We like Roy!

Hooray! Roy has just landed a regular gig at the Village Voice! And you’ll be happy to know that working for the wicked Em Ess Em hasn’t dulled his edge:
Rightbloggers were not wholly devoted to electoral matters, though. On May 9, National Review Online’s Jonah Goldberg likened Congressional Democrats’ proposed windfall profits tax on oil companies — which have of late grown rich beyond the dreams of avarice — to a “vampiric lust for entrepreneurial blood” that would stifle the creation of better mousetraps by small businessmen. Goldberg anticipated objections: “That analogy is bogus. ExxonMobil isn’t some garage-workshop Horatio Alger.” To which he replied: “Exactly!” Because “Unlike the guy building the better mousetrap, oil companies aren’t in it for the glory, they’re in it for the money.” So they’ll stop looking for oil because there won’t be enough money in it, and presumably turn to more profitable trades, if such a thing can be imagined, or write that novel they’ve been kicking around since college. Better we should stick with the status quo and hope for the best, perhaps alternative energy — oops, Goldberg already denounced that as “buffoonery” (“the economic Shangri-La of ‘energy independence’ — whatever that is”). Well, live without hope, then, like your forefathers did.
Whole thing, Read the.
Cause when you’re only pulling in $10 billion a year, going down to a barely livable $6-7 billion just makes you have to ask yourself, “why bother?”
To which he replied: “Exactly!” Because “Unlike the guy building the better mousetrap, oil companies aren’t in it for the glory, they’re in it for the money.”
“I am not trying to claim that my analogy was not asinine and misleading. Of course it is. Indeed, that is central to my point.”
You guys have got to read Jonah in the LA Times today! It’s better than good, it’s like he copied-and-pasted Sadly, No! posts not being aware they are, you know, satirical.
That’s it, Jonah. Quote that noted expert, the guy in the next cubicle, to prove your Gitmo claims are true. “They do have fresh fruit! They do! The rest of the circle jerk said so!”
Goldberg’s greatest dream can come true–total, endless war. The McCain Doctrine.
Just hope he doesn’t start a draft to find fodder for the cannons, Jonah.
Let us pause to reflect on the lives of glory seeking mouse trap makers …
It’s amazing. If Johan knew the pieces his trained monkeys banged out were breathtaking displays of idiocy and he guffawed loudly every time he got his paycheck he’d be a master satirist and we’d have to build a shrine out of Cheetoes and mix the mortar with the blood of Young Americans for Freedom.
Alas, we know he actually believes the things he writes (assuming a mind so malformed and illogical can manage a function as complex as belief). This makes the imagination turn to such matters as what exactly Lucianne does to keep his gig at the LAT, which causes the stomach to turn.
Congratulations to Roy!
Just crossed to the LA Times piece.
I like the gratuitous reference to living as eco-feminists (in order to lower emissions). Must be men fart more or something.
Re Gitmo is the most scrutinised detention centre ever. Like scrutiny = human rights guarantees. As a friend of mine (the amateur psyche type) used to constantly ask …and then what?
And the clincher: Bush wants Gitmo closed. Wonder what the delay is. Supply chain, maybe. Capacity constraints.
Running Gitmo and fighting all those habeas corpus applications couldn’t have come cheap. Closure looks good for bringing in the next 100 year war for under $3 trillion per 5 years…i think that’s the correct forward estimate. That’s $60 trill per century. Someone else will have to do the comparison with those wierd and wonderful reparations figures.
– MC
Really? Do you know if it is the base or just the prison? I’d bet $100 Castro the Younger has been telling him to shut down the prison or he’ll serve an eviction notice for the whole thing.
Nothing to see here, we’re not getting our marching orders from the dirty filthy commies…
Really? Do you know if it is the base or just the prison? I’d bet $100 Castro the Younger has been telling him to shut down the prison or he’ll serve an eviction notice for the whole thing.
Or it could just be one of those wierd random thoughts that Bush spews occasionally, like when he was talking about human/animal hybrids.
See, if we let rich people get rich enough, eventually they will get tired of money and give us some. But if we make them pay taxes, they will burn their savings and live on ramen noodle and welfare checks just to spite us. Then who will give us money, huh? If people with homes spend all their money housing the homeless, who will give them quarters?
You just don’t understand basic economics.
quarters, meaning money. that was an unfortunate choice.
I would welcome our human/animal hybrid overlords.
Maybe something really cool, like a lion-man. Or a bat-human hybrid. No, they already did that.
There’s nothing like a heaping pile of Pantloadian logic to bring out the LOLZ.
For the past ten years, I’ve been saying that the only difference between the neoconservative mantra of “trickle-down economics” and communism is that you’re giving all the money to a different group of motherfuckers, in hopes that they’ll distribute it fairly.
Surely Jonah produces so much hot air that he could form the vital component of a perpetual motion machine?
Whole thing, Read the.
did, I already.
And a tip o’ the hat to Mr. Edroso. More please.
Catalog right-wing stupidity? Herculean task.
Perhaps Roy should practice by counting the Hydrogen Atoms in the Universe first?
You know, start small and work your way up to the impossible?
Jonah’s comparison of Yucca Mountain to Gitmo is only apt if you think that we will lock up in Yucca Mountain substances that are actually NOT radioactive waste, because we paid someone to collect it for us.
A Yucca Mountain full of tin cans and plastic bags that have become radioactive due to contamination with actual radioactive waste, and a Gitmo full of non-terrorists driven mad by torture who now hate the US with the heat of a thousand suns.
Be like the boy?
Apropros of nothing in particular, I started re-reading On Stranger Tides this morning. The last time I read it I was unaware of Johan LoadedHosen’s existence. (Oh, for the sweet innocence of five years ago). Now when I visualize Leo Friend he looks like Johan in 18th century finery.
And Ben Hurwood is a cross between Larry Craig and Rev. Phred Felch.
Make it stop!
quarters, meaning money. that was an unfortunate choice
I believe the canonical coin of choice for plutocratic largesse to the less fortunate is the shiny new dime.
the shiny new dime.
Yeah. If they’re fresh out of nickels.
My second try- So, when Jonah-boy refers to the political elites, does he mean “those who were elected to act after due consultation with the constituency, and who can be replaced in a few months if they displease us” or does he mean “those who land great gigs despite no discernible talents and who answer to no one?” Because there’s a difference between earned status and wing nut welfare. How long before these folks start dribbling away?
Be like the boy?
Precisely. That headline cracked me up.
Nice to see El DoPa repeating the “An MIT study says that American homeless have a massive carbon footprint” bullshit. Good job, genius.
Wonderful writing as usual.
I’m confused. Are Righteous Bubba and Roy Edroso the same guy?
Yeah. If they’re fresh out of nickels.
Ya mean plug nickels?
Oh, and tons of congratulations and felicitations to Roy! Yay, Roy!
Thanks for the great link to the Voice leading to their guide to the right-wing blogosphere, written by none other than Roy who having produced the expressions suburbative, Fratboytarian, and “undeclared, leaning toward George Wallace” has a new fan.
Well, live without hope, then, like your forefathers did.
Extra bonus points to Roy for calling Der Lodenpantzentroopers hobbits, although I fear the reference will go over their lowbrowed skulls even if it did get used in the movie. As for the second part of that quote, this time it will be us liberal moonbats searching for vengeance!
Are Righteous Bubba and Roy Edroso the same guy?
God no. He is a much better writer than I will ever be.
LOL. No, because that would take talent and brains.
Arky H8r:
Apropros of nothing in particular, I started re-reading On Stranger Tides this morning. The last time I read it I was unaware of Johan LoadedHosen’s existence.
I sympathize, especially because I love that book. But please, Arky, it’s JoNaH — not JoHaN. There’s only one Johan — Johan Santana — even if you hate the Mets!
I honoured Roy’s new gig by thumping alicublog into my Bookmarks, a meaningless gesture, since so many fine websites in the Reality-Based Community already have him prominently linked.
Whoa, that V.V.
Their trolls are quite the bunch.
Yet to see a “snipe conservative” so I guess I’ll have to just keep hunting for one … but it sure gets tiresome turning over all those big flat rocks all day long.
God no. He is a much better writer than I will ever be.
Did I misunderstand the Siegel joke then?
Did I misunderstand the Siegel joke then?
Well, that was supposed to be OMG!!! SPREZZATURA SELF-PRAISE and then you notice that the URL was to elsewhere and blah blah. I used to comment at his site a bunch so a small joke from me to him. I comment less at alicublog now because Roy’s so good at saying what needs to be said.
Did I misunderstand the Siegel joke then?
Kind of a joke on him from me. I love that guy’s work and I used to comment at his site far more than I do now.