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Above: Ben Shapiro ‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.)



Above: Mary Katherine Ham ‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.) This just in: Above: Ann Althouse [Hanx! Adam C.]



Above: Hugh Hewitt ‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.) [Hanx! Cangrejero]



Above: Charles Krauthammer ‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.)



Above: Jonah Goldberg ‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.)


Shorter David Harsanyi

The War on Home Runs Look, if it’s okay to use boner pills to have sex, what’s wrong with shooting up some ‘roids to get a few home runs? After all, who the hell’s gonna pay good money to watch a game full of bunts? I’d rather watch a scoreless soccer game with a bunch […]


Why, It’s Like Something Out Of Jules Verne

LOLhacks — Photoshop Friday —Ace Over at MyPetJawa, Rusty posted a nasty pic of Helen Thomas. I brilliantly added the comment/caption “I Can Haz Pulitzer?” and thereby created the first LOLHack, LOLCat spoofs of our stupid-ass arrogant media. I say, chums, whoever imagined that man could fly — and in a rocket submarine, no less? […]


Today’s Jane Galt Moment

Because okay, maybe the anti-McArdle appeal is wearing off, like with the LOLcons explosion last week, but it’s just so easy and time-saving to look to her for material — every post has something like this: Does torture work? One of the most facile dismissals of torture is that it doesn’t work, so why bother? […]


My very first LOLcon!

Please be kind- it’s my very first. ‘LOLcons’ concept created by Jon Swift and named by Marita. (Online LOLcat builder here.) UPDATE: Pere Ubu makes an LOL as well: Gavin adds: More coming from DiffBrad and Lame Man, et al (I was on the road yesterday and away from teh email stash).