Pammycakes Wrote A Book!

It’s called ‘The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America and John Bolton’s Hawt Mustache’. Co-writer Robert Spencer gets bottom billing and Bolton himself is listed as ‘Forward’ … rowrr!

FrontPage in-house heavy Jamie Glazov interviews Pam Geller about the book here. Pam’s remarkably lucid throughout the interview, which makes us think it was conducted over email and Spencer probably answered the questions.

But we do get this nugget:

Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam. Yet there have been no calls for Obama’s death from the Islamic world. Why is this? Islam gives no free passes.

Ah, yes. Absence of a fatwa on Obama is evidence that he is a secret Muslim conspiring with the mullahs to visit sharia law on us all. Ipso motherfucking facto.


Comments: 32


BTW, when I say ‘lucid’ I don’t mean Pam isn’t saying batshit insane things in that interview, just that she doesn’t literally howl ‘skreeee’ throughout.


Islam gives no free passes.

And Christianity is chock full of nonjudgmental believers that are sure to give out free passes to those who aren’t following their particular faith.

Rev. Phelps and the WBC are fine examples of such nonjudgmental behavior. They are the antithesis of religious nutbarism.


Oh, I see. The fact that no Muslim has called for Obama’s death means he’s a secret Muslim.

Wow. I guess I’m a see-crit Muslim too.


Oops, need to coordinate those posting times with Tintin. Is this a first ever?


How did she

a) reach the keyboard with her tits in the way

b) manage to string together enough words for a whole book


Pam’s remarkably lucid throughout the interview, which makes us think it was conducted over email and Spencer probably answered the questions.

That or she was out of liquor.


c) make those words mean anything in juxtaposition with each other


Obama must be the Chief Mooslim! President of the United Shites. Or Sunnis!

Good thing these assholes keep telling us they’re not a bunch of drooling bigots. Otherwise I might forget.

teh Universal Schlong

Crazy chicks are a hawt!


FP: What is the worst damage Obama can perpetrate?

Geller: He could severely damage American sovereignty by making us subject to treaties that bind us to obey international law.

Gah! For people who squawk about the Constitution and how it is supreme, it’s amazing that the morans never read it, much less understood it.

Article VI, bitch!


Sounds like it’s going to be a great book…

for me to poop on!

Ted the Slacker

Holy crap, Willy. That’s a turducken of stupid right there.


Very disappointing interview. Not a single reference to Malcolm X, which leads me to believe she’s abandoned that claim.

Unless they got to her too…


I would bitch about a previous comment not appearing, but it is so damn early I can’t actually be sure I hit submit. Back to sleep for a few hrs., I think.


Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam.

True. Eating shellfish is also punishable by death in Christianity. So is carnal knowledge of a menstruating woman.

The rub (as it were) is whether or not the clergy can enforce it – which Christian clergy haven’t been able to do for a very long time … & which Muslim clergy can only enforce in a few backwards states (& even then, only with the greatest care & prudence as to whom they select for ultraviolent lethal tolchocks with the big nasty pointy implements, when, & why: condemn the wrong guy -or even the “right” guy in the wrong context – & it’ll be YOUR ass getting smoked instead).

I’m pretty sure the imams know damn well that declaring a fatwa on Obama basically amounts to committing suicide-by-Predator-drone at this point – & he just wasn’t nearly important enough to merit a fatwa before he became Prezidint O’ Americker.

Pammycakes must go through a lot of Browneye™ lipstick & Colongate™ extra-strength anal-floss, because she’s sure a regular Edgar Bergen for talking out of her arse.


Apostasy is punishable by death in Islam. Yet there have been no calls for Obama’s death from the Islamic world. Why is this? Islam gives no free passes.

So either Obama is not apostate, i.e. he was never a Muslim, or there is some multi-decade, transnational conspiracy involving thousands of people so well-disciplined they have never whispered even a hint about it to a soul, for the purpose of signing some treaty the Senate wouldn’t ratify in a million years. OMG HE’S A SEKRIT MOOSLIM!

The Goddamn Batman And The Goddamn Superman Call Each Other Every Mother's And Father's Day, Although The Conversations Always Consist Of Combinations Of Long Silences, Sighing, And "Yeah"

Not a single reference to Malcolm X, which leads me to believe she’s abandoned that claim.

Well, if Malcolm X were Obama’s daddy, then the presidency couldn’t exactly be “post-American”, now, could it? It’s hard out there for folks with dueling bugfuck-crazy conspiracy theories. Did both the Comedian and the Cigarette Smoking Man pull the trigger on JFK?* Were Mossad and the CIA climbing over each other to plant demolition charges in the Twin Towers? If you believe that it was the Greys who were found at Roswell, how do you explain this?

Ted the Slacker

Why is this? Islam gives no free passes.

Mooslim rule 32(b) – no fatwa till you see the vault copy birth certificate.

The Jews of Medieval Spain

We don’t care what the first paragraph of the Quran may or not say about us. We still really preferred the Moors to these fuckers from Castile.


I kinda thought Edward Luttwak and Martin Amis already issued fatwas on Obama and it sounds like Pammy and friends are trying to see if the third time’s a charm. Oh, only Islamic clerics can issue genuine fatwas and articles and such as along the lines of “pssst, look over there, you might want to do something about Obama, islamofascists” don’t count you say? Never mind then but can you fault them for trying.

And I suggest checking into those emails, check the kerning and such as to see if Pammy or Spencer wrote them. Because surely there’s a font that’s used to convey a Long Island accent so hideous that it sounds like it must be a parody. Does anyone know what it is? I’m asking for a friend, of course.


Because surely there’s a font that’s used to convey a Long Island accent so hideous

Don’t go hatin’ on Comic Sans now.


Obama also hasn’t been excommunicated by the Pope, exiled into the Untouchable Caste by the Hindu priesthood, or had his Dianetics book refunded by the Church of Scientology.

Does this mean he has secretly infiltrated ALL RELIGIONS?!
/play Omen background music


That nutcase is going to be talking about her book and having a book signing at a book store in Huntington not too far from where I live this weekend. If I had the time, I might show up just to heckle her.

Blinking Emoticon

Obama also hasn’t been excommunicated by the Pope, exiled into the Untouchable Caste by the Hindu priesthood, or had his Dianetics book refunded by the Church of Scientology.

And why aren’t the atheists calling Obama a superstitious nincompoop?


Tommykey said,

July 30, 2010 at 18:12 (kill)

You know who else lives in Huntington? John Derbyshire, that’s who. With any luck he’ll show up to inform Pammy that there’s not a man alive who’d sleep with a woman as old as her.


Published by Threshold Editions — an imprint of (the formerly reputable) Simon & Schuster — the publishing division of (formerly reputable) CBS Corporation.

And I bet that Pammie Juggs will still be ranting about the liberal media. Probably because there won’t be enough hooch for her at the signing parties.


Pam must be having a great time dodging that fatwa that must be on her head, right?


humbert dinglepencker

Why is this horse’s ass allowed to open her vile yawp, and why does anyone pay a gnat’s worth of attention to it?




Bolt-on is listed as “forward”? Hey, isn’t Cleveland looking for one of those..? This can help those poor folks in the previous post, desperately looking for millionaires who can play basketball!

Quick! To the Got Milk Phone!


“Obama is… submitting the U.S. to international law; ”



Geller is certifiable.


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