How To Lose A Guy In 9 Days
Posted on November 15th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Above: Sher Zieve
Rep. Paul Broun apologizes for telling the truth
Day 9 of Obama Watch
- America has elected a Marxist Hitler to the presidency who is plotting to mobilize a vast totalitarian army of Nazi Gestapo-Shirts, and I must say that male Republican leaders really ought to act more masculine about the whole thing.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Civilian national security forces are of course a staple of all Nazi-esque totalitarian dictatorships, like Switzerland.
What a bunch of whackos and why does that lady wear a giant mushroom on her head?
This just adds more evidence to my hypothesis that wingnuts don’t actually EVER look into mirrors.
Thanks for that datum.
She deserves a gold star for not calling him ‘Barack Hussein Obama’.
God, she writes at an eighth grade level. You’d think wingnut welfare would have SOME standards.
Don’t forget Cynthia Dubar:
This is a member of the Texas State Board of Education. No, really.
what is that thing growing on her head?
She was awesome on Buck Rogers.
America has elected a
MarxistMarxist-Terror-Homo-Feudal-Hitler to the presidency.Speaking of mirrors, owlbear1:
The money we work ever harder for will now go into the pockets of those who deserve it the least.
They’re just nucking futz.
Can they at least make up their minds, fer crissakes?
I mean, do they UNDERSTAND that you can’t be a Marxist AND a Nazi?
That he can’t be a Black Nationalist Christian AND a Muslim?
That the Nazis hated nee-grows, along with gypsies an lots of other people who didn’t look like the little girls singing in Sadly, No’s basement?
Could they all get together and refine the narrative of hate, please? It’s not the hatred that bugs me so much as the ignorance….
She should be taken out and shot for that hairdo alone.
Jha Vol Mon Commandant!*
*(All I know about the German language I learned from watching “Hogan’s Heroes” while I was in Kindergarten.)
Nazi Gestapo Shirts
Available exclusively at Target™.
Available exclusively at Target™.
Speaking of which, whatever happened to the Man from Fuddles, MN?
…according to internet traditions, shouldn’t that be “How to Loose a Guy…”?
Hey mikey, get a load of this from her column the day before:
With the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency of the United States of America, the country has — officially — jumped the shark. …Apparently, a goodly portion of the permanently dumbed-down population — both legal and illegal — has decided that it’s time to give Marxist oppression a try.
Yes, the entire country has put on a black leather jacket and successfully biked over the shark tank. But the dingbat adds this quote:
“In Germany, they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up.” — attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller.
My diagnosis: No sign of intelligent life.
Obama is also set upon a path of redistributing the wealth of others — this is more Marxist than Hitlerian — to those Obama feels are more deserving. Hmmm. Like himself and members of the Democrat Congress, perhaps? The money we work ever harder for will now go into the pockets of those who deserve it the least. But, this is what the “people” — which people remains a very big mystery to me — voted in. By the way, it’s called either feudalism or tyranny — same things. Note: If Mr. Obama does not want the comparisons made to Marx and Hitler, he should not advocate and plan for programs that beg them.
What, you mean CEOs don’t deserve lower tax rates than the people who generate the profits for their companies, in addition to salaries that are 400 x higher than those of the workers? I think she’s also confused about the meaning of the word “feudalism”, which is what corporations currently impose upon the serfs who work for them. And no, feudalism and tyranny are not the “same things”.
I realize that I’m probably asking too much in expecting those who tell the truth — especially members of the Republican Party — to actually stand by it. As I said in a column, some time ago, the GOP seems to have lost all of its testosterone. As of today, nothing’s changed much. And until male leaders of the Republican Party decide to actually retake their manhood, nothing will.
I think she just said that Republicans are dickless. Finally, something we can agree with.
She looks like whasser-face from “Benson”.
Dunbar wrote that a terrorist attack on America during the first six months of an Obama administration “will be a planned effort by those with whom Obama truly sympathizes to take down the America that is threat to tyranny.”
Yeah, just like Clinton used Waco as an excuse to shut down all “alternative religions” in the country and to sieze everyone’s guns. ‘Member how he did that?
But the dingbat adds this quote
Glenn Back spouted that out his ignorant piehole the other day, too.
I suppose it’s too much to hope the revenge-hungry corpse of Pastor Niemoller returns from the dead to personally kick the ass of any Repug who uses that in relation to Obama.
Yeah, just like Clinton used Waco as an excuse to shut down all “alternative religions” in the country and to sieze everyone’s guns. ‘Member how he did that?
That was a black op being run out of the office of Sox the White House cat, right?
Luckily, Newt G. and the House Republicans shut it down.
Republican leaders really ought to act more masculine about the whole thing. Hrmph. Heh. Hah. BWAHAHAWAHAHA
Yeah, why doesn’t Larry Craig get on it? Or Lindsey Graham. Or Mitch McConnell. Or Pat McHenry? ad infinitum
Not only has the phrase “jump the shark” jumped the shark, but a conservative idiot using the phrase to describe America and not the party she represents is to build a giant ramp over a shark farm that is overflowing with sharks totally determined to drive down the ramp in a jet-powered motorcycle capable of flight.
Apropos to the topic at hand, I’m surprised I haven’t seen more of Pam Geller being made fun of around here. If you thought she was insane before you have to read her blog now, she’s completely and utterly lost it.
If you’re talking about the cranially-endowed man who has difficult relationships with female barbers, he seems to have embarked on a new blogging project that allows his whiny bitterness full flower. Someone at Alicublog gave the link a couple of weeks ago. I took a peek and quickly fled.
Off the deep end with the cranky.
I think she’s saying Republican leaders need more h@rb@l V|agra.
Or they could just watch this.
Henceforth, this time shall be known as the Fish-i-a-Barrel Age of Sadly, No!
Speaking of which, whatever happened to the Man from Fuddles, MN?
I dunno, but I found another Lileks a couple months back.
And sadly enough, he seems to think the comparison was a compliment.
With two wetsuits on.
By the way, it’s called either feudalism or tyranny — same things.
I voted for Obama because I expect him to institute corvée here in the U.S.
I was right. We’re just treading water here.
Don’t miss Captain Ed taking shit from the Hot Air commenters for arguing Broun’s statement doesn’t help the cause.
Is Broun one of the Rethugs who’s facing defeat in an interminable state recount? And if not, why not?
Broun won his race comfortably (Georgia’s District 10). Ask Matt T. for details.
Well! I had almost forgotten about Pammy until Tyler brought her up. Whew! For your amusement, a small sample..
I down in Florida covering David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend.
This was never end.
I respect them as I watch my fwellow countrymen…
And the piece de resistance
I will tell you what it is. It is an absolute political, social, military, legal, financial system of totalitarianism.
Thanks Pam, now I know what totalitarianism is.
Do the sharks have lasers? They should have lasers.
Do the sharks have lasers? They should have lasers.
And strapping rocket packs on their backs. Cuz, really, otherwise what’s the point?
See, this is what happens when one of only two political factions in a country is ideologically bankrupt: It must rip off the opposition and twist its complaints into a facsimile. Thus the liberals’ recognition of the Republicans as the party of neo-Nazis is transmogrified into the neocons’ loser-whiny plaint of “socialism” and/or “Marxism,” as if any of them have even the slightest clue what they’re talking about.
Jeezus Hussein Krist, life isn’t even high school anymore; it’s devolved to elementary schoolyard name-calling and bully-shoving.
She said Obama’s civilian force is going to be like the Gestapo. Can I stop reading now?
So the dogwhistle message has gone from “kill him, he’s a N****R” to “you righteous REAL white americans need to take up arms against this Obama government”.
Man. If the miserable crud-heaps are sending that message now, less than two weeks after the election and months before the inauguration, I can only imagine the incitement to overthrow the government we’ll be seeing a year from now…
I voted for Obama because I expect him to institute corvée here in the U.S.
I voted for ius primae noctis.
bill said,
November 15, 2008 at 2:56
She said Obama’s civilian force is going to be like the Gestapo. Can I stop reading now?
It’s not the Gestapo, it’s the Gestapo-Stasi-KGB. With Flying Imams leading them.
to the presidency who is plotting to mobilize a vast totalitarian army of Nazi Gestapo Shirts
Irons. We need lots of Irons!
Renew America: New, shiny, sparkling layout!
Same foaming lunacy!
Now with Internecine Castration ™.
And now for some happy reading
Bernie Sanders Joins Leahy In Demanding Ouster Of Lieberman From Chairmanship
By Greg Sargent and Eric Kleefeld – November 14, 2008, 5:15PM
Bernie Sanders is a better Democrat than many of the Senators who actually are party members.
The Golden Mushroom of which our ancestors have told! Bow down! Kneel and worship, wretches!
When the Obots came for the hockey moms,
I remained silent;
I was not a hockey mom.
When they locked up the plumbers called Joe,
I remained silent;
I was not a plumber called Joe.
When they came for the real Americans,
I did not speak out;
I was not a real American.
When they came for the white males, the Jews of Liberal Fascism,
I remained silent;
I was not a white male.
When they came for me,
they brought a lot of beer, gave me my own overseer’s whip, and we all sang the Internationale. GET TO WORK BUILDING MY PYRAMID, FREEDOM LOVERS!
This is industrial-strength crazy. If this bint knows what’s good for her, she’ll get on the Obama bandwagon now. It’s her only hope for avoiding the camps.
She looks like whasser-face from “Benson”.
Inga Swenson.
And mikey, they’re just throwing as much shit as they can to see what sticks. You know who else was known for throwing statements out there to gauge crowd reaction? Hitler. Just sayin’.
Pretty soon they’ll claim he’s the Grand Islamomarxifacist World Dictator who will command his Black Muslim Nationalist Army to come get the white wimmins and steal your Escalades, fried chicken and watermelon. And it’s all because the Fabulous Gay Army worked in league with Obama so that they can make America’s sons gay marry in a tub of aborted fetuses.
I, for one, am enjoying the fact that the wingnut circuits are overblown at the fact that America elected a melanin-enhanced president. The crazy is very crazy.
what is that thing growing on her head?
And, who’s that lady on the left?
Only Sher Zieve’s hairdresser knows for sure
Classic picture, guys.
Is B Hussein still a Muslin or is he a godless MarxBrothersist? I’m getting confused.
Wa Hoooooooooooo!
When they came for me,
they brought a lot of beer, gave me my own overseer’s whip, and we all sang the Internationale. GET TO WORK BUILDING MY PYRAMID, FREEDOM LOVERS!
I am very interested in your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I think I shall have my zombielike slaves build obelisks. It’s more fun to say “obelisk” than “pyramid”. And no cheap domestic beer, either.
Only Sher Zieve’s hairdresser knows for sure
Hey, up close like that Shatner looks almost lifelike!
OK, for a change I zipped over to read the objet de ridicule but I didn’t get far.
The Gestapo were the Brownshirts? Since when? The Gestapo were the secret police and came later, if I remember correctly. The brownshirts were the street hooligans.
Oddly, when I went to Google to double-check because I’ve got so much in my head and keyed in the two terms, the first million entries were about Obama’s Nazi Gestapo Brownshirts. Unbefuckinglievable, not to mention insulting to people who actually lived through the Nazi nightmare.
…it’s all because the Fabulous Gay Army worked in league with Obama
There’s going to be a Gay Army? Awesome! I’m sure the guys will prefer to march but the Dykes will be driving the tanks. Watch out!
“I don’t know what’s going on in the world these days. It seems like everyone’s just got everything turned around. People don’t seem to care about their fellow man – we’re just all goin’ for that big ice cream cone in the sky. They haven’t figured out what happens when your eyes get bigger than your belly – like an ostrich who eats his pizza with his head stuck in the sand! If they can’t see it, it’s not there! And you know, it really does take a worried man!“
That lady on the left looks a lot like my penis, though without the costume jewelry.
I was about to say she looked like your penis.
The brownshirts were the street hooligans.
Yup, the Brownshirts were the Sturmarbteiling(sp?), the S.A. of the early years of Nazism who were purged as soon as Hitler took power because they were too much of a security risk. (ref. Ernst Rohm and The Night Of The Long Knives)
It’s a piss-poor analogy, and just helpes to point up how the conservatives get all their historical knowledge from syndicated TV shows and back issues of DC Comics.
“Apropos to the topic at hand, I’m surprised I haven’t seen more of Pam Geller being made fun of around here. If you thought she was insane before you have to read her blog now, she’s completely and utterly lost it.’
Tyler , wouldn’t it be cruel to mock someone who has gone officially mad after Obama victory ?
The incomparable Jon Swift writes ,
“Atlas Shrugs waxed poetic, too, transforming herself into a Jewish, orthographically challenged e.e. cummings: “he says he is a democrat. i think he does so to hide that he is a committed marxist leninist who intends to impose a marxist dictatorhip upon this country, which advancig the interests of islam. he will attempt to either impose or import sharia, and sharia financing into this country. he is not my president. i do not accept him we have no deals, mr. obama and i, as he has vitiated them by a fundamental and far reaching fraud. he has evil designes and intents upon me and mine, upon thee and me.”
And you know, it really does take a worried man!“
Big Entertainment Rocks!
This is the most perfect internet blog comment of all time.
See David Alan Coe for the “The Perfect Country and Western Song”
Some things just are.
…let’s begin the rationalizations.
wouldn’t you like the funny first (we know how you like the funny)
And you know, it really does take a worried man!
I just want to savor the multilayered textures and the syncopated rhythm. I’m hip to all that.
(oh, look – a fly!!)
I’m sure that if a conservative talked this way, we’d hear liberals screeching fascism
Well, firstly, you’re a tool, and secondly, Obama isn’t a right-wing batshit insane power-hungry 9/11-exploiting sociopathic assloon.
But other than that your concern has been noted.
(BTW, I eagerly await the inevitable mea culpas of the conservatives who trashed for comparing Bush to Hitler, seeing as they’re being, you know, total fucking hypocrites and everything.)
Shorter Pravda: I keep jerkin’ and jerkin’ but it just stays limp!
There she was beaten. The four women, all black, called Grossmann a “racist.”
I smell the stinky scent of “Ashley Todd Part 2: Electric Boogaloo”.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Liberal. this funny yet? …not coming through. Perhaps it’s too subtle.
If you want us to be funny for you, you’ll have to give better hints.
Verily, Truth, thou art more boring than an auger. Strewth.
Jerkin’ Back and Forth
Henceforth, this time shall be known as the Fish-i-a-Barrel Age of Sadly, No!
I think Andre would have won the thread if he’d gone with shark in a barrel.
I declare all you liberals to be hypocrites, declare myself the winner of all debates, and declare that I don’t need to answer your questions (I can Palinate them)
And you liberals are POOPYHEADS!
Go ahead and try to deny it. Just try. It will prove that you are all hypocrites.
And that I win!!!
“OK, so what do you liberals think of a civilian security force?”
I’d actually prefer a civilian army to the bloated military-industrial complex that we have now. “National security concern” is something that extends beyond scary Mooslims and Chinese people overeas (see: Katrina), and it would be nice to have an apparatus better able to respond to internal contingencies.
“Is it dandy because Wise Master Obama proposed it?”
I actually think Obama’s plan is a bit grandiose. Being “just as well funded” as our current military means spending upwards of $700 billion per annum on it when economic concerns should be top priority (this assumes that the right-wing quotes accurately reflect Obama’s intentions, something which I don’t take for granted but will allow for the sake of argument).
“I’m sure that if a conservative talked this way, we’d hear liberals screeching fascism – let’s begin the rationalizations.”
Yeah, so there are whackos on both sides. That doesn’t excuse the David Koresh lunacy we’re seeing from people like Pam Geller and the subject of this post.
Tyler, a simple “I like pie, too” suffices.
“I declare all you liberals to be hypocrites, declare myself the winner of all debates, and declare that I don’t need to answer your questions (I can Palinate them)
And you liberals are POOPYHEADS!
Go ahead and try to deny it. Just try. It will prove that you are all hypocrites.
And that I win!!!”
I just cannot decide if it’s the real The Truth or a parody . He , like all rightwingers , is beyond parody .
Barrack Hussein Obama can’t but help himself from revealing his true colors.
Most recent glaring example in point – he picked “renegade” as his Secret Service codename. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, renegade’s earliest meanings had to do with deserting one’s religion, coming from the Spanish word renegado, originally Christian turned Muslim.
Eventually in the not too distant future, even the most clueless Americans who voted for him are going to catch on. Obama’s putative presidency is soon going to hit the shoals. what do you liberals think of a civilian security force
Well, I don’t know. Why don’t we ask this policeman here?
God made Man, but a monkey supplied the glue.
“Tyler, a simple “I like pie, too” suffices.”
I do not think this means what (I suspect) you think it means. (and the rest of your comment is too retarded for words)
Most recent glaring example in point – he picked “renegade” as his Secret Service codename.
I don’t know, maybe he’s just a Styx fan.
I don’t want to be a message board policeman, peeps.
I’m just sayin’: remember when we were all having fun, just a short while ago?
Do we need another 500 message thread of people responding to troofie’s straw men arguments, false equivalencies, unfounded b.s., irrelevant nonsense, outright lies, and gooper projection?
Poopyhead, thy name is liberal.
I don’t want to be a message board policeman, peeps.
It’s a member of the civilian security force!
Sadly, my friend Thunder, I fear we do.
Because there doesn’t seem to be a way to get there from here..
Ya know, the annoying thing about all this is that, when it turns out Obama doesn’t start the Fourth Blackreich, the response isn’t’ going to be, “Huh, well I feel silly. Maybe my rampant fear and hate mongering is actually hurting the over-all well being of the country?”
We need a thread with more stuff like this.
I like to try to address “Truth” with succinct and subtle humor – which I suspect goes right over its head, but may amuse others (at least it amuses me, and that’s what it’s all about, no?).
…maybe we should think of “Truth” as the ultimate straight man
As I said in a column, some time ago, the GOP seems to have lost all of its testosterone.
This is good news, right?
We need a thread with more stuff like this.
As I said in a column, some time ago, the GOP seems to have lost all of its testosterone.
This is good news, right?
…depends who found it.
“Renegade” shows how much he loves Rage because he’s the biggest Lefty von Lefterberg EVER. Che wears an Obama shirt. Marx’s words should in actually be translated “from each according to his ability, to Obama because he’s gonna spread that mother-fuckin’ wealth, bitch.” Marx had a real potty mouth.
Funny, tigrismus. The pod people thing was big with my
friendsfiends back in collage.We used to do that pointing, throw our heads back, and shriek all the time!
Good grief. ANOTHER thread trolljacked.
This is so disappointing. Is it time to look for another place to hang out? It seems to happen every six months to a year or so. Ah well, c’est la vie. I’ll check back.
I know what you’re saying, ckc. I used to do the same thing.
But the inevitable result is that thread two posts back. We went through all this before with some other attention trolls (note: presuming this isn’t the same person/s).
..well, I occasionally feel the need to respond to something, and I agree with most of the rest of you folks, most of the time. Maybe you need to be more trollish.
I was just thinking … we’ve got an awful lot of DFH’s up here, many of them shaggy enough to put Bigfoot to shame – & many of them will surely be getting haircuts soon in preparation for their annual Xmas visit with Mom & Pop … & these wingnut folks sure do sound like a primo demographic to target with a hair-shirt franchise. The post-January market looks especially ripe for, er, harvesting – & the hair will be suitably aged for maximum penitence by then as well.
Get the DFH’s to pay for hair-removal at the front-end, THEN get the wingnuts to pay for BOTH weaving & wearing the hair-shirts? Why the hell not? No money-allergies here! It’s a win-win all around! Recycling has never looked so much like a numbered Swiss bank-account.
Time-share in the Hamptons, here I come!
If you honestly think it could ever hold a candle to America’s hyper-miltitarized regular police for sheer brutality & menace, you better stock up on those Depends. There’s already an informal civilian security force aspect to DHS & has been since about 2002, so thanks for failing.
Would you rather have a large & well-coordinated civilian outfit helping you out after a hurricane, earthquake or tornado – or the Army Corps of Engineers & FEMA?
Might want to ask some folks from NOLA about those options first – they’ve had some personal up-close experience with the latter option, & it seems they weren’t exactly delighted with the results.
If you are watching this film, then we are under extraterrestrial attack!
Aw man, nobody commented on my awesome link pointing out this lady’s uncanny resemblance.
Would you rather have a large & well-coordinated civilian outfit helping you out after a hurricane, earthquake or tornado
The president-elect specifically stated that the Civilian Service Corps would only be used for loading Real Americans onto trains.
OT, but looks like Alan Keyes is back. Still butthurt over not being an Illinois Senator I see.
Do we need another 500 message thread of people responding to troofie’s straw men arguments, false equivalencies, unfounded b.s., irrelevant nonsense, outright lies, and gooper projection?
No, we most certainly do not. The last thing we need is to get sidetracked by another one of The Truth’s cockamamie obsessions. And it’s just like I was telling my friends, the Jena 6, that…
oh, sh*t.
..I politely asked you liberals what you thought of the civilian security force Obama proposed
…and no one cares to answer … funny.
Silly LIEBRALS!! Absolute government power is reserved for bombing brown people and sending fags to concentration camps, just like Reagan and God intended.
Oh, fuck nabalzbbfr… You again? You’ve been told multiple times now that THE SECRET SERVICE CHOOSES THE NICKNAMES. Now fuck off. For reals this time.
Aw man, nobody commented on my
I hereby use my awesome blog commenting power to officially and for all time validate your…wait what was I doing again?
My response to Mr. Pravda.
I hereby use my awesome blog commenting power to officially and for all time validate your…wait what was I doing again?
You can’t leave me like this!
Note: If Mr. Obama does not want the comparisons made to Marx and Hitler, he should not advocate and plan for programs that beg them.
This is one of my favorite quotes of the year. It contains multitudes in its simplicity: wingnutism encapsulated.
Only Nazis pet puppies.
Yeah, why doesn’t Larry Craig get on it? Or Lindsey Graham. Or Mitch McConnell. Or Pat McHenry?
Yeah, that sounds like a decent barbershop quartet to me.
I’m probably going to get torn to shreds for this, but I was actually wondering something similar to what The Truth asked. Only my version was to ask what the reaction from the right would have been if lame-duck-president-finally-on-his-way-out-Bush had proposed a civilian defense force. I still have no idea just what this force is supposed to be, by the way. Has president-elect-soon-to-be-president Obama given much actual detail about just what his plan consist of aside from projected cost?
As of today, nothing’s changed much. And until male [sic] leaders of the Republican Party decide to actually retake their manhood, nothing will.
…well, that’s alright, then!
notice how I’m ignoring the Thrillhouse
Umm, folks, your Trout-related case of butthurt is duly noted & all that, but … geez Louise, am I the only one that gets a wee giggle out of the sheer irony of folks bitching about a wingnut TROLL on a website that actively & explicitly TROLLS wingnut websites?
Heat, kitchen, stand it or scat.
My topical funny – let me show you it: neither Herr Trout nor ANY wingnut I’ve heard of had any pearls to clutch nor a nearby fainting-couch to land on recently over the not-so-pleasant implications of this little BushCo peccadillo, despite their hardcore championing of posse comitatus – now, what was that about liberal hypocrisy again?
Heat, kitchen, stand it or scat.
Join the killfile Mr. Boring.
Not trusting government good, confusing a civilian outfit with it bad.
Civilian, government, not QUITE the same thing – & your string of goose-eggs remians unsullied … bravo, failmeister!
…a website that actively & explicitly TROLLS wingnut websites?
Do they troll the ‘nuts or just make fun of them here?
Heat, kitchen, stand it or scat.
I pick scat. Crothers, for preference, but Louie Prima will do.
Ann Althouse would look fabulous in that hair cut.
(Knowing she Googles her own name constantly, this is my evil plot to coax her into a trip to the salon.)
this is my evil plot to coax her into a trip to the salon.
Hee hee hee! You are evil in the best possible way.
That’ll do nicely, thanks.
Righteous, dude!
Ah, yet more irony. Speaks for itself.
Boring? Sure, if you say so.
Censoring yourself isn’t boring … it’s sure self-defeating, though.
I don’t use killfiles, pie-scripts or any such warez – I don’t think any the less of those who do, you’re the Captain of your own spaceship & all that jazz – but I just don’t want to have that extra set of self-imposed blinders on, especially not on the Interwebs … seems to defeat the purpose … keeping an open mind has a pricetag, & sometimes it’s a royal pain in the ass. Winds up being worth it in the long run.
Best wishes from limbo.
And for you WoW fans out there, the somewhat more tasteless use of that song.
Y’know, it’s funny. I don’t use the piescript either, but somehow everything Toofie shits out winds up reading like this anyway,
I can’t figure it out.
Spoiler for those taking the bait, the term “trolling” comes from fishing, not mythology. Toofie just comes here because he can’t get any attention anywhere else.
And for you WoW fans out there, the somewhat more tasteless use of that song.
Crazy. I’m not sure which group of people involved was goofier – the ones holding a serious funeral in an online game scenario, or the ones who busted it up. Does stuff like that happen a lot in there? I’ve never played WoW; I’m afraid to go near it.
That’s because I’m an ex-videogame-addict; gave ’em up in ’99 partly because I saw what Everquest was doing to people like me. I was much too into the plain old console games and it looked to me like the online stuff was the freebase version.
Spoiler for those taking the bait, the term “trolling” comes from fishing, not mythology.
It is one of those terms whose meaning has wandered, or at least bifurcated. I remember the fishing-type trolls from Usenet, like Kibo convincing the Seaquest DSV fans that the studio was going to digitally replace Roy Scheider with William Shatner in all the episodes, or something like that. I don’t remember ever seeing that kind of activity on a blog, and definitely not on a political blog. Wingnut trolls lack the patience and cleverness necessary for it.
Those were the days – YHBT. YHL. HAND.
They were days, anyway.
…that is, I haven’t seen the carefully crafted trolling on blogs. Some of the Usenet ones went on for days, IIRC.
I definitely have seen plenty of people get taken in by the fake wingnut trolls on political blogs.
Heh heh heh, maybe you should ask Amy Alkon.
If you can get across her shit-moat, that is.
Oh, god. Video games.
I could go on and on on the topic of video games, gamers, and the culture and all that, but allow me to play crotchety-not-so-old-geek here:
It does seem to me that there was a time not so long ago you could play video games, and even be a fan of video games…and still be an intelligent, articulate geek who understood computer systems beyond the marketing crap fed to you by hardware and software companies. Even if I was interested in video games today I could not get anywhere near them because gamer culture just repulses me. If there was ever worse crowd of dimwitted consumerist tools than the people who call themselves “gamers”…I haven’t found it.
WoW is just that culture taken to it’s logical conclusion. It doesn’t really shock me the way it does some people because I look at the video game world these days and it’s mostly a wasteland.
Heh heh heh, maybe you should ask Amy Alkon.
If you can get across her shit-moat, that is.
I’m ashamed to admit it, but the Alkon thing was some of the most fun I’ve ever had on the interwebs. Who knew how much entertainment you could have with a bigot and a sharp stick?
I’ve never played WoW; I’m afraid to go near it.
Oh dear FSM, stay far, far away! My son was so addicted I thought we were going to have to have him committed or something. He actually wore a hole in his desk from mousing all day and half the night. It’s the crack of games. The China White of RPG.
Me, I just ignore the trolls most of the time and skim past them, picking up the gist of the trollery from the other commenters. Every now and then some piece of stupidity seems to merit a response, but most of the trolls that have been around over the past year are just kind of boring. None have really pissed me off since Annie Angel couple of years back. I like it that Sadly isn’t the kind of place that bans dissenters right and left. Some sites I like a lot are like that, and I always find a banning shocking because I’m so used to Sadly’s tolerant policy.
I like it when the occasional actual wingnut appears from one of the wingnut sites after a bit of Sadly mocking. They are so rarely up to the Sadly intellectual elitist level, but sometimes some really earnest wingnut will show up and I find that no end of entertaining. Hardly ever happens though. Mostly we just get the boring repetitious Truths and the parodies. Every now and then it’s worth a rejoinder or two, but mostly I find it quite easy to ignore. I don’t really care about them one way or the other.
I’d hate to see Sadly become an echo-chamber like some blogs, and thankfully I doubt it ever will. If people want to sharpen their arguments on some hapless troll, it doesn’t bother me. mileage variance and all that jazz. In this particular instance, the Truth actually asked an on topic question for once. Perhaps this should be encouraged. It might be trainable. I doubt it, but who knows?
Things like this give me hope for video games.
McBain to base…McBain to base…under attack by Commie Nazis!
Go pennies! Help the puny children who need you!
I just watched The Life & Times Of Judge Roy Bean staring Paul Newman and a bear. The bear’s the only good part of the movie. I felt the need to share this and everyone I know’s asleep.
I have never actually played WoW. It does seem very capable of being an incredibly detrimental force in one’s life. Teh Intarwebs are bad enough, thank you. Geek-crack, indeed, and yeah, the not-even-geeks’ crack, as well.
I did used to play a bit of Unreal Tournament against the IT guys at work, but that was some years back now, and limited in scope. It was just fun to kill each other for twenty minutes in the afternoons.
Technically ignoring me would involve not mentioning me….
If the point you’re going for is that I dodged the question on the left’s reaction to Obama’s plan, well, I honestly don’t know what it is or enough about the plan to have much of an opinion yet. I do have some concerns about too much of a cult of personality developing around Obama, but I really don’t see him creating some Marxist-Nazi-Sharia-Black Power civilian army or whatever exactly the concern is.
You know, since that whole…thing…I have been granted a new IP address by an act of
GodTime Warner’s DHCP servers (I have yet to figure out how they decide to give you a new one or the same old one when your modem comes back up).Jus’ sayin’.
Me, I just ignore the trolls most of the time and skim past them, picking up the gist of the trollery from the other commenters.
That’s pretty much it for me; my killfile has relatively few people in it.
I just did a quick bit of research so I could be slightly less ignorant on the topic. Is this the plan that’s being talked about on this thread?
If so, I’m not sure what Broun and co. are freaking out over. If not, could someone point me in the right direction? Everything Gazoogle turns up seems to be right-wing speculation.
Jeezus Hussein Krist, surely MzNicky wins the thread and the century? For nearly two centuries Americans have been wondering what the H stands for in Jesus H. Christ, and suddenly it’s answered! Bow down, one and all!
About those centuries: Mark Twain documented the usage as being common in his youth. See his account of rejustifying an essay in the paper on a nice day when the guys wanted to be out swimming; but regrettably I’ve forgotten the name of the essay, now that I’ve given this spoiler.
oh dear god – also from renewamerica this article
5 by “Johnny D. Symon.” What’s with his picture in the plate mail?
Times are hard.
The typical fecal vandalism deterrent barrier customer has gone batshit crazy and is out buying up Picatinny Arsenal.
So might I suggest…
The new Batshit Crazy Shit Moat! The finest guano is imported from islands all over the South Pacific to give this particular Shit Moat a stench that says to the prospective pretend Muslim “president” that there’s no fucking way he’s taking your Bibles and your wimmens.
The Tahiti Setting completes the effect, an oasis of pure delusional insanity in a desert of fucking idiots who just don’t get how afraid they should be of the Black Power White Terrorist Fascist Marxist Dictator For Life B. Hussein Osama.
concern troll vs naif?
Hep! I can’t make any sense of today’s Day by Day:
I _think_ it’s about, hmmmm, doggy style in the WH press room but I could be wrong. It’s really weird. Hep!
Second rendition of Althouse using her current blog pic
she looks like an elderly Doris Day.
Note: I haven’t figured out how to match colour.
Amy Alkon would rock in that hair too.
If so, I’m not sure what Broun and co. are freaking out over.
J— has the answer upthread in his Cap’n Ed link. Out-of-context freak-out.
Thrillhouse – this should give you the information you need.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I _think_ it’s about, hmmmm, doggy style in the WH press room
…today’s Day by Day
..presumed intent – kowtowing
..actual impression – sudden group loss of contact lenses effect – abysmally shoddy cartooning
John Broun to base…John Broun to base…under attack by Negro Marxist Fascists!
Go pennies! Help the puny Klansmen who need you!
Secret Muslim, yeah
That’s what he is
Tries so hard to hide the way he fe-ee–eels…
You know he belongs to some god else
And he can’t let go
‘Cause what he feels, is that Allah is reeeeeaaaaallll………
“A new perspective”? What could possibly be new in conservatism?
Oh, and for the record, I would like to state that it would be wrong to round up all the wingnuts and put them in concentration camps and beat them and starve them and work them to death, so we shouldn’t do that.
Because it would be wrong.
Snorghagen, while I appreciate the link, I’m a dumbass and couldn’t even recognize the language so I could get a translation. Rana, whoa, Capt. Ed was making sense. That comment thread on the other hand…
Shouldn’t that be “TOADally looks like”?
I’m guessing this is someone who has never found themselves in the back of a Crown Vic’ realizing that police handcuffs aren’t as comfortable as those in the top drawer next to the bed. Quelle surprise.
I’m well late to this thread but, uh, I did somehow end up at the Day By Day comic. What exactly was that, perhaps, lady, doing on the floor?
What exactly was that, perhaps, lady, doing on the floor?
Beaten into submission by the S1W?
In today’s world it’s the unitary executive that has lasers and rocket packs strapped on the back. Oh yeah, when Obama and Biden take possession of their executive positions they’ll love how they’re tricked out with Congressional subpoena-defying armor and Constitution-proof fortifications.
Those features will come in very handy when Obama wants to institute his personal army of civilian security forces, who will swear a great swear of personal and exclusive loyalty to Obama, and who will mindlessly fight to make him President for Life.
Who could have imagined there was any danger in making the executive branch more powerful than the other two branches of government that were meant to check it? No one. No one could have imagined it.
The money we work ever harder for will now go into the pockets of those who deserve it the least.
Um, lady, what’s with the “will now go” bullshit? It’s already gone. That was kinda one of the big points of the election.
Who is this sad-looking creature, and why the hell would anyone care what she “thinks”?
convincing the Seaquest DSV fans
Seaquest DSV had fans?
Everything had fans on Usenet. Best troll I saw was the Loafhead troll, where in a celebrity gossip group, a woman (nicknamed Loafhead for a number of reasons) who was mercilessly insulted by everyone, including a regular based in Japan tried to get him fired from his job after learning where he worked (going RL was a cardinal sin on Usenet, and something she tried doing constantly). She was relentless and appeared to really have gotten him fired. A fund was set up for the poor out of work programmer to at least keep him going while he looked for another job,
It turned out that he was the head sysadmin and trolled her (and the rest of us) for a few days before he told us all that he’d set up the whole thing and that he was the “boss” that was conversing with said Loafhead, and “fired” himself. Some of us were in on it because he used the name of a Japanese baseball star as the “executive” that fired him, It was worth a week of merriment, and the best troll I saw on Usenet.
I challenge any of you to name a better movie than “Any Which Way but Loose”. It’s the “Citizen Kane” of Fomalhault b!
Oh, for the days when usenet was something other than a huge spam-hole.
How come you took the pretty pictures down?
The pretty pictures are coming back in a few minutes.
ok, it might take more than a few minutes but they will come back.
The musical incarnation of wingnut thought.
Oh, god. Video games.
Simba – you’ve perfectly captured how I feel about them and their fans. It’s a bit eerie.
It’s enough for me now to have been a Golden Age of Arcades player and bore the kids with that. There is an occasional new game I like to play, but damn.
Oh, for the days when usenet was something other than a huge spam-hole.
I feel old for being able to remember seeing the Green Card Lawyers spam when it first made the rounds. From the few glimpses I’ve taken lately, Usenet appears to be a bunch of bots and, oddly, ultra-racist ranters.
And to think that it was in the pre-spam days that Kibo declared: “The net is like a vast sea of lutefisk with tiny dinosaur brains embedded in it here and there. Any given spoonful will likely have an IQ of 1, but occasional spoonfuls may have an IQ more than six times that!”
I’m on a couple of mailing lists these days, the good old-fashioned “daily digest through email” kind. They’re moderated and of such specialized interest that trolls wouldn’t bother with them even if they weren’t moderated. They give me enough of the old ‘net feel that I don’t miss Usenet too much.
Porlock Jr.: Up off yer knees, son. ‘Jeezus Hussein Christ’ isn’t original from me, I picked it up somewhere on the InterTubes. You’ll have to choose from among the many other legitimate reasons to worship moi.
Granted, I’m no expert, but it seems to this layman that being a Muslim Marxist Hitler would burn through a shitload of Adidas…
Crap, I forgot the homo part.
You also forgot the granny-killer part .
Truly, our new Marxist Authoritarian is a leader of many parts.
Oh, yeah, make me go there, why don’t you…
Ah, Battlezone, Berzerk, and yes, there was a place that actually had Death Race.
Heh, I remember thinking that Defender was over the top when it came out.
lawn, off it
Ah, Defender!
I played a lot of Robotron. And, of course, Sinistar.
Then computer games came along in a big way, and I lost two years to M.U.L.E. addiction.
It starts with an S and it ends with a T
It comes out of you and it comes out of me
I know what you’re thinking but don’t call it that
Let’s be scientific and call it scat!
Ranger at Rocky Mountain National Park on nature walk.
@todd – Did you actually READ that article by Sir Johnny of Renfest?
He uses sickle cell anemia as a metaphor for Obama’s administration.
Don’t think I didn’t smell THAT a mile away.
Funny – but “stools” is funnier.
My stools are always made with shittim.
What would you use to upholster poo?
“OK, so what do you liberals think of a civilian security force?”
Yeah, because there’s nothing more un-American than a “well regulated militia”?
St00pid lie-bruls!
Two helpful suggestions for Sher Zieve, if I may.
Speaking as a Marxist, it may help any confused nutjobs if I give a quick cut out and keep guide to tell if Obama is a Marxist. Could save a lot of unwanted frothing in the future:
1) Has he urged the workers to seize control of the means of production and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat as an intermediate stage to the dissolution of class-distinctions?
2) Is he going to work with the workers to transform the way that society produces for itself so that value remains in its sociallised form?
3) Is he going to dismantle the American imperial presence around the globe and side with working people over the bourgeois and autoccraticc states that control access to resources?
There are obviously quite a few more than that, but it’s a good start.
Also, there’s no ‘ph’ in Adolf.
“Day by Day” never makes sense. Today’s (Sunday’s) strip is even less coherent than the White House press room strip. Is he saying that Obama will make your MGA break down? And is the redhead in the MG the same redhead from the first two panels? What happened to her baby? Did the sun set and rise again while the brunette was standing there? If not, and the sunset/sunrise was just a fantasy, why is the redhead undressed at the end?
So many questions.
Mike Dowden is blogging now? Who knew.