I’ll Have What Bobo Is Smoking

Jean-David Ruisseaux, Self Portrait with Pretty Hat
(c. 1776) (crayola on white drywall)

Shorter David Brooks, New York Times
A Case of Mental Courage

  • If we could go back to the good old days when people underwent surgery without anesthesia, liberals would realize that George Bush was in fact right about the surge in Iraq.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 431


A cabby at the salad bar in Home Depot taught him that…


Brooks should have his head chopped off before it infects the rest of his body.


And now that David fucking Brooks has written that column, I’m sure he’ll finally, unflinchingly, cover the Bush regime’s horrific torture program.


Reading David Brooks is a lot like having your breast removed without anesthetic.


The mangoes are screaming.


Larry Summers “think[s] about the weakness in [his} own thinking” – the Larry Summers who rattled off a bunch of cliches about women’s mental abilities without considering the weakness in the thinking of those who thought up the cliches, much less the weakness in his own knowledge of gender differences as currently assessed by people who actually study such things?

And in Fanny Burney’s day, the courage to face surgery without anesthesia was fed by the fear that it was either the knife or imminent death. It wasn’t just a mental exercise to toughen herself up, as suggested by parallel with Bobo’s other examples.

Or, Shorter Rugosa: Bobo is delusional, as usual.


“We have confirmation bias; we pick out evidence that supports our views. We are cognitive misers; we try to think as little as possible. We are herd thinkers and conform our perceptions to fit in with the group. “

Speak for yourself asshole.

“Very few in public life habitually step back and think about the weakness in their own thinking and what they should do to compensate.”

Well you could start be disemboweling yourself in front of all of GW Bush’s torture victims. That would be a beginning.


Brooks is basically talking about the adverse effects of self-imposed epistemic closure, and I don’t think that’s an entirely worthless conversation. Problem is, a slippery, prevaricating careerist like Brooks is entirely the wrong person to start it. If you’re going to talk about principles, you should start by having some.


I’m gonna TTS. Just don’t think I can cope with Bobo’s moronic misgeneralizations. I will however ensure that no Bobo thread does without the obligatory link to Booboos in paradise.


We believe we could do a much better job writing an intelligent, reasonable column than Bobo.

The fact that we are so relaxed from frequent sexual activity enables us to think more clearly.


OT: I would like to be reincarnated as a bonobo. kthks.


So, it stands to his “reason” that all those Iraqis having amputations without anesthesia are better people now. They’re toughened up mentally. Oh, bombs! What great counseling tools! Paraphrasing Jon Stewart, “GITMO is a leadership academy!”


He’s got a real ugly mouf.


Unfortunately, what Bobo is smoking causes permanent dementia, as evidenced by every column he ever wrote.


Reading David Brooks is a lot like having your breast removed without anesthetic.

Or a vasectomy with a rusty spoon and no anesthetic.


“GITMO is a leadership academy!”

Bet on it. Anyone who doesn’t think the detainees are cross-training future leaders in there is naive. If they didn’t go in as terrorists, they’ll sure come out that way.


“August 24, 2010 at 23:51

A cabby at the salad bar in Home Depot taught him that…”

THAT is funny.


“There’s less talk of sin … these days.” Less talk of dragons, too. What a nincompoop. Bobo is the fucking poster boy for unexamined herd thinking.

Rusty Shackleford

Of the problems that afflict the country, [metacognition deficit] is the underlying one.

My guess would have been unemployment. I guess that’s why I don’t write for the Times.


Things that would make a more reflective populace:

Breast surgery without anaesthesia
Fingers mashed by steam press
Corkscrew gouging out eye
Penis smashed by brick
Tongue pulled out by tongs (fun to type AND say!)


And in Fanny Burney’s day, the courage to face surgery without anesthesia was fed by the fear that it was either the knife or imminent death. It wasn’t just a mental exercise to toughen herself up, as suggested by parallel with Bobo’s other examples.

My grandpa says that back then people was lots tougher. Kids these days are pansies and need to get the fuck offa his lawn and stop making all that racket at the late late hour of 7 PM.


BTW, I designed the image for The Corner. Full-size image here. But let’s keep that just between us.


If they didn’t go in as terrorists, they’ll sure come out that way.

Assuming they come out, which I doubt is ever going to happen.


@ Vacuumslayer:

You’re so awesome. That is fucking brilliant.


Full-size image here.

Submitted I hope.


OT, humorous dildos. .


Full-size image here.

Submitted I hope.

It’s certainly not submissive.


A Case of Mental Courage

Or, if we’re to be completely honest, it was a case of nobody at that time having any choice in the matter. You either underwent the horror of un-anesthetized surgery, or you probably died.


For example, Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway once gave a speech called “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment.” He and others list our natural weaknesses: We have confirmation bias; we pick out evidence that supports our views. We are cognitive misers; we try to think as little as possible. We are herd thinkers and conform our perceptions to fit in with the group.

Well gosh, Boobo. I scanned this article twice for some shred of humble admission that you suffer from this disease like everyone else. (Noting that the only truthful part of the entire article is a citation of someone else’s thinking that involved actual thinking). Did I find any such admission? Sadly, No! All I found was the old crank prattling on about how much better things were when a mastectomy was done with no anesthesia and dirty instruments and was likely to result in a miserable, painful death anyway. Mental flabbiness; Brookz haz it.


“@ Vacuumslayer:

You’re so awesome. That is fucking brilliant.”

I’m blushing and grinning.


Bobo is the fucking poster boy for unexamined herd thinking.

I’ll have you know that convincing people who’ve grown up in the shadow of a world war against fascism that torturing people in the name of the state is a difficult task, one which requires thinking outside the box, epic rationalizing skills and fearmongering that would put the church in the Middle Ages to shame.


Brooks is basically talking about the adverse effects of self-imposed epistemic closure, and I don’t think that’s an entirely worthless conversation. Problem is, a slippery, prevaricating careerist like Brooks is entirely the wrong person to start it.

Yes. Try starting with Fred Clark instead.


I thought it was even stupider of Brooks than usual to use the “surge in Iraq” as evidence that Bush the Lesser was right about anything … since we had no business being in Iraq in the first place. It’s like dumping a cup of coffee on the floor and then throwing sugar in the puddle when your Mom says she wanted you to wash the coffeepot.


So yeah, VS, I missed the whole Corner logo submission thing but that’s an awesome piece, there.


Come to think of it, I think my last yeast infection must have made me a better person. Let’s start small—a national yeast infection and jock itch marathon. Then, being tougher mentally, we could break our bones for no other reason than the mental exercise we’d get from being so obliterated by the pain that we couldn’t write about it for months. Imagine the internet being filled with testimonials of grueling physical pain caused by people trying to better themselves. Nobody would be writing about wars launched on false pretenses or masters of the universe gambling our money into oblivion at 30 to 1. We’d only be thinking of two things: debilitating pain and personal strength.

Stupid? Or evil?


I thought it was even stupider of Brooks than usual to use the “surge in Iraq” as evidence that Bush the Lesser was right about anything

Many conservatives declare that Barack Obama is a Muslim because it feels so good to say so

Or that he presents these two examples as somehow equal.

One is demonstrably false, and his reason for conservatives saying it is an outright lie. They say it because they’re fucking idiot racist pieces of subhuman shit.

The other is debatable at best, but that debate would have to be preceded by a debate as to whether we should have entered the war or not, making the surge debate rather pointless.


Come to think of it, I think my last yeast infection must have made me a better person. Let’s start small—a national yeast infection and jock itch marathon. Then, being tougher mentally, we could break our bones for no other reason than the mental exercise we’d get from being so obliterated by the pain that we couldn’t write about it for months. Imagine the internet being filled with testimonials of grueling physical pain caused by people trying to better themselves. Nobody would be writing about wars launched on false pretenses or masters of the universe gambling our money into oblivion at 30 to 1. We’d only be thinking of two things: debilitating pain and personal strength.

Stupid? Or evil?

Well, all the great artists were said to have suffered immensely. Would we get awesome music out of the deal?


I won’t read that shitty shitty mango.

I do wish people would stop calling it “the surge” in Iraq. Joe Schmoe seems to think that brave W. ignored the recent election results and wimpy Dems had to stand idly by while W. put lots more troops in there and Voila! Reduced fighting! That it was also a serious change in strategy, after a shamefully long period of ignoring the ongoing failure by dickish Rummy, and oh yeah, that we started BRIBING THE SHIT out of the people shooting at us, the average schmoe hasn’t a fucking clue.


you know how it feels, when you hit your shin against something really really hard? like, you can feel it run up your spine and behind your ears and tingle right around your temples? that feeling?

yeah – that’s how it felt to read this.


Pupienus Maximus’ link to the Booboos article is full of goodness.
When his impressionistic observations that reveal diverging regional characters are shown to be inventions, merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative, the 2006 Brooks accuses his interviewer of lacking a sense of humour and not recognising that these sociological claims are jokes. Apparently his readers are lazy thinkers who do not want to be confused with too many facts:

“What I try to do is describe the character of places, and hopefully things will ring true to people,” Brooks explained. “In most cases, I think the way I describe it does ring true, and in some places it doesn’t ring true. If you were describing a person, you would try to grasp the essential character and in some way capture them in a few words.[…]

By holding himself to a rings-true standard, Brooks acknowledges that all he does is present his readers with the familiar and ask them to recognize it.

The 2010 Brooks has run out of topics to write about and turns his attention to the cognitive laziness he used in 2006 as a rationale. Evidently it is a national scandal that people have been putting up for so long with crap pop sociology, and swallowing facile lies that fit their expectations.


VS: Bera, bera nice, that.


Has anyone said this already? I don’t know…but really, did the “surge””work”? I mean, has it been long enough? Do we really know what the outcome might have been without it?


Also, if anyone wants to give me a hug, that would be great. I’m a little sweaty, but I’m wearing a low-cut dress.


I’m pretty sure we know what happened to Afghanistan while the surge “was working”.

And as I recall, the real genius of the surge was paying Sunnis not to attack us. Pretty bold strategy, that.


Many conservatives declare that Barack Obama is a Muslim niggar because it feels so good to say so

Fiquked for completeness!


Also, if anyone wants to give me a hug, that would be great. I’m a little sweaty, but I’m wearing a low-cut dress.

I’m sweaty too, but HUGS on the way!


Anonymous, good on you for for the Fred Clark link-thingY. He dun put into flowery words what been bouncin’ ’round my brainpan lo these many years.

I think I’ll set Fred Clark free to paddle back to civilization while I make goood use of David Brooks’ ugly mouf.


By holding himself to a rings-true standard, Brooks acknowledges that all he does is present his readers with the familiar and ask them to recognize it.

Let freedom ring true with torture and aggressive wars.


I’m sweaty too, but HUGS on the way!

Thank you. Just having a, ahem, “learning experience” right now. Fucking hate that shit.


And as I recall, the real genius of the surge was paying Sunnis not to attack us. Pretty bold strategy, that.

What the fuck is a “Sunni”?


What the fuck is a “Sunni”?




Why do you think ah need a hug? Nobody’s givin’ me credit for the Irack victory.


I thought the main purpose of the surge was to buy more time to delay making substantive decisions about what we need to be doing in Irack.

“Let’s try this, and then we’ll think about what we have to do later.”

Not to mention lengthening the tours of already-overextended soldiers. The long-term damage done to the military outweighs the temporary gains of the surge, IMO.

David Brooks is just plain stoopit.


Oh, and surge? Iraq is starting to come apart again.

What’s courageous about a decision that merely delays a negative outcome?


Last thought on the “surge:” It was a short-term full-blown occupation that could not be sustained over any length of time that now allows American policy-makers and politicians to blame the Iraqis when it all turns to shit.

(I hope I am wrong about the final outcome and will gladly suffer all enforced crow ingestion, bookmarking, etc. But I bet I’m not.)

Lurking Canadian

I’m going to go full Godwin up in this bitch. I have about as much concern with the success of The Surge as I would have had for the success of a Waffen-SS operation to suppress partisan activity in Czechoslovakia.

I do not now, nor never did, judge the morality of the invasion of Iraq based on who won.


I do not now, nor never did, judge the morality of the invasion of Iraq based on who won.

Thank you. There is also the fact that doing the wrong thing cannot retroactively be made into doing the right thing based on the outcome. If you set your house on fire, then put it out, you don’t get to say, “See, I told you setting the house on fire was the right thing to do!”.


face facts , liberals: WE WON in Iraq. WE BROUGHT FREEDOM, liberals would have given up. Liberals would have stand by as Sadaam nuked New York just so we dont hurt Muslim feelings.


Thousands of honest, hard-working journalists are out of work.

I spoke the other day with an old friend who was devastated to hear that my bosses probably won’t be offering him a stinking $34K a year to be the editor (read: sole writer) for their little shit magazine. This guy is divorcing and desperate to relocate to the Chicago area before his 5-year-old daughter forgets what he looks like. He can’t sell his house in Bumfuck, Tennessee, and has almost no cash. Every week I get e-mails from, hear from or read about someone like him.

Meanwhile, David Brooks gets paid God knows how much by America’s most prestigious, respected newspaper to make shit up, draw asinine equivalences and call people lazy who worked harder yesterday than he will ever work in his entire useless life.

Fuck him. He isn’t even funny anymore.


You know what REALLY builds character?


Oh, & you can’t go wrong with rickets. Rickets is the hawt new thing in the clubs this week. If you want to go Full Hero, you can throw in some hookworm & beri-beri, with a dash of smallpox to top it off, but that might constitute too much of a good thing. Also.

BTW, I designed the image for The Corner.



And face the facts: Justa Cassorole is gonna lose bigtime to the Hero of the House John Boener, who is awesome and not soft on terror or the fickel to the free market like his commie oppponont. You will go down horribly, and I can’t wait! TGhe good people of the Heartland will vote him in as they have so many times before, face facts — they are not liberal there! None of us are, just your coast strongholds of eliete bias.


and why isn’t David Brooks far left enough for ya?


Yeah, his job is to tell the suffering and insecure mass that this isn’t real pain. Real pain is surgery without anesthesia. As much as I want to, I’m having a hard time laughing at this shit myself. There is only so much pathological bullshit a sane person can eat without getting angry. In this case, I find myself wanting the Brooksies to suffer something relentlessly painful—something they can’t buy their way out of. Mostly, I want to see them poor while believing the shit they peddle. Lots of poor people have been well trained to blame and hate themselves for it while doing far more valuable work than writing Brooksian swill.


Those “?’s” @ 3:29 were lovely little black hearts in preview.

WordPress: spawn of rabid jackals, or Lucifer’s diseased bowel-movement?

As for Bobo, ignore his false-analogy schtick (it’s been pretty well flatlined since 2007 or so anyway) & check out how beautifully he gets pwned in the comments.

THE SURGE WORKED … for SAIC, KBR & Halliburton.


I do not now, nor never did, judge the morality of the invasion of Iraq based on who won.

Nor did I, and I did not mean to imply I did. I thought the entire enterprise a clusterfuck before it happened, worse so after it did.
Did the surge accomplish anything to improve an outcome (for the Iraqi people)? I think not.


And. I am arguing with Brooks, et al. Not folks here. Except that retard Steve, of course.


Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right. The question is too uncomfortable.
WTF ? Would those be the same liberals that were right about the damn war, WMDS, torture, patriot act and about Bobo’s intelligence ?

And the surge is just a myth he is peddling so no Bobo, we don’t agonize over right wing lies.


I do wish people would stop calling it “the surge” in Iraq. Joe Schmoe seems to think that brave W. ignored the recent election results and wimpy Dems had to stand idly by while W. put lots more troops in there and Voila! Reduced fighting! That it was also a serious change in strategy, after a shamefully long period of ignoring the ongoing failure by dickish Rummy, and oh yeah, that we started BRIBING THE SHIT out of the people shooting at us, the average schmoe hasn’t a fucking clue.

I brought that up in the last thread.

I think the logic was, as Hobbes once said, that the average fifteen-second commercial exceeds the average viewer’s attention span by a good fourteen seconds. “Surge = win” was all they figured much of the public could be able to process. Certainly in the case of their public they were right.


Has anyone said this already? I don’t know…but really, did the “surge””work”? I mean, has it been long enough? Do we really know what the outcome might have been without it?

It’s not quite as simple as “we paid the Sunnis to stop shooting us…” the fact is, the Sunnis were also scared shitless of what they’d been seeing the AQI doing and really wanted some new allies. We stepped in to fill that role, which was good for us and good for the Sunnis.

However, now that the AQI’s been taken down a few pegs, the Sunnis’ chief concern is shifting back to “how do we protect ourselves from a Shi’a majority that hates us?”

Last time I was following this closely (first half of 2009), we were in the process of turning over “control” to the Iraqi government; Baghdad was supposed to pick up the cost of paying them, and integrate a certain amount of them into the military (give them a stake in the system, as it were). Unfortunately, Baghdad wasn’t honoring its obligations. And there were rumbles that more and more Sunnis were ready to pick up arms again. How have things evolved since then? I don’t know, but from what I understand… not well.


Life is easy if you’re Steve & co. Either Iraq will work out, in which case it will be all to Bush’s credit and suck it, libs! Or Iraq will not work out, in which case it will all be Obama’s fault and suck it, libs!

People like this have a hard time understanding the limits of American power, or the fact that the Iraqis are the ones who will ultimately fix this or not.


Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right. The question is too STUPID


Chris said,
August 25, 2010 at 4:17

Thanks. I feel ignorant about it, but I honestly don’t have the emotional wherewithal to pay much attention.


Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right. The question is too uncomfortable.

Nice. He doesn’t have to prove any real liberals were actually wrong about anything, or say specifically how they were wrong – he just has to imagine people who were wrong in some imaginary way, and now he imagines they refuse to consider how wrong they were! It’s like the Applebee’s salad bar or the inability to pay over 20$ for a meal in East Bumblefuck, it doesn’t have to BE true it just has to sound somewhat trueISH.


I don’t know…but really, did the “surge””work”?

IIRC, the surge “worked” in that after it got all surgey there was less ethnic cleansing going on in the various mixed areas. That this was due to the surgetastic surginess is something of a… okay, it’s complete bullshit. There was less ethnic cleansing going on because the fucking task had been largely completed by the time the surge surged forth.


NYPD should get a warrant and exhume Brooks’s cellar immediately. I’ll bet there are more mutilated young women buried down there than Bill Kristol and Victor D Hansons’s cellars combined.


Thanks. I feel ignorant about it, but I honestly don’t have the emotional wherewithal to pay much attention.

Wherewithal has little to do with it. The reporting on Iraq has been: Surge = win. There has not been much in the way of critical, in-depth analysis of what happened after Patraeus took command and Gates stopped playing John Wayne from the comfort of the Pentagon like Rummy was wont to do.

It was complicated. It involved unlikely alliances, bribes, assassinations, and whole host of coincidences and intelligent diplomacy among American leadership. Once things calmed down a bit, we pulled most of our combat troops out. Most knowledgeable people aren’t optimistic about what the future holds. That civil war isn’t over. The political system hasn’t even been planned, let alone implemented following elections. Hot tempers usually prevail in these situations, and you know the history of what sort of people generally hijack power in a vacuum. Something like Napoleon’s ascent might be a good example of my prediction of where this will all go.



Just checking.

If it works, Jim, you can’t copypasta nonstandard characters. You have to unicode them. (Or html them, I guess.)

& # x 2665 ;

without the spaces.

If it doesn’t work, fywp.


Only ONE hug this evening??? I’m offended.


Only ONE hug this evening??? I’m offended.

Oh, I’m sorry. Here’s another.


🙂 Thanks.

Fucking growing up, how does it work?


Wherewithal has little to do with it. The reporting on Iraq has been: Surge = win. There has not been much in the way of critical, in-depth analysis of what happened after Patraeus took command and Gates stopped playing John Wayne from the comfort of the Pentagon like Rummy was wont to do.

Well, there’s been a fair amount of coverage on Democracy Now and other independent media, but, you know, DOWNER. But still, you’re right…most news organizations don’t have the resources to get in there and get the information they need to determine if it’s legit or not. It’s pretty sad, actually.


Fucking growing up, how does it work?

Don’t bother. It doesn’t work. Soon you find yourself inexplicably enraged that a teenager is walking across your immaculate lawn.


It was complicated.

Oddly, the things about the surge that did have positive effects were the things that didn’t really require any increase in troop levels. The surge was a smokescreen for the Bushies to shitcan their abhorrent planless plan and start doing something vaguely right (or at least not fucking things up worse) without admitting that they had ever been wrong.

It ain’t easy to scrape that nasty, stinky Rumsfeld off your boot.


Well, there’s been a fair amount of coverage on Democracy Now and other independent media, but, you know, DOWNER. But still, you’re right…most news organizations don’t have the resources to get in there and get the information they need to determine if it’s legit or not. It’s pretty sad, actually.

Democracy Now, even with its impeccable credentials, still relies on embedded sources. I’m sure they’re doing a fantastic job with the skills they have. The best way to figure out what’s going on there is take a quick glance over the fall of Colonialism in (surprise!) the exact same place, and Africa and the far East. A whole bunch of African countries are STILL trying to sort out the mess left behind by the European colonialists.


Don’t bother. It doesn’t work. Soon you find yourself inexplicably enraged that a teenager is walking across your immaculate lawn.

Ew, no. That’s the kind of “growing up” I’m hoping to avoid.


And yeah, it’s a fucking huge DOWNER.

The first, best step we can take is realizing that this golden age of democracy in Iraq and peace and freedom loving lovers of freedom will be overjoyed and happy and little tiny US of America will appear in the middle of the Middle East and suddenly everyone else will look at them and go–HEY AMERICA! INVADE US NEXT!

This was a disgusting fantasy perpetuated by inhuman neocon orangutans. This outcome was completely unpossible.


Democracy Now, even with its impeccable credentials, still relies on embedded sources.

Yeah, and that’s what I was trying to say, but I’m a little worn out and couldn’t quite articulate it properly.


Yeah, and that’s what I was trying to say, but I’m a little worn out and couldn’t quite articulate it properly.

You ok?


Oddly, the things about the surge that did have positive effects were the things that didn’t really require any increase in troop levels. The surge was a smokescreen for the Bushies to shitcan their abhorrent planless plan and start doing something vaguely right (or at least not fucking things up worse) without admitting that they had ever been wrong.

It ain’t easy to scrape that nasty, stinky Rumsfeld off your boot.

Agreed. I would probably concede that increased troop presence likely kept a few of the local brush wars quiet until cooler heads prevailed–in other words they bought time for the actual strategic diplomacy and bribery to take effect.

I do have to say that my fear that the Iraq invasion was the opening shots of WWIII are mitigated to some degree. I really thought this motherfucker was going global for a while there–especially after the falling out with Russia, Bush’s outright hostility toward our allies, his casual resurrection of terms like Axis of Evil, etc…It was worrisome, to say the least.


I will be. Just a lot of stress. Sorry, I feel like I’ve been inappropriately whiny already.


I will be. Just a lot of stress. Sorry, I feel like I’ve been inappropriately whiny already.

It’s cool. I’m sure I speak for everyone in saying that we don’t mind if you vent and we hope it gets better soon!


I still cannot believe how fucking poorly that war was mismanaged. What the fuck were they thinking? I can’t help thinking it was almost deliberate…


It’s cool. I’m sure I speak for everyone in saying that we don’t mind if you vent and we hope it gets better soon!

Thank you!


I still cannot believe how fucking poorly that war was mismanaged. What the fuck were they thinking? I can’t help thinking it was almost deliberate…

I’m in agreement. I figure it was one of two circumstances: 1) They really believed that despite 1000 year of colonial expansion, conquests, holy wars and the turmoil we’re still dealing with today, that this shit really would work (pure fucking ignorance and stupidity), or more likely 2) They knew exactly what they were doing and the Democratic surge in 2006 got the fucking assholes to hop off the endless war profiteering strategy and ride off into the sunset with the billions of dollars that the lives of American service personnel and Iraqi civilians paid for with their blood.

Every one of those piece of shit chickenhawk fucking asshole scumbags had previously made statements about how dumb the idea of trying to occupy a country of 25 million people is.


That really should have been “poorly MANAGED,” but wev.
I think it’s mostly number 2, as well, along with the idea of having, essentially, an occupied territory in an oil-rich area.


Also, “number 2.” Heh.


NYPD should get a warrant and exhume Brooks’s cellar immediately. I’ll bet there are more mutilated young women buried down there than Bill Kristol and Victor D Hansons’s cellars combined.

Funny you should say that. The serial killer in this is, to me, a dead ringer for Brooks: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3477903616/nm0001574 .


Also, Brooks lives in the DC area, not NY. Lucky us.

The Tragically Flip

Re: mismanaged war. Really? I think they really are that stupid and bad at governing. The only thing the right is really good at (and they’re really really good at this) is scheming for power and manipulating public opinion. So if you need a program to make 55 year old white people freak the fuck out en masse, they’re great at this. If you want to run a ethnically simmering post-dictator Arab-Muslim oil state, they fucking suck shit at that.

I mean think about your typical neo-con PNAC type running the war:
– magical thinking
– ethnocentricism
– cultural imperialism
– arrogance
– disdainful of actual experts
– authoritarian meek compliance with nonsensical orders
– boundless ambition
– utter lack of conscience or introspection

What part of that equation doesn’t spell “success”?


You remember how, at one point in the Iraq Debaqle, some smartasses were making smartass comments about how much it was costing and wouldn’t it make sense to just give anyone in Iraq who hated us a couple of thousand dollars to go fuck off, and of course these people were very unserious and probably George Carlin fans who smoked dope cigarettes? And then we started doing just that, and it worked sort of okay, or at least less badly than all the previous strategies? Yeah. It’s good that we have serious people, though, although I’m not sure what they’re good for.


Re: mismanaged war. Really? I think they really are that stupid and bad at governing. The only thing the right is really good at (and they’re really really good at this) is scheming for power and manipulating public opinion. So if you need a program to make 55 year old white people freak the fuck out en masse, they’re great at this. If you want to run a ethnically simmering post-dictator Arab-Muslim oil state, they fucking suck shit at that.

I don’t really think a single one of those fucking assholes were governing a goddamned thing. I’m pretty sure that was the execution of a few no-bid contracts. I don’t think they gave any kind of a rat’s fat fucking ass what happened in Iraq as long as the puppetmasters got their fucking dividends. The very idea that a bunch of phony fucking white Christian rednecks is in any way capable of running a post-dictator Arab-Muslim state (already infuriated with Western meddling, conquests and proxy wars) is fucking ludicrous anyway.

Your analysis of their governing abilities is spot-on, though. There is a small cabal of wealthy, intelligent sociopaths that coordinate the fearmongering strategies deployed by the right, and the bulk of their numbers is made up of dopey assholes who are entirely incapable of critical thought. They will always have their wedge issues, and washed-up high school bullies and bitchy soccer moms to carry the torch for them. So when they install one of these assholes–Reagan, either Bush, Clinton, they have a useful idiot in place. It worked. The wealthy are infinitely more wealthy now than they were when I was a little kid. I’m not especially old, either. They managed to get the fucking Overton Window slid over so far that people swallow the idea of apologizing to BP when somebody verbally spanks their pee-pee for destroying the entire Gulf of Mexico.


“Poorly mismanaged” is pretty apt, though — it took a great deal of improvement to simply be mismanaged.


I think we should remind ourselves that W., on the campaign trail in 2000, lambasted busybody libruhl international foreign policy and said, We don’t do nation building.

Well, I think he warned us on that one.


Well, I think he warned us on that one.

I guess we shoulda axed him about nation wrecking.


“Poorly mismanaged” is pretty apt, though — it took a great deal of improvement to simply be mismanaged.

We’ll pretend that’s what I meant, then…


To quote a master: “These guys couldn’t organize a gang-bang in a penal colony.”

These people have absolutely no understanding of the concept of “self-awareness” that most humans develop around 2 years of age. They are literally trying to slide down 8” slides, ride in a 6” cars, sit on 4” chairs, & wear hats, jackets, shoes or mittens sized for a 12” doll.

Because “they wanna”, so that’s how the world should work. And when it doesn’t work that way, it’s because “Obamer’s a socailest!”


“Things that would make a more reflective populace:”

Being crushed to death by elephants


Being crushed to death by elephants

Veiled Dolly Parton reference.


T&U, you’re still up? Plz accept a west coast hug with my compliments.

And really, are y’all still banging on about Brooks? The dude’s a moron. He hasn’t said anything accurate since the Clinton administration that wasn’t obvious to a fifth grader.

When are we going to start talking about boobies?

And if not that, can we at least discuss how frighteningly clear-eyed Ron Paul’s post WRT the Park 51 project was? It disturbs me somehow that the craziest coot in Congress got it so right.

Trick question. I’m going to bed. You guys talk about whatever.


I really thought this motherfucker was going global for a while there

Not for want of trying.

I can’t help thinking it was almost deliberate…


I’m fairly certain that the core constituency got exactly what they wanted. The bumblefuckery was a feature as much as a bug. The latest revelations about ninety-whatever percent of the oil money having gone… oops… missing, and nobody of consequence giving much of a shit sort of puts the funny dots at the end of that Q.E.fucking.D.


T&U, you’re still up? Plz accept a west coast hug with my compliments.

I am. I’ve developed extremely uncharacteristic insomnia lately. My cat (NOT a VVR) is snoring away, though.
Thank you. West coast hugs are the best coast hugs!


And I brought up boobies, as is my wont, but nobody seemed to be interested.


It disturbs me somehow that the craziest coot in Congress got it so right.

Dick Armey accidentally let some truth slip while throwing Bush under the bus also. I get a little worried anytime he says something reasonable.

ARMEY: Absolutely right. You’ve got to let..you can’t privatize profits and socialize loss.



OK, I am really tempted to get out of the boat, but I have made a promise to myself never to click on Bobo or Douchehat in the hope that if people stop reading, the NYT will fire them.


And I brought up boobies, as is my wont, but nobody seemed to be interested.

Awww, shucks… (shuffles feet) …kin ah hugs ’em, too?

Enraged Bull Limpet

Yesterday I saw both a dwarf and a 7+-footer in the produce section of my local grocery at the same moment. They exchanged a brief, amused glance without speaking, each seeming to acknowledge that being invariably *noticed* wherever they went was a shared fate.

I lack a blog for the moment but had to share that instant of surrealism, apropos of nada.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Not a momentous anecdote, but I live in the moment, for the moment at least.


He and others list our natural weaknesses: We have confirmation bias; we pick out evidence that supports our views. We are cognitive misers; we try to think as little as possible. We are herd thinkers and conform our perceptions to fit in with the group.

Has anyone considered the possibility that Brooks clicked on the wrong button on his screen and accidentally sent a resignation letter he wrote long ago, “just in case”, rather than a fresh column?
I mean, he has based his entire career out of pandering to (and encouraging) the confirmation bias and herd-thinking cognitive laziness of his readership, so the underlying message of his column is “Ha ha, you’re all dumb fucks for lapping up the bowls of shit soup I’ve been serving you for the last umpteen years. And my editors are no better.”

Haven’t we all dreamed of resigning with a “This is what I think of you” letter?


ROFL’ing, VS


Oh, this ought to be interesting.

What could possibly go wrong?

I do hope folks are bringing videocameras.


Haven’t we all dreamed of resigning with a “This is what I think of you” letter?

When I started in the A/E field in the mid-80s, everyone had a story about a guy who’d quit by climbing on his drafting table and pissing on the drawings. It was always told about some firm other than the one where the teller was employed and reflected, I believe, a shared dream.

It’s not the same with CAD.

The Tragically Flip

Another thing that occurs to me in regards to the right’s abysmal capacity to govern post conquest Iraq is there is a definite lack of motivation on the part of any particular actor to see to this. I don’t think anyone actually was assigned this job. I can picture 19 different flavours of PR, image, propaganda and information departments all meeting and no one even particularly thinking about who might actually have to look after shit. The career civil servants who brought up the subject were probably fired or re-assigned to ignomious roles as “poor team players” for asking too many questions.

The whole topic is just such a low priority for the right, I doubt it would even appear on the agendas of any of the pre-war meetings.

Once it finally occured to someone, they sent a bunch of fucking interns to actually run shit. Between the 22 year old assigned the task to fix Baghdad’s traffic and transportation systems and the 23 year old in charge of creating a Baghdad stock exchange, I can’t imagine how anything could posibl-aye go wrong!


I don’t think anyone actually was assigned this job

As early as mid-2001 I was reading how the usual policy/politics ratio was so skewed in the Bush White House that there effectively was no policy other than politics.


Another thing that occurs to me in regards to the right’s abysmal capacity to govern post conquest Iraq is there is a definite lack of motivation on the part of any particular actor to see to this. I don’t think anyone actually was assigned this job.

Aside from 22-year-old, recently-minted wingnut welfare recipients, not really, no.


To be somewhat anal for a moment, WTF:

“She lived at a time [early 19th century] when people were more conscious of the fallen nature of men and women. People were held to be inherently sinful, and to be a decent person one had to struggle against one’s weakness.”

Is that really so? I mean, I don’t know how you measure this stuff, but when Brooks writes it, it just smells of bullshit.

Also. You can’t be “conscious of the fallen nature of men and women” – sky-person teachings aside, you either believe in original sin, or you don’t. Sub-question, a person who reckons he is conscious of inherent sinfulness… confirmation bias, Exhibit A?


Dammit, Jim,thank you!

Mysticdog, you my dawg.


You know what really ruined us, made our country weak, our young shiftless and our politics that of the coddling nanny state?

Hand washing.

When people could up and die at any time for reasons no one understood, especially at the doctors when the womenfolk was birthin’, it taught us more about how we could be principled, compassionate conservatives.


Is that really so? I mean, I don’t know how you measure this stuff, but when Brooks writes it, it just smells of bullshit.

I don’t, either, but considering the fact that it was the height of Romanticism, it certainly seems like bullshit to me.


“She lived at a time when people were more conscious of the fallen nature of men and women.

Sam’l Coleridge on an infomertial: I have fallen and cannot rise.


The way in which the Iraq occupation was mismanaged was that (a) the Bush Juniorites probably believed most of the horse-shit Cheney & others had shoveled to them about how it would all be candy & flowers & liberation, etc.; and more importantly (b) the Bush Jr. regime, in my view, was genuinely shocked that anyone in the US gave a damn about how messy it got over there, and it made Bush Jr. real, real pissy that he had to spend his precious time and energy and political capital working on this shit that Cheney had promised him would be easy and over quick.


By the way, Bobo probably wouldn’t want to recall that one of the historical political movements most known for demanding its members to think with their own tools, to steel themselves for long-term struggle, to practice mental control so as to not yield to temptation or fleeting pleasures, given the importance of their task, was socialism.

You can say a lot about late 19th century / early 20th century socialist (and labor) movements, but undisciplined and unaccustomed to toughening mental exercises and not able to endure pain without it altering their outlook and not being able to put up with 3 – 10 hour speeches — these you can’t.


Very few in public life habitually step back and think about the weakness in their own thinking and what they should do to compensate.

And those who do don’t get offered gigs writing columns for the NYT.


You know when we were better and more disciplined? In the early 20th century before them damn ‘suffragette’ interlopers were being all selfish and thinking about how women wanted their vote instead of thinking of the greater good.

Thirty-six of the 48 states then needed to ratify [the 19th Amendment extending voting rights to women]. Western states did so promptly, and in the North only Vermont and Connecticut delayed.

But the segregated South saw in the 19th Amendment a grave threat: the removal of the most comprehensive principle for depriving an entire class of Americans of full citizenship rights. The logic of women’s disenfranchisement helped legitimize relegating blacks to second-class citizenship.

Female voters would also pose practical difficulties, described bluntly by a Mississippi man: “We are not afraid to maul a black man over the head if he dares to vote, but we can’t treat women, even black women, that way. No, we’ll allow no woman suffrage.”


ALWAYS. Trust. The. Shorter.™

The only way Bush would have been right about the surge is if I had undergone a mastectomy without anesthesia and I missed the entire fucking episode while in my coma.


Brooks should have his head chopped off before it infects the rest of his body.

I agree. He’s become paralyzed from the neck up.


You know when we were better and more disciplined? In the early 20th century before them damn ‘suffragette’ interlopers were being all selfish and thinking about how women wanted their vote instead of thinking of the greater good.

Damn bitches, always concerned with social justice and shit.


Damn bitches, always concerned with social justice and shit shoes.

Fiqqst for more manly manliness.


Damn bitches, always concerned with social justice and shit shoes.

Well, in my case, this is actually true. Although I’m obviously not interested in social justice enough to stop buying them.


Although I’m obviously not interested in social justice enough to stop buying

shoes made from the skins of orphans and baby seals?


Brooks doesn’t mention it, but Fanny Burney was the maiden name of Madame d’Arblay. Dunno if his concern was that we not get the idea that some Frenchy woman was tougher than the modern wingnut or what. Also, the mastectomy was performed by Napoleon’s surgeon. Brooks no doubt read the account in Eyewitness to History.


shoes made from the skins of orphans and baby seals?

Yes. Crying Indians, also, too.


Oh for fucks sake:

Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right. The question is too uncomfortable.

Why we were so “wrong” about the surge? If I recall correctly, the reason I opposed the surge was because up until that point every fucking thing George Bush did in Iraq went horrendously wrong. He got lucky with the surge, but only after fucking up every thing he touched.


Damn bitches, always concerned with social justice and shit.

Fucking maternal instinct. How does that work?


Also, the mastectomy was performed by Napoleon’s surgeon

We should invade France to correct this tyranny


Although I’m obviously not interested in social justice enough to stop buying

shoes made from the skins of orphans and baby seals?

And species threatened with extinction. You should see her polar bear mukluks.


He got lucky with the surge, but only after fucking up every thing he touched.

It was more that Iraqis got tired of AQinIraq than us sending more troops. Sending more troops was like putting another smiley face bandaid on a slit wrist.

Till Eulenspiegel

The surge totally worked. Everything in Iraq is just fine now. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SIX MORE MONTHS.


The whole “surge” bit is just absurd.

I don’t recall there being a huge liberal uproar about the surge; I know there were a lot of folks, me included, who had long been of the opinion that we shouldn’t have gone to Iraq in the first place and the best thing to do would be to get the hell out, and also recall that a lot of us were saying, “oh, so you’re going to take Shinseki’s advice, 5 years after you canned him for contradicting Rumsfeld’s deeply-thought-out-via-green-plastic-armymen-on-his-desk military strategery? Imagine that.” But as for there being that big of an uproar over the surge itself? Not so much.

But as others here have pointed out already, since they had already screwed the pooch with their ill-advised invasion 5 years previously, not all that many of us cared too much one way or the other about the surge, given that it represented at best the opportunity to take a completely fucked-up situation and render it just almost completely fucked-up. Those who opposed the surge were only about a thousand times more on-target than those who, like Brooks, cheerleaded the invasion in the first place.


Saying something good came out of the surge is like saying Ed Gein should get some clemency because he did a bang up job as a taxidermist.


All I remember as far as politics go is the Republicans crowing “Democrats don’t have a plan. We do.” and Democrats shooting back ” ‘More’ isn’t a plan.”

And they were right. The troop surge alone wasn’t a plan; there had to be a complete revamping of both the people involved and the strategy being pursued for things to change in 2007. Republicans have decided to sell it as all being due to the surge, because it somewhat vindicates their incessant militarism, while the rest of the changes were just them abandoning everything about the war effort that made it a Republican war effort.


But as others here have pointed out already, since they had already screwed the pooch with their ill-advised invasion 5 years previously, not all that many of us cared too much one way or the other about the surge, given that it represented at best the opportunity to take a completely fucked-up situation and render it just almost completely fucked-up.

Exactly. I was like, uhh, I have no fucking clue how to solve this shit, so I’m just going to cross my fingers and hope for the best.
Also, I could use another hug, if anyone’s up for it. I did take a shower this morning.


Funny you should say that. The serial killer in this is, to me, a dead ringer for Brooks: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3477903616/nm0001574 .

Shouldda known that Noonan would grow up to be a serial killer.



Pardon the, um, bulge…


The more I think about it, the dumber it gets.

Fanny Burney showed “mental courage” by writing about a very painful surgery she underwent without anesthesia. And this compares to someone admitting they were wrong how? Burney’s surgery, and her subsequent account of it, wasn’t necessary because she had been wrong about anything or because of anything wrong she had done. It simply doesn’t connect in any meaningful way with anything else in Bobo’s hopelessly jacked-up piece.

I suppose that now that Bobo has discovered Eyewitness to History we can look forward to the following: how Priscus’ account of Dinner with Attila the Hun offers meaningful insight into the immigration debate; how J.Z. Holwell’s re-telling of The Black Hole of Calcutta exonerates Bush for setting up Gitmo; or how Jack London’s recollection of The San Francisco Earthquake once and for all settles the fact that those dusky inhabitants left behind in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina should have just bucked up and saved themselves.



Pardon the, um, bulge…

Thanks. I didn’t expect anything less…er…


The more I think about it, the dumber it gets.

Yikes. Try not to think about it tooo hard.


Bobo is such a putz.


Thanks. I didn’t expect anything less…er…



It simply doesn’t connect in any meaningful way with anything else in Bobo’s hopelessly jacked-up piece.

That’s Bobo. No association chain so unlikely, no connection so tenuous, no lie so blatant that he won’t tell it in his garish “artifical home-spun” style.

People like Bobo are there out of sheer inertia. He’s been peddling the same crap for years, and other than being a useful idiot for the all-wars-all-the-time crowd, he is just there so people will know that, yeah, the newsboy gave them the Times after all.


BTW, I would have made reference to Charles Dickens’ account of Death by Guillotine: Rome, 8 March 1845, but I didn’t want to make Atrios cry.

Spengler Dampniche

Hey, thanks. I went over there and had me a read. The shorter was, as always, correct. It does not convey, however, the total absence of rational thought from Brooks’ specious reasoning, which can be summarized as follows, viz:

Somebody did something wicked unpleasant, and you’re a lazy bunch of assholes.

There are few people upon whom I wish death as a generic solution to their problems. Annie Proulx is one; Brooks is another. I wish to cut his tits off.


NYPD should get a warrant and exhume Brooks’s cellar immediately. I’ll bet there are more mutilated young women buried down there than Bill Kristol and Victor D Hansons’s cellars combined.

what makes you think it would be young girls? Angelic chiorboys is more bobo’s thang, or strangled kittens, when he cant get young boys….

Also, if anyone wants to give me a hug, that would be great. I’m a little sweaty, but I’m wearing a low-cut dress.

absolutely, as long as its sluty and a bright colour (the dress!!)


It’s not the same with CAD.

Isn’t the only difference the .dwg file extension?



The surge was a “success” in the same sense that applying a tourniquet after your leg gets chopped off because you stupidly let Bill Kristol show you a really neat trick with your chainsaw is a “success.”


It’s not the same with CAD.

Isn’t the only difference the .dwg file extension?

Pissing on a computer lacks a certain je ne sais quoi of pissing on a desk 6″ deep in ammonia-printed drawings.


Pissing on a computer lacks a certain je ne sais quoi of pissing on a desk 6? deep in ammonia-printed drawings.

Hit it with a sledgehammer THEN piss on it.


Pissing on a computer lacks a certain je ne sais quoi of pissing on a desk 6? deep in ammonia-printed drawings.

Oh, that brings back memories. Opening a fresh set of drawings at my desk for a take-off and getting gassed by the ammonia fumes. It was so hard to see through the tears. I’m so glad those days are gone. Getting drawings via email instead of driving to a plan center. Submittals by email instead of copying 6 fucking copies and needed a truck to deliver them.

Wow, this job certainly has changed. One constant, however–contractors are still screaming crybaby fucking idiots.


The surge was a “success” in the same sense that applying a tourniquet after your leg gets chopped off because you stupidly let Bill Kristol show you a really neat trick with your chainsaw is a “success.”

Hey! Y’all watch this! OW!

From the “What did you THINK would happen?” file.

Pupienus Maximus

Sledgehammer to the penis? Not without anaesthetic!


Just read through all the surge comments since last night. Just one more;

Everything that was a political issue in 2003 (the shape of government, the status of the Kurds, the status of Kirkuk, the distibution of oil profits) is still an issue today. The surge worked militarily, but its stated purpose was to create a breathing space that would allow a political breakthrough to occur; that last part still hasn’t happened. That doesn’t necessarily mean the civil war’s going to come right back, but the seeds of strife at some point in the future are still there.


“Many liberals would never ask themselves why they were so wrong about the surge in Iraq while George Bush was so right. The question is too uncomfortable. “

The question never even comes up, you mendacious tub of shit.


That doesn’t necessarily mean the civil war’s going to come right back, but the seeds of strife at some point in the future are still there.

Maybe the fucking Brits should deal with that shit. They’re the ones who started it in the first place.


I mean, I really do wonder if many Americans are aware of how much the scourge of colonialism has to do with the supposedly barbaric behavior of the Brown People Over There.


That doesn’t necessarily mean the civil war’s going to come right back, but the seeds of strife at some point in the future are still there.

Democracy cannot be imposed from without. It must always come from within. People must feel as tho they’ve earned it, else they’ll let it slip away.

Even in our nation, we take it for granted after all these years, because we don’t have to fight for it. This is what allows our “leaders” to manipulate us at the slightest drop of a hat. Instinctively, we know that democracy like freedom costs us something, but in the absence of being held accountable in each generation, we allow others to dictate what that price must be.

And we’ve gotten lazy.


Sledgehammer to the penis? Not without anaesthetic!

The sledgehammer IS the anesthetic! One blow¹ and you don’t WANT to feel anymore.



It was so hard to see through the tears.

Sure it was the fumes? Maybe it was the utter futility of the job.


Sure it was the fumes? Maybe it was the utter futility of the job.
I doubt you’ll be saying that when some poorly-engineered structure caves in on your head.


WTF? My spacing is all wonky today.


<iWTF? My spacing is all wonky today.

your pining for actors etchings.


I doubt you’ll be saying that when some poorly-engineered structure caves in on your head.

Been there, done that, bankrupted Lechter’s…


your pining for actors etchings.

So many have.


The question is too uncomfortable.

If by uncomfortable you mean that a simple yes or no is an irresponsible, negligent over-simplification that panders to your herd of illiterate conservative boobs, then yes, you’re right, Dave. It is too uncomfortable.

The question itself is a logical fallacy.


Sure it was the fumes? Maybe it was the utter futility of the job.

That’s the root of the voracious alcohol consumption, for sure. I’m pretty sure there were tears involved with that reality hitting home as well. I’d like to pretend it was the ammonia, if you don’t mind.


your pining for actors etchings.

If by “pining” you mean “cowering in fear and hoping never to be shown them again,” then yes, that’s probably a good assessment.


Goatse etchings are kinda gross.


Goatse etchings are kinda gross.

No farm animals were hurt in the making of my etchings.

Well, not physically, at any rate.


I mean, I really do wonder if many Americans are aware of how much the scourge of colonialism has to do with the supposedly barbaric behavior of the Brown People Over There.

A huge part of what we refer to as the undeveloped world is still reeling from the long term effects of their near destruction that colonialism wrought on them. You can look directly at the polling numbers for support of both of these wars to get a clear picture of how many people have any clue about the connections between the imperial age and today. The roots of terrorism/religious fanaticism/Western hatred begin at colonialism. We’ve done a fantastic job of proving that we don’t give a fuck.

Pupienus Maximus

Why do I get the feeling Bobo wrote that column after a dinner conversation with Prager?


Hahaha, poor niave liberals. You really thought the Tea Party was gonna go down in flames during the Republican Primary, didn’t you? Well I’ve got news for you. We just had a major regime change on our side of the aisle. You are going to have quite a fight this November. Prepare for the upcoming Conservative landslide!



Saying something good came out of the surge is like saying Ed Gein should get some clemency because he did a bang up job as a taxidermist.

You win the Internet for today. Try not to spend those tubes all in one place.

Bobo is nothing more than the type of conservative you just don’t see much of any more: one who at least tries (but pretty much always fails) to intellectually justify the lack of basic humanity essential to the conservative movement.

That way, conservatives have someone who sounds smart to whom they can point and yell, “SEE! That thar brainy guy proves it’s okay to torture brown folks, invade whar we want, and give the rich all our moneys!! He uses big words and everythin!”

Fuck him. He can rot in hell along with the NYT editorial board that won’t fire him, despite the fact he’s a proven liar.


You really thought the Tea Party was gonna go down in flames during the Republican Primary, didn’t you?

And it did. Thanks for playing along.


We just had a major regime change on our side of the aisle. You are going to have quite a fight this November. Prepare for the upcoming Conservative landslide!



herd of illiterate conservative boobs

Barely covered by string bikinis made of American flags, one hopes.


herd of illiterate conservative boobs

Barely covered by string bikinis made of American flags, one hopes.

Please say these are real boobs, and not silicone, or worse, moobs…


or worse, moobs…

Of course they are. They’re conservative.

Pupienus Maximus

actor has it partly right with the cost of freedom thang. We are also, as a nation, exceedingly ignorant and even stupid. There is no longer one whit of substance in our “discourse” our news nor for the most part our lives. Plus, a whole lot of us are fucking insane.

I shall fix myself a martini now and try to numb my brain.


I shall fix myself a martini now and try to numb my brain.

Dude. It’s 8:30 there.


I shall fix myself a martini now and try to numb my brain.

Dude. It’s 8:30 there.

You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.


I mean, I really do wonder if many Americans are aware of how much the scourge of colonialism has to do with the supposedly barbaric behavior of the Brown People Over There.

Helps that so many conservatives still believe the narrative of the good, civilized British empire bringing civilization to the poor savage ignorant locals.

That’s right; the people who scream loudest about social engineering are also its strongest supporters when it involves darkie-killing.


Of course they are. They’re conservative.


I sure am glad I’m liberal, where all our boobs are breastses, even the men’s.


Dude. It’s 8:30 there.
Martinis are part of this nutritious breakfast!

Pupienus Maximus

Fuck Edward Bernays also.


I shall fix myself a martini now and try to numb my brain.

Dude. It’s 8:30 there.

You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.

I’m just jealous.


Oh, boy! I love primary elections, because a Republican always wins!

Pupienus Maximus

Martinis are part of this nutritious breakfast



Mysticdog, you my dawg.

Woof, baby, woof!


I doubt you’ll be saying that when some poorly-engineered structure caves in on your head.

Been there, done that, bankrupted Lechter’s…

Were you under the ceiling collapse at the Ansonia?


Hey, what’s a niave?

Conservative landslide, you say? More like a conservative mudslide! I’m not clicking that link to rentboys. What you do on your own time is your own business, Steve. Don’t get me involved.


The SURGE was an incredible success because our increased troop presence showed up to prevent widespread ethnic cleansing just as the Shi’as and Sunnis had completed the successful ethnic cleansing of Baghdad.

Among the things the SURGE did to prevent such a dangerous situation of ethnic cleansing was to wall off the already-ethnically-cleansed neighborhoods so that there wouldn’t be any ethnic-cleansingly showing up from one ethnoreligious group in the wrong neighborhood.

Another victory of the SURGE was to come up with a new way of labeling paying off the Sunni insurgents who had been attacking US troops to not attack US troops.

Only a TruPatriot hero like G. W. Bush Jr. and a god-like hero (whose name we truly do not deserve to speak) Petraeus could have thought that paying off the guerrillas killing us was something that we really could do, and not just something you could accuse Democratcommunistomuslims of wanting to do.


I’m just jealous.

Carry on, then.


Were you under the ceiling collapse at the Ansonia?

Hotel or station?


Hey, what’s a niave?

Part of a church?

Oh wait, that’s an apse, which is what Steve makes of himself everytime he posts here.


Were you under the ceiling collapse at the Ansonia?

Hotel or station?

Apartment house at 74th and Broadway. Ceiling collapsed at one of the Broadway storefronts about fifteen years ago because some genius hung a new ceiling from the previous hung ceiling which was hung from the original hung ceiling.


Hahaha, poor niave liberals. You really thought the Tea Party was gonna go down in flames during the Republican Primary, didn’t you? Well I’ve got news for you. We just had a major regime change on our side of the aisle. You are going to have quite a fight this November. Prepare for the upcoming Conservative landslide!

That would involve Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting, I assume? Or opening a “Rent-a-Boy” franchise near the Capital? Glass replacement business for the day after “Crystal Night”?


Hahaha, poor niave liberals. You really thought the Tea Party was gonna go down in flames during the Republican Primary, didn’t you? Well I’ve got news for you. We just had a major regime change on our side of the aisle. You are going to have quite a fight this November. Prepare for the upcoming Conservative landslide!

Bookmark this, this is how it will go down, so on and so forth.


Looks like I missed out on a surge-y surge surge in a blue surge suit of a thread. Anywho, just like no Bobo thread is complete without Boosboos in Paradise, no Surge™ discussion is complete without a link to Iraq Today.


Isn’t “Niave” some sort of fancy spring water you liberals like to drink?


Ceiling collapsed at one of the Broadway storefronts about fifteen years ago because some genius hung a new ceiling from the previous hung ceiling which was hung from the original hung ceiling.

OK, now, by “were you under”, did you mean was I a victim or did I have in fact something to do with the collapse? (…in which case the court records are sealed and I was exonerated)

But it is where I got my nickname “Well Hung”…OK, we pronounced it “Well? Hung????” but you get my drift.


Oi, Stoive!

Bookmark it as many times as you want: either Pelosi will cancel the vote, or it will go down in flames, live on C-SPAN.

And then ObambiCare will be finally, mercifully dead. Much like Rasputin it has taken a long time and a lot of effort to finally kill, but we’re 99% there. Just takes nine votes to block it, liberals: nine votes.

Keep it real, mate!


OK, now, by “were you under”, did you mean was I a victim or did I have in fact something to do with the collapse?

Up above:

I doubt you’ll be saying that when some poorly-engineered structure caves in on your head.

Been there, done that, bankrupted Lechter’s…

I was asking if you were under the ceiling when it fell.


I doubt you’ll be saying that when some poorly-engineered structure caves in on your head.

Been there, done that, bankrupted Lechter’s…
I was asking if you were under the ceiling when it fell.

On the advice of my attorney, I am invoking my Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.


What the hell are you two on about?

And what is Lechter’s? Some sort of department store?


Saying something good came out of the surge is like saying Ed Gein should get some clemency because he did a bang up job as a taxidermist.

You win the Internet for today.

I agree.


And what is Lechter’s? Some sort of department store?

Yeeessss, Clarice.

On the advice of my attorney, I am invoking my Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

You hung the ceiling?


Goatse etchings are kinda gross.

*sheepishly removes etchings from mantle*


And what is Lechter’s? Some sort of department store?


It was a housewares’ store. A chain of them across the US, kind of the forerunner to Williams/Sonoma only lower-end. They bled money for years.

What N__B is referring to was the fatal collapse of a ceiling in criossant shop at the Ansonia Hotel back in 1990.

Here’s the Times account of it: http://www.nytimes.com/1990/03/13/nyregion/woman-killed-as-ornate-ceiling-collapses-in-ansonia-hotel-shop.html


And what is Lechter’s? Some sort of department store?

It’s that grocery store that only carries fava beans and Chianti.

Pupienus Maximus

That would involve Duct Tape and Plastic Sheeting, I assume? Or opening a “Rent-a-Boy” franchise near the Capital? Glass replacement business for the day after “Crystal Night”?

Don’t forget the (humorless) dildos and wetsuits.


On the advice of my attorney, I am invoking my Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

You hung the ceiling?

Me? Personally? Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooo….*sipping tea quietly*

Actually, no, I had nothing to do with that tragedy. Except that we helped with the condo conversion of the hotel in 1992.


The NYT story is inaccurate as to the cause and nature of the collapse. Surprise, surprise, surprise.


Here’s the Times account of it: http://www.nytimes.com/1990/03/13/nyregion/woman-killed-as-ornate-ceiling-collapses-in-ansonia-hotel-shop.html

Ah ha. Thank you. I suppose I probably could have put it together myself, but I’m lazy.


I had nothing to do with that tragedy. Except that we helped with the condo conversion of the hotel in 1992.

Thereby moving “Single White Female” from the realm of bad horror/thriller to laughably bad real estate fantasy.


The NYT story is inaccurate as to the cause and nature of the collapse. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Be fair, that story was published the day after. The cause wasn’t revealed for weeks.


Thereby moving “Single White Female” from the realm of bad horror/thriller to laughably bad real estate fantasy.

I prefer to claim credit for the Michael Douglas movie, “Don’t Say A Word.”


Be fair, that story was published the day after. The cause wasn’t revealed for weeks.

My experience is that the press never goes back and corrects this kind of thing. Even when it’s critical to understanding what happened, as here or with the Sullenberger plane crash.


<i.My experience is that the press never goes back and corrects this kind of thing. Even when it’s critical to understanding what happened, as here or with the Sullenberger plane crash.

Well, it’s not really like anybody is paying attention to the story a week later, anyway.


Fuck you, italics.


Also, I keep forgetting to say this, but “Self Portrait with a Pretty Hat” always makes me laugh. Well done.


So, I’m guessing y’all have heard about this?

You mean, dehumanizing, hateful rhetoric about a particular group of people often causes them to be targeted with hate crimes??? WHO KNEW???


My experience is that the press never goes back and corrects this kind of thing. Even when it’s critical to understanding what happened, as here or with the Sullenberger plane crash.

The FAA reported released on May 28 confirmed two bird strikes. That was the preliminary report, as well.

I’d only know that cuz it was in the paper, of course.


The FAA reported released on May 28 confirmed two bird strikes. That was the preliminary report, as well.

I was referring to the plane functionality after the engines blew. Sullenberger did a great job that few pilots would have even attempted, but the initial “the plane was unflyable” was never really corrected.


And the italics disagree with you, too.


I was referring to the plane functionality after the engines blew. Sullenberger did a great job that few pilots would have even attempted, but the initial “the plane was unflyable” was never really corrected.

Are you referring to the fact that, if he had turned around immediately after the strike, he could have made it back to LaG, but even a thirty second delay would have resulted in a crash?


Are you referring to the fact that, if he had turned around immediately after the strike, he could have made it back to LaG, but even a thirty second delay would have resulted in a crash?

I can’t find it in Goog, but there were stories about a A320 without engines is unflyable. TV news, I believe.


T&U, just for posting that, you’re a racist.


T&U, just for posting that, you’re a racist.

Nuh uh! The real racist is the guy who got stabbed in the throat.

At this point, I don’t think it’s all that hyperbolic to compare Fox News/right wing talk radio to Radio Rwanda, do you?


So, I’m guessing y’all have heard about this?

It’s entirely the fault of the asshole with the knife, but every NY cab is equipped with a security partition that obviously was open. I sincerely hope cabbies use the partitions until this shit blows over..sometime in 2047.


It’s entirely the fault of the asshole with the knife, but every NY cab is equipped with a security partition that obviously was open. I sincerely hope cabbies use the partitions until this shit blows over..sometime in 2047.

New York City conservatives to Muslim cab drivers; you fucked up! You trusted us!



It’s entirely the fault of the asshole with the knife

Such clarifications used to be unnecessary. Thank you Fox News.


It’s entirely the fault of the asshole with the knife, but every NY cab is equipped with a security partition that obviously was open.

“He was just driiiiiiiving around alone at night while Muslim with his partition open…what did he expect? He probably *wanted* it to happen” in 5, 4, 3, 2…


Such clarifications used to be unnecessary. Thank you Fox News.

Ehhhh, not so much. At least not when it comes to rape.


Such clarifications used to be unnecessary

Better wordy than unclear. That’s what Billy Faulkner used to say…


Better wordy than unclear. That’s what Billy Faulkner used to say…

Brevity is the soul of wit, but they live by half.


T&U, just for posting that, you’re a racist.

I don’t think italics are considered a separate race, more like a culture.


*sheepishly removes [goatse] etchings from mantle*

I see what you did there.

I also saw what you did for the Corner logo — incredibly well done.

**round of applause**


I don’t think italics are considered a separate race, more like a culture.

I dunno…Italics have taken over entire neighborhoods in Brooklyn. They fly their nasty flags and have those idiotic street festivals with the zeppole and fixed games of chance, and their kids all dress funny, the guys in wife-beater T shirts and the women in too-tight skirts and hair piled hi–

I’m sorry, did you say Italics or Italians?


So regarding the occupation of Iraq, we need to remember that the unstated plan was to conquer Iraq militarily, parachute Ahmed Chalabi in to run things and walk away (with a slow-mo explosion in the background) brushing the dirt from our broad, brawny shoulders. Chalabi, as an externally imposed puppet, would have planted the seeds of democracy in the Middle East because SHUT UP, THAT’S WHY.

The inconvenient fact that the Iraqis rejected him totally and not only that but resented the glorious and democratic occupation liberation of their country threw a monkey wrench into the works. The Bush regime had no plan B and thus four years of tapdancing ensued. The Glorious and Brilliant SURGE was (as pointed out above) pretty much the last option after everything else failed.


I dunno…Italics have taken over entire neighborhoods in Brooklyn. They fly their nasty flags and have those idiotic street festivals with the zeppole and fixed games of chance, and their kids all dress funny, the guys in wife-beater T shirts and the women in too-tight skirts and hair piled hi–

But Snooki


You just can’t trust those Italics. They’re all crooked. Not one upright, straight character among em!


Italics have taken over entire neighborhoods in Brooklyn.
Say what you like about italics, but you have to admit, their food is fantastic.


You just can’t trust those Italics. They’re all crooked. Not one upright, straight character among em!

They lean to the right, too. You know how we liberals feel about that!


So regarding the occupation of Iraq, we need to remember that the unstated plan was to conquer Iraq militarily, parachute Ahmed Chalabi in to run things and walk away (with a slow-mo explosion in the background) brushing the dirt from our broad, brawny shoulders. Chalabi, as an externally imposed puppet, would have planted the seeds of democracy in the Middle East because SHUT UP, THAT’S WHY.

I don’t understand how that didn’t work. Let’s see, they took a lying, self-serving exile who hadn’t been to Iraq in years, used “intel” they gathered from him to make their case concerning WMD, blew the fucking joint to smithereens, and then tried to install him and call it democracy. It sounds so foolproof.


They lean to the right, too. You know how we liberals feel about that!

Left-leaning fonts are shrill and cursive.


You just can’t trust those Italics

And if they aren’t being all primadonna’ish trying to get attention, then they are just repeating what someone else said.

Who needs that?


they are just repeating what someone else said.

Who needs that?



“I also saw what you did for the Corner logo — incredibly well done.

**round of applause**”

Thanks, MarkD!


Do these italics make my butt look fat?


Do these italics make my butt look fat?

Maybe if you weren’t so bold about it


Shorter ASW contribution today:

Keynes blows, McMegan rocks, and “macroeconomics doesn’t make much sense to me.”

Maybe fuck off then?


If you keep this up, I’m going on strike


Do these italics make my butt look fat?

No, it’s not the italics.


Eh! Steve!



Shorter ASW contribution today:

It’s a good thing they left this CBO report out of their brilliant analysis.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The inconvenient fact that the Iraqis rejected [Chalabi] totally and not only that but resented the glorious and democratic occupation liberation of their country threw a monkey wrench into the works.

That was truly historic FAIL, for sure.

Plus, wasn’t he an Iranian mole all along, or something?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

+ oh shit: Nate Silver’s blog is now a NYT subsidiary.

Does that mean that meticulously constructed statistical models aggregating all the polls will conclude that they didn’t leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left them, etc.?


Plus, wasn’t he an Iranian mole all along, or something?

Rumors have flown, yes. Sadly, he’s still a bigwig in the current regime and is continuing to fuck things up from inside. Whatta guy!


Oops! Sorry for that long link!


Plus, wasn’t he an Iranian mole all along, or something?

Pretty much. I’m reading a book by Robert Baer (the former CIA guy whose biography “inspired” Syriana) about Iran where Chalabi comes up. I can’t remember the guy’s name, but Baer mentions a briefing he gave to a former Reagan administration official who was brought back under Bush II and was apparently one of the people close to Chalabi and banking on him.

Apparently, Baer pretty much laid everything on the line for why we should be wary of Chalabi (everything from his Iranian ties to his unpopularity with the Iraqi public). The guy sat through the whole conversation barely saying a word, thanked him, walked him to the door and reiterated firmly “Chalabi’s going to be a great leader.” Shuts door. End of story.


Why do wingnuts keep fucking the corpse of irony?

It’s like, I don’t know…maybe like the Rolling Stones hiring the Hell’s Angels to provide security while they sing “Sympathy For The Devil” or something impossible like that…


Oops! Sorry for that long link!

I’ve said that to many a date.


Why do wingnuts keep fucking the corpse of irony?

Because they can?

Ps. brilliant Corner graphic, maybe one day it can grace a parody Corner site…


maybe like the Rolling Stones hiring the Hell’s Angels Cute L’il Puppies to provide security while they sing “Sympathy For The Devil”

Self-fixed, so you don’t have to.


Why do wingnuts keep fucking the corpse of irony?

Because they know that’s what it really wants. Irony’s corpse is like the heroine in an Ayn Rand novel.


Florida pastor arranges for armed militia to protect church during Quran-burning event



“Dove World Outreach Center” hast to be the most perfect name for a church that’s planning to burn Korans and accept “protection” from a right-wing militia (called, appropriately enough, “Right Wing Extreme”).



“I’ve said that to many a date.”

That’s what we’re calling Internet stalking these days?


That’s what we’re calling Internet stalking these days?

That’s central to my point!


“Ps. brilliant Corner graphic, maybe one day it can grace a parody Corner site…”

I’d love to somehow sneak it on the real one.


I’d love to somehow sneak it on the real one.

Donate it to Tintin to associate with the next ASW update.


Out of curiosity, what do would happen if 500 to 2,000 Muslims, all armed, formed a circle around a mosque where ritual Bible burning was taking place? Considering a black man can’t even walk through ground zero without being accosted and accused of being Muslim…

Out of even more curiosity, have you ever noticed how that doesn’t happen?



I know.

I think they want to provoke a violent reaction. It’s despicable.


I think they want to provoke a violent reaction. It’s despicable.

I think they do, too.


“Whale Chowder said,
August 25, 2010 at 19:20

I’d love to somehow sneak it on the real one.

Donate it to Tintin to associate with the next ASW update.”

The S,N authors have my permission to use any of my artwork, so long as I’m credited. Be honored 🙂


The S,N authors have my permission to use any of my artwork, so long as I’m credited. Be honored 🙂

I don’t think it works like that. I think you have to sleep with at least one. These guys ain’t dumb. They know they get eyeballs.


D.Brooks: “Bush was right! The surge worked!”

Right. And 60 dead Iraqis today prove it.


They know they get eyeballs.

Sliding down dresses?


I think they want to provoke a violent reaction.


Also, they can crow about how Islam isn’t a religion of peace because those dirty Muzzies got all upset.

Out of curiosity, what do would happen if 500 to 2,000 Muslims, all armed, formed a circle around a mosque where ritual Bible burning was taking place?

Oddly enough, almost no Muslims (with a few notable exceptions) think this is a clash of religions and thus there isn’t much interest in these sorts of spectacles. To be fair, most mainstream Xtians aren’t pulling this shit either. To directly answer the question, the butthurt level would be MASSIVE.


To directly answer the question, the butthurt level would be MASSIVE.

To be frank, we’d need to find that mythical New Jack City Black Panther Party and arm them to the teeth.


Right. And 60 dead Iraqis today prove it.

Well, you’re just using the wrong matrix to evaluate “success,” obviously!


“I don’t think it works like that. I think you have to sleep with at least one. These guys ain’t dumb. They know they get eyeballs.”

Which one has the humpback? Those turn me on.


Well, you’re just using the wrong matrix to evaluate “success,” obviously!

Right! That’s 60 fewer than it would have been BEFORE the surge! USA! USA! USELESS-A!


Which one has the humpback? Those turn me on.

I dunno who has that whale, but I know a couple have some sperm.


Oddly enough, almost no Muslims (with a few notable exceptions) think this is a clash of religions and thus there isn’t much interest in these sorts of spectacles. To be fair, most mainstream Xtians aren’t pulling this shit either. To directly answer the question, the butthurt level would be MASSIVE.

Like I said the other day – most people on both sides of the “Western/Islamic” divide have no interest in the damn clash of civilizations. Only a few jihadists and right wingers, all of them completely mad. But it helps them a lot when they have propaganda arms to help convince all the regular people on their side that all the regular people on the other side are out to get them.


Like I said the other day – most people on both sides of the “Western/Islamic” divide have no interest in the damn clash of civilizations.Only a few jihadists and right wingers, all of them completely mad.

Same assholes, different cultures.


Same assholes, different cultures.

Concisely put.


Also, they can crow about how Islam isn’t a religion of peace because those dirty Muzzies got all upset.

Yeah, the REAL peaceful religion surrounds itself with heavily armed vigilante fuck knuckles while purposefully provoking people.


I dunno who has that whale, but I know a couple have some sperm.

No doubt they showed you the jars…


Like I said the other day – most people on both sides of the “Western/Islamic” divide have no interest in the damn clash of civilizations. Only a few jihadists and right wingers, all of them completely mad. But it helps them a lot when they have propaganda arms to help convince all the regular people on their side that all the regular people on the other side are out to get them.

It doesn’t help that people don’t really seem to get the idea that almost everyone in the world just wants to get by in life and doesn’t give any kind of a shit about the religion, political leanings or culture of others. The very idea that Islam has more than a handful of jihadist psychos is about as plausible as the idea that Christianity is loaded with the same sort of psychos. Rule number one in critical thinking: Take a look at your own life–what you worry about, what you work for, your aims and goals. They don’t involve conquering or converting other religions unless you’re a fucking psycho. It’s the same for your average citizen in the Middle East.


It’s the same for your average citizen in the Middle East.

This cannot be true because they are Dirty Brown People who Hate Us For Our Freedoms and we are The Shining City On The Hill.

Your “logic” escapes me.


Motherfucking dammit.

Anybody need a secretary?


Rule number one in critical thinking: Take a look at your own life–what you worry about, what you work for, your aims and goals.

Muslims are obsessed with shoes, Sir Perry, and sleek midcentury furniture? Good to know!


Anybody need a secretary?

How about a sexy librarian?


Anybody need a secretary?

Do you take dictation?


How about a sexy librarian?

Even better!


Do you take dictation?

I certainly can.


Anybody need a secretary?

If you want to come in for an interview, I should be able to jump start your career in film!


OK, will spend the rest of the day with this… gonna stop.

Work sucking?


Ok, that could be read in a “not stopping” way… Is your current job being extra crappy?


Can I take this thread’s pelt as a trophy?


I dunno who has that whale, but I know a couple have some sperm.

Just a couple of them?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Mental courage? How did such a shitty writer get a paying gig with the “paper of record”?


How did such a shitty writer get a paying gig with the “paper of record”?

I’m guessing epic blowjobs.


I think it would be wonderful if several thousand atheists would show up accross the street from the Dove World Outreach Center on 9-11 and say- “You guys have a great idea, but you’re not going far enough. Let’s get rid of all the religious mumbo-jumbo.” Then light a bonfire consisting of holy books from all the major religions, including Bibles of course.


Thread pelts are the skin of …

Fuck it. I just ain’t got the energy today. People trying to start a religious war, the anniversary of an epic natural disaster, a bunch of loonies ready to seize power once again, Xtian douchnozzles burning books …

It’s all just so Dark Ages.

And I’m more of a Renaissance/Enlightenment-without-the-Manifest-Desitny-stuff kind of guy.

Or, shorter: I has an epic sad.


Then light a bonfire consisting of holy books from all the major religions, including Bibles of course.

Sounds like a CO2-releasing nightmare. Won’t anyone think of the carbon?


Ok, that could be read in a “not stopping” way… Is your current job being extra crappy?


Actually, it’s not much worse than usual. My life is just a little hectic right now, which leads to fire-putting-out (which I HATE doing and is a big part of my job) being more stressful…and accidentally creating fires of my own, yay! Also, while I can *do* this job, it’s about as antithetical to my personality as you could get other than, like, being a salesperson or something.


Also, thanks for asking.


I think it would be wonderful if several thousand atheists would show up accross the street from the Dove World Outreach Center on 9-11 and say- “You guys have a great idea, but you’re not going far enough. Let’s get rid of all the religious mumbo-jumbo.” Then light a bonfire consisting of holy books from all the major religions, including Bibles of course.

I’m generally against book-burning, but this would intrigue me.

Because then they’d all want to run to the nearest bookstore, buy copies of “the atheist Bible” and burn it just to show the atheists that suck it, libs!

I’d be curious what they identified as “the atheist Bible,” and their attempts to find an equivalent would probably be very funny.


Sounds like a CO2-releasing nightmare. Won’t anyone think of the carbon? You are totally correct. However, recycling and/or fish wrapping rallies are kind of dull.


I’d be curious what they identified as “the atheist Bible,” and their attempts to find an equivalent would probably be very funny.

Wait, I got it. What if you handed them copies of the complete autographed works of Ayn Rand? It’s the most prominent atheist religion (or should I say “cult”) that I can think of right now.


Can I take this thread’s pelt as a trophy?

Unfortunately, thread pelts do not make good trophies as they are virtually indistinguishable from belly button lint. I suggest you have Actor do an etching depicting the moment of the kill. That way you have your trophy and also one of Actor’s etchings which, I have been led to believe, are irresistable to the ladies. Well, one lady anyway. Oh, wait. That was no lady that was DKW’s mon.


I’d be curious what they identified as “the atheist Bible,”

Origin of Species, silly!


Sounds like a CO2-releasing nightmare. Won’t anyone think of the carbon?

Ok, you’re right. But grinding them up and putting them in the recycling bin just isn’t as dramatic.


Wait, I got it. What if you handed them copies of the complete autographed works of Ayn Rand? It’s the most prominent atheist religion (or should I say “cult”) that I can think of right now.

Dammit, I was just going to say that!


Can I take this thread’s pelt as a trophy?

Only after you smash it’s skull with a small baseball bat.


I’d be curious what they identified as “the atheist Bible,”

My guess? “On the Origin of Species.”


ALSO TOO: Naked Recycling Rally. See-through apron if you work the choppah.


its…it’s…its are giving me fits


Origin of Species, silly!



I’d be curious what they identified as “the atheist Bible,”
Wasn’t there some wingnut commenter that recently said he suspected all atheists were really secret Muslims?


Unfortunately, thread pelts do not make good trophies as they are virtually indistinguishable from belly button lint. I suggest you have Actor do an etching depicting the moment of the kill. That way you have your trophy and also one of Actor’s etchings which, I have been led to believe, are irresistable to the ladies. Well, one lady anyway. Oh, wait. That was no lady that was DKW’s mon.

I guffawed heartily and embarrassingly.


Wasn’t there some wingnut commenter that recently said he suspected all atheists were really secret Muslims?

It would irresponsible not to speculate that this was central to his point because SHUTUP THATS WHY mental flabbiness.


I’d be curious what they identified as “the atheist Bible,”
Wasn’t there some wingnut commenter that recently said he suspected all atheists were really secret Muslims?

I think I brought that up. It wasn’t a “commenter” as in Pam Geller or Roger Simon or Michelle Malkin, just a random guy on a random message board whose random idiocy was reproduced in another forum I was reading a few years ago. Still, he must have gotten the idea from somewhere.


Wasn’t there some wingnut commenter that recently said he suspected all atheists were really secret Muslims?

Maybe here?

(I like the guy saying” BAM! Goes the dynamite.”)


I’d be curious what they identified as “the atheist Bible,”

In the name of greed entrepreneurial spirit. I will start printing an “Atheist Bible”. I will have to rush to get it out in time for the Xtians to buy for the counter-counter-protest book burning on 9/11. But I think I can manage. The book will, of course, contain all the religious dogma needed to be a good atheist. I’m figuring about 2000 blank pages will give it some heft and should burn real nicely.


Still, he must have gotten the idea from somewhere.

God (the real one, not those fakey other ones) told him that.


Um, linky fail.

Try this.


I’m figuring about 2000 blank pages will give it some heft and should burn real nicely.

If you could make a paper that emits THC while burning….

Pupienus Maximus

Sa, anybdy deen t maryobi shghakert4? I’m can’t fond it…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Then light a bonfire consisting of holy books from all the major religions, including Bibles of course.

There’s no way I’m burning my illustrated Kama Sutra!


If you could make a paper that emits THC while burning….

You don’t understand the target demographic. This book is meant for the Christian extremists who like to burn books. I was thinking asbestos.


Sa, anybdy deen t maryobi shghakert4? I’m can’t fond it…

It’s in your hand, darling.


There’s no way I’m burning my illustrated Kama Sutra!

Obviously, you sir, are not a true atheist. SPLITTER!!!

Lurking Canadian

Anybody need a secretary?

Well, yes. I am chronically late for everything and disorganized on an epic scale.

However, you probably have some kind of unreasonable, leftist (non-zero) wage expectation, so we probably couldn’t work it out.


There’s no way I’m burning my illustrated Kama Sutra!

Updated for special nerdiness: Tron-a-sutra!

(They say NSFW but everybody’s got on Tron outfits…PupMax, I’m looking at you.)


You don’t understand the target demographic. This book is meant for the Christian extremists who like to burn books

I can’t think of anyone in more need of getting fucking high.


I can’t think of anyone in more need of getting fucking high.
Hashashins [sp?] were religious fundamentalists that were baked to the gills all the time and it didn’t seem to help their disposition any.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Obviously, you sir, are not a true atheist. SPLITTER!!!

I am, though, a true horndog.


You people lack imagination and obviously not romantics. Ever made love by the light of a dying book fire? It’s heaven.


I can’t think of anyone in more need of getting fucking high.

Sooooooooooooooo, we don’t count glue-sniffing and paint-huffing? Burning book fumes are just like Ecstasy.


However, you probably have some kind of unreasonable, leftist (non-zero) wage expectation, so we probably couldn’t work it out.

If I had access to decent public transportation and free health care, I could definitely take a paycut…but not, you know, tens of thousands of dollars. (That almost makes it sound like I make something!)


Burning book fumes are just like Ecstasy.

Ahehehehm *pushing up glasses* book glue is non-toxic!


“Ahehehehm *pushing up glasses* book glue is non-toxic!”

Even betta!! Book fumes for everyone–on me!


Very few in public life habitually step back and think about the weakness in their own thinking and what they should do to compensate.

Those who do are ridiculed by Brooksie and his colleagues as indecisive flip-floppers until they disappear from public life.



can we talk about this stem cell FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!! for a second?


If you could make a paper that emits THC while burning….

I was thinking nitrocellulose Quran’s could be hillarious.

Or putting some fire crackers in them. 500-2000 armed lunatics (yeah right… bet they don’t even have 50) hyped up around a fire when they start going off could resurrect Irony with angel’s wings.


Ever made love by the light of a dying book fire?

No, but I’m willing to learn.


can we talk about this stem cell FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!! for a second?

So…um…stem cells are back in the news, now? I, uh, guess?


So…um…stem cells are back in the news, now? I, uh, guess?


Fucking anti-science, pro-death, fascistic insane assholes…


It’s going to lead to the withdrawal of at least $100 million in grant money, so like, FUCK YOU universities! You should be studying fossils of Jesus riding dinosaurs instead!


Fucking anti-science, pro-death, fascistic insane assholes

I predict a loud chorus of absolute silence about “activist judges” in the wake of this court ruling.


What if just agree to only use minority stem cells? Dirty Snowflakes as it were. The funny part comes when advances in medicine increase minority lifespan 10 years longer than whitey


What if just agree to only use minority stem cells? Dirty Snowflakes as it were.

We could call it the Embryonic Compromise.

And each embryo would only be worth 3/5s of the white ones.


Yeah, that was in poor taste. Sorry.


Yeah, that was in poor taste. Sorry.
Yes it was in poor taste. But it was in a lot better taste than ending the research that has the potential to, oh I don’t know, cure cancer! maybe, heal paralysis! as a sop to crybaby fundamentalists.


We could call it the Embryonic Compromise.

I think it would be reasonable to promise not to use any of the opponents’ taxes to fund the research, and promise them they won’t be treated with any of the resulting discoveries.


Fucking anti-science, pro-death, fascistic insane assholes

As Douthat pointed out a week or so ago, it is fortunate that a noble tradition of public hostility directed at Catholics has forced the Catholic hierarchy to mellow and assimilate to US culture. These days they would never dream of trying to embed their religious dogma in the law and impose it on everyone.

Richard Doerflinger, an official with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, called the Rabb interpretation “implausibly narrow.”


I think it would be reasonable to promise not to use any of the opponents’ taxes to fund the research, and promise them they won’t be treated with any of the resulting discoveries.

Works for me!

Assholes. You know the fucking SECOND any one of them got sick and could be treated/cured with discoveries from embryonic stem cell research, they would be crying like fucking babies and begging for us to let them live.


I think it would be reasonable to promise not to use any of the opponents’ taxes to fund the research, and promise them they won’t be treated with any of the resulting discoveries.
They can totally benefit from the resulting treatments and medicines. If we can tattoo “God Damned Hypocrite” on their foreheads in 30 point text.


If we can tattoo “God Damned Hypocrite” on their foreheads in 30 point text.

OK, I’d concede that, but only because I’m such a goddam bleeding-heart hippie.


maybe, heal paralysis! as a sop to crybaby fundamentalists.

You’d think the religious precedents would count for something. I mean, one thing we learn from the Gospels is that Jesus was totally cool with curing paralysis. OK, the New Testament does not go into details about the decades-long stem-cell research program he was running to cultivate the neuroblasts, but what other explanation is there for those missing years?


As Douthat pointed out a week or so ago, it is fortunate that a noble tradition of public hostility directed at Catholics has forced the Catholic hierarchy to mellow and assimilate to US culture.

Idiot. Catholics assimilated as soon as they were able – not their fault that wasn’t until after World War Two.

Or if you prefer, the “assimilation” of Catholics was actually a belated recognition by mainstream America that oh look, they’re actually human beings after all.


what other explanation is there for those missing years?
I thought he spent that time as a roadie for a jam band.


If we can tattoo “God Damned Hypocrite” on their foreheads in 30 point text.

With a hepatitis-infected needle.


If we can tattoo “God Damned Hypocrite” on their foreheads in 30 point text.
That pneumatic jack-hammer you are holding is not a tattoo gun. You can’t fool me, young man.


So, the guy who stabbed that cab driver was, more than likely, a case of PTSD. That’s really sad.


If we can tattoo “God Damned Hypocrite” on their foreheads in 30 point text.

Comic Sans?


So, the guy who stabbed that cab driver was, more than likely, a case of PTSD. That’s really sad.

Which means you can expect a few nuts on the right to start turning him into a hero, or at least waxing lyrical about how evil those Muslims are for having reduced him to this unhappy condition, and damn those hajjis for making him afraid of their being everywhere.

Which will be even sadder.


Comic Sans?

That’s much worse than hepatitis.


We could call it the Embryonic Compromise.

And each embryo would only be worth 3/5s of the white ones.

I rofl’d. which probably just shows you how in poor taste it was. I laugh to keep from caring too much and joining our cultural death spiral crying.


Fucking tags. How do they work?


I rofl’d. which probably just shows you how in poor taste it was. I laugh to keep from caring too much and joining our cultural death spiral crying.

That’s what I was going for, but worried it just came off, you know, um, insensitive? I mean, especially so.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Which means you can expect a few nuts on the right to start turning him into a hero, or at least waxing lyrical about how evil those Muslims are for having reduced him to this unhappy condition, and damn those hajjis for making him afraid of their being everywhere.

Which will be even sadder.

Or, y’know, just add him to the gigantic pile of “lone nuts” that the conservatives can’t possibly be held responsible for with all their virulant hate speech because he was out of his gourd, and there was no possible way that a bunch of assholes freaking about Lex Luthor’s plan to blow up lower Manhattan, buy all the real estate and sell it to Osama bin Ladin for Al Qaeda training camps could possibly have set him off.

Lone nut lone nut lone nut.


Assholes. You know the fucking SECOND any one of them got sick and could be treated/cured with discoveries from embryonic stem cell research, they would be crying like fucking babies and begging for us to let them live buy or steal an embryo and devour it before someone could tell them it really doesn’t work that way.

Fixed! Now with extra contempt!


That’s what I was going for, but worried it just came off, you know, um, insensitive? I mean, especially so.

There’s actually almost nothing a person can say that will genuinely turn me off if I feel that it’s said in good humor. My family and I make perfectly AWFUL jokes about stuff…but we know we don’t mean it…so it’s cool. Plus, I adore dark humor. The darker the better, sometimes. Heck, I once sold a t-shirt in my Cafe Press shop that said “Congratulations on your Thalidomide baby”.

Now before you all get the wrong idea, I just want to say I forced to…by the inexplicably weird clip-art I found of some bizarre, nubby-limbed “baby”. I mean, the caption wrote itself.


Wow, two tag fails in a row. On a roll!


…the New Testament does not go into details about the decades-long stem-cell research program he was running to cultivate the neuroblasts, but what other explanation is there for those missing years?

I look forward to the expedition to discover his secret laboratory in the Sinai. Maybe after they finally find Noah’s Ark.

…you can expect a few nuts on the right to start turning him into a hero…

Yeah, up to the point where they have to shell out money for VA hospitals. Then they’ll be all “Get a job, ya fucking freeloader!”


Even a blind squirrel will find a lone nut sometimes.
I don’t know if that makes any sense but I like the sound of it.


If we can tattoo “God Damned Hypocrite” on their foreheads in 30 point text.
With a hepatitis-infected needle.

Pneumatic jack-hammer.

If that’s not funny now, imagine how much more unfunny it will be when FYWP finally releases my three earlier attempts to post the same comment.


Comic Sans?

Yeah, and spell it “hipocrit.”


If that’s not funny now, imagine how much more unfunny it will be when FYWP finally releases my three earlier attempts to post the same comment.

I cracked a smile. Mostly because I admire your perseverance.


Mostly because I admire your perseverance.

He’s a cutter? I did not know that.


Lost while driving through Hampshire in the rain I saw a pub called ‘the Hurdle’ that had a three-foot high sign in.. Comic Sans!


Also, weren’t a bunch of nitwits going to reverse their veto on stem cell research to back a cure for Reagan’s Alzheimer’s?


OT, humorous dildos.

Oh, HELlo. That Cthulhu cock would go so well in one of those geek glass displays with the “Bust of Spawn”, “Dragonayre in Genuine Pewter”, and some underage teen upskirt model from Japan.

Nothing would be more awesome than guests coming over to look at the glowing blue Cthulhu, then slowly realizing it’s a penis, then frowning as they try to figure out if it’s supposed to be a dildo or not.


“Don’t bother. It doesn’t work. Soon you find yourself inexplicably enraged that a teenager is walking across your immaculate lawn.”

That’s not growing up–that’s starting the process of death/decay early.


“They can totally benefit from the resulting treatments and medicines. If we can tattoo “God Damned Hypocrite” on their foreheads in 30 point text”

Hurm–I always wondered if Aldo Raine went on to live a peaceful life and have kids…


Mostly because I admire your perseverance.

I think you meant ‘perseveration’.


“Right Wing Extreme has pulled support for the International Burning of the Koran day and will not attend the event,” the group announced in a 1:50 a.m. press release on its website. “After much thought and prayer the organization’s leadership determined this event does not glorify GOD in way that leads the lost to Jesus Christ.”

Before they prayed they thought it did?


Muslims totally drafted Jesus. A first-round pick.


I cannot deal with stuff today. It has suddenly gotten very hot here in the SF Bay Area, after a lovely cool month or so. I can say the cool spell is lovely because I don’t live right in SF, so in my neck of the redwoods, it clears up before noon.

But it’s been 100 +, and is in the 90s now, and I have electric fans, but no AC, which I don’t regret because hey, the electric fans usually do it. And you know what? In freakin Baghdad today, where there was a spectacular surge (before today), and about which we apparently don’t have to worry any more, it was 107. With smoke and haze. Jeepers, I hope the infrastructure we so generously helped repair is able to keep the electricity going 24/7.

T&U, my ample, supple, remarkably perky DDs are so wanting to participate in a great big girly hug. Brace for impact.

Actor212, no, you may not. But I adore you nevertheless.

tsam, you may not either, but here’s hoping love, or at least affection and hot times, come your way soon.

Also, I am old, but youngsters are totally welcome to walk over my lawn, on account of I don’t have one. We Boomers are not all fascist insects preying upon the life of the people. (Not that having a lawn means you do, necessarily.)

Oh, there are others of y’all who deserve a shoutout, but as Anya said to Andrew, “Come on, you monkey, nobody cares”. (She said it really affectionately. I think this means I need BtVS therapy, stat.)


PS: somebody has to say something in response, even if it is only “Wait; what?” Because I am needy at this particular moment in time.


Aw, hugs.


Tigris! You just made everything okay.


I wish I really could. Ah, well, I hope it cools off for you at least. Tomorrow we’re supposed to see sun for the first time since Saturday.


I can’t have a beer for you for a few more hours. Rest assured that when I do, it will be an expensive one.
It will be preceded by several beers for myself.
I’m open to requests for anyone else who wants a beer drunk for them.


A nice creamy porter for me, plz.

I’ll just sit here sipping my Canadian blend meanwhile (yes I’m a philistine. Sue me).

Hugs to Larkspur and anyone else who needs one. ‘Cause I’m also a liberal.




Howard Johnson is right!

Chris wrote in yet another well-written post:

‘Like I said the other day – most people on both sides of the “Western/Islamic” divide have no interest in the damn clash of civilizations. Only a few jihadists and right wingers, all of them completely mad. But it helps them a lot when they have propaganda arms to help convince all the regular people on their side that all the regular people on the other side are out to get them.”

You mean, just like the Cold War?

Hawks/militarists make the world go ’round. Belligerent paranoid jerks on each side, and yeah, telling everybody else they need more war toys because those Ruskies, they don’t drink water, they drink nothing but vodka, and want to destroy our purity of essence.

Each side arms themselves to defend against jerks on the other side.

It’s all fun and games and Keynesian spending until somebody, say, Newt, starts running their mouth, then Carl shoves Roger, Roger shoves Carl, and tempers flare.


A nice creamy porter for me, plz.
Moa Imperial Stout. I hope you’re satisfiedzzsxdfrsv jo


Actor212, no, you may not. But I adore you nevertheless.

wait…are we still talking about the threesome from World-o-Crap?


Umm. David Brooks is an un-mitigated train-wreck of an ass? Yes. That’s the right language. Heavy on the ass. I’d like a side of douche please, Also! To go with my week old baggery………….


tsam, you are too kind. It isn’t only African nations that are still sorting out the rags and tatters of what colonialism left behind. Malaysia and Singapore only recently received access to the British Colonial Office archives, and are now questioning why exactly they permitted some of their best and brightest to be jailed, killed, or deported on dubious grounds.


77south averred as how he might like to tattoo something informative on the foreheads of the anti-science wingnuts. I don’t know how to break it to you, 77, but your text better be real, ah, concise. Wingnuttia is not known for an abundance of forehead.


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