That may well be, but Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild de Maupassant Esquire III, Baroness of the Grand Duchy of Fenwick, finds Obama much too uppity…er, elitist to be President:
“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”
Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world. She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Forester is a member of the DNC’s Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York.
Well, come on. Fair enough. There’s only so much elitism to go around, and you can’t have just anybody swanning in and eliting it up willy-nilly. After all, from Lady Lynn’s point of view, if everyone’s elite, what’s the point of being elite in the first place?
“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,”
You don’t like him? So, uh, why is it supposed to be a hard decision for you? It’s like: “I hate chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers, therefore it’s a hard decision for me to decide whether or not to make myself a batch of S’mores.”
>>Tex, you say SOCIALISM doesn’t work, how do you explain the likes of:<<
Your definition of what works and mine differ totally. I know little of the sociology, customs, lifestyles, economics, etc. of the places you mentioned. What little I know, I don’t like. I think I’ve heard that society in Sweden has reached an unimaginable level of depravity. Sweden might sound like a nice place to you, but I wouldn’t visit, let alone want to live there. There is a little thing called the North Sea that has produced a few barrels of oil over the past couple of years. My guess would be Norway’s revenues from oil have paid for a great deal of socialism that will prove to be unsustainable in the future. Much like government and social benefits in Alaska which are also largely paid for by oil revenues, Norway’s are not comparable to anything else in the US, and are not sustainable when the oil is depleted. I believe socialist environments always fail because personal responsibility and incentive to grow and prosper are eliminated. Can’t you look around and see what the democrat/liberal/socialist policies of the US have already done? The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them. Liberals screamed “racism, discrimination, red-lining, cheating, lying, and on and on and on” until the government and financial industry made some of the most foolish decisions in the history of our country. You might also remember that this didn’t happen during the Bush administration. This crap has been going on for decades. Liberals want to blame Bush and say he’s the worst president in history. That’s simply nonsense. Carter, Clinton and Johnson were far worse presidents than Bush and bear far more responsibility for the current economic conditions than does Bush. You can promote, support and vote for socialism all you want. I will oppose it as long as I am able.
No problem, then. On internal evidence he already ain’t able. I mean, Sweden at an unimaginable level of depravity? I grant you that Abba is nothing to boast about, but depraved? I think not.
I know little of the sociology, customs, lifestyles, economics, etc. of the places you mentioned. What little I know, I don’t like. I think I’ve heard that society in Sweden has reached an unimaginable level of depravity
for him, sounds like the depravity is not totally unimaginable.
I suppose there is little point in reminding Texican that most of Norway’s income from NS oil is invested rather than spent on paying the bills.
Are you sure that Texican isn’t a parody?
Are you sure that Texican isn’t a parody?
Sadly, So!
In that case, judging from the effort devoted to preserving his or her lack of knowledge about the topic of discussion, I can only suppose that Texican is hoping to step into Jonah Doughboy’s punditry pulpit.
But on a serious note, has anyone seen any descriptions of Obama’s plan to “end the tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas”? This was an issue in 2004 as a well, but I only remember reading one article where it said that this was actually the free market position, because it would eliminate the subsidy and let the market work itself out. Of course, some Obama commercials say that he would use the credit to reward companies that create jobs here, but I am not sure if that is true, or just, you know, an empty proposal as politics. But as far as I know, there’s been little discussion of this. In fact, the only time I’ve seen it on the news is when Chelsea Clinton was discussing her mother’s economic proposals at some college and said something like, “It’s a company’s prerogative to move jobs to other countries if it wants to, but we shouldn’t be subsidizing it.” That seems to be a reasonable position to me, but I’d like to read more about it.
Here’s the problem I have with the Onion video: the jobs that got outsourced were high paying (unionized) manufacturing jobs. Well paid high tech jobs also got outsourced.
Americans are doing the really shitty jobs now: like security guard, sales clerk, counter attendant, and cashier at Walmart or McFast Foods Ltd.
That may well be, but Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild de Maupassant Esquire III, Baroness of the Grand Duchy of Fenwick, finds Obama much too uppity…er, elitist to be President:
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…”
The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them.
Silly me. I thought the current economic crisis was caused by an unsustainable concentration of wealth in too few hands, which stymied the money supply available to and spending of the other 90% of the population, which led to reduced sales of consumer goods, which led to a slowdown in manufacturing and retailing, which led to the people who had all the money having no good place to invest all that money so they could make even more they could never possibly spend – except for mortgages, which led to these people who have all the money all shoving a lot of money into the mortgage market, which led to a downward pressure on mortgage lending standards as all the good credit risks dried up but money kept flowing into the system demanding to be loaned out so it could generate earnings for the people who already had most of the money to begin with.
And here lies a huge difference between the ends of the political spectrum. Here we are laughing it up when the Onion parodies our candidate. It’s funny. We laugh. How would the flying monkeys respond to having the piss taken out of their lad, I wonder? Yah.
Obama and offshoring jobs/tax policy: Presumably he means something like the “Patriot Employer Act of 2007” (Durbin, Brown, Clinton & Obama) which:
“Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow a taxpayer certified as a Patriot employer by the Secretary of the Treasury a tax credit for one percent of such employer’s taxable income. Defines a “Patriot employer” as any taxpayer who:
(1) maintains its headquarters in the United States;
(2) pays at least 60% of the health care premiums of its employees;
(3) observes a policy requiring neutrality in employee organizing drives;
(4) maintains or increases the number of its full-time workers in the United States relative to its full-time workers outside of the United States;
(5) provides full differential salary and insurance benefits for all National Guard and Reserve employees called to active duty; and
(6) provides its employees with a certain level of compensation and retirement benefits.
On his website, he also says he will renegotiate NAFTA, etc etc
I just need to hear more about Sweden’s unimaginable levels of depravity. Unfortunately, I fear that it will prove to be quite dull, meaning that what depravity exists is so utterly uninteresting that no one proves capable of imagining it.
Now, if you had said the Central African Republic under Emperor Bokassa, I could easily imagine right wingers imagining all sorts of unimaginable depravities.
Liberals screamed “racism, discrimination, red-lining, cheating, lying, and on and on and on” until the government and financial industry made some of the most foolish decisions in the history of our country.
Well, we’re still screaming about it, and I haven’t seen much progress yet…
But since Tex’s mind seems to resemble a hedge maze composed of kudzu, it’s probably hard to get a complete thought out there.
It’s amazing how the anti-redlining legal changes were in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but by strange coincidence the sub-prime lending crisis only happened to come shortly after Phil Gramm’s December 2000 budget addition Commodity Futures Modernization Act, followed by another law which prevented states from enacting stronger anti-predatory lending laws than the weak laws Gramm wrote into the Federal code.
Guess there was some sort of a time delay in liberals forcing banks at gunpoint to lend to all them colored folk and the subprime disaster.
McCain and the Mortgage Meltdown, Robert Scheer, The Nation, Yeah, this is the real actual journalist that the L. A. F***ing Times got rid of to hire Jo’berg Goldbutt
The housing bubble was the result of the Ponzi-scheme antics of those other financial entities: commercial banks, stockbrokers and hedge funds, which were allowed in a GOP-deregulated market to get into the “swap” business. Through the rampant reselling of loans, the obligation to collect on a loan was divorced from the act of selling it in the first place, so who cared if the recipient of the loan was not at all qualified or the appraisal of the property value was inflated, as long as the paper was traded away, or insured, before the moment of foreclosure?
As with any Ponzi scheme, the perps, who included the legislators as well as the bankers who exploited the loopholes they provided, expected to bail long before the bubble burst. The role of the legislators, Republican-led but with far too many Democratic running dogs, was critical to the success of the scam.
The mortgage swaps distancing the originator of the loan from the ultimate collector were made legal only as a result of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which former Senator Phil Gramm, R-Texas, pushed through Congress just hours before the 2000 Christmas recess. Gramm, until recently co-chair of the McCain campaign, also had co-authored the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which became law in 1999 with President Bill Clinton’s signature. That gem, which Gramm had pushed for years with massive financial industry lobbying, destroyed the Depression-era barrier to the merger of stockbrokers, banks and insurance companies. Those two acts effectively ended significant regulation of the financial community, and no wonder we have witnessed an even more rapid and severe meltdown in housing values than during the Great Depression.
Not surprisingly, Gramm was rewarded for his service upon retirement as a senator and as head of the Senate Banking Committee with a top position at the Swiss-based UBS bank, which is close to drowning in the subprime mortgage nightmare he helped create. These folks have no shame, as was evidenced when the senator’s wife, Wendy, was named a director of Enron, whose roiling of the energy market had been made possible only through yet another provision of Gramm’s Commodity Futures Modernization Act.
The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them.
That is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever read. Excelsior!
Their fruits are not lush. But America is in a fix at the interracial and interdenominational Harvest Cathedral. He talked about how he will get the ax. When Christmas rolls around, we can at least have the clean conscience by which to face God at the close of that hymn to stand all alone in most cases we somehow get over those points to go on. But when it comes to marriage, too many give up for so many around the world are without food. When this particular group gets together, there’s no room for fear in love; perfect love banishes fear. We love because he loved us first. Throughout, we were charmed with an exceptionally friendly waitress. She not only stay for the presidency.
The current economic whatsis is caused by you DEMON-crats, who keep giving your socialist handouts to megacorporations. When we finally get President Palin into the Whites-only House, you’ll finally get the chance to see Republican economic policy in action.
First of all, all the tax cuts will go to the wealthy so they can trickle down on the rest of us (this is gonna work like gangbusters, just wait and see!). Then, all regulation is gonna be faith-based (so we can get G*d back on the trading floor, no thanks to you atheists). Then, we’ll privatise government, so we can do away with the money-wasting election process, which sometimes doesn’t turn out the way we like it.
You LIE-bruls have had your chance at running the government and you ruined it instead. Time to give the GOP a shot at it as we bring CHANGE!
Jesus Christ was a man who traveled through the land
Hard working man and brave
He said to the rich, “Give your goods to the poor.”
So they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.
Woody Guthrie, audio at cccc
Here’s the problem I have with the Onion video: the jobs that got outsourced were high paying (unionized) manufacturing jobs.
Hear hear. My father had one of those “shitty jobs” on a General Motors production line, and it was shitty, all right (although he never complained). But it allowed us to live in a nice home, and my sister and me to go to college.
A lot of people today would jump at a “shitty job” like that. I don’t think many of them would think that video was funny.
I heard this cat on NPR today, seemed to have some, whaddayacallit, gravitas, and he was talking about AIG.
He said they are, or at least might be, the largest issuer of Credit Default Swap instruments in the world. But see, these are guarantees like insurance, but they aren’t regulated or managed like insurance, in that there’s no requirement for them to set aside capital to cover the risk. They are also like futures contracts, but there’s no regulatory requirement for guaranteeing funds, like there would be for futures contracts. I guess this is mostly thanks to Phil Gramm and a bill they snuck thru in December of 2000 that actually FORBIDS oversight on these types of instruments.
But then it got worse. Dude says that one of the main reasons that the government didn’t want to lose one of these organizations to bankruptcy is that the B-Court is going to force a valuation on many of these securities. Securities that every bank has been valuing arbitrarily because the market has never had to decide if the valuations were correct in the real world.
So the Lehman bankruptcy will require that a value be placed, in an adversarial setting, on many of the mortgage-backed securities and credit default swap policies that sit on balance sheets at a certain, arbitrary valuation.
And when they are market-valued, most global financial services companies will lose billions of dollars of asset value, and will be forced to admit they do not have the capital reserves required by law.
The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them.
Silly me. I thought the current economic crisis was caused by an unsustainable concentration of wealth in too few hands, which stymied the money supply available to and spending of the other 90% of the population, which led to reduced sales of consumer goods, which led to a slowdown in manufacturing and retailing, which led to the people who had all the money having no good place to invest all that money so they could make even more they could never possibly spend – except for mortgages, which led to these people who have all the money all shoving a lot of money into the mortgage market, which led to a downward pressure on mortgage lending standards as all the good credit risks dried up but money kept flowing into the system demanding to be loaned out so it could generate earnings for the people who already had most of the money to begin with.
Zapata? Wasn’t he some kind of revolutionary terrorist?
Slightly more seriously — McCain learned his international relations when he was a POW. Actually, he did. That was 35-40 years ago. Things have changed.
Even more seriously, it’s much more important to have a coherent vision of the world and the judgment to make a considered, sensible decision than to know the names of every significant leader (though you should) — and McCain’s reflexive, reactive temper is, in my mind, as disqualifying as his choice of veep.
I wouldn’t have wanted this guy President in 1940 (he’d probably have lost to Japan), certainly not in 1960 (we wouldn’t be reading this, having been vaporized or never born), absolutely not in 1980 (in comparison, Reagan was a wimp who backed down) and as for now … no, uh-huh, no way, not a chance.
So if we can nail him on Zapatero … sure, let’s do it.
Full disclosure: I’m laughing my ass off. It wasn’t the greatest satire ever, but it was good enough to make me laugh.
Then again, I’m the guy who readjusted his bookmarks based on my personal litmus test of how a site responded to the New Yorker cover. If they thought it was funny, like me, they stayed bookmarked. If not, well, you can probably guess the rest.
I’ll say it again: if I ever forget how to laugh, it hardly matters who the President is.
A lot of people today would jump at a “shitty job” like that. I don’t think many of them would think that video was funny.
Way to miss the point.
I take back what I said about our side having a sense of humor.
Disclaimer: I am currently looking for a shitty job myself, not having had one for nearly a year and a half. If anybody feels they have a better right to be a humorless fuckwit about this than I do, they can go fellate a storm cellar full of rabid wolverines.
Lesley – I’m going to go along with Roy Edroso on this one:
I thought five-plus years of covering this kind of gibberish had inured me to it, but here it is only September of a Presidential election year and every time I step even into the foot-washing pool of the political scene I feel as if I have been fatally poisoned. The degeneracy of political discourse in the internet age has been my subject, but I feel as if it is getting away from me, screaming beyond my capacity to keep up. Is it really so much worse than it has been, or am I getting soft?
Sundown, yellow moon, I replay the past
I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast
If she’s passin’ back this way, I’m not that hard to find
Tell her she can look me up if she’s got the time.
Completely unrelated note: thank God we’ve finally got an ad that doesn’t suck ideological balls. As someone with six goldens and a hard-on for the Bill of Rights, the ACLU campaign that adorable dog is shilling for warms my black little heart.
Take one tainted meat crisis that kills 17 people and makes countless others sick.
Take one Minister of Agriculture with a John Bolton moustache who, in the same week people are dying, announces deregulation of food inspection and the cancellation of the mad cow inspection program.
As a card-carrying Swede and atheist pervert, I’m appalled that this depravity is obviously being hidden from me. Or does Mr Texican use the word in a way I was not previously aware of?
Not that Sweden is perfect (far from it), but at least I don’t have to worry about being bankrupted if I’m dumb enough to get sick.
So the Lehman bankruptcy will require that a value be placed, in an adversarial setting, on many of the mortgage-backed securities and credit default swap policies that sit on balance sheets at a certain, arbitrary valuation… And when they are market-valued, most global financial services companies will lose billions of dollars of asset value, and will be forced to admit they do not have the capital reserves required by law.
Bingo. It’s all Monopoly(tm) money, but in this live-action version, the player(s) holding the biggest bundles *lose* the most. For the last 8 (or possibly 38) years, American financial-political markets have conflated the Red Queen’s Race (where you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place) and the White Queen’s Philosophy (“When I was your age, I had to believe at least six impossible things before breakfast!”) with a strong dose of Humpty Dumpty’s Doctrine (“If I use a word it means what I want it to mean — neither more nor less.”) Now Alice has shouted that All of you are nothing but a pack of cards and we’re all going to wake up from our long nap — but I don’t think it’s nursery tea we’ve got to look forward to…
I’ve had RICO explained to me before, by some very nice people, in the hopes that I would stop saying it should be applied to our governmental officials who are fattening themselves like a leech on taxpayer money.
If none of this qualifies as a criminal enterprise, we should expand our definition.
It looks like the McCain bounce is officially over.
Here are the numbers from new CBS/New York Times poll: Among registered voters, Obama leads 48%-43%, with a margin of error of ±3%. Among likely voters, Obama is ahead 49%-44%. Last week, McCain’s post-convention helped him get a 46%-44% lead among registered voters — but not anymore.
The fact is, liberals are responsible for this. The only way the economy can be fixed is by stop taxing the productive classes, and by drilling for more oil. All this interfering in the free market will only guarantee a huge John McCain victory as here in the Heartland we reaffirm our support for USA values.
> I hear and obey. You’re crazy. Bonkers. Looney-toons. Off-kilter. Round-the-bend. Off the deep-end. Nuts. Out-of-sorts. Unstable. Crazy.
Yes, all due to not hearing about the vital issues of the day, such as poll results, from the The Truth.
He can enlighten us, if he ever dare show his laughable persona again, about why Mooseburger’s spirtual advisor is a self-professed witch hunter. Since he is constantly splooging over her pictures and videos, maybe he has some insight to her wacky wackiness.
Maybe the new idea by the rePIGs is to use exorcists to fix the economy. They know it can’t possibly be all the deregulation and deficit spending that caused the problems. No sireeeee!
> The fact is, everyone knows that CBS and the NYT learn far to the hard left, which makes these polls biased, therefore usless.
Correct, Gary. The polls did not question you or me, thus they have no “us” in them (your point about them being “usless”).
However, they are very useful. Not so much to determine the election outcome, but as entertainment value, watching the spin that nutjobs like you put on them.
> The only way the economy can be fixed is by stop taxing the productive classes
Gary, I don’t know if you read the papers, but maybe you should start some day. It’ll help you keep up on current events.
The cogent current event to the reality-defying point of yours that I quoted above is the huge crisis in the economy. It is clear and pointed evidence that the only thing the “productive classes” are good at producing are IOU’s to sell to the Chinese, or to present to the taxpayer for a bailout.
“The Truth is MIA. We have not had the pleasure of hearing him extoll the virtues of the latest polls in a while.”
“I wonder why he isn’t here to give us the vital polling data?”
Because he’s a stupid, ignorant fuckwit who gets pwned every time he shows his face, and because eventually, even Republicans get tired of being publicly humiliated.
I, for one, eagerly await his return so I can school his stupid ass some more.
The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them.
This must be the latest talking point from Wingnut Central. I just heard a caller on C-Span spout the same line, nearly word-for-word.
INT: A shabby basement, lit only by the grinning face of Reagan on the screen saver. Crumpled Cheeto bags are scattered on the floor. CLOSEUP: Feet in clown shoes coming down the stairs. We follow the owner’s line of sight across the floor, and up, to focus on a fax machine. It is quiet. We hold for two beats.
EXT: A small frame house in Anywhere, USA. A frisbee is stuck on the roof, symbolizing the lost aspirations of the occupants. Birds fly from a dead tree as a ululating wail rises from the basement.
VO: It was a day Republicans would never forget. It was…
So now Caribou Barbie has a NEW story about that magical day that John McCain asked for her hand in holy candidacy.
Remember she told CHAR-lie that when he asked her she said “Yes” right away, without blinking.
Now on the Hannity interview she tells a touching story of having her kids vote on the question. And they were all like “Go fer it, Mom!”
Of course, vaguely I recall the story around the time of the Convention that the kids didn’t even know she was doing this, they were told that they were going to St. Paul to celebrate some family anniversary….
How many lies does this woman tell? These are lies she doesn’t even HAVE to tell!
It reminds me of some psychotic cheerleader in high school telling lies to the girls in the cafeteria about her “older college boyfriend.”
Forgive me if this has been covered, but did anyone listen to McCain’s bizarre interview where it seemed that he has no idea who the Prime Minister of Spain is, OR that he is under the impression that Spain is somewhere in Latin America?
C’mon, Gramps just got his swarthy foreigners a bit mixed up. It happens to the best of us. Besides, who can trust a Spaniard after that dust-up in ’98?
The Spanish Prime Minister thing is funny, because the first impression was that McCain actually thought Zapatero was one of those leftist Latin American enemies of ‘Murka, but upon parsing all the newsies realized McCain just didn’t know who the guy was at all.
> The Spanish Prime Minister thing is funny, because the first impression was that McCain actually thought Zapatero
Gramps had dozed off the previous night watching a DVD of “Viva Zapata!”. Thus, the name (and plotline) was stuck in his head. Hopefully he never watches “Dr. Strangelove” if (shudder) the criminals manage to steal the election again.
For the medical nerds out there, don’t call what he has “Early Onset Alzheimer’s”
Just call it “Early Onset Raygun Brain”. The next thing will be Gramps calling for his wife’s astrologer to make policy decisions.
Judging by his decision to add Mooseburger to the ticket, something like that is already going on.
I, or another alias that I used, have previously used S,N to point out that republicans are the cowards, not Liberals: since republicans are the ones that need guns to feel safe while Liberals deal with reality without needing a .45 on their hip.
I must use today’s soapbox to point out another paradox in the orthodoxy.
republicans are the freeloaders in America today. They want lots of gov’t services, especially those of the “bomb brown people to kingdom come” variety. But they don’t want to pay taxes.
Liberals, on the other hand, realize that taxes are what you pay for a functioning government and services. Note that in the last eight years the phrase “functioning government” has been stretched to the limit, but my point still stands.
IOW, republicans aren’t just thieving hypocritical liars of the first order. They are PALINESQUE thieving hypocritical liars of the first order, which is a lot worse.
I was asking it rhetorically. Obama is ahead in the polls right now. So, just when we need The Truth (!) to tell us all about it, he seems to be AWOL.
A couple weeks a go I pointed out to Troofy that the polls were obviously going to be in flux post conventions. I still think this is true – that the current polls are still a bit out of whack, but obviously the effect is diminshing over time.
Also obviously, Palin turned out to be an awesome pick of JiSM3 – at least short term re:polling. But now that there’s been more scrutiny (i.e. any) her favorability ratings are dropping like a stone. Some people are saying that the drop is due to the the whole economy thing – and that’s definitely a part of it – but I suspect a bigger part is that the “gee-whiz” factor of Sarah Palin is waning. I suspect the biggest plus a Republican can possibly have right now is obscurity.
Whoops, since I basically stole the argument – I was going to link some people are saying to reveal my source of brilliant analysis. I’d hate for anyone to think that I’m a “some people are saying” jackass. Not only do I not have an mba, I also don’t have a degree in journalism.
I think I’ve heard that society in Sweden has reached an unimaginable level of depravity. Sweden might sound like a nice place to you, but I wouldn’t visit, let alone want to live there. There is a little thing called the North Sea that has produced a few barrels of oil over the past couple of years. My guess would be Norway’s revenues from oil have paid for a great deal of socialism that will prove to be unsustainable in the future.
Um, how do Norway‘s oil revenues finance depravity in Sweden? Is he talking about the Norwegians who come to Sweden to get plastered?
Can’t find the pre-released speech, but if it wasn’t in there I’m sure it’ll come out somewhere…ugh. I’ll feel a chagrined if my comment here ends up being the vector, but I’d be very surprised if it gets any reaction except laughter from the non-Palindromedaries…
mz nicky, i got this in an email yesterday, but my friend said as much back when we bailed F&F out.
“fannie and fredie were spurred by the gov to get more people to buy houses…..promoting home ownership….then they sold the securities to everyone else….. if the gov wasn’t pushing fannie and fredie…”
This morning Bill O’Reilly was blaming Barney Frank by name for god knows what reason but, while he listed the accumulation and lack of regulation of mortgage securities, he curiously failed to mention the Senators involved in preventing that regulation.
“That shit work can and should be done by Americans”.
It is to LOL.
pnws? or Rulez?
That may well be, but Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild de Maupassant Esquire III, Baroness of the Grand Duchy of Fenwick, finds Obama much too uppity…er, elitist to be President:
Check out the photo at the link. Definitely a M(illionairess)ILF. Nice set of pearls, too.
Well, come on. Fair enough. There’s only so much elitism to go around, and you can’t have just anybody swanning in and eliting it up willy-nilly. After all, from Lady Lynn’s point of view, if everyone’s elite, what’s the point of being elite in the first place?
It just devalues the whole concept.
I really never understood the Obama/elitist thing.
Of course, it’s a typical stupid wingnut thing to say, and they would say it if the candidate appeared in a flour sack and lived in a dumpster.
I think it’s mainly that he’s really smart.
And they hate that.
“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,”
You don’t like him? So, uh, why is it supposed to be a hard decision for you? It’s like: “I hate chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers, therefore it’s a hard decision for me to decide whether or not to make myself a batch of S’mores.”
Methinks the lady doth self-justify too much.
Behold the wingnut mind, WereBear:
Powerful liberals have erased Ronald Reagan, HW Bush, and the shrub himself from the pages of history.
Flex your muscles, and be proud, people!
I will oppose it as long as I am able.
No problem, then. On internal evidence he already ain’t able. I mean, Sweden at an unimaginable level of depravity? I grant you that Abba is nothing to boast about, but depraved? I think not.
I know little of the sociology, customs, lifestyles, economics, etc. of the places you mentioned. What little I know, I don’t like.
The little he knows less is than he thinks.
I know little of the sociology, customs, lifestyles, economics, etc. of the places you mentioned. What little I know, I don’t like. I think I’ve heard that society in Sweden has reached an unimaginable level of depravity
for him, sounds like the depravity is not totally unimaginable.
sounds like he’s thinking about it an awful lot.
“less is”? WTF? AND I’M SOBER!
For extra credit, PS, he goes on to show that he knows even less about the housing market than he does about Sweden.
(“What little I know, I don’t like.”)
It’s a tour de force of wingnuttia. Original Gary can’t touch this.
P.S. I posted the link, but WürdOppress has suppressed me.
I suppose there is little point in reminding Texican that most of Norway’s income from NS oil is invested rather than spent on paying the bills.
Are you sure that Texican isn’t a parody?
I don’t need no
doctorlink. I ain’t goin’ there, no siree, not for nobody.Are you sure that Texican isn’t a parody?
Sadly, So!
This is from the Yahoo MMM finance page.
We’ve had a few disagreements over the years.
Carter, Clinton and Johnson were far worse presidents than Bush and bear far more responsibility for the current economic conditions than does Bush.
It’s high-time that extreme left-wing com-symps like Texican stopped trying to conceal the responsibility of that Maoist hardliner Grover Cleveland.
Are you sure that Texican isn’t a parody?
Sadly, So!
In that case, judging from the effort devoted to preserving his or her lack of knowledge about the topic of discussion, I can only suppose that Texican is hoping to step into Jonah Doughboy’s punditry pulpit.
It’s a crying shame that the lieberals have so much power, Snorghagen.
Just think: with a minor flex of their puny muscles, they erased the presidencies of zombie Reagan, GHW Bush, and the shrub.
New Obama ad
That was very funny.
But on a serious note, has anyone seen any descriptions of Obama’s plan to “end the tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas”? This was an issue in 2004 as a well, but I only remember reading one article where it said that this was actually the free market position, because it would eliminate the subsidy and let the market work itself out. Of course, some Obama commercials say that he would use the credit to reward companies that create jobs here, but I am not sure if that is true, or just, you know, an empty proposal as politics. But as far as I know, there’s been little discussion of this. In fact, the only time I’ve seen it on the news is when Chelsea Clinton was discussing her mother’s economic proposals at some college and said something like, “It’s a company’s prerogative to move jobs to other countries if it wants to, but we shouldn’t be subsidizing it.” That seems to be a reasonable position to me, but I’d like to read more about it.
Here’s the problem I have with the Onion video: the jobs that got outsourced were high paying (unionized) manufacturing jobs. Well paid high tech jobs also got outsourced.
Americans are doing the really shitty jobs now: like security guard, sales clerk, counter attendant, and cashier at Walmart or McFast Foods Ltd.
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…”
I could use a little Swedish depravity, myself.
The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them.
Silly me. I thought the current economic crisis was caused by an unsustainable concentration of wealth in too few hands, which stymied the money supply available to and spending of the other 90% of the population, which led to reduced sales of consumer goods, which led to a slowdown in manufacturing and retailing, which led to the people who had all the money having no good place to invest all that money so they could make even more they could never possibly spend – except for mortgages, which led to these people who have all the money all shoving a lot of money into the mortgage market, which led to a downward pressure on mortgage lending standards as all the good credit risks dried up but money kept flowing into the system demanding to be loaned out so it could generate earnings for the people who already had most of the money to begin with.
Like I said, silly me.
And here lies a huge difference between the ends of the political spectrum. Here we are laughing it up when the Onion parodies our candidate. It’s funny. We laugh. How would the flying monkeys respond to having the piss taken out of their lad, I wonder? Yah.
Dude, there’s an Onion News MOVIE!
Justme, I’m not laughing. Outsourcing busted unions and moved all the well-paying blue collar work out. It’s a stupid parody.
Obama and offshoring jobs/tax policy: Presumably he means something like the “Patriot Employer Act of 2007” (Durbin, Brown, Clinton & Obama) which:
“Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow a taxpayer certified as a Patriot employer by the Secretary of the Treasury a tax credit for one percent of such employer’s taxable income. Defines a “Patriot employer” as any taxpayer who:
(1) maintains its headquarters in the United States;
(2) pays at least 60% of the health care premiums of its employees;
(3) observes a policy requiring neutrality in employee organizing drives;
(4) maintains or increases the number of its full-time workers in the United States relative to its full-time workers outside of the United States;
(5) provides full differential salary and insurance benefits for all National Guard and Reserve employees called to active duty; and
(6) provides its employees with a certain level of compensation and retirement benefits.
On his website, he also says he will renegotiate NAFTA, etc etc
I just need to hear more about Sweden’s unimaginable levels of depravity. Unfortunately, I fear that it will prove to be quite dull, meaning that what depravity exists is so utterly uninteresting that no one proves capable of imagining it.
Now, if you had said the Central African Republic under Emperor Bokassa, I could easily imagine right wingers imagining all sorts of unimaginable depravities.
El Cid, I refuse to imagine what depravities you imagine right-wingers imagine.
But I might follow the link if you had one …
On the link text at the end, I get “Americaå??s Shitty Jobs”. In both Firefox and Safari.
I think there might be a typo there?
Awww, ittdgy, fer me?
Well, we’re still screaming about it, and I haven’t seen much progress yet…
But since Tex’s mind seems to resemble a hedge maze composed of kudzu, it’s probably hard to get a complete thought out there.
Did anyone watch The Daily Show last night? Hilarious clip of Stewart salivating over Palin.
I, too,
am curious
It’s amazing how the anti-redlining legal changes were in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but by strange coincidence the sub-prime lending crisis only happened to come shortly after Phil Gramm’s December 2000 budget addition Commodity Futures Modernization Act, followed by another law which prevented states from enacting stronger anti-predatory lending laws than the weak laws Gramm wrote into the Federal code.
Guess there was some sort of a time delay in liberals forcing banks at gunpoint to lend to all them colored folk and the subprime disaster.
Good summary of the villains:
We drink elixirs that we refine
From the juices of the dying
We are not monsters we’re moral people
And yet we have the strength to do this.
That is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever read. Excelsior!
Their fruits are not lush. But America is in a fix at the interracial and interdenominational Harvest Cathedral. He talked about how he will get the ax. When Christmas rolls around, we can at least have the clean conscience by which to face God at the close of that hymn to stand all alone in most cases we somehow get over those points to go on. But when it comes to marriage, too many give up for so many around the world are without food. When this particular group gets together, there’s no room for fear in love; perfect love banishes fear. We love because he loved us first. Throughout, we were charmed with an exceptionally friendly waitress. She not only stay for the presidency.
JanusSwank works amazingly well as alternative lyrics for that Eno / Byrne track, “America is Waiting”.
The current economic whatsis is caused by you DEMON-crats, who keep giving your socialist handouts to megacorporations. When we finally get President Palin into the Whites-only House, you’ll finally get the chance to see Republican economic policy in action.
First of all, all the tax cuts will go to the wealthy so they can trickle down on the rest of us (this is gonna work like gangbusters, just wait and see!). Then, all regulation is gonna be faith-based (so we can get G*d back on the trading floor, no thanks to you atheists). Then, we’ll privatise government, so we can do away with the money-wasting election process, which sometimes doesn’t turn out the way we like it.
You LIE-bruls have had your chance at running the government and you ruined it instead. Time to give the GOP a shot at it as we bring CHANGE!
Eno / Byrne track, “America is Waiting”.
That is possibly my favourite record – RECORD I SAY – ever.
Jesus Christ was a man who traveled through the land
Hard working man and brave
He said to the rich, “Give your goods to the poor.”
So they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.
Woody Guthrie, audio at cccc
Just sayin’
(Lots more great verses too …)
cccc-ock-up … ccc-copy & paste …
Here’s the problem I have with the Onion video: the jobs that got outsourced were high paying (unionized) manufacturing jobs.
Hear hear. My father had one of those “shitty jobs” on a General Motors production line, and it was shitty, all right (although he never complained). But it allowed us to live in a nice home, and my sister and me to go to college.
A lot of people today would jump at a “shitty job” like that. I don’t think many of them would think that video was funny.
I guess I just don’t understand.
I heard this cat on NPR today, seemed to have some, whaddayacallit, gravitas, and he was talking about AIG.
He said they are, or at least might be, the largest issuer of Credit Default Swap instruments in the world. But see, these are guarantees like insurance, but they aren’t regulated or managed like insurance, in that there’s no requirement for them to set aside capital to cover the risk. They are also like futures contracts, but there’s no regulatory requirement for guaranteeing funds, like there would be for futures contracts. I guess this is mostly thanks to Phil Gramm and a bill they snuck thru in December of 2000 that actually FORBIDS oversight on these types of instruments.
But then it got worse. Dude says that one of the main reasons that the government didn’t want to lose one of these organizations to bankruptcy is that the B-Court is going to force a valuation on many of these securities. Securities that every bank has been valuing arbitrarily because the market has never had to decide if the valuations were correct in the real world.
So the Lehman bankruptcy will require that a value be placed, in an adversarial setting, on many of the mortgage-backed securities and credit default swap policies that sit on balance sheets at a certain, arbitrary valuation.
And when they are market-valued, most global financial services companies will lose billions of dollars of asset value, and will be forced to admit they do not have the capital reserves required by law.
Oh no, folks. This can only get worse now…
The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them.
Silly me. I thought the current economic crisis was caused by an unsustainable concentration of wealth in too few hands, which stymied the money supply available to and spending of the other 90% of the population, which led to reduced sales of consumer goods, which led to a slowdown in manufacturing and retailing, which led to the people who had all the money having no good place to invest all that money so they could make even more they could never possibly spend – except for mortgages, which led to these people who have all the money all shoving a lot of money into the mortgage market, which led to a downward pressure on mortgage lending standards as all the good credit risks dried up but money kept flowing into the system demanding to be loaned out so it could generate earnings for the people who already had most of the money to begin with.
Like I said, silly me.
A little from Column A, a little from Column B.
John McCain does not know who Zapatero is (radio interview in Spanish).
I want to take a moment to say that Rugged in Montana is the only parody troll that I think shouldn’t be shot in the face. He makes me laugh.
The rest of you troll fucks deserve to be shot in the face. You’re tedious.
Zapata? Wasn’t he some kind of revolutionary terrorist?
Slightly more seriously — McCain learned his international relations when he was a POW. Actually, he did. That was 35-40 years ago. Things have changed.
Even more seriously, it’s much more important to have a coherent vision of the world and the judgment to make a considered, sensible decision than to know the names of every significant leader (though you should) — and McCain’s reflexive, reactive temper is, in my mind, as disqualifying as his choice of veep.
I wouldn’t have wanted this guy President in 1940 (he’d probably have lost to Japan), certainly not in 1960 (we wouldn’t be reading this, having been vaporized or never born), absolutely not in 1980 (in comparison, Reagan was a wimp who backed down) and as for now … no, uh-huh, no way, not a chance.
So if we can nail him on Zapatero … sure, let’s do it.
Full disclosure: I’m laughing my ass off. It wasn’t the greatest satire ever, but it was good enough to make me laugh.
Then again, I’m the guy who readjusted his bookmarks based on my personal litmus test of how a site responded to the New Yorker cover. If they thought it was funny, like me, they stayed bookmarked. If not, well, you can probably guess the rest.
I’ll say it again: if I ever forget how to laugh, it hardly matters who the President is.
Way to miss the point.
I take back what I said about our side having a sense of humor.
Disclaimer: I am currently looking for a shitty job myself, not having had one for nearly a year and a half. If anybody feels they have a better right to be a humorless fuckwit about this than I do, they can go fellate a storm cellar full of rabid wolverines.
No offense intended.
Shorter George Will:
But you know what they say: It takes a lot to laugh, but it takes a train to cry.
Never could figure out exactly what the fuck that meant.
Verbatim George Fucking Will:
OK, it’s late, and I’ve had a little too mcuh to drink, but…what the fuck?
OK, maybe I’ve had way too mcuh to drink. So fucking sue me.
Sarah Palin has increased the quantity of love
So what does this show? That George Will’s a masochist.
P.S. I’m guessing he uses the tape worm in his large intestine to measure quantity. Imprecise at best.
Lesley – I’m going to go along with Roy Edroso on this one:
Sundown, yellow moon, I replay the past
I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast
If she’s passin’ back this way, I’m not that hard to find
Tell her she can look me up if she’s got the time.
-B. Dylan
And so to bed.
Completely unrelated note: thank God we’ve finally got an ad that doesn’t suck ideological balls. As someone with six goldens and a hard-on for the Bill of Rights, the ACLU campaign that adorable dog is shilling for warms my black little heart.
Recipe for disaster:
Take one tainted meat crisis that kills 17 people and makes countless others sick.
Take one Minister of Agriculture with a John Bolton moustache who, in the same week people are dying, announces deregulation of food inspection and the cancellation of the mad cow inspection program.
Add a conference call in which the same minister frets about the political dangers of the crisis, before quipping: “This is like a death by a thousand cuts. Or should I say cold cuts.” in front of 30 people. (The disease that killed 17 people was linked to cold cuts from Maple Leaf Meats.)
Bake for 30 seconds.
Result: Prolonged and repeated calls for Clouseau’s resignation. For a second time.
Anyone using the lamer than lame Onion for a thread platform should be quietly led outside and have the door locked behind them.
As a card-carrying Swede and atheist pervert, I’m appalled that this depravity is obviously being hidden from me. Or does Mr Texican use the word in a way I was not previously aware of?
Not that Sweden is perfect (far from it), but at least I don’t have to worry about being bankrupted if I’m dumb enough to get sick.
Cal me crazy, but S,N seems to be a bit empty, a bit barren, these days.
I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong…hmmm… I GOT IT!
The Truth is MIA. We have not had the pleasure of hearing him extoll the virtues of the latest polls in a while.
I wonder why he isn’t here to give us the vital polling data?
So the Lehman bankruptcy will require that a value be placed, in an adversarial setting, on many of the mortgage-backed securities and credit default swap policies that sit on balance sheets at a certain, arbitrary valuation… And when they are market-valued, most global financial services companies will lose billions of dollars of asset value, and will be forced to admit they do not have the capital reserves required by law.
Bingo. It’s all Monopoly(tm) money, but in this live-action version, the player(s) holding the biggest bundles *lose* the most. For the last 8 (or possibly 38) years, American financial-political markets have conflated the Red Queen’s Race (where you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place) and the White Queen’s Philosophy (“When I was your age, I had to believe at least six impossible things before breakfast!”) with a strong dose of Humpty Dumpty’s Doctrine (“If I use a word it means what I want it to mean — neither more nor less.”) Now Alice has shouted that All of you are nothing but a pack of cards and we’re all going to wake up from our long nap — but I don’t think it’s nursery tea we’ve got to look forward to…
I’ve had RICO explained to me before, by some very nice people, in the hopes that I would stop saying it should be applied to our governmental officials who are fattening themselves like a leech on taxpayer money.
If none of this qualifies as a criminal enterprise, we should expand our definition.
The GOP is a criminal enterprise.
I hear and obey. You’re crazy. Bonkers. Looney-toons. Off-kilter. Round-the-bend. Off the deep-end. Nuts. Out-of-sorts. Unstable. Crazy.
Never forget Poll-Land, beaches!
It looks like the McCain bounce is officially over.
Here are the numbers from new CBS/New York Times poll: Among registered voters, Obama leads 48%-43%, with a margin of error of ±3%. Among likely voters, Obama is ahead 49%-44%. Last week, McCain’s post-convention helped him get a 46%-44% lead among registered voters — but not anymore.
The fact is, liberals are responsible for this. The only way the economy can be fixed is by stop taxing the productive classes, and by drilling for more oil. All this interfering in the free market will only guarantee a huge John McCain victory as here in the Heartland we reaffirm our support for USA values.
The fact is, everyone knows that CBS and the NYT learn far to the hard left, which makes these polls biased, therefore usless.
The GOP is a criminal enterprise.
Coming this fall, a new HBO series: The GOPranos.
> I hear and obey. You’re crazy. Bonkers. Looney-toons. Off-kilter. Round-the-bend. Off the deep-end. Nuts. Out-of-sorts. Unstable. Crazy.
Yes, all due to not hearing about the vital issues of the day, such as poll results, from the The Truth.
He can enlighten us, if he ever dare show his laughable persona again, about why Mooseburger’s spirtual advisor is a self-professed witch hunter. Since he is constantly splooging over her pictures and videos, maybe he has some insight to her wacky wackiness.
Maybe the new idea by the rePIGs is to use exorcists to fix the economy. They know it can’t possibly be all the deregulation and deficit spending that caused the problems. No sireeeee!
And instead of seeing a psychiatrist, which R’s never do, it could be one long flashback of someone confessing.
> The fact is, everyone knows that CBS and the NYT learn far to the hard left, which makes these polls biased, therefore usless.
Correct, Gary. The polls did not question you or me, thus they have no “us” in them (your point about them being “usless”).
However, they are very useful. Not so much to determine the election outcome, but as entertainment value, watching the spin that nutjobs like you put on them.
> And instead of seeing a psychiatrist, which R’s never do, it could be one long flashback of someone confessing.
rePIGs never confess. They need to be dragged, kicking and whining, from whatever crime scene (AKA, their normal place of residence) they are in.
Maybe the new idea by the rePIGs is to use exorcists to fix the economy.
We can haz…Voodoo Eckonomix?
> The only way the economy can be fixed is by stop taxing the productive classes
Gary, I don’t know if you read the papers, but maybe you should start some day. It’ll help you keep up on current events.
The cogent current event to the reality-defying point of yours that I quoted above is the huge crisis in the economy. It is clear and pointed evidence that the only thing the “productive classes” are good at producing are IOU’s to sell to the Chinese, or to present to the taxpayer for a bailout.
> The fact is, everyone knows that CBS and the NYT learn far to the hard left, which makes these polls biased, therefore usless.
One last BTW, Gary.
When a post by somebody contains TWO third-grade spelling errors in ONE sentence, I think we can safely assume that person is a clueless moron.
Did you go to school in Alaska or something?
“The Truth is MIA. We have not had the pleasure of hearing him extoll the virtues of the latest polls in a while.”
“I wonder why he isn’t here to give us the vital polling data?”
Because he’s a stupid, ignorant fuckwit who gets pwned every time he shows his face, and because eventually, even Republicans get tired of being publicly humiliated.
I, for one, eagerly await his return so I can school his stupid ass some more.
The current economic crisis is largely caused by liberal pressure to grant billions in loans to individuals and entities that were not credit worthy and never stood a chance of repaying them.
This must be the latest talking point from Wingnut Central. I just heard a caller on C-Span spout the same line, nearly word-for-word.
See, MzNicky.
That’s why the housing bubble originated in places like downtown Detroit, as opposed to say, Las Vegas.
INT: A shabby basement, lit only by the grinning face of Reagan on the screen saver. Crumpled Cheeto bags are scattered on the floor. CLOSEUP: Feet in clown shoes coming down the stairs. We follow the owner’s line of sight across the floor, and up, to focus on a fax machine. It is quiet. We hold for two beats.
EXT: A small frame house in Anywhere, USA. A frisbee is stuck on the roof, symbolizing the lost aspirations of the occupants. Birds fly from a dead tree as a ululating wail rises from the basement.
VO: It was a day Republicans would never forget. It was…
The Day the Fax Stopped Sending Talking Points
Not that Sweden is perfect (far from it), but at least I don’t have to worry about being bankrupted if I’m dumb enough to get sick.
So — in Sweden, intelligence is a deterrent to illness? Wow, I’m so there.
The Truth is MIA. We have not had the pleasure of hearing him extoll the virtues of the latest polls in a while.
Hush yore mouth.
Why do you miss The Truth? He’s fucking boring, all he ever talks about is his love of pies.
I wonder why [Troofie] isn’t here to give us the vital polling data?
Refractory period?
So now Caribou Barbie has a NEW story about that magical day that John McCain asked for her hand in holy candidacy.
Remember she told CHAR-lie that when he asked her she said “Yes” right away, without blinking.
Now on the Hannity interview she tells a touching story of having her kids vote on the question. And they were all like “Go fer it, Mom!”
Of course, vaguely I recall the story around the time of the Convention that the kids didn’t even know she was doing this, they were told that they were going to St. Paul to celebrate some family anniversary….
How many lies does this woman tell? These are lies she doesn’t even HAVE to tell!
It reminds me of some psychotic cheerleader in high school telling lies to the girls in the cafeteria about her “older college boyfriend.”
Forgive me if this has been covered, but did anyone listen to McCain’s bizarre interview where it seemed that he has no idea who the Prime Minister of Spain is, OR that he is under the impression that Spain is somewhere in Latin America?
Very very weird.
C’mon, Gramps just got his swarthy foreigners a bit mixed up. It happens to the best of us. Besides, who can trust a Spaniard after that dust-up in ’98?
That’s 1898 for you young’uns.
The Spanish Prime Minister thing is funny, because the first impression was that McCain actually thought Zapatero was one of those leftist Latin American enemies of ‘Murka, but upon parsing all the newsies realized McCain just didn’t know who the guy was at all.
… but upon parsing all the newsies realized McCain just didn’t know who the guy was at all.
and following Sarah’s example tried to fake his way through it.
> The Spanish Prime Minister thing is funny, because the first impression was that McCain actually thought Zapatero
Gramps had dozed off the previous night watching a DVD of “Viva Zapata!”. Thus, the name (and plotline) was stuck in his head. Hopefully he never watches “Dr. Strangelove” if (shudder) the criminals manage to steal the election again.
For the medical nerds out there, don’t call what he has “Early Onset Alzheimer’s”
Just call it “Early Onset Raygun Brain”. The next thing will be Gramps calling for his wife’s astrologer to make policy decisions.
Judging by his decision to add Mooseburger to the ticket, something like that is already going on.
Check out LGM for some pretty great Palin bafflegab.
>> The Truth is MIA. We have not had the pleasure of hearing him extoll the virtues of the latest polls in a while.
> Hush yore mouth.
I was asking it rhetorically. Obama is ahead in the polls right now. So, just when we need The Truth (!) to tell us all about it, he seems to be AWOL.
Perhaps he is picking up chimp’s tricks.
The Truth (!) to tell us all about it, he seems to be AWOL.
as is Richard White. Christmas is definately [sic] not coming this year.
Morning rant for Sept 18.
I, or another alias that I used, have previously used S,N to point out that republicans are the cowards, not Liberals: since republicans are the ones that need guns to feel safe while Liberals deal with reality without needing a .45 on their hip.
I must use today’s soapbox to point out another paradox in the orthodoxy.
republicans are the freeloaders in America today. They want lots of gov’t services, especially those of the “bomb brown people to kingdom come” variety. But they don’t want to pay taxes.
Liberals, on the other hand, realize that taxes are what you pay for a functioning government and services. Note that in the last eight years the phrase “functioning government” has been stretched to the limit, but my point still stands.
IOW, republicans aren’t just thieving hypocritical liars of the first order. They are PALINESQUE thieving hypocritical liars of the first order, which is a lot worse.
I was asking it rhetorically. Obama is ahead in the polls right now. So, just when we need The Truth (!) to tell us all about it, he seems to be AWOL.
A couple weeks a go I pointed out to Troofy that the polls were obviously going to be in flux post conventions. I still think this is true – that the current polls are still a bit out of whack, but obviously the effect is diminshing over time.
Also obviously, Palin turned out to be an awesome pick of JiSM3 – at least short term re:polling. But now that there’s been more scrutiny (i.e. any) her favorability ratings are dropping like a stone. Some people are saying that the drop is due to the the whole economy thing – and that’s definitely a part of it – but I suspect a bigger part is that the “gee-whiz” factor of Sarah Palin is waning. I suspect the biggest plus a Republican can possibly have right now is obscurity.
Whoops, since I basically stole the argument – I was going to link some people are saying to reveal my source of brilliant analysis. I’d hate for anyone to think that I’m a “some people are saying” jackass. Not only do I not have an mba, I also don’t have a degree in journalism.
I was curious, yellow until I saw the movie.
It was kinda tame by today’s standards.
It reminds me of some psychotic cheerleader in high school telling lies to the girls in the cafeteria about her “older college boyfriend.”
In this case, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay older.
I think I’ve heard that society in Sweden has reached an unimaginable level of depravity. Sweden might sound like a nice place to you, but I wouldn’t visit, let alone want to live there. There is a little thing called the North Sea that has produced a few barrels of oil over the past couple of years. My guess would be Norway’s revenues from oil have paid for a great deal of socialism that will prove to be unsustainable in the future.
Um, how do Norway‘s oil revenues finance depravity in Sweden? Is he talking about the Norwegians who come to Sweden to get plastered?
taking a stab at meme prediction here – I’m wondering if a new meme to appear from the conservative unthinkosphere will be:
“Liberals are **happy** our economy’s doing bad and people are suffering, because they can blame it on conservatives!”
You know, as part of the whole “Clap louder!” school of reality management.
Another jim,
It was in Bush’s prepared speech at the stock market today. He didn’t say it, but it was in the pre-released speech. I saw it somewhere on dKos.
Holy shite. Scooped by the President himself??
Can’t find the pre-released speech, but if it wasn’t in there I’m sure it’ll come out somewhere…ugh. I’ll feel a chagrined if my comment here ends up being the vector, but I’d be very surprised if it gets any reaction except laughter from the non-Palindromedaries…
mz nicky, i got this in an email yesterday, but my friend said as much back when we bailed F&F out.
“fannie and fredie were spurred by the gov to get more people to buy houses…..promoting home ownership….then they sold the securities to everyone else….. if the gov wasn’t pushing fannie and fredie…”
so yeah, its the latest meme to blame the govt.
This morning Bill O’Reilly was blaming Barney Frank by name for god knows what reason but, while he listed the accumulation and lack of regulation of mortgage securities, he curiously failed to mention the Senators involved in preventing that regulation.
Larry Kudlow blames Congress and low income families for housing crisis: ‘Guilty Liberal Consciences’ Forced Banks To Make Bad Loans
I don’t often say things like this, but Larry Kudlow needs to die in a fire.