Three-Day-Old Sociopathy

Above left: Kraphammer. Above right: Justice personified.

Shorter Charles Krauthammer
National Review Online
“Krauthammer’s Take”

  • Ordinarily, I deeply resent so-called “rules of engagement” imposed by non-heroic civilians which, in tying one hand behind our military’s back, makes it harder for our troops to blast civilians into deliciously splattery bits. However, since the military leadership itself seems to want our troops to abide by these rules, I suppose I’ll grudgingly put up with less fapping material, but only because its decision seems to have been made for strategic, not moral, reasons.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 244


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

It’s always a bad idea for civil rules of engagement to be followed, because then our soldiers would be tortured like Git–


address my envelope, lips!

I’m so glad Kraphamper is giving the military permission to follow their policies. Whatever would we do if he said no?

*flaps hands in consternation*


Whatever would we do if he said no?

Don’t ask, don’t tell.


Kraphammer’s Take before the edit:

“So even though I’m sort of instinctively very suspicious and worried about these very constraining rules of engagement, I would defer to the military here because I’m a draft dodging chickenhawk who never served so why do I even have an opinion?”


I am reposting this because I have a massive ego and I have not gone to bed yet.

Good morning ‘naughts. Couldn’t sleep, wrote some jokes.
This joke was originally intended for Glenn Beck but, 6 of 1 and so on.

Charles Krauthammer is so stupid he thinks Poe’s Law makes it illegal to knock on someones chamber door.

Charles Krauthammer is so stupid he refuses to go to a cock fight soley because of “Obsessive Penis Envy Syndrome.”

Good night (morning)


Not killing civilians is for pussies. We should kill 100 Czechs Afghans for every 1 German American.

That’ll show ’em.


Is that decision made by the political types who want to appease world public opinion, who want to make it easy to get applause when you are addressing a crowd abroad, to preen about how good soldiers we are?

It better be! It’s hard to believe that these rigorous Constitutionalists have ever actually read the document.


This is a very nice boat and I see no need to venture forth seeking mangoes. No matter how nice a sauce they might make.


Let’s see, what kind of person does the NRO reader hate most? Well, they’re always trying to re-fight Vietnam, let’s go there!

The question for me is: Is that decision made by the political types who want to appease world public opinion, who want to make it easy to get applause when you are addressing a crowd abroad, to preen about how good soldiers we are?

Yeah! Stupid fucking politicians selling out our brave young men and women just to appease some vaguely-defined “world opinion”! Just like when the evil sensei from KARATE KID left Rambo on the hill with the POW in reach! Selling them out just like a bunch of —

I don’t think that is the case here.

Oh. I guess I had no reason to be angry at all. But being angry is still awesome! RAAAGH!


Every Krauthammer Post:

Just because I’m in a wheelchair don’t mean I ain’t tough! If I were in charge (and I am in Empire: Total War; where I dominate) we’d use so much ordinance on targets discovered with flimsy evidence, the USA’s economy would be jump started by the tremendous level of missile/bomb production.


Just because I’m in a wheelchair don’t mean I ain’t tough! If I were in charge (and I am in Empire: Total War; where I dominate) we’d use so much ordinance on targets discovered with flimsy evidence, the USA’s economy would be jump started by the tremendous level of missile/bomb production.

Shorter shorter Krauthammer:

“It’s good to be the man on the flaming pile!”


Shorter shorter [Shorter] Krauthammer:

“Kill em all, I don’t know em!”


Krauthammer couldn’t take Anita Hill.


Krauthammer couldn’t take Anita Hill.

Hell, Krauthammer couldn’t take Benny Hill.

[cue Saxophones, speed up the film, realease the topless women]


Summit update:
Lamar Alexander delivers GOP opening accusing Dems of jamming HCR down America’s throat via Majority Rules!!!one1!
pushback from Reid:

Lamar, you’re entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts.

Also Alexander said that premiums will go up under Senate bill, Barry comes back with CBO pointing out that they won’t.


“Krauthammer’s Take”

So who’s going to get took?


Krauthammer couldn’t take Anita Hill.

Hell, Krauthammer couldn’t take Benny Hill.

Fuck! He couldn’t take Turkey Hill if you spotted it a half hour on the stove!


Someone on Cillizza’s FB feed just called the summit “Kill Bill 2”


Hey Lumpy, it’s not about you.


Krauthammer couldn’t conquer Hillshire Farms with a regiment assigned to him.


I’m actually finding it easier than usual to trust the shorter. We all knew already that Krauthammer’s asshole-midi-chlorian count is off the charts. Even higher than Hayden Christiansen’s whiny-pussy-midi-chlorian count.

And hey, they both hate sand(-niggers).


Krauthammer couldn’t conquer Hillshire Farms with a regiment assigned to him.

I don’t know about that. The thought of all of all those yummy kielbasa sausages, ripe for the munching, might drive him to new heights of frenzy.


I call bullshit!

If that were “Justice Personified” it would be a soldier pouring a bucket of blood down Krappy’s throat.


with a cheering section of maimed children.


Shorter CabbageMallett:

I’m torn! If the ROE in Afghanistan are kept, I cannot fap to brown people dying but the ROE were created by my favorite pin-ups Petraeus and McChrystal! However will I get my limp dick hard now?!


(i)I call bullshit!

If that were “Justice Personified” it would be a soldier pouring a bucket of blood down Krappy’s throat.(/i)

Bloodboarding, good song title.


fucking html


Angle brackets, Anthony, and ignore the preview


Ankle bracelets? Why does Anthony need ankle bracelets?


“However, since the military leadership itself seems to want our troops to abide by these rules, I suppose I’ll grudgingly put up with less fapping material, but only because its decision seems to have been made for strategic, not moral, reasons.”

In other words, the military leadership has finally wised up to what its critics have been saying for the last nine years, so Krauthammer’s now OK with it. Would have spared a lot of blood (including the bad blood between us and everyone else in the Middle East) if they’d listened to the liberals in the first place. But hey, we’ll ignore that.


Re the general thrust of this article; don’t quote me on this, but I have a hunch that the “defer to the military even though they’re agreeing with liberals” thing won’t last. Conservative demagogues have never hesitated to drag soldiers through the mud for having the audacity to disagree with them (see General Shinseki and retired General Zinni in the lead-up to the Iraq war, not to mention every single Vietnam veteran who’s ever run for office).

I don’t know what Krauthammer’s angle is… but if McChrystal’s tactics continue, whether or not they work, I’m almost certain that there’ll be a mother of all conservative backlashes at some point down the line. (Let’s face it, killing civilians and then preening about how noble the people who did it are is what movement conservative ideology is all about).

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Let’s see, what kind of person does the NRO reader hate most? Well, they’re always trying to re-fight Vietnam, let’s go there!

Re-fight? They all got multiple deferments!

I don’t know what Krauthammer’s angle is… but if McChrystal’s tactics continue, whether or not they work, I’m almost certain that there’ll be a mother of all conservative backlashes at some point down the line.

We’ve always been at war with Eurasia Petraeus.


Ankle bracelets? Why does Anthony need ankle bracelets?

To enforce the court order DKW’s mom took out on him, of course.

The Esteemed Dr. Krauthammerlammadingdong

Why does Anthony need ankle bracelets?

He’s dainty — the complete opposite of me, Krauthammerlammadingdong! And don’t you forget it!

PS. I’m tough


Well, they’re always trying to re-fight Vietnam, let’s go there!
Re-fight? They all got multiple deferments!

And how many of them are in Iraq now?

*sipping herbal tea quietly*


To enforce the court order DKW’s mom took out on him, of course.

d00d!?! Are you saying something about my mother? That is way over the line.


Are you saying something about my mother? That is way over the line.

That’s what she said when five of us showed up.


*sipping herbal tea quietly*

Speaking of which, is it wrong that I feel somewhat guilty playing Modern Warfare 2 til two am while family members of mine are doing it for real? I hope that means I’m human to Dr Krauthammer’s reptile.


Summit Update via Talking Pants:

In response to John McCain saying the Democrats are using the summit as a campaign opportunity, President Obama had some choice words: “We’re not campaigning anymore. The election’s over.”

McCain responded, “I’m reminded of that every day.”

Still disappointed with Barry’s handling of HCR but this exchange helps put things into perspective.


Well, they’re always trying to re-fight Vietnam, let’s go there!

Only because they feel so sorry for the natives there who we mistreated so poorly by stopping the bombs and Agent Orange dropping on them.


is it wrong that I feel somewhat guilty playing Modern Warfare 2 til two am while family members of mine are doing it for real?

According to the Republican playbook, you’re depriving yourself of sleep, which is a sacrifice, so no. You’re winning for America.


According to the Republican playbook, you’re depriving yourself of sleep, which is a sacrifice, so no. You’re winning for America.


On the other hand, I’m also not writing awful articles which advocate ignoring ROE and the liberal (pun intended?) bombings of anything I can see.


That’s what she said when five of us showed up.

But she only sent two of you away, amirite?


Summit Update:

Remember the whole too long, too short thing? They’re back to too long:

“This is the senate bill along with your 11-page proposal,” Cantor said.

And Barry? Starting to remember why I liked the guy in the first place:

Obama frowned as Cantor made his case, then said, “These are the kind of political things we do that prevent us from actually having a conversation.”


Remember the whole too long, too short thing?

Ugh, this pointless, childish argument.

At least we can relax about some things


Well, they’re always trying to re-fight Vietnam, let’s go there!
Re-fight? They all got multiple deferments!

I was using the royal “Re”.


I think the title is almost the best part. “Krauthammer’s Take”. As in, “I, Charles Q. Krauthammer, am such a fount of wisdom that simply announcing that I have an opinion will bring all the boys to the yard. I don’t even need to think of an engaging title.” Hate to break it to ya pal, but sadly, no.


“This is the senate bill along with your 11-page proposal,” Cantor said.

Oh, what, 11 pages are too fucking TL;DR for these shitbags now?


I’ll say it before Tig jumps in with it:

These people (Kraphammer, et al) are MONSTERS.

I’m sure Tig is very busy today. Just trying to help.


Poe’s Law makes it illegal to knock on someones chamber door.

Nevermore, quoth the gayman…


[cue Saxophones, speed up the film, realease the topless women]

To this day, I get a Pavlovian boner when I hear that familiar song…


Not that I give a shit what Sir John the Orange has to say, but I think it’s more of a TS;DR, ignoring the fact that his preferred proposal would be too short;doesn’t exist.

It really, really is no more than saying whatever criticism comes to their heads first, regardless of whether it is actually consistent with what they’ve previously said. Sometimes I just wonder how they can be so completely and utterly self-unaware.

Charles Krauthammer

Say, has anyone seen my penis? It was taken from me and I don’t know where it is.


Say, has anyone seen my penis? It was taken from me and I don’t know where it is.

Check under the couch. I lose a lot of things there.


Hey, man, computer solitaire is HARD WORK.

But that doesn’t sound like something I’d say. Not without quite a few more expletives, anyway.


d00d!?! Are you saying something about my mother? That is way over the line.

I agree-you should totally punch him in his snotlocker.


Summit Update Commentary:

I’m sure it’s solely because TPM is a socialest left-wing outfit, but the Health Care Wire updates present a beautiful capsule (word of the day) review of the state of politics today.
Obama to McCain: “We’re not campaigning anymore” – 29 minutes ago
Cantor Presents Giant Health Care Bill As Prop – 15 minutes ago

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I, Charles Q. Krauthammer, am such a fount of wisdom that simply announcing that I have an opinion will bring all the boys to the yard.

Krauthammer’s shit shake?


Eric Cantor (R-Carrot Top)

Oh, and I wonder how he paid for that? Probably with TAXPAYAH DOLLAHS, the sociamalist scumbag.


I agree-you should totally punch him in his snotlocker.

Indeed. WC, your “dukes” should be elevated as you prepare for yourself for fisticuffs, you hooligan.


It really, really is no more than saying whatever criticism comes to their heads first, regardless of whether it is actually consistent with what they’ve previously said. Sometimes I just wonder how they can be so completely and utterly self-unaware.

Is that the definition of getting “Triggy widdit?” (which made me LoLoRz)

Big Bad Bald Bastard

OT, but Tentacled Overlord eviscerates Alkon’s BFF

And then look at the source: Satoshi Kanazawa, the Fenimore Cooper of Sociobiology, the professional fantasist of Psychology Today. He’s like the poster boy for the stupidity and groundlessnessof freakishly fact-free evolutionary psychology. Just ignore anything with Kanazawa’s name on it.


Obama to McCain: “We’re not campaigning anymore” – 29 minutes ago

McCains reply: “I’m reminded of that every day.” (Not Satire; Real)


According to the Republican playbook, you’re depriving yourself of sleep, which is a sacrifice, so no. You’re winning for America.

I just checked the super-douche rule book. It turns out that there is an exception to the rule, which reads as follows:

“One my play bonerific pretend war games, electronic or otherwise, and be exonerated of guilt or shame by the placement of a minimum of one (!1) magnetic decal, in the shape of a pinned ribbon, reading ‘I support the troops’, in addition to any bumper sticker that espouses some illiterate right-wing talking point.”

So, check your bumper to see if you qualify.


Is that the definition of getting “Triggy widdit?”




You mean that retard?


Indeed. WC, your “dukes” should be elevated as you prepare for yourself for fisticuffs, you hooligan.

I’ll just quote yer mom: “Bring it, big boy.”


So, check your bumper to see if you qualify.

Hey, that’s also what DKW’s mom said!

Rusty Shackleford

“Pavlovian boner” is the best thing I’ve read in months.


So, check your bumper to see if you qualify.

hmmm… Does this count?


Do these assholes seriously not understand that killing civilians is the major reason we’re not succeeding over there?


Kraphammer thinks its a fucking revelation that it is poor strategy to indiscriminately kill civilians while fighting an insurgency that relies on civilian support for survival.

I get being a neocon asshole, but if you’re too fucking lazy to read Street Without Joy, in which Bernard Fall pointed out the same thing nearly 50 years ago, you have no business commenting on guerilla warfare.

The Truth Will Prevail

Making fun of the disabled. What would FDR say? Stay classy, liberals.

I hope you also realize that BO’s little infomercial will do nothing to pass your healthcare bill.

Rusty Shackleford

Hey look, it’s the Truth. Let’s all pay attention to him. I’ll start:

Truth, you might want to visit the previous thread where we are dispelling some unpleasant rumors about you.


Hey, that’s also what DKW’s mom said!

Fisticuffs, Monsieur Chowder, fisticuffs. You have provoked a sleeping lion and now you shall reap the whirlwind.

Spengler Dampniche remembered his nym

O/T, but help! teh MOOSLIM APPEASEMENT with missiles!


I hope you also realize that BO’s little infomercial will do nothing to pass your healthcare bill.

Would lying about how private health care companies having/trying to obtain WMD help?


FDR bootstrapped over being crippled, why can’t Chuckles?


You have provoked a sleeping lion and now you shall reap the whirlwind.

Sure, she’s a gassy cougar, but bagging on YOUR OWN MOM?!!


bagging on YOUR OWN MOM?

Why not, everybody else has bagged her.


Did I mention

 ____  _____ _   _ ___ ____  
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hmmm… Does this count?

Judge rules…no violation!


The Truth Will Prevail said,

February 25, 2010 at 20:10

I have here a bookmark of your farewell.

I bet you still wet the bed just so mommy can spank you, again.

The Truth Will Prevail's saggy manboobs

Address my points Libs!


PeeJ rules. I bow down before your massive PENIS (but only in a totally heterosexual way).


I just ran across this somewhat disturbing image which reminds me that we haven’t seen Dafydd ab Hugely around lately.


ASCII art golf clap for PeeJ.

Well played.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have here a bookmark of your farewell.

He’s an endless source of comedy, bless his heart.


we haven’t seen Dafydd ab Hugely around lately

Has anyone followed the trail of half-eaten giant sammitches and dogeared shitty mil-porn novels?

Rusty Shackleford

Half-eaten my ass.


Has anyone followed the trail of half-eaten giant sammitches and dogeared shitty mil-porn novels?

Half-eaten my ass.

The half-eaten trail leads to Krauthammer.

Rusty Shackleford

I guess it would be impossible to follow a trail of eaten sammitches, come to think of it.


I guess it would be impossible to follow a trail of eaten sammitches, come to think of it.

Follow the discarded vegibles. Easy.


The Truth Will Prevail said,

February 25, 2010 at 20:10

Making fun of the disabled. What would FDR say?

He’d say “If I could just get out of this wheelchair, I’d kick Troofie’s ass up and down the eastern seaboard.”


You have provoked a sleeping lion and now you shall reap the whirlwind.

Oh man, who farted????


“I guess it would be impossible to follow a trail of eaten sammitches, come to think of it.”

Not necessarily. But, that really is a big pile of shit.


Somebody was watching Cinemax last night instead of the Olympics.


Those aren’t mangoes. Mangoes aren’t furry.

Also, shorter Chuckie,

“The officer said, ‘Why aren’t these children belted in?’ and she Chuck said, ‘They’re not my children.’”


Mangoes aren’t furry.

They’re not?

No wonder why my salsa has been making me sick…


Summit Update:

We can have a philosophical disagreement in terms of how much insurance regulation is appropriate,” the president also said. “We agree there has to be some, what are the specific ones you have to object to. Pre-existing conditions is one we theoretically all agree on. Let’s not pretend that any form of regulation is some onerous burden that’s going to result in some terrible thing that’s going to happen to consumers.”

Point made clearer by Biden:

“If you agree that you can’t be dropped because of a pre-existing condition … than you have acknowledged that the government has a role,” Biden said.

New framing: Keeping Government out of teabagger’s health care or eliminating pre-existing condition discrimination – choose one.

Also, too – cookie for Harkin:

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) had some choice words for those who would argue that the best approach to health care reform is incremental. “An incremental approach is like a swimmer who is 50 feet out shore drowning and you throw him a 10-foot rope,” Harkin said.

“And you say well it didn’t reach him, but we’ll throw him a 20-feet next time and then a 30-foot, 40-foot,” Harkin said. “Well, by that time the swimmer is drowned.”


I guess it would be impossible to follow a trail of eaten sammitches, come to think of it.

Crumbs, motherfuckers!

Although you might then be inadvertently led to the house of R. Crumb, which could be awkward.


Hey look, it’s the Truth. Let’s all lick his taint. I’ll start:

Fixed Rusty’s typo.


Hm, first Troofie, then Troll Brandi.

What a coincidence!


“Well, by that time the swimmer is drowned.”

Note to Sen. Harkin, to your Republican colleagues, that is a feature not a bug.


Well, by that time the swimmer is drowned

You see? We’re lowering healthcare costs!


You see? We’re lowering healthcare costs!

Water-filled lungs = pre-existing condition.


Say, has anyone seen my penis? It was taken from me and I don’t know where it is.
It is in a box somewhere, pecking at grains.


Hm, first Troofie, then Troll Brandi.

Yea, funny how that works, huh?

Brandi's saggy manboobs

Address my points, Libs!


(This comment is in code so Troofie can’t read it)

Is Andy-bray an ockpuppet-say?





“If you agree that you can’t be dropped because of a pre-existing condition … than you have acknowledged that the government has a role,” Biden said.

“But, but,” Senator Moneybags (R-Blue Shield) spluttered,”if people don’t like insurance companies refusing coverage because of pre-existing conditions, they wouldn’t buy policies! If there was a market for a non-pre-existing condition excluding insurance company, there would be one. Don’t you believe in The Free Market?!? What are you, some kind of commie second hander?”


Brandi said

I’ve been spayed by a Rusty Shackleford.

Fixed for truthfulness in commenting.


Nice try, Canadian. But, more like this:

“But, but,” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. commie ….”


Don’t you believe in The Free Market?!? What are you, some kind of commie second hander?

Pre-existing conditions are a finite good.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Not buying protection money insurance from a giant insurance company that will drop you in .01 nanosecond if you get sick cover your illness is Theft.


Pre-existing? What is before existence?

Being a woman is a pre-existing condition: A pregnancy-in-waiting.


Well, they’re always trying to re-fight Vietnam, let’s go there!

That’s ’cause in their hearts you they know theyyou’re right


Not buying protection money insurance from a giant insurance company that will drop you in .01 nanosecond if you get sick cover your illness is Theft.



OT: Our government hard(ly) at work from’s liveblog —

Well, this pretty much sums up the whole summit: they’re about to run out of time, and they’re just now getting to the section that Obama says is “the core” of the healthcare bill.
by mikemadden at 3:50 PM


Another great Mike Madden post:

“By the way: The House voted the other night on a bill to strip an anti-trust exemption from health insurance companies. It was fairly popular, passing 406-19. All 19 “no” votes came from Republicans, including Boehner (or Leader Boehner, if you’re a staffer).

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Ryan Rudominer sends over some thoughts on that subject: ‘Representative John Boehner’s vote on whether to outlaw anti-competitive practices by big health insurance companies tells Ohio voters what he values more, protecting insurance company profits over helping his constituents afford health care. Considering that Boehner has received $939,276 from the insurance industry, a vote to let them keep manipulating the market to drive up their profits while families suffer is all the more outrageous.”‘


“And you say well it didn’t reach him, but we’ll throw him a 20-feet next time and then a 30-foot, 40-foot,” Harkin said. “Well, by that time the swimmer is drowned.”



Yup, five and a half hours in and they finally start talking about expanding coverage to the uninsured. AWESOME.


or Leader Boehner, if you’re a staffer

Or “Dear Leader Boehner” if you’re one of the peasant masses.


Yup, five and a half hours in and they finally start talking about expanding coverage to the uninsured. AWESOME

In their defense, they did spend the first 4-1/2 hours railing your mom.


There is no more discourse in the country, only nonsensical, emotion-filled rants combining scary imagery and ideas that people don’t like… such as a religion they don’t follow.


…they did spend the first 4-1/2 hours railing your mom.

Actually, no. My mom’s Canadian. They spent the first 4.5 hours plumbing the depths of the rectums of every mother in the USA.


Always spay and neuter your pets, kids.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

From Gaffney:

Watch this space as we identify and consider various, ominous and far more clear-cut acts of submission to Shariah by President Obama and his team.

Now, they’ll start stockpiling bacon as well as guns.


O/T, but help! teh MOOSLIM APPEASEMENT with missiles!

Holy crap, but the comments there pack in the craaaazy. It’s like a distillation of the birthers blended with the teabaggers to create a potent, heady blend of insane.


Are they back to the “Obama’s an Islamo-Nazi-Commie” meme again? I thought he still had another week or two as the Black Jimmy Carter.


the comments there pack in the craaaazy. It’s like a distillation of the birthers blended with the teabaggers to create a potent, heady blend of insane.

Seriously, Chowder.. This one takes the cake:
“Burqa Hussein Ovomit just has to splash his bling all over everything. This makes official, Hussein’s Islamic Da’wah in the U.S”

Eesh.. Oh and the avatar was the Obama/Joker picture.

These folks need to get a grip.


And yet there is a voice of reason within LittleBig Gov’t:
“Infallible” says:
Are you kidding me? Looking for crescents in things is what you think is a threat? And you guys wondering why you’re often not taken seriously. Crap like this puts you in the camp with the birthers and the people that think that Obama is a terrorist himself. Believing that he’s sneaking a crescent into a logo makes you look stupid and nutty and petty.

Look, there are tons of things to dislike with Obama, but when you grasp at straws like this one and present it like it’s a serious concern, you’re demeaning everything else that’s posted here.

Go after him on the things that matter. Passing off crap like this as an issue is an insult.”

…needless to say it has 11 negative votes, Zero (0) positives. Who needs reason when you have guano.


…needless to say it has 11 negative votes, Zero (0) positives. Who needs reason when you have guano.

Prediction: within five more comments, someone will accuse him of being Charles Johnson.


Does anyone remember when Frank Gaffney was saying that Barack Obama saying ‘mutual respect’ was secret Muslim code for submission to Muslim rule.


Does anyone remember when Frank Gaffney was saying that Barack Obama saying ‘mutual respect’ was secret Muslim code for submission to Muslim rule.

The question is: Does Frank Gaffney remember?


O/T, but help! teh MOOSLIM APPEASEMENT with missiles!

Thanks, Spengler. I am now stupider having read scanned that.

OT: sexy logo is sexy. B-b-but Star Wars. I think I must shower now.


Actually, they’re upset about the logo because they hate things with red & white stripes and white stars on a blue background.

The Troof Will Prevail

“Making fun of the disabled. What would FDR say? Stay classy, liberals.”
Quien es mas macho?


Just for the record, I hope nobody expected anything substantial to come out of this summit. It was politics pure and simple, a chance for Obama to say to the public “Well, I tried”, and move on, while allowing the Republicans to make asses of themselves again on national television. Apparently, they’ve happily obliged. And now the Democrats are going to move forward, which was the plan all along. I did kind of find it amusing to hear the media talk about this while knowing all of this, but not being allowed to actually say it.


Now, they’ll start stockpiling bacon as well as guns.

They will cleverly hide the bacon in the form of small fatty deposits within their coronary arteries.


I expected magic ponies. Where are my goddamn magic ponies?


I thought Frank Gaffney was that black kid who picked a fight with the union guys, but it turns out he’s probably not.


What can I say about the Hammer O’Crap that ain’t already been said?


But I do have a new post at my own place about how I got “outed” hating on Blanche Lincoln, which, if I say so myself, is a worthy and honorable pastime.


Where are my goddamn magic ponies?

At a wild guess, with D-KW’s mother?


Just for the record, I hope nobody expected anything substantial to come out of this summit. It was politics pure and simple…

I think it’s substantial that the Republicans were forced to go on the record saying they don’t have any better ideas and all they want to do is obstruct. Give it a little time to percolate before you draw conclusions.


At a wild guess, with D-KW’s mother?

It’s cool, they’ve had their shots.


I speculated on my blog yesterday that Obama was basically extending one last opportunity for the Republicans to have input on the issue.

By insisting on wiping the slate clean and starting with a blank piece of paper, they opened the door for the Dems to say “Um, no. We gave you everything we could in the first go-round. Buhbye!”


If President Obama made the decision it would be to appease the terrorists, win the support of those who “we” don’t give a damn about, and to lose the war.

Since the decision was made by two “great” generals, (one of whom should be the president in 2012,) then we can be certain of the sanity, wisdom and desire to win the war.

…assuming that any war can be “won” in Afghanistan. Normally a war is comprised of at least two central governments one of which is the belligerent and one government that can lose.

Since the “central” government is only central to Kabul, the remaining countryside, (little rocks, big rocks and more rocks,) is controlled or not by tribal warlords who don’t give a damn about what the people in Kabul have to say, A nation must continuously fight groups that are comprised of citizens who join then quit the tribal groups as new tribal groups are formed and defeated by other tribal groups.

To win the war in Afghanistan a nation would have to kill most of the people, who hide very well, subsisting among the rubble, which means that there would be no one to govern making the idea of victory ludicrous.

Sub-sub-sub-context: The U.S. knows better than the Afghanis and all the Arab nations combined how to handle Arab affairs even though its leaders are uninformed about their languages and cultures.

We are “better” human beings.


I speculated on my blog yesterday

Is that what the kids are calling it these days? You washed up after, I hope.


You washed up after, I hope.

Even used misdefectant.


Does anyone remember when Frank Gaffney was saying that Barack Obama saying ‘mutual respect’ was secret Muslim code for submission to Muslim rule.

I remember when Gaffney channelled the ghost of Ronald Reagan to inform Reagan’s kid that Daddy would be ashamed of him:

Gaffney is what Krauthammer would turn into after a series of shock treatments.


For a bunch of “conservatives”, they sure don’t have much respect for the time honored values of civilization.


Where are my goddamn magic ponies?

At a wild guess, with D-KW’s mother?

DKW’s mom is Catherine The Great?


DKW’s mom is Catherine The Great?

Well…if by “great” you mean “high in mass.”


For a bunch of “conservatives”, they sure don’t have much respect for the time honored values of civilization.

Once they were informed that civilization involves taxation, their enthusiasm for whole enterprise wained significantly.


their enthusiasm for whole enterprise wained significantly.

It also waned as well.


Seriously, Chowder.. This one takes the cake:
“Burqa Hussein Ovomit just has to splash his bling all over everything. This makes official, Hussein’s Islamic Da’wah in the U.S”

Christos, that’s like a collapsing singularity of stupid, paranoid and racist all smooshed together into a totally different universe.

Monkey Child of the Dragon King

Whale Chowder – Catherine the Great fucked mules. Oh, you knew that.

But it explains a lot, doesn’t it? No? Oh well, nothing ever does.

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

It should be clear to any honest observer that the witch hunt against Toyota is nothing but Chicago thuggery in action, in a desperate gamble to make them unionize their American workforce. The Japanese are getting sick of the witch hunt and unfair trade practices of Obama, how long until the Japanese strike back? They own quite a bit of our debt. Obama is playing with fire, and everyone loses in this trade war.

He tried to do the same thing with Chinese tires a few months ago, and now the Chinese are putting sanctions in place against Boeing in favor of Airbus. Obama is an economic idiot threatening America’s global trade.

He doesn’t seem to realize that China and Japan hold all the cards here.

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

And how can the American government be a fair, impartial judge when they own GM and Chrysler?

Is Obama Starting a Race War?

That’s what I really wanted to name myself if I had any balls.


When liberals object to the slaughter of civilians, they are assumed to be pro-terrorist. Why are foreign nationals given greater deference than American citizens? If Iraqis object to the rules of engagement, aren’t they terrorists by definition? Why do we care about winning the hearts and minds of those who deny our right to murder them anyway?

Or does Charles Krauthammer like to negotiate with terrorists? Pffft. Appeaser. Pffft, I say.

Is Troofie Starting a Threadjack?

Address my post, loony libs!



Badoodle boo-yeah.

Consider your post addressed.


Obama is an economic idiot threatening America’s global trade.

Oh, if only we had that last guy back, you know, the one who was so respected and admired by people world-wide and established such a grand foreign policy! Oh, what was his name again…?

Bookmark ths, libs!

I’m Troofie and I’m guaranteed to be a big liar and a big failure.

But I succeeded in getting my daughter pregnant! See my blog for graphic pictures of the slot slut!


Making fun of the disabled. What would FDR say? Stay classy, liberals.

Good point. Making fun of a no-load conservative pussy like Kraphammer is like smacking around the kids who get off the short bus.


It should be clear to any honest observer that the witch hunt against Toyota is nothing but Chicago thuggery in action, in a desperate gamble to make them unionize their American workforce.

Yeah, it’s almost as bad as those witchhunts against asbestos and tobacco.

Libertarian Ideals

Let the Free Market deal with asbestos poisoning. Let Americans vote with their pocketbook and the best product will win. In the case of asbestos contaminating water and air, good non-socialist Americans will simply switch to the water and air found on Mars.

Take that, libs!

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

Laugh if you want, but if Obama pushes around Toyota much more, the Japanese by dump some of our treasuries. Or even close down the auto plants they have in the United States, exacerbating the recession.

Free trade benefits everybody in the long run, protectionism hurts everybody.


Let the Free Market deal with asbestos poisoning. Let Americans vote with their pocketbook and the best product will win. In the case of asbestos contaminating water and air, good non-socialist Americans will simply switch to the water and air found on Mars.

Americans have the option of suing the asbestos company, also, too. That is until tort reform is enacted.

Bureau of Troofus Predictions

if Obama pushes around Toyota much more, the Japanese by dump some of our treasuries.

That’s right, and you can BOOKMARK IT.


Yeah. Because Japan and China only buy U.S. treasuries at a whim, not to, say, have the most stable investments in the world or to maintain an artificially low Chinese currency relative to the dollar.

It’s just ’cause they’re tricksy, and also because they’re stupid.

American Sugar Growers

Free trade benefits everybody in the long run, protectionism hurts everybody.

That’s why we love free trade.

Oh wait.


Americans have the option of suing the asbestos company, also, too. That is until tort reform is enacted.

There should be a 20 year waiting period until filing to sue for hazardous chemical exposure, just to be sure if you develop a life-ending illness. On the other hand, relatives and family members shouldn’t be allowed to sue if you the victim happen to die.

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

El Cid, China has already retaliated against Obama for putting tariffs on Chinese tires by giving a multi-billion dollar deal to Airbus rather than Boeing.

We can’t afford to make China angry.

Libertarian Ideals

When I say “Free Trade”, I mean in industries that I don’t have a personal financial stake in.

In those businesses that I profit from, it is un-American to not have my company be the sole supplier.


El Cid, China has already retaliated against Obama for putting tariffs on Chinese tires by giving a multi-billion dollar deal to Airbus rather than Boeing.

We can’t afford to make China angry.

You’re such a god-damned dumbass that I hardly see why somebody thinks it’s so god-damned funny to pretend to be a moron right winger. To me that says “jackass”, not witty.


We can’t afford to make China angry.

You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry:

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

El Cid, I’m not being a jackass. I really, really, really believe the insanity I spew.


Look, for example. What policy upset China? U.S. fucking weapons sales to Taiwan. Which is uniformly the policy of the U.S. across all administrations, ’cause, nobody gives a fuck.

On Jan. 29, the Obama Administration informed Congress of plans to sell $6.4 billion in weapons to Taiwan, and the following day the Chinese government said it would punish U.S. companies involved in the sales. That could hurt Boeing, which makes the Harpoon missiles that Taiwan will be purchasing as part of the deal.

It’s not for the tire tariffs, dumbass. Why do you think this act is funny?

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

Perhaps instead of using phrases like “god-damned dumbass”, you could learn some Economics 101 and look at who holds our debt, and how many workers Toyota USA employs. And look behind the curtain to see that it’s UAW thugs who are behind the witch hunt.


Making fun of the disabled. What would FDR say? Stay classy, liberals.

Sorry people weren’t politically correct enough for you.

witch hunt against Toyota

The same Toyota which has apologized and not only admitted there’s a problem, they’ve also admitted they minimized it to investigators and customers and even that they’re not sure how to fix it? The Toyota who first noticed the problems IN JAPAN, and have initiated a WORLD-WIDE recall? Chicago witch hunt thuggery in action!


“All 19 “no” votes came from Republicans, including Boehner (or Pavlovian Boehner, if you’re a staffer).

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

Why so angry, El Cid?


It’s true! UAW thugs forced us to create those crappy accelerators.


Perhaps instead of using phrases like “god-damned dumbass”, you could learn some Economics 101 and look at who holds our debt, and how many workers Toyota USA employs

Why don’t you god-damned re-take Economics 101 over and over and over until you find out why buyers purchase U.S. securities, nitwit.

Is Obama Starting a Trade War?

How, indeed, can the federal government be a fair and impartial referee in this recall when they own Toyota’s biggest competitor?

Of course, they can’t. Another contradiction of Socialism.


Why so angry, El Cid?

I’m sick and tired of people thinking it’s witty to play token moron right wing phrase repeater on liberal websites. It’s not cute.

But don’t worry, from now on, it’s dancing badgers all the way down.


However I refuse to recall the defective trolls on this site. Not my problem.

Monkey Child of the Dragon King

I’m just a little monkey and new to all this…but what is the dancing badgers tradition?


Akio Toyoda said,

February 26, 2010 at 2:01 (kill)

However I refuse to recall the defective trolls on this site. Not my problem.

Japanese-manufactured trolls are more cheeto-efficient and wear smaller diapers than American-made trolls.


Sure troof, we’ll be sure to keep the government hands off your Toyota. It’s a great idea especially because you are one of those too fucking st00pit™ to simply put the thing in neutral. Enjoy the crash.

Cheating huh?
Spam Free blah blah

First, WTF? Second,

   ______  ___      _____ 
  / __/\ \/ / | /| / / _ \
 / _/   \  /| |/ |/ / ___/
/_/     /_/ |__/|__/_/    


…what is the dancing badgers tradition?


Big Bad Bald Bastard

We can’t afford to make China angry.

Thanks to the Bush administration, with it’s Crawford thuggery and no-bid socialism for Halliburton and arms manufacturers.

This guy’s dumb as a stump- let’s get back to ragging on Krankhammer.


…what is the dancing badgers tradition?

Fucking pelicans.


…what is the dancing badgers tradition?

Fucking pelicans.

I thought it was the fuching ferrets.


Badgers? We don’t need no stinking badgers.


I have never fuched a ferret. Well maybe that one time but he jumped in my bed when I was drunk and naked. What the hell else was I supposed to do you moran?


Goddamn fucking wordpress can EAT ME.

The US didn’t force Toyotas to go wonky in Japan starting last August, they didn’t force Toyota to issue recalls in Britain and Japan. There is a real problem that Toyota acknowledges and is working to fix worldwide. It is not a witch hunt, or Chicago thuggery, or any of that idiotic bullshit.


Free trade benefits everybody in the long run, protectionism hurts everybody.

Damn Right. These Stupid fucking liberals want to ban Japanese cars because they kill people, just like they wanted to ban Chinese Dog Food because it killed dogs.

Don’t these asshats know that ‘free trade’=’selling products that kill you without consequences?’


Pelicans can’t dance like we can.


“They wanted to ban Chinese Dog Food because it killed dogs.”

I suppose you could eat the dog a little at a time and still keep it alive. Just thinking outside the box.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Free trade benefits everybody in the long run, protectionism hurts everybody.

It’s funny that the guy who conflates consumer protection with protectionism can go on to write:

Perhaps instead of using phrases like “god-damned dumbass”, you could learn some Economics 101…


Japanese-manufactured trolls are more cheeto-efficient and wear smaller diapers than American-made trolls.

Japanese trolls consume natto, not Cheetos.


Mr Mozart would like to express his deep apology to anyone who may have been offended by the above joke and rest assured that no actual dogs were harmed in the making of the joke in question.












saisho no kekka wo ?saka fu to saga ken de wa , kuru wa , tanigaki teiichi no tame ni sengen sa re masu . taishita koto nai , henk? , 1haku ij? no okyakusama no han’n? reru hi ga kuru koto wa deki mase n . sonogo , ?ita ken , midori , oyobi id? wa , sh?sh? kinch? shi , ts?j? no higi sha wa , ts?j? no kategori ni bunrui sa re masu inchikur?pusa re masu . toshite wa , yoru , toyama ken , aomori ken to ? ?ku no anata no ky?fu ? mie ken wo doraggu suru koto mo yobidashi wo sh?ry? shi masu . anata no beddo ni iku koto ka nitsuite , watashi kara no adobaisu . tanigaki puremiashippuni anata ga me wo samasu to , idai na shakai minshu fur?ku auto ni sa reru ?

go yoyaku wa , kono m?ku , shakai minshu shugi ?

dono y? ni jigoku no watashi wa , kono k?ru suru koto ga deki ta fushigi sa re masu .

St. Xecky Gilchrist

We can’t afford to make China angry.

I get no end of kicks out of how the pubbies are BFFs with the Chicoms these days.


As thoroughly OT as it’s possible to be: the gold-medal game in women’s hockey was fantastically played. The Canadian team earned their win and no chippy shit on either end.

Rooting Against America

It’s the new right-wing passtime! What POSSIBLY could be making them do THAT?

Oh yeah, a black guy is in charge of America now. That explains everything.


Jennifer is correct.

Teh Pelicans are rabid

St. Xecky Gilchrist

What POSSIBLY could be making them do THAT?

I know, right? It’s like I see them insisting that the Commander-in-Chief™ should ask foreign countries for permission to conduct America’s sovereign affairs, and I cry like a bald eagle on Sept. 11.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I get no end of kicks out of how the pubbies are BFFs with the Chicoms these days.

They’ve always been buddies though. Remember “only Nixon could go to China”? And how Reagan was acting all buddy-buddy with Gorbachev? And Bush could see Putin’s soul?

Fucking Republicans, man. Always there to help a fellow authoritarian out in a pinch.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

And how Reagan was acting all buddy-buddy with Gorbachev?

Yeah, between that and arming Iran and Iraq and all, he hated America so much that the Republicans could only deify him.


Mom, Apple Pie, Baseall, Stalinism and Toyotas!


If Bush were still pres we’d have already bombed Korea in retaliation for the Toyotacalypse. USA! USA!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

we’d have already bombed Korea in retaliation for the Toyotacalypse.

The Axles of Evil.


Actually, we haven’t yet lived long enough to see if “free trade” is better than protectionism “in the long run”, because no nation was ever crazy enough to try it before the last couple decades.

All other modern economies developed through careful protectionism and state support of industry.

We’ll let you know in 2 or 3 more decades if “the long run” answer is available.

dim-witted badger

fucking pelicans

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

All other modern economies developed through careful protectionism and state support of industry.

Good point, especially in light of Troofie’s braying. As much as the Free Market Fantasists love Toyota, the fact Toyota owes a large part of their success to the efforts of MITI in the 80’s makes their “Don’t Buy American” loyalties terribly, horribly – but hilariously – ironic.


“They wanted to ban Chinese Dog Food because it killed dogs.”
I suppose you could eat the dog a little at a time and still keep it alive. Just thinking outside the box.

You could milk them.
And there’s always liposuction.

I get no end of kicks out of how the pubbies are BFFs with the Chicoms these days.
the Chinese regime is fighting to suppress independence-minded parts of its empire MUSLIM TERRORISTS.


We’ll let you know in 2 or 3 more decades if “the long run” answer is available.

I think we’re already qualified to venture an educated guess or three, just from the observed slope.


Also Alexander said that premiums will go up under Senate bill, Barry comes back with CBO pointing out that they won’t.

And over at NPR, the National Glorious Five Year Plan Tractor Factory Sputnik October People’s Public Radio, they point out that while B. Hussein X is right that most people’s premiums would go down, the Plaid One is also sort of right since the CBO expects modest increases in the premiums of those few people who are insured individually, although their coverage will be correspondingly greater and the cost increase will be offset by the government subsidy they will receive. So, of course, it would be really hard to argue that one of those guys is right and the other is wrong, because there are some special cases where Alexander’s statement is just slightly more than vacuously true. The truth is somewhere in the middle, and true bipartisan consensus (which is, after all, more important than being able to see your doctor before your fingers rot off) demands that we acknowledge this.

dim-bitted wadger

pucking felicans

St. Xecky Gilchrist

fudgy pemmican



fudgy pemmican

Made from dogs with the requisite amount of delicious chocolaty melamine.

St. Xecky Gilchrist

Don’tchoo know I’m proud o’dat mel-a-mine.


the Plaid One is also sort of right since the CBO expects modest increases in the premiums of those few people who are insured individually, although their coverage will be correspondingly greater and the cost increase will be offset by the government subsidy they will receive.

Sheesh, what a reach. Why is just reporting the facts not enough to make a news source “objective?” Why do they pretend stupid stuff has any sort of merit?

St. Xecky Gilchrist

Why do they pretend stupid stuff has any sort of merit?

‘Cause their bosses and owners are pushing the stupid line?

Not sure why they don’t just go whole hog and tewtally make shit up. More than they do.


Just for the record, I hope nobody expected anything substantial to come out of this summit.

If you’re talking about the the thing in & of itself, you’re right … but as an outside spectator to this freak-show, I’m seeing the GOP quickly lose control of Teh Narrative that they’d hijacked last spring: it’s not all about ObamaCare killing American grannies or bankrupting your kids any more – increasingly it’s about Republicans being such total shitheels that they’ll even vote against their OWN policies if a Dem is in the White House, while having sweet bugger-all to offer as a useful alternative. The no-to-everything tactic plays right into that anti-Gooper story-line, & it’s becoming pretty obvious that it’s all they’ve got to work with at this point.

Boehner fretting in public over whether or not a summit that he himself asked for is a trap (or what the table in the room will look like, LOL) looks a lot like Captain Queeg playing with ball-bearings & asking who stole his strawberries. Ditto Wet-Start McCain bouncing up & down in his seat like a kid with ADD & (de-)railing against DC dealmaking – dude, everyone knows you’re having primary issues, but do you have to be such a completely irrelevant douche?

The Rude Pundit had an interesting point – he said the Republicans should’ve all just stood up & walked out of the thing … a political ambush which would’ve given them control of the story again, & made their “noble” action the main headline instead of “GOP Makes Nice Noises At Summit But Will Continue To Be Obstructionist Drama-Whores Until Hell Freezes Over Or Reconciliation, Whichever Comes First.”
“Throw it all away & start over from scratch” is gonna be about as popular as leprosy to all the Just Plain Folks who are sick to death of this shit & just want it to pass so they don’t have it clogging up their TeeVee schedules again & again … let alone all the people who actually need health-insurance & can’t get it unless the bill passes into law.


Oh, it would have been awesome if they just walked out, maybe after a little speech from Boehner about how the Democrats’ liberal agenda down his throat makes compromise impossible. It wouldn’t have been “noble” in anyone’s eyes, lemme tell ya. A headline like “GOP calls for discussion, compromise, stomps out like angry children before the damn thing even begins”, that would stay with them for months.


Oh, it would have been awesome if they just walked out,

“And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said
fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and
walking out. And friends they may thinks it’s a movement.”


And look behind the curtain to see that it’s UAW thugs who are behind the witch hunt.

Troo! If it wasn’t for the UAW, Toyota would be free to kill Americans all over the place and do what they couldn’t do in WW2: kick our asses, one carload at a time.


the Chinese regime is fighting to suppress …MUSLIM TERRORISTS

If the GOP ever learns how to pronounce Uighurs, they’d stop cold in their tracks and realize that’s their base!


But you ARE in that wheelchair, AREN’T you Blanche?


Just for the record, I hope nobody expected anything substantial to come out of this summit.

Blogwhoring my first actual post since Christmas Eve.


Blogwhoring my first actual post since Christmas Eve.

Whoa! Don’t burn yourself out there, ADD boy!


Whoa! Don’t burn yourself out there, ADD boy!

Hey, what do you mean by….oooh shiny. I’ll be right back after, BOOM HEADSHOT TAKE THAT YOU CAMPING LITTLE – what lunchtime already? Awesome I’ll have a Reuben and yes, this is my favourite Hawaiian shir… I gotta take this call – I’ve got it set to go to vibrate mode when your mom phones.


They promised that air check would never see the light of day…


Note to the centre-leftsists who argue that we’ve got to get this thing done because the GOP is holding the uninsured hostage – Fuck You. This isn’t about the uninsured anymore, not even for “the good guys” – the uninsured are now just an aside, a “free rider” on this deficit reducing, cost cutting legislation.

Not to mention, we don’t negotiate with terrorists who use hostages…That just encourages further hostage taking, does it not? Careful, your mom could be next.


(comments are closed)