Countdown To Armageddon

Welp, since I don’t have a freaking laptop anymore, I can’t liveblog the VP debate. Open liveblog debate thread snorgle woohoo!

Above: More cogent than people seem to think

P.S.: Palin Bingo here!!!


Comments: 463


Woo-hoo! Let the drinking/snarking/cursing/debate blogging begin!


I want it to start!! I can’t wait!! Thanks for the thread, BTW;)


Gavin darling: Thanks from me also for the debate thread.

And: Does the Dr. Mrs. not have a laptop you can use?


Countdown to Armageddy would be a good name for a Rush tribute band.


Why is Sarah Palin rearing her head in my internets?


History’s cool.


Because she’s just, ya know, right there.


It’s on, homiez!


David Brooks, Mark Shields on PBS commetarying.


“Can I call you Joe?”


Can I call you Joe?

Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

Ifil will be the big loser tonight



Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

mark shields is my go-to dem


Did she just spit in her hand before shaking Biden’s hand?

Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

hair up for biden or satan?


It’s been a bad time, dork.


here we goooooo

Spiders Everywhere

My brother just IMed me that Chris Matthews is reporting from in front of a group of people holding NIXON’S HEAD 2008, NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP, and NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN signs.


Oh, CHrist…

Hockey. Right off the bat. Or stick.


“kids soccer game on Saturday.” Thus begins the “Joe Sixpack” “we’sjust folks” meme.


Concerns about her being fed lines through an earpiece have proved groundless.


I thought it was all whining?


Soccer Momming it up already, dammit.


hair up AND down. Smooth.

Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

love that electric blue jacket on Gwen


kick it Joe. “He’s out of touch.”


I know it’s the way to win independents, but I’m sick of all this “Ooooh, let’s get the R’s on board.” On Countdown, KO said all the pork is for the Confressional R’s. Dump them and let’s get somewhere. Don’t we have the votes?


she just winked.


“reform.” First tequila hit.

Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

“track record of reform”??? Isn’t Track one of her kids?


something new and different — reform! more tequile!


We’re the greatest workforce in the world. Too bad we don’t have a lot of jobs.

Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

Occasionally, she sounds like Posh Spice in that foreign accent of hers


Fuck, I hate that little fucking head-duck-wink thing that Palin does. It makes me want to fucking strangle every man that it ever worked on while she was growing up.


“Darn right!”
“Joe Six-Pack!”
“Hockey mom!”

All in one response.


Darn right. You betcha, Joe six pack and hockey moms!!!!

You have your candidate.



Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

Joe Six-Pack??? I’m doing bottles of Molson tonight since tequila would knock me on my ass


Whoa, she wants strict oversight! Isn’t that heretical?


She hisses at mirrors.

Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

she doesn’t show in a mirror


Is she here for a debate or an Emmy? Can these responses be any more canned and rehearsed? Egads….


Another “darn right!”
“94 times Obama voted for tax increases”

“did not. McCain voted the same way.” Kick her ass Joe.


That is the biggest fucking flag pin I’ve ever seen.


Come on Joe…..get animated… we go, now he’s getting feisty. Heeheehee


“gonna talk straight [about what I did in ALASKA!!] as a way to avoid the question.


Oh talk to the hand!!


Teh governor is in the pocket of big fail.


Oh. She’s not going to answer questions?


She’ll answer questions her way. By not answering questions.


Biden: “Fairness.” What a concept.




“Todd and I.” Fuck you.


Yeah. She’s middle class. By McCain’s definition.


Get her on the health care, joe!


Oh boy. health care. Oh yeah, we can all purchase our health care plan for $5,000. You fucking twat.


She has invoked the ‘small business’ Republican mantra. Boy was she in debate boot camp or what?






“We don’t call that redistribution; we call that FAIRNESS.”

“Taxes as income the $5,000 health-care benefit.”

Biden knows his health care. Go man.

“Ultimate bridge to nowhere.” Awesome.




The crowd broke the rules!!!

Debate OVER!!!

The Audience was all LIBS!!!



Exxon-Mobil. He’s got her ass on that.


He’s not backing down.


Tell them about praying for the pipeline.


John McCain doesn’t tell one group one thing, and then turn around and tell another group another, eh?

So, which offensive lineup is he gonna pick for his Vietnam anecdote this week?


Can she return to her rehearsed little script any more? Honestly. Respond to Joe ripping you a new one you wannabe!


“How long have I been at this? Five weeks?”

Yeah. Admit that you’re out of your depth.


Platitude Bible Spice speaks Platitude.


Tell them about praying for the pipeline.

Damn straight!


parsing Alaska and national policy. Good Joe.


I’m hoping that he makes her cry.


She’s not capable of crying out of humiliation. God has chosen her.


“because that’s just a quick answer”? What a segue to talk about some other hackneyed bs.





She keeps talking about “putting government back on the people’s side” and reform and corruption, as if one party hasn’t been running Washington for years. Joe, please mention Bush, the elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about!


“I don’t want to argue about the causes.” They never do, since they’re part and parcel of the problem.


Uhm, if you don’t pay attention to the cause?

You ain’t gonna solve the problem…


Whoa, she almost said molecules…


omg. We need to drill more in Alaska in order to clean up the environment? wtf?


Biden spouts facts, Palin spouts platitudes and changes the subject. An intelligent populace would see a clear choice. Unfortunately, this is America.


“drill baby drill.” Here comes the Irish whisky shot.


Senator O’Biden!






Fuck. I thought we had seen the ass end of that.


Joe doesn’t need to go find McCain’s voting record and get it for us.

Eeek, trusting the environment to her? No thanks.




somehow this isn’t funny, or fun.



Sluggo, that’s now required pronunciation for wingnuts.


same-sex stuff. Hello. Thank you Joe.

Madame Palin?


My damn web connection is flaking out. No longer live. Sniff.


i know, i’m in constant cringe mode here


The fact of the matter is…

???? Joe Biden is Gary Ruppert???





Well, Ms. Lipstick, are you Tolerant or are you Not?

Blah blah blah friends blah blah. Tolerate my ass, you fundamentalist snakehandling INTOLERANT parsing fuck.


I’m really getting a kick out of this debate….”ENERGY! ALASKA! ENERGY!”

I’m surprised that she didn’t shout “ENERGY” at the question of if she supports gay marriage.


fail fail on the marriage issue



I knew how to pronounce that word when I was in grade school.

Also: did she just admit there’s someone in her family who’s gay?


Biden’s right. “marriage” is a religous thing. Civil is different.


Sign of the times: even when blabbing about traditional marriage, the Republican has to give lip service to the rights of same-sex couples. Not long ago, even the Democrat wouldn’t have done that. Biden’s hammerin home his “fairness” theme here. Good.




sigh, its depressing to here “my” candidate bluntly push so many under the bus like that


Oh God, I’m droppin’ my G’s now. I’ve been Palinized! Help me!


I have to say, she’s not fucked up yet. Biden has also kept himself in check.


Wedge into teh gay heterz. Biden lays buzzsaw trap, Palin walks into buzzsaw blade.


She has a gay friend. She said it was a woman, but according to Dan Savage, who has heard from this person, it’s a man.


Funny, I thought she was all about “early withdrawal”…


She thinks we can’t pull out too early.. well.. we already have plenty of evidence you think that way Mrs. Palin.


Re Iraq: Biden: Plan. McSame: No plan.


Talibani…great with Ragu


She mentioned her family in response to a question about gay rights. Tacit admission.

I’m guessing the longshot here: it’s Trig.


Whatta we win?


Biden: “We will end this war. For McCain, there is no end.” THANK YOU.

McPalindrone: “blah blah blah commanders on teh ground blah blah getting closer and closer to victory blah blah blah stuff you said during the primaries blah blahæ

Biden: “John McCain voted against funding because he didnt’ like the timeline. Let’s get it straight: Not a week,not a day … McCain said there would be enough oil to pay for it… but he’s been wrong, Obama has been right.”



Biden’s playing the “I know McCain better than you do” card.


Christ, she’s going to say NOO KYOO LAR again.


I love that she’s wearing the red shoes


Look. I like to think, read and write about global geopolitics.

This is second grade crap.

I know they can’t talk to us like we’re grownups.

But I actually DO know some shit.

And this makes my ass tired….



More General Worship.











“I would believe ….that leader of AlQuaeda?”


I hate people who say “Eye-ran”


She’s been well-prepared. She’s not coming off like a total idiot.


Raul will be so proud.



Biden scored it with Pakistan already has nukes


oh christ KISSINGER.


Even when Gwen pointedly feeds her the right pronounciation, she still says nookyoular.

OK, my dad worked for Lockheed, and he said it that way too. But I could spot him that for his Southern dialect. After 8 years of EVERYONE making fun of Bush for it, what’s her excuse? “Liberals pronounce it “nookleeyar”, so fuck ’em!”?


Oh, heavens, now she’s channeling W.


Ask a limbless Timorese about Kissinger’s passion


Heh. Gary Biden again.


Biden’s spanking her good re Iran.


Ready to back ya up there.”




Biden’s on diplomacy now. The Begin quote, “you don’t make peace with your friends, you make peace with your enemies” would come in handy right now.


Sweet zombie Jesus, please take me now!* She’s like a wingnut platitude mad-lib.

*roughly, behind the woodshed


You could’ve killed yourself if you’d had a “one shot every time NOO KYOO LAR was spoken” rule.


Has she got a cheat sheet? She keeps glancing down.


I don’t know how you can watch this debate without becoming an alcoholic.


She met with one side or the other?

Holy fuck


“Secretary Rice, having recently sat down with one side or another over there….”


Of course, she’ll support Israel, they need it for the End Times.


sluggo: An oversight on my part. I am unfortunately still fairly sober.


Vic said,

October 3, 2008 at 3:52

I don’t know how you can watch this debate without becoming an alcoholic.

I’m way ahead of ya.


She’s spewing talking points with great intensity. To a lot of people that may be enough, regardless of whether she actually understands them.


Oh, heavens, now she’s channeling W.

But WereBear, they hate America!

I love the rearing of the terrists-who-hate-us-for-our-tolerance head less than ten minutes after Marriage means one man and one woman.

Maybe they hate us for our scratchy voiced hypocrites?

BTW, I just read that a judge has refused to halt the trooper firing probe.


I don’t know how you can watch this debate without becoming an alcoholic.

Start off as one.


“building our embassy in jerusalem”….wow you almost could’ve missed that….yeah, End Times, baby, End Times


yes joe, get into the current administration, of whose party these fuckheads are part, their avoidance notwithstanding.

McPalin of course blah blah blahs it.


Oh, let’s not point fingers! It might lead to knowledge!


Let’s not bicker and argue about who killed who! This is a happy occasion!


The fact is, your boys Joe and Osama are going down. Sarah is really sticking it to the liberal bias machine.


“too much fingerpointing backward” for the “party of change”? Uh — wha?


“Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who”


that’s right joe, tie Bush to these fuckers. “How’s his policy going to be different? So far it’s the same”

that’s the ticket.


Change is coming! Jesus is coming! Braaaak!

Christ, Dan Quayle is going to demand an apology.




Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular Nukular


She keeps saying “nuke-u-lar.” Is that on purpose, or is she really as purposefully illiterate as Teh Shrub?


She’s killing me with teh nukulur.


I was hoping he’d hit harder on the diplomacy thing. Come on, Joe, mention Reagan and the SALT treaty!




Love the Fundie code speech she’s throwing in. “Bible Spice” indeed.


What? They’re going to build concrete walls in Afghanistan?







All in this one answer. Also: KIM JONG-LLLL


The fact is, you can’t stand that Values Voters are back and Moral values are still important, you can’t make us here in the Heartland hate God. Sarah is Awesome!


I now want to atomize the state of Alaska.




This is awesome.


“The surge principles need to be enacted in Afghanistan”…oooh, talk dirty to me, babay!


Things are great in Pakistan! And (will be) also in Afghanistan!


The fact is, Gwen Ifill is biased toward Obama because she’s black.


Reverse general worship.


The nuclear deterrent is a “safe and stable way to use nucular weaponry”?! Yeah, we all felt so fucking safe during the Cold War.


The fact is, Gwen Ifill is Condi’s lover, so shut the fuck up.


MzNicky –

Don’t forget – We built schools in Iraq!


Thank you, Joe, for saying “nuclear”. It’s like a cool drink of, well, something, after Babble Spice.


I want to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of Palin.


Biden is clearly an elitist because he knows how to pronounce the word “nuclear.”


I want to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of Palin.



The fact is, if you don’t support the mission, you don’t support the troops, in fact you hate them. Shut up.

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

I’m watching CNN streaming with the voter ratings. How come the dem viewers are flatlining through this? How are they measuring this anyway — with a plethysmograph?


Actually, she’s doing better than McCain did, in terms of eye contact.


Oh, and you have no allies helping in Iraq, you ungrateful bint?

Damn, I’m actually starting to get involved in this depressing freak show, I think I’ll better go clean the bathroom before I’m too drunk to stand.


I think Gary has mind control over Biden.


Also interesting, Biden says, “An Obama Administration”. Palin says “A McCain/Palin Administration”.

Ego much?


Oh Biden, if you EVER trusted Bush, you were a sucker. Nice parsing, though.

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

can you see darfur from wasilla?


god I just want to slap her.

Eric (an halibut)

Is it my imagination, or is Biden doing pretty well?

Relatively speaking?

Is it…

…nnnnah, I’m a washington outsider nnnnnaaah nnnnaaaah….

…war non sequitur neh neh McCain neeeeeeh…

…troops nnnnah nnnneh….

…oh the pain the pain the shame…

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

inserts finger in throat. maybe darfur could use a hockey rink.


The sneaky little bitch! “Voted for it before voting against it”….”Washington outsider”….she has been EVERY BIT as devious up there in AK to get ahead and she WAS for that damned bridge before she said, “No thanks”. ARGH!


What I see as insufferable smugness must appear as adorable perkiness to the Garys of the nation. Time will tell if it matters. The latest polls are somewhat comforting, though I don’t have much faith in polls.

Shit, this drinking contest is making me maudlin. Fuck that. Sarah’s as big an idiot as ever. Just a more well-prepared one tonight.


Cheney mentioned…where’s the Bush mention, Joe?


I’m watching CNN streaming with the voter ratings. How come the dem viewers are flatlining through this?

The ratings are divided by men and women this time, not R & D. Stupid move.

I tried to watch this for a while but I started to implode. I agree with this commenter over at balloon juice:

I can’t do it, guys. I can’t watch that stupid brain-dead simpleton up there, so supremely confident in her imagined competence as she spews out garbled talking points like a high-school drunk vomits up wine coolers. She’s a fucking idiot. I’m going to go take a shower and have a drink and then go to bed. It’s a goddamned insult to me, all of you, America, Joe Biden and Gwen Ifill for Sarah Palin to even be on that stage, and she should apologize to each and every one of us, personally, for wasting all of our time and energy. And so should the fossilized old lech that is reponsible for this insult to mediocrity being up on that stage, John McCain.


“John McCain knows how to win a war”

Oh really? Like, say, VIETNAM?


McCain knows how to win a war?????

How? From being a POW?

What fucking war did John McCain win?


Good Question Gwen!



Seriously. This is hilarious.


Bush Doctrine.



“If OBAMA were to die”??? Hello.


President Palin.

The End.


“Our administration? A Team of Mavericks!!”

Next tequila shot.


While Biden is running her into the ground, can he not just shut up now and again, he mixes the message to much.


“Wasilla Main Street”? Oh fuck no, thank you, but no thanks.


OH GOD!!!!!

Team of Mavericks …. John McCain knows evil.. what the fuck.. this is straight talk!?!


She really comes off like a second rate local news anchor.

More at 11!


“What I would do also if that were to happen though…”

She’s rapping.


‘smatta, you don’t like meth?

Pope George Ringo I

..if she got elected, she’d be the VPILF, but if Gramps strokes out, she’d be a PILF, I guess.

Bless her Heart…


“John McCain knows how to win a war …”

“We can agree to disagree …”

Because who wants a boring old united ticket?
That’s not Maverickiness We Can Believe In!


Good lord, again with the everyday hard-working Americans.

Which I’ve been since I was 14, and been screwed by her party my whole adult life.


Biden once again bonds McGramps to McBush. Thank you.

Eric (an halibut)

…whdidjhspekt? A team of mavriks!



Palin doesn’t even fucking know where Wilmington is.

She doesn’t know where DELAWARE is.

Jesus fucking sweating Christ.



“Wasilla Main Street”? Oh fuck no, thank you, but no thanks.

’smatta, you don’t like meth?


Her reward is in heaven?


“Joe! There you go again!”

FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING TWAT. I say that as a feminist.


Oh Noez, Joe! You’re looking backwards! You can’t do that! That would be almost like learnin’ from history!

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

but dude you don’t live in Wasilla!!!!!




Dog GONE it

The Obama campaign needs to just show “Fargo” clips in anti-Palin commercials.


“No Child Left Behind” is a failure. YES, it is. As a program of YOUR FUCKING PARTY.


Seriously, is she supposed to be coming off as charming? Because she’s making me nauseous.

Eric (an halibut)

What the fuck is with her use of verb tense?

These schools needed to be wanting…

It’s a new frontier of language!

Fucking “ramp it up” couldn’t fucking teach the alphabet in our local fucking kindergarten.

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

my grandma was a carpenter; she built houses, barns and banks.


And such began the reign of Darth Palin…


“We know what a VP does.” Yeah, you do NOW, you fucking cow, since you’ve been SCHOOLED about it, you lame-ass bitch. Again, I say this as a feminist.


Good Conversations.



John McCain won Vietnam for 5.5 yrs


John McCain ,John McCain ,John McCain ,John McCain ,John McCain ,John McCain.

WHAT! Is there some other fucking John, or McCain that we’re talking about here?


I’m reaching my threshold for cutsey yapping.

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

this lady makes my skin crawl. sorry to not be more substantial but i am literally nauseous.


Yeesh, and for coherent writing too.


Also: did she just menion Biden’s first wife, who died in a car crash? Did I miss something?


Here we go.

Eric (an halibut)

Oh, this oughta be good. Palin on Cheney.


She has no clue what she’s talking about, just hitting her talking points by rote.


Yeah, right, a bad joke.

She could promise to lurk in the Rose Garden while McCain gives a speech.



there you go again! Stop looking backwards!


No fucking answer on fourthbranch.

Other than, MINE, BITCH!!!


She only sounds coherent when she looks at her notes and reads from them.


Listening to the radio again, so no visuals (anything interesting?) — seems like herself is probably doing fine with everyone who already agrees with her (and no one else). Fortunately they are a minority. Joe is nearly as boring as I hoped. God she’s stooopid.


YES!! YES!! Go Joe!!


Ding, ding, ding!!!!

Get Joe Biden a kewpie doll.



Eric (an halibut)

Thank you, Joe.


Are they laughing WITH her or AT her?
” … ramp it up & put more attention in that arena.”
Q to the E to the muthafuckin’ D.

Biden slams Darth Cheney – woo hoo!
(In before “I’ll get back to ya on that”)


Oh, Biden just nailed Cheney to the wall. Thank you.


“A huge state.”

Of fucktard animal killers.


HA! A huge state (with a population of 4) but a big damn state.


Heel, alright.


Heartland! Mom! Special Needs child!


“Heartland of America.” (Finger down the throat) Give me a break, you shallow bitch.


She is re-writing the constitution now, what an asshole


Yup, just the minute I say he’s boring, Jo gets Cheney but good. And used words Sarah doesn’t even understand …


I revise my earlier judgment. She comes off like a second rate, small market, local news weather lady.

Eric (an halibut)

nnneh neh ticket Reagan ticket nrrrr beacon neh


“Achilles heel?” And she brags about how humbly awesome she is.


Wooooo, single father!

Eric (an halibut)

Fuckin’ Joe.

Why did I not…aw, man.


Is Joe choking up?

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

what about the city on the hill? what about the great communicator?




Miznicky, you’re on fire tonight.


Maverick again?! He ain’t the only one “takin’ shots.”


Gov. Lipstick: The “maverick” bullshit is so 1990s. No one buys it anymore.

In any event, two “mavericks,” two whisky shots.


Doesn’t she fire everyone that doesn’t agree with her? How is that bipartisan?

Eric (an halibut)

Yeah, Biden just said something sincere, and now it’s time for you to trot out the talking points and the insincere horseshit.


Maverick maverick!

Lieberman, Giuliani…

…yeah, look at all those fucking douchebags.


And your appointees, former relatives, everyone


Now she’s just doing a word salad.


Did she say the US was a beaker of hope? Or do I need a hearing check?


“leave” … I mean, “lead”!



What’s the count on maverick?


I love him again!!!#@!@!


Finally calling her out on the maverick thing. thank god.


murkan exceptionalism!Q


Oh just forget which party was in charge for the last 8 years! Change! Change!

Okay, Joe’s gettin’ into the “maverick” bullshit. THANK YOU.


“The partisanship that has been entrenched in Washington DC”. Yes, when Democrats start getting some power, then partisanship is an issue. When Republicans run everything, they’re the only Americans. You thin k we don’t have MEMORIES, you stupid cow?


Well, thanks to Biden, Palin finally knows what the Vice President does (and does not) do.


OH my I am so sorry for all those jplaying drinkiong games


Go get her on Mavrickyness, Joe!


“The city on the hill” sermon was from the 17th century. Reagan was old, but come on.


What’s the count on maverick?

g: fuck if I know. I’m down three fingers.


At least you weren’t playing them with a 40 of Mickey’s…


Way to take down that maverick shit there Joe;) nice move


I’m checkking in at work, so I don’t kow


“I did not veto .. quasi-caved in, if you will”

She is SO fucking SMALL.


No, she hasn’t changed her view. Of course.


What’s up with her constant “whoever gets the credit” shit? How passive-aggressive can you be?


Oh, fuck. It’s like asking Bush about making a mistake.


She’s not going to convince anybody who feels a sting when they’re lied to.

Eric (an halibut)

never seemed to compromise
because we work together



Which planet do I live on?


so how many state budgets has she done? One? So she’s done it once? Twice?

City budgets don’t work like legislative budgets.


So wait, is she saying that she’s never been wrong about something and has never had to change her point of view?

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

“quasi-caved in, if you will…” I will indeed!!


From Montana!


all those jplaying drinkiong games

Well, somebody’s been playing drinking games.


Mansfield that is.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I just looked at to see what the whacks are saying about the debate.

The summary of what their threads are:

1) go to Drudge and game the poll so Moose “wins”
2) someting about israel and Moose
3) whining about Obama being a Nazi
4) request for somebody to photoshop Obama into Pinhead from the movie
5) request from somebody about what they should do with their money

Wow. Idiocy personified.

I did the same thing at They have almost no comments on their open debate thread; just a few “sarah kicks ass!”.

Over at Kos, it appears that between 100 and 150 comments go up EVERY MINUTE on their open debate threads.


Eric (an halibut)

Do what I did as governor, and appoint my high-school friends!



I’d be very grateful for a link to the full debate (once it’s over) as tonight Canada’s having its leadership debate.

Granted it’s nowhere near as entertaining as I’m sure the VP debate is, but as a citizen I feel obligated to tune in to my country’s dumbasses first.


not a single drop…


Ess gunna be okay. Heh.


Joe Biden comes off as a real human. McPalindrone, a total toolbot.


What’s her appointee record?


Infastructure. Soon to be toddlerstructure.


Bulid up infrastructure and reign in government spending at the same time! Wow, she must be Wonder Woman!


How do you build up infrastructure while reining in spending?


Dig at the mainstream media.


She’s now saying she brings Dems across the aisle in Alaska…


Will someone be logging all the really dumb things she says or should I just hit the Palinator for the best of…


I’m gonna fight for the middle class! Hold on, I just have to glance at my notes to make sure about that.


oh fuck no, bitch, you do NOT get to talk about tax increases when it’s your fucking shitbag party that’s jonesing for the bailout because of the excesses they’ve permitted. You fucking fucking awful thing.

oh god in heaven Ronald Reagan!





Memorized without understanding. Stresses all wrong in her closing statement.




She sounds like a schoolmarm


and how many mentions of old Ronnie. must be at least 4 in the 10 mins I have been listening.

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

lady, you’ve made me very glad I _don’t_ live in America!


Joe is coming across as very sincere. She’s like a beauty pageanter talking about World peace.


I’m so disappointed that Biden didn’t punch her in the face.


Thank you Joe, for again mentioning that this is the most important election in our lives. As in, one small possible chance to pull us back from the brink. How much more of this shit are we going to take?


Joe’s obviously far better.

Eric (an halibut)

Joe comes off as a human being and an eloquent statesman, and Palin as an unusually ingratiating DMV clerk.



Gwen Ifill, you biased tramp.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I sure hope America senses the fake of Moose, and sees that see was just reading speeches most of the time. NOT ANSWERING QUESTIONS!

I wanted Joe to call her on the fact that she wasn’t answering anything, just giving speeches.


I was first to call BINGO. I HAVE PWNT YOU ALL!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

At least this gives Todd a chance to buy a suit to go along with his 300 snowmobile suits.


Katie Couric would’ve done better. “Not to belabor the point, but could you answer the question I actually asked?”


So it’s over. Now how are they going to spin this travesty?


Well, much like with McCain, I think she did better than I figured.

Also like McCain, that was a pretty low bar.


Brooks you knob.


Ok time to Freep polls. Let’s go People!!!


Holy sheepshit.
“You hire people regardless of party affiliation”?!?
This from the Lucretia Borgia of Wasilla.

Quoting Reagan will work for the base, but it’s weak sauce to everyone else …
“The last 8 years we’ve been dug into a very deep hole” – sort of wish he’d mention who was manning the backhoe on that, but hopefully folks can connect the dots.

Well, she didn’t suck QUITE as hard as she could’ve done – but that was hurtful … the Holodeck Media will now puff Palin up because she didn’t go into conniptions, bite the mic off & speak in tongues … & there they go, right on cue. Jesus.

Lulz with an eerie chill were had.


I’m upset that she didn’t just break down and start babbling incoherently. On the other hand, I feel like I’ve been covered with a light sheen of filth for allowing her on my television.


Oh, now SuperMom has the entire litter up there onstage, including the Down Syndrome infant, who would be in bed by now if he had a responsible mother. Yes, I hate myself for saying that.


Here’s a link to that old Kos thread for the first debate:


I’m upset that she didn’t just break down and start babbling incoherently.

The transcript won’t be pretty.


owlbear1 said,

October 3, 2008 at 4:24

OH my I am so sorry for all those jplaying drinkiong games

I’m sure you are.


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but did Palin endorse Cheney’s view of the vice president’s special position and role?


Why is everyone saying how well Palin ended up doing? Why don’t they focus on the real heroes: the trainers who fed her lines with cattle prod reinforcements to make her memorize enough shit to keep her from sounding like a fool again?


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but did Palin endorse Cheney’s view of the vice president’s special position and role?

She delivered a line that indicated that, yes. Did she understand it? Probably not.

Eric (an halibut)


What the fuckin’ Geraldine fuckin’…

“she’s goin toe to toe with a man who’s qualified to be Vice President…”

Toe to toe MY FUCKING ASS, Geraldine. TOE TO TOE?

You have got to be fucking kidding me. You think that was a contest of fucking equals?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. FUCK!


What I wouldn’t give for Biden to ask “When you talk about cutting spending, is that why you charged women for their rape kits?”

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

“Eye-rack” I <3 it! It’s almost as good as nukyular!


I’m so disappointed that Biden didn’t punch her in the face.

Actually, would have been better if he had asked her go pick up a beer for him.


Hang five.

Ride the lightning…



Please correct me if I’m wrong, but did Palin endorse Cheney’s view of the vice president’s special position and role?



Well, now she’ll be kept in the VP underground crypt until Election Day. And her wan, marginally unembarrassing performance will have faded, while her idiocy in her interviews with Charlie and Katie will remain.



Yes she did. According to Palin the Constitution gives the VP flexibility. She also said that the VP “presides over the Senate,” You’ll have to catch a clip of it and Biden’s response.

Eric (an halibut)

Nooners now having some kind of seizure on NBC.


while her idiocy in her interviews with Charlie and Katie will remain.

Yeah. She’s a YouTube goldmine.


Night, all! The cold medicine is kicking in…


Thanks for the confirmation. Watching it, my initial reaction was like Swooney’s—she said yes and elaborated on that yes without understanding the substance of the question.

That’s a huge fuck-up.


Isn’t “there you go again” Reagan’s big zinger? Plagiarists.

If you haven’t seen the sequel, don’t. It sucks.


Someone forgot to tell Gwen Ifill there was a debate tonight.


Ah, but y’know.

It’s kinda like shooting people you don’t know ’cause your trying not to lose the fight.




MzNicky–I think she’s more of a fembot. She’s too into guns.


The spinmeister is calling her articulate.

Doctor Missus Marita

Mz Nicky, I apologize for not supplying my husband with my laptop to liveblog. I was stuck in the lab until 9:30.

Based on my reaction to the brief portion of the debate I was subjected to, it’s probably lucky for me I had to work late. I really don’t care for that vile woman.


MzNicky, I must say you must have had some pretty low expectations to describe Sarah’s performance as ‘unembrassing’.

I mean really low.





I wonder if fans of second rate, small market, local news weather lad[ies] are the heartland’s biggest constituency?


Ok, Canada’s debate is over. What’s happening with Dumbass?


What I find amazing about Palin is, more so than even Dubya, that she is able to take words and strip them of any meaning. She is devaluing the English language.


Ok, Canada’s debate is over. What’s happening with Dumbass?

Well, I think we’ve officially re-dubbed Sarah as ‘Babel Spice’.


I see Palin had her prop…I mean baby at the debate. She had the kid out after 10 p.m.
What’s next? On to happy hour?


Hey now, Biden has some young ones up there too. Tradition dictates families on the stage.

Can we lay off that crap please?


The consensus in the comment thread for our debate is nicely summed up by this commenter:

IMO Harper took a beating. From all sides.

Which he deserved due to his being a Liar and a Fraud.

succinct, factual.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Call me stupid, but I can’t find the online click poll on

It is easy to find at and

Does anyboyd have a direct link…?


I read somewhere else that she said “”How long have I been at this? Five Weeks?”

Is that really true? My god!


How do you build up infrastructure while reining in spending?

With imaginary bridges.


We’ll need a count tomorrow of how many times The Palianator said “maverick” unless anyone was going along with it tonight. I lost track. (Of the ‘mavericks’, not her oddly named son.)

OK, FoxNews is really gushing over Palin, back to CNN now. Oh heavens….she’s speaking now, unmoderated.


What got me was when Palin was talking about tolerance was how she is so okay with teh gayz “choosing” to be gay, but then she’s not okay with a woman choosing what to do with her own uterus. She is just a terrible, terrible person. I picture her smiling and telling me she loves me as she aims a flamethrower at my head to send me to hell for my sins.


It’s sooo sappy, but I really went “awww” when Biden stumbled a little bit talking about his family and his kids.

As for Palin’s family’s “diversity”, does she mean that there’s the “knocked up” and the “not knocked up” ones? And, to quote MzNicky, I’m sayin’ that as a feminist. :p


Now it’s time to drag the kids and the family to the Palin Post Debate Pep rally.
Next up, last call!


Palin has to be failing and flailing. Nothing else after weeks of her botching every interview will be acceptable to me.

If she’s “holding her own” as some are saying (in the media) then someone’s feeding her the answers through some wireless device.


I wonder if fans of second rate, small market, local news weather lad[ies] are the heartland’s biggest constituency?

Not impossible, and that bothers me very much.


I read somewhere else that she said “”How long have I been at this? Five Weeks?”

Is that really true? My god!

She did. I think it was another instance where she didn’t get the substance of the question. Ifill asked what policy proposals would have to be scaled back or eliminated by a McCain administration or an Obama administration given the severe budget burden the bailout/rescue/cashdrop will impose. She said she and McCain haven’t and won’t break any promises.

IFILL: So, Governor, as vice president, there’s nothing that you have promised as a candidate that you would — that you wouldn’t take off the table because of this financial crisis we’re in?

PALIN: There is not. And how long have I been at this, like five weeks? So there hasn’t been a whole lot that I’ve promised, except to do what is right for the American people, put government back on the side of the American people, stop the greed and corruption on Wall Street.

And the rescue plan has got to include that massive oversight that Americans are expecting and deserving. And I don’t believe that John McCain has made any promise that he would not be able to keep, either.

Transcript from CNN.


Palin talking about how teh gayz suck, and then basically turning around and talking about how Iran hates us for our tolerance, cracked me up so hard! Ahmenijhad’s like, “bitch, please! At least give me a nicer shout-out if you’re going to copy my talking points!”


MzNicky, I must say you must have had some pretty low expectations to describe Sarah’s performance as ‘unembrassing’.

Well, she didn’t climb on the lectern, hike up her skirt and yell “I HAVE BADGERS IN MY PO-PO!!! BADGERS, I TELL YOU!!!”

So there’s that.


I’m anxious to hear the cryptozoological perspective on this debate.


PALIN: There is not. And how long have I been at this, like five weeks? So there hasn’t been a whole lot that I’ve promised, except to do what is right for the American people, put government back on the side of the American people, stop the greed and corruption on Wall Street.

Oh Gwen, it’s cool, I don’t have to scale anything back cuz all I had to offer were some meaningless platitudes. And those are free!


linky, please to the cnn transcripts?


I thought the answer to the “Have you changed your opinion on anything, like, ever?” question was just incredible.

“Me? Never! I’ve had my eyelids krazy glued open so that I can’t blink. Do you hear that! I CAN’T FUCKING BLINK!”

It might have been as close to the badgers thing as she got all night.


I’m anxious to hear the cryptozoological perspective on this debate.

He doesn’t do politics. Which is sad, because drilling can’t be good for Bigfoot.


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but did Palin endorse Cheney’s view of the vice president’s special position and role?

Probably her biggest mistake of the evening, and one the Obama camp should come back at hard.

The discrepancy of the Mayor of Wasilla claiming expanded powers for her vice presidency ain’t gonna sit well with anybody.


I’m anxious to hear the cryptozoological perspective on this debate.

Real, or imaginary?


Video anyone?

Malfunctioning Palin-bot

greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street greed and corruption on Wall Street


Funny how CNN despite themselves were all doom and gloom for…JOHN MCCAIN!!! “Wow, Palin was great! Too bad it doesn’t help Grampa McSame.”


Does the link in my comment (“CNN”) work, or is there a problem with it?


I thought the answer to the “Have you changed your opinion on anything, like, ever?” question was just incredible.

Everybody in the room where I was watching turned to each other at that moment and said “she’s gonna say she didn’t give big enough tax cuts, and changed her mind about that.”

And, sure enough, L’il Sarah Script-Keeper didn’t disappoint.


Humans are hard-wired not to trust smiles that do not involve the entire face, expecting deception and losing trust. Palin smiled almost the entire debate but rarely did her smiles make use of the musculature around the eyes, a key factor.

This is what I get for marrying an Anthropologist.


Well, she didn’t trip up and fall down the staircase like she did in her interviews with Charlie and Katie. I suppose that’ll catapult her into the “win” category in the minds of those who view not totally fucking up as a win. Biden was calm, reasoned, appropriately incited when it was called for, hometown-y enough to match Ms. Sixpack’s putative persona, and his 35-years experience in big-time politics overshadowed that of the ex-mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

As feared, the MSM will now trumpet her Second Coming for being so well-trained that she didn’t make a total fool of herself. Yep, that’s what this country needs as a VP to McGrumpy: Someone Who Can Sometimes Not Appear to be a Total Nitwit.


How do you build up infrastructure while reining in spending?

With imaginary bridges. imiginary badgers.



To paraphrase Aaron Copeland, the difference between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin is the difference between watching a great statesman walking down the street and watching an actor playing the role of a great statesman walking down the street.


To summarize, I think the Biden-Malkin debate is, thankfully, over.


I didn’t have enough gin to keep up. Knew I should have bought another couple quarts.

Anyway, I’m disappointed she didn’t drop her panties and take a dump onstage. I figured that would be the only thing, the bar having been set so low, that would make this a FAIL for her in the eyes of the edia and the tighty assed righties.

On the other hand, dropping her panties and taking a dump onstage would have been only a small tick below hew actual performance. I see another good bump in the pools for our side.


Well, she didn’t trip up and fall down the staircase like she did in her interviews with Charlie and Katie. I suppose that’ll catapult her into the “win” category in the minds of those who view not totally fucking up as a win.

yeah, well, now she should be holding press conferences.


I read somewhere else that she said “”How long have I been at this? Five Weeks?”

If they had been really smart (they=mccain’s geniuses), they would have secretly tapped Palin in January and coached her on the sly until August.

Wait, maybe they did.


Palin smiled almost the entire debate but rarely did her smiles make use of the musculature around the eyes, a key factor.

That’s what was giving me the whole “second rate newsdesk” feeling. Totally plastic. She threw in the occasional head bob and a little wink now and then, but it all came off as contrived.

What has it come to when “the serious people” can look at her as potentially becoming President and not just screaming WTF! at the top of their lungs?


Does the link in my comment (”CNN”) work, or is there a problem with it?

missed that one…sorry.

Living on rabbits and Kool-Aid

You know, viewed from across a border (Close the 49th parallel, etc.!) it’s hard to see it anything other than farce. Who won, who didn’t win, blah blah blah. This was like watching a smart, seasoned, experienced politician debate somebody from the high school debating team. Just fucking pathetic.


Does the link in my comment (”CNN”) work, or is there a problem with it?

Works. Heavy load on the server I think.


I’ll give her this: On the rare occasions when the question wasn’t entirrely anticipated and coached to her, she was ver consistent. She consistenly answered the question she wanted to be asked.. So she’s improved dramatically. I’d rate her now as just a 1/16 of a hair above totally incompetent.


Palin has to be failing and flailing.

She is made of FLAIL.


Video anyone?

It looks like cspan has it.


Terry “The Greater Moran” is gushing over her now.

I even wore my lucky “Go Bare… in Delaware” t-shirt for this debate. Biden won, but Palin was less crazy and stupid than I’d hoped.

But the Cubs are getting the shit beat out of them, so I’m still pretty happy this eve (Cubs’ fans delicious tears of anguish sustain my soul).

If slitting your wrists isn’t your cup of tea…


Terry the moran was gushing over her before the debate, I’m sure. It’s the same gush.


Gaaaawwwwdd. Aside from the voice that drills humongous ragged holes in my head, I can’t stand that goddamn implanted smile. Reminds me of Jack Nicholson in Batman.

Say, maybe she IS….


I found the transcripts. Interesting that the entire time she called them “John McCain” and “Barack Obama,” – even calling Obama “Barack” at least once.

She didn’t called them Senators ever. I think that’s odd for someone not to use their title. In the case of McCain, it’s almost like she considers his full name a Brand Name she’s trying to sell.

Despite the “Can I call you Joe?” she didn’t – she called Biden “Senator Biden” almost always… except for the canned “say it aint so Joe.” I didn’t see it, so I’m curious – did that old chesnut play, or did it go over like a lead balloon?

Love that Biden stayed on the “Governor Palin” straight and narrow.


cspan videos won’t work for me.




Dr. Mrs. Marita: I think you were kind to spare Mr. Dr. Mrs. Marita from this evening’s entertainment by selfishly hogging the laptop for work purposes. He’ll live longer for having missed it!


spoke too soon. now they’re working.


Pretty odd, too, that the She-Shrub spent the whole time running away from Bush, yet emulating him so much.

So help me, If I have to spend another four years hearing “nuuukular”, I’m going to jump off a bridge.



Can’t beat that.

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh, he watched the debate. He was just unable to share his feelings about it.

Poor guy.


can you think of a single issue, policy issue, in which you were forced to change a long-held view

PALIN: Well, I didn’t get to veto as many line items as I wanted to in the budget.

And she adds:
“But on the major principle things, no, there hasn’t been something that I’ve had to compromise on, because we’ve always seemed to find a way to work together. Up there in Alaska, what we have done is, with bipartisan efforts, is work together and, again, not caring who gets the credit for what, as we accomplish things up there.”

let me get this straight. she hasn’t had to compromise her principles (althought that wasn’t the question) because she’s bipartisan. Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?

I guess it isn’t if you have no principles to compromise…


fuck, she opens with “go to a soccer game on a saturday”???


Say, maybe she IS….

Nope. That’s Laura.


Palin was good, but here’s the problem- that was her ceiling. She connected with a good percent of the gee-howdy-folks routine (though that third-grade class line fuckin bombed), but the gap in command, especially on foreign policy, was just too evident. She might have resurrected her career by not self-destructing, but I don’t know if she saddled many undecideds to the McCain racehorse.

Biden was a lot better than I expected, honestly. Most of the early polling shows him as winning the night, and I agree. And although Palin goes on ad nauseam about her family and her friends and small town this that and the other, the real my-family moment that resonates was Biden nearly losing it about his lost wife. That was some real shit, not the stuff of focus groups and Sucessories posters.

But we’ll see if the voters agree. I actually thought McCain won Friday’s debate but no one else seemed to go that route, so.


I didn’t see it, so I’m curious – did that old chesnut play, or did it go over like a lead balloon?

Lead balloon. Especially when she attached the ol’ Reagan (Reagan!) line to the end of it.

The only line that really stirred the crowd tonight was Biden’s bridge to nowhere reference.


Oh, Lesley. I’m so sorry.

I’m now imagining the slightly slackjawed expression of disbelief you must have.

There’s more. Much more.


The only line that really stirred the crowd tonight was Biden’s bridge to nowhere reference.

Which was fucking great. The audience that had “agreed to be polite”, read STFU, couldn’t help themselves on that one.


I’m looking forward to Tina Fey’s rendition of the Palin debate robot who condescends to the American electorate.

She also treats Biden like some old doddering goat whose days as a senator must be over because he’s experienced. I mean she actually said “I appreciate your years in office but America’s looking for a new fresh face…” What the fuck?

Her “darn right” ‘s and sheeyucks ‘merica I’m a straight talker high school cheerleader routine isn’t going to persuade anyone IS IT? Good god.


Couldn’t watch.

Palin’s “Marge Gunderson On Helium And Amyl Nitrate” voice forces me to read transcripts of her shit shoveling the following day.

I’m certain it was icepicks-in-the-ears dreadful.

Push a little further and all becomes blissful silence, not just the sound of this hellspawned harpy shrieking bible verses and Heartland platitudes.


PeeJ –
Maybe just call her Rictus Spice.


She answered questions only she was able to hear.

Was the diety talking to her?

Just like W.



My mom watched this, and told me she acted like she was reading from a script and just kept repeating the same things over and over with no spontaneity. She was not impressed, and it didn’t change her opinion of her at all. I use her as a gauge of someone less politically involved than I am.


Precious Palin moment:

“Patriotic is sayin’ ‘government yer not always the solution. In fact too often yer the problem.’ So government …get out of the way and let the private sector and our families grow and thrive and prosper.”

I guess she slept through the last couple of weeks or maybe those “any” papers she reads don’t provide news.


SNL must be giddy.

Four more weeks of this.

BTW Cubs down by 9 in the 9th. TeeHee.


Fargin’ Cubs, man!

Eric (an halibut)

God damn it all.

This fuckin’ night, with Palin, AND the Cubs are getting their asses kicked?!?

Is there no solace for the souls of slightly confused Irish-American persons from greater Chicago and their more confused progeny who still for some reason root for the Cubs?

Damn it!


Biden may as well be debating K-Lo.


Maybe just call her Rictus Spice.

Naaaahhhh, Bloody Bill Kristol has a lock on that one already.


Rectal Spice?


Biden may as well be debating K-Lo.

Does anybody but the lowest information voter believe for a moment that McCain would somehow equal Change? Or that he’s Mr. Regulation?

Saying it a million times doesn’t make it true.


She just said “senator OBiden” and “nucluar”


So help me, If I have to spend another four years hearing “nuuukular”, I’m going to jump off a bridge.

Well, calm down, jumping off a bridge will get you nowhere…

(The horse being dead just keeps it still enough to beat.)


“yer plan is a white flag of surrender in EyeRack”

um, she just lost the foreign policy debate.


“Say it ain’t so, Joe, there you go again pointing backwards again. You preferenced your whole comment with the Bush administration. Now doggone it, let’s look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future. You mentioned education and I’m glad you did. I know education you are passionate about with your wife being a teacher for 30 years, and god bless her. Her reward is in heaven, right? I say, too, with education, America needs to be putting a lot more focus on that and our schools have got to be really ramped up in terms of the funding that they are deserving. Teachers needed to be paid more. I come from a house full of school teachers. My grandma was, my dad who is in the audience today, he’s a schoolteacher, had been for many years. My brother, who I think is the best schoolteacher in the year, and here’s a shout-out to all those third graders at Gladys Wood Elementary School, you get extra credit for watching the debate.”

Without knowing the context, never in a million years would I guess that this quote was from a candidate who someday might be our president.


“yer plan is a white flag of surrender in EyeRack”

um, she just lost the foreign policy debate.

When she said that I literally turned to my friend and said “Gee, that’s funny, ’cause most of the military we’ve shipped over there is brown.


I just saw the bit where Biden was choking up about his family’s accident, followed by Miss Congeniality smiling at the camera and telling us all about her cool new boyfriend.

What a sociopath. She didn’t even know how to pretend to acknowledge his loss.


After shitting all over Obama’s preference for a diplomatic approach to international relations, she says, in response to being asked about all the leaders who engaged in diplomacy in the past, including Rethugs:

Henry Kissinger shared with me his passion for diplomacy and that’s what John McCain and I would engage in…

Ahem. Oh dear.

…but again with some of these dictators who hate ‘Merica and hate what we stand for with our freedoms, our democracy, our tolerance, our respect for women’s rights; those who would try to destroy what we stand for cannot be met with just sitting down on a presidential level as Brock Obama said he would do. That is beyond bad judgement.”

[Geez, for a moment I thought she was describing dictator Bush.]


…diplomacy is very important, first and foremost that is what we would engage in but diplomacy is hard work by serious people. It’s lining up clear objectives and having yer friends and yer allies ready to back yee up there.”


btw, no spelling error in “Brock” because that’s how she pronounces Barack’s name. It’s infuriating. I hate her voice and her refusal to clearly pronounce words. It has nothing to do with her accent. It’s sheer laziness. I also think she’s laying on the hayseed act extra thick in the hopes that people won’t notice her lack of intelligence.


I hate her voice and her refusal to clearly pronounce words. It has nothing to do with her accent. It’s sheer laziness.

George Bush does that too.


The transcript won’t reflect her speaking voice. The editors will correct her hayseedisms.

I just fucking hate her for saying just now, “I’m so glad you love Israel like me and John McCain. That’s good to hear.”

Only a colossal bitch would stoop this low.


um, she just lost the foreign policy debate.

And it showed.

Biden’s answer on Iraq received the debate’s HIGHEST score

Palin immediately followed with her “white flag of defeat” cheapshot, but it CRASHED like Monday’s stockmarket, PLUMMETING 35 points.

Maybe we’re not complete morons after all.


excellent, justme.

she tanked all the way. even the stupid people recognize she’s an embarrassment and a phoney.


About an hour post-debate, Fixed News had their text poll result screen crawl revealing that Palin won the debate by a margin of 86% to 14%.
So did I miss it when Biden pulled his pants down and played the ukelele, singing “Yes, We Have No Bananas”?

Of course, if Palin actually did that it would be hockey mom “realness”, doncha know.



(comments are closed)