
To the person who left a trackback in the comments containing information about Michelle Malkin’s address: please knock it off. I’ve deleted your link and would ask that you not link again.

Stalkin’ Malkin is complete scum, don’t get me wrong, but her stalking doesn’t justify your stalking. That is all.

Above: Graphic by Anastasius

UPDATE: Jesus H. Via Thers, here’s the reliably crazy Mark Steyn:

Sorry, no sale. The Democrats chose to outsource their airtime to a Seventh Grader. If a political party is desperate enough to send a boy to do a man’s job, then the boy is fair game.

Didn’t Lenin once say something along those lines?


Comments: 56


Hey, you can’t throw a bunch of eggs on the floor and p*** and sh*t on them and call the resulting horrible mess an omelette without breaking a few eggs.


Boys are fair game, that’s for sure.


We finally found someone the chickenhawks are brave enough to fight. Way to go boys and girls! My heart swells with American pride at your fierce dedication to harassing 12 year olds. U-S-A. U-S-A.

My money’s on the 12 year old, btw. I’d even give odds.


If a political party is desperate enough to bash a 12-year-old boy and his handicapped sister, then the political party… I don’t know. Should be hit with a stick or something. At this point, it’s clearly not possible to shame them into good behavior.

How the heck did we ever manage to have a quarter of our population turn psychotic, and is there a way to either make them sane or put them all in rubber rooms where they won’t hurt the rest of us?


We finally found someone the chickenhawks are brave enough to fight.

Well, they haven’t actually tried to fight him yet. If they can get about a dozen of the Gathering of Eagles thugs, they may have a go at it.


The Democrats chose to outsource their airtime to a Seventh Grader. If a political party is desperate enough to send a boy to do a man’s job, then the boy is fair game.

Apparently that was the thinking that went behind the nomination of George W. Bush.


I did it! I captured a wee girl! I’m the greatest hero in all England!

Or something like that.


Does that make Steyn ‘fair game’?

I love how the Rove mind-set pervades what remains of the right. Steyn is a bought and paid for apologist for the international right wing order. Under that logic, that ought to make him ‘fair game’.


I understand what you’re saying about Malkin’s personal info, and of course you are right. But I hate it. I REALLY hate it. And I think that they know that we cannot cross that line ourselves, so they have free reign. I sure wish that the gods of karma would step in and rectify the situation.


I did it! I captured a wee girl! I’m the greatest hero in all England!

5 points for the Simpsons reference (“Tales from the Public Domain”).


I’d cry too, if I opened the shades and saw that face!


She still doesn’t scare me nearly as much as Hillary,

The Ghost of Clinton Past
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2007


I am for the preemptive internment of Michelle Malkin based solely on her Malkin-ness, for the duration of teh warZ on teh terrorz.


Blame Canada
Blame Canada
With all their hockey hullabaloo
And that absolute dickbiscuit Mark Steyn too


If a political party is desperate enough to send a boy to do a man’s job, then the boy is fair game.

Then ronnie crapping his pants should be fair game too.


I certainly don’t advocate the posting of Malkin’s address. But I would certainly be curious to know about the source of her income, and whether she pays for health insurance, and whether she indulges in any unhealthy habits that might raise her premiums, thus making bad choices and having skewed priorities.

And what kind of car does she drive – how much did she pay for it?


“Fair Game”??

Stain, you wouldn’t know a ‘Fair Game’ if it came up and beat you over the head with a baseball bat…


BTW, I’m organizing a kind of Most Dangerous Game/Surviving the Game weekend starring the Bush snowflake babies! Bring your lariats and stun-guns!


About word choice:

“Unhinged” has now been so overused by Malkin that it has ceased to have any meaning. There’s absolutely no shock value left in the word.

Making a point of calling Obama by his full name of Barack Hussein Obama (the way a couple of those wingnuts do) is traveling down the same road. By the time the election rolls around, “Hussein” will, through repetition by the Right, just another name, like Josh or Kaylie.

The word “fabulist”–a favorite of Confederate Yankee and others of related ilk when describing Beauchamp or Beauchamp-like substances–has exactly none of the connotations for me that they wish it had. It sounds like “fabulous.” And fables? Didn’t Aesop tell those? They teach about that guy in sixth grade history; it must not be so bad.

I is college-eddicated and “fabulist” is a word that’s too far off the beaten track to have any effect on me, for crying out loud.

I guess they should keep it up, since they’re only shooting themselves in the foot, but jesus, they’re idiots.


don’t get me wrong, but her stalking doesn’t justify your stalking. That is all.

*sigh*…No wonder the brownshirts are running all over you guys.


Doc Washboard: Well, “fabulist” also refers to the teller of a certain style of postmodern narrative, such as Italo Calvino’s “Cosmicomics.” But somehow I don’t think this is what Confederate Wankee has in mind.


*sigh*…No wonder the brownshirts are running all over you guys.

Know what though, h8tr? In my view, hate actually isn’t our best weapon here. The authoritarian right hates naturally, and much better than we do, or probably ever will. Maybe you feel differently- and that’s fine, maybe you’re right. To me, the kind of tactics that Malkin uses are not usually in our interest. Instead, we are much better at unrelenting mockery.

Johnny Coelacanth

” Instead, we are much better at unrelenting mockery.”

And everybody knows how much that stings.


*sigh*…No wonder the brownshirts are running all over you guys.



The fact is, here is another example of how liberals cannot engage in reasonsed discourse and resort to emotional appeals, not facts to make a point. This family, by choosing to shill fo the far left, deserves their fate from patriots (whom you call brownshirts, whatever) exercising their rightof free speech, which all leftists say they support until someone who challenges their beloved orthodoxy uses it and then the liberal media piles on. We are America. You are not.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

And everybody knows how much that stings

What are we trying to accomplish here? No one can possibly think that after a good stalking Malkin’s eyes will tear up and she will send flowers and an apology note to the Frosts. You aren’t going to teach her a lesson.

If it is revenge/punishment that you are after, don’t bet on it. Does she seem like the sort of person who is trying to avoid attention to you? If you peep through her bedroom window at night you will only see her praying for Heaven to pleeeeeze send her a good reason to feel victimized and persecuted. Instead of giving her a chance to call the police on the craaazy libs outside, why don’t we just send her one of those boxed sausage and cheese sets? She is less likely to enjoy it, and more likely to choke on it.

We mock Ms Malkin relentlessly because, as much as she wants it to be, this isn’t about her. It is about showing what a bunch of pukes she and her friends are, so that voters will stop electing them and media outlets will stop hiring them.


Steyn says

“As it is, the Dems do enough cynical and opportunist hiding behind biography and identity.”

I think these days we call that a Petraeus.


If the unrelenting mockery was close to where she physically is,then you might be onto something more effective than any online ridicule. I think smart,clever and creative people could come up with something that wouldn’t make Ms Malkin feel in the least bit endangered either. Nothing ominious or even remotely illegal. Just make her embarassed and not eager to leave the house all that often. People like Michelle may have no shame,but they can be publicly embarassed because they care about how they look on the surface. I’d almost bet you that some of her rage stems from some humiliation at school-jr high I’d guess, in front of other kids,nursing that all these years MIGHT mean her weak point is public ridicule,in real life,not on the internets.

She lives in a neighborhood,wonder how many people in her community know she gets paid to incite hatred. What WOULD her neighbors think of even just this latest evil nitwittery and what it’s spawned,let alone her past performances? Same goes for Steyn and the rest of the cadre of buffoons.

I’m sure she insulates herself to some degree,but once the whole neighborhood knows what an evil nitwit she is,well,you can’t unring a bell. And again, I emphasize,smart and creative people could do this without being in the least bit illegal or threatening in any fashion.


Now I’m thinking of the other meaning of chickenhawk.

(To be fair, I don’t think all people with a need to dominate and an obsession with sexual purity are pedophiles. Some are ephebephiles.)


If somebody were to post Michelle Crazyface’s real-life address, I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that she’d have more trouble in the form of overly enthusiastic, none-too-subtly-sexual worship from the drooling, sweating manatees that make up her fan base, than she would from any liberal protest. She must surely have a few stalkers of her own.


Ruppert: “This family, by choosing to shill fo the far left, deserves their fate from patriots (whom you call brownshirts, whatever) […] We are America. You are not.”

Overusing patriots and America might be next.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

This family, by choosing to shill for the far left right, deserves their fate from patriots progressives (whom you call brownshirts dhimmis, whatever) exercising their right of free speech,

Fixed. Gary, you’ve won me over, the Malkins are toast.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

mmm… why don’t strikethroughs work except in preview?

left, patriots, and brownshirts should be crossed out


This family … deserves their fate from patriots … exercising their rightof free speech

Some of those patriots exercising their free speech rights have posted personal information about the family, including contact information, and some have apparently even called and harassed them. Malkin herself tells us she went to their home. You called it intimidation when some nut posted Malkin’s address, with no evidence anyone went anywhere near her, now you call it patriotic free speech?


“If a political party is desperate enough to send a boy to do a man’s job, then the boy is fair game.”

The sub-text of “this is self-evident” is the best part. Note how, in his smug confidence, Steyn reaches exactly the wrong, indefensible conclusion, and then waits for the applause.

What he should say is, If the party is this desperate, the party (wrongly, desperately using an innocent boy) is fair game.

But then, Blame the Victim is one of their favorite games. Now available for X-Box 360.


If a political party is desperate enough

I gather that Republicans are riding a tidal wave of popularity.


Hate is deeply wearing. It honestly cannot be sustained. The RW echo chamber indulges in faux outrage, not hate. But from outside the box, it LOOKS like hate, and more and more people are seeing them for what they are.

Rovian politics was always a short-term, salted earth solution. It created immediate wins, but not a sustainable majority. And when it was couple with the neocon taste for cynicism, authoritarianism, corporatist favoritism and geopolitical intervention, it created a deeply loathed minority that has not yet awakened to the fact that they are reviled.

But of course, they will be back. A large segment of the population finds authoritarian leadership attractive, especially in uncertain times. And the next Rove just might have a better long-term plan…



If I remember correctly a few years ago Malkin DID have a problem with a stalker. I seem to remember that her blog had less than pleasant things to say abou thtat fellow.

I wonder if her stance has now changed.


Michelle Malkin runs through the town
Upstairs and downstairs in her nightgown
Rapping at the windows, crying at the locks,
“Are the moonbats in bed? Wait — they have beds? They don’t need SCHIP!”


I wonder if her stance has now changed.

Depends on how wide it is. (rump-bump-bump)

Seriously, it was the same thing with those Santa Cruz kids she sicced her drooling dogs on. Stalking is only bad to her when it’s a conservative like her at the receiving end.

It’s that conservative situational ethics that they live by. Well, her and Fake Gary, at least.


“If a political party is desperate enough to send a boy to do a man’s job, then the boy is fair game.”

Isn’t that the Mark Foley defence?


blegh. michelle malkin is such a disgusting, dirty whore. damn I hate that fucking witch.


Hey, you can’t throw a bunch of eggs on the floor and p*** and sh*t on them and call the resulting horrible mess an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

Best summary of wingnut “citizen journalism” yet.


It is wrong to publicize Malkin’s address, but if she has a penchant for going to peoples houses to check them out in person, maybe someone can bait her!


Sadly, Cambridgeport: Sadly, No, like a lot of blogs these days, doesn’t have a real preview function. The autopreview just copies the contents of the text area into the page as you type, and it doesn’t apply the filters that the actual site does. I’m pretty sure if you wanted, you could put all sorts of stuff into the preview — images, Javascript, Flash — only to have it stripped out when you finally post.

It might be useful if the Sadlynauts would provide us with a list of permitted tags. And also if they’d enable strikethrough. I’m wondering about this: s-tag strike-tag del-tag

LA Confidential Pantload

When I hear “children’s insurance,” I reach for my keyboard.


OK, update: apparently the STRIKE tag works, while S and DEL do not. So you can indeed censor redact your vitriolic screeds detailed arguments like a wingnut principled American Conservative.


Yeah, sure, but the real crime is that the blink tag is disabled in comments. Makes me feel powerless…


Principal Blackman

That picture is fucking classic. Stalkin’ Malkin is on the case!

That said, I do not support posting Stalkin’s address. Obviously, there is a need for one group to be grown-ups, and it’s quite clear that Stalkin and her fellow whiny titty-babies are not at all up to such a task.

Johnny Coelacanth

“What are we trying to accomplish here?”

I was simply trying to point out the inadequacy of relentless mockery in the face of such reckless hate. You’re right on all counts, but that doesn’t make me feel better. Sometimes, Karma is not revenge enough.


Know what though, h8tr? In my view, hate actually isn’t our best weapon here. The authoritarian right hates naturally, and much better than we do, or probably ever will. Maybe you feel differently- and that’s fine, maybe you’re right. To me, the kind of tactics that Malkin uses are not usually in our interest. Instead, we are much better at unrelenting mockery.

It’s not hate…it’s righteousness… Protecting the poor and the defenseless against the monsters.

Malkin’s got all her wingnut welfare, which subsidizes her vulgar attacks on poor children, and mockery will stop her? No effin’ way. The bitch needs to know that her adversaries can be menacing too.


Malkin is fair game now, for what she did to that kid and his family. She isn’t going to stop because she’s being mocked or because of the outrage: the only thing she understands is brute force.

We can only hope someday she will try her shtick on somebody with a gun.


Was that actually her address, or was that her previous address that had already been published, causing her to move and screech about all the bad people doing what she does?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

I’d really like to see someone call the cops on her: “Hey, there’s a strange foreign woman creeping around outside next door. Looks like she’s lookin’ in the kids’ bedrooms, I think she must be a crazy. Please come and get her before there’s a tragedy!”

Don’t you just love the idea of (Insert city name here)’s finest pushing her face into the grass and cuffing her hands behind her back? Don’t you feel a warm glow at the thought of her facing the result of creeping around stalking innocent kiddies? Can’t you just imagine her attempt to defend herself against a charge of Being A Dangerous Wingnut Loony?


If a 12 year old is a fair game for coming out to support SCHIP, why is Petraeus beyond criticism when he was used by administration to basically do its political bidding?


While we’re at it, would someone ask one of these wingnuts exactly what “fair game” means? And wait until they get an actual answer? One that has actual concrete nouns in it?

Fair game for having people cruise your house? Look in your windows? Check out your kitchen counters?


(comments are closed)