Fund Facts For Kids And Newsbusters

John Fund just claimed in an opinion column at the Wall Street Journal, which apparently can no longer afford to hire fact-checkers, that shortly after 9/11 the Department of Justice found that eight of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were registered to vote. Elsewhere Fund has said that the eight hijackers were registered in Virginia and Florida. Fund’s claim has, not surprisingly, moved through the bed-wetters in the blogosphere faster than a case of chickenpox at a day-care center.
Mark Finkelstain at Newsbusters, of course, is all over this story, calling it a “chilly reality.” According to Finkelstein, this “fact has been out there for some time” but, of course, it was ignored by the Muslim-stream media, which thinks it’s no big deal and would, if it had its way, register everyone in Syria and Iran to vote in the 2008 election.
And over at poor Arnold Ahlert calls it a “hard slap in the face” and, after he picks himself up off the floor, continues:
That’s right, my friends. Eight dedicated members of Osama Bin Laden’s mass-murdering army … were capable of casting a ballot for the candidates of their choice in an American election. And who might some of those candidates be? … Democrats, one and all, led by the Great Obfuscater [sic] herself, Hillary Clinton.
Holy shit. Just think, if the 9/11 hijackers hadn’t crashed their planes into buildings, they’d be voting for Hillary in 2008 and we’d be eight votes closer to socialized medicine, gay abortions, and unisex restrooms.
Fund’s claim, accepted at face value by Finkelstein and Ahlert, is one that should have set off any reasonable person’s BS meter. I mean, what exactly would be the reason for the hijackers to take the time to register to vote? Did they also go register china patterns at Macy’s? Or apply for farm subsidies, small-business loans, and permission to take the Foreign Service exam?
So I tried to find some evidence of this Department of Justice finding, and the Great Gazoogle just kept taking me back to the same source, time and time again, which was, not surprisingly, Mr. Fund himself. Professor Overton, at the George Washington University Law School, also tried to unearth the source of Fund’s claim and wound up saying, rather dryly, that “data has not yet been found to confirm this assertion.” You and I might say more vividly that Fund’s claim is a steaming pile of hooey.
Most entertaining is Professor Overton’s account of his efforts to determine the truth of Fund’s claim:
When my research assistant Daniel Taylor contacted John Fund and asked about the source of the fact that eight of the hijackers were registered in either Florida or Virginia, John Fund indicated that he obtained the fact from an interview with then-Assistant Attorney General Michael Cherthoff. Taylor then contacted the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, the Counterterrorism Section, and Voting Section, and no one knew about the claim. At the suggestion of these offices, Taylor filed a FOIA request. He also repeatedly called the Department of Homeland Security (Cherthoff is now Secretary of Homeland Security), but so far no has responded to Taylor. Taylor also contacted the former Virginia Secretary of the Board of Elections, Cameron Quinn. Quinn indicated that she was unable to confirm or deny that the September 11 hijackers were registered to vote in VA. She was familiar with the claim, and indicated that they looked into it while she was Secretary of the Board of Elections. However, they had a difficult time getting from federal officials the actual names of the hijackers, their Social Security numbers (which is how they usually look up registrations), or their actual voter registration numbers. As a result, she believes that her agency was never able to prove or disprove that any of the 9/11 hijackers registered to vote in Virginia. Taylor’s calls to the Florida Secretary of State have not yet been returned.
While being interviewed by Fox News on this claim, Fund said something that casts some light on where he really came up with this idea:
Eight of the 9-11 hijackers, eight of the 19 hijackers, were registered to vote — because they’d gotten driver’s licenses.
Fund apparently thinks that driver’s license applicants in Virginia and Florida are automatically registered to vote. As we say here . . . sadly, no! Virginia requires a separate registration application which can be obtained while applying for a driver’s license. It’s the same deal in Florida.
All this means that if you want to vote for gay abortion you’re probably going to have to do it yourself and not count on a terrorist to do it for you.
Professor Overton, at the George Washington University Law School also tried to unearth the source of Fund’s claim and wound up saying, rather dryly, that “data has not yet been found to confirm this assertion.”
Maybe Mary Rosh told him the info.
They picked up their mail at the post office so they were holding American passports.
It’s a no-brainer.
look, I’m still fretting about the talking Jesus doll. I really don’t have the time right now to wrap my head around “terror-voting”.
you’re probably going to have to do it yourself and not count on a [dead] terrorist to do it for you.
John Fund and Mickey Kaus enjoy goat fucking orgies together.
You can find proof on the internets. QED.
Did they also go register china patterns at Macy’s? Or apply for farm subsidies, small-business loans, and permission to take the Foreign Service exam?
Hell, yes!! Not to mention SCHIP!
Sweet screaming blue jesus are these guys full of shit. And this little piece of misinformation comes neatly packaged with the proto-idea that we need to start making it really, really difficult to vote, so difficult that “some people” won’t be able to. And we all know who those “some people” are; look in the mirror for the eventual goal.
Isn’t this on that list of how to recognize fascism as it creeps into your neighborhood?
Eight of the 9-11 hijackers, eight of the 19 hijackers, were registered to vote — because they’d gotten driver’s licenses.
Ummmmm…don’t undocumented people get their drivers’ licenses through illegal means – like buying them from forgers and identity theives, rather than by, you know, going down to the DMV?
Ummmmm…don’t undocumented people get their drivers’ licenses through illegal means – like buying them from forgers and identity theives, rather than by, you know, going down to the DMV?
But the Demomexislamofascist Help-Dar-al-Islam-Vote Act automatically registers you to vote whenever you purchase an illegal ID of any sort! Laurie Mylroie told me so!
Is this going to be in the next edition of “Snappy Liberal Comebacks to All-Too-Typical Conservative Horseshit”?
I’m going to send a copy to saul.
Ketchup on a hot dog?
The fact is, you are clearly biased against conservatives, even if they have all the facts.
What I’m failing to understand here is why Fund and his band of idiots even bother with these kind of lies..
Clearly if the average addle-brained WSJ Opinion reader believes this silliness (or more to the point, think it is somehow a comment on immigration or terrorism or Democrats) then why not go for the gusto, so to speak? They could literally claim anything and their drooling followers would believe it. Hell, say Hillary was the 20th hijacker, photoshop a picture of her at Starbucks sharing a latte with Bin Laden and then declare her the anti-Christ.
Conservatives really are cosmically incompetent at every level apparently. Even their evil plans come off as silly and ill-conceived.
Didn’t Chris Matthews already say this? Or maybe it was Tucker Carlson.
And who might some of those candidates be? … Democrats
In a two-party system, that seems to be a bit less than a smoking gun.
In any case, considering that the Republicans made a big push to attract Muslim voters in the 2000 election, if any of the hijackers _had_ in fact voted, it’s not at all obvious that they’d vote for Democrats.
The fact is, Gary Rupert 22:11 gets my vote for best Fake Gary ever.
(It is a fake Gary, isn’t it?)
Remember, there is proof out there somewhere that Mickey Kaus blows goats. I heard it on the internets from Comrade Atrios, so it must be true.
As-Salâmu ‘Alaikum!
Sadly, Mr. Fund has penetrated deep into the bowels of our evil organization and exposed our nefarious plans for all the world to see. We are however, quite adaptable, and now that we know our organization has been compromised we will go even deeper underground to foil our enemies.
We are also quite clever and will now use the unbeliever’s own information organ (ie, Sadly, No!) to issue this fatwah:
From this day forward all terrorists must not register to vote, floss after meals or order the Rootie Tootie Fresh n’ Fruity breakfast at IHOP.
When this is accomplished we will truly be invisible to the American infidel.
That is all.
This is what happens when a nation fails to secure its borders and ENFORCE THE LAW against illegal aliens and those who have overstayed their visas.
Answer: John Fund
Question: Where do I send support for Larry Craigs’ legal defense?
As usual the left doesn’t have a clue.
Were any of the hijackers here illegaly? I thought they had visas.
They were prepping to vote in favor of the Reconquista.
The hijackers overstayed their visas. Which is illegal and a deportable offense. And therefore the hijackers were illegal aliens.
The U.S. should just nuke Mecca if the terrorists ever attack our homeland again. That would bring the Islamo-fascists to their knees.
WIRE: 09/23/2001 12:25 am ET
Saudi Prince Says Seven Saudis on FBI List Innocent
DUBAI (Reuters) – Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef said in remarks published Sunday that seven Saudis named by the FBI as suspects in the attacks on the United States were innocent.
The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) quoted Prince Nayef as telling the U.S. television network CNN in an interview that the United States had not given any confirmation to the kingdom that Saudis had been involved in the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington.
“As for the names that have been published or provided to us by the FBI, there are seven names of people who did not participate and are present in the kingdom and who are known (to us),” SPA quoted Prince Nayef as saying.
“There are more than 10 other names, possibly 15, whom we still have no detailed information on, either their four (full) names, pictures, passports or personal identity cards, to be able to verify if they are Saudis or not,” he said.
Asked if the United States had provided Saudi Arabia with any confirmation that Saudi nationals were involved in the attacks, he said: “Certainly not in a definitive way.” The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) last week identified 19 men as hijackers, including seven trained pilots, who it had said commandeered the four passenger jets used in the attacks, which left some 6,800 dead and missing.
The United States has said that Saudi-born dissident Osama bin Laden, based in Afghanistan, is the prime suspect in the attacks. Although the FBI list did not provide the nationalities of the suspects, Gulf officials and analysts have said the family names appeared to indicate that many were Saudi nationals.
The apparent errors over the names have strengthened a belief in the Gulf that the real attackers used false or stolen passports and documents.
Saudi newspapers have published interviews and pictures of at least five of those who appeared on the FBI list since it was released Friday.
Many Saudis share the same name, reflecting their common membership of large tribes.
But some who share the same name as the suspects were alarmed to see their own faces staring back at them from newspapers and television networks which published photographs and personal details of the alleged perpetrators.
Copyright 2001 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Revealed: the men with stolen identities
By David Harrison
(Filed: 23/09/2001)
THEIR names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden’s teams to cover their tracks.
The men – all from Saudi Arabia – spoke of their shock at being mistakenly named by the FBI as suicide terrorists. None of the four was in the United States on September 11 and all are alive in their home country.
The Telegraph obtained the first interviews with the men since they learnt that they were on the FBI’s list of hijackers who died in the crashes in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
All four said that they were “outraged” to be identified as terrorists. One has never been to America and another is a Saudi Airlines pilot who was on a training course in Tunisia at the time of the attacks.
Saudi Airlines said it was considering legal action against the FBI for seriously damaging its reputation and that of its pilots. The FBI released the list of 19 suicide terrorists three days after the attacks.
Of course John Fund can’t reveal his sources. You want him to end up like Vince Foster?! Hillary, the Illuminati, the Tri-lateral commission and Cobra. What, you say that last one is from a cartoon? That’s what they want you to think Sheeple! This Terrorist voting conspiracy is far more sinister and goes far deeper than you could possibly imagine. Wheels within wheels. You’re all so blind.
The truth is, you liberal oppose every common sense measure to deal with the islamo-fascists. Go back to smoking your pot and bong you weak pansies.
Who says that these eight terrorists voted Democrat? Look at the facts: they were registered in Florida. George W. Bush carried Florida by a razor thin margin. So they vote in the Bushwhacker; ten months later knock down the WTC, and the “Great Satan” goes a $trillion in debt it otherwise would have avoided, ruins its own economy before it ruins one Shiite-majority country, and threatens to ruin another.
They couldn’t’ve done it without the Bushster.
Face it folks, we should surrender to ObL, turn in out crucifixes, and bow to Makkah. No way we can defeat an enemy this clever.
Great. Now we have two d-list trolls here. Or maybe they’re the same person. Either way, they’re both pretty darn lame. C’mon Booger and saul at least put a little effort and imagination into it!
Mr. Saul is correct.
I hired Mr Atta to weed my garden, shovel some gravel we had in the driveway and re-set a few bricks that had come loose from my patio.
Not only did he not complete the tasks in a timely manner he took twenty minutes too long for lunch, didn’t wipe his shoes off when using our restroom and glared at me in a most reproachful manner when I mentioned these things.
Well I for one shall never hire a lazy, shiftless Saudi national from the Home Depot parking lot again.
I’m perfectly happy to go back to smoking my pot, but I’m not sure how to bong my weak pansies. Can anyone help?
I certainly support every method, common sense or otherwise, in dealing with dipshit-fascists like you Bastian Booger.
And by the way, after looking at that pic, I will never again be able to hear “double dog dare ya” without throwing up a little in my mouth.
At a minimum, SM, you should hang those pansies in the closet and let them dry for a week (longer, if the buds are large).
Booger and Saul…
Original working name for The Captain and Tennille.
So they were registered to vote in November, even though they knew they weren’t going to survive September?
OMG it’s worse than we thought – muslimofascist ZOMBIES are voting!!!!!
Oh, so sorry, that should have been “..your pot and bong, you weak pansies”.
I forgot the the comma.
It’s hard to type sometimes since my basement is so dark, my fingers are covered in Astro Glide and my mom keeps yelling “what are you doing down there???” every twenty minutes or so.
Cripes, I can’t ever get any privacy around here.
And Cornac, that was wonderfully evil.
The fact is that the truth is that S,N! has the lamest sockpuppet trolls on the internet.
The fact is we should waterboard every person who comes to the polls who is registered Democrat, until we’re sure they are not islamofascists. It’s the only sensible thing to do, and you’d see that if you weren’t all weak pansies.
This is an outrage! I’m sure even as we speak, brave citizen journalists like Treason-in-defense-of-slavery Yankee are busy calling John Fund, demanding to get to the bottom of this.
Why is an illegal alien more likely to register to vote at the DMV than at the library? There are lots of other places illegal aliens could do it. When you go to vote it’s not like going through security at the airport. You aren’t required to have a government issued ID, ie. a driver’s license or passport, although that’s what most people use. I’d expect most illegal aliens to avoid doing this, though, since it’s crime and puts them at risk of being noticed by the government.
Can one actually smoke a bong? I know all about “smoking a bowl”, but that refers to the weed filling the pipe’s bowl and not the pipe itself. Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong. Furthermore, what would one smoke a bong in?
And can you catch a buzz of smoking pansies, bong or no bong? Sounds suspiciously like when my uncle told me he got high off smoking bannana peels, frankly.
Hey Mortician–
Bring your pansies over here. I’ll bong ’em for ya good, boyo.
Sign me,
Doesn’t Have the Faintest Idea What He Just Said
If only we had some strong pansies… And a hookah. And a big honkin sheet of blotter. And some shrooms. And a ball of opium. And a few grams of Afghani hash. And some Mexican Quaaludes. Uh, what were we talking about?
Although data has not yet been found to confirm the assertion that John Fund has to wear diapers while he watches the news because he becomes so frightened by stories about Muslims that he soils himself, I have no hesitation in asserting it. John Fund is known to go into stores that sell adult diapers.
It would certainly be ironic if we found illegal aliens were taking the risk of voting in elections when more than half of eligible American citizens can’t be bothered to vote in most elections. That would almost make them seem like better Americans.
Uh, what were we talking about?
Sounds vaugely like the summer (and following fall, winter and spring) after I graduated college, actually. Throw in a bunch of rock bands, a budding career in journalism and a very patient girl named “Erica,” and you pretty much nailed it.
Ah, memories….of what I can remember.
Go back to smoking your pot and bong you weak pansies.
What makes you think we ever stopped smoking our pot?
I mean, hell, I’d smoke YOUR pot if it was any damn good.
It would certainly be ironic if we found illegal aliens were taking the risk of voting in elections when more than half of eligible American citizens can’t be bothered to vote in most elections.
Good point. Our voter turnout is pathetic, especially for a nation of people who constantly bash on about how great democracy is.
Remember: low voter turnout always favors Republicans. So if you want the Democrats to win, get out and vote. If you want Republicans to win, help them by staying home and keeping the turnout low.
Booger: “The U.S. should just nuke Mecca if the terrorists ever attack our homeland again. That would bring the Islamo-fascists to their knees.”
Hmmm. It’s hard for me to picture that sequence. Muslims all over the world–in Afghanistan, Pakistan (they’ve got nukes too!), Iraq, Iran, to name a few countries– surrendering to the U.S., handing over their weapons, just giving up because we leveled their most sacred shrine. Somehow I picture them as being made more angry and wanting revenge. Perhaps I lack imagination.
If Iran nuked Jerusalem, would it bring Christians all over the world to their knees?
Don’t the illegal aliens and the terrorists vote in those seedy all-night illegal voting booths in the dank, crime-ridden alleyways behind the crack houses, back where the winos, the moral reprobates, and the Republican Congressmen hang out?
A must read!
See also Hopsicker’s documentary “Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus.”
Actually, all the hijackers had VA drivers licenses, because back in the day, a VA one was crazy easy to get/forge (thanks, state Republicans!) which is why NOW, they’re some of the most elaborate and difficult to forge.
I’ll go a head and confirm that VA drivers license and voter registration are, in fact, very separate.
“cowalker said,
If Iran nuked Jerusalem, would it bring Christians all over the world to their knees?”
Well, certain christians are ALREADY on their knees, but for different reasons altogether….
At last! A graphic exposé of Mohamed Atta’s smokin’ hot sex life! The world has been waiting for this…
[…] Sadly, NoI see that the Wall Street Journal actually printed John Fund’s claim that eight of the 9/11 hijackers were registered to vote. The […]
You liberals are all a bunch of weak fags, the whole bunch of ya! Nuking Mecca would be our sweet revenge which I think we’re entitled to. Bunch of sissies!
Well if we aren’t going to nuke Mecca, what do you suggest libtards? Throw the Ring of Power into Mount Doom? Fire an ion torpedo into the thermal exhaust port? Kill the Brain Bug?
Christ, there must be some fatal weakness that we can easily exploit that will wipe out the infinite brown hordes instantaneously, just when all hope seems lost. There’s always something like that. I forget what you call it.
It’s like the vulnerable heel on that guy Achilles in Troy. Only, you know, in real life there is more exploding.
a black-hearted psychopath, in Florida, a pirate’s paradise.
That’s just too much nougat-y goodness right there. Look behind you, Carl Hiassen! Competition!
Bring your pansies over here.
Oh, MrWonderful, you can’t fool me. I still remember the drill from grade school: Yell no! Run away! Tell a grownup you trust!
Oh, and BTW B. Booger — the comma doesn’t really help all that much.
“Fire an ion torpedo into the thermal exhaust port? ”
That would work, sure, but we’ll never get out of here if the old guy can’t turn off the tractor beams! And the trash compactors, all of them!
I suggest that President Bush make a live public announcement declaring that the U.S. will nuke Mecca in 48 hours if Osama Bin Laden doesn’t surrender himself to American troops in Afghanistan. Then being the “good muslim”, that he is, he would turn himself in, and then would be put before a military tribuanal and finally hanged.
The wingnuttia rage at Motor Votor registration is understandable but misguided. I mean, on the one hand, I understand that Republicans would prefer that voter registration be available primary at whites-only country clubs, the back of Cracker Barrel menus, NASCAR rallies, and at the more exclusive and discreet gay porn emporiums. But they are really missing an opportunity with the DMV thing. I mean, when are you less enthused at big government than in the line at the DMV? It should be a cakewalk for them, if they could get on-message. Unfortunately, their predominant current messages are (a) “Hey, Sailor,” (b) “You are a traitor if we don’t support our fucking up the war on Ay-rabs, brown people, and people who look brown if you sort of squint,” and (c) “Jesus, kid, it’s just a sniffle. Walk it off.”
The U.S. should just nuke Mecca if the terrorists ever attack our homeland again
Hey, good plan. One thing’s for sure: when it comes to the desecration of sacred sites, or for that matter any large-scale massacre of innocents, people certainly don’t harbor long-lasting grudges, affirm a widespread guilt by association, or swear massive retaliatory revenge. It’s a win-win!
Anyone caught talking to saul again will not receive a war on Christmas bonus this year and will be forced to attend the Republican convention next year dudded out like a teenage boy. Talking about saul like he’s not here is fine and carries great comedic potential but I am not paying you all by the comment to engage with this asshole. Bore me no more.
I suggest that President Bush make a live public announcement declaring that the U.S. will nuke Mecca in 48 hours if Osama Bin Laden doesn’t surrender himself to American troops in Afghanistan. Then being the “good muslim”, that he is, he would turn himself in
The harder Bush squeezes, the more star systems will slip through his fingers.
The funny thing, saul, is that your suggestion assumes that the man who massacred 3,000 innocent civilians is more moral than our president.
What makes you think that Osama bin Laden is a good Muslim?
I put “good muslim”, in quotation marks. I’m just saying my lefty friend is all that if Bin Laden wants to claim to be the “defender of the Islamic faith”, then he should put up or shut up before any more muslims get killed by our powerful armies.
Dark OverLord Soros has spoken! Heed his maleficent command or suffer the consequence, worms. Remember the Year of No Gay Abortions? When Soros is done with us, the Lash of Lord Kos will feel like sweet kisses. Aiiieee!!
saul said,
November 4, 2007 at 0:46
I lick my ass
Forgive us mighty Soros! Forgive us!
I suggest that President Bush make a live public announcement declaring that the U.S. will nuke Mecca
I support this because destroying the temple showed Jews how stupid and fake their religion was and they all went out for hot dogs and became born again.
Hey! Hey! I call foul! That’s Gary talk!
Despondant Cantabridgian said,
November 4, 2007 at 0:28
Fire an ion torpedo into the thermal exhaust port?
You lost ALL cred there pal. IT is a PHOTON torpedo, not an ion.
Ions make great cannons, but terrible torps. You must give yourself a wedgie and be forced to watch Ice Pirates four times.
Not mention the sin of mixing of Star Trek and Star Wars.
Well, a propos of that, it appears that many Republicans leaders are eagerly investigating thermal exhaust ports.
If I were President, Islamo-fascism would be destroyed over night using scortched earth tactics and shock and awe.
Bastian Booger said,
November 4, 2007 at 1:15
Oh my GAWD is Saul’s ass tasty.
Yes, I remember. That was right before he started babbling about ends being hogtied by loose ethnics.
My sources are telling me that 4 out of 5 jihadists will be voting for Republicans, because staying the course is great for terrorist recruitment.
“If I were President, Islamo-fascism would be destroyed over night using scortched earth tactics and shock and awe”
Indeed Bastian Booger, indeed. I think you’ve finally realized that your President Bush is a weak fag. What has he been doing for that last 4 years, too busy sucking Saudi dick to take care of business with the Islamo-Facists?
Why is your leader so weak, you dummy?
I smoked a bong once. The fumes from the melting plastic got me totally wasted, man.
“Eight of the 9-11 hijackers, eight of the 19 hijackers, were registered to vote — because they’d gotten driver’s licenses.”BINGO,also to bolster the bogus voter I.D.laws used to suppress the also bogus and non-existent voter fraud.
Pshaw! Booger and saul (this fall on NBC) lack imagination and foresight. I say we nuke the Vatican to nip cathlo-fascism (I didn’t capitalize! HAHA) in the bud. I heard that one of them Pope fellers wasn’t to keen on Dubyas “creative destruction” plan. They obviously hate freedom. Besides, have you seen how they dress? With those gowns and funny hats they’re pretty much the spitting image of the islamos. Can’t be a coincidence. Crazy bastards still trapped in the dark ages, waving those Halberds around. Like they’re ready to decapitate infidels!
I also don’t trust those Hindus and Shintos. All those Gods. They got us outnumbered! And those Buddhists. Anybody that serene has got to be hiding something. Ah hell, let’s just nuke everyone except Kansas and Idaho. It’s the best way to be sure.
To get rid of poverty I think we should kill all the poor. Has anybody else got a simpler solution that would be as much fun?
Hey Gundamhead just got a shitload of stuff from Japan!
“Hey Gundamhead just got a shitload of stuff from Japan!”
??? I don’t get it.
Nothing to get.I collect Japanese toys and just got all my Yahoo Japan wins,because of you r name I thought youd be interested.No snark,just Otaku.
Oh, yeah. Sorry, thought it was some sort of obscure reference or something. Well I’m actually not THAT much an otaku. Mostly I just keep my eyes open and if I see a show that looks like it might be really good I take a look at it. Especially if it’s 70’s or 80’s old school. Give me a Gatchaman over Naruto any day!
Me too love the old mecha.Got a Medicom Jason from Gatchaman in my barrel along with alot of other cool stuff,cheers.
But your right about those damn Shinto,friggin animists,pshaw!!
um. really? does anyone know how he knows this too? because, well at least in the NY system where a friend of mine worked for the board of elections… the most specific info you can get on a voter was simply if they voted. but never for whom.
Is this the John Fund of the Wall Street Journal who’s also a woman-beater?
I smoked a bong once. The fumes from the melting plastic got me totally wasted, man.
That happened to some college buddies of mine – they thought they’d discovered the never-ending bowl, but it turned out the stem of their bong was melting. They figured it out when one exhalation smelled like burning toy soldiers.
Here’s the story about John Fund and his girlfriend.
Bring your pansies over here. I’ll bong ‘em for ya good, boyo.
Yeah, um. I don’t have the faintest idea what you just offered either, but… Can I watch? You’re two of my favorite commenters here, and whatever it is, it sounds like it could be fun.
Apparently I’m not actually registered to vote, because I don’t have a driver’s license. Oops.
A friend of mine has a six foot tall bong. He calls it the spine of god. It is not for weak pansies. He is not a republican.
Did nineteen Arab terrorists from desert kingdoms roam the Gulf Coast of Florida as easily as if they’d been listening to Tom Petty albums all their lives?
Because, if there is one thing that defines Southwest Florida it’s the tight-knit sense of Community!
I actually registered them to vote personally, in both states, and allowed them to register as Democrats once I heard that they planned to incinerate the Towers and other cites. I recall how angry they were after the Fla. recount because they had all voted three times each for Gore and the global warming thing was really bugging them.
Anyway, where can I get a hot dog?
Christ, there must be some fatal weakness that we can easily exploit that will wipe out the infinite brown hordes instantaneously, just when all hope seems lost.
Yes, but if you activate the Halo rings, you’ll wipe out humanity as well as the Flood. No, the only way to defeat the hordes is to send in the Master Chief.
So where did you find the picture of the two dogged dick?
Is the double hotdog a variant of the giant sammich?
Are the double dogs Halal?that is the question!
[…] John Fund stepped away from beating his girlfriend long enough to pretend 8 of the 9/11 hijackers would have […]