Are JBs too dumb to fact check their own columns?
Let’s hope the answer is Happily, Yes! Sadly, No! friend JB Williams writes:
Are Americans Too Stupid to Run Their Own Country?
This obviously politically incorrect question might be offensive, but it is likely to be the most important question we could answer[.]
Most. Important. Question. Ever:
It is the one flaw in our founders’ American dream, the notion that a society of self-centered malcontents with competing interests, barely able to manage their own lives, educated by headlines and sound-bites carefully crafted by professional propagandists and read via teleprompter by career snake-oil salesmen (politicians), could run their own country. What were the odds? What the hell were the founders’ thinking?
If only that no good son of a bitch Ben Franklin had invented that time travel machine, the founders could have known about the headlines, the sound-bites and the teleprompters.
In 1999, Capital Hill Blue, a reasonably respected political news organization performed an in-depth study of the people we have hired to tend to our nations business in Washington DC.
Oh, wait, I remember reading about this “study!”
What is surprising is that so many people willingly circulate the above-cited piece of cheap, inflammatory tripe expecting it to be taken seriously.
Surprising? JB decided to pile on today:
We Americans have many rights. We have the right to point a loaded gun at our own head and pull the trigger. But would it be wise to exercise that right?
Fuck yeah.
Since the decision to allow unqualified people to make important national decisions was made long ago, we will never get that Jeanie back in the bottle.
Any chance of getting that AbsorbShun back in the bottle?
But we must insist that people, who have the power, use it wisely and that starts with properly educating ourselves with real facts, not political campaign hogwash, real American history, not NEA mandated nonsense and real American principles, not international socialist drivel spoon fed to young minds on every college campus today.
Right, well I can’t add anything to that. Colin? *
Stupid democracy–it’s really not good for the country.
We need a strong leader, a charasmatic leader, a Leader who has the Will to lead the People to Glory! A Leader who will stand up to those Undermen who disease our pure country with their filth! A Leader who isn’t afraid of those commie civil liberties!
Ein Reich! Ein Volk! Ein Dummkopf!
…we will never get that Jeanie back in the bottle.
Yeah, well, she thought it was a little cramped in there anyway. The genie, on the other hand…
Are we too stupid to run our own country? Supporting this argument, Exhibit A: President George W. Bush.
“We have the right to point a loaded gun at our own head and pull the trigger”
To steal someones catphrase…
I think commiting suicide is actually against the law, it’s hard to prosecute though.
Some states listed it on the books as a felony but imposed no penalty.Curiously, as of 1963, six states still considered attempted suicide a crime–North and South Dakota, Washington, New Jersey, Nevada, and Oklahoma.
Aside from Prudence’s extremely valid point with a side note for the concept of euthanasia which guys like Williams are generally opposed to, and a big “Fuck Yeah!” at Gus, I’d just like to point out that the wingnuts have officially lost track of what “politically incorrect” means.
It is not politically incorrect for an American to ask other Americans if Americans shouldn’t have the vote. It’s stupid, but it’s not politically incorrect. It might be politically incorrect for a white person to ask if black people should have the vote, or for a man (or Ann Coulter) to ask if women should have the vote.
But asking if, in essence, you yourself shouldn’t have the vote, is just idiotic.
Doesn’t the correct use of the apostrophe mean ANYTHING to these people any more?
And, really, who (meaning, what) is “JB Williams”? Can he really be both that stupid and that pretentious? I mean of course he can. But does have to be? I mean of course he does. But still. Come on.
Aack…it…makes…no…sense…Must…ignore…internal…contradictions. AAAaahhhrrrggghhh I can’t do it, I must know, Why do the idiots we elect ALWAYS stand in stark opposition to the “international socialist drivel” the entire electorate has been “spoonfed.” Perhaps our professors need bigger spoons.
If Jeanie won’t fit back in the bottle they could try Samantha out of Bewitched. I always get them mixed up anyway.
It is the one flaw in our founders’ American dream, the notion that a society of self-centered malcontents with competing interests, barely able to manage their own lives, educated by headlines and sound-bites carefully crafted by professional propagandists and read via teleprompter by career snake-oil salesmen (politicians), could run their own country. What were the odds? What the hell were the founders’ thinking?
Actually, I believe the founders thought that the man on the street was too ignorant (not stupid) to run the country. Hence the electoral college selecting the president, state legislatures selecting senators, etc.
The basic idea seemed to be that the country–and even whole states–were just big for the average person to have a solid enough grasp of the issues and concrete enough knowledge of the people involved to make good decisions.
I used to think that was pretty unfair of them, but since the end of the Fairness Doctrine, I’m beginning to see their point. When someone is from another state or even a far away county, you only have hearsay to judge their character and positions, and hearsay can be manipulated by those who transmit it.
Punishing (successful) suicides it the logical result of the xian right’s crazed policythink. They’ll just drag the body out into the public square and kick and bludgeon it until it’s just a smear on the concrete. That’ll teach that bastard to disrespect life ny taking his own! Every life is precious, which is why we must obliterate the physical remains of all those dead losers!
Und ein Huhn in jedem Topf!
Und ein Fernsehen, das Fuchs-Nachrichten in jedem Wohnzimmer spielt!
Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!
(sorry for bad German via Google translator)
Mr. Wonderful,
“JB” is the abbreviation Pastor Swank uses for “blow jobs.”
“JB” is the abbreviation Pastor Swank uses for “blow jobs.”
Umm… Jobs blowful?
Jobs, Blowful. See also Off, Sucking.
Since Jeannie has already been mentioned, I’ll comment on this gem:
How do you think we ended up with the panty-raid administration of the 90’s, elected largely by the MTV generation still living on mom and dad’s nickel?
I had forgotten how Clinton’s appearence on MTV swung the election in his favor. Here’s how it broke down:
+65–(Bush 63%, Perot 37%, Clinton 0%)
40-65–(Bush 59%, Perot 40%, Clinton 1%)
25-40–(Bush 55%, Perot 43%, Clinton 2%)
18-25–(Bush 0%, Perot 0%, Clinton 100%)
Since that stunning victory, candidates have eschewed campaigning and fundraising and concentrated solely on trying to get airtime on MTV. This culminated in the 2000 primaries being decided on an episode of Road Rules, instead of the traditional primaries and conventions.
I could probably make this funnier, but I haven’t watched MTV in ten years. Suffice it to say, Suck it, JB!
If Jeanie won’t fit back in the bottle they could try Samantha out of Bewitched.
That Samantha sure married a couple of dicks.
a society of self-centered malcontents with competing interests, barely able to manage their own lives, educated by headlines and sound-bites carefully crafted by professional propagandists and read via teleprompter by career snake-oil salesmen (politicians)
This is exactly how I feel about JB et al.
A Leader who will stand up to those Undermen who disease our pure country with their filth!
A leader who will stop the relentless flouridation of our waters, and protect our precious bodily fluids!
Rules on the art of persuasion:
Rule #1) Insult 69% of your audience by calling them stupid.
Can I just say that’s the last time he’ll appear on the internets?
A leader who will stop the relentless flouridation of our waters, and protect our precious bodily fluids!
You know what Baker? I like you. You’re not like the other people here in the trailer park. Oh no, don’t get me wrong, they’re fine people, good Americans. But they’re content to sit back, maybe watch a little Mork and Mindy on channel 57. Maybe kick back a cool Coors 16-ouncer. They’re good fine people, Stuart. But they don’t know what the queers are doing
to the soil.
“That Samantha sure married a couple of dicks”
ARRRGGGGGHH!!!1!!!1! I’m bleeding from my eyes!
Following in line with the theory that it is modern culture (MTV generation) that is solidly ignorant, then forget Jeannie, Samantha, etc. Go with Prue Halliwell from Charmed.
..or not. Just pass me the damned steel reserve.
Muslim mudurers global never give the pastor job\’s blowful, that\’s why he\’s *really* so upset with them.
Can I just say that’s the last time he’ll appear on the internets?
No, I’m sorry, there isn’t time. …
Maybe Adam Yoshida can run the United States by radio control from his mother’s basement.
“And, really, who (meaning, what) is “JB Williams”? Can he really be both that stupid and that pretentious?”
Oh, yeah, baby, you better believe he can. I had a running e-dabate with this moron about a year ago in which he repeatedly claimed that it was impossible to balance one’s budget if one took on ny long-term debt. I brought up the excruciatingly obvious point that millions of families in this country take on long-term debt in the form of mortgages, yet have no problem balancing their budgets. I also pointed out that most corporations finance expansion by issuing a form of long-term debt called bonds. Somehow these points failed to penetrate his thick skull, and he continued to rant about how it was impossible – IMPOSSIBLE I TELL YOU! – that one could assume long-term debt without spiralling inevitable into bankruptcy. If he is that clueless about one of the most basic aspects of capitalism, it is entirely possible that he can clueless on any other subject as well.