K-Lo and the Right’s love of cretinism
Oh lordy:
This Is Not Spin, Honest Question [Kathryn Jean Lopez]Ask most Americans: Other than Roe, name a Supreme Court decision you disagree with? Off the top of your head? Sure, you’d come up with one. There’s Kelo.
Which would, in fact, have been one more than what Sarah Palin came up with.
My mind would then wander to “that child rape case.”
Which would have been two more than what Sarah Palin came up with.
Then, during these split-second deliberations, would realize I may not want to say “that child-rape case” on the national TV.
Well sure. But that’s because you’re K-Lo. We expect that sort of goofiness from you. We don’t expect it from someone who could soon become the most powerful person in the world.
And incidentally, K-Lo? You still would have done a lot better in this interview than Sarah Palin did. That is not a compliment.
And, then, decide: “I just am not going to play Katie’s quiz-show game.” I think the campaign has decided “Sarah Palin doesn’t do game shows. And we’ll ‘expose’ the media for every one of those questions.”
Jesus Christ on a bike. Being asked to name one freaking newspaper that you read is a goddamn “quiz-show game” question? Are you serious, K-Lo? What other softball questions will the Right’s delicate flower be unable to answer? If I asked her to name colors she liked, would she say “all of them?” If I asked her to name a number between one and ten, would she just give me a blank stare? What questions are we lowly mortals permitted to ask St. Joan of Juneau?
To put it more bluntly: could Sarah Palin say or do anything that would make you think twice before eating a crap sandwich on her behalf? Don’t you feel insulted that John McCain nominated someone who is less qualified than you are to be vice president? Let me repeat that: K-Lo, you are more qualified to be vice president than Sarah Palin is.
UPDATE: Malkin spells it out:
The Beltway/Manhattan crowd seems to have forgotten that her appeal to the base was not that she was a slick intellectual, but that she was one of them.
A.k.a., ignoramuses.
Why oh why can’t we get a smarter opposition ideology?
Can’t talk, eating. Nom nom nom.
Interesting that she doesn’t come up with Dred Scott vs. Sanford.
My partner drew a complete blank on *any* Supreme Court case other than Roe.
“At least I can name some newspapers!”
“Congratulations. You are a low information voter, but you are at least smarter than the GOP pick for VP. Don’t get excited, neither one of you are qualified.”
or lawrence v. sodom and gomorrah.
My partner drew a complete blank on *any* Supreme Court case other than Roe.
Which is fine. Your partner is not running for vice president of the United States.
Ask most Americans
Okay, most Americans, of what use is drop-D tuning? Sorry most Americans, you should not be in a metal band.
Palin reminds me of Peter Cook’s disappointed miner in “Sitting in the Bench” from “Beyond the Fringe”: of the not so rigorous test to be a miner (compared to the rigorous tests to be a judge) he says, “They asked my name. I got fifty percent on that.”
Being as ignorant as the majority of Americans about Supreme Court decisions is a feature, not a bug, if you are a Republican seeking the Vice Presidency. Awesome. I, for one, welcome my Idiot Overlords.
Ask most Americans
Dear Most Americans, what is the purpose of Kant’s Transcendental Method? Okay, Most Americans, you are not qualified to be philosophy professors.
Prediction: The next winger meme will be that Palin is running for VP and not a SCOTUS spot, so she doesn’t need to know court cases.
What about Wapner v. Scummy Landlord?
Or Unger v. Madison, Oscar.?
And either one of my dogs are more qualified to be VP than St. Joan of Juneau.
Bush v. Gore, fer chrissakes.
Oh, but Couric asked her to name a case she disagreed with, so that one doesn’t count.
What about Klinger v. Potter?
Kramer v. Kramer?
Rerun v. Rog?
Chico v. The Man?
Mantooth v. Gage?
And either one of my dogs are more qualified to be VP than St. Joan of Juneau.
Are they hot?
Bush v. Gore always comes to mind. Even though Scalia says I should just forget about it.
She can’t remember because she’s still bitter.
Nor would I vote for my partner for VP. I can’t imagine making excuses for, let alone admiring, someone who is so clearly unqualified for such an important job but willing to take it anyway. This isn’t “lifeboat shark monitor” where it’s an important job that nobody else wants so you reluctantly step up. It’s not “Sure, I’m more qualified to wash dishes at Denny’s than to be the cook, but the cook job pays better so I’ll fudge my qualifications a little” where the job doesn’t really matter that much and your skills are reasonably close to what’s required. This isn’t even “I sort of remember how to use the old version of that spreadsheet program, I’m sure I can pick it up as I go”.
This is an important job, and there are people both more qualified than she is and more interested in taking the job. Why in the name of God did she agree to this? She’s sure not enjoying the interview process.
Should the national motto be changed to: Embracing the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations since 2000?
Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson, Bush v. Gore.
Of course, K-Lo’s readers are all pretty OK with the above decisions, so I guess they’d say Brown v. Board of Education.
Bush v. Gore always comes to mind. Even though Scalia says I should just forget about it.
That’s what kills me. She could have just semi-ignored the question and talked about *any* case, whether she agreed with it or not. I’d have given her partial credit for “You know what kind of decisions we need more of?”
This line of questioning is going to make me go ballistic.
Think this will stop Bible Spice from complaining about “activist judges”?
Let’s say you couldn’t think of the names of cases you disagreed with. Chalk it up to a momentary brain freeze. Wouldn’t a competent candidate still be able to describe the types of cases they disagreed with? You know, throw out some rightwing munch bag complaints, like Gitmo detainee decisions, affirmative action, property rights, whatever.
But Palin? Just crickets chirping…
Wow, this is some weak shit K-Lo. Same weak shit as K-Lo’s attempt to spin Palin’s ‘lol-fail’ answer to the ‘name a newspaper or magazine’ question.
Brown v. Board of Bigots?
I thought all wingers knew and abhorred Marbury v Madison because it established
judicial reviewlegislating from the bench that they all screech about.Ding dong dilly, libs! Looks like you’re trying to stick up for Crazy Couric and her gotcha-politics…but guess what! Super Sarah passed this test with flying colors, just like she’ll serve up a SPREAD of VICTORY all over Joltless Joe in St. Looey tonight! The lovely Ms. Lopez is right, gotcha-politics have no place in America, especially when they’re meant to distract the McCaniacs who are hard at work fixing the economy. Why don’t you play “Stump the VP” with yourselves, loony libs? We’ve got a country to run!
Badoodle-boo yeah! You just got served a SPREAD of TRUTH once again by the Cool Coach! Urban out.
Murray v.
TalibanCurrett? Maybe I should look that up – I think that’s right.They don’t remember Bush v Gore?
Madison v Marbury?
Brown v Board of Education?
Maybe reporters could just ask the McCampaign for a preapproved list of questions? I would like to see that list. Maybe, “Governor Palin, could you just talk to us a bit about what you think we ought to hear from you?”
I think Couric was secretly hoping that when asked for another case she disagreed with, Palin would cheerily say, “Griswold.”
If I asked her to name colors she liked, would she say “all of them?” If I asked her to name a number between one and ten, would she just give me a blank stare? What questions are we lowly mortals permitted to ask St. Joan of Juneau?
Dear Governor Palin, can you tell me which guy is your dad?
“All of them”
Daaaaaammmmmmnnnnnn, way to talk about your mom, bitch.
Why don’t they give Couric the Dan Rather treatment? Oh wait, that would involve Couric actually investigating something.
My friends, I’ll offer anybody here a vice-presidential slot if you’ll name three Supreme Court cases. OK? Sign up. OK? You sign up and you’ll have to name three court cases – all three cases – not just one, OK? Because you can’t do it, my friend.
I love Coach Urban Meyer.
The McCain campaign may just be planning an anti-media campaign. I think that’s what we’ve been seeing these last few days.
Stop thinking. You may hurt yourself.
The game show crap is right and plays to the base.
Why give an answer to a softball question when you can show your skills at being a wise assed bitch to Hte Media.
The wingers don’t know crap about shit so why should St. Sarah?
Too bad Will Ferrell isn’t on Saturday Night Live anymore.
I can just see the Celebrity Jeopardy skit now.
Categories: “Countries I Can See From My House”, “Newspapers”, “Bridges”, etc.
Let me repeat that: K-Lo, you are more qualified to be vice president than Sarah Palin is.
Which isn’t to say, K-Lo, that you’re not dumber than a box of dog shit. You are. But Bible Spice is even dumber than you.
Dr. BDH said,
“Palin reminds me of Peter Cook’s disappointed miner in “Sitting in the Bench” from “Beyond the Fringe”: of the not so rigorous test to be a miner (compared to the rigorous tests to be a judge) he says, “They asked my name. I got fifty percent on that.”
Yes, the tests are know for their rigor.
This is the man who said, “I could have been a judge, but I never had the Latin.”
He illustrated how boring it is to mine coal by saying something like, “Hello, here’s a piece of coal. Just the thing we’ve been looking for.”
Think Palin is up to that kind of self-knowledge? Think again!
Asking easy questions isn’t a game show folks, it’s Gang Rape!
No seriously, follow the link.
Victor Davis Hanson does satire:
dadanarchist, I’ll take APE TIT for $600…
dadanarchist said,
October 2, 2008 at 19:06
Too bad Will Ferrell isn’t on Saturday Night Live anymore.
I agree, Will Ferrell was born to play Joe Biden.
Here’s something I try with my undergraduate students. After asking all of them to shut their laptops I tell them I will cancel class today if they can name all nine Supreme Court judges. I’ve never had to cancel class.
I bet Bible Spice couldn’t name five.
“I think Couric was secretly hoping that when asked for another case she disagreed with, Palin would cheerily say, “Griswold.””
That would have been the next logical step. That or the “Casey” case.
In any event, I bet five million pesos that Tina Fey’s answer will be along the lines of one of hte following:
1. Kramer v. Kramer
2. People v. Flynt
3. Alien v. Predator
4. Spy v. Spy
Aw, quit yer whining, Urban.
In other delicious bits of comeuppance, Krugman destroys an Assrocket:
I love how wingers believe that Joe Biden’s penchant for saying goofy things (regularly) is the same thing as Sarah Palin knowing fuck-all about every topic she’s ever been asked about. These are also the same people who think that Barack believes that there are 57 states because he once misstated the number of primaries and caucuses he went through.
And they think it’s funny.
“The Beltway/Manhattan crowd seems to have forgotten that her appeal to the base was not that she was a slick intellectual, but that she was one of them.”
Thank for calling the GOP base a heard of illiterate god-bags, so I don’t have to, Michelle.
Who else here wonders if Couric’s newspaper question wasn’t a failed lead-in to a gotcha regarding the Bircher publication on Bible Spice’s desk way back when?
Palin was running from it like it was a radioactive death ray, and can’t tell if that was because of her recent over-coaching, or if she sensed a trap.
Oh, goody! The ALL CAPS argument!
I gotta say – far more persuasive than your usual shit, gooper. I mean, those caps convinced me. Damn. This is so gonna hang around the Dem’s collective neck; you’d think that with their complete control of the House for the last couple decades… oh, wait. Of the White House for the last eight years… no, wait, that’s not it either… The Senate… well, we’ll spot you a couple years there, but no… that’s not quite it, either…
Help me, someone… It’s on the tip of my tongue.
K-Lo would vote for Terry Schiavo for V-P if her leaders told her to.
My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom. My data clearly shows that McCain is in control. Obama supporters are what I call elitists, McCain supporters are what I call down-to-earth. My projections show that McCain will take 45 states. Winston Churchill. It is shown that liberals hate freedom.
Word. It’s getting to be like shooting fish in a barrel, where the fish is the size of a bluefin tuna, and the barrel is a paintbucket.
The only thing deastating about it was the volume. Turn it down, booger, turn it down.
Godzilla v. Mechagodzilla?
I think their goal is to set the bar for Palin so low that to not be a success she’d have to drop her panties and take a dump onstage. Which I, for one, would love to see.
The only part of the question that was a “gotcha” was being asked to name a decision she disagreed with – but as someone on another blog pointed out, a competent politician, if stumped, would simply cite decisions he/she agreed with and say why.
Wingnuts are getting more and more tedious, like children arguing over every little thing so they can put off going to bed.
Go to bed, Republicans. The grown-ups have work to do.
Coyote v. ACME, Inc.?
Joe v. Volcano?
Monologues v. Agina?
Okay, most Americans, of what use is drop-D tuning? Sorry most Americans, you should not be in a metal band.
Or play country or bluegrass. Turmoil in the heartland!
In any event, this will be a moot point in a few months. When Obama becomes president, he’s going to abolish all tunings except taro patch. He’s Hawaiian.
Think this will stop Bible Spice from complaining about “activist judges”?
“Bible Spice”! Brilliant! I don’t think she could pull off the dance moves though.
Seriously though, check out this Vote Bitter Movement. It’s the funniest winger thing I’ve seen in a while. That’s saying quite a bit, actually.
Legalize said,
October 2, 2008 at 19:20
“.. Joe Biden’s penchant for saying goofy things (regularly)..”
I believe they’re referred to as ‘Bushisms’ .
Hey, base!
We picked and continue to support this whiny, st00pid bag of shit because we think she’s just like you!!
Don’t you feel honored now?
They’ve spent the last 30 years driving out of the party anyone whose grasp of opposition ideology was more complex than “HUFFALUMP PARTIE AM JEBUS, ALL OTHERZ ARE FAGGORTZ”
And either one of my dogs are more qualified to be VP than St. Joan of Juneau.
Yes, but how do they look in lipstick?
How’s about Baker v Exxon Shipping? Since she knows, you know, everything about energy and Alaska and stuff…
Here’s McCains latest TV ad:
K-Lo is smarter than the VP nominee for the GOP.
I just sicked up in my mouth a little.
Goober Attack!!11!1
… yeah, except that the ADULTS all know that this mess has jack-shit to do with either Fannie or Freddie, both of whom are now in the “recovery” phase – & a lot to do with the stacked-deck psychosis that’s predicated the world credit-markets for many years now, which is STILL in the “denial” phase.
Oh, & your cited Jeremiad of Democrat perfidy mysteriously cuts off cold in mid-2006 … I wonder why?
Malkin Attack!!!11!1
(well, sort of)
Awwwww. Not even for a shiny quarter? How about THREE shiny quarters? If you DON’T jump off a cliff, that means the terrorists have already won! I promise I’ll throw a smelly hippy over RIGHT behind you if you do it! Scouts’ Honor!
Why doesn’t anyone respond to me? McCain’s got you running scared, I just know it! We’re awesome! go GOP! Dururrrrrrr
What about that famous Intellectual Property case:
u v w
Ringo- Heh.
It’s interesting. I actually know people who live in tiny towns and on farms and way out in the damn woods. If I were to say to any of these people: “Oh of course you don’t read a paper or know about any Supreme Court cases, dahling, you’re just a simple country dweller,” I’d be beaten to death with a rolled up newspaper.
It’s really “Support the Troops!” all over again, isn’t it?
I enjoyed Palin’s description of herself as a Federalist because she wants things done on the state level/more states’ rights. Uh huh….I don’t think she was in the same AP History classes in high school that the rest of us were in. Talk about lowering the bar.
Arky, the newspapers are being used for the guts of the freshly killed moose. No use for readin’! Sorry, it really did take me until now to see that interview. Wow. Just wow. I’d be laughing a lot harder if this weren’t a close race. I can’t wait to see how bad she flubs it tonight though!
The Beltway/Manhattan crowd seems to have forgotten that her appeal to the base was not that she was a slick intellectual, but that she was one of them.
Don’t people want someone who is smarter, more accomplished than themselves in leadership positions? Or am I thinking crazy thoughts?
Hey PeeJ, could we conclude the camera saga soon? Five-oh-three, six-three-eight, nine-six-four-seven?
“In any event, this will be a moot point in a few months. When Obama becomes president, he’s going to abolish all tunings except taro patch. He’s Hawaiian.”
Excellent. If Gabby Pahinui were still alive, we’d hear some sweet slack key at the Inaugural Ball mixed w/ Stevie !
Ringo, I’ll see D.N. Nation’s Heh. and raise an Indeed.
We talked about Sarah Palin today at work, as everyone I work with is looking forward to seeing Bible Spice implode on national teevee. Funniest part of the convorsation? The drop-out punk rock kid who spends the bulk of his non-work time drinking warm 40 ounces could name and explain Dred Scott, Miranda and Loving v. Virginia.
Also, Republicans: not all small-town folk are as rock stupid as your VP nominee. Please stop insulting us by saying so. Just because you can’t be bothered to crack a friggin’ book once in a while doesn’t mean the rest of us are knuckle-dragging morons like you.
Eat it, booger.
Most of the mistakes for which we are paying now, Mr. Black told me, were actually made “by four entities that under conservative economic theory should have exercised effective market discipline — the appraisers, the originators of the mortgages, the rating agencies, and the investment banking firms that packaged the subprime mortgage-backed securities.” Instead of “disciplining” the markets, these private actors “served as the four horsemen of the financial apocalypse, aiding the accounting fraud and inflating the housing bubble.” It is they, Mr. Black says, who “turned a crisis into a catastrophe.”
Ah, but truth is no ally to a conservative with his back to the wall.
I’m thinking it would be sweet if what came out of tonight’s debate was a clear and unambiguous trashing of the claim that Sarah Palin is an expert about energy.
She only knows about oil and natural gas in Alaska, not any other kinds of energy. Hell, I bet she doesn’t know anything about oil and natural gas production in other parts of the US or the world. And I bet she doesn’t know a helluva lot about the economics about oil – she just knows that Alaskans get a lot of revenue from it.
I’d love to see her “energy expertise” exposed as being as nonsensical as her knowledge of government.
So, stupid question. I accidentally switched the S,N! layout to the circle layout, and it sucks. I can’t seem to figure out how to switch it back. Hep’ me.
One man’s opinion against the actual words of, and stonewalling by, Congressional Dems. The Dems were warned and denied there was a problem. Thomas Frank can gloss over that all he wants but he’s just kidding himself.
“But Teh* Rethugs had control of Congress! Scooooore, ha ha!”
But the Rethugs didn’t have a big enough majority to prevent the Dems from killing the legislation. Just another inconvenient truth you proggs overlook.
* “Hte” is NOT the new “Teh”. You can’t pronounce “hte” in spoken conversation but you can pronounce “teh”. Stop messing with established internet traditions, Brad, or I’ll call the cops.
I don’t want to feel threatened intellectually by our national leaders. Dumb as rocks–that’s how I like ’em. That way, I can view them with the same smug self-satisfaction that I regard participants on “The Biggest Loser.”
Wait a minute . . . Palin knew one case. I want a VP who says: “Supreme Court, are they the American Idol judges?”
Badoodle-boo yeah! You just got served a SPREAD of TRUTH once again by the Cool Coach! Urban out.
Go Rebels!
Can’t win a football game or a debate involving Ole Miss?
Go Rebels!
No, no, no. That’s not how they do it in Oxford. It’s this:
“Hotty totty, gosh-a-mighty
Who the hell are we?
Bam-bim, whim-bam
Ole Miss, by damn!”
Nothin’ but class. And oh yeah, Righteous Bubba…drop-D is for wimps.
Godzilla v. Mechagodzilla?
Gamera v. Guiron!
Ah, Hailie vs. United States. Hailie: 7, United States: nothing. You see, it can be done!
Dear Sadly, Nauts!,
Please do hte needful.
B.S. booger. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did not create this real estate bubble. It was created by Wall Street mortgage-backed securities origination, in which pools of mortgage were bought from mortgage originators who would keep none of those mortgages on their books. With no incentive to apply due diligence to their underwriting, little due diligence was. Meanwhile, a tidal wave of money chased after the same pool of real estate.
This process was set in motion by free market triumphalists, for example Senator Gramm back in 2000. And nothing was done by Bush or the Republican Congress about it. Even the alleged red herring of wanting to ‘rein Freddie and Fannie in” is crap. Because what they really wanted to do was let Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, etc. take an even bigger bite of the apple.
Your argument is nothing but a distraction for people who don’t know, or don’t want to know, exactly what happened in the real estate business these last 7 years.
Sorry Matt, I’ve heard the “Hotty Totty…” part before but only right before the other 95,000 people in Neyland gave it a sonic stomping with their Nth rendition of Rocky Top for the day.
I’ve discovered Bucket’s secret identity. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dewey Barkley, the cool coach.
And oh yeah, Righteous Bubba…drop-D is for wimps.
Who owns the Grand Old Opry? Darius Rucker.
Beats all the ninnies barking constantly here in Athens. ‘Course, they didn’t do a whole helluva lot of barking this weekend. “Ramma Jamma, yellow hamma/Give ’em hell, Alabama” indeed.
I’m really missing The Truth lately. These new trolls like Bingo and CUM are pathetic.
I was kinda looking forward to hearing about the latest polls from The Truth. He likes to quote them a lot.
My Dads met Obama today in MI. He’s gushing like a schoolgirl about it.
Oh, liberals, it still gives me great pleasure to watch you rant and rave, unable to realize why so many people support McCain and Palin. You just don’t get it, do you?
Darlings, Christmas comes early this year for me as I watch you implode on election night. Obama’s poll numbers are inflated up to 10% by the Bradley Effect, and there’s nowhere to go but down.
Too bad, so sad, liberals.
But seriously, you’d think I good winger like Mooseburger or K-Lo – when confronted with a question about Supreme Court decisions they disagree with – would need less than half a second to scream Hamdan!
Man, don’t blame me for Nashville being a soulless, corporate, money-grubbing hell hole that’s willing to put up any half-talented hack that might sell a few records. In any event, Darius Rucker’s pale roots-rock-wash-out ain’t nearly as ear-gouging as friggin’ Big & Rich, after all.
Big & Rich
What is the deal with duos and country music?
Goober, it must be terrifying for you to be unable to apply old learning to new situations. Trapped forever shoving square pegs in to round holes. Sarah Palin must be like a shining beacon on the hill for you? Someone, like you, incapable of naming a single source of information that doesn’t come from teh Bible or a GOP talking point. Someone, like you, capable of tossing aside reality with a simple utterance of “Elitest”, “LIB”, or “Burn in hell Satan’s spawn”. Sarah Palin represent for you a refutation of all those Teachers, Lovers, Friends, and family members who over the years laughed out, “Holy fuck! Its amazing your brain actually generates enough power to keep your lungs working!”.
The Beltway/Manhattan crowd seems to have forgotten that her appeal to the base was not that she was a slick intellectual, but that she was one of them.
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.
What is the deal with duos and country music?
It’s more fun to sing with someone else than by yourself. Plus, it sounds neater. A lot of it goes back to gospel groups and church singing (the whole sacred harp thing or groups like the Oak Ridge Boys) and family groups like the Carter Family or brother acts like Tompall & The Glaser Brothers. More often than not back in the day, even solo stars had someone singing prominent harmony, a la Johnny Paycheck (then known as Donnie Little) with George Jones or Jimmy Martin with Bill Monroe (the former making the latter sing so high only dogs could hear him). Then, again, there’s the massive amount of records sold by Dolly & Porter and Conway & Loretta and George & Tammy. Remember, up until very recently, most male country singers were uglier than bowling shoes, so that didn’t hurt.
Big & Rich suck, though. Less George & Tammy, more bad .38 Special. I really can’t explain it, apart from noting country music has gone way downhill since Pro-Tools, more so than most other forms of pop music. Videos didn’t help for shit, either.
Last time Troofy and I talked about Bradley Effect:
% of US population that is African-American? 12.36%.
Super Argo v. Aztec Wrestling Woman?
Finders v. Keepers?
Dick York v. Dick Sargent?
The Bradley Effect was that he was a shit-for-brains mayor of a city built on shit by people who think breathing shit makes them better than anyone else. The rest of the state saw that and voted accordingly. Why’d he poll higher? Name recognition, most likely.
in states with less than 8% AA population, the effect is alive and well.
News flash from Da Troof! Obama’s going to lose Wyoming – eat it, suckas!!!
Even if most Americans couldn’t name a Supreme Court decision, such as Plessy vs. Fergusson, they’d at least be able to say “Oh that school thing where it isn’t OK to be separate but equal” or “The one where you have to be read your rights.”
Malkin translated:
“Silly liberals,what they fail to understand is that our Base is so moronic that Palin on her worst day is still a figure of towering genius compared to them.In fact our base is so stupid we can shove any shit down their throates and they’ll call it caviar.Aint that right Base?…Uh,Base?…hey where did the Base go?”
Super Argo v. Aztec Wrestling Woman?
Finders v. Keepers?
Dick York v. Dick Sargent?
Where’s Mario George Nitrini!!1!11!!! when you need him?
“…the common clay of the New West. You know. Morons.”
Blazing Saddles v. Dr. Strangelove
Bambi v. Godzilla
Hold ‘Em v. Fold ‘Em
Smelt it v. Dealt it
Ah but v. have ways of making you talk
I think she means she’s a member of the Federalist Society Ladies Auxilliary.
Hey Truth,
For a debunking of the Bradley Effect, check out a paper by Daniel Hopkins, a post-PhD fellow in the Government Dept. at Harvard. Analyzing 133 election results, he argues that the Bradley effect only exerted an influence in the early 1990s.
The paper can be found on Hopkins’ web site. Use the Google.
g – She *did* say Alaska supplies 20% of America’s energy. It’s more like 3%. So there’s that.
Since that didn’t seem to get much coverage, lets hope they didn’t drill her on it and tonight she’ll have to be schooled by Joe.
Cretinism personified, courtesy of Rob Riggle:
K-Lo’s wet dream made horrifying reality.
Had me going – right up until “darlings” … more then a hint of mint there, if you know what I mean … that’s not The Trout we can believe in, my friends!
I second this stupid question. “Black” or “White”(?) settings are no problem (I think), but being the idiosyncratic goombah I am, I foolishly went with one of those fancy-pants alternatives – & now it’s stuck in place like McCain’s grimace.
Will fiddling with my cache or cookies help? Sacrificing a badger under a full moon? What?
Got room at the top for a “Sadly, No! For Dummies” tab?
Note the Dragon King’s advice. Trash any Sadly cookie you find.
Why, it allows you to play power chords with one finger, silly.
Can I be VP now?
Can I be VP now?
No. You may play in a metal band.
You may play in a metal band.
But only if your guitar is pointy.
Beltway/Manhattan? Can we get Chicago in there as well? You-know-who lives there.
But only if your guitar is pointy.
Flying v. guitar
Big & Rich
What is the deal with duos and country music?
As soon as you have three names, you turn into a law firm
(viz. Nash, de Brutus and Short… or Fat, Drunk & Stupid).
Very good, Jim.
“The Truth” is Copyright 2008 D.N. Nation Industries. All rights reserved.
Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.
in states with less than 8% AA population, the effect is alive and well.
Per the State Library of Iowa, African-Americans were 2.3% of the state’s total population in 2005.
The numbers here speake for themselves:
I doubt very much that the Bradley Effect can account for that big a discrepancy in the polls, especially given that Obama won the caucuses handily, sending him on his way to the nomination.
Looks like picking old Sayruh was suicide for hte teh the McCain
campaignFollies. I expect if it’s true here it will be true in a lot of other pale states as well.Dick York v. Dick Sargent?
Don’t be ridiculous. This case would never make it to the Supreme Court. Appellate, maybe.
You don’t have to delete every cookie, just the one whose name begins “wptheme”.
It’s the Roman Hruska Theory:
“Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren’t they, and a little chance?”
Righteous Bubba:
Okay, most Americans, of what use is drop-D tuning? Sorry most Americans, you should not be in a metal band.
Who says metal bands are the only ones that use drop-D? Folkies have used it for ages. Hell, we even use open-D….
King Kong v. Godzilla?
Flying v. guitar
Did you hear that decision was recently reversed?
K-Lo and the Right’s love of cretinism
You misspelled “creationism”.
No, wait, you got it right. Never mind.
I like Coach Urban Meyer. He’s like Ned Flanders, if Ned has started trolling right after his wife died in that freak T-shirt accident. Maybe better trolls is the start to better ideological opponents?
Do you know what tuning Gov. Palin is familiar with? Sebastopol. She can see it from her house.
“Coach” sez: Why don’t you play “Stump the VP” with yourselves, loony libs? We’ve got a country to run!
You mean “a country to ruin,” asshole. Abu Ghraib, Katrina, Wall Street — yep, nothing “loony” about them.
I also admire the honesty of Da Troof, who said:
Oh, liberals, it still gives me great pleasure to watch you rant and rave, unable to realize why so many people support McCain and Palin. You just don’t get it, do you? Darlings, Christmas comes early this year for me as I watch you implode on election night. Obama’s poll numbers are inflated up to 10% by the Bradley Effect, …
In other words, Troofie, you’re actually boasting about being racists and bigots. Way to demonstrate your superiority!
Social graces v. B. Spears et al
Fox News v. facts
Mer, I prefer the “white layout” ‘cos in that version, the GavRoll still links to my blog.
Bought the boy an ESP V-500 last month so’s he could assay Alexi Leiho soloeaux more accurately. Last night on the way home from soccer, he tells me “all his favorite” HM bands are switching to seven-string guitars — thus firmly hinting that that $600 axe I bought him is now obsolete.
I’ll buy him a new one when he starts playing bluegrass, the little villain.
You can probably find a 7-string Schecter for around $500.
Another option would be a used Ibanez Steve Vai model.
Okay, most Americans, of what use is drop-D tuning? Sorry most Americans, you should not be in a metal band.
Jesus, Bubba, I didn’t know you could use a drop-D tuning to play metal. It makes sense, but the only metal I’ve ever played with a drop-D is my Fender…
…resonator. With a slide. 🙂
Philistines all! Music has evolved from the days of hooch-addled yokels to encompass a narrow range of ear-splitting music provided by the most dope-addled social retards willing to get off the couch.
How’s the cone in that Fender, Interrobang?
Did you hear that decision was recently reversed?
That’s fucking awesome. Me and three other guys are so gonna get those and pretend to be a giant DDR game.