Oh please no, not that again

Oh yes! It’s Friday, and it’s time to Flash. Previous installments included our Ode to the War, and a Chalabi-inspired masterpiece.

Take a look at this week’s She Drives Me Crazy [4.2MB file] and see how quickly a gimmick can become tired and predictable.


Comments: 10


Nothing with that much fun at the expense of Richard Poe and Carl Limbacher could ever be considered tired and predictable.

Nice job as always, Seb!


Hardly tiresome! As far as I’m concerned, this is the best one yet. There’s something just so deliciously fun and twisted about them that’s hard to resist.


Good stuff! I found myself wondering if any of the pundits quoted in your production might ever acknowledge being wrong, assuming that Hillary does not in fact morph into Satan and rain hellfire down on the U.S. during the Democratic Convention.


That one’s pretty good, I think.


Wow, those people get _paid_ to write that crap?


Those people are fuckin crazy.

But they have done a magnificant job in making Hillary the greatest boogeyman since……….well, ever!

I’d vote for Hillary simply to watch these peoples’ heads explode! It would be fun! Fox could make a reality show – “Exploding Heads Of Wingnuts”. I’d even watch Fox tv for this!

BTW – Hillary would make a great president.


Best one yet. And regarding Safire’s comment that she’s a congenital liar–well, her parents were Republicans, weren’t they?


Best one yet. And regarding Safire’s comment that she’s a congenital liar–well, her parents were Republicans, weren’t they?


Hill and her family lived a block away from my house (long before I was there).


Hill and her family lived a block away from my house (long before I was there).

So it’s in the ground water?


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