Siegel Aid Update
Posted on September 3rd, 2006 by Brad
I’ve booked the headliner act for our festival. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you A Flock of Siegels:
I’ve booked the headliner act for our festival. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you A Flock of Siegels:
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Not to harsh the buzz, but why is this such a big dealy-o? I never heard of this guy till he got fired.
He came up with the term “blogofascism.” Sadly, he was still one of TNR’s better writers. We want him back.
Siegel’s humble musings unveiled a treacherous, viral strain of political thought that is destroying America from within: blogofascism.
This vile ideology (I call it “Bloghabism”) calls for an absolute disrepect of influential writers like Seigel. Blogofascists have infiltrated our schools, our media, our internets, and their only outward identifying mark are “baseball” “caps”. That is no laughing matter.
The fact is that I have a new blog:
C’mon over, y’all, and read my latest musings on politics, culture, and all things Ruppert!
Know what I’m NOT doing? I’m not watching these crappy vids.
Know what I AM doing? I’m playing old Jackson Browne. Really loud. My neighbors don’t speak english, so I explained to them that the music is part of my religion. Keeps them from calling the cops. Try to hold anger or hate in your heart while listening to “From Silver Lake”…
“Know what I AM doing? I’m playing old Jackson Browne. Really loud. My neighbors don’t speak english, so I explained to them that the music is part of my religion.”
sounds like a sort of purgatory, being forced to listen to the boring mr. browne. I’d repent before you do something like fall asleep during ironing and burn the appt down.
Cool, two YouTube links right next to each other, you can play two Siegels videos all at once! Sounds much better than either one of them separately, and almost as good as a septazzura comment.
Yeah, I must take the que from Mikey, and run with it…
Somehow this fascination with A Flock of seagulls is unhealthy.
Why not put up a nice link to the Tubes and their Modern Day Delilah?
Or better yet, a video of Michelle Malkin overdubbed with a song by Prussian Blue…. Yeah, I would pay to see that!!1!!1!
Blogofascists have infiltrated our schools, our media, our internets, and their only outward identifying mark are “baseball� “caps�. That is no laughing matter.
That is hysterical! The entire right-wing media is hysterical.
I don’t understand the right-wing media at all. It’s as if they never ever read a history book.
They also seem unable to discern that all this bad crap, 9/11 Iraq and New Orleans to name the 3 biggest fuck-ups, happened on the REPUBLICAN’S WATCH!
So, did anyone else notice that one of the guitarists looks exactly like that chick from “Trekkies” who showed up at that Clinton trial wearing her Federation uniform?
Because I noticed that.
I love it.
I loved every second and the memory that lingers afterwards.
I love the uglyness, the geekyness, the amaturism, the simplitc nature of it all
And what I find so incredible is that 4 ugly punks could make music that sounds better than 75% of the material played on every radio in America today.
Creativity occurs at the margin. These guys were the margin and the created something uniique and new. I’ll drink to that.
After all I am a blogofascists.
sounds like a sort of purgatory, being forced to listen to the boring mr. browne
Y’know, a few weeks ago I had a debate with a fellah on a blog about poetry. I said you couldn’t really take a position about a piece without including the context of that piece in your memory. And this fellah, he wanted the piece to stand alone in space and time and be judged on it’s quality as writing. Quite honestly, I don’t know how to do that. And so it is with Jackson Browne. His music, especially from the seventies, forms a part of the soundtrack from my life. I find it impossible to separate the music from the context of the times I was listening to it. And therefore, my friend, I could NEVER be bored by it.
Just Sayin…
Just me…
I actually worked a show with the Flock in ’83 (I techec for the sound company). They were all really nice guys. I’m just saying…
From SIlver Lake is an excellent song. I just listened to it three or four times. It’s not boring at all. It’s provocative and uplifting. The lyric is good. Brown sings well. The counterpoint in the final third of the song is a nice surprise. To call the song boring is to admit you haven’t listened to it.
What’s with all the foil? And mirrors? Where’s the smoke?
I think I’ve got it. “Blogo” is the new “Space”.
Yesterday’s spacesuit is today’s blogosuit.
No more “space pirates”, now they’re new, improved “blogopirates”.
We won’t pay for our $10/gal gas in “spacebucks”–it’ll be “blogobucks”.
On a perpendicular train of thought–ever notice how once the right wing gets a hold of some shiny new word, they tend to wring it of all possible meaning? Like a boy who’s just discovered how to jerk off, they squeeze and tug until they’ve blown their whole semantic load. “Liberal” is now meaningless. “Fascist” is slowly losing any kind of coherent definition. Maybe we could convince them to take a word like “vouchers” or “religion” and throttle it for all it’s worth. Just a casual blogothought.
OT: The shrieking harpy is climbing teh charts.
A flock of seagulls flew overhead once while I was laying on the beach. They crapped on me.
What a loser. Invents a fallacious concept, fluffs himself behind a screen name, gets canned, and goes around whining.
editors will not be denied.
somebody is being difficult…….
And so it is with Jackson Browne. His music, especially from the seventies, forms a part of the soundtrack from my life. I find it impossible to separate the music from the context of the times I was listening to it. And therefore, my friend, I could NEVER be bored by it.
Oddly enough, I feel the same way about A Flock of Seagulls.
I so wish I were joking. It’s the price of having one’s formative years in the 1980s. On the other hand, I can really appreciate the new crop of 80s-influenced pop bands like The Killers.
“And so it is with Jackson Browne. His music, especially from the seventies, forms a part of the soundtrack from my life. I find it impossible to separate the music from the context of the times I was listening to it. And therefore, my friend, I could NEVER be bored by it.”
“Oddly enough, I feel the same way about A Flock of Seagulls.”
Strangly enough I can’t stand either one of those choices in music. Well, I don’t think that’s actually strange, but rather a key moment – right now – cause I am listening to rage against the machine. Now that’s music…
As for these video clips, I’m gonna have to say I pass on actually looking. Call me a prude ‘n all, but I’m scaywood of anything that looks like i comes from the 70’s…
I assume we bring Monopoly money to this fund-raiser.
Strangly enough I can’t stand either one of those choices in music. Well, I don’t think that’s actually strange, but rather a key moment – right now – cause I am listening to rage against the machine. Now that’s music…
And yet when you tell some young whippersnapper that 15 years from now, you’ll get the same reaction from them that you’re having now to Jackson Browne. “Rage Against the Machine? That’s so 1990s, man! Why are you living in the past?”
Age is funny that way.
Hey, pop quiz time!
That lead singer of Flock of Seagulls, he appears in another band’s video, as someone whom one of their guys walks by as he’s going down the street. Flock of Seagulls guy is staring out a window.
Name the video! Your prize? A laurel!
And hearty handshake!
Damn, guess that makes me old, ehh? By the way, what would be considered current? Obviously I have no social life so can someone point me in the direction of where the present is? Sheesh…I must just be missing the point today…guess I should bust out the ensure and dust off the bingo board…
And btw the band whose video he appeared in is way less ephemeral then FoS, otherwise I wouldn’tna mentioned it. So, keep thinking!
You’re all currently worthless and weak!
geez, i’m just now getting into franz ferdinand, the killers and the scissor sisters…i’m such an old fogie.
but i agree, weighing flock of seagulls in one hand against jackson browne in the other, they both pretty much are easily ignored by me.
tho i do remember one funny bit, from some canadian comedy group (i think it was called “the lot” and were supposedly brothers or some relation of the kids in the hall) where the four lads in the group invented a time machine that you wore on your head. unfortunately it only sent your hair back into time. so one guy got a mozart wig, some guy got a ben frankin hair cut, some guy got viking hair, and one guy got the flock of seagulls hair. the first three laughed at him. then they went to get into a trendy night club, and they all got in except for the flock of seagulls guy.
or maybe that was a dream i had. any way, i just posted bob wills and the texas playboys and hank williams sr on my blog, so, there you go.
By the way, what would be considered current? Obviously I have no social life so can someone point me in the direction of where the present is?
I shit you not. I may still just be in my early twenties, but kids these days are turning me into a grumpy old man at breakneck speed. I wish I had a lawn, just so I could tell those goshdarned kids to get off it.
Skippy, thank you for those. Here, have some Uncle Scruggs.
First of all, I’m not fourmorewars.
This brings back memories of MTV when it started about 1982 or so. The reason it appears so cliche, is because these guys were part of the original videos that created the genre. It was all new, and there were no guidelines. When this video came out there were probably less than 500, (I’m guessing, and I’ll bet it was a lot less), total videos being played.
And this makes you feel old? If you want raw rock and roll, search YouTube for ‘Inside Looking Out’ by Grand Funk in the 60’s. There’s a concert version that still makes you wonder how anybody can play that hard for that long. They continually sold out 20,000+ seat concerts and never advertised. Mark Varner is one of the most underrated lead guitar players in rock history.
What happens if you like Jackson Browne, A Flock of Seagulls, AND Rage Against the Machine?
That means you likely don’t discard used artistic endeavors as readily as most Americans do. It probably means you can at least understand the viability of Dylan, Beethoven, the Beatles, the Clash, Aaron Copeland, Miles Davis, James Brown, Johnny Cash and BUDDY HOLLY, among others, today as contributors and voices in the overall cultural conversation. It means, in short, you don’t put a timeline or false values on music.
Dude, that’s fuckin’ beautiful.
Ah, the 80’s, when a synth riff could be one note.
“Come on over, ‘y’all and read… all things Ruppert!”
Um, no thanks.
[…] P.S. The first half of this post’s headline was borrowed from S,N! […]
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