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A Perfectly Frumulent Nerd

Above: Keymaster ISO Gatekeeper, must like Parcheesi. David Frum’s recent trail of droppings: “The cap-and-trade racket” This conjunction of a corrupt political establishment and a large carbon-trading scheme is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the virtuous […]


Shorter David Frum

Above: Andrew Sullivan overcooked his burger. Who’s Behind the Fraud? Only one thing could motivate such outrageous accusations against blameless public servants like Doug Feith and Michael Ledeen, and that is anti-Semitism. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™ It’s no surprise that the […]


Shorter David Frum

Above: “And then Comedy Central took on a new form — that of a giant Slor!” ‘Jest-O-Matic’ Sure, my conservative pundit friends and I may make the occasional honest mistake, but that’s nothing compared to these lying comedians with their dishonest “jokes” and so-called “humor.” ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton […]


Shorter David Frum

Above: Cringes at the thought of conscientious consumers going medieval on globalization’s ass. ‘Learn a lesson from the Dark Ages’ Silly shoppers, if you buy local produce because it tastes better, that’s one thing; but if you buy it for ethical reasons, well then you’re just wealth-destroying jackasses. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and […]


Shorter David Frum

Above: successfully channels Jeane Kirkpatrick and Seinfeld’s Uncle Leo The Second (and Third) Tiers ‘Blowback’ is an anti-Semitic concept. Ron Paul is an anti-Semite. So is Andrew Sullivan. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Shorter David Frum’s Persecution Complex

Frum: ‘Wah! Waaaaah!’ ‘Those Missing RNC Emails…’ Sure, the RNC e-mail scandal looks bad, and there’s maybe some fire behind all that smoke, but this sort of unfair liberal attack is just what is to be expected when Republicans stupidly hire a bunch of fucking minorities, righteously try to prosecute vote fraud, and rigorously cleanse […]


Bringing The Frummy

If David Frum doesn’t stop with the heavy, snarkless, witless sarcasm he’s gonna land a permanent gig at Commentary, where bloated and unfunny sneering is the house style. Frum: “Oh, look at the Clintons. They’re making people happy!They’re the perverted people from Hornyland, in a scandaloushouse on Semen-stain Lane!” Here he considers how the economic […]


Shorter David Frum

Frum, Above: ‘A proper candidate should be all like, “Blow it out your ass, Bella Abzug!”‘ ‘Rudy Tube’ For those confused about the conservative bonafides of GOP ’08 candidates, I’ve got a nifty litmus test: The one who’s publicly obnoxious to a famous liberal is the right man. ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and […]


Frum: The Horse’s Mouth

Everyone is looking forward to Bush’s speech this evening, in which he will announce the Kagan plan for escalation in Iraq. ‘Everyone’ is a word that often even includes David Frum, who contributed the following nota bene to The Corner yesterday evening. Above: David Frum Jan. 09, 2007: Tomorrow Night My suggestion: No Oval Office, […]


Frum, sir, with love

Retardo is teh roxxor today. Oh yes.