It’s time to start fucking some rats, my friends


As you may recall, several months ago it looked as if one of America’s two major political parties was going to have a serious “party unity” problem. […]

And yet, these tensions were overcome! And not overcome, primarily, by endless hand-holding sessions in which the various aggrieved parties recited their complaints from one side of their mouth while talking of their admiration for each other out of the other side. And they certainly weren’t overcome by speaking in more detail about a policy agenda. Rather, though there was of course some hand-holding, unity was primarily achieved by shifting attention off the internally controversial of their nominee and his relationship to other party figures and on to the internally uncontroversial subject of how awful the other political party is.


It’s been long obvious to anyone who has been following politics for more than the past week that the Republican base really does not like the guy they nominated for president this year and that the only way he can win will be to focus them on how much they hate the other guy.

It’s time for the Dems’ dirty tricks team (does one even exist?) to start ratfucking operations, my friends. Ideally, you’d want to exploit St. BBQ’s divisions with the anti-immigrant wingnuts and the religious wingnuts, and McCain’s warm embrace of Daddy Yankee has created an opening to do just that. I’m picturing a new 527 group called Values Voters Against McCain. Their first ad would be something like this:

For years, the Republican Party has promised values voters that it would stand up for morality in Washington. But after years of Republican rule, abortion is still legal, activist judges are redefining marriage and our airwaves are still being polluted with sex and violence. And now, the Republican Party has put up a candidate who admits that he doesn’t care about social issues and who mocks our morality by appearing in raunchy Hollywood comedies. Isn’t it time that we sent the Republican Party a message that if they want our votes, they have to respect our values?

The GOP base really doesn’t like St. BBQ, and a few well-funded and targeted ad campaigns to remind them of this fact could make a difference come November. As the Editors is fond of saying, “These rats ain’t gonna fuck themselves.”

Gavin adds: It seems a bit late in the season to start a new 527 group, but a good ratfuck is timeless, so here’s the relevant section of the tax code. Note that organizations with revenues under $25,000 are exempt from certain requirements. If you’re like us, and just spent $10,000 on a jade-inlayed three-finger ring (Beijing 2008, suckas!), you can appreciate how quickly that kind of money can fall out of your pocket. Indeed, ‘well-funded’ is generally the tricky part in these things.

Then again, there’s a whole wide world of ill-funded shenanigans to consider. If anyone wants to spring for a micro-targeted ‘John McCain, Por La Raza!’ banner ad campaign, that stuff costs, like, high two figures and up. Because naturally, we’ll donate the artwork.


Comments: 77


Absolutely. It is not as though there were not an ample supply of rodents to fuck. This is rather what you might cal a target rich environment.


Leave us purchase a 55 gallon drum of Astroglide® and commence the rodent fornication.


Oh come on.. the Rethuglican base would rather vote for Al Gore than a nig.. I mean, half African-American.

Getting them to stay at home will be difficult. Fortunately, the Rethuglican base is quite small. They rely entirely on the “scared shitless of whatever fox news says to be scared of this week” demographic.

So we just start a rumour that voting causes cancer. And turns you black.


Release the 527s. The ones with bees in their mouths. So when they say stuff, they shoot bees at you.


The goal is not to get them to vote for Obama. The goal is to get them to stay home and/or think twice about donating to McCain.

See also: The GOP’s clever “Hillary Voters for McCain” ratfuck ad.

Trilateral Chairman

Time to help Bob Barr, perhaps?


Well, at least Tweety is now of the opinion that PUMAs like Christi Atkins are “nutjobs”, as he opined to Olbermann last night.

Yes, the ratfucking must begin, but I think the decision to go all warm-and-fuzzy last night was the right one. They needed to get that out of the way, and be able to say, “look, OUR convention wasn’t just a four-day anti-McCain fest, like the Repugs will do to Obama.” (I’ll settle for a three-day anti-McCain fest.)

If Bill Clinton want’s to redeem himself, he should spend his entire speech ripping McBush a new corn chute. If he doesn’t have a lot of nice things to say about Obama, fine. Just beat ol’ Mr. I-was-a-POW over the head with a table leg. Rhetorically, of course.


Granted, the donations angle makes sense. Lots of people will hold their nose and vote for a candidate they don’t like to keep the other guy out, but people have to actually like a candidate (or be scared shitless) to donate money to them.

Aim at the jeebus freaks. They love donations, they are used to giving thousands to their stupid fucking megachurches after all. They gave a shit-ton to dubya because his braindead smirk reminded them of their money grubbing kiddy fucking “pastor”.

Work the divorce angle. Starts banging the rich bitch BEFORE divorcing his wife.. who he dumps because shes a cripple and not rich enough. And of course abandoned a kid too i think? It’s a pretty nasty story by anyones standards, but the fundies ought to REALLY get their knickers in a twist over it.

Yeah, fuck that rat good and hard. Its an easy one to spread through all kinds of means. Chain email anyone? Morons love chain emails.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

It’s a hard and thanless job – you gotta pretend to be a Freeper or a Minuteman or both – and then you gotta hang out at the hate pits and poke the morans with a stick. And you can’t brag about it because those paranoid jerks’ll be on the lookout.

The immigration thing’s pretty good, they’ve already been whining about it. Here’s another tact –

JiSM3’s religion, a useful link here:

He’s an unbaptized Baptist. And don’t forget all those mean things he said about Hagee and Parsley as soon as the heat got turned up.


Eh… The problem with ratfucking is that…well… you’re fucking a rat.

Hows about we go back to being the good guys and let the rats fuck each other??

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I totally agree with petr. We idealistic progressives can’t sink to their level – we must remain aloof and pure. That way the wingers will be sure that anyone posting anything critical of McCain on their message boards are totally legit conservatives.


I’m thinking a gloating ad. Something along the lines of how this presidential election is a true sign of progress because we have two candidates who understand the need for abortion rights and the rights of people gay and straight. Play to their hopelessness via the idea that “it doesn’t matter who I vote for, I don’t like either of the candidates because they’re not zombie reagan.” Play it in the reddest of red states exclusively.


And, And, And- McCain is driving around in Jon Voight’s LaBaron today.

Why aren’t Dems making fun of McCain at every turn? A short, stocky, bald, insignifigant, flacid old man who married into money and takes his off-shore drilling like a man.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

So since we’re totally not ratfucking, it’s totally unnecessary for me to provide a more conservative-ed up link for the unbaptized baptist thing:,2933,296973,00.html

Unbaptized Baptist. That’s pretty much as big a FUCK YOU as you can give to the religious folks. And FoxNews reported it, so it must be true. Also, don’t forget to sprinkle in some “Agents of Intolerance”.


petr — Look, it’s not like I’m advocating sending money to Vietnam Vets for McCain so they can make a bunch of ads tarring him as a VC collaborator (though the Swift Boaters’ new Bill Ayers ads are certainly making me tempted). Rather, I’m advocating that the Dems exploit legitimate and real divisions that already exist within the GOP — and it doesn’t even involve making stuff up! The values voters and anti-immigrant voters just do not like McCain. Reminding them of that fact is a good thing.


Eh… The problem with ratfucking is that…well… you’re fucking a rat.

Hows about we go back to being the good guys and let the rats fuck each other??

I see your point, but certainly there’s no harm is setting up the rats on a date, arranging for copious amounts of alcohol and atmosphere, and clearing out of the apartment for the weekend.

And poking holes in all the condoms…


Eh… The problem with ratfucking is that…well… you’re fucking a rat.

Hows about we go back to being the good guys and let the rats fuck each other??

There’s nothing wrong with planting the seeds of ratfucking, watering and fertilizing them, and standing back and watching the ugly results blossom.


I see your point, but certainly there’s no harm is setting up the rats on a date, arranging for copious amounts of alcohol and atmosphere, and clearing out of the apartment for the weekend.

LOL awesome.

OK, I’m officially gonna write an article about this, so no one take my idea 😉

the Guy in the Cubs hat who was shy


[Slide 1: John McCain in NVA prison]

VOICE OVER: As John McCain will tell you, he’s been a prisoner.

[Slide 2: McCain on campaign trail]

V.O.: Forced to mouth the words of his captors, and say things he didn’t mean.

[Slide 3: McCain with Hagee/Parsley/Falwell/whoever]

V.O.: Forced to hide his deeply held beliefs.

[Slide 4: McCain hugging Bush]

V.O.: Forced to embrace and depend upon those who tried to destroy him.

[Zoom into slide of hug, picture dissolving out of focus…]

V.O.: Do we want to leave John McCain a prisoner of the Republican Party for four more years?

[Short clip of McCain’s forced smile in front of the “puke green background”]

V.O.: He can’t seem to free himself….


[Dissolve to OBAMA/BIDEN logo, pic of Barack&Joe]


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Guns, guns, get yer guns here:

McCain’s gonna take yer guns!

Plenty of fodder here! Show this one to any conservative leaning nam vets you know. Obviously a conservative source, with lots of griping about immigrants and outright racism. The site design alone screams “wingnut”

The two biggest rats are the “family values” and “war hero”. Walnuts hasn’t exactly been running on family values, but its a meme that dubya hammered into everyone’s head. Turning the same meme on Mcain is easy given his personal history.


Need an ad out there that really scares the crap outta people. Maybe have hot headed, hot tempered McCain, with some choice quotes from other republicans about how he shouldn’t be allowed near a nuclear trigger, followed by the Daisy girl nuclear blast.


I don’t see anything wrong with that piece, brad. I don’t even know why you’d need a 527 to run it, except of course that it DOES encourage the major planks of the republican platform. It’s all true, and it isn’t the kind of ‘swift boat’ smears that the press will jump down the dems throats for going ‘negagtive’.

That said, I see it as pretty much a waste of time. The repub ‘base’ is already divided into the the vote against obama camp, the barr camp and the stay home camp. Not gonna see a lot of movement there. The votes in play are in what equates to the ideological center today. Those who think we need to use our military in the world will lean toward mccain, and those who think we need to bring our troops home and concentrate on domestic and economic issues will lean toward obama.

That is where this election will break. If you’re not talking tough on national security, economy and energy you’re talking to people who’s minds are already made up. Those are the issues and the voters in play.

And it sucks, because they’re fighting for the rightmost edge of the window. But that’s where it gets won or lost…


Dragon-King Wangchuck

John McCain is Teh Ghey!

John McCain thinks protecting marriage is un-republican!


Can I get a FYWP?


was just talking about this recently w a friend in DC. he says most of the people in left-leaning orgs are too afraid of offending anyone- ie, “An attack ad on Daddy Yankee’s endorsement of McCain? But that’s hating free speech and music and latinos! We don’t hate them. Now, let’s use this million dollars to do a meta-study on same-sex health care issues and poll inter-city trolly ridership.”

Anyway, if you’re serious about spending a few thousand $ on ratfuck ads and someone is willing to put that much money down (sorry, I’m not independently wealthy), I have some killer ideas that I’m willing to share with whoever’s spending the money, so email me at petty bastard at gmail dot com with the “b” and the “p” reversed. I’ll even get it into the traditional media circuit.


Are you sure we won’t get teh plague on our metaphorical weiners?


Is there any good way to make sure all the Paultards vote for Barr? It is almost impossible to tell what issues Paultards vote on, because their philosophy is so fucking stupid. Can we make a case for Mcain hating the gold standard or some shit? The immigration angle ought to keep the racist paultards away from him.

Nader should be less of a problem this time round, because we have a charismatic candidate. I’ve given up all hope on anyone who would STILL vote for Nader in this political climate, but there may be an effective strategy somewhere. Keep on equating mcain with bush, and it ought to be clear to all but the most retarded how bloody awful 4 more years would be. Failing that, just fucking shoot Nader.

I still think the most effective strategy we have is plastering comparisons of bush and walnuts everywhere. Or go one step further.. Start going on about how mcain would be WORSE than bush. There is evidence for that assertion.. And you can make the argument from the left or the right wing equally well I think! Right wingers who hate bush are quite a political force. Getting them to stay at home would easily swing the election.


The thing about fscking rats is that it’s hard to slap them on the ass while you tell them to ‘take it like a trollop, you cunt!’


i’m in for 5k, and i’ll match you other losers as well. plus, i know a few people with money who might like to spend it on such an effort.

so let’s do this thing.


That’s it then, we need a 527 funded by us Sadly Pathetics. Or Warren Buffet could help. If he funds the secret abortionist fellow program (which he does) surely he can fund a 527?


How about a short trip to Tijuana or perhaps Del Rio Mexico, and give five bucks to anyone who will cross the border illlegally, allow himself to be caught and give “Yon MacCane” as an alias?


Great content. I’ll keep coming back for similar posts which I cannot wait to read….


So, given the title of this thread, can we expect an Amy Alkon appearance shortly or what?

Dragon-King Wangchuck


I still think there’s room in the “stay at home camp” for plenty of evangelicals and independent border guards. But there’s another factor here too. A lot of them have already decided that they’re going to swallow their distaste and pull th GOP lever, but maybe we can push them fully into “lambert territory”. i.e. I’ll vote for the bastard – but don’t expect me to donate to, campaign for or even speak out in support of him.


“The goal is not to get them to vote for Obama. The goal is to get them to stay home and/or think twice about donating to McCain.”

And more important than that: to make them more agreeable to people who will vote for Obama. It’s absolutely imperative to ratfuck the RWA mindset that makes it so difficult to get a liberal message across to their followers, who are more often than not sympathetic. The RWA’s know it. It’s why they bully their followers into not listening to liberals. If you can ratfuck them into not trying so hard to do that, then you can drum up Obama votes from their less racist followers.


Careful, Mikey, you just described the racist wing of the Dems …


whoops, I meant Careful, D-K W

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Great point s9. If there’s enough noise, than the dog whistles won’t work and they’ll have to actually shout nigger. He’s already losing his base, pundits are now about split in their views of JiSM3 between Maverick and Panderer McPOWs-too-much.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Yeah – fuckers won’t vote for the “empty suit” – nothing to do with him being black – sure.

But, watching those idiots should give us some clues on how a totally theoretical ratfucking campaign would work against McCain. I’m sure there must be some video of McCain or one of his surrogates saying nasty shit about Huckabee…


Quite remarkable that the GOPs are now telling the masses to do Hillary, I mean Hitlery’s bidding.

Since when does the Flying Monkey Brigade take its orders from a member of the Clinton Clan?

Since the “Johnny Has Eight Houses” narrative gained traction, that’s when.


If Bill Clinton want’s to redeem himself, he should spend his entire speech ripping McBush a new corn chute.

See, I’m not sure Bill is looking to redeem himself. Instead, I think he’s more interested in having Barack Obama genuflect before him and pay homage to his great presidency, in public where everyone can see it.

It’s all about him and his huge, bruised ego right now.


Sadly, it’s 2008 and the Donkeys still don’t know how the game is played. Or worse yet, they do but don’t care.

The ratfucking should have started months ago. The opening night of the convention was tamer than a 6-year old T-Ball Tournament and the coming attractions for next three nights offer little hope the Dems will offer little more than a wimper about the past 8 years.

Even the outrage by the speakers seems contrived (see: Pelosi, Nancy).

In two weeks, expect the Vegas $$$ to shift significantly to the McCain camp.

By Halloween, the words “Obama” & “underdog” will be prevalant in the Ron Fournier story of the day.

I hope I’m wrong but it’s shaping up as 2004 all over again!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Here’s another approach. If John McCain wins the election, that’ll put a damper on Huckabee 2012.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Anyone manage to nurse an identity at Renew! ’cause they might be interested in this:


If anyone wants to spring for a micro-targeted ‘John McCain, Por La Raza!’ banner ad campaign

I was thinking about this the other day. It seems like it’d be pretty easy. Don’t campaigns usually print materials in Spanish, a la all the “Viva B___” stickers? Just get a whole bunch of those materials, and paper the white parts of town.

McCain has a shittty (read: not totally reactionary) record on right-wing litmus tests on immigration—it’s one of the reasons his base hates him—so a campaign tying him to pro-Mexico sentiments would develop its own legs. It just needs to be instigated.


A modest proposal: We need an expert. We need someone with a lifetime of experience in the indelicate art of rodent rape. We need an amoral unprincipled iconoclast. We need someone who will take our money (hah!) and double-cross us if we don’t nail the bastard down. Yes, we need to hire Pat Buchanan.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Eight year old story? Why yes it is – but it’s not like readers of RenewAmerica are going to notice. And if they do, follow-up with (from McCain’s #1 Fan):

Americans for Prosperity

You lefties, with your olive oil voices and guinea charms…

Here’s the deal, we’re Americans. And we’re for Prosperity. You don’t see us talking about how McCain is so prosperous that he’s confused about how prosperous he is. We don’t go around advertising our Prosperity-driven desires to the world at large.

No. We hire Kudrow for a speech (and a few lines), or put up a website, or just do it. We’re about prosperity.

I’m sure Obama is in favor of something, but damn if its prosperity. We’re spaghetti pushers, not spaghetti pullers.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

If McCain wants to chase PUMAs, I suspect that it’ll play badly with the CDS afflicted base. Here’s another conservative approved link to help hammer the point:


At the risk of becoming a broken record: the footage of Wet-Start pimping his wife to the bikers is Pure Gold. He did it – now make him eat it. That “gaffe” can decimate him with the born-agains if anyone has the “poor taste” & means to resuscitate it. The best weapon in the Dem arsenal right now IS McCain … seeing the Malkinbots soiling their flag-pinned Pampers over the Daddy Yankee circus made me LOL, big time.

Unbaptized Baptist. That’s pretty much as big a FUCK YOU as you can give to the religious folks.

This is good.

Work the divorce angle.

Maybe even better.

Need an ad out there that really scares the crap outta people. Maybe have hot headed, hot tempered McCain, with some choice quotes from other republicans about how he shouldn’t be allowed near a nuclear trigger, followed by the Daisy girl nuclear blast.

Possibly the best of all – shit, you could just run the original “Daisy” ad with a new voice-over, & a tag on the end like “Vote For Obama – because one nuclear war can ruin your whole day” or “We’ve Got Two Wars Too Many Already – Obama 2008” … someone else can probably do better than that, but with the right-wing currently getting serious wood on at the prospect of a new Cold War with Russia & China, that one’s a winner. Plenty of us recall with grisly clarity just how much “fun” the original version was – & how badly it strangled the culture while it drained our wallets dry.

All but the most fatalistic Raptureheads will get it loud & clear. Not too many voters in favor of nuclear holocaust out there, I imagine. Best of all – that’s hardly a ratfuck, it’s reality: Wet-Start’s just plain too nasty & too old to give a fuck if he starts WW3, as long as he gets to be the Exalted Grand Generalissimo of the USAF.

Electing a PTSD victim with anger issues, no detectable conscience & a desperate need to seem like a tough guy: what could possibly go wrong?


How about an ad playing up McCain’s age difference with Cindy?

The message: would you want YOUR nubile 20-ish daughter going out with a man in his FORTIES? What would you think of that guy – what a fucking creep! And then to find out he’s ALREADY MARRIED?

-plays up how mccain was UNFAITHFUL to his WIFE and CHILDREN OMG THE CHILDREN
-old lech coming for YOUR DAUGHTER
-CREEPY! OLD! (show The Green Smile in slo-mo accompanied by the sound of chicken bones snapping)
-maybe a scene (cartoon?) of mccain, complete with white hair, chasing a young cindy around a table like that scene in Amadeus

Something like that should turn off patriarchs and Christians. Does that sound like the Republican base to you? It sure does to me!


If you believe that the immigration issue costs McCain more wingnut votes than it gains him Hispanic votes then he’s already ratfucking himself.

Anyway, I respectfully submit that leftwing blogs like this are better suited to exposing and ridiculing the other side’s ratfuckers than engaging in the practice. Also, this is just unfuckingbelievable. The freaks who made this set of movies may be uniquely stupid PUMAs but they’re still representative of the racism you’ll find on any of the more prominent PUMA sites. They should all be spending their time over the next few days distancing themselves from this shit so they get distracted from promoting their usual more dog whistley agenda.


We should know in a few days if it will be walnuts/mittens 2008. Mittens is such a great target! add a few completely true facts about Mormonism to a few completely true facts about Mcains divorce, and we have a real horror show for the typical american christian!

Mittens has had an even more prominent flip flop on abortion, so there is that too. But mostly.. OMG magic underpants!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Here’s a good one too:

McCain contacted Beliefnet after the interview to clarify his remarks: “I would vote for a Muslim if he or she was the candidate best able to lead the country and defend our political values.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well, since I’m obviously a total obsessive: becoming a Baptist requires immersion, adult immersion too, Southern Baptist actually think that infant baptism is wrong. But McCain wasn’t raised Baptist, so maybe he just hasn’t gotten around to it – only problem is that John McCain has been attending his Baptist Church for FIFTEEN YEARS!

McCain’s presidential campaign says he has been attending the Phoenix area church for more than 15 years.


John McCain: Ready to Retire – Not Ready to Lead

John McCain: He’s Old Enough to Know Better, So Why Is He Trying to Continue George Bush’s Failed Policies?

As far as ratfucking goes, does it really need to be on TV? I’d imagine there are plenty of smart folks who could whip up some intertoobz videos and get some play.


What has been seen cannot be unseen.



John McCain has been attending his Baptist Church for FIFTEEN YEARS!

I find that hard to believe, frankly. McCain doesn’t strike me as a guy who particularly cares about going to church, except for appearances.

There’s a good question for him, though. “What’s your pastor’s name, Senator? When was the last time you attended church?”


We hire Kudrow for a speech (and a few lines), or put up a website, or just do it. We’re about prosperity

And maybe she can post a few nude outtakes from Friends


There’s a good question for him, though. “What’s your pastor’s name, Senator? When was the last time you attended church?”

Umm…I’ll have to my staff get back to you.

You know, I didn’t have a pastor or a church for 5 and 1/2 years, my friends!


Why Ann and Megan drive the commenters crazy (06:47)

I know this one! It’s because they’re super-smart, right?


As a side note, I’ve been keeping an eye on the Naderites (I live in the Denver area). They’ve got their big deal “Open the Debates/Super Rally ’08” with Ralphie and his running mate happening this Wednesday. At a location far, far away from the convention for some odd reason. And tix ain’t selling too good so far; I have no idea why.


It’s time to start fucking some rats, my friends

Awesome, I’ve always harbored a secret desire to do Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter, and Rachel Marsden.

BRB, I need to go get a Cialis and three ball gags.


I think a 527 campaign could turn some of the Southern states blue–thanks in no small part to Bob Barr. See today’s op-ed from the Atlanta-Journal Constitution’s conservative editor on Repugs turning to independent candidates because they feel their party has become spend thrifts and dance to the tune of special interests:

Conservative support of Perot helped Clinton get elected. There is a lot of Bush resentment here in the northern ATL burbs which is as red as you can get.

I love the Guy in the Cubs Hat’s storyboard–unfortunately it would go way over the head of most of my neighbors.

Addl comment: cheating spouses will not keep southern baptists from voting for a candidate. Too many of them here do it at every opportunity. I think immigration and linking McCain to Bush are the key issues that could keep the values voters here at home or shift to Barr.


Anyone who wants to practice his or her rat-fucking chops might drop by this blog, take a little look around and do your worst best. Yeah, they totally deserve it, and I’d do it myself but I’m banned.


Awesome, I’ve always harbored a secret desire to do Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter, and Rachel Marsden.

BRB, I need to go get a Cialis and three ball gags.

ITYM gimp masks.


As much as I like the sound of the word “ratfuck”, I object to calling these people “rats”.

Rats are highly intelligent, gregarious, playful creatures. They laugh (ultrasonically) when you tickle them.

Neoconservatives are more like komodo dragons. Cold-blooded, ill-tempered, and foaming
at the mouth with vile diseases.

Unfortunately, “komodo-dragonfuck” is just awkward.


[…] of houses” business takes on a life of its own that keeps John McCain off balance, it is never enough for some people. Liberal concern-trolls will not be content until the Democratic Party resembles […]


[…] the Sadlynaught. The politics of spite must be exploited by the Obama camp if they hope to win, to wit: It’s time for the Dems’ dirty tricks team (does one even exist?) to start ratfucking […]


McCain’s Campaign Theme Song:

Just A Gigolo


argh. i just had my first-ever eaten comment. as i was saying:

1. could we please refrain from making references to gagging prominent conservative female commentators and raping them? because it’s not funny.

2. although his endorsement of mccain is obviously lame, daddy yankee makes pretty great music. lo que pasó, pasó is particularly excellent.


Evidently it’s enough to show up outside the convention in a t-shirt saying you’re a member of the party voting for the other guy.


II think it would actually be more effective if you did the following:

Form a group called “4 More Years” or whatever. Then go into full Jon Swift mode selling the idea that McCain = 4 more years of Bush.

The commercial practically writes itself:

“In these troubled times America needs a strong leader who will finish the job that George Bush started. John McCain will stay the course in Iraq. John McCain will not back down from confronting Iran. John McCain will continue the Bush tax policies that have done so much for our economy. Vote John McCain and finish the job George Bush started.”

I mean, what non-insane voter won’t be crapping themselves at the prospect of a McCain presidency?

(Also, WordPress is a knuckle-dragging cretinous pile of flaming monkey poop.)


Shit Moat Veterans for Truth!


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