Shorter Leon de Winter

Soft Europe

The problem with Europe is its unwillingness to start unprovoked wars of aggression.


Comments: 9


Yes, it’s all Europe’s fault, the mess that Israel and America are in re: Iran. Boo hoo hoo!


I’ve long suspected that conservatives are going backwards through history to re-fight all the battles they lost so they can pretend they won, but this is ridiculous. World War I? Really?


Well, I tried to read the link. I got as far as Is the Continent willing to fight for anything, besides a welfare check (sic)? and gave up.


I am willing to go to Europe and scold each and every one of them personally. It would be a sacrifice, but one I’m willing to make.


If they had a Bushtard, that wouldn’t be a problem. I for one will front the cash to put him on the first plane in first class no less to get rid of him FOREVER!


Poor republicans can’t win a major war so they want to relive Democratic triumphs and pretend that a Repuke won them
Cut and runners all.


If they had a Bushtard, …

Yes, if only Europe had “einen wunderbare Führer” to lead them. …


I for one will front the cash to put him on the first plane in first class no less to get rid of him FOREVER!

One, tiny problem with this scheme, AG. If Chimpy McHitletburton was EU Preznit, it’s only be a matter of months before the EU invaded us, in the name of freeance and peeance, and because we have WMD. And, this time, he’d be right!


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