We Can’t Get Any Stupider, Can We?
Because of stuff like this, I fear for our ability to survive as a species (my emphasis):
The senior thesis of Hillary D. Rodham, Wellesley College class of 1969, has been speculated about, spun, analyzed, debated, criticized and defended. But rarely has it been read, because for the eight years of Bill Clinton’s presidency it was locked away.
As forbidden fruit, the writings of a 21-year-old college senior, examining the tactics of radical community organizer Saul D. Alinsky, have gained mythic status among her critics — a “Rosetta Stone,� in the words of one, that would allow readers to decode the thinking of the former first lady and 2008 presidential candidate.
Despite the fervent interest in the thesis, few realize that it is no longer kept under lock and key. As MSNBC.com found, it is available to anyone who visits the archive room of the prestigious women’s college outside Boston. With Clinton’s opponents in the 2008 presidential race looking for the next “Swift Boatâ€? attack ad, and the senator herself trying to cast off her liberal image, Clinton’s 92-page thesis is certain to be read and reread by opposition researchers and reporters visiting the campus.
Oh. My. God.
We are talking about a thesis that was written by a 21-year-old college student. How old is Hillary now? 49* years old, right? And stuff she wrote in her college thesis more than 25 years ago matters why?
I’ll put it to you like this: back in college, I was an out-and-out socialist. I read Marx, I attended anti-globalization protests (which is not a bad thing, mind you- globalization needs protesting), and spent a good chunk of time ranting about capitalist pigs. Since leaving college and entering the real world, however, I’ve moderated my views somewhat. Now I am a bizarre mixture of libertarianism (i.e., the government shouldn’t be regulating people who smoke, have sex, eat trans fats, own guns, etc.) and populism (unions rule, bitchez). It’s a Max Sawicky-meets-Jim Henley sorta thing.
Anyway, the point is that when people are in their early 20s, they tend to be more wild-eyed and radical than they are in their late 20s or, in Hillary’s case, when they’re 49* years old. Hell, we didn’t hold George W. Bush accountable for being a drunken frat boy loser in college, did we? So again, please explain this to me: Hillary’s thesis is relevant… how?
*Nope, she’s really 59! It’s early in the morning and I fucked up! She’s 59 years old! 59! This matters absolutely to the central point I was making, and I’m glad someone in the comments immediately flagged this crucial mistake! Long live the self-correcting blogosphere!!!
Gavin adds: Damn, man: You almost got a cash grant from the Clinton Family Foundation. Try 39 next time, and there might be special fellowship award. [gav out]
…also, I need to chill out. Something’s really got me feeling annoyed this morning. Sorry for snapping at anyone in the comments.
Hillary Clinton , 21 in 1969, is 49 years old, Brad?
While she was writing her thesis, Dubya was snoting coke off of hookers’ asses.
Youthful indiscretions only don’t count when it’s Republicans doing them, remember?
Snorting, that is. Or maybe snotting.
Hold on a sec. I looked up her birthday and it said October of 1967.
1947, rather. So that would make her 49 years old, turning 50 in October
Brad, if Hillary was born in 1967, it means she graduated from Wellesley College at the age of 2…
They are just doing what we all knew they would do. They (conservatives and the media) are throwing some more shit up against the wall and seeing if it will stick. Yes its totally stupid and if it catches on will lower my opinion of my countrymen further.
I see your take on politics is similar to mine (socially libertarian populist).
Um, Brad…are you still drunk? That makes her 59, not 49…
Let’s think about it, shall we?
Hillary graduated in 1969. By then, she was 22 years old.
When she began her senior year in September of 1968, she was 21 years old. Make sense?
Yes, yes, ok FUCK YOU, I’ll fix it, nitpicky ASSHOLES…
Brad…maybe you need to chill.
OK, that was a little harsh. I’m sorry. I’m still grumpy from dealing with the Feministe garbage.
yeah, but Condi Rice was a Soviet specialist! Surely that makes her a commie!
If the national media wants to pillory me for my “Libya Is a Land of Contrasts” report from seventh grade, have at it!
No, I do need to chill. Again, that was uncalled for. I’m going to work now anyway, so maybe my commute will help me rela… bwah-ha-ha, who am I kidding?
It IS pretty impressive that she was writing at 2, let alone writing a thesis: but, I’m not sure how the contents are relevent now.
It IS pretty impressive that she was writing at 2, let alone writing a thesis: but, I’m not sure how the contents are relevent now.
Please ignore any math I try to perform before 8 in the morning, please. And with that, I’m off to work 🙂
Brad, If I wanted abuse from a blogger I ‘d comment at my own blog…
bargal20- I’m sorry, OK? That was uncalled for. I try to think before I type most of the time, but I’m in a bad mood this morning, and I screwed up and just reacted. We cool?
Brad ~ being for the right to smoke dope & not have the government intrude in your personal life is not libertarian.
Also, if Hillary’s thesis was anything like mine, the only words that were mine were a few of the articles. And I mean the articles like “the”. I wrote a bunch of stuff. Then my advisor bled all over it (engineers like to use red pens to mark up papers, plans & calculations).
And I won’t bring up how the humorless left wingers are just as bad as the humorless right wingers coz that thread is best left buried.
Brad, fuck ’em if they can’t take it. Your commenters are wuss’s; why aren’t they in Iraq, correcting the ragheads’ grammar? Anyway, Mercury is still in retrograde, everybody’s in a bad mood for another week or so.
Brad, you should have gone Limbaugh on them, and just denied you were wrong. Maybe she was born on midnight on leap day and her age is murkier than the feminazis want to admit.
you can use t3h g00gl3 as a calculator, in case you didn’t know.
Brad ~ being for the right to smoke dope & not have the government intrude in your personal life is not libertarian.
Well yeah, that’s why I said I was an odd mix (and yes, I know I should be getting to work now). I’m more libertarian than a lot of my friends on teh left ’cause I’m not for gun control and I don’t think the gov’t should be regulating peoples’ personal health. Also, I thought the Kelo decision was crap.
Anywho, I’m not a full-fledged libertarian wingnut or anything (I hate Ayn Rand and I do believe in global warming, you know), but I think libertarians make good points on a pretty regular basis. Just my take.
you can use t3h g00gl3 as a calculator, in case you didn’t know.
I actually do know that, but I was foolishly confident enough in my own math skills to go for it unilaterally.
Is it because I is fat, Brad?
It sure is, Ali G 🙂
Give Brad a break– it’s sleeting frogs this morning in the Boston area (and I get to drive into Harvard Square– ugh).
If more people look at “Rules for Radicals” because of Hillary’s thesis it will be a good thing. But I think we should have a feature called Saully, No!, where we examine the funniest wingnut citations of Alinsky to explain various Clinton crimes (Vince Foster, changing hairstyles, etc.)
Brad ~ being for the right to smoke dope & not have the government intrude in your personal life is not libertarian.
The Cato Institute;
Drug Prohibition
…and on the Government intruding into your personel life:
Of course, that is not to say that the Cato Institute is the end all be all of Libertarianism.
Eh, let ’em waste their time poring over her thesis, we all know what they are going to say, anyway: “OMG LOOK SHE’S LIIIIIIIIBRUL!!!half-of-two!!!”
What makes it funny is that they haven’t yet twigged that their whole liberal == evil thing has run its course.
Mike Nilsen said,
March 2, 2007 at 14:43
While she was writing her thesis, Dubya was snoting coke off of hookers’ asses.
When he wasn’t attacking rich white boys with branding irons.
Yeah, I saw Hillary’s thesis.
Part of it was about hunting safety, and it said when you go hunting, make extra sure you don’t shoot any of your hunting buddies in the face…
Then there was another other part that said never to abuse alcohol and cocaine…
Brad, If I wanted abuse from a blogger I ‘d comment at my own blog…
That is simply delicious.
When I hear another inane crack about Obama or Hillary now, I immediately start loudly scoffing at the GOP 2008 lineup of Presidential cartoon characters:
McCain? You can’t be serious. Giuliani? You kiddin’ me, right? Mitt Romney? Bwahaha!
This always results in someone really loonie on the far right fringe being suggested, getting the conversation back on a hilarious track. Good times.
Speaking of great achievements in wingnuttery, did anybody else notice this?
it’s sleeting frogs this morning in the Boston area
What’s worse than raining cats and dogs?
Hailing taxicabs!
*ba-dum pisshhhh*
[…] We Can’t Get Any Stupider, Can We? […]
Give Brad a break– it’s sleeting frogs this morning in the Boston area
Yoiks! Down here down under, we don’t got frogs. We don’t got water, you see.
Seriously, the place is turning into a home for the Atreides heir. I’d not be at all surprised to see bloody great worms rearing up out of the dirt. Maybe one of ’em could eat John Howard.
And Brad, kissy kissy, we still love you, okay? Just settle that fur and retract those claws. Maybe have a nap: it always works for me.
What a bunch of fucktards.
How is it that Alinsky is bad again?
Pope Paul VI didn’t think so–he even (when bp. of Milan) brought him over as a consultant to help stop the influence of commies in the local labor unions.
Alinsky also happened to be great friends with the great neo-Thomist philosopher Jacques Maritain.
Alinsky was about real democracy for real folks, not so much about consolidating the power of the elite. And this is a bad thing to have written about?
Noam Chomsky is a libertarian socialist.
It’s the vulgar (anarcho-capitialist) libertarians you have to watch out for.
Let’s also emphasize, in addition to the fucking lunacy of caring about this at all, that this was her thesis for an UNDERGRADUATE degree.
Of course, that’s about twice as far in academe that most freepers achieve, so …..
Yeah, but have you seen the title? “There is only the fight: An analysis of the Alinksy model.” Sure, she can pass it off as a literary reference, but she chose to go with bellicosity in the title. She wrote it, she owns it!
Anyone know where W’s senior thesis is for his BA in history from Yale? That has GOT to be comedy gold.
W’s thesis = probably sealed by executive order 😀
“Trading All-stars for Schmucks – Increasing MLB Profitability” was his final in business school.
He paid others to write his undergraduate papers.
I was a class mate of W and a history major as well. History majors at Yale were not required to write a thesis. Too bad. I’m sure it would have been amusing if W had penned something. Sorry Sarcastro.
Actually, I think this is great. Speaks volumes about how little they have on Hillary that they’re going with something so inconsequential.
It’s kinda like the way the wingnuts and the media have been piling on Al Gore the last few days, ignoring the fact that Al’s not running for anything.
The mighty Wurlitzer seems to be losing steam, which is a very, very GOOD thing in my opinion.
I’m not sure I see the wingnuts’ angle of attack here. I, like most Americans, are not that familiar with Saul Alinsky. He’s supposed to be bad somehow? Is he a child molester or something? I looked him up on Wikipedia and it said he’s a community organizer. Yawn. Am I missing something?
I think it’s telling that the only people I’ve encountered who still sound anything like the wingnuts are people who watch Fox News. And its funny how, when you respond to their onslaught of unreality with “What, do you get all your news from Fox?”, they deny it.
There are truly cracks appearing in the plaster, but I’m not getting my hopes up yet.
Big antiwar rallies this month: http://www.unitedforpeace.org
Jay C–
Wait–LIBYA is a land of contrasts? I thought Kenya was a land of contrasts.
Once again, nobody tells me anything.
It depress me that Bush was a history major, since I’m one too.
this kind of stuff is funny. I rember my sister telling me that she was asked about my political activism when she whent on a job interview. keep in mind the last protest I whent too was 6 years ago!
I’m not sure I see the wingnuts’ angle of attack here.
It’s temporally preemptive political warfare. We fight what she said then so we don’t have to fight what she’s saying now.
Also, Hillary’s senior thesis isn’t the only thing Wellesley College has hidden away in its library. They also have a book by her in Chinese. It would be irresponsible not to ask why one of the leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination has published a book in Chinese, and not English.
I was going to say, “David Horowitz”, because his earlier life should be an inspiration to all Right TinkyWinkers.
In light of the indignation recently expressed over vulgar language in the left’s blogs, though, let me way “David Fucking Horowitz”.
capitalists do it ruthlessly
Also, Hillary met Alinsky prior to writing her thesis and it was her advisor who suggested :
The teenage Rodham and the 60-year-old Alinsky met, of all places, on a Methodist church outing. Her youth minister, Don Jones, was introducing the youth of white, comfortable Park Ridge to social action. His “University of Life” took them to poor black and Hispanic churches, to hear Martin Luther King and to meet Alinsky.
When Rodham returned to Wellesley for her senior year and began scouting for a topic for her honors thesis, professor Schechter suggested she look up Alinsky again. She interviewed him in Chicago, in Boston and when he accepted her invitation to visit Wellesley.
Alinsky offered Hillary a job after graduation, which she declined: “But we had a fundamental disagreement. He believed you could change the system only from the outside. I didn’t.â€?
This is so ridiculous.
With Clinton’s opponents in the 2008 presidential race looking for the next “Swift Boat� attack ad,
we at MSNBC are happy to dangle it out here for wingnuts, so if they use it, we can breathlessly report it!
General public: “Who’s Saul Alinsky?”
Wingnuts: “Okay, did you know Hillary once watched Barbarella with Jane Fonda in it, naked?”
General public: “OMG. We masturb…. I mean, what is she, a Libyan?”
Disclaimer: Even reading her thesis excerpts, it’s clear there’s no ‘there’ there. And I hate defending a warmed-over Republican, when there’s decent candidates worth defending. But I can’t help it when the MSM starts dangling wingnut bait to create controversies where none exist.
General public: “Wasn’t Rosetta Stone the gal who refused to go to the back of the bus?”
Bill O’Reilly did a segment on Hillary’s senior thesis, like, three years ago to “prove” she is a Marxist. I can’t stand Hillary, but I hate O’Reilly more and any moron that thinks a senior thesis represents what the writer still thinks decades later is unfit for serious punditry (as if this is news about O’Reilly). I’m a libertarian now (and Brad, unions are fine with us, just as long as membership isn’t coerced), but when I was 21 I seriously thought evolution might be false, and said so once on a radio call-in show.
If today I had to be held responsible for the things I spewed and believed when I was 21, I’d die of total and utter humiliation.
Hysterical Woman:
You could be President!!!! How much coke have you snorted off of people’s asses?
“I’m a libertarian now (and Brad, unions are fine with us, just as long as membership isn’t coerced)”
I am too (small “l”) and I’m tired of this one. All jobs have requisites, whether it’s dress code, personal conduct code, non-disclosure clauses, whatever. If you want a job in a union shop you’re going to have to join the union. Or find a more suitable job to your individualistic temperament. You have the right to a job, not a particular job. It is a free market, after all.
I had this conversation years ago, where the wingnut was telling me how Hillary was a “closet radical”. (How radical can you be if you keep it closeted, anyway???)
I pointed out that whatever she believe at 21, she went on to become a corporate lawyer.
Think about it, a corporate lawyer. That may be scary, but not because it suggests she’s a radical!!! How radical can you be when you’re a corporate lawyer???
Didn’t matter to him, he still thought she was likely to act out some Khmer Rouge plan.
Hell, I wish the wingnutz WOULD dig up some dirt on the phony, opportunistic, say-anything-to-get-elected Hillary Rodam Clinton. Hillary is the John Kerry of 2008– the last Dem that I want getting that nomination. I’d vote for her anyway over whatever troglodyte the Wingnut Party nominates, but really, we can do better.
“How old is Hillary now? 49* years old”
Yes, but the demon that possesses her is at least 3800yrs old…
“Ramtha…dat you?”
Of course what y’all don’t realise is that Clinton’s thesis is full of FAT JOKES!!!!1!!!1
The Clintons have been so thoroughly tarred with every little thing they have ever done or said that there is literally NOTHING LEFT. And most Americans still like ’em just fine.
This is just the last few dregs the Mighty Wurlitzer is trying to spew out – a someone said, to see if it sticks – and it’s just pathetic.
Who cares? I WISH she was a Lib-rul, as you say. She’s betting she can win with the votes of ‘tardo’s, sorry, html’s “sensible” liberals, the eight or ten centrists left in america (I think they’re in western colorado) and the dis-satisfied urban republicans. Just as Saint McCain thinks he can win with the “toe the line” republicans and the theocrats. Which is why I’m predicting now, yep, now, that neither will end up with the nomination…
’m a libertarian now (and Brad, unions are fine with us, just as long as membership isn’t coerced)
You just made Ayn Rand cry.
“Anyway, the point is that when people are in their early 20s, they tend to be more wild-eyed and radical than they are in their late 20s or, in Hillary’s case, when they’re 49* years old.”
It’s funny, but the opposite it true for me. When I was in my early 20s, I believed in peaceful socialist evolution. Now, I believe in violent non-socialist revolution — a kind of left-wing Pinochet, someone willing and able to turn the Pentagon’s guns against the conservative movement and all ilts works.
A ridiculous fantasy, I know, but so was the other.
it hasn’t hit the msm yet, but i hear that an explosive report is due out any day.. apparently HC had some documented instances of incontinance in 1949, someone has photos of her in diapers. i figure when this comes out, we’ll see her withdraw from the race within days..
and Qetesh, i had a wonderful time strolling on the beach, gazing at the southern cross.. but i woke up this morning face down in the sand, and these tiny crabs were picking things from my teeth, and my strawman was nowhere to be found. and my bum is kinda sore. do you remember what happened?
I haven’t snorted cocaine off of anybody. However, I was once offered marijuana by a creepy guy on a ferry. I said no, but mostly because he was a creepy guy on a ferry.
I’m a studio art minor, if that makes up for my “easy” major.
It’s only fair, afterall the press spent so much time delving into W’s past.
What’s really going to hurt Hillary is the controversial illustration in her thesis of Alinksy downing a huge sandwich.
not that pablo never got called an asshole,
i just wish we could get past the unfortunate Alinsky incident, clearly she was not generalizing about all fatties per se…
What I learned in skool today:
You just try walking through the mall with a thirty-year-old Alinsky Thesis and see how YOU get treated
Hey, that’s kinda fun…
I remember Hillary when she was black. Then she started moonwalking and getting creepy around kids. And Obama’s never been black.He wasn’t at Attica, he wears no bling and he can’t even dance or sing.
They’re actually both the fathers of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby.
Psst, how much will you give me for Michelle Obama’s senior thesis?
Okay, stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Hillary Clinton’s and Michelle Obama’s theses were walking through the mall. Hillary’s thesis had on a fat suit…
J, how dare she flaunt her “abiding race consciousness”
the civil war is over! barack should distance himself from his wife NOW if has any serious aspirations to the white washroom..
I heard that in Grade 2 Hillary wrote a story in which all the puppies and kittens played together and lived happily ever after.
Yeah, senior theses are important and stuff, but what about Hillary’s great-great-great-great grandparents? I hear they were right bastards.
Not fat, mind you, but bastards nonetheless.
Advice to all peoples interested in entering politics, ever: write your senior thesis on pie.
Or maybe pie’s too controversial, especially if you support French Apple and don’t call it Freedom Apple. Of course, if you do call it Freedom Apple, that could bite you on the ass, too. And speaking of asses, writing an essay on pie could make you look like you’re making a statement about human lipids.
On second thought, I recommend writing a pangyric to Jello.
Sen. Clinton (I refuse to refer to her as “Hillary”…do we refer to her two closest Democratic-nomination rivals as “Barack” and “John”?) has always been blessed by fabulous enemies. First, they’re loathsome and dishonest. Secondly, they present a Hillary Clinton–radical, feminist, inspired by the New Left–who is infinitely more attractive to many Democrats than the actual Hillary Clinton–center-right, “New Democrat” compromiser ultimately interested in little more than power. Listening to their attacks makes you want to like Sen. Clinton. Then you remember what Sen. Clinton is actually about.
We can’t get any stupider can we?
We can. Simple answers to blah blah blah.
Anyway, screw Clinton. I’m sick of these political dynasties and she’s right-wing-lite to boot. Unfortunately, if her senior thesis from 1822 is all the vast right-wing conspiracy has left she’ll steamroll her competition.
mikey: You just try walking through the mall with a thirty-year-old Alinsky Thesis and see how YOU get treated
J—-: Hillary Clinton’s and Michelle Obama’s theses were walking through the mall. Hillary’s thesis had on a fat suit…
Oh dear god in heaven. You know, I didn’t just make that shit up.
That’s right, I just cited Tyra Banks as a proof.
Tyra. Banks.
I hope you’re happy.
On second thought, I recommend writing a panegyric to Jello.
Wait, Saul Alinsky bad, Jello Biafra good?
Hm…my husband wrote his thesis on multiple iterations of infinity, or something like that. (I just proofread it; I never claimed to understand it.)
My Latin thesis argued that Scipio Africanus fits the archetype of the Romantic Hero seen in the medieval French romances, and my English thesis compared H.D.’s Helen in Egypt against the ancient epic poems, both structurally and thematically.
Maybe we should run for president: his thesis is incomprehensible, and mine are sleep-inducing.
Jenniebee: Advice to all peoples interested in entering politics, ever: write your senior thesis on pie.
Perfect. Immediately after grading, you can eat the evidence.
Well, if you wanted to be a Publican, you could write your thesis on how the blacks would be well off if only they’d stop buying so much bling with their welfare and drug money. That’s worth a house seat at least.
Okay, stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Hillary Clinton’s and Michelle Obama’s theses were walking through the mall. Hillary’s thesis had on a fat suit and Michelle’s, a Tyra Banks suit. Both were getting ready for a blind date with…
kingubu: I hope you don’t think my juvenile riffing means I didn’t think the point of your mall scenario comment was a good one.
kingubu: I hope you don’t think my juvenile riffing means I didn’t think the point of your mall scenario comment was a good one.
Nah, not a bit. That shit’s funny. Feigned outrage at being the “All Ur Bases Are Belong To Us” guy du jour, you know?
I heard she posed for nude photographs at Wellesley!
I cringe at the thought of some of the stuff I actually wrote in my Master’s thesis, and that wasn’t all that many years ago either. Jeezoid Keeristoid. Can’t someone dig up some of HRC’s kindergarten fingerpaintings? We could have them analyzed by art historians or some such shit. Lotsa incriminating something or other I bet.
My honours thesis was about a computer simulation of manila poker: can I be president now?
Kingubu, yes, Jello Biafra good. All dead Kennedys good. Live Kennedys bad.
judeanpeoplesfront, Pablo never did get called an asshole. Not like you…
but i woke up this morning face down in the sand, and these tiny crabs were picking things from my teeth, and my strawman was nowhere to be found. and my bum is kinda sore. do you remember what happened?
Well, honey, them’s the risks you take down south. You sat on a teeny tiny blue-ringed octopus, y’see, and they’re tres poisonous. I was going to suck the poison out, then I thought…naaaah, got some crunchy fish treats waiting for me at home. So I split.
Still got your strawman, though. It’s in the litter tray when you need it.
All dead Kennedys good. Live Kennedys bad.
These pernicious anti-alive jokes really must cease. Why do you hate the living?
And if you think that joke was lame, be glad I didn’t run with my “the sixties must have been great for you” joke. That would have been truly offensive.
Twenty-one, twenty-one. Hmmmm, what was I up to when I was twenty-one?
Oh yeah, when I was twenty-one, I discovered sex.
When I was twenty-seven, I discovered partners.
Don’t get too complacent. If you’ll recall, this was exactly the attitude that greeted Dumbya when it became apparent that he’d be the Rethuglican nominee. People said, “Gore will *steamroll* him!” They said that almost until – YOINK! – the Supremes handed it to Shrubbo. And, those Supremes are even *more* right-wing than they were in 2000.
Did you notice the sidebar about Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals? ‘Cause Republican political strategists sure did.
In my over-the-hill thesis, I submit that if Hillary Clinton is Alinsky’s Daughter for talking to him and agreeing with the notion of democracy while disagreeing with his agitprop, then Republican political strategists are Alinsky’s Bastards for using agitprop to empower the powerful.
BTW, I was a theater arts major with a costume emphasis. Not only no thesis, but practically no books, either. It was lots of fun and I have a B.A.
If Hillary can be condemned for something she wrote as a college student, what does that say about David Horowitz?
On that note, has the consumer advocate David Horowitz ever taken legal action against Crazy Davey for making his name a laughingstock? About a decade ago in Canada, there was an Ontario lawyer named Doug Christie that sued the notorious British Columbia white-supremacist-defender lawyer of the same name for ruining his reputation. However, the courts told him simply to start using his middle initial as to avoid confusion.
I’ve often wondered if British beer- and single-malt expert Michael Jackson has the same problem. I presume that being British, white, sixty-ish, and bearded makes this somewhat less of an issue.
How do you snort coke off someone’s ass anyway? I’d think it would be difficult to get them to stay still while you chopped up the lines.
I rember my sister telling me that she was asked about my political activism when she whent on a job interview.
One of my brothers has a really high security clearance, but I think he keeps it by only speaking to me once or twice a year, and then it’s usually only to yell at one another about politics and upset my mother. And I haven’t been politically ‘radical’ since 1972.
I think they’re reaching on the HRC thesis, of course, since most of the voting public has no idea who the hell Alinsky was, anyway.
Seriously, there’s nothing else they can dig up (or make up) about the Clintons. That well is dry.
And if they try to rehash all the old stuff, well, all I can say is, way to lose viewers/readers, journalmalism peeps.
Knock yerselves out, while we’re busy trying to get real Democrats elected.
I think we’ve finally reached the point where Teh Stupid is working in our favor. Everyone can see it, everyone knows it’s Teh Stupid, and no one wants to be Teh Stupid any more. Except the winguts and the press.
Go for it, dudes!
If you want a job in a union shop you’re going to have to join the union.
Not unless the employer agrees to the closed shop without the coercion inherent in law. That’s what I meant when I said libertarians are fine with unions sans coercion; law = coercion. If the employer agrees to a closed shop, then you are correct that that is up to the employer and not the aspirant to a job — but it is not up to the state to coerce such a requirement.
I’ve often wondered if British beer- and single-malt expert Michael Jackson has the same problem. I presume that being British, white, sixty-ish, and bearded makes this somewhat less of an issue.
When that flap was going on over the UAE Dubai Ports thing, I looked up who was on the board of directors of the company; one member was a British dude named Michael Moore.
I think libertarians make good points on a pretty regular basis. Just my take.
Libertarians are like babies — if they didn’t do something adorable occasionally, they’d never live to grow up.
As for W’s history thesis… I used to work in a Third World specialty branch at a midwestern college library. The Yale special librarians were treated with great suspicion by most of their peers, because it was widely believed that Yale’s history and social science departments were simply recruiting stations for the CIA. Don’t know how true that may have been, either before or after the 1980s, but librarians are not by nature the most politically rigorous individuals and yet I kept hearing that ‘rumor’.
What kind of history department doesn’t make you write an undergrad thesis?
Not snark; genuine question. I thought it was standard.
And what kind of high-class college keeps senior theses under lock and key? Can it really be that Wellesley does or did that?
Real colleges put them in the library for anyone to look at. Hey, they’re supposed to be scholarly contributions, right?
That’s why I can’t afford to be outed. Somebody might look up my thesis. Hey, when I was 21, thymine dimers were thought to be cute! Fortunately, I have one card to play when the oppo researchers come around:
“Psssst! The thesis next to it is full of DIRTY WORDS!”
Then while the’re cataloguing the dirty words, I run out with my thesis, calling back,
Ego pedicabo vos et irrumabo! When they run into the translation of that line by one of Rome’s finest poets, they’ll know what dirty is.
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