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Shorter Michelle Malkin
Above: The author of Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild The ACORN/Obama Voter Registration ‘Thug Thizzle’ Poor black people are taking away your right to vote. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Shorter Michelle Malkin
Absolut arrogance and the advertising agency behind the reconquista ad I am so comically terrified of Mexicans re-taking the Southwestern United States that I see a vodka ad as de facto proof that the conspiracy is real. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Shorter Michelle Malkin
The Spitzer resignation countdown clock Watch me snort and guffaw about Eliot Spitzer’s resignation while conveniently ignoring the fact that David Vitter and Larry Craig still have jobs. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Shorter Michelle Malkin
P.C. at the Washington Times The Washington Times’ unwillingness to dehumanize immigrants proves that they’re just another far-left Old Media rag. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Gavin adds: If ol’ Malkin keeps positioning herself to the right of everything, her eyes are going to start migrating to the side […]
Shorter Michelle Malkin
Stimulation-palooza: Why are we extending unemployment benefits? Nope, I’m not even gonna pretend to give a shit about people anymore. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Shorter Stalkin’ Malkin
The CIA’s destroyed interrogation videos, what the Dems knew, and when The CIA’s destruction of secret torture videos proves once and for all that the Democrats are pro-torture. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Just an added note: this is a pretty neat little act of contortion on Stalkin’ Malkin’s […]
Malkin: “Bring Me The Hedda Gabler”
Michelle has found a new target in her endless crusade against Geraldo Rivera and people who remind her of Geraldo Rivera (those who, unlike herself but much like Neil Gabler, haven’t been fired from Fox News): Crapweasel Of The Day By Michelle Malkin October 22, 2007 09:21 PM Update: John Gibson calls out Neal Gabler […]
Being Michelle Malkin
Aha. Here’s a lesson in how to get away with things. In true contemporary-Republican fashion, Malkin has learned that, facts be damned, one must always stay on the attack — ideally against a phony, made-up conspiracy of enemies that, perforce, can’t generate any real pushback: And here’s what she said earlier: Update 3:20pm Eastern. See […]
Stalkin’ Malkin Is Losing It
It’s getting funnier and funnier. She’s plunged straight off the deep end with this one: Respectable Liberal Blogger Ezra Klein and his Pavlovian (Yet Respectable) boosters are treating my 2004 post as proof-positive of my utterly flabbergasting HYPOCRISY! Look! The wingnut complained about the health insurance market! Ergo, she is a HYYYYPPPPOCRITE. And stupid! And […]
Scenes From A Malkin II: Electric Boogaloo
The past week has found the WingNet standing, as in a waking anxiety dream, in the middle of a gaping crowd wearing nothing but its tattered underoos. But as Digby mentions, the more blatantly they reject sense and reason, the more meretriciously they seem to get away with it. Ol’ Malkin shows how it’s done […]