Five Feet Of Fail

It’s hard out here for a wingnut. One day you’re riding high on the hog in the catbird seat, literally the cock of the walk (and sparm at that), like on the day not long ago when the news breached the grillcloths of America’s AM and satellite radio sets that a young Army recruiter had been killed, and another wounded, by some black guy named Abracadabra Muhammad who converted to Muslimism out of hatred for America, and you can imagine what else.

Oh yes, one day it’s such an item as that, blar-harring in so strong a fashion out of the right’s legacy-monaural and digital S-band receivers that a comic book artist might draw the scene as a clock radio hovering unsupported in the air and surrounded by a radial burst of blare lines, peppered at the edges with some of those amoebic crumbs or nuggets whose appearance in proximity to explosions denotes ‘blast power,’ as if bits of ectoplasm or phlogiston were being created from raw energy, the preceding à la Kirby-era Dr. Strange.1

No, because one day, it’s the Recruiter Shooter, getting liberals back for the Tiller Killer the day before. Liberals had ruthlessly politicized this right-wing vigilante slaying by associating it with the DHS report on ‘rightwing extremism’ that Internet wingnuts had been screaming about a few weeks earlier — after the April 4th rampage of wingnut Richard “The Copper Popper” Poplawski made necessary some kind of aggressive seizing of the narrative reins, some mass outbreak of that reality-creation-through-angry-chanting that wingnuts perform in order to change the definitions of things and switch things around on their enemies. The appearance of the DHS report provided an opportunity to reassert the shame, or rather the exposure of Poplawski’s attack on police officers, through a typically crude rubber/glue, stop-hitting-yourself switcharound, as a massive government assault on conservatives, a blood libel that made trivial the mere spilling of mere actual blood. As Malkin essayed in her syndicated column, eleven days after the Poplawski shootings:

Michelle Malkin, Creators Syndicate:
You might be a “radicalized rightwing extremist” if…

April 15, 2009

What and who exactly are President Obama’s homeland security officials afraid of these days? If you are a member of an active conservative group that opposes abortion, favors strict immigration enforcement, lobbies to protect Second Amendment rights, protests big government, advocates federalism, or represents veterans who believe in any of the above, the answer is: You.

If it weren’t for our habit of staying with the subject like a slot car stays glued to its track, for instance an Aurora AFX car with Magnatraction on the track of an AFX Thunderloop Screamer set, this would be an appropriate time to recall the Tokyo Rose we used to know, sneering at privacy “chicken littles”, celebrating Christmas by calling for the prosecution of the warrantless-wiretapping reporters, James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, and gloating at the failure of an ACLU suit against the unchecked NSA program by plaintiffs who, she dismisses, “have no idea whether they have been surveilled under the program, but are claiming standing because they think they might be among the targets,” even as facts piled up about the widespread surveillance by the military of liberal and anti-war groups including the Friends Service Committee. But of course, that was then and this is now, for here’s how our new Civil Liberties Malkin With Ruby Ridge Playset wraps up the column:

If you can redefine dissenting opinion as “hate,” you can brand your political opponents as “extremists” – and you can marginalize electoral threats. “Antigovernment?” “Pro-enforcement?” “Disgruntled?” Feeling taxed enough already and “recruiting” and “radicalizing” your friends and neighbors through “chatter on the Internet?”

We are all rightwing extremists now. Welcome to the club.

Above: Club was better before they let the rabble in

But then the next day, in your wingnut atelier in the unfinished basement room, as you unwrap the latest package from the Conservative Book Club and look over your new subsidized $1 hardcover copy of Liberal Fascism (and let me just say: Free markets are great if that’s what you’re into, but I’ll take free money any old day2) — there as you attend the blare of the radio, blar-harring through the grillcloth comes the news of James von Brun and his shotgun rampage at the Holocaust Museum. And then, then when he’s down and out again, flat on the pavement under the cold, staring sky, then what is a proud, literally card-carrying “right-wing extremist” supposed to do?

Here’s where Malkin left off before the von Brunn shootings:

Michelle Malkin, Creators Syndicate:
Climate of hate, world of double standards

June 3, 2009

When a right-wing Christian vigilante kills, millions of fingers pull the trigger. When a left-wing Muslim vigilante kills, he kills alone. These are the instantly ossifying narratives in the Sunday shooting death of Kansas late-term abortionist George Tiller versus the Monday shootings of two Arkansas military recruiters.


And you’ll certainly hear little about the most recent left-wing calls to violence by a Playboy magazine writer who published a vulgar list of conservative female writers and commentators he said he’d like to rape (the obscene slang word he used is not printable). The list was hyped by the magazine’s publicity team and light-heartedly promoted by mainstream publications such as (founded by Washington Post reporters).

Is it too much to ask the media cartographers in charge of mapping the “climate of hate” to do their jobs with both eyes open?

After von Brunn, what we hear is a series of disoriented shrieks such as the following post (the equivalent syndicated column finds David-Letterman-said-something-bad offered as a topic of timely concern):

Michelle Malkin:
The DHS “right-wing extremism” report and the Holocaust shooter

June 11, 2009

Vindication! Vindication! Apologize! Apologize!

This is the gleeful mantra on the Left side of the blogosphere and cable TV.

A father/security guard/hero is dead and all these political opportunists can do is gloat about “vindication” that isn’t there.

I linked Greyhawk’s post on this issue at Mudville Gazette yesterday, but I am linking it again today. Read the whole thing. It’s updated with a powerful rejoinder from Fox News contributor Col. Ralph Peters, who takes on some of his fellow Fox colleagues parroting the “DHS report has been vindicated” propaganda.

And the disaster worsens the wider you look. Linked by Malkin in her preliminary draft blame tantrum is Kathy Shaidle, a Canadian wingnut of imperfect renown who attempts an expert dismount from the high horse and ends up flailing limb over limb into a folding refreshments table covered with Dixie cups of Haterade. Shaidle, like Malkin and RedState’s Erick Erickson, among others, is clearly working beyond her ability:

Kathy Shaidle, Examiner Sites:
Holocaust Museum shooter von Brunn a 9/11 ‘truther’ who hated ‘neo-cons’, Bush, McCain

June 10, 2009


The anti-semitism of von Brunn is the first thing one notices when visiting these bizarre websites. However, like those of most “white supremacists”, many of von Brunn’s political views track “Left” rather than “Right.” Clearly, a re-evaluation of these obsolete definitions is long overdue.

For example, he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other “neo-conservatives” in online essays. As even some “progressives” such as the influential Adbusters magazine publicly admit, “neoconservative” is often used as a derogatory code word for “Jews”.

And next she cites Liberal Fascism, etc. But while sloppy thinking will never get you fired or rebuked, or indeed, will never cause you to be uncomfortable in any way, in the profession of wingnut punditry, sloppy reading sometimes gives away more than you can afford to part with:

Kalle Lasn, Adbusters:
Why won’t anyone say they are Jewish?

March/April, 2004


Drawing attention to the Jewishness of the neocons is a tricky game. Anyone who does so can count on automatically being smeared as an anti-Semite. But the point is not that Jews (who make up less than 2 percent of the American population) have a monolithic perspective. Indeed, American Jews overwhelmingly vote Democrat and many of them disagree strongly with Ariel Sharon’s policies and Bush’s aggression in Iraq. The point is simply that the neocons seem to have a special affinity for Israel that influences their political thinking and consequently American foreign policy in the Middle East.

Shaidle concludes:

That this shooting occurred shortly after President Obama’s former mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, blamed “the Jews” for his lack of access to his former parishioner is a troubling confluence of events as well.

They got nothing.

1 Actually more like Kamandi or OMAC, DC titles that define a sort of high expressionist period in Kirby’s use of the radial explosion line. In them, a character who’s startled might be shown in hard closeup plunging backwards down Disney World’s Space Mountain, or suffering a spontaneous jump into hyperspace. Shouting people may be drawn with matter/energy reactions string-theorying in their mouths.

2 I say, a practical man or woman might invest in subsidized wingnut books, deploying them into the market and reinvesting the profits in subsidized wingnut books until he or she was wearing a top hat and monocle and smoking a fine cheroot, while Eagle Publishing/CBC was wearing a barrel with pulled-out pockets taped to the sides and making a hapless shrugging gesture as a moth flitted out of its wallet. Est-ce que ce n’est pas la cas, or however a French sentence ought correctly to be arranged? I say, bang on.


Comments: 64


Wasn’t Dr. Strange pretty much Ditko, & then some other guys (Romita?). Don’t remember Kirby ever drawiing the Dr.


Aw-reet! First in pedantry & being a piss-ant!!


Well, uh, if no one else is here or awake, I might also point out that there seem to be three footnotes, called for, though two of them are numbered as ². In the graph under the biz card. (Feel free to delete this. I won’t tell if you don’t.)


Is every single one of these people completely barking mad? Honestly, I’m beginning to have trouble even reading their screeds – they make my brain feel as though it’s been thrown in a blender.

And as for Malkin, if I apologise for everything ever, do you think she’d shut the fuck up? I’d happily do that, just to make her stop screeching incoherent hate – she’s like a room full of ghastly adolescents running their fingernails down blackboards and tittering with glee.

Or maybe the UFO nuts are right, and aliens have actually landed: Malkin must be an import from the planet Yargh.


Oh, M. Bouffant – I’m here. I care.

But I must say that I didn’t notice the footnote faux pas, probably because my eyes were spinning and my brain was convulsing as a result of having to read that UTTER SHITE.

Ahem. Sorry. All better now.

Oh, alcohol? Don’t mind if I do.


Excellent research. I only follow Malkin so much but I know a hypocrite when I see it and I remember her railing about the DHS report. Their meme now is that Brunn was a nut his whole life and therefore a leftie. I don’t know where they’re getting this argument that ‘all’ violence is caused by the left. More than anything, I think a lot of the right has its definitions mixed up which explains its lack of credibility.

Ted the Slacker

We are all rightwing extremists now.

Thx, we already knew this.


Where can I lay a bet on how many murderous fRightwing freaks it will take for these idiots to start claiming that this is all part of a covert operation by ACORN and George “Why didn’t he let the NAZIs kill him?” Soros?

Is every single one of these people completely barking mad?

Yes. SA2SQ #352

if I apologise for everything ever, do you think she’d shut the fuck up?

No. SA2SQ #353


if I apologise for everything ever, do you think she’d shut the fuck up?

No. SA2SQ #353


Honestly, I think I’d happily be a scapegoat and allow myself to be ritually slaughtered, just to shut these fucking lunatics right up. They’re as annoying as a small child full to pussy’s bow with red food colouring, and as persistent as mozzies around a mangrove swamp.


That’s way too much Malkin for one sitting. What the fuck is a “liberal Muslim”? And where does she get the idea the “Playboy” is a liberal publication? Or that liberals found that stupid “Hate Fuck” column funny-most feminists found it offensive, if I recall correctly.
Is she ever right about anything?


Just saw Palin on the Today show where she wished Letterman would apologize to all the young women of America for joking about “statutary rape” ,in a smarmy,condescending fashion.Yet is’nt this the same woman that,according to Levi Johnson,provided a fuck pad for two high school kids?

Such a classy lady,how dare anyone joke about her trashy family.


It’s being reported that they found the Weekly Standard’s address among the effects of the Holocaust Museum shooter.

The story says the magazine may have also been a target, but I think he was going there to interview for a writing position.


I prefer my dancing radios from Segar’s “Popeye” comic strips.


“Bill S said,

June 12, 2009 at 13:11

That’s way too much Malkin for one sitting. […]
Is she ever right about anything?”

Well, I’m guessing she knows how to spell her own name, but I may be wrong so I’m not willing to put nay money on that.


Is every single one of these people completely barking mad? Honestly, I’m beginning to have trouble even reading their screeds – they make my brain feel as though it’s been thrown in a blender.

Years of screaming extremist codewords at each other has rendered them almost unintelligible to non-maniac ears. Shaidle and Malkin (and von Brunn) understand each other perfectly, but for anyone who doesn’t speak Wingnut, it’s like watching a Grant Morrison interview without the subtitles (to continue the comic book references).

Not Looch who is never to return

“They got nothing.”

Or less than. The P-Load video shows a man waving his arms about as though he is snatching thoughts and facts out of thin air. Dangerous thing, body language. Revealing.



It strikes me that we’re all “waiting for logic” of a certain flavor, like “can’t wait until Conservative X associates von Brunn with Simpsons creator Matt Groening” or “you just watch, they’ll find a way to blame this on vegans.” We should get a pool going for every group capable of being named, and then anticipate results. I’m claiming the ACLU. As in:

2. “Card-carrying member of the ACLU” = bad, because remember how the first Bush said that?
2.1. For the purposes of this discussion, that particular Bush is back to being Conservative.
3. But liberals they love the ACLU.
4. Skokie IL!
5. Therefore, the ACLU is the real hate group, associated almost exclusively with Nazis.
6. Which von Brunn was.
7. Therefore, von Brunn was a card-carrying member of the ACLU.



(the obscene slang word he used is not printable)

That’s funny – you guys print it all the time.


When a right-wing Christian vigilante kills, millions of fingers pull the trigger. When a left-wing Muslim vigilante kills, he kills alone.

This might be a valid point if it were accompanied by even a single example of a left-winger suggesting the recruiters had it coming. I can provide literally thousands of examples of right-wingers saying exactly that about Tiller.


while Eagle Publishing/CBC was wearing a barrel

Eagle Publishing? Didn’t they print ‘Dan Dare’?
And while we’re at it, a collected edition of the Trigan Empire series would be nice.


That bid’ness card ain’t real is it? I mean, “Liberty Counsel”?

Whatever happened to “thank god for the spying that’s keeping us so safe”? Oh, THAT’S right, a Democrat got elected.

We all knew they’d make a 180 after the election… I’m still bumfoozled at how fast it’s happening.


That’s funny – you guys print it all the time.

Only when appropriate, i.e. denoucing insufficently grateful Iraqis or insulting members of Congress.


I somehow missed this: when did “anti-semitic” automatically equal “left-wing” or “liberal?” It seems to be all the rage since the shooting but I never noticed it much before.

I know the right-wingers are scrambling to get as far away from this guy as possible, but claiming he was a liberal just makes absolutely zero sense.

Wait–what the hell am I thinking? Of course it makes no sense. Nothing they say ever does.


This might be a valid point if it were accompanied by even a single example of a left-winger suggesting the recruiters had it coming. I can provide literally thousands of examples of right-wingers saying exactly that about Tiller.

Yeah, but almost forty years ago there was a rumor – nay, it hadda be a true rumor! – that some hippie, somewhere (we’re not sure where, but it’s gotta be true) spit on a returning Vietnam vet! So told ya so, blar blarty blart!

Although my strongest recollection of the time (1971) was how I got pulled out of my seat by my hair in my homeroom class and punched in the face by a good ol’ ‘Merrucan boy because I wouldn’t stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance. Broke my glasses and drove shards of glass into my cheekbones. Boy, did he ever get a stern talking-to by the principal!


…is Kathy Shaidle, a Canadian wingnut of imperfect renown who attempts an expert dismount from the high horse and ends up flailing limb over limb into a folding refreshments table covered with Dixie cups of Haterade.

That’s what a meta’s for!


Michelle “Anchor baby” Maladroit raises the level of ludicrosity another meter. These alledged “humans” (I.e., conservatard pundits) are hatefucking the country, and won’t even use a condom to hide and/or save the evidence, nor prevent the spread their deadly affliction.

Good luck with your band, Hunter. Don't let them change you.

2 I say, a practical man or woman might invest in subsidized wingnut books, deploying them into the market and reinvesting the profits in subsidized wingnut books until he or she was wearing a top hat and monocle and smoking a fine cheroot, while Eagle Publishing/CBC was wearing a barrel with pulled-out pockets taped to the sides and making a shrug-motion as a moth flitted out of its wallet. Est-ce que ce n’est pas la cas, or however a French sentence ought correctly to be arranged? I say, bang on.

I would pay good money for a book which would be Gavin describing a graphic novel he might draw if he drew, panel by panel.


Yeah, but almost forty years ago there was a rumor – nay, it hadda be a true rumor! – that some hippie, somewhere (we’re not sure where, but it’s gotta be true) spit on a returning Vietnam vet! So told ya so, blar blarty blart!

Which turns out not only to be a right-wing urban legend (and the wingnuts were the ones most hateful to the Vietnam vets who protested the war), this stupid story also brought us the plague of yellow ribbons and orders to “SUPPORT THE TROOPS”. Which makes it all the worse.

Not Looch who is never to return

“Support The Troops” yellow magnet next to the gas cap door on an SUV. Surely a wiener.


Michelle Malkin reads Adbusters? It must have been in the john at some cocktail party under the 100 Years of Playboy, and we all know she is morally opposed to objectifying women in such a manner. You can’t just take a shit with no reading material in a stranger’s bathroom.


Am I the only person in the world who remembers that the speaker in “Tie The Yellow Ribbon” is going to jail?

Did I somehow wake up in a world where that analogy makes some kind of sense (other than “Going to war is like going to prison with a chance at dying besides1”)?

1 Hanx, Walter Scott…


It’s all about what, in my bar fighting days, was known as “The talking part,” the exchange of insults before blows are thrown. For the wingers, the talking part of cheering on a senseless war is the same as serving, enthusiastically supporting a spendthrift drunken fratboy and his cronies in Congress is the same as fiscal conservatism because the pols did the talking part about controlling spending. So the wingers are understandably disoriented when one of them moves past the talking part of bigotry and hatred and actually goes out and kills someone. The murderers didn’t understand that they were supposed to just sit in their darkened rooms feverishly talking in code words, mulling over innuendo and perceived slights, comparing notes on the latest sinister plots against them and being enbiggened by their shared paranoia and unique knowledge. You’re not supposed to actually do anything Wolverines, you’re just supposed to talk about doing it.

Johnny Coelacanth

Kathy Shaidle, a Canadian wingnut of imperfect renown who attempts an expert dismount from the high horse and ends up flailing limb over limb into a folding refreshments table covered with Dixie cups of Haterade.

That is a thing of beauty.

I predict this thread will go large. I predict Kathy Shaidle will show up to defend her renown. Malkin’s squad of noble panty sniffers will smell an, er insult on the wind and come running. Jim Treacher will show up to let us know he totally knows we were talking about him. Dan Collins will show up for no particular reason. The weekend starts here.

Johnny Coelacanth

Your honor, that fucking link worked in preview.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh great. Now everyone’s gona hop in the Wayback machine and hang out in pre-vegetable sammich threads.


Clearly, a re-evaluation of these obsolete definitions is long overdue.

Yes, Kathy, we agree. Here is our new definitions:

Anything bad that happens, happened, or will happen ever again is the fault of Liberals.

Anything good is because of Reagan. Anything good that happened before he was alive was due to his pre-born spirit walking around causing good things to happen. Anything good in the future is due to Zombie Reagan.


You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Michelle Malkin reads Adbusters?

No, she found it with the Great Gazoog. She searched for “left wing anti-semitism”, and the Adbusters cite was the 1st of the 5 links found.

Rusty Shackleford

Ditko owns Dr. Strange like Michelangelo owns God.


Shaidle was the Adbusters citer, but you can tell she didn’t read it because she provides a perfect, if hilariously ham-handed, example of exactly what they were talking about…


Von Brunn also left a note in his car that said “This is how you’ll take my guns” or something to that effect, which is a chuckle because Democrats have done literally nothing to restrict gun rights, and even removed Reagan era restrictions since taking power. So where did he get this idea that Obama was after his guns? Which one of you lefties has been scaring the poor neonazis?


What’s so funny is you could directly confront Malkin with her own archives and all the stupid shit she’s written over the years where she’s not only been wrong, she’s been laughably wrong, and I bet she would deny she wrote any of it.

That takes a special kind of crazy to pull off such a resolutely nutty break with reality, reason, and facts.

She’s so pathological it’s entertaining!

Xecky Gilchrist

…you could directly confront Malkin with her own archives and all the stupid shit she’s written over the years where she’s not only been wrong, she’s been laughably wrong, and I bet she would deny she wrote any of it.

Yup, and not just the online stuff – the paper stuff for which she’s still receiving royalties (if anybody’s buying). Did you see the vid of the guy trying to get her to autograph “In Defense of Internment”?


There ought to be a way we can make these hateful sumbitches shut the hell up.


Have another scoop of mashed potatoes, kid.


I prefer freedom fries.


“Just saw Palin on the Today show where she wished Letterman would apologize to all the young women of America for joking about “statutary rape” ,in a smarmy,condescending fashion.Yet is’nt this the same woman that,according to Levi Johnson,provided a fuck pad for two high school kids?”

Palin’s quite a piece of work, isn’t she? There’s now a demonstrable pattern of behavior from her wherein she uses her own children as human shields against any and all criticism.

As for Screechy Ho (i.e Stalkin’ Malkkkin), what can one really say in the face of such pure, unbridled insanity? Maybe she can guest star on the next South Park episode devoted to the Liberals = Nazis equation.


Ditko owns Dr. Strange like Michelangelo owns God.


The Goddamn Batman Agrees About Ditko; Really, Kirby-Era Thor Would Have Been A Better Example, Because Then Mysticism Still Would Have Been Involved

Wow, I’d almost forgotten about Shaidle; she’s one of the wingnuts who, although fairly well-known, is sort of irrelevant. If she were some exotic, poisonous pet that I’d stuck in a cage in a corner, covered by a cloth, I might be a little horrified (and secretly, guiltily relieved) that I’d neglected her and realized my oversight, whipping the cloth off the cage to find her corpse boiling with maggots and her bloody paws clutching the bars of the cage; but no, she’s still alive, virtually vibrating with rage and emitting a fine spray of saliva, the merest droplet of which could kill ten men; and, so, I hurriedly replace the cloth and exit the room, leaving her in the darkness, her eyes popping out like one of the spherical, grotesque harridans of Dave Cooper*’s paintings, living off the self-generated hatred that boils out of her in nodules like Kirby Dots, waiting, waiting….


*Dave Cooper is Canadian. Coincidence? Hmm.


Am I the only person in the world who remembers that the speaker in “Tie The Yellow Ribbon” is going to jail?


he’s coming home from prison – he wants “her” to put out the ribbon if she still loves him after being away for so long. And in an example of art preceding life, the 100 ribbons means she loves him very much ’cause the more ribbons the better.

Though I’m guessing “she” didn’t buy hers from a Chinese sweatshop manufacturer.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

When a left-wing Muslim vigilante kills, he kills alone. These are the instantly ossifying narratives in the Sunday shooting death of Kansas late-term abortionist George Tiller versus the Monday shootings of two Arkansas military recruiters.

Uh, I’d just like to point out that the recruiter shooter was in no way a left-wing Muslim, but an overzealous, strict-constructionist Muslim (in other words, a conservative Muslim). A liberal, lefty Muslim would peacefully enjoy an occasional glass of wine while reading the New Yorker, much as my friend (Morocco’s answer to George Clooney) does.

Secondly, nobody on the left side of the political/media spectrum has called for violent actions against recruiters. Can’t say that about the biggest name in conservative teeveeland wrt abortion providers.


@ Interrobang–

“Am I the only person in the world who remembers that the speaker in “Tie The Yellow Ribbon” is going to jail?”

Not quite. He’s coming home from jail. If he’s still welcome back, she should tie a, etc. It’s based on a true story. The songwriter either was on the bus, or heard from someone who was. An ex-con told the driver he’d told his wife/girlfriend to tie a ribbon if she was willing to take him back. The bus turned the corner, the tree was festooned with ribbons, and all the passengers broke into applause.


“Support The Troops” yellow magnet next to the gas cap door on an SUV. Surely a wiener.

Back around 03 or 04 a friend of mine who drives a taxi told me a story of how he’d spent the night driving a veteran around town. He’d pick the vet up at the airport around midnight. The vet needed to be at the loal VA the next morning. When the taxi driver, a vet himself, discovered this vet had no money for the cab ride, let alone a place to stay, he drove him around throughout the wee hours trying to find a shelter or some such for him to stay at. Having no luck with this and it now being early morning with the VA due to open in a couple hours he reluctantly left him at a bench in front of the VA. After hearing this I told him what he should have done was to take the vet just around the corner from the airport where there is a nice affluent neighborhood with plenty of “Support the Troops” SUVs, pick one at random and go up and ring the doorbell and say “I’ve got one of your troops right here that could sure use a little support for the night.”

Actually, that might be a good idea for Michael Moore’s next film.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The list was hyped by the magazine’s publicity team and light-heartedly promoted by mainstream publications such as (founded by Washington Post reporters).
Is it too much to ask the media cartographers in charge of mapping the “climate of hate” to do their jobs with both eyes open?

Uh, the hate cartographers are doing a fine job. Another Malkaprop.

“neoconservative” is often used as a derogatory code word for “Jews”.

Typically by anti-semitic paleocons who wish to distance themselves from “Little Boots” Bush’s failed foreign policies.

How soon will it be before the Liberty Counsel removes the picture of the rifle from their insipid little card?


I stand with M. Bouffant in comment #1.

You realize that for the first year after the kid comes your brain is going to be even more melted, right?


Brains of Poo,
And oh-what-those sharp teeth might do,
Can someone help me flee Mi-chellllle!


Extra points for working phlogiston and Kirby into the same sentence – with a Kamandi footnote, no less!


Five Feet of Fucknuts is like the wingnut Energizer bunny – she just keeps going and going and going, but why and how? Nobody in Canada takes Shaidle seriously and I have no idea how she extracts enough cash from her lunacy to make a living. She worked for a couple of Catholic publications, published some poetry and essays nobody read, was on long-term disability for about 4 years when she had lupus and has been blogging for 9 years, none of which were prestige gigs. Could she really make enough from the odd table scraps thrown her way by her wealthier American brethren and wingnut expats like the Human Steyn?


What’s so funny is you could directly confront Malkin with her own archives and all the stupid shit she’s written over the years where she’s not only been wrong, she’s been laughably wrong, and I bet she would deny she wrote any of it.

We Seattle liberals once had Malkin inflicted upon us by the fools at The Seattle Times (which is not even printed in Seattle, but anyways…), who gave Malkin her first big gig. Week after week, in absolute contravention of everything she ever wrote, they’d claim she had something worthwhile to contribute to our civic dialog. Each one of her ‘editorial columns’ was a slovenly diatribe, filled with hate toward the 75% of Seattle citizens who vote for liberal and left-wing candidates. (In reality, she was a corporate triple affirmative-action hire: female, nonwhite, and conservatard.)

Since she worked at a newspaper, which printed things she typed, she got into her narrow, filth-filled mind the ludicrous idea that she was a journalist, who could, you know, find facts and stuff. Cruelly, some actual news editor got wind of her insulting pretensions, and send David Postman, at the time the paper’s best political reporter, to check on her ‘facts’. About fifteen seconds later, the Times printed an actual news story, which just so happened to contradict everything she’d ever written in her ‘investigation.’ Here’s the link to her response, in which she absolutely, positively, moronically refuses to admit how punked, pwned, screwed-blue-and-tatooed her own employer had left her:


The Goddamn Batman [etc.] beat me to it, but that energy field around the clock radio is known as Kirby Dots or Kirby Krackle. Isn’t Wikipedia wonderful?


The Goddamn Batman [etc.] beat me to it

I hardly think it’s fair that he’s here competing with regular citizens, especially when he’s got a fuckin’ cave full of computer.


Why is the MSM reluctant to describe the Arkansas shooter Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad as a Conservative Muslim Terrorist? Clearly the man is a rightwing zealot, as I don’t hear any left-wingers advocating taking up arms against representatives of the U.S. Government. We should remember that not all wingnuts identify as Christian, and as Ms. Malkin herself has shown, they need not be white either.

I would hope that the blogosphere starts including Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad in the litany of right-wing crazies killing their fellow Americans.


Dennis-SGMM said,

It’s all about what, in my bar fighting days, was known as “The talking part,” the exchange of insults before blows are thrown. So the wingers are understandably disoriented when one of them moves past the talking part of bigotry and hatred and actually goes out and kills someone. The murderers didn’t understand that they were supposed to just sit in their darkened rooms feverishly talking in code words, mulling over innuendo and perceived slights, comparing notes on the latest sinister plots against them and being enbiggened by their shared paranoia and unique knowledge. You’re not supposed to actually do anything Wolverines, you’re just supposed to talk about doing it.

Interesting observation, Dennis. Von Brunn more or less called the “right wing” (including neo-Nazis and the National Alliance) a bunch of pussies for being all talk. From von Brunn’s website (linked at my username):

The American Right-wing (RW) with few exceptions is totally Pacifist. From the NA to neo-Nazis they preach non-violence. They are “educators.” If you already know the score you are no use to them. Their Websites illuminate the problems that Aryans face. Each day new alarms are sounded, adding more fuel to the raging fire. Their sites receive “hit after hit” from patriots, scared old folks asking to help — young folks asking for leadership. Business $$is good. But that’s as far as it goes. Their subscribers, smoldering with rage, ready for action, are told to take a cold-shower — or pray.

The RW does NOTHING BUT TALK. It offers no Goal, no short or long-term objectives, no plan of action against the well-known enemy. There is no strategy, no tactical advice. Only the warning: DO NOTHING, BREAK NO LAWS, SIT TIGHT (as it has for almost 100-years).

Exactly the advice Marxists/Liberals/Jews want to hear.

But not the advice one would expect from Jefferson, Hale, or Patrick Henry. Even a kid in grade school knows when it’s time to get his knuckles bloody.

Anyone that could read his shit and conclude he’s a “leftist” needs to be punched in the face. For von Brunn, I recommend a softer touch. A nice, soft pillow to the face, held firmly for a minute or two should do the trick.


Damnit Bill S! I was going to ask since when was Playboy a liberal political journal! I would also like to request that in the future all liberal political outlets space out their politicanisings w/ pictures of naked young ladies. I’d still maintain that hatefuck = hatefuck and rape = rape though. Fuck letting clogs redefine reality so they can pretend to be offended by it.

But of course one person writing one article about wanting to bang some right wing bobble heads despite hating everything they stand for is totally the exactly same thing as calling for the murder of a huge segment of the population on a daily basis for years on end.


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