Et Tu, FOX News?

Is nothing safe from decadent tentacles of homosexuality? Apparently not — teh gays have gotten to FOX News now! WorldNetDaily has the details:

‘Fair and balanced’ network gives $10K to ‘gays’

A campaign working to “confront homosexual activists” is challenging Fox News to live up to its “fair and balanced” motto by making a $10,000 donation to a conservative group, matching its funding for a “gay and lesbian” journalists conference this weekend in Florida.

In the letter e-mailed yesterday from Americans for Truth chief Peter LaBarbera to Fox News Channel President Roger Ailes, LaBarbera said the network’s “fair and balanced” reputation is on the line.

I think it’d be really fucking funny if FOX said, “OK” and then donated $10,000 to the Log Cabin Republicans.

Above: Peter LaBarbera, who is totally not “gay.”

“Roger Ailes must know that this is folly,” LaBarbera told WND. “I want to make him defend it. If they want to try to tell us they can fund extremist homosexual activists posing as journalists, then the public needs to know.”

I can’t wait to see LaBarbera’s next campaign, which will take on “extremist homosexual activists posing as male flight attendants.”

A telephone message left with Fox was not returned immediately.

I can’t imagine why.

But LaBarbera’s concern was over the $10,000 donation the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association got from Fox for the group’s convention in Florida.

There isn’t any “fairness” or “balance” when a news agency such as Fox provides “large grants to a special interest group like the [NGLJA] that demonizes religious conservatives and, worse, seeks to influence the media nationwide to exclude conservative critics of the homosexual political/cultural agenda from gay-related stories,” he said.

Yeah, I’m sure Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Bill O’Reilly will start praising the virtues of butt sex as a result of this conference.

“A balancing grant to AFT or a like-minded pro-family organization would signal that Fox News Channel is committed to living up to its credo and not taking sides in the Culture War.”

Uh, since when has FOX not taken sides in the culture war?


LaBarbera especially was upset over claims NGLJA members have made that pro-family groups and individuals can be compared to “white supremacists.”

Eric Negedus, the president of the NGLJA, has posted website comments addressing the need for reporters to seek balance when reporting on controversial issues. But he denies the need to seek comment from pro-family organizations when the homosexual agenda is the subject of the report.

“Specifically,” Negedus wrote, “how appropriate is it to quote interviewees whose ideas could be considered homophobic?”

Personally, I think quoting homophobic idiots is extremely important because it shows them for the insane fools that they are. The best way of discrediting someone is by accurately quoting them.

“Certainly, news organizations have written extensively about white supremacists and other hate groups. For instance, in October we saw a flurry of stories about 13-year-old twins Lamb and Lynx Gaede, who use entertainment to promote the supremacist movement … But I doubt that any journalist is adding them to a source contact list for bringing ‘balance’ to future stories about reparations, interracial marriage, the Holocaust or immigration.

“That same ethic needs to extend to LGBT coverage, too,” he said.

He said that journalists will have to start choosing those they interview by “rethinking the appropriateness of both questions and answers.”

Ah c’mon, man. Reading crazy people rant about how gays are trying to indoctrinate their children into Ishomolamexicanism is super-fun.

LaBarbera said the NGLJA calls itself a professional organization for journalists, but still campaigns that covering “both sides” of homosexuality-related issues is like quoting the KKK on stories about race.

“Their obsession is societal approval,” LaBarbera said. “Whatever institution they’re at, they want approval. They say they’re objective journalists but their leaders are comparing pro-family people to the KKK. The people are deluded if they think of themselves still as journalists first.”

The idea that Christians and the KKK equate isn’t going to fly, he said.

Neither is the idea that LaBarbera and his pals are “Christians” in any meaningful sense of the word. They’ve taken to the entire Bible and have reduced it to “God hates fags.”

“I believe society is still not that far gone. There’s still a lot of common sense in the country,” he said.

Other news organizations also making contributions to the conference include the Miami Herald, McClatchy Newspapers, CBS, CNN, ESPN, the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and Tribune Company, according to the group’s website.

Also on the list of contributors was Wal-Mart, which recently confirmed to WND that it has joined the “gay and lesbian” chamber of commerce.

My God. The gays have taken over Wal-Mart too. How much longer until Ben Shapiro comes out of the closet (wait, don’t answer that).

Negedus, in his online writings, also took a shot at WND, whose managing editor, David Kupelian, wrote “The Marketing of Evil,” in which he documents the “gay rights” agenda and campaign in America.

Negedus noted that the book concludes that the mainstream press has contributed to the “gay-ing” of America by working in tandem with the movement’s public relations machinery. Proud to have contributed to the gay-ing of America since 2003!


Comments: 24 now gay-ing-er than ever!


I won’t be satisfied until Hannity is replaced by RuPaul.


FOX has its very own RuPaul – Ann Coulter.

Admittedly, she’s transgender rather than a cross dresser.


If they want to try to tell us they can fund extremist homosexual activists posing as journalists, then the public needs to know.�

*cough* JimmyJeff GannonGuckert *cough*


I’d hardly call $10k a “large grant” I’d call that “beer and pizza money for a year”
There’s a gay and lesbian Chamber of Commerce?
Do these people not know that “Fair and Balanced” is a bullshit Orwellian ploy to build up fake credibility among the stupid and gullible?


I find the psychology of the far Right’s choice of language to be interesting. We all know that right-wing Christians and conservatives are fundamentally threatened by homosexuality and feminism, and thus they are insecure about themselves. This insecurity manifests itself into a militant hyper-heterosexuality that would like to sqelch all instances of homosexuality, bisexuality, feminism, etc. Thus we see language such as “extremist homosexual activists” or “the radical homosexual lobby.” The far Right is threatened by all homosexuality, but especially by gays/lesbians/transgenders who are out and proud. It is not the gays and lesbians who are extremist or radical, however. What is extremist are the attitudes of antagonism and hatred coming from right-wingers, and these attitudes ultimately derive from intense insecurity. In other words, it seems to me that the language of the Right reveals little more than good old-fashioned projection.


I’m terribly distressed by the cover of Culture Warrior.

What the fuck is O’Reilly wearing? It looks like he’s on some kind of private camping trip, had had three hours of sleep and was woken by the photographer (who only bothered to take one very hasty snap).


John Gibson wrote a book? Who knew? And who knew that a very large hamster with glasses could write?


They’re called wingnuts for a reason. The right is losing control of them because they’ve fed their fantasies with too much misinformation.

The RW media machine controls them with self-serving lies. The wingnuts pile on hundreds more lies based on the same theme, and then they turn on their masters.


In a close election, heavy turnout of the wingnut vote can tip things in favor of the R’s. But in an election where the R’s are trailing and need to run to the center, the wingnuts are a liability.

The wingnuts think they are the mainstream of the party, that they call the shots.


I think it’d be really fucking funny if FOX said, “OK� and then donated $10,000 to the Log Cabin Republicans.

I would ABSOLUTELY begin watching FOX News* if they did that.

* For at least five minutes. I think. Unless it was Hannity and Colmes. Or Bill O’Reilly. And that Greta van Susteren show makes me want to shoot myself, so no go. Fox and Friends is pretty intolerable as well. I’ll wait till they do a report on panda bears and hope that lasts five minutes.


“LaBarbera said the network’s “fair and balancedâ€? reputation is on the line.”

Fox has a “fair and balanced” reputation?


In other words, it seems to me that the language of the Right reveals little more than good old-fashioned projection.

See Ruppert, Gary. He wants hot man-on-man buttsex so badly, it’s hilarious.


I agree there should be fairness and balance in Fox News’ contributions. Since they gave $10,000 to an organization of gay and lesbian journalists for their convention, I think it is only fair they give the same amount to a straight, non-journalist individual for sitting around the house. Namely, me.


Yeah, I’m sure Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Bill O’Reilly will start praising the virtues of butt sex as a result of this conference.

It would be really funny if they did, though. Proud to have contributed to the gay-ing of America since 2003!

Moreso than perhaps even you realize….

Your sitemeter data says that one of the top twenty things bringing people to this site is a websearch for “why does my son crossdress?”


Yeah, I’m sure Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Bill O’Reilly will start praising the virtues of butt sex as a result of this conference.

You really gotta wonder why Rush worries about these things so much. I mean, I don’t care how big your dick is, there’s no way it’s reaching past those Himalayan ass cheeks of his. Just. No. Way.
Ah, and Peter LaBarbera, one of Illinois’ most wretched native sons (we didn’t even have to import him like we did with Alan Keyes). Now, if I were to happen across him doing “research” in the back room at the Eagle, and I were to kick the crap out of him, what are the odds he’d get-off on it more than anything else? See, kids, that’s why violence solves nothing. OTOH, it sure would be fun. Sigh. You’d think the doormen at the leather dives in Chicago would learn to recognize him and bar his entrance, but I suppose he never actually “misbehaves” while in such a venue. I’m going by the gay, leather community understanding of the word, not the “Christian” one. I’m sure they’d look at what he does a bit differently if they could see him out cruising researching. It’d be the ultimate in irony if some Nazi skinhead punks were out looking for fags to bash, found LaBarbera staggering out of Touché at four in the morning, and smeared his chunky ass all over Lake Shore Drive. And yet, so, so appropriate. And better him than me. 😉


I want to make him defend it.

Ooo, get her.


They’re blackmailing Faux News? HAHAHA


I think it’d be really fucking funny if FOX said, “OK� and then donated $10,000 to the Log Cabin Republicans.

It would be even funnier if they sent a card to the totally NOT gay La Barbera that said: “In a continuing effort to live up to FOX NEWS’ reputation as ‘Fair and Balanced,’ and to demonstrate FOX’s commitment to pro-family values, a donation of $10,000 has been made to the Log Cabin Republicans on behalf of Americans for Truth.”


Neither is the idea that LaBarbera and his pals are “Christians� in any meaningful sense of the word. They’ve taken to the entire Bible and have reduced it to “God hates fags.�

That’s a gross oversimplification. In reality, it’s more like: God hates everybody and everything that we hate–and we have over 40,000 ways to pervert the words in this book to back it up!


Heh, the man in the blue windbreaker.


I just noticed that someone is pulling the christmas tree by the cord as opposed to unplugging it. It is so many different ways of stupid.


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