish orphans? Cause I’m getting hungry.


Congressman Ellison makes me somewhat prouder to live in minnesota…although it is spectacularly cold here today…when i cranked up irene this morning, the thermometer read -23 (DKW how do you make the ‘degree’ mark?) but by the time i got into town, it was only -17…and is now at -9…


People are ridiculously stupid, see? They rate poorly the committee meetings of those who are for Neo-Nazis, and those who are for Muslims get good rates, see? FU! Rate my committee meetings however u want, I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT! Aaaaaah, Rocky’s fed up. Take theses mugs for a ride, Hugo.


In fact, he said he planned to hold three or four more hearings this year on topics like the radicalization of Muslims in prisons and Saudi financing for American mosques.

Then I presume he will hold hearings on the Papist conspiracy to overturn the Republic.


I even skipped the Shorter.

Never. Skip. The. Shorter. (Corollary 6 of Safe Boating Behavior.)



A and a are 196 and 228
O and o are 214 and 246
U and u are 220 and 252

Don’t forget your semi-colons.


Then I presume he will hold hearings on the Papist conspiracy to overturn the Republic.
At what point can Rotarians and Masons and Odd Fellows expect the shining light of congressional inquiry to be directed at them?


And yes, I know you were paraphrasing the Simpsons.

I don’t watch the Simpsons, but I coulda sworn the paraphrase was from Python.

Let’s not bicker and argue… This is supposed to be a happy occaision!


The threat Isreal!!!

Watch the video, my favorite segment starts at around 4:45.


The first rule of the ÜMLÄÜT CÖDE is never talk about the ÜMLÄÜT CÖDE. The second rule is also never talk about the ÜMLÄÜT CÖDE.


The degree symbol ° is 176.

Note you can also AMPERSANDdeg; (no # sign since you aren;t using numbers)

These also work:
Auml auml
Ouml ouml
Uuml uuml

low sodium hunchback

I just hope he doesn’t call in Yusuf Islam.



No. You are merely experiencing some mild side-effects from Prescott Pharmaceutical medications.


In fact, he said he planned to hold three or four more hearings this year on topics like the radicalization of Muslims in prisons and Saudi financing for American mosques.

I’d be most gratified if some authority or other made a similar study on topics like the radicalization of Christianity worldwide through financing by American evangelical churches. The ties between American missionaries and money and the new Taliban-style homophobic laws in Uganda come to mind, as do the financial ties of Pat Robertson with Charles Taylor and Mobutu Sese Seko.

I know the U.S. government’ll never do it, but someone really should.


DKW…you are the bomb…now i have another distraction from getting my board packet out…and don’t worry about my colon, i generally remember it…


I just hope he doesn’t call in Yusuf Islam.
but a sing a long could be exactly what this shit show needs…


I know the U.S. government’ll never do it, but someone really should.

Hey, don’t sell these guys short, they got steroids out of baseball.


“the radicalization of Christianity worldwide”

How about domestic Christian terrorists like Randall Terry?


Watch the video, my favorite segment starts at around 4:45.
this was indeed one of my all time faves…


I first read the title in the pic as BOWEL BOAT and have the following line stuck in my head.

Daylight come and me wan’ go POOP


The ties between American missionaries and money and the new Taliban-style homophobic laws in Uganda come to mind, as do the financial ties of Pat Robertson with Charles Taylor and Mobutu Sese Seko

True story from my fundie past: In 1994 when I was about ten I went on a missionary trip to Chiapas with my father and about a dozen representatives of Evangelical networks throughout the South and Midwest. Several hundred Protestant leaders came from hundreds of miles around for some sort of convention way out in the middle of nowhere. I remember people from our group giving speeches about standing together in solidarity with Mexico, etc. A few months after we left, things got really ugly – some Protestant militias eventually ended up massacring Catholic and syncretist peasants in areas associated with the uprisings.

Since then I’ve learned just how deeply involved Evangelicals in the US were with Pinochet, Montt and Somoza. Of course, I don’t really know exactly what happened – we may have just been funding schools and churches. I would love to know the details, though.


You can also do ampersand auml semicolon
also ouml and uuml


bbfk: That is some wicked-bad-frigid-nasty cold! Hurts-when-you-breath cold. Only driven MN in one winter…and that was plenty enough to learn how tough Minnesotans are.

While on MN, here’s something that I really hate about Sarah Palin: “You betcha” was an all-time-great Minnesotan expression until Caribou Barbie poisoned it.

BTW, is there any Minnesotan explanation of M. Bachman? Does it have anything to do with yer climate? Some sort of catastrophic voter brain freeze?


Those are easier to bemember, for obvious reasons.


bbfk: That is some wicked-bad-frigid-nasty cold! Hurts-when-you-breath cold. Only driven MN in one winter…and that was plenty enough to learn how tough Minnesotans are.

While on MN, here’s something that I really hate about Sarah Palin: “You betcha” was an all-time-great Minnesotan expression until Caribou Barbie poisoned it.

BTW, is there any Minnesotan explanation of M. Bachman? Does it have anything to do with yer climate? Some sort of catastrophic voter brain freeze?
all i can say is that the &#252ber-cool mnsotans always say ‘ya, ya bet!’ and the only explanation i can soothe myself with is is that she makes the men feel all warm and tingly in their swimsuit areas…which in these temps is always welcome…


effing semi-colons…how do they work?


so that should have said über


Mr. King added, “I’m not going to dilute the hearings by including other extremists.”

He’s not going to include himself?


He’s not going to include himself?j
that is central to his point…


Where’s my comment? FYWP, see?


Has anybody yet suggested to Rep. King (NSDAP-NY) that he could save time and taxpayer money by just throwing Muslims suspected terrorists into the Potomac, and burning only the ones that float?


Fellers, I’ve decided to move to Romania and sell ducks for a living: I foresee a great increase in demand for them.


Oh, hello, Lurking Canadian. Impeccable timing, in view of the thing I just linked to.


Has everyone else seen today’s Google logo? Happy birthday, Jules Verne!


Seriously, FYWP.

Anyway, he probably looks more like The Frog than Rocky so alternate shorter Peter King:

People are ridiculously stupid, see? They rate poorly the comments of those who are for me, and those who are for Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse get good rates, see? FU! Rate my comments however u want, I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“Also, IRA members, considering I held honest-to-God fundraisers for them in Nassau County.”

Q.F.MotherfuckingT. King is a goddamn reptile.


pedestrian said,
February 8, 2011 at 18:49

Holy shit, dude.

I vaguely know about the Chiapas uprising, but I’d never heard anything about Protestant militias. You know anything more about it?

And from my own exposure to fundies I know the anti-Catholicism’s still very strong (the anti-syncretism even more so), and that Latin America’s a magnet for missionaries because of that. But I’d never heard of it actually degenerating into religious violence.


Hey, don’t sell these guys short, they got steroids out of baseball.

how hard do you have to squeeze a baseball to get steroids out of it?


And once again, the shorter version is actually MORE SENSIBLE than the actual statement it’s mocking.

“Mr. King added, “I’m not going to dilute the hearings by including other extremists.”

In fact, he said he planned to hold three or four more hearings this year on topics like the radicalization of Muslims in prisons and Saudi financing for American mosques.



BTW, is there any Minnesotan explanation of M. Bachman? Does it have anything to do with yer climate? Some sort of catastrophic voter brain freeze?
Gerrymandering by the Repugs last time they did up the districts helped consolidate the wingnuttery in the new district that Bachmann represents. It included Stearns County, which has a high concentration of neo-nazis in it. St. Cloud State has regular racist vandalism and threats.
Bachmann is a blight on our state, but John Kline is close 2nd.


If I knew how to do umlauts…

Ït’s ëäsy.

Dö ït ïn Wörd (CRTL + SHIFT + cölön, vöwël), thën cüt änd pästë ïntö thë cömment böx.


I am Mohammed bin Spartacus, and I want my time at the hearings!!


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
ö is ö

DKW explains the precepts of öbjectivism. Unless he’s describing the noises your mother made last night.


These also work:
Auml auml
Ouml ouml
Uuml uuml

DKW sings the Ur Sonata. I think the ‘ml’ is short for “mother-love”.

I believe it will have more of an impact on the American people if we fire anvils at them with a rail gun,” Smut Clyde N__B said.
The blog-post on rail guns is currently only half-written.


and the only explanation i can soothe myself with is is that she makes the men feel all warm and tingly in their swimsuit areas…

or there’s what howlin wolfe said…


Grr. I know it’s spelled Buddha.



I think King should reach out to the neo-Nazis by walking into one of their conclaves, preferably in an isolated area late at night, and explaining that he’s from the government and he’s there to help.


It is amazing that people don’t just stare blankly at King for the things he says.

“This threat is real, and we can hardly afford to ignore the motivating ideology behind nearly every recent homegrown attack, such as the Zazi plot, the Times Square Attack, Fort Hood, the Portland Christmas bombing attempt, and numerous others,” King wrote.

The above, well-orchestrated plots (all but one of which were foiled) are perpetrated by hardened terrorists. These are isolated all incidents.


I vaguely know about the Chiapas uprising, but I’d never heard anything about Protestant militias. You know anything more about it?

Well, it was a complex situation of course, but basically the government armed local militias that were mostly Evangelical to counter the influence of the Zapatistas and partisans of Liberation Theology. These militias committed a number of atrocities, including the attempted assassination of liberal bishops. The most famous massacre was the murder of 45 pacifist Abejas in Acteal during a prayer service. The killers were Presbyterian converts who were transported to the site by the government. Many were allowed to go free and the rest were recently released on technical grounds.

Religious leaders affiliated with both the PRI and PAN organized the legal defense of the paramilitaries under the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE). CIDE is suing the Fray Bartolome Human Rights Center, community leaders from Mitziton, and Hermann Bellinghausen, reporter from La Jornada, for defamation of character. The religious leaders are affiliated with the Eagle’s Wings and the Army of God, evangelical groups who claim as members the paramilitaries who carried out the Acteal massacre.

The American press has generally minimized the evangelical identity of the pro-government militias, but it is widely discussed in Spanish language media. Evangelical Christians in the U.S. have tried to spin the facts to make it appear that Protestants were actually the victims and the Zapatistas the perpetrators.


isolated all incidents.

This is central to my point.

how hard do you have to squeeze a baseball to get steroids out of it?

How muscular are your thighs?


In fact, he said he planned to hold three or four more hearings this year on topics like the radicalization of Muslims white nationalists and anti-government nuts in prisons and Saudi financing for American mosques Presidential campaigns, like those of George W. Bush.

Fixed to match reality (speaking of which: how the fuck does it work?).

I’m sure Mr. Kingofstupid’s stunt won’t do anything at all to convince Muslims susceptible to radicalization that the U.S. is out to get all of them, regardless of their actions.

Nope. Won’t have any negative effect at all …


pedestrian said,
February 8, 2011 at 21:44

That is really freaking amazing, as is the fact that we never heard a peep about it.

And this is why they get to bleat on and on about how peaceful and loving the Christian fundamentalists are and how it’s only the Muslims who blow anything up.

Thanks for the education.


And this is why they get to bleat on and on about how peaceful and loving the Christian fundamentalists are and how it’s only the Muslims who blow anything up.



Mr. King added, “I’m not going to dilute the hearings by including other extremists.”

That, in a nutshell, is all you need to know about what King is doing. This isn’t about investigating terrorism – this is about perpetuating Islamaphobic fear. I’m actually surprised he isn’t bringing in such esteemed “experts” as Gaffney or Pammiecakes.


That, in a nutshell, is all you need to know about what King is doing. This isn’t about investigating terrorism – this is about perpetuating Islamaphobic fear.


What’s funny is that if you go back to World War Two, when HUAC was already active and this kind of thing was their stock in trade… all the way through the war, their primary obsession remained hunting communists. They did divert some of their attention to ethnic groups like the German-American Bund. But interestingly, they left the Ku Klux Klan completely alone throughout the war, even after the Klan had voiced support for the Nazis. They considered investigating it in 1946 (after the war), but declined with one Congressman saying “after all, the Klan is an old American institution.”

Current double standard would seem to have a basis in history; that was even more egregious than this.


I’m sure Mr. Kingofstupid’s stunt won’t do anything at all to convince Muslims susceptible to radicalization that the U.S. is out to get all of them, regardless of their actions.

Nor will giving homegrown melanin-challenged would-be terrorists a free pass in any way embolden them to keep packing nails into backpacks stuffed with dynamite for another round of reindeer games, because NINE-ELEVEN FREEDOM-FRIES CRYING EAGLE, that’s why.


“If I knew how to do umlauts,,,”

Not sure either but I think it involves breaking eggs.


gocart mozart said,

“If I knew how to do umlauts,,,” [comma tard!! .ed]

Not sure either but I think it involves breaking eggs.

Breaking … **gasp** … eggs?!?!



Here’s the Wiki page on Frederik, son of Queen Margrethe II of Copenhagen:

Here there is no link:

It is umlaut without the Prince of Denmark.


If I knew how to do umlauts

Bookmark it, libs!



If we included these other violent events in the hearings, we’d be sending the false signal that we think there’s a security threat equivalency between Al Qaeda and the neo-Nazi movement, or Al Qaeda and gun groups.

We’d also be going after our political base!


how hard do you have to squeeze a baseball to get steroids out of it?

How hot do you have to heat tuna before it melts?


Breaking … **gasp** … eggs?!?!


Only if they’re fertilized eggs. Otherwise it’s just birth control.


> Only if they’re fertilized eggs. Otherwise it’s just birth control.

Double Murder!


I can’t wait for him to haul Darrell Issa before the committee.


Slightly longer Bleater King:

Mr. King added, “I’m not going to dilute the hearings by including other extremists who currently vote Republican.

(h/t B^4)


As opposed to “who voted Republican before we made them our newest scapegoat”. Has there ever been a faster or more complete turnaround in a social group’s voting patterns than among American observant Muslims between 2000 and 2004?


Has there ever been a faster or more complete turnaround in a social group’s voting patterns than among American observant Muslims between 2000 and 2004?

Thanks for the reminder. That’s another one of those pretty remarkable things no one knows about.

Muslim Americans used to be among the best integrated immigrant groups in America (they’d have to be to vote Republican). If there were enough of them to warrant attention, they’d have been put alongside Asian Americans as stereotypical “good minorities who hate communism, uphold family values, have great business instincts, succeed in America and never complain about their adopted country.”

The turnaround is basically as incredible as if the Jewish American community became a Republican voting bloc overnight. It took a hell of a lot for the GOP to alienate Muslims.


Has there ever been a faster or more complete turnaround in a social group’s voting patterns than among American observant Muslims between 2000 and 2004?

Another facet of this bizarre story is the Arab vote, which follows the same pattern: relatively prosperous, highly entrepreneurial, and mostly Republican as of 2000, then 10-1 for Kerry in 2004. But the bizarre part is that 63% of American Arabs are Christian, while less than a quarter are Muslim. I’ve seen conservative and Evangelical media trot out a “good Arab” who is a Christian as though this were an anomaly, when in fact it is by far the norm.

In four years they got so sick of Arab=Muslim=Terrorist that they turned all, “fuck it, raise my taxes!”.


But the bizarre part is that 63% of American Arabs are Christian, while less than a quarter are Muslim. I’ve seen conservative and Evangelical media trot out a “good Arab” who is a Christian as though this were an anomaly, when in fact it is by far the norm.

That, I had no idea. Didn’t know so many American Arabs were Christian (I would’ve assumed a more even split). And didn’t know they too had swung to the Dems so decisively. If anything, I would’ve assumed a lot more of them were Republican.

So thanks for the info. Your last sentence is a pretty good shorter for the last ten years.


“The turnaround is basically as incredible as if the Jewish American community became a Republican voting bloc overnight. It took a hell of a lot for the GOP to alienate Muslims.”

Kind of proves to me how stupid republican voters are – they have to almost literally be hit over the head before they realize what republicans are doing to them.

Alkonholics Untie!

Good grief; you actually have to tie yourself in all those knots just to make an umlaut on Windows? Takes me exactly two keypresses on a Mac.

Also, too.


(comments are closed)