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Sowell Gets Mail (Stamped From The Dough Of Human Suffering)
ABOVE: Tom wonders if Activia worksbetter than prune juice Who would have thought that lonely wingnuts, paralyzed by abject despair, would find their very own Dear Abby or Miss Lonelyhearts improbably tucked away in the Hoohah Institution and would, in their darkest hour, pen soul-searching letters to her (or him) seeking consolation, guidance and hope? […]
Shorter Thomas Sowell
‘Intellectuals’ Intelleckshuals is stoopid. Just becuz I haz PhD an git payed by the Hoohah Hoover Institushun for doin nuthin but inteleckshualizin, don’t mean I is an intellechual, but if it duz, I is teh only smart intelexual. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet […]
Shorter Thomas “Kidney” Sowell
Foreign-Policy “Experience” If only John McCain, Barack Obama or Joe Biden had as much experience as Sarah Palin. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™ Edited for style.
Shorter Thomas “Kidney” Sowell
Bankrupt ‘exploiters’ Banks are only in this mess because the government forced them to lend money to destitute minorities.
As Ye Sowell, So Shall Ye Weep
ABOVE: Thomas Sowell, or Rodin’s The Thinker? Tom Sowell, the embarrassment of the Hoohah Institute, which is, in turn, the embarrassment of Stanford, is at it again. His latest column is a yummy and scrumptioulicious stew of wingnuttery, as bracing as a warm shot of Aqua Velva and cheap tequila. And as good for you […]
Shorter Thomas Sowell
Driving While Black Even though I’ve been pulled over by the police hundreds of times while driving, it’s not because I’m black. In fact, I’m white. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. UPDATE: Righteous Bubba‘s poetic take on Sowell is too funny to be hidden away in the comments: Whose […]
Thomas Sowell: The Black Larry King
Larry King’s News & Views, spoofed by Norm McDonald during his SNL days, has to rank as one of the dumbest features in American journalism history. (A close second being anything by Art Buchwald.) Having run out of ideas and kidneys, Thomas Sowell finds himself having to pull a King, offering award-winning non-sequiturs such as: […]
Shorter Thomas Sowell
Weapons of political destruction Because Congress had already authorized military action against Iraq by then, it really doesn’t matter if President Bush lied in his State of the Union address. As always, thanks to busy, busy, busy for the inspiration.
As a German might say: “hello all together” It’s hard even for us to remember, but the very first sign of life of this blog was in July 2003, when we linked to one Ezra Levant, who had asked “Would a U.S. occupation show that France and Germany continued to help Saddam with his weapons […]
How The Muslim Stole Thanksgiving
Shorter Rich Lowry, America’s Shittiest Website™ Thanksgiving Dumbed Down You know, I was reading Obama’s Thanksgiving Proclamation and I wondered: Do Muslims even do Thanksgiving? I suppose it comes as no surprise that Mr. Starburst a/k/a Rich Lowry isn’t up to any good when he wanders over to to read Obama’s Thanksgiving Proclamation. And […]