Even Worseness: The Even-Worsening

Um, wow. You know that Amy Chozick piece in the Wall Street Journal that asks whether Barack Obama might not be fat enough to be President?

Here’s the on-the-ground research that enabled Ms. Chozick to pose such a bold and allusive query:

Welcome to Yahoo! Message Boards

Amy Chozick starts a thread:

Is Obama too skinny to be president?
15-Jul-08 06:04 pm

Does anyone out there think Barack Obama is too thin to be president? Anyone having a hard time relating to him and his “no excess body fat”? Please let me know. Thanks!

A reply is posted:

Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president?
15-Jul-08 10:21 pm

Yes I think He is to skinny to be President.Hillary has a potbelly and chuckybutt I’d of Voted for Her.I won’t vote for any beanpole guy.

Amy responds:

Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 16-Jul-08 09:12 am

Love your response and your username (onlinebeerbellygirl). Would you mind shooting me an email so I can ask you a few more quesitons? My email is [redacted] Thanks so much!


The entire rest of the brief thread consists of people saying that the question is stupid, and/or making fun of Chozick.

…Actually, try this Google-cached copy, because Ms. Chozick seems to have deleted her messages from the thread literally as I was typing this.*

No More Mister Nice Blog also finds that Chozick was nipping text from a McCain press release.

Just Wow.

* If and when the cache is updated and the comments disappear again, we’ve made a (sigh) screen-shot, as though this were some kind of flaky comment-altering Usenet dispute of the primordial 1994 variety. I mean, wow.

Update: No wait, I was wrong. Her comments are still there; they’ve just been marked with such low ratings that they’re now hidden in a troll hole unless you select a special viewing option. Avast ye.

[Hanx! J— and Lawnguylander]


Comments: 273




seems to be gone from the google cache


incredible. People can email her at “Write to Amy Chozick at amy.chozick@wsj.com” (from the article). I also think some letters to the editor are in order.


Why do I have this compelling urge to call Ms. Chozick a four-letter word that starts with the letter “C” and ends with the letter “T”?


Actually the “serious” poster, onlinebeerbellygirl appears to have created her Yahoo profile the same day the question was asked so I’d think she was joking with Chozick as well. Chozick couldn’t figure that out apparently.


There’s really no snark or internet tradition (and I am aware of all of them) that can compete with the self-snarking nature of this revelation.


If McCain were a homosexual, the WSJ would be questioning whether Obama sucked enough cock to be President.


[…] Brad uncovers the “research” underlying Chozick’s article, including this thread on a Yahoo! […]


HOLY SHIT, Gavin. I actually e-mailed Amy at her Wsj address and basically told her that anyone writing an article such as “Too Fit To Be President?” and isn’t SUPREMELY embarrassed by it has something quite wrong with them. Now that I see her crackerjack reporting skills in action, I’m the one who is embarrassed. In her defense – maybe she’s 12 years old? Like, you know, she was given a prime spot in the weekend Wsj because she won a junior high school contest or something. That would certainly explain a lot.


*jaw drops* NO. WAY. OMG.


CHECK THE KERNING!!!!11!!M!mme!@!!


Ms. Chokesondick?


I attempted to post a comment on the Paul Krugman blog item linking to Chozick’s story, but it hasn’t yet gotten past the Times’ powers-that-be.

It said that if the Democrats want to win in November, they’ll eschew Obama in favor of an over-weight everyman whom no one can accuse of elitism.

My suggestion: that religious family man Homer Simpson. He’s never been divorced, has three kids and regularly goes to church and praises Jeebus.

It would be very hard to dig up dirt on him because all his escapades have been broadcast on TV or shown in movies the past 20 years.

And, unlike Al Gore, the media can’t describe him as wooden because he’s literally animated.


Does the Google cache link work ok now? I just fixed it.


Hanx for the hanx but actually J- deserves it and won the internets by finding the message board in the first place.


Yep, Rupert Murdoch won’t TOUCH the news division…


Is “Amy Chozick” the screen name of the 5th grader who won the WSJ’s “be a columnist for a day” contest?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I propose that we keep the ad hominems on Amy Chozick to a minimum, to maximize the likelihood that she’ll get fired. Please, let’s focus our fire on her dishonest “journalism”. And if the crime isn’t enough, perhaps we’ll get her on the cover-up.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

Wow. Amy did some solid reporting. Pulitzer-grade, in fact. And she made it look so easy…


Link seems to be working fine, Gavin. Although after clicking on it, I kinda wish it wasn’t.

Just when you think you’ve seen all – or at least a good representative sampling of – the dumbness the world contains . . .


Love your response and your username (onlinebeerbellygirl).

That’s some good journalism.


Worked for me. I like how the comments above and below the onlinebeerbellygirl response were like “you are clearly not intelligent enough to vote.”


GR#2, Pulitzer grade school reporting, ya mean. Really does sound about thirteen, doesn’t she?


Never mind that crap, Gavin! Did you know that Obama is BLACK!?! Jesus, when the hell is the MSM going to do its job!?


[…] Gavin adds: Oh, but then it gets even more unbelievable… […]


Gav, you should probably be talking to Gunshop Gomer et al. to make sure you’re doing this scandal thing right.

Is the Wall Street Journal participating in a massive cover-up of the fatty squad hitjob? It would be irresponsible not to speculate, this is central to my point, Photoshop, kerning! etc. etc.


Anyone check the IP addresses? For some reason, I suspect that Chozick and onlinebeerbellygirl are the same person…


Obese_N_Qualified_2008 @yahoo.com?


Never mind that crap, Gavin! Did you know that Obama is BLACK!?! Jesus, when the hell is the MSM going to do its job!?

Some Guy, I thought the problem was the he isn’t really black, but is a big phony white Hawaiin skinny person. I just can’t keep up anymore! The talking points are all flying around me in a blur and my poor head’s spinning like I just drank a fifth of Old Gradad.


I don’t think she deleted the comment. You just have to click “View messages rated:” and choose one star and up because it’s been rated that stupid.


“Even Worseness: The Even-Worsening”

I wish you guys could write headlines for the national papers. You rock.

Is a pic of Amy available? I’m curious now. Is she fat? Is she thin? Or is she “just right”? Get it?



From a thread at Yahoo! discussing the article: And I also noticed amychozik and onlinebeerbellygirl’s profiles were last updated on the same date – July 15, 2008.

This could be bad.


I worked for a while in the newspaper biz in college and right out of college. Didn’t do any writing (copydesk/night editor), but I can still say this: Any writer who employed this level of “reporting,” even on a fluffy man-on-the-street piece, would be given a stern talking to, if not bumped to a lower position or fired outright.


I guess the reason Huckabee lost the nomination is that the fat-assed electorate thought him too superior with all the dieting and exercising.


She started two discussions at the Yahoo discussions boards on July 15, 2008. The one in question at the 2008 Presidential Election board and a second, posted later that same evening at the Weight Loss board, which received no responses.

Is Obama too skinny to be president?

15-Jul-08 09:48 pm

I’m researching a story on body image and the American presidency. We don’t want a heavy president but is Obama just a little too thin to relate to “average” Americans? Please share your thoughts. Thanks a million!

Screen grab it before it’s gone!


I worked for a while in the newspaper biz in college and right out of college. Didn’t do any writing (copydesk/night editor), but I can still say this: Any writer who employed this level of “reporting,” even on a fluffy man-on-the-street piece, would be given a stern talking to, if not bumped to a lower position or fired outright.

Yeah, but you didn’t work for a national organization, did you? All the rules they taught you in college, or that you learned working at smaller papers — they just don’t apply to the big leagues. There, the only rules are “Always bust on the Democrats” and “Always deep-throat the Republicans.”


Yeah, but you didn’t work for a national organization, did you?

It is worth noting that I did work for a wingnut paper, but even we had some semblance of reporting standards. Trolling the Yahoo boards (right underneath a sure to be brilliant post entitled “Obama is gay”) for quotes? Um, no.


Word, running those marathons killed Huckleberry’s chances at the nomination. If he had only let himself go completely, and resigned himself to riding a scooter full time (like a proper American), instead of using his legs like a sucker, he coulda been a contender.


I wonder what other Yahoo threads Ms. Aimless has going on as the basis for research.


Did anyone click on her yahoo username?

Real name:
Sara Mullins

‘sup with that?


Is she Megan McArdles’ college roommate?


“Ah’ll only vote fer the candidate who has to wash himself with a rag on a stick.”


This is how it’s really done WSJ:

(Update VI)Numerous people have advised me in comments and via email that ABC News is deleting any mention of my piece today in the comment section to their article on the Ivins suicide.


This is SO stupid and inept that I’m tempted to believe Chozick is really an Obama double-agent.


Thank sweet Christ the “Which candidate would you rather have a beer with?” question has been replaced by the “Which candidate would you rather eat 4lbs of Taco Bell followed by a dozen Jalapeno Poppers before busting an artery?” question.

I need to know these important things before voting for Preznit.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Thank sweet Christ the “Which candidate would you rather have a beer with?” question has been replaced by the “Which candidate would you rather eat 4lbs of Taco Bell followed by a dozen Jalapeno Poppers before busting an artery?” question.

Well, since I now have a thing about suggesting blondes under the age of 35 for President, I’m going to answer that question with Kate Stelnick.


Wow. Take that Ann Althouse’s egg salad sammy!


Okay, I won’t link, but I DID do a facebook search for her. You could too. I could say something snarky about the picture and her dingdong friends….


This anthrax story has the potential to get real interesting, real quick.


Glenn certainly has poked something, hasn’t he?


No registration required to leave a comment on shAmey’s article thread:


[…] today, Sadly, No discovered that Chozick researched that piece in part by soliciting quotes on Yahoo! Forums. Does anyone out […]


as per Gavin’s additional Yahoo thread find, this comment gave my inner brat chuckles:

Is McCain too old and crusty to be president? …I think so!
for petes sake he looks like my grandma’s toenails.

that’s vivid!

Malfunctioning Amy Chozick Robot

Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles! Tee hee! Arugula! Who here agrees? (gets out sockpuppet) I do, Amy! You’re so cool and smart and awesome! Giggles!


Is anyone still laughing at the malfunctioning robot gag? I think I might teach it to like some FAIL pie.


What does it matter? His weight doesn’t affect his politics, and I don’t even like his politics.

Yes, Amy, even the people who won’t be voting for Obama think you’re a douchebag.


Even Worseness 2: The Even Worseninger


I don’t wanna go to work! I wanna stay on Sadly, No! and play!


I’m going to answer that question with Kate Stelnick.

Ack – I’m kind of impressed, but kind of sick. Six pounds of hamburger in one sitting? Eww.

I see she was inspired by something on Food Network – that channel has way too much of people just cramming huge amounts of food into their gobs. Their “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” show covered a nice little burger joint near where I live, and sure enough – featured a dude stuffing an eight-patty cheeseburger into his mouth as fast as he could. I don’t get the appeal.


Is anyone still laughing at the malfunctioning robot gag?

Did anyone ever laugh at it?


[…] and the Even-Worsening… that Yahoo! Message board comment cited in the article? Turns out it was launched by… none […]


“Redacted”? More like…retarded!

Oh shit, son, I kill me!

But for real, Republicans are stupid. Obama ’08!


Her comments are still there; they’ve just been marked with such low ratings that they’re now hidden in a troll hole unless you select a special viewing option. Avast ye.

I’d just like to say that I was the first to one-star her comment. When I got there, she had a couple of 5-star ratings; now she’s invisible. Good work, everyone!


I’m sure she’s in the boss’s boss’s office right now or she’s joining the meeting via teleconference because she left the office early but either way her Hampton Jitney ride is ruined today. She’ll get a talking to and there will be follow-ups, take-aways and action items but as I said in the previous thread I think the practical change at the WSJ will be no more doing this shit under your real name.


… in a nation in which 66% of the voting-age population is overweight and 32% is obese, could Sen. Obama’s skinniness be a liability?

Oh, I see, the problem is that he’s a minority.


What does it matter? His weight doesn’t affect his politics

Fool, you can’t both be skinny and have gravitas.


Why do I have this compelling urge to call Ms. Chozick a four-letter word that starts with the letter “C” and ends with the letter “T”?

Please– she lacks both the depth and the charm.


For those of you who came in after the intermission, this is the award-winning tragicomedy The Fall Of American Civilization. I think at the end of the third act the horrifying tide of nepotism and corruption grow to such a fever pitch that the son of a President is appointed POTUS by the Supreme Court and turns the Oval Office into an intrapartisan graft engine.

Really? Oh, OK. This is the act where we’ve gone too far over the bend to recover and China annexes the West Coast while the rest of the country starves. It’s a laugh riot, believe me.


Incidentally, I think the implication of all of this is that John McCain is fat, and as an overweight-American I resent that, almost as much as I resent that fucking Uncle Tom Goldberg.


My response, in its entirety:

Dear Ms. Chozik,

I’m glad to see there are still journalists out there willing to report on the real news. Speaking as a morbidly obese man, come November I would certainly be unable to muster the effort needed to heave myself from the loving arms of my Barcalounger and rummage under my pannis for the remote control device, all just to wheeze my way down to the polling place to vote for a man whose lips have never touched the sublime beauty of a Hardee’s Monster Thickburger. As a general rule, I don’t trust anyone whose heart could fit inside of a football. In the case of John McCain, I will make an exception: you must admit, that man knows how to slow roast his meats!

Usually when I speak, my words are obscured by a cacophonous gnawing that can only be described as crunch-tastic. God bless you for speaking for up us, the Sedentary Americans, so that we may be finally understood.

Mitchell “Con” Carnes


i gave this a Digg.

This is some chocolate-dipped pan-fried bullshit.


I wrote to her and she wrote back — all civil like — and asked me if I had read the whole thing because, in addition to the Yahoo shut-in, she quoted a Brookings Institute douchebag, a Clinton adviser and whatever the fuck else she did.

Although she did say i had a valid point. My point was that it’s remarkable that she finds Americans fat and stupid.

Bizarre world.


Damn, she plagiarized a Republican smear which rips off a sentence from a New York Times article. Not only is she a hack, but she’s apparently too stupid to make up shit by herself.

It’s possible Amy doesn’t even know the original source of the crap she’s pretends is original reporting. This is Ben Domenech territory. If this were anything but a Murdoch owned rag, Amy would find her ass on the street.




Glenn certainly has poked something, hasn’t he?

I’m not holding my breath, but I hope they nail who-the-fuck-ever was responsible for that anthrax stuff. That scared the living shit out of me, though my reaction was not that we needed to blow up Iraq but I was just pissed at warmongers everywhere that they were messing with bioweapons.

As Blue Öyster Cult once sang – Go, go Glennzilla!


No more fat-sniping, Chozick-baiting or outing, or c**t referencing. Please. This Murdoch Street Journal thing is perfect in and of itself. We don’t need to wind it up any further; it’s bopping around nicely on its own. I am having fun. I like this post. I love this blog. Do not make me pull over.


This, they shall say, was Sadly’s finest hour. A self-snarky, self-reflexive snarkiness. Beyond brilliant.

This anthrax story has the potential to get real interesting, real quick.

Uh yeah, the guy the FBI hounded for years won a lawsuit to get them off his ass, and then this scientist who matches the geographical and professional profile kills himself with tylenol and codeine. This is the last major terrorist attack on US Soil and it is a total blunder by the FBI and the Bush Administration (who used it to scare Americans into invading Iraq, of course). Big effing story, Friday or not.


Chozick is clearly not being fair. All the other passengers were obviously too stabbergasted to act.


Gah — I somehow wound up in the wrong thread. Mods delete previous?


Mods delete previous?

Don’t sweat it – it happens to many of us. Plus, they only ever delete the really persistent namestealing asshole trolls.

Just blame WordPress!


remember, in terms of relative importance, this story is far more valuable a use of a highly-paid reporter’s time (and worth far more resource to be allocated by a highly-paid editor) than anything having to do with the anthrax story. see, a blogger with a strong sense of google can dig out what might be the gulf of tonkin of this war while the whole press corps is too busy whoring itself for the ever diminishing american dollar. so, scorecard: blogger on new media website 1, Journalism school star and ace reporter for one of the biggest newpapers in the world, -a billion. just remember chotzik, it’s only a few hundred thousand people, and it’s not like it’s anyone you really care about.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Just blame WordPress!

Arghh WordPress! No particular reason this time.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Even Worseness 2: Even Worsealoo
Even Sidney Worseness the Third or Army of Darkness
Even Worseness IV: A New Even Worseness
Even Worseness 5 is alive
Even Worseness Part VI: The one with Bill Cospy as a spy



mitch said,

August 1, 2008 at 23:31

My response, in its entirety:

Dear Ms. Chozik,

I’m glad to see there are still journalists out there willing to report on the real news. Speaking as a morbidly obese man, come November I would certainly be unable to muster the effort needed to heave myself from the loving arms of my Barcalounger and rummage under my pannis for the remote control device, all just to wheeze my way down to the polling place to vote for a man whose lips have never touched the sublime beauty of a Hardee’s Monster Thickburger. As a general rule, I don’t trust anyone whose heart could fit inside of a football. In the case of John McCain, I will make an exception: you must admit, that man knows how to slow roast his meats!

Usually when I speak, my words are obscured by a cacophonous gnawing that can only be described as crunch-tastic. God bless you for speaking for up us, the Sedentary Americans, so that we may be finally understood.

Mitchell “Con” Carnes

Bless your heart. I do hope she replies. Best laugh I’ve had all day.


[…] beef is how they got the above quote!  While the WSJ blames some anonymous Yahoo message board, diligent readers have discovered that the author of the WSJ piece started the blog topic by posting the following: Is Obama too […]


The Onion beat her by a few months

I also love Ms. Chozick’s prowess as undercover reporter:

amychozick’s Yahoo profile:

Yahoo! ID: amychozick
Real Name: Sara Mullins


As a life-long beanpole, I can only surmise that people like Amy and onlinebeerbellygirl are one thing–jealous.

Now, wherever did I leave that bacon-wrapped, chocolate covered twinkie? It was here just a minute ago…

Canadian Ministry of Blogging

Canadian snark as she is done.


this deserves a trip to the tip jar. All grateful sadlynauts should do the same.

well done.




This is what happens when a Polock tries to tell a joke. What a meathead!


Hmmm. I do believe that the late, great Bil Hicks had some advice for the likes of Ms. Chozik.


The late, great Bill Hicks had some excellent advice for Ms. Chozik and her ilk:


Hah Hah! He said Chokes on Dicks.
I did actually laugh out loud.
I’m not even gonna read any more comments. It was that funny.


[…] Posted by Tobias Ziegler under Politics abroad | Tags: Barack Obama, media, US politics |   Here’s a nice example. […]


[…] Turns out that the Wall Street Journal article was based on a Yahoo message board thread – started by the reporter who wrote the article. […]


Irresponsible bloggers: express opinions, cause anonymous commentary

Responsible journalists: select anonymous commentary to support opinions

good jorb, Chozik! I smell Pulitzer!


I would be so completely fired if I pulled either of those stunts and the readership for my rag is perhaps 1/10,000th of the WSJ’s.

And when I say fired I don’t mean “You have fifteen minutes to clear your desk,” fired. I’m talking beaten to a pulp, tossed out a window, dragged back in, up to a higher floor and tossed out the window again fired.

Clearly I’m in the wrong sector of the business.


I wrote to her – rather politely – to express displeasure at her article AND her research methods, and she responded with, “Thanks for the note. Did you actually read the story?” Man, I wish she’d kept the article that short; “My name is Amy, and I can destroy my journalistic reputation in its infancy. Look, here I go!”


How the fuck do people get these reporting jobs? We who have to do real work from time to time – costing valuable Sadly,No! – time – wish to know.


I guess she was inspired by this this. Maybe she didn’t realize it was satire


Well, she’s already failed Shilling 101: Always cover your tracks.


[…] Gavin at Sadly, No! has done some research into Amy Chozick’s research methods:  […]


onlinebeerbellygirl’s comment was on 7/15/2008, the same day that her Yahoo profile’s last update was. Since her profile has no information in it, that may mean that it was created on 7/15/2008. Gee, how convenient for Amy Chozick. I wouldn’t be surprised if onlinebeerbellygirl and amychozick are the same person.


There’s still time for Beanpole Barack “Flaco” Obama to fix this by choosing a vice presidential candidate who is a Fatty Fatty Two By Four.


I can’t believe that not a single one of you hyenas brought up Ms. Choksondiks.

islmfaoscist: I keep hearing Bill Richardson mentioned as Veepster. He’s quite the FF2X4.

Americans: WTF is wrong with you tards that this kind of shit gets rewarded?


I just want to thank J- for his excellent investigative reporting.

You know, the type of thing Amy Chozick couldn’t do to save her life.

Thios could very well mean the end of her career. Add a notch to your keyboard, J-. You’ve earned it.


Well, forty2, most of the regulars try to avoid the really easy jokes, particularly when they’re egregiously sexist. However, somebody did make that joke anyway, right in this very thread.

So if I were you I’d be a little wary about calling anyone else a tard, seeing as the rest of us can read.


Jrod: OK, guilty of searching only on “dik” and not “chok”.

Oh, and way to ignore the bigger picture, tard.


What bigger picture? The one where all Americans are retards who think it’s swell when some jackass makes shit up in order to help put a warmongering dolt into the Whitehouse? I assure you, there a are plenty of Americans who don’t think that’s swell, like, just for example, fucking everyone who’s posting and commenting here. (except those who aren’t Americans, obviously, though I assume they aren’t fond of all that either)

What, you think you’re some kind of super genius for realizing that things are very, very fucked up in the USA? Wow, I never noticed! If only there were some Americans who were trying their damnedest to fight it, like maybe a website that caught a lying scumbag reporter in the act of making shit up in order to help a warmongering scumbag into the Whitehouse. (A scumbag whose boss is an Australian, apropos of nothing.)

So take your holier -than-thou bullshit elsewhere.


[…] door Steeph Moderne journalistiek: Is Obama te dun om president van de Verenigde Staten te zijn? Plus het diepgravende onderzoek Barack Obama, journalistiek, Media, presidentsverkiezingen 2008, Wall Street Journal Terug naar […]


The question people should be asking is McCain too old to be President?


[…] the awesome “Is Barack Obama too skinny to be president?” story from yesterday? It just took a weird turn: Here’s the on-the-ground research that enabled Ms. Chozick to pose such a bold and allusive […]


[…] You remember the awesome “Is Barack Obama too skinny to be president?” story from yesterday? It just took a weird turn: Here’s the on-the-ground research that enabled Ms. Chozick to pose such a bold and allusive […]


Re “comment-altering Usenet dispute of the primordial 1994 variety”

Nothing primordial about Usenet in 1994 — it was at its zenith, and soon to be overtaken once and for all time by the interwebs.


[…] cannot remember the last time The Daily Show had an off episode. Maybe it’s the prime fodder offered by the US election coverage, or maybe they’re just getting really, really good. Here […]


Nothing primordial about Usenet in 1994 — it was at its zenith…

Very true, though it did resemble a big weird stew of lava and amino acids.

Or as James “Kibo” Parry put it a few years earlier, a vast sea of lutefisk with tiny dinosaur brains embedded in it.


…not that the Web is all that much different, except there’s video.


Thanks for the very kind words, Jrod, but you know, I didn’t really do much. After reading that article I did a Google search with that quote, as Steve M. of No More Mister Blog apparently did and as I assume others did too. I was expecting to find some Obama haters discussion board which Chozick had simply scrolled and trolled through until she found a quote that suited her needs. Some Yahoo discussion board version of the No Quarters comments. And it took me all of 30-40 seconds to find that thread.


Mister Nice Blog


There was video on Usenet. It was just split in 1500 parts posted in ASCII, and your server dropped at least 10% of them.


[…] Wall Street Journal story asking if Obama is "too fit" to be president, the reporter uses a Yahoo! message board to find sources (Google cache of the post). (via DF) posted by starman (38 comments total) 1 user […]


There was video on Usenet…

Right! How could I forget?

I never tried much with the giant uuencoded file stuff, lacking the attention span (and also like you said the news servers were allergic to having all the parts available).


she copied this from the onion? at least that’s what the KC journal seems to think:



[…] Gavin M. from “Sadly No” discovers how the author, Amy Chozick, did the ”research” for her article. […]


haha fat americans fascist towards healthy people


[…] hit piece on Obama’s weight yet? If you haven’t, click on that link before going to Sadly, No! to learn how great journalists research a major think piece like this one (keyword: […]


Dear Amy-

You are truly a hack. Regurgitating McCain talking points almost to the letter and starting threads on Yahoo! message boards searching for trolls to help you regurgitate those talking points? Truly fucking shameful.

Your highly suspect journalistic output is now being closely monitored by many, many people. Good luck holding onto your job.





We won’t support spine-less NO-Bama and will re-defeat him in November!!!


Regurgitating McCain talking points almost to the letter and starting threads on Yahoo! message boards searching for trolls to help you regurgitate those talking points? Truly fucking shameful.

It doesn’t help that the troll she found might even have been herself.


[…] here’s the thing: The writer, Amy Chozick, researched her piece by starting a thread on Yahoo! Message Boards asking […]


As fun as it is to write to her, directly, I would think her colleagues and editors would like to know about the way she writes her articles and would appreciate any CC’s in emails addressed to Ms. Chozick. As Ms. Chozick seems to be quoting two Clinton supporting women in her article, and asks for the email of the responder to her question in the “Yahoo political message board”, I don’t think it’s too far of a jump to conclude they are one and the same. Is she attributing a quote to two different sources that came from one? Seems highly suspect. I mean, beyond the whole fishing for a story line and quotes to make up her article angle…

Here are some colleagues of her’s email address: laura.meckler@wsj.com, elizabeth.holmes@wsj.com – both of whom have done articles with Ms. Chozick.

Other political reporters: evan.perez@wsj.com, elizabeth.williamson@wsj.com, siobhan.gorman@wsj.com john.wilke@dowjones.com, ellen.gamerman@wsj.com

Editor: robert.thompson@wsj.com

Publiser: les.hinton@dowjones.com (this is a guess as I couldn’t find a proper email address)

These addresses were taken from publicly published email addresses at the end of WSJ online articles.


OMG. This is what passes for journalism in the Murdoch era of the WSJ? Pathetic.


Ah, but, skinny men are very well hung. Penis envy, anyone?

Dragon-King Wangchuck



I admit to bias against her story … not because I’m skinny, but because I’m not Totally Fucking Stupid.

Kill her career? Are you joking? Idjits just LOVE to be seen reading crap like the WSJ, because it’s ideal camoflage for their atrophied intellects. It’s a perfect fit. She’ll easily get a recurring guest-columnist spot out of this!

You doubt my words?
Here’s two more: BILL KRISTOL.
The prosecution rests.


[…] WSJ flack on "thin Obama" article caught making shit up (Sadly, No!) That ridiculous article about whether Obama wasn't fat enough to be electable, with all those interesting quotes from Hillary supporters? Turns out the reporter trolled for the quotes with a Yahoo! message board post. (tags: 2008 obama election wsj omgwtfbbq) […]


Awesome. Maureen Dowd just used this Obama beanpole quote in her latest op-ed column for the NY Times to show how Clinton supporters are just not that into him.


By Monday, this sock puppetry can be quoted safely as fact because “it was in both the Journal AND the Times!”


[…] Do you not see what’s going on here? The bitch who wrote this article got her quotes off of a Yahoo message board, FFS. __________________ And yet, there remains time to create, to create, and escape. […]


[…] Sadly, No! » Even Worseness: The Even-Worsening Amy Chozick starts a thread: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 15-Jul-08 06:04 pm Does anyone out there think Barack Obama is too thin to be president? Anyone having a hard time relating to him and his “no excess body fat”? Please let me know. Thanks! A reply is posted: Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 15-Jul-08 10:21 pm Yes I think He is to skinny to be President.Hillary has a potbelly and chuckybutt I’d of Voted for Her.I won’t vote for any beanpole guy. Amy responds: Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 16-Jul-08 09:12 am Love your response and your username (onlinebeerbellygirl). Would you mind shooting me an email so I can ask you a few more quesitons? My email is [redacted] Thanks so much! -Amy (tags: Corporate_Media WSJ Murdoch Obama) Share the Web 2.0 Love…Close this Window Bookmark and Share This Page Save to Browser Favorites / BookmarksAskbackflipblinklistBlogBookmarkBloglinesBlogMarksBlogsvineBuddyMarksBUMPzee!CiteULikeco.mmentsConnoteadel.icio.usDiggdiigoDotNetKicksDropJackdzoneFacebookFarkFavesFeed Me LinksFriendsitefolkd.comFurlGoogleHuggJeqqKaboodlekirtsylinkaGoGoLinksMarkerMa.gnoliaMister WongMixxMySpaceMyWebNetvouzNewsvineoneviewOnlyWirePlugIMPropellerRedditRojoSegnaloShoutwireSimpySlashdotSphereSphinnSpurlSquidooStumbleUponTechnoratiThisNextWebrideWindows LiveYahoo!Email This to a FriendCopy HTML:  If you like this then please subscribe to the RSS Feed.Powered by Bookmarkify™ More » « Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News […]


[…] That was really, rattling hornlike to take.” The party in 2008: Distort! Smear! Slander! Defame! Invent! Slime! Dissemble! Betray! Snivel! […]


[…] she quotes Chozick’s piece. And uses both quotes. Nearly in […]


[…] people for no reason other than the sadism of weak, cowardly men with compensation issues, and this is the kind of trivial, mean-spirited and small-minded gossip we get from supposed professionals. […]


[…] (Daring Fireball | Sadly, no! | No More Mr. Nice Blog) m3t00 on 08-08-03 at 02:51:pm in digital, government, media | tag(s): Murdoch, WSJ | permalink | RSS feed | comment or trackback | […]


and so? booooooring. who cares about Obama anyway. I dont vote for people with blue gums.


Next WSJ article: amychozik and onlinebeerbellygirl explain what sockpuppetry is.


[…] and political blogger Brad DeLong did a little research into Chozick’s research, and found (through Gavin M. at Sadly No) that she apparently based her entire article on a thread she started on a Yahoo message board. She […]


[…] Smooches – American “media” […]


[…] ………. ………………………………………….. ………. Even Worseness: The Even-Worsening Posted at 21:17 by Gavin M. Um, wow. You know that Amy Chozick piece in the Wall Street Journal […]


[…] Even Worseness: The Even-Worsening. Sadly, No! outs Amy Chozick of the Wall Street Journal for some rather questionable research tactics done for her “news story” on whether Barack Obama is too thin to be president. Seriously. […]


Personal opinions on the story aside, it’s blog posts and all 200 comments that are the ones sounding utterly clueless. The writer was looking for quotes to help legitimize a story idea that she had or had been given to her by her editor. This happens constantly in all forms of news media. There are sites out there for reporters to request sources, there are thousands of people employed as freelance stringers, and friends are routinely approached to see if they know of anyone who has an opinion that would work well in a piece. How else would a news organization function than to go out and discuss ideas and opinions with the public? I believe the story itself is a complete non-issue and an absolute laugh, but to negate her abilities as a reporter simply due to her hunt for sources is complete nonsense.


The Google Cache link works currently. The article, however, has no been deleted from Yahoo. Archive.org didn’t cache it, and the Google Cache will eventually expire. Here is the entire thread, cleaned up for ASCII viewing:

amychozick: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 15-Jul-08 06:04 pm
Does anyone out there think Barack Obama is too thin to be president? Anyone having a hard time relating to him and his “no excess body fat”? Please let me know. Thanks!


les1954: Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 15-Jul-08 09:36 pm
Easy to see that for some people in the world, totally meaningless drivel is what keeps them occupied and up at night.

The good news is that these people probably do not see the real problems in the world – living in the one they are in.

Hopefully, there is something that can legally keep you from voting – or remember to vote on November 20th – you will miss the rush!


onlinebeerbellygi…: Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 15-Jul-08 10:21 pm
Yes I think He is to skinny to be President.Hillary has a potbelly and chuckybutt I’d of Voted for Her.I won’t vote for any beanpole guy.


amychozick: Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 16-Jul-08 09:12 am
Love your response and your username (onlinebeerbellygirl). Would you mind shooting me an email so I can ask you a few more quesitons? My email is amy (~dot~) chozick [/at/] gmail (d0t) com. Thanks so much!



les1954: Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 16-Jul-08 01:17 pm
The scary thing is that you have the right to vote and both parties are probably trying to get your vote.


I believe the story itself is a complete non-issue and an absolute laugh, but to negate her abilities as a reporter simply due to her hunt for sources is complete nonsense.

So you’re saying she has the ability to be as corrupt and useless as the next reporter? I agree with you.


[…] Gavin pointed to the Google cache and the text was dutifully copied the comments for posterity. Go check it out on the Sadly, No! […]


[…] won’t vote for any beanpole guy,” and originally didn’t attribute the source. Sadly No reports that the source was a Yahoo Message Board where Chozick actually asked for negative […]


Dear Amy,

If we can see behind the curtain, the propaganda isn’t quite as effective.


[…] More Mister Nice Blog, Sadly No] Aug 5, 2008 · Link · Respond Related Posts • 08.05.08: In Record Rumor Time […]


Would be nice to know the IP address of the “beanpole” poster. Expect that could hold a surprise or two.


[…] came from a sort-of jokey anonymous reply to a message board topic the Journal reporter herself created, and was the only remotely quotable line in that thread. And the Berry Honest Tea detail originated […]


[…] story that ran in The Wall Street Journal the other day? The reporter’s sources came from trolling Yahoo message boards. Ah, journalism! […]


[…] Wall Street Journal is now sourcing the Yahoo Message Boards for their Obama smear campaign. I wonder if that makes me more accurate than the Wall Street […]


[…] much all they got. Obama’s arrogant, he’s popular… plus, he exercises and he’s thin. Speaking of thin… (Not that this crap still can’t […]


[…] message boards in desperate search of someone — anyone — she could quote. As the blog Sadly, No! revealed, Chozick posted a Yahoo! Message Board thread on July 15, asking, “Does anyone out there […]


So sad, the topic has been deleted. May need that screenshot after all.


[…] he’s too healthy and works out too much. No, really. No, really. NO, […]


[…] if you think Amy Chozick goes too easy on Obama or any of his advisers or proxies, you’re an […]


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HOLY SHIT, Gavin. I actually e-mailed Amy at her Wsj address and basically told her that anyone writing an article such as “Too Fit To Be President?” and isn’t SUPREMELY embarrassed by it has something quite wrong with them. Now that I see her crackerjack reporting skills in action, I’m the one who is embarrassed. In her defense – maybe she’s 12 years old?


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Um, wow. You know that Amy Chozick piece in the Wall Street Journal that asks whether Barack Obama might not be fat enough to be President?

Here’s the on-the-ground research that enabled Ms. Chozick to pose such a bold and allusive query:



Um, wow. You know that Amy Chozick piece in the Wall Street Journal that asks whether Barack Obama might not be fat enough to be President?

Here’s the on-the-ground research that enabled Ms. Chozick to pose such a bold and allusive query:



Um, wow. You know that Amy Chozick piece in the Wall Street Journal that asks whether Barack Obama might not be fat enough to be President?

Here’s the on-the-ground research that enabled Ms. Chozick to pose such a bold and allusive query:


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Um, wow. You know that Amy Chozick piece in the Wall Street Journal that asks whether Barack Obama might not be fat enough to be President?


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[…] Gavin M. from “Sadly No” discovers how the author, Amy Chozick, did some of the “research” for her article. […]


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