Everything’s wrong is the new everything’s right
Posted on November 15th, 2008 by
ok, so the images aren’t showing up anywhere and a lot of things are broken. This is all pretty much by design and will be resolved soon, but not right away soon, this weekend soon.
Gavin adds: Hey, they found a Kenyan birth certificate with the name “Barack Hussein Obama,” dated August 4, 1961.
Also, I guess everyone has heard about the inevitable naked pictures of Pam Atlas, but in case they’ve disappeared from the site already…
Above: Nordic Track should sue
Did someone touch the blinkenlights?
Ich werde die zweite Bemerkung
Oh, good. My German will fit right in.
I’m beginning to notice something. After dealing with the passive-aggressive whining of wingnuts, I am beginning to form a hypothesis. Here it is, in rough form:
Schadenfreude ist die schönste Freude.
So the site is broken again, but it all will be worth it eventually, and we’ll all get new toys?
If you’re fixing the site, in the name of sweet baby Jesus fix the goddamned WordPress!
You can try to fool us, but we all know that now you have a Marxist President the hamsters have formed a trade union and are now striking in favour of more tasty nibbles and a reduced workload.
WordPress fixes you!
I thought the little question mark was a clever new photoshop of a wingnut.
I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Snorg, WordPress tech support is on line 2. A Mr. Beelzebub…
The server you hide your images on is plugged in, isn’t it?
At least put up the frigging test card!
just because i didn’t see what i thought i saw doesn’t mean there wasn’t something there i didn’t see.
Maybe linkies in the meantime? I’M DYING HERE.
In the meantime…can you guys help me with Friday’s Day by Day? Doggie style? I don’t understand.
the inevitable naked pictures of Pam Atlas
Oh, thank GOD there are no piccy-thingies.
New eyeballs are expensive, y’know.
In the meantime…can you guys help me with Friday’s Day by Day? Doggie style? I don’t understand.
They are members of the mainstream media, aka the MSM, kowtowing before Obama, aka The One. It is very funny and opportune. The short explanatory notes below each day’s strip are very helpful.
Bitte . . . WDF???
(Vielen Dank)
Werden in Frieden
Like the infamous sign said, Arby’s Mit Fries.
If I use polarized lenses in two plies, can I look at the naughty photos of Pam? And report back what I see? For the common good? Think about it.
And how come WP forgot my name?
Nudie pix of Pam Atlas = 4 th sake of my retinaz, plz do NOT fix THIS post EVAR thx.
I don’t want to see the nudie pics(except the Odal-EEK, the lack of which makes me very Ingres-y) but I do want to see the birth certificate so I know if I need to get a refund on my vote anent applicable lemon laws.
OMG, where’s the preview? PREEEEEEEVIEW!
This is some kind of meta-joke about missing evidence, right?
Not to mention the only reason I’d want to see Pam Geller naked is to find out fi she has a boob job as bad as her disturbingly overtanned skin. “Silicone Melanoma” — it sounds like an Oasis parody, doesn’t it?
For further information on the care safety of pet websites please visit , “Sadly No” ,
Thank you
No, you cannot haz prevuez, I eated it.
OK, I see the Rethug playbook at the top, but nothing else shows up…
Kampf ist zwecklos.
I guess my German of “Mr Braun watches Football with his son” is not much use here.
There is genuine Kenyan Birth certificate??? Is this real genuine or wingnut genuine so that it has “Toytown” crossed out and Kenyah written in green marker pen.
Is the freakin Michelle Obama “Whitey” tape going to come out soon???
I’d like to see the pictures of Mad Pam. I don’t care what you think, I had a misspent youth with ‘Ilsa, She-Wolf Of The SS’ and I think this is a chance to revisit those happy memories . . .
Excuse me, but I believe that would be “harpy memories,” Steve.
Excuse me, but I believe that would be “harpy
memoriesmammaries,” Steve.Fixed.
YooHooligan FTW