

Comments: 44


You hardly had to photoshop that pic to get me to laugh…


“Did I ever tell you my grandpappy knew the guy who put Volkswagen on the map? Heh, heh, heh…”


I’d seen the original earlier, I laughed again so thanks!


Right On! Pimp that Border Patrol Vehicle. Throw a porn-star in the back and waves of patriots will secure the cracks in our border.


I thought it was a model at first. I was gonna say strap some hamburger underwear on that GI Joe and have the dog chase it around the yard.


Mission Accomplished, now we can forget about border security for another 5 years.


Nice choice on the kid too – Jonah Goldbergesque – need to Photoshop an antenna to the back of the baby bouncing bushy buggy.


¡Rejoice, Americanos!

Jour leader has finally found a movie role to emulate wheech ees weetheen hees abilities!

¡Salvation, she ees at hand!


what, no flight suit!!??! where’s the codpiece??!!?

well, at least chris matthews, et al. has more nub rubbin’ fodder.

committee to make song blogging a crime

Is that Right-wingers Need Love Too they’re playing on the border patrol vehicle 8-track stereo system, or did we forget to take our psych meds again?

Right-wingers Need Love Too
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2006

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

You know he *really* wants to take that bad boy out and do doughnuts in the desert after drinking down a 6-pack.

Maybe light off some fireworks after.


Dude, there’s like no beach around here anywhere!


Karl, put on your serious expression, we\’re heading for the border. Yeeee-HAW!



This asshole can’t stay on a bike – he ran into a cop in the UK on one – and they’re letting him in dune buggys?



This asshole can’t stay on a bike – he ran into a cop in the UK on one – and they’re letting him in dune buggys?


Bike, shmike. He fell off a SEGWAY – a vehicle designed not to fall over.

Notice he’s not driving. We’ve already seen what a stellar driver he is…


How long is he going to have to pay for that bike tumble with insults and jeers from the jealous lot on the sidelines? Bush is the most physically fit president we’ve ever had, and one of the most fit to lead our nation in the war on terror too!


So, he made a prime time speech, and committed America to spending billions on a frickin fence, just so he could ride in a DUNE BUGGY?!?

Let’s give him a fistfull of ride coupons and let him loose at a county fair. At least then he’ll be out of our hair.

We’ll pick him up sometime in 2008.


He likes riding around in the desert. No sobriety checkpoints.


I’m really a liberal. I’ve just grown sick of my own incessant Bush-bashing, so I wanted to saying completely out of character.
Whew, that actually felt pretty damn good. I think I’m going to stop bitching and Bush-bashing so much and start coming up with some real answers to the problems of this nation.


Dood. The man is destroying our great nation and everything it ever meant to be an American. Defending him is like defending Hepatitis…



Maybe that’s true, mikey. I’m not planning on defending him any time soon. I’m just growing sick of myself and all of my bitching, and so I intend to simply stop bashing him so bitterly, unless of course, along with the bitching and bashing, I am prepared to offer as a real good alternative solution.


Anonymous, if that is your real name, do want a gold star for being such a positive person, or just a pat on the head?


anonymous, here’s my thinking on the Bush bashing: This is a liberal blog that is known for being sarcastic. We are posting replies on a picture of G Dub in another in a long line of lame photo ops. I think we have license to have some giggles at his expense because the 31% at the other end of the bell curve are looking at the same photos and seeing him as some sort of heroic action figure.

Beside that, it’s all just a coping mechanism. Bush has betrayed us, our allies, and even most of his base. And, what’s worse, is that people still think he is somehow a capable leader. As my coworker always says, we have to laugh, otherwise we’ll start crying and never stop.


Posted by: anonymous | May 19, 2006 07:52 PM

Bush is the most physically fit president we’ve ever had, and one of the most fit to lead our nation in the war on terror too!

Posted by: anonymous | May 19, 2006 08:46 PM

Maybe that’s true, mikey. I’m not planning on defending him any time soon.

There are benefits to anonymity.


I am prepared to offer as a real good alternative solution.

Considering that bush heads the worst, most venal, most incompetent, most dangerous administration in at least a hundred years, you don’t have to look very far for a better alternative. Warren G. Harding would have been better, fer crissakes…



I’m prepared to offer solutions! Bush and his entire cabinet should resign, and be replaced with smooth river rocks(for their superior course-staying abilities) and trained penguins(pre-tuxed diplomats).


Since there’s no new thread.

Let me post this bit of news:

Steve Clemons, editor of the popular foreign relations-focused blog, The Washington Note, noted that the focus of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald’s inquiry has shifted away from the actual outing towards those who were dishonest in their testimony and interviews.

“Another person with deep knowledge about this investigation called to say that Fitzgerald seems to have abandoned any interest in securing indictments regarding the ‘outing’ of Plame and has invested his efforts in just challenging the ‘white collar cover-ups’ involved,” Clemons writes. “According to this source, the information provided by Richard Armitage is — more than any other information — what has put Karl Rove at risk of indictment.”

In other words..

Fitzgerald knows that no crime was committed in “outing” Plame, and he’s desperately trying to indict people on technicalities.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

Fitzgerald knows that no crime was committed in “outing” Plame, and he’s desperately trying to indict people on technicalities.

What does that have to do with dune buggies?

Do try to keep up Gary.


Gary Ruppert sez, “Fitzgerald knows that no crime was committed in “outing” Plame, and he’s desperately trying to indict people on technicalities.”

Yep. And Ken Starr knew there was no crime regarding Whitewater, Vince Foster, Filegate, Travelgate, charges of rape, cocaine use, etc. and desperately tried to indict Clinton for lying about a blowjob.

Lets put Bush under oath and ask him about his sex life. Gary would be totally behind that effort.


Has he done his we’re-not-actually-going-to-do-anything-but-the-photo-ops-will-be-terrific schtick on the Coast Guard yet?

I see manly arms with rolled up sleeves pulling on ropes at sea (the following boat with 78 SS guys on board and the heavily armed
warship will not be visible).


First of all, thanks to all of you for not automatically assuming that I am some sort of traitorous troll. Second:

“Defending him is like defending Hepatitis…”

I have defended Hepatitis from time to time—as a handy excuse for not coming in to work for several days in a row.

ghosts of infamous sadly No trolls of yore

Is that you, Dr. BLT? We didn’t say that. No, we’re not going to go there. We’re not going to get in the middle of that McCarthyesque ‘wich hunt.


I think I\’m going to stop bitching and Bush-bashing so much and start coming up with some real answers to the problems of this nation.

Forgive me for being argumentative, but sometimes *not* doing certain things is a bloody good idea. Bush has a poor track record of doing things that are either illegal, immoral or just plain poor strategery.


I like bitching and bashing. I think bitching and bashing are necessary and useful.

Without them, nothing continues to happen. They indicate a fever in the body politic. A symptom dangerous to ignore.


Will all of you please stop feeding Dr. BLT, in any of his guises? Above, when he accuses himself of being himself is pretty funny, though. Just let him talk to himself. Maybe he’ll wail about being “shunned,” too. That’s always good for a larf.


Anyway, bitching and bashing is what we do here. You want to do something constructive, go fucking run for your state legislature. Or the school board. Or whatever.

don’t come to a snarky political website,

ghosts of infamous Sadly No Trolls of yore

Did we just forget to take our medication again, or did Bush just whip out a bull horn, and begin calling out from the vehicle, “Don’t let them do to Gary what they did to Dr. BLT!”

Cool, it’s a command hallucination coming straight from the commander-in-chief.

We love you, George! Don’t let Neil Young impeach you! He’s just getting sleepy and rusty, and he has plans to take your job in ’08.

PS: Thanks for the troll bait, Marq! We should really be on our way.


That photo is hilarious.



Sadly there’s never a monster truck around when you need one. Now, that would be a photo-op to remember.


Hey, he’s driving that dune buggy JUST LIKE he piloted that Navy plane on Mission Accomplished day.

Chris Moorehead

Bush is the most physically fit president we’ve ever had, and one of the most fit to lead our nation in the war on terror too!

I think you’ll find that the most physically fit president was Gerald Ford, who led a championship football team while at the University of Michigan, and later at Yale (after his athletic eligibility ran out) coached both the football and boxing teams.

Little Boots, on the other hand, was a cheerleader.


Oh, nice Caligula reference, Chris…

And I have an image of Gerry Ford coaching a boxing football team. I don’t know why.

As for you, Doc Sammich, I’m beginning to be a little worried about you. You’re taking on so many identities here that I fear you may have lost track of which one is the real Doc Sammich. How can we coax the real BLT out of this multiple-personality troll?


Dood, and I used to like buggies. Now I have to abolish the thought of getting one when I get to Texas. I was gonna get one and get a bunch of al gore for president stikers as decals. Now that would have been cool. I once had a dream and now it is gone…


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