Crack Pipes For Wingnut Junkies

Daniel “Crack” Pipes, sympathetically interviewed by an employee of Richard Mellonhead Scaife’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, calls the Iraq war “a success”.

And there’s more:

Q: Were you in favor of going to war in Iraq, and how do you think it’s progressing or regressing?

A: I was in favor. I continue to be in favor of the campaign to eliminate the rule of Saddam Hussein, with all the dangers to the Iraqis, to the region and to ourselves.

In favor for how long? Who knows, but if Pipes means to say “always,” well, then… Sadly, No!:

Pipes did co-author an article with Laurie Mylroie for the New Republic entitled “Back Iraq: It’s Time for a U.S. Tilt.â€? (4/27/87) I would provide the link to this article from the “complete list of articles” on Mr. Pipes’ website, but he seems to have neglected to include it. Funny, that.

Oh, man, this interview is chock-full of insanity.

For three years now I have been protesting the use of American troops to mediate between tribes, help rebuild electricity grids, oversee school construction, which seems to me to be a wrong use of our forces, of our money. The Iraqis should be in charge of that. We should keep the troops there, in the desert, looking after the international boundaries, making sure there are no atrocities, making sure oil and gas goes out, otherwise leaving Iraq to the Iraqis.

In other words: Fuck the infrastructure we destroyed. Except for the oil and gas — by all means fix any problems and keep it flowing. And schools and mediation? C’mon. They’re muslims. We shouldn’t help them with any of that stuff.

Also, take loving note of his “making sure there are no atrocities” bit. That’s his tongue-in-cheek part of the answer.

We have to be very cautious about pushing a process before the people of the area are really quite ready for it — until they’ve gone beyond what I call the “totalitarian temptation,” so that they have a more balanced, moderate view of the world than they do at this time.

This is perhaps best parsed as: “We have to grind the rotten bastards down before we let them elect anybody with any real sovereignty.” Pipes intensely fears and loathes the prospect of a democratically-elected but anti-American Iraqi sovereign. So Pipes recommends a period of intense social engineering that will train the Iraqis to love us and our Son Of Heaven Dear Leader; in short, he advocates the whole nation becoming a re-education camp. We love it when Pipes gets catty like this; mao mao mao!

Q: What is the biggest lesson you have learned from the Iraq war?

A: The ingratitude of the Iraqis for the extraordinary favor we gave them — to release them from the bondage of Saddam Hussein’s tyranny. They have rapidly interpreted it as something they did and that we were incidental to it. They’ve more or less written us out of the picture.

There it is, all in one nut’s shell.


Comments: 27


nice. ‘Crack’ Pipes. I am totally stealing that if I ever write to the New York Post again.


Ingratitude must be a new approach for the neo-cons. Andy McCarthy used it today too:

the American people have understandably come to view Iraqis as not nearly grateful enough for all we have sacrificed on their behalf.


But he’s really never so much fun as when he obliquely flirts with Michelle Maglalang via blog.


The fact is that Iraq’s infrastructure was destroyed due to the actions of Saddam Hussein. The left shows it’s lack of consistancy when they talk about how they oppose the war, but they want us to stay there longer.

We are doing a lot of rebuilding as a show of gratitude to the Iraqi people for welcoming us in 2003.

As for the “unpopular” Bush. He threw out the first pitch today, tossed it over the plate and got a standing ovation.

But remember, the mainstream media says that he is unpopular. Ha ha ha.


He’s stolen my moniker!!


Goddamnit, Ruprecht, why do you have to be my troll around here? Why do Brad and Gavin and Seb get Dr. BLT but I’m stuck with your dumb ass? Blah!


Is anyone actually surprised if Bush gets a standing ovation for throwing a ball correctly?

Hell, I’d give him one for it. It vasty exceeds my expectations of him.

I clapped when my two year old nephew made poopy on the potty, too.


The Iraq War is an obvious success as well.

In fact, the rate of casualties for 2005 was below a few peacetime years. That’s how successful the war was.

And if we were to cut and run from Iraq, that would tell the terrorists that terrorism works and then they would come here and kill millions in terrorist attacks.


Okay, Gary, now you’ve just given up. You’re not even trying any more.

‘s true. Where’s the Doc?


OT: Congrats to S,N! for getting the runner-up spot in the “Most Humorous Blog” of the Koufax Awards!

Way to go! (Just remember all the little people who made you what you are today…)


W is the proverbial turd in the swimming pool and Republican candidates are putting so much distance between themselves and him they appear to have (finally) subscribed to the big bang theory, that nebbish who got fired at NASA notwithstanding. har de har har


Gary, Baseball has gotten to be almost as unpopular as Bush.

The Crushinator

The fact is that Iraq’s infrastructure was destroyed due to the actions of Saddam Hussein.

Iraq’s infrastructure began a process of decline after sanctions were leveled against that country following Hussein’s unsuccessful campaign against Kuwait. But, years later, at least some proceeds from the oil-for-food program were making it to the people. Iraq was in the midst of a delicate economic recovery when the US attacked.

Hussein didn’t put an end to that upswing; the US did – and for no real reason. There were no WMDs in Iraq, and there is no credible evidence as yet that Hussein was in cahoots with Bin Laden.

The left shows it’s lack of consistancy when they talk about how they oppose the war, but they want us to stay there longer.

That’s not inconsistency; it’s forethought. If the US leaves Iraq now, after the country has been totally destroyed by this war, that area will become nothing more than a breeding ground for terrorism. Even now, with a strong US presence, Shari’a – Islamic religious law – is playing a greater role in governing affairs of state in Iraq than secular law.

If the US leaves, you might find the calculating but decedent Baathist Regime replaced with a fiery new form of extremist government – a shade of post-revolution Iran. And you will have no one to blame but yourselves.

We are doing a lot of rebuilding as a show of gratitude to the Iraqi people for welcoming us in 2003.

Excusé moi? A big part of the impetus for going to war against Iraq was that Hussein headed a government guilty of rampant human rights violations. The US didn’t vow to rebuild out of gratitude, but out of obligation.

As for the “unpopular” Bush. He threw out the first pitch today, tossed it over the plate and got a standing ovation.

Wow that’s…uh…like totally scientific, man. I am so convinced of the Grand Idiot’s popularity now.

But remember, the mainstream media says that he is unpopular. Ha ha ha.

Yes, for the Mainstream Media™ is the enemy of all that is good and right. They lie because they have an agenda. All of them are working together – the networks, the papers, everyone. It’s a big conspiracy. Soon, they’ll be beaming images straight into your head with their mind control rays. Digital cable is the devil.


And if we were to cut and run from Iraq, that would tell the terrorists that terrorism works and then they would come here and kill millions in terrorist attacks.

This is so sweet…endearing, really. Like a child’s letter to God about how he thinks God should fix all the problems in the world. So disarmingly naive, so charmingly ignorant, so amusingly tone-deaf, so wonderfully dumb.

It’s cute that 8 year-olds read Sadly No.


Ingrates indeed! Look at all those dead relatives we’ve given the families! You can’t get that kinda thing just anywhere from just anyone.

Oh, that ovation was for the ball. When Dubya started to wind up, most people thought he was about to shove that poor thing right up his ass.

LA Confidential Pantload

The President threw out the first pitch today in Iraq? How’d I miss that?


Man, Gary, Teh was right, these are starting to feel phoned in. Do yourself a favor, take a break, maybe get a massage or a facial. You’ll come back refreshed and ready to dish out something with a little higher quality. Do it for America, Gary.


Well gee, if Bush is popular in one of the most republican cities in the country (Cincinnati) then golly, he must be that popular everywhere!


Could it be Gary that the last remaining Bush supporters flocked to the Cincy game because they knew their stupor hero was going to throw out the first pitch? Hmmmm. Kinda like those fundraiser dealies, huh?


Over the plate? Sadly, no.
I wasn’t paying that much attention at that point, but that ball was very high and freakishly inside — so inside it would have been outside on the other side had there been a batter (a right-handed batter).


Ha! From CNN:

In the Cubs’ clubhouse, Bush walked in and announced, “This is the year.” He went straight to manager Dusty Baker, grabbed his hand, and turned him to the cameras. “Smile,” Bush said, shaking Baker’s hand with a broad grin. Baker did as instructed, saying, “I’ll do what I got to do.”


Ruppert just went over th top when he called that pitch a strike.


that smile earned Baker yet another year of mediocrity. The Cubs will finish no better than third, and then only if the Iraqis break out those flowers we were promised.

I just this second saw that ‘pitch’ and all I can say is that was only a strike if it was a Yankee throwing.

The Reds, by the way, have not given up that many runs in an opener since ’77. 1877!

I blame that on the kiss of death, GWB…

Hopefully the Reds performance is a portent of the Repubs’ election results this year.


Jesus. I have a Muslim friend who was screwed over by one of Pipes’s minions, but I STILL thought that last quote was some kind of “shorter Daniel Pipes” straw man until I clicked the link.


Gary R.,
Here’s a trick to help you never make the it’s/its mistake again. Don’t contract “it’s” in place of “it is” when writing, at least not while you’re relearning them. So, for example, you could comment that “It is sad that Mexico won’t sell us more of its natural gas.” Sure it’s clunky, but you’ll know that you’re as right as you think you are.


The Town & Country Maoist

Horrible yuppie Stephen Green, who first enlisted in the 101st Keyboard Brigade when the thought struck him that another terrorist attack might damage his spiffy Ikea entertainment center, checks the ideological inventory of American institutions and i…


Man, Gary, Teh was right, these are starting to feel phoned in. Do yourself a favor, take a break, maybe get a massage or a facial.

Oh, tigrismus… why, oh why do you want men to ejaculate on poor Gary’s face? OK, it’s all good fun, right, teh? But, it’s messy.


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