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It Has Begun

ABOVE: James Percival Hoft, Fourth Earl of Grosconnard and First Pundit of Gateway Those three solemn words — “It. Has. Begun.” — intoned solemnly by Jim Hoft at the beginning of the headline to his latest post are, as followers of Hoft’s unique brand of unintentional comedy now well know, Hoft’s signature warning of the […]


Intergalactic Space Crusaders

Also inspirational. Jim Hoft, Outhouse Pundit: Air Force Removes Inspirational Painting With Bible Verse From Dining Hall – Atheists Found It “Repugnant” Am I the only one tired of the latest carousel of made-up “scandals” from the right complete with calls for impeachment/public execution for Obama? All the various fainting couch addicts flinging themselves this […]


Links Is Hard

ABOVE: Jim “Sexy Beast” Hoft The Gateway Dumbshit is being a dumber shit than usual in his latest post: “In Horrible Hit Piece Washington Monthly Says Santorum Called Protestants ‘Satan’s Spawn.’ “ The butthurt this time aptly fits in the required shorter: Just because Santorum said that there is not a single Protestant alive who […]


Are You Smarter Than A First Grader?

Here’s a quick test to see if you are, indeed, smarter than a first grader. Can you tell the difference between these two men? ABOVE: Anthony Weiner (left), Mark Foley (right) Can the man pictured below tell the difference between the two men pictured above ABOVE: Jim Hoft, The Gateway Dumbshit Sadly, no! Here, Jimbo, […]


If Only Stupidity Were A Self-Limiting Condition.

ABOVE: Jim “Sexy Beast” Hoft “UNREAL!” screams the Hoft post headline. Uh, oh, I think, this must be really good. Well, it’s not only unreal but … This ought to make you sick… Sheez, I say, preparing myself for the worst. Let me get a plastic bucket over here. This ought to make you sick… […]


Shorter Three Stooges, or Dumb Things Said On Teh Internetz

ABOVE: (Dumb, dumber and dumberist, left to right) John Hinderaker, Kevin Dujan and Jim Hoft Shorter John Hinderaker, Power Tools “OREGON FIRE RAISES MUSLIMS’ FEARS OF ATTACK BACKLASH” The fire set at the Portland mosque attended by the wannabe bomber may have been set by a Muslim seeking to stoke fears of a Christian backlash. […]


For Whom The Bells of Hell Toll. Obama, That’s Who!

ABOVE: The Gateway Dumbshit Jim Hoft, the Gateway Dumbshit (a/k/a the “Shame of St. Louis”) is yet again hurling his trademarked brand of fact-free calumny at Obama, this time for, gasp, going to church. And it seemed it was only yesterday that Hoft was decrying Obama for not going to church. What a difference a […]


Fly, Fly, Fly, Fly!

Shorter Jim Hoft, Gateway Dumbtwit Taliban Training Killer Monkeys to Shoot Americans! I’ll believe absolutely anything. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Photoshops From Hell

A guilty pleasure for many true connoisseurs of wingnuttery is feasting their eyes on the headline artistry of Jim “Gateway Dumtwit” Hoft, who has hunt and pecked out on his encrusted keyboard such classics as Baby Survives 3 Days With Shot in Chest After Parents Commit Global Warming Suicide, Obama’s Most Frequent White House Visitor […]


With The Thoughts He’d Be Thinkin’ He Could Be Another Lincoln

Slightly Shorter Jim Hoft, Gateway Dumbshit: Obama Says He “Won’t Rest Until Leak Is Stopped”… Then Attends Nationals Baseball Game (Video) Liar-in-Chief Obama says he won’t rest until the Gulf leak is stopped but that didn’t keep him from going to bed later that night. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton […]