What’s A Fella Have To Do To Erase An Entire Arab Settlement
from History, Around Here?
Chuckie Greenballs is pissed*. Apparently those Palisymps over at CNN.com’s Weather page list the weather for Palestinian villages that were razed to the ground by marauding Israeli troops way back in the 1940s.
What’s next? A CNN bureau in Carthage? Traffic reports for Nagasaki and Stalingrad? A ticker from the TASE**?
And don’t even get us started on that crazy, totally made-up ‘New Orleans’ place the MSM keeps prattling on about.
*Cut-and-paste teh link to get around Chuckie’s double-secret-probation moonbat router: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/index.php?entry=26037_CNN-_Weather_Still_Includes_Nonexistent_Arab_Villages_in_Israel&only
**The Troy-Atlantis Stock Exchange
Wow, those islamofascists are making me surrender even faster than ever. First furniture rearrangement now its the improper labeling of a weather map. Will their next weapon of choice be the dreaded stealing of street signs? How will we stop them?
One day, I hope sites like lgf will serve a noble function; allowing us to identify and treat the mentally ill.
And, after thanking all those “lizards” who expressed their “outrage” to CNN–YES, OUTRAGE–at this, we read:
UPDATE at 6/28/07 12:16:26 pm:
Correction: it’s not CNN who added the Arab village names to the list; their weather forecasts are supplied by AccuWeather.com, and you’ll find those listings at their site. (Hat tip: Cognito.)
Now we lizards have to express our outrage all over again to AccuWeather! “Accu” my ass.
Hmm – I clicked on the link, got the juvenile thing, but then SN seemed to go down. Do they trigger some DoS attack if somebody goes there from here?
You know the fact that 90% of Israeli cities and villiages had Arab names at one point might make give a normal person pause about their favorite settler state. Not the Lizards, by God, our Holy State wiped those people out years ago and you BETTER kneel before Zod and use our terminolgy.
Christ, they’re really reaching if this is the sort of stuff they “crusade” against. Thank the Great Will of the Macrocosm we have LGF looking out for us, protecting us from the commu-hippy-islamo-fascist weather reports of mass destruction. Yeah, you guys are fightin’ the good fight all right.
I wonder how long it’ll take Chuckie to notice that a whole lotta places around these parts (New England) have Indian names still in official use. This obviously constitutes insufficient gloating over the fate of the vanquished.
The comments are actually pretty awesome. The same person hat-tipped for clarifying the issue is mercilessly mocked in the first 100 or so comments for acting rational.
Chuckles even joins in at points.
Then has to eat his words.
A bit of googling tells me that Akbara does in fact exist, it was rebuilt in the 70’s in a new location.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-a-a-a-!
a different brad said,
July 5, 2007 at 21:37
The comments are actually pretty awesome. The same person hat-tipped for clarifying the issue is mercilessly mocked in the first 100 or so comments for acting rational.
Chuckles even joins in at points.
Then has to eat his words.
Sad man. Do these people ever realize how ridiculous they look? Is there any self awareness at all? Just sad man.
a different brad said,
July 5, 2007 at 21:37
The comments are actually pretty awesome. The same person hat-tipped for clarifying the issue is mercilessly mocked in the first 100 or so comments for acting rational.
Chuckles even joins in at points.
Then has to eat his words.
Sad man. Do these people ever realize how ridiculous they look? Is there any self awareness at all? If these righties want us to stop “hurling vitriol and spewing hatred” (i.e. having a good laugh at their expense) then they should stop making it so damn easy. Just sad man.
As adb suggests, the comments on this thread are hilarious. A choice one:
Yes, it’s not just the global caliphate CNN is helping. They also are plotting to bring back communism.
Aww, Gundamhead, you make it too easy:
“Do these people ever realize how ridiculous they look? Is there any self awareness at all?”
Sadly, No!
Every time there’s a link to lfg, with that Great Wall of China-esque block, I like to click the link and let it just riiiiiide for a few minutes. Just to screw up the count, ya know?
No, ok, this is good. It totally makes sense. I guess I owe chuck a debt of gratitude for the clarity he has provided me. See, now that we’ve liberated Iraq, we need to get rid of all those arab place names too. We could call Baghdad “Blackwater”. See, that’d be doubly cool ’cause of the rivers and all. Then Faluja could become “Cleveland”. Why? Why not? Look, we’ve got like 30,000 places to name, not all of ’em are gonna be home runs, aaight? Lets see. Najaf is pretty important to the wog…er, the Iraqis, so what should we call it? I’ve GOT it! “Tombstone”! Basra’s an oil town on the water, this one’s easy, we’ll call it “Houston”. And whenever the insurgents blow up another oil pipeline, we could all say in unison “Houston, we have a problem!”. Ah, that one never gets old…
So, does that mean the Cousin It is Pedro, forever screaming “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” whenever someone steals “his sexy wife” (i.e., refutes his assertion that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim)?
Whoops. Meant to say “that Cousin It is Pedro.” Silly me and my typos…
AccuWeather was Rick Santorum’s best friend in the Senate. They had this great plan to keep the nanny state from publicly releasing weather data except to legitimate weather forecasting businesses from Pennsylvania. Like Accuweather.
Hey LGF hemipenoids: if you contact AccuWeather, will you tell them to call Ricky? He’s been lonely lately.
Hey whats with all those villages that haven’t existed since 1948? Ethnic clense much? Oh, I forgot Palestine was deserted before the Jews came to use a second wrong to make a right.
Wow. I just couldn’t take the level of idiocy in those lgf comments! Cognito is making pretty reasonable statements and the response is mockery and shrieking hysteria.
Why does he/she even post there?
Excuse me while I go take a brain bleach bath!
I wonder how long it’ll take Chuckie to notice that a whole lotta places around these parts (New England) have Indian names still in official use. This obviously constitutes insufficient gloating over the fate of the vanquished.
Yeah, and what about those Spanish-y names like “Los Angeles”? Does this mean the Reconquista is coming?
Whatever keeps them in their mom’s basements keeps me happy.
Good lord, I read far too much of that.
There was amusement in Charles being upset that Cogito said “frothing” and used the word “conspiracy” accurately.
The skeptical winger is a lonely person.
mikey, shouldn’t the names be “New Houston”, “New Cleveland”, “New Scranton”, etc., in the best Colonial tradition?
I can just imagine their respons to the whole “rebuilt” thing:
“Psh, don’t those freedom haters know that the best thing to do is to pretend the city never existed? That’s the American way!”
The funny thing about it turning out to be Accuweather is they’re run by a “there’s no such thing as global warming” wingnut.
Chuckie the Nazi is pretty quiet on that point…